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>>36309709 (last episode)
empty belly thread
rotten smelly thread
full of sorrow thread
no tomorrow thread
All trans women are men pretending to be women.
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I would rather be smarter still.
You're young and have plenty of time to build wisdom.
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True.. Ig I'll just hope I can absorb the lessons of life properly
sometimes I wonder if Elder Scrolls 6 will ever be released
all my homies hate rollslop
Goodnight mtfg. Nibbles says goodnight too.
Even if not, you have plenty of time for trial and error. That's what growing up is I think.
you can be whoever you want to be
I'm done. Let's drop the L, just keep GBT. Gay men keep the fake vagbois in check, send them right back to being Rowlingists, and bishits are low enough to date us and continue the bloodline where hopefully someones a cis girl.
I don’t know what that is
>rhyming dust with dust
Be better
laguna = young and in her prime with a lot to look forward to and improve on
kat = old, busted, walled with a crusty asshole
mono = got btfo too many times to count and her own girlfriend abandons her to drama post 24/7

explains the seethe...
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I'll try my best young one..
>we can't make containers that keep viruses and bacteria out it just can't be done!!
may i introduce you to these wonderful materials we have called glass, and also antibiotic metals?
it's not like a biocomputer needs outside air, you could just run it on a closed loop passing distilled o2 and co2 back and forth (which, you already presumably also need a closed cell nutrient loop anyway)
Sorry goirl just a humble servant of our ass crust goddess K * at
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i like this alternate art
>nerve cells lack immune defenses
we'll eventually be able to replicate the immune system and and its adaptive mechanisms too anyway so even if this really was a filter it becomes a question of when not if
I want to be Bob Dylan
I'm old and proud!
Bob Dylan! Good to see you. I love your song, "Hurricane"
That was a deep meaningful reference to the song Mr Jones anon.. ugh
i think i figured out why mono keeps posting about ass crust it's to be so fucking foul that the drama around laguna and team satan stops being as entertaining to everyone
Sha la la la la la la :D
i know this naruto opening
>be ass crust anon
>gets no laughs
>gets no (you)s
>makes people sympathetic toward kat
>everyone hates them
It's mono right? Has to be
"crust anon" has to be the worst character yet even bean boy wasn't that bad of a name
Why do we still only talk about navy? Lets talk about video games.
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are you a fan of Magnus
We said mono not navy
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i played this demo for a game where you go dive underwater and repair internet cables today. it's really good! more people should play expressions of art and heart. more people should experience tiny fucked up VNs. i love video games as a medium and how versatile they are in their storytelling. imo there are so many stories we could tell that we haven't, and i'm so happy to have been alive *now* so i can experience them
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thats a hard question to answer
i really really really want to like magnus, but his horus heresy arc is so bad that it makes it difficult for me. same with a couple other primarchs like fulgrim. the fact i want to like him so much i guess proves i do like him a bit, and i like the thousand sons a lot. honestly though, my favorite part of magnus is how tzeentch doesnt gaf about him at all and just spends all his time trolling ahriman instead. i love ahriman.

i guess to answer your question of if i like magnus i love ahriman
The sonic x japanese dub is actually indeed rlly good. It's annoying to have to read subtitles but it's worth it
Sweet I’ll add it to the list sounds cool. I’ve been playing Helltaker cause the soundtrack fucking SLAPS and it has cute ass girls and the plot is simple enough for my smoothbrain.
head hurt
too much drinkie
too much neuroticism
Definitely mono
you’re our Magnus
which trip are you again
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i cant tell if thats an insult or not, lol
good take. lorgar isn't my favorite though, perturabo is. lorgar is one of the only interesting characters in 30k
oh no Carol are you our Lorgar
Hurricane sucks, kys
does that make kat our konrad curze or jhaghatai? white scars or edgy, hmm
I already posted that html weeks ago kek idek what ur trying at this point
big cry
I was just looking at one of those montages of the primarchs and thought huh I wonder which mtfgs posters are which primarchs and I immediately thought oh Julia is Magnus
now I see that Carol is Lorgar
Dumb af sm.h
Start cutting. You're the one who really deserves it.
Nobody gives a fuck Kat, you won't achieve anything doing this
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maybe Corax
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we're not gonna make it
>Yeah, Perturabo is a pretty sympathetic character in a lot of ways.
yeah. they did a lot of mistakes with the razing of olympia and inventing a bunch of stupid reasons for him to be traitor but hes just so autistic and insane its awesome.
i love you and you dont need to cut like a retard
A-tier performance on the pity farm Lang keep cutting and you might just regain everything
Mono definitely doesn't like being caught lol
i have no idea how you're supposed to score over 100 million points. its insane.
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Just imagine being Mono for a moment. Looking like a complete retard and cuck cause her own gf feels so unfulfilled around Mono's ass that only getting attention and drama on 4chan makes her feel anything.
Navy won
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Sad again. Reached a milestone in life. More specifically, reached it again. This past year has been hell, but in a way I needed it. I was too comfortable. Things were too easy. It wasn't until last year that I truly realized my actions have consequences,

I've truly been humbled by my experiences. I was so used to "getting away" with irresponsible decision I made over the years that I assumed I had infinite luck, invincible. I don't thave infinite luck. I have a lot less than I thought.

