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prev: >>36305514
qott: why are you taking hrt when it is clearly worthless and barely does anything? are you like retarded?
>why are you taking hrt when it is clearly worthless and barely does anything?
I'd rather it do nothing than have t mutilate me any further
>are you like retarded?
actually I think I'm pretty bright
>t mutilate me any further
what masculinization are you preventing besides balding and getting hairier?
Iam EXTREMELY retarded to the point I think I am better off as a woman than a man LOL
ill never be a woman
but I can enjoy the benefits of having sandpaper and a face only a mother would love, thank to hrt and a KILLER poverty diet
just general aging as a man. and besides preventing more body hair is easily enough of a reason imo
I fucking hate how easy it is for me to just disassociate and decouple my form from my self and not try to improve
it turned me into the 27 yo reproooosor and I trooned too late to enjoy the benefits of aging just a little bit like a woman
now my road is too insurmountable for me to handle
I cant even make my self voice train xd
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heeey fellow manmoders uwu :3
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>I fucking hate how easy it is for me to just disassociate and decouple my form from my self and not try to improve
wdym by this
she should have manmoded + crossdress in private, idk how honmoding like this makes her life any better especially since she has some fame and status and a fricking kid also
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Just stop. You're doing the real trans community a disservice by making us look like we support freaks like this and Dylan. You're aiding trans genocide.
sailor moon is garbage tbqh
all that money and they don't get surgery. just goes to show who the trenders are.
what surgery to reduce the size of her waterhead?
that dome is huge
>You're aiding trans genocide.
lmao, no surgery can fix that shit, ffs is a scam and very surface level shit, kris is fuked and doesn't rope and copes living bc of her kid and bc that would be a big W for transphobes
if people like manmoders and reppers stopped trying to be invisible I think our situation would improve, don't buy into the fud just because someone is ugly or makes you cringe
who the let a repper make the thread? oh what am I saying that's probably most threads

if hormones didn't work for you I suggest you git gud
i should rope
it will never get better :'(
Disgusting. Bro has a son too…
I'm a piece of shit but I still look down on every one of you honposters and hondunkers because you are hypocrites doing the r*ghtoids' and terfs' work for them
girl you look down on everyone
yes yes all life is filth and you each fill me with disgust to the rotten twisted core of my black little heart, but in different ways worthy of distinction and acknowledgement in terms of their impact on quality of life and human existence on this rock
Lol this
I love dunking on Hons. Being a Hon is a choice. That is why most of us Manmode :D
people like you make me want to honmode and start hanging out in women's restrooms
>look at my disgusting body
>say it’s ok cause I am a man
>do nothing
>get mad cause I look like shit
You already do
Sorry bro that was rude, my bad. But visible tits and eye makeup is Honmoding
and I don't usually do the eyeliner
Why don’t you like making fun of Hons
We are all hons if we choose to Girlmode
It isn’t punching down we are the same
thx lari
>why don't you like using the same rhetoric that was beaten into you culturally and kept you repressed for thirty years and is still actively being used to justify violence against people like you including in the form of actual real world law that inhibits or criminalizes your existence
I want you to slit your forearms open from elbow to palm and post pics before you bleed out
I'm waiting
Skill issue man I never repressed
>doing the real trans community a disservice
lol look at the mirror you salty bitch
do you even have anything you could have repressed? I thought you were a chaser/tourist, but all you're telling me is
>I have no empathy
waiting on those pics, faggot
did he show you his hole?
gigaschmogs me
kys zoomzoom
I didn't let myself watch sailor moon when I was young because I thought it was "too girly" and I was afraid people would somehow find out I wanted to be a girl if they saw me watching it
pro tip: i usually use "tnx" as i'm a boomer
This but winx
And other anime
And shampoo
And red shoes
And clothing that wasn’t picked by my parents
And haircuts
i am doomed
please save me
There is no hope
Repgen invader I’m not giving up my hrt I don’t want to go bald and I do like what minimal impacts it has had
i'm free
i'm just gonna be a faggot bottom bitch boy on hrt like i was meant to be
i will die before i hit 30 anyways so might as well get run through
i hate every single one of you FUCK YOU ALLLLL
>I’m not giving up my hrt
then you're not repping, good for you
giv me euthanasia at least
idc about living but it is too hard to find a way to die
i made this thread, you are going to give up the hrt NOW
oh I misunderstood, I thought you were referring to yourself as the invader...