I can't rely on purer luck anymore.
Aside from the poop stuff this is actually good advice. Love isn't always enough and loving someone, no matter how much, doesn't mean you earned love in return. Your love belongs to you alone, it's something to celebrate and be proud of but it isn't love tokens you can trade in to win someone's affection in return. A hard lesson but one I've learned well.
*asserts dominance*
whats your favorite bob dylan anon
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The sonic x outro is 100% better in japanese dub. Intro I'm still unsure but the outro is better for sure.
i don't like Bob Dylan,fuck you
what's wrong with poop buddy
oh shit she had two images
i lose.
i don't really like bob dylan either it's just okay really what do you like anon my favorite music right now has been mostly electronic stuff and hip hop and Faust
They put a beach episode in my japanese furry cartoon.
They kissed (in amy's imagination)
Faust is good, the others are shit stupid fuck you and fuck your Bob Dylan
Janny cool...
hahahaha you're the greatest i love you anon you should pyf band
janny coolest
my body hates me but hopefully soon i will be in congruence with all my cells
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hi mtfg rate my 1.5month boob growth
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just read through all this have to say mono's taste in motorcycles sucks cocks that shit looks like those little shitty scooters but somehow WORSE like god damn lady get a kawaski or something she has the worst taste in cars ever i swear to god i don't even know anything else about this shit it's just SHIT man like what the fuck are you doing getting one of these are you for real??? this shit is like a chinese knock off motorcycle!! and that's not to say that chinese engineering isn't crazy good but you have so many better options!! get on better shit for real
pretty good for a month you'll be ok
That pic looks kinda cool
takes time you'll be fine i believe in you
Cute hair
ty gremdel


hopefully I get good results everywhere else, am kinda a lateshit (27)

It needs to be trimmed, and probably get layers or something... I also kinda wanna cut my bangs back to bangs, but might be too obvious now that its long

pic rel kinda goes hard
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the youth will never under stand......
My steam profile looks cool.
no you are magnus
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How would you hide a lamp
I wish i was smarter
Yeah giant red and ugly lmaao brofists webcam epicly
What do u have ur full name on steam or smth.
absolutely not
My steam friends list keeps getting harassed by my ex/stalker and its really annoying wish steam fixed that privacy hole
Salt did you have to top rizzle to get him to visit?
Im tired maiq i dont know how to be okay with myself.
Should probably do something about that so that people can't find your dox just from having played with you online
sonic autism...
i love being mistaken for other people only janny knows who i am its the best
Wouldn't people that only know you on steam still have the capability to find all of that?
All it takes is beating some shutin incel too badly in COD and you could be swatted
My entire pinterest is just nails and fits now. Does this mean I am more fembrained and cooler than before?
Let me tell you if you played around certain circles on certain communities you ass would get blasted.. Preferably don't touch tf2 or act too toxic around that type of games
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probably doesn't even know that gerald robotnik saw the same mural in Hidden Palace zone of Super Sonic fighting Eggman, and saw it as himself creating the "ultimate lifeform" (Shadow) which he later did aboard the space colony ark
Fembrain is an infohazard mind virus for behavioral agps
it will just take time for you to really understand but trust me you’re a good egg
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I played sonic adventure 1 and 2 and watch sonic lore videos often I know more than u ever could. Do u know why sonic is blue and why his eyes are green according to the lore of archie comics?
Why wouldn't you be able to now
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Can you tell?
Ok sorry? Ill sleep now. Im not filtering and thats bad. Thank you
I wanna be a good chick but i still feel like i cant come out of my shell
pure fanfiction
I start my new job on Monday. I don't wanna start again, being a NEET has been the best for my mental health ever. How do I get over this? I just want to live my life, not have to slave away 8 hours a day. That's a third of my life. Almost everyday.
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You are not a true sonic autist if you're only listening to the game lore and that universe. That barely has any meat to sperg over
i'm like everybody
okay ken penders
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U could just go to a nail salon or whatever they're called and get them regardless.
Mine look very cool and make me happy, one on each hand has little flowers too.
Your mother is quite wide
Technically I'd live in my car, but I know what you mean. I just feel like my life could be so much more than working, slaving away at a system, and then when I'm dead, being forgotten by the cruel march that is time.
shadow should come out as a repper in the next one
Single continuation archie comic shadowdrops just to do this
Could at least paint them black or smth
Does anyone feel how I feel with work? Like, not to sound like a mopey teenager, but, I didn't ask to be here. I didn't ask to be born into a world where I give my labor to receive scraps. Idk, I'm just frustrated.
sleep well
It does help. But only so much.
its ok i started later than u uwu
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Thread of the dead
Some days I'm just ready for it all to stop. Pain, sadness, my friends tell me to keep going out of spite, but, it doesn't do much for me. Thinking of getting myself checked in.
i feel this. i want to labor but not to work.
before when i could work, the prospect was years of wagie hell and sinking all my free time into school just for another also not dream job that pays better just to buy a little time for what i really want which is to make art all day (which would produce more economic value than lattes anyway)
then i became too disabled to work and saw what happens if you take the nowork route and i wish i could be a wagie again honestly just for the paycheck. just surviving is so fucking expensive.
we need UBI
Why would they do that
also on UBI "but no one would do the hard jobs" is so bullshit, just working in wagie jobs you meet plenty of people who actually kinda love simple work and keep the more complex endeavors in their home life, like even sometimes retirees doing it for fun.
all most people in those jobs want is better working conditions and to have enough money in the bank to live comfortably
good for the skin
you seem cool. you'd enjoy this book, if you ever get the chance : https://kappa.lol/9pohq
gm laguna how are u holding up
based breadpiller
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i think the bread looks fine, and potentially tasty. love that shit
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found a protein powder that doesn't even taste that bad. it's the same kinda icky vanilla flavour but no aspartame/sugar/stevia to make it super sickly.
squatmaxxing is back on the menu.
Those Who Sleep With Dads
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anyone else remember slug? trashy?
their memories are lost like tears in rain...
also want link need this
they're always too sweet
giwtwm (the w stands for wasn't this time)
henlo paige.
SportLife Nutrition Whey100
i bought it at a store near me so idk if you can get it online.
Microwaved toast
It was just random words I said because I am tired and cannot think. I have not eaten today.

gonna go for a run i think maybe
>hope it's not to hot where are you are
it's only 7am here
maybe no run today
it is cold down under
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Yes. Tomorrow I will feast. And also work out.
I wonder if I lost enough to start justifying getting some less nutritional stuff in
Really want that fancy pasta.. and cheesecake.q
>gonna go for a run i think maybe
have fun, I don't like running. I wish I felt good about doing anything physical but I really don't feel good about doing anything really.
I did a lot of walking on placement, going to walk more to try for better health.
Pasta is almost guaranteed, specially if I can get my gym time and driving lessons scheduled to let me wake up and get to cooking it
Cheesecake is if I go buy some now and then leave it for tomorrow.
>be really really hungry
>make food
>take 3 bites
>am full
>try to make myself eat a little more
>2 more bites
>feel like im going to throw up
i think what death feels like?
am i dying now?
want to swap?
Does anyone feel like they're going to live a long life against their will? When I was younger I was sure I would be dead before now but now I increasingly get the creeping feeling that I'm going to live a long life and live through crazy stuff as the world gets worse and I can't do anything to end it early even if I tried. Just feels like I'm meant to live a long unsatisfying life. Am I alone
could be the food was rotten, could be it just hit your tummy wrong, something you ate yesterday also possible. also sometimes inflammatory foods just do that, especially as you age, depending on what you ate
if it becomes a recurring problem that's when you start worrying on it in a medical capacity
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yes. I am trying to come to terms with it.
idk, when i was a teenager i thought i'd be dead by 30.
but now im 27 and in my first year of college.
the world is pretty chill when you're not terminally online and reading about the multiple horrible things that only effect 200 people or less at a time out of 200million people in your country.
or stuff that effects people on the other side of the world and has absolutely nothing to do with you, or would effect you in any way at all.
wild i didn't know anybody else felt this way but same 100%.
i have a sort of thought loop that runs a lot, which more or less starts in i deserve death and then goes into laughing at myself for thinking i could get off that easy instead of suffering constantly into old age
i've thought about suicide a lot lately

i'm sorta just numb to it all
it is a curse i must bear for today.

it was chicken flavored ramen.
maybe the chicken flavor just sucks
i will report back for my next meal
ramen the noodles are made of wheat which is an inflammatory, and the broth is a bit acidic. could've triggered a reaction. if it gets better and doesn't happen again it was probably just a mix of reflux and inflammation that triggered extra hard for some reason.
regardless i've been there it sucks so much, hope you feel better and can eat something soon, hugs
i went all out and made 2 boiled eggs and everything...
but it gives me a reason to save those 2 eggs and make some deviled eggs later today.
we got this
Seriously thinking abt not getting cheesecake this time and reserving it for another. That thing might be delicious but I need to watch my weight.
Also I'm gonna get xannies again soon since I'm getting hyper anxious while driving and I need to perform well on my test.
i get that physical stuff doesn't feel good, actually running fucking sucks but i like how the muscle soreness feels so if the weather is amenable then i try to do it desu
>I did a lot of walking on placement, going to walk more to try for better health.
that's good! honestly i find walking to be significantly easier than running to the point that i can probably only run/walk a mile right now but i could easily walk 5-10 miles
goes to show how well the human body has adapted to walking other animals to death

>driving whilst on xannies
probably most people on xannie script drive on them
not saying they should, jussayin
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It is better than having a panic attack. I'm not taking something that makes me unable to function properly, I already have anxiety meds and I'm avoiding them precisely because I'm not fully capable while on them, meanwhile benzos just calm me
I take v little of them too, so all it'll do is clear my mind and relax me
Doctor agreed w this too so yeah.
yea and lasagna particularly strikes me as being irresponsible and prone to thinking nothing bad will happen to them, the main character. that plus drugs that impair one's ability to drive is not great