give up breathing NOW
electro below the jaw was the most pain i ever felt
i wish i could
thanks for another reason to not tranny out
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I have the most masculine arms in the world
the emotional pain of facial hair is still worse
then you are mega dysphoric and doomed
wow what the fuck
but they're smooth?
no its just some things that feel like this and they are all fixable
Well i epilated the day before also smoothing was on like 20%
after you fix those, the other masc aspects of you will also bother you
ok nostradamus i wont detroon tho
another shower
another chunk of hair clogging the drain
another shower
another day of being bald
what is the point of manmoding again? how long do you want to live for?
turning yourself into a closeted sissy
-20 years
don't you look to uncanny outside and basically become forever alone? why not be just a fem faggot off hrt? it is the same shit but better
idk people like me and that's no lie so depends on what you mean with forever alone?
nobody will ever touch me sexually that's for sure, but hugs are fine too
the sexual part is not the reason, men would fuck anything, the friendship part is, do they know that you are a manmoder?
I did this to make existing in my physical body bearable, and it did that, how long I live is really whatever and I might tap out early anyway but idk man you seem dead set on inflicting your misery on others with no basis while begging them to somehow help you
>fem faggot off hrt
doesnt exist
you can only be fem long term with hrt
once twink death hits there is nothing fem about you
i'm a man with boobs, i'm out to a few people idk
>twink death
that is not real, is just aging and getting fat, the bones don't change
you are still miserable
i would be scared to be a man with boobs here
you will turn into that bald fat romanian looking in a mirror meme
normalize feminized men
> would be scared to be a man with boobs here
so try to move?
>you are still miserable
yes, and? I like my body now, it's not getting worse and got better, so that's worth it

I'm not going to try and give something like you hope or explain that just because things will still suck it's stupid to give up and not try to improve what you can for your own quality of life, because you obviously don't want that for yourself or anyone else
>why are you taking hrt when it is clearly worthless and barely does anything? are you like retarded?
Compulsion basically. I know it does nothing but psychologically I feel blackmailed and compelled to continue taking it. I have this silly fear that if I stop it’ll be a huge mistake that I’ll regret later.
it is pointless
oh wow i am only 97% miserable now, down from 99% miserable, hrt is magic and worth it niggas, it solves nothing
>I have this silly fear that if I stop it’ll be a huge mistake that I’ll regret later.
unless you will go bald after you quit, it won't happen
- I look healthier
- I am not masculinizing further (yes it happens it your twenties)
- I feel more correct emotionally
- Soft skin, fat redistribution
- Smell better
- Smaller dick, less dysphoric
- Guys think I’m hotter
- Women are nicer to me too
- Full head of hair, no balding or hairline recession
you have a very negative worldview
like life is never either perfect or totally shit, all people have issues they have to handle
gender dysphoria is a really deep issue of course but trying to handle it to the extent possible seems like to smart way?
yes you will and it is quite sad because if you feminized yourself more you would become cute transbian prey
nigga looks like a racial caricature
yes lose weight
also start hrt already, it'll at leasst give you smoother skin
Based Marilyn Monroe Last Supper Print on the wall..
that pic would look way different if the belly fat was instead on your chest and thighs and your hair removed
true... maybe lari is more based that i've been lead to believe...
do europoors actually live like that? grim if so.
i wish i looked like her ngl, she was a pretty masc woman also
it is just a small communist apartment, what is wrong with it though? there are probably way worse shit in america bad hoods than old communist apartments here..
His curl pattern is nice he just needs sulphate free conditioner and a leave-in product
masc woman? girl...
yea i normally dont care much for curly hair but the face looks fem enough that it fits and looks kinda cute
Lets not punch down too much. Euros genuinely think they're equal to us. Let's let them stay ignorant.
eh, the curly hair is annoying but helps with my skull a bit more, it is kinda short now anyway, i can barely tie it back with some good effort..
i really like curly hair ngl but it''s kinda hard to make it look really good?
just have waves but was complimented by my fem friends... but fem compliments... is often empty words to be nice...
a clean living space is based?
wish i could have that
Lari I can't stand you, but loonix has some of the worst hair in mmg. Don't listen. Curly hair is goated, just need to take care of it properly.
my whole apartment is probably the size of this retard's bedroom or smaller
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>why are you taking hrt when it is clearly worthless and barely does anything?
did it for my hair, results have been meh, but i have gyno now so i'm past the point of no return as far as i'm concerned
>are you like retarded?
i have a too large apartment with two large balconies and far too large bedroom (wtf i just sleep in there)
listen to what?
gotta write something that make sense retarded neger
Do jannies rape you here
without lube
idk why i make june seethe so hard:(
poor boy
i should try to import qt russian twink to be a bed warmer in my king sized bed...
'? is this june in this room with us now?
no it was just me thinking about how i made that little nigga turn his name off
Take your meds schizo
*^^^^ numbers! repeating!! omg!!