>have panic attack while driving
>pull over
>nod off from xannies while driving
>crash into a school bus
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Paige you do not know more than professionals. I was taking benzos for 2 years and never overdid it, and took so little that when I quit I got absolutely 0 withdrawal effects. I know what I am doing and I am being careful.
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maybe i just used to kat level zanny usage desu, i've only done the once or twice and didn't get a script bc i knew i'd abuse them so i don't really know what lower doses are like
it sounds nice
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I think it depends on the dose and how it'll effect each person.
A person with ADHD on Adderall, isn't going to a cracked out spaz. But a person without ADHD might.
Just like how a person whos strung out on anxiety scale being at a 9, taking xan to drag them back down to a 6. Normal being at 5
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Lower doses are nice, but they're hard to keep with most
What you have to do is take the least possible amount and only when necessary, for example I took like 2 pills a month on average and never went over 2 a week even while at my worst
You have to spread them out aswell for you not to build tolerance, and sometimes take little breaks to not rely on them
And also be smart enough not to mix them with alcohol. Pretty much just a downwards spiral from then since you're speedrunning tolerance and dependency, and fixing that requires you to stop asap and handle yourself, which you won't do considering how bad you've got to be doing to have done that in the first place
TLDR They're good if you have good self control and know what you're doing
>if you have good self control
ugh normally im good at that but not if it's something that makes me feel good, like drugs
>watch helluva boss
>watch hazbin after
>the very different vibe kinda makes me wanna go back to helluva boss
>the very different vibe kinda makes me wanna go back to hazbin
don't get me wrong i am enjoying this but it's been like a month when am i gonna be able to want to watch other shows again
i'm on some kind of vivziepop heroin
Well, ig our mentality on them are different, for me they don't make me feel good, they compensate for how bad I feel to make me go back to normal
Food is the only thing I pretty much have a drug-like relationship with, even when I was literally drunk all day at 17 I still feared food way way more and I still do.
It's the only thing I have that's addictive, easy to get, always there, and will make me progressively need more to get any happiness out of it
Which is why I do fasting and eat only once every other day.
Maybe I could handle something more "normal" as a diet but this has been keeping me away from overeating very well and made me go back to a normal weight
Last time I let myself go I literally gained 15kg in a month.
idk to me the absence of that anxiety would be "good" feeling
A good feeling is when it's away and I didn't need to take anything potentially harmful to get there
Like when I work out, or do cardio
Talking about this eating also makes it go away which adds to how problematic that topic is with me
good morning everyone say goodmorning to me right now please or ill probably cry because everyone hates me and no one loves me
I havent watched Hazbin yet because im lazy and helluva boss is on youtube and easy to find.
vivziepop gets way more hate than she deserves, i enjoy her work
Good night.
My trip mogs
>because everyone hates me and no one loves me
not everyone, but me at the very least.
yea trust me im familiar with the food thoughts, you should probably seek out treatment for that so it doesn't escalate until you're in the hospital from it

who is this

who is this
is marinara handing out trips to random newfags

her designs are just too busy and not great imo
>her designs are just too busy and not great imo
thats fair criticism, and i bet its a nightmare to animate too.
No it's me using the 10k trips I have by this point. I really need to settle
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hello, good morning.

>everyone hates me and no one loves me
iktf :(
Does yours have one character though.
who are u
good morning anon!! u are loved
um its not night time
tfw no government assigned laguna supercomputer trip
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the germoid?
Tell me what you want and I'll get it on the list
Only got one 4 dot binah tho.
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Its getting hot.
Remember to drink water and eat healthy
what's the most characters you can do? 7 or 8 or wat
who is doc
Wow nice trip
I'm generating 8-10 character trips now
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>good morning anon!! u are loved
I'm pretty sure I'm not. I don't think anyone here missed me or anything.
medschool poster
To the list it goes I guess.. I haven't gotten a literal single one of the 8+ char ones I have in like 10 hrs I had them there so idk if it'll go anywhere
i'll never have a cute murderer gf
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getting 8 character trips is hard desu sometimes u gotta accept variations of them n stuff
you don't even like me and I'm not even sure who you are
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Are you hot?
I have massively high standards for cleanliness. Everything must be perfect and pure
ill murder u if ur cute
I just like saying apple to you.
Meh it'll drop at some point, I don't run it too much now since I got enough trips though so it'll take a while for any to come
Hey that's MY prey to hunt? What's this a ffa deathmatch or smth?
i don't like it because it sags at the top
>Hey that's MY prey to hunt?
dont get in my way little girl
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yuh just look up 'MESSENGER BAG'

;-; but its hashtag cute kawaii desu nya!!!
8-10 wtf do u work at nasa or something.. if thats the case can u try to make me one thats just !itsover and as many dots as possible pls >_<
1v1 now.
That is very easy. Sure.
ur signing ur own death warrant my dear
thank you miss laguna just dm me it or smth if u find one
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A random person on /v/ threatened to dox me

should i be concerned?
no lol its a rando on /v/
nice angel trips btw
Have u seen my biceps??
Do I already have you added?
Do they even know you
idk people say i'm cute but i dont shower and to me i look like a boy
who would u murder
yes i'm vi
not really, i drewfagged something and someone asked a social, i gave it out and some random bitter chud said "im gonna dedicate the rest of my life to ruining you" or something ominous like that lmfao
angel trips go hard
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i require proof of ur biceps
also im a foot taller than u lol
hi vi !!!!
well i was gonna murder u but now im not so sure if ur worth it if u dont even shower
Nothing like buying new clothes to remind myself how B R I C K E D i am
i dont smell or leave the house
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I highly doubt anything will come out of that.
Bigger height means worse balance.
Also >>36316803
>A random person on /v/ threatened to dox me
people on /v/ cant even play videogames let alone dox someone.
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good morning miss anya
Wrong. Ping. >>36315749
how is your day going miss vi
im gonna put u on top of the fridge and ur gonna be stuck up there
too early to tell. i think if i do the things i should be doing it will be a very good day otherwise i will rot and kill myself
where are u buying them from
Listen to this classic tho.
goes hard but i would still defeat u in hand to hand combat to the death
this is how most days are i feel
Iunno lots of different places. This particular time it was off zalando
that is the issue. i have been doing far too much rotting and killing myself. worried for today
well you could always yarr harr it. if you're not gonna subscribe to amazon prime either way it's not like that costs vivzie or spindlehorse anything
>vivziepop gets way more hate than she deserves
yeah i avoid fandoms so i didn't even hear of it until i'd watched both shows and went hunting for old ep discussions (i like to see ppls initial reactions). got kinda worried when i saw posts about vivziepop getting cancelled for transphobia, then looked into that and it turned out the anger boiled down to "angel looks kinda intersex and that's bad somehow," and "vivziepop is a based trutranny ally and the usual people don't like that"
she's actually iconic
second time i've posted abt an indie show widely praised for its character designs and u go off on not liking the character designs both times kek
like ok ik this is an artist's eye thing, critiquing to improve ur own work, but i'm starting to suspect you just don't even like western cartoons :p
just poop.
>xannies to drive

Can you be even more stupid
i missed you
there were ppl asking where you were and hoping you were ok