lol he's weird sadist
kinda wish he was here now encouraging me to kms :)
disgusting, why did you force me to see this
oh it was u. ig if i were to turn my name off it would only be for you
you know the best way to overcome your fears is facing them i wish he would
imagine the smell
im not that scary
i gotta finish shaving my balls
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why does penor make me so uncomfy ://
fugg i need a cigarette
dam actually made me frow up a bit picrel
that's less flattering than larry's package
did it become fashionable to call yourself a manmoder
girl calm down please? :(
just get your mc bf and you'll feel much better
lol right i'm one ugly bastard damn
got electro today so i cant shave :///
i told u all i was a manmoder
wtf my technicians told me i needed much longer hairs for electro ;___;
had to grow like a full beard
no you just intentionally pick cartoonishly bad angles because it's the only way to pretend you're not a woman
ugh ya mine gave me grief too but it takes me 3 days to grow this much hair so they gave up and just let me have this much
i feel like if i was a woman i would look like it from any angle
go back to your discord server
i should stop procrastinating ordering my sn..

you are welcome baby
She stopped browsing
i can't find low angle candid photos to prove you wrong but you're wrong anyway

don't be actually mean
don't do that :(
dying sux
everyone dies
it's so much easier to just curl up in a ball and fall asleep for a while
imagine realizing that you've crossed the point of no return and now ur just falling falling through the void and everything u knew and everything that's familiar and comfy to u is slipping away further and further as u fall
it's scary u don't want that
>don't be actually mean
nothing wrong with it if they're trolling
insomnia suxxx
discord server anyone?
discord is fucking gay
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weird just yesterday he called chudette
bald chicken head
so am i ;_;
discord server?
you mean a tranny server that is completely overrun with manmoders instead of somewhat?
what are yall gonna there? have competitions on who is the ugliest?
hello june
not what i meant!!! meant in a good way
that was me lmao
yes june you also posted that same joke on my pic where you complained about the lari and lune bro thread
take your medication
ya, i thought it was funny so i rembered it lmao, i am lari
It's fucked up that HRT just made me look like a more attractive guy instead of like a woman
that is probably some random anon
I did my injection this morning
i wonder what about my pics makes june seethe so hard
ugly rapehon retard vs ugly pedo retard
lol i got that too for a lil bit, was weird i was always an ugly guy and then for the first couple months i was on hrt i kept hearing these comments from relatives about how good i was looking, saying i looked like a model or a movie star or whatever
ofc they were exaggerating but still i ate it up
then when ppl started to realize what was going on they started to talk less and stare more :/
some day i'll be a surged up doll and men will have no choice but to think lustful thoughts towards me and women will have no choice but to recognize my beauty
you are just mad ugly and too masc bro
i hate ugly masc people
based surgerymaxxer
its likely a mixture of jealousy and hurt feelings
pee pee poo poo
haha lil bro, i just told you why, your rancid disgusting ass cannot hurt no one's feelings lmao
just take your meds schizo
:/// if only someone would hire meeeeee
I'd be such a good little code monkey i have no friends and not much in the way of hobbies i could work overtime for no pay and suck so much corpo dick as long as the money kept flowing into my surgery fund it's not fairrrrrrrrrrr
bet you'll get there :)
i hope ;~;
if i can manage to get a job and get srs by the time I'm 30 I'll be happy ig
then I'll at least have the tail end of my youth left to be a hot bitch
Same shit here but I'm still not totally sure people know what's up, tons of people were telling me that I look really good, I was getting compliments left and right, women hitting on me even more, etc.
I do kinda feel like a lot of people know at this point and won't say anything though. I don't get stared at a ton but I sometimes do. It's really awkward to be in this state of thinking that people know I'm a tranny but them not saying anything and me not being sure.
I've been saving like crazy for surgery too, thankfully I got a job and everything, I might get FFS in like a year or something. Been like voice training and stuff too
you got ffs and still look like a complete man with long hair, you will never be a hot bitch, you might as well end it now hon
:< i just need another round of ffs and a ba and clavicle reduction and vfs and maybe get a couple ribs removed
haha, gl with all of that hon
i want to die ;~;
stop wasting your time then
i think june have honnorhea
lets keep discussion healthy here guys.
where can i go to learn more about dissociation?
i hate being trans, how tf you even lived for so long
have u tried dissociating?
tiktok lol
dissociation... :3
no one tells you how tf to do it, and i need to do it in a very specific way for it to feel good
you didn't do it right and it is involuntary anyway, i am dissociated also now to some extent otherwise i would want to slash my neck immediately bc of dysphoria, every troon that is not passing is dissociated to some point..
just think about the world we live in and how we all were born at this point in time and we just happened to interact with each other, and think about how this earth exists as a spheroid within this universe
at least that's how i used to do it when i was little
and that nothing really matter in the end or whatever, and that we are insignificat and our pain is too etc., not what i want
i was essentially braindead for many years
just git gud on dissociation
no like my vision started to black out after doing this
mm ya this is good
when i was little i used to get it rly strong whenever there was like a quiet moment, like if we were in the car and my parents were listening to the acoustic and folk hour on npr, i would kinda look out at my surroundings and realize it was all kinda just like pictures on a screen that i was watching and i would feel like all of a sudden all the color was gone from the world, and i could feel this conviction in my bones that i could go anywhere and do anything and i would still feel the exact same way i did right then, like the world was hollow and none of it was rly happening to me, i wasn't really a part of it
videogames helped too, i used to be able to get so into a video game that i would forget about the outside world and then when i remembered i would be sad :/
working can also help u dissociate
the key is to just go to a place in ur head where nothing rly matters bc nothing is real
umm like have u ever had to eat smth yucky to not make someone sad? u just go to a place in ur head where the things that are happening in ur mouth aren't real it's just empty sensation
>i was braindead
you still are and also explains a lot, i do not want to do it like neither of these ways..
for the last few days i dissociated pretty hard and i feel like this most of the time, is kinda awful and bad and idk, i am just still not happy and have no desire to do anything at all bc nothing matters to me or is real, yea.. i would like to do it in a different way but probably is not possible, i guess sn it is then, i am just helpless.. i don't even feel real typing this or yea, god is cruel.. i hate being born cursed like this.. i wish i was never born..
ya this is exactly how i felt u put it into words better than i could.
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What is the process like of stopping pills and letting your boobs shoring down and getting men’s gynocomastia surgery
Sometimes I think to myself “oh if I ever wanna go back I can just save up some money and do that”
I'd so much rather eat a bullet than go through that, I feel like I've only just started to get to feel like my body is actually mine and I'm in despair over how poorly I've taken care of it
don't do it, literal mutilation just to go back
spotify changed their font and I am not coping
I use winamp for my local library...
why are reppers so mentally ill
i miss weed
i could snowball so hard if i just got a job i'd be so fucking powerful
i can barely wake up to feed myself
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ugh i don't even care that much for being high anymore i just love the ritual of going out on the patio and lighting up
god i might just have to get a pack of cigs unironically
but i have this gross skin condition called dyshidrotic eczema that flares up when i smoke a cig (bongs are ok tho) or get drunk or rly stressed
the sides of a few of my fingers get covered in tiny blisters and then they dry out and the skin is all scaly:/
picrel u can kinda see
it also happens under one of my fingernails so now that nail looks weird :///
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i need, need, to be a woman and i will NEVER be a woman
oh I get that when I'm stressed or dehydrated too, I was breaking out in that all over my hands but especially in between my fingers right before I quit my last job (among many other physical/mental symptoms of burnout and being fucked with and lied to)
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i am the manmoder morrissey
I am the manmoder morisblak
I am 6'2 and that is the reason why I will never pass
>even lari mogs me
it's sooo fucking over
i am 5’7 and i will never pass
You will never be Jesus
Trump is so funny kek Biden got cookedt
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we are living in idiocracy
facts, reason, order of events, cause and effect - none of these things matter
my dad to my mom: "go away. fuck off."
my mom is gonna retire. we're all gonna lose health insurance. and i still have no degree and no job. i failed the same math course twice. trump is the next president. it's all ruined. my whole fucking live. and my dad's an alcoholic and my parents might get divorced
i am a rapist i am lazy i am unemployed i am satanic i am narcissistic i am possessed by demons im an addict im sexist im ignorant in not even funny all of my friends abandoned me and i deserve it i DESERVE everything i deserve it . i am so ugly inside and out. i will never be a real woman. i will never be a real man i will never grow up. i will never be a kid again. i cannot be. I've failed again. i will never find love. i will never have kids
genocide work me to death rape me in prison bleeding anus no job meth pipe park bench aids suck a cock for crack rock don't stop choking now. too late now no hope. no way out drug overdose
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>don't look like a tranny
>can't get forcibly detransitioned by trump
manmoderbros... we won!
:( that's horrible i only get it when I'm super stressed and it's usually not that bad.. u musta been going through some awful shit
I'm sorry
One good thing about mtf de trooning is that you can keyhole surgery most likely because HRT creates very little breast tissue
Which means you can keep your nipples and don’t have pooner scars
Homicide, suicide, genocide, drive-bys. Whatever you wanna call it, all you bitches gonna die.
Homicide, suicide, genocide, drive-bys. Whatever you wanna call it, all you bitches gonna die.
Homicide, suicide, genocide, drive-bys. Whatever you wanna call it, all you bitches gonna die.
Homicide, suicide, genocide, drive-bys. Whatever you wanna call it, all you bitches gonna die.
my sister keeps cornering me and trying to wrestle
my dad keeps waking up screaming from a nightmare he can't remember
my tummy is full of Josh and gruyere
tonight we let the josh talk
manmoder tummy
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my mind is gone too.
stop touching yourself while smiling, contrapoints
Imagine you go to a gas station to buy something and the retarded hick cashier is wearing makeup and touching his face, terrifying
i am doomed, it is over
my life is over and i can't do nothing about it at all
please just murder me and my existence
suicide is just too hard
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why are trannies like this?
i love the smell of stinky penises yum yum
i won't kill you. but i will rape you. i will rape you so hard
i am tired of everything, i just yea