need to bite a girl very hard
Read what I said under.
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a lot of modern western cartoons r shite tho and either bland or overly busy and discordant, to say nothing of the writing
The freakers.
I did, you will face very serious issues, enjoy
im going goku mode
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starting specific OCD therapy tomorrow. fingers crossed it actually helps
good luck desu
good luck paul i hope it goes well for u
not me, when i die im getting isekaid into a world of fantasy and magic and have a hot beastman bf
thank you
jade was who told me where to go so. im pursuing the same program she did. it'll be expensive but it has a really high success rate so it's worth a shot
i wish yaoi was real
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>i wish yaoi was real
would b nice
not a fan of having an empty belly :(
i do actually have a fair bit to critique in the writing of hazbin and HB, and i also agree some of the designs are too busy (tho mostly background chars not main cast), but they're doing something different, pulling from older cartoons like zim from before the 2010s calarts standardization set in, i think it has a lot of value even if it's not as much ur thing personally as mine.
like, that disneyslop you posted, that's why we need shows like this lol
that's fair, better that than more disney
i think this was the last western animation i thought was cool, i don't really follow that stuff very much tho
is one of these items actual jeans or did you also order a pin shaped like a photograph of blue jeans
also omg that cat pin with the big hat, need
NTA, but Lackadaisy is still being made and im so hyped
tbhon i didnt think anyone here would know about it lol
Can a trans woman not transition and be fine?
What would it take for her to be happy even without hrt?
ooh based. so alright fair you're an indie animation enjoyer, vivziepop and gooseworx are just not up your alley, i respect that. tho low-key tragic given how little fully produced indie stuff even exists, hopefully the next trendy show will vibe for you :')
There are a lot of people in the past that were successful reppers.
But they had to do it for survival imo.
There were a lot of people who also killed themselves because they couldn't take it and noone knew the reason.
Its depends on the person, I know I wouldn't be able to tough it out.
I think i'd be able to boymode fine, but i'd have to be on HRT.
I just hate vivziepop character designs
That's called prepping and you won't be happy probably
theres no hrtgen so I'm wondering does anyone know about undecylate??? what are the perks to it compared to the other estradiols u can get...
honestly not knowing of the possibility probably helped a ton. before i knew trans people and medical transition existed, i just thought i had a fixation with an unusual type of daydreams and was some kind of faggy male. the literal instant i heard of trannies i knew what i was
>paul too
sobbing, i love her designs a lot it's like the main thing that drew me to the shows. mtfg decrees my taste bad ig :')
for real tho not really
that's what trans is
look at repgen, look at our own local reppers
lari is miserable, I'm miserable
I'm sure there's more and not doing well
I liked the character designs for hazbin
it's basically the only reason I watched the first ep
actually liked the episode too despite expecting not to
Yeah, i'm super thankful that trans became a bit more mainstream around when I was 16 and i managed to hear about it. So like 2014?
When i heard that other people also had these feelings, that I wasn't alone, and there was actual medical studies and treatments for it, gave me a bit more hope.
Ofc I asked my dad about going to the doctors office to ask about it, and he kicked my ass and i had to wait until I dipped at 18 and start the transition myself out of pocket lol
I'm talking about my gf and she is not repping, she is out but isn't taking hrt. She passes okay I'd say I'm just anxious for her future.
>she is out but isn't taking hrt
oh... well, they might be retarded.
how old are they? 2nd puberty happens at 30 and its ganna rock her world.
She is 20.
tell her to sort that shit out if they're not a trender.
>she is out but isn't taking hrt.
social transition is transition
in all likelihood then not being on hrt is prob a bad idea
but that's definitely a little different from straight up repping
it hurts alot less if the people close to you don't treat you as a man socially
She has a great family and has a lot of friends that adore her. She is such a nice girl that even my conservative ass family genders her correctly. Is being socially seen as a woman enough? I hope so, I'm nervous and don't want her to be in pain.
>Is being socially seen as a woman enough?
She won't be eventually.
It sort of applies here, but twink death is a thing, and hrt would prevent it
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power ramgr
How can I tell her that without making her dysphoric.
as anon above said it really depends
I've been socially out but not on hrt since like 17 and I'm almost 24 now
it really does get harder the more you age
and some of these changes are irreversible
my hips have probably fused by now and that's on me for being retarded
but it would definitely be alot worse boymode or completely repping
probably just tell her the truth desu. you're a woman and people see you as a woman so you need to continue to provide your body with woman hormones so it stays that way
I mean she has great hips, it could be just because she is way too skinny.
Laguna Life Update
I'm gonna buy some cheesecake.
Change of plans. I've decided to buy the ingredients then make it. I will shape it like a cat if possible.
>it could be just because she is way too skinny
probably a combination of wider than average hips and the low body fat
male fat distribution typically hides curves
seems most of it builds up around the abdomen usually
I'm really lucky in that like 75% of my bodyfat locates itself to my thighs
and then my belly and arms get the leftovers
bless validation received i'm not the only loser in thread
a circle is still a cat shape if it's a fat enough cat
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depressionnnn should ieat a pizza or just ldar
Also got the xannies already. Love private doctors they're all real understanding
Well I think I'll have to go for that until I get a cat shape mold for that n then maybe draw a cat face or ears on top.
>private doctors
are you rich?
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good morning denizens
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We've 2 houses, a big garage besides and 3 cars (2 of which are new)
My family is not precisely poor no.
But that doesn't even cost much in the first place anyways
Yes, with pineapple
that explains a lot
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just the sort of main character syndrome, entitlement, general attitude, ego, behaviour, etc seems appropriate for a rich kid
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We're not rich and my parents never give me money unless necessary or worked for. Ever since I turned 18 specially, they went from giving me very little to now just telling me to get a job.
I am not precisely spoiled, my family just has a decent amount of wealth, that is there mostly because they save and spend money well
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sometimes i want people to be mean to be because i fucked up or am a dumbass.
but instead people are mean to me because of things outside of my control.
ya feel me?
Oh and all of that comes from how my parents raised me btw. They've taught me to act similar to this and I've modified it my own way as I grew
Which means acting less humble more disrespectful blunt and honest, which they want me to stop because they know it gets me in trouble often, so I reserve it for when I know it's risk free
yeah that makes sense
like if someone is gonna give you shit it should at least be productive so you can stop it from happening again
but like if you couldn't do anything about it it just makes you feel like shit and like it happened because you're just a bad/wrong person
idk that's at least how it feels to me, ig i relate to what i think you're syaing sorry
Good on your parents for doing well in life, thats the dream right there.
At least in the US having 2 houses makes you in the way upper class. idk how it is in spain
You are a failure for your own lack of motivation dedication and effort.
see stuff like this doesn't come off as being blunt and honest, it just makes you look conceited and ignorant
Oh well they're two houses that are besides eachother and they did renovations so that they're connected, technically they have one house not two but legally speaking they're still separate
To someone purposefully avoiding the truth, I may come off as such
Would my wild emotional instability, neediness, spitefullness, self harm and meek personality be more understood and respected if I was a girl
only if you're attractive
Keep quiet I don't need more competition.
they're mean to me because im a tranny, not an ugly tranny. this would be my family.
competition for what
I feel so sorry for ants. It's like from their perspective my kitchen was a paradise and then one day, randomly 100 years later there is an apocalypse because i woke up.
Don't worry I probably could have been a solid 5/10 girl years ago but I'm a 28 year old man currently.