eww, tf is wrong with you, you are into some nasty shit
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i only have violent detroon and faketrans thoughts in the context of other people
If I was alone on earth I would still troon out because im mentally ill.
What’s an easy thing to access that’s also easy to overdose on?
i am alone here :'(
i guess no one manmodes or repps anymore, either manage to pass or rope.. very grim..

idk bro, nothing, anything to od that is good and easy to get, gets blacklisted fast bc people start using it for sui
Fuck. Why does the world conspire to keep me in this cage
bc society doesn't give a shit about how miserable you are as long as you don't sui and keep on working, ssris are only made to prevent you from sui, not to improve your life or make you happier, they are used to numb you down enough that you don't want to sui or have suicidal thoughts anymore so you become a working slave zombie without any emotions or individual thinking, exactly what society wants and has brainwashed you into being since you were born, welcome to being a fucking slave, as long as you can work society wants you alive, and if you can't work you will starve and go homeless anyway, so they don't to euthanize you, you will just die on your own if you are truly worthless and done, but most people no matter how miserable they are will still have the survival insticts strong enough to keep working miserably out of fear of starving and becoming homeless so in the end in most cases society wins and gets mindless drones that only live and work bc they are too afraid to die, best slave bc they have no motivation to really live and rebel but enough motivation to work hard to survive, this is 'humanity' for you..
I swear to god it sounds like my neighbor gets up in the morning by dropping a bucket full of golf balls on the floor every fucking day at like six to six thirty in the morning
it does… nothing?
I mean my skin is already smoother
it's an insane repper, ignore it
what do you know about me??
>insane repper

and to ignore me. everything just sucks
I can't tell if you're trolling, ESL, or just fucking retarded but I was addressing your questioning the line in the OP saying HRT does nothing, not talking about you

you ok?
I don't even know what ESL is, I guess I'm retarded

>you ok?
No and you got me crying for asking :(

I lay in bed all day and cry, even before hrt. I'll just end it
this is generally not the happiest of places and for some reason seems to attract a lot of people who aren't manmoding, including some who aren't even on HRT and just hang around to bother the people who are

and yes HRT does a lot, manmoding has let me have my cake and eat it too in terms of alleviating dysphoria and getting to still live as a guy without stressing about a whole "social transition" I had zero interest in
>why are you wearing hoodies? it's so hot
how do you respond?
have you tried drugs yet?
ya, those pesky intruders are so fucking annoying and retarded, uh oh..
I don't, when it's too hot out I don't wear hoodies and if people want to stare that's their fucking problem
"i am clearly mentally ill deranged and retarded, mi cabeza is not ok, ok? can't you already see you dumbfuck? now fuck off and stop asking me that otherwise i will be dangerous also.."
>and yes HRT does a lot
So this threads title is just bait I'll assume