I think it's largely diet. I think that the reason so many people are depressed and unable to make progress is because there are a bunch of foods we have found that apparently satisfy us but are missing essential nutrients and we simply don't know because the effects are so vague. It's only perceptible because the population size is so large.
It's weird how everyone outside regardless of gender looks taller and note developed than me. Sometimes I feel like I'm still 15 or smth
Actually that's unfortunate. I hope you can fix that soon
Not rlly.
You can manage I'm sure
Not note. More. I cannot type and walk
>Sometimes I feel like I'm still 15 or smth
be careful saying that or you'll get a horde of pedos busting down your door

Nothing bad happens to the main character? John mcclaine does everything with his feet cut by glass.
I started avoiding saying such because of that 2bh
It's just too weird not to talk about it rn since I just got reminded of it
get used to it, it'll happen for a while
a few weeks ago some construction worker asked me if i was in college or high school :|
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just grow taller

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A new day
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I hope such does not happen to me
I am already permanently wearing some
That's my pic there. At least give credit.
i love her so much, so much, so so so much, just so much, so, so, so, so much, much, much
Me to my cat cheesecake in 4 hrs
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im so tired of calling my doctor's office everyday.
had to call for 5 days to get them to properly send the prescriptions to a pharmacy.
only to find our the pharmacy doesn't carry what i need
so i call my doctors office 2 days ago to send it elsewhere
they didnt, so i called yesterday.
they still didn't so i now i have to call today.
I shouldn't have to fight these people...
ughhh reminds me i have to call doctors and pharmacist and get medical records sent ugh ugh ugh and meds refilled kms i hate this shit talking on the phone sucks all this stuff should be done over text
Vro they changed the laws vro u can't just get xannies off of your private doctor anymore u gotta go to some extra procedures vro
Now I need 2 go there again for them to put that through the diff systems etc to get me them vro this sucks
my doctor's office has an option to text, but they respond like 3-4 hours later.
rather call, get it done in 3 mins and move on
Watermark your art then
Not my art but I posted it earlier so it's mine. Plus u downloaded it from those posts.
Shut up
Pedo protector squad attacks
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You don't even know what game that's from.
We out here casting spells n shite bruv
tfw my family has this but won't let me sleep there
I'm gonna put a white monster on my freezer to drink it fast y'all better remind me to take it out
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I dont want to talk anymore im annoyed by you
>not taking hrt
that doesn't last, why isn't she on hrt?
A most cruel fate, I hope this improves soon
U literally defend pedophiles idfc about ur views on me
Wrap in a wet towel and it gets cold even faster
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i really want spaghetti
Too much effort. But I'll keep it in mind for other occasions
I'm gonna cook pasta that kinda looks like that if it was like 20 spaghettos together. U can come over n have some
Can't wait to eat that cheesecake tomorrow
Got? I will create it with my own two hands.
desu anya is just a huge whore with remorse trying to find a scapegoat, beyond pathetic
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I have so much work to do but i dont wanna do it
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can the person who makes the next thread use that really cool op from last thread?
Yes. I will share pics once it is done. I will draw a cat face over it w chocolate too.
I've never been a super physical person but I do want to have a half-decent ass some day. I'm on hrt and am looking into exercise to help with it but am out of my depth a bit. Are hip thrusts, hip abductions and squats the way to go? Anything else to consider adding in?
fun fact that thread op actually includes a link to the copy of the thread op, that's why posters often have the same resource links ready. will post it so hopefully people start using it more again

>go back to bed for 3 hours
>wake up to unprovoked harrassment
get a life nick
lmao you stupid faggot you cant dismember somebody slow. at best you can take off all the fingers and toes but once a limb comes off they're gonna lose consciousness about instantly.
I wish laguna would show up at my door like this.
no me
depends on if you're prepared to torniquet the blood loss. no matter how many drugs you pump into someone the femoral artery bleeds you out in 2 minutes.
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Hanging with a friend, and she has these Pokemon cookies they're adorable!
Yeah ok I'm gonna make the cheesecake now u keep sperging online babe
I would if ur cute
I think you've only seen my eyeball
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i had madeleines for the first time from a friend
friends who share cookies can't be bad people
unless they are
grendel out here teaching schizokat the value of a good flaying knife kek
Ah. So ur uknowwho
Why do people call me "woman brained" and accuse me of being a "seething femanon" and why does it make me jealous to see girls I like parasocially flirting with other girls when no other guys even care
As always
Am depressed. Even when hanging with friend. How do I make it stop?
its just cringe seeing some larper who hasnt cut a 2x4 talking about how they're gonna sever an awake person's femurs. im not an expert or anything but literally like ANY education from any source on torture would immediately reveal how outright retarded it is relative to other forms of harm
Think I'm starting to catch on to your anon posts..
Weed worked for a bit, but, it stopped working
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Ive got carrot cake
belts norally aren't great for that sorta stuff
who is this