>manmoding has let me have my cake and eat it too in terms of alleviating dysphoria and getting to still live as a guy without stressing about a whole "social transition" I had zero interest in

Glad to hear you were able to find something that works for you <3 hopefully you're able to keep yourself up continuing your ways too

I don't consider myself transgender, I'd just like to be more feminine idk. Makes me feel shit when I see myself and hope if I was more fem I could drop my mask more. Though for public social situations I doubt I'll ever have the balls to do so. I'm extremely tall so even if I wanted to be trans it wouldn't work
ugh, you sound like literally ever other repper or hrt femboy or whatever lol, you are probably describing gender dysphoria and if you are on HRT you are a fucking tranny lmao get over it
>have you tried drugs yet?

Only alcohol, but it doesn't even help me in the long term and anything is super exspensive as a student
>I don't consider myself transgender, I'd just like to be more feminine idk
just because you are on hrt doesnt mean you are trans
i would say just go for it
>you are probably describing gender dysphoria and if you are on HRT you are a fucking tranny lmao get over it

How? I used to despise trannies a few years back. I also hate self diagnosing. I'll be at the psychologist in a week so I guess I should just tell them all this and they can tell wtf is wrong with me or is that a bad idea?
coping trannies general omg
Today a heard a new therm “transfem”, but not sure if it's a legit thing or something made up for the hell of it

anyways, if you don't consider yourself transgender though you don't get any help from your local government so should you maybe “lie” to them about it?
lol retard
go look up the symptoms of gender dysphoria, I know it's kind of wtf? considering the troll OP (ignore lari) but this isn't a thread for reppers who are all "FuCk dA TrOoNz!1"

if you want, or think you could benefit from a diagnosis for or help understanding your issue, then YES bring it up to the mental health professional you are paying to help you and they may refer you or be able to help you themselves
you ask things how to repress, i tell you as the longest time repper by far on this fucking site
you whine and try to insult me for answering your questions and warning you from doing it?
you're a piece of shit and i hope you suffer
fucking idiot get out of here
im diy and ffs isnt covered anyway which is the only thing that is worth it
i may change my gender at some point to go to female prison if i ever get in trouble
I live with my parents and they ask me this, hope I can get a job soon and move out
please don't be mean to me granpa
you made me cry :'(
What about Cureanon? Didn't he repress for like 17 years?
>if you want, or think you could benefit from a diagnosis for or help understanding your issue, then YES bring it up to the mental health professional you are paying to help you and they may refer you or be able to help you themselves

I only started going there cause my dad made me go there after I tried to kill myself. Guess I'll bring it up cause I got nothing to lose. Though it goes 45 minute talk then bye see you in a month
the person you are talking to is 50, Durian 50 to be more exact, he has like 4 kids and a sick ill wife while flipping burgers and burger king and the dude still trooned out on them, repression just doesn't work man
No I know retard, I am a manmoder
Hon MTFG is down the hall
They don't cover ffs?
Damn, guess I'll just end up and ugly ogre
you know he was a larper right? and spent (spends?) a lot of time on this board working to prevent people like you from learning more or improving themselves while spreading hateful anti-trans rhetoric, that place is a shithole and you shouldn't take the advice of anyone who ever "identified" seriously as a repper or part of repgen seriously