is your friend a tranny
You grow wiser daily
>remove tranny flag from social media profile because I no longer feel the need to advertise that I may or may not have a cock
>lose 5 followers over night
>my social media wasn't even focused on being a tranny
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kat come get ice cream with me and jade
ice cream could save her
it wasnt even broken
She's not a victim though. She decides on purpose to use suicide or violence threats to get people to worry about her and get what she wants. She's like what over 35 years old adult human being who leads on other people for her own reputation and desires and then gaslights and threatens them when uncovered. Just a complete piece of shit.
truly it would
yes this is true but my wife is such a perfect angel that she has sympathy for the most vile of creatures
frfr imagine being k*t and u gonna be 40 soon this lil nigga won't even have a purpose as jerk off material anymore it's gonna go downhill fast frfr on allah
goodbye kat, i'm sure you'll be in a better place
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anyone acting that way does so because they're hurting. it's okay to feel sympathy towards that hurt while also not letting it excuse bad (to put it lightly) behavior. to have someone act completely vile at you and be able to take it with compassion and pity is based af
And what about me?????
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My friend made pancakes c:
of course ur welcome to come as well ^-^
just watch out, kat might dismember u.... pretty scary and also a very real thing that she definitely plans on doing.... watch out.....
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>order pasta for take out
>quick and fast
>get home
>check food
>they gave me a spork
this is very well said anon
bless you
That's just an excuse though. Everyone is hurting and what puts apart a disgusting person from a good person is that the former will lash out for selfish desires and the latter won't or less so.

"muh pain" is not an argument for a mature adult to constantly bully, backstab, lie and now doxxing and threaten to murder a teenager who SHE lead on and manipulated for her own gain.
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>pov anon's dilator on the diaphragm express
well anon, if you had read to the second sentence of my post :p
>it's okay to feel sympathy towards that hurt while also not letting it excuse bad (to put it lightly) behavior
cool image !
Maiq please marry me
Why have sympathy for total cunts? If someone punches your Mom or girlfriend/boyfriend in the face because they felt depressed you gonna have sympathy with that? Probably not. What you're doing is just jerking yourself off to the idea of being morally superior and kind.
inshallah allah will deal with k*t
yes (if you are clair)
i personally dont rly have any sympathy for kat at this point she exhausted it the moment she doxxed and started making irl threats towards 19 year old but i do not think the ability to feel sympathy for her is necessarily a bad thing i think jade is just a perfect sweetie and akin to jesus christ in certain ways
ill protect yuo...
you went all you way to defend her, date her, provoke her after...
stop playing the victim, stop trying to make points, you're way too stupid for it
Maiq you are beautiful chaser worthy of love and respect once I transition I will become ur gf
That's more akin to my train of thought. She's threatened to harm me and my family, and has done so already via doxxing. This is now personal and pitiful things should as pity and empathy are out the window. Though I do not really bother with this topic much as of now, I've done what I had to either way
Back to my cheesecake I go.
what is it?
can i have some
I didn't date her, faggot. I would never date the narcissistic village bicycle. Even when she freaked out over Mono for months on end it was clear she's a cunt because no matter what it was NEVER her fault and everyone else was to blame.
a dilator
>cue Terminator theme
bro, your dad?

boomer reference
after years of stability and being agreeable/meek im proud to say im finally doing much worse again, so 2024 will be an interesting year yet
disillusioned as fuck with work, school, people outside. cant wait what summer will bring
pimeyes banned me for posting my own face because said am searching for minors? wtf im 25.
my band is playing a show tomorrow in providence does anyone want to come
that's like three-four times the length of... some people's cock....
how the fuck do i get rid of my frown lines? even people's before pictures when they were full on ugly men they seem to have had not a single frown line, and yet i'm a year on HRT and i swear it's got worse.
I'm going to fucking rip my face off at this rate.
this is so sad
its ok i a bottom

there's a little scroll list right above the choose file button, you can click on it and choose a meme flag
thank you darling
that’s how I knew you’d get it
because you never had the choice
yea my great grandad remembered going to see it in theatres when he was a kid

partly true but mostly because men are hot and make me want to bottom for the and worship them and treat them like gods with kisses and foot rubs and sexo
Any smaller than 16 cm is classified as micro
>why have sympathy for total cunts?
why hold onto rage? it doesn't accomplish anything and isn't necessary to holding people accountable. it just deepens seething and makes it take longer to move on from things, and worst case makes you lash out and drag yourself into shit again. people who treat you like shit don't deserve that kind of space in your head. like, process the hurt, but then let go at some point. jade got to that second part very fast which is what i was calling praise to cause that's cool of her, but you don't have to be there right this second yk, it's just a good place to land at
and this gets to the real reason i think jade's outlook here is so based, which is that it's healthy for yourself to think that way. not some trite shit about being good to others for no reason no matter what
i'm not saying you need to have sympathy for kat, i just think it's pretty cool of jade to be able to take that distance from the situation and look at it empathetically. it takes a very cool head to do that like, in the middle of a situation. that doesn't mean she wouldn't be totally justified if she was as mad as you are, or that your feelings are wrong. once she's actually left you alone and some time has passed i assume you'll feel more that way (or at least like, neutral dgaf) should something make you recall her existence. but right now be mad at her you have every right to be (and if the other anon i'm replying to is laguna, same to her)
nah he was too busy celebrating anschluss
Jade can do that because she's not the actual victim so there is nothing cool or graceful about that, it's just cringe moral posturing.

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