they also tend to be fascists or fascist sympathizers, for good reason when you consider the nature of their approach, falsely linking their repression of themselves to some kind of racial or religious "purity" or "superiority" or "resistance" against whatever might be truly responsible for their misery (browns, jews, globohomo, whatever)
not in germoney no
Yeah I know I trooned out a while back, just repressed because I didn't think I could just manmode
I don't hate myself for repressing, I had good reason to do if (too tall, masculine face, unaccepting environment)
really sad that some people come here to sabotage others because they are afraid of others beeing better than them:|
ya what a tragedy, such assholes should get the rope
fuck you we're not related
i knew i was trans at like 6 even though i thought i was the only one in the world (were no information available at all). repressed then and then hardcore since 15
kill yourself
you lying and being a smelly little ugly shit is one thing
claiming i'd ever father a child as a repper is so over the line it's unimaginable
my pronouns are
I wear
>men's clothing
I am
>a man
you can
>suck my dick you retarded faggot
I knew I was trans also pre puberty, almost got groomed, shame I didn't because I'm a 6'2 manmoder now. Started HRT at 19 and it's crazy how much I masculinized from 16 to 19.
anyway, thinking about rope made me think about death, and did i ever tell you that i want to die btw?
can you like murder me? just choke me or smth idk uwu
didn't have your pudding yet old man? huh uh
>Started HRT at 19
wow I'm literally the only real manmoder itt, as usual
I am literally taller than you
>started hrt 21

Is it fair for me to just want to die every second?
Hons can wear mens jeans
Hons can use He Him pronouns
Your breasts are visible and you don’t care
You are a hon
what i am supposed to do?
i feel so helpless and hopeless, shoul i just rope or is there any other alternative? it really seems like this is the end of the road for me no matter how much i don't like and want to avoid it..
i'm hotter, stronger, nicer, and smarter than you
you think you can do anything but irritate me?
and? what the fuck does that have to do with anything? you really have no idea

nah, I'm a fucking man, everyone sees me as and treats me like a man
I'm not a "hon" because I don't call myself a woman or dress like one or ask others to call me one or act like one in public or use their restrooms or think of myself as one in any way, like you would call a fat old man or chubby kid a hon if you were being sincere about your metrics
hi june
>and? what the fuck does that have to do with anything? you really have no idea
It makes it impossible to pass, that is the problem
You can tell yourself whatever you want but I guarantee people see you as a hon, given your large visible breasts and contrasting manly features
too bad i deleted my discord or i could help you with the technical side
don't want to discuss it in public as someone depressed person might see it and tragically end a worthy beautiful life (any life but yours)
>I guarantee people see you as a hon
wait, what does that even mean? now I think you don't know what a hon is or what defines being a hon at all
right, ok
I'm not playing your game, youngshit b*ymoder, you know what you are and what you're doing like everyone else here
Show me passing 6'2 trans women with masculine faces
A Hon is a Man on Cross Sex Hormones who doesn’t pass for Female
that's retarded lmao then you're all hons too, literally every single MtF who doesn't pass is a hon

go away tourist or repper or /pol/tard or whatever you are
>literally every single MtF who doesn't pass is a hon
then why did you single me out?
Because you mentioned something about going out in public with your tits visible and not caring if people stare.
And because you make a scene whenever a Honmoder posts here.
thats true dragmoder made him lose his shit
what? that doesn't make any sense at all, you're not being consistent and you don't even know what a hon is
>And because you make a scene whenever a Honmoder posts here.
only when I'm in a mood and annoyed by being constantly mogged by everyone on the board and surrounded by people who literally do not know what these words mean and call themselves "manmoders" while using she/her pronouns and doing everything they can to live as women or who started hormones as literal teenagers then come here to rub it in my face

this thread in a nutshell
I was told multiple times I won't pass without FFS on /cipgen/ and without mentioning my height, I am not out to anyone and I have zero, zero chances of affording FFS within the next 10 years
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Victim Complex
the bizarre Choice Capitalization of Certain Words and incoherent nature of your posts is confusing me, what is your fucking point? what are you trying to say or prove or, idk, accuse me of?
Sorry man forget I even brought it up
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good morning, hon :D
kill yourself, retard
but i'm not wearing makeup in this vid
unwelcome in every thread literally get the fuck out you mongrel
wow insulting marie :(
and the rest of you
im a real manmoder
i malefailed before hrt, and i still stay here
malefailed once when I was 8 because of my fagcent and my parents though I was my sister
it's so over kms iwnbaw goodbye cruel world I hate you all this is your fault
why are you so mad? tf did i do to you? i am really sorry lol
>hug chudette
>kiss chudette
>marry chudette
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billions must why
cuz this is june lol
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it's been june for like a month and it's almost over, what are you, slow?
I don't get it
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I am, as I believe the kids say, meming
i genuinely have no way out besides suicide?
this is so fucked up
successful transitions make me want to rope. everyone has left me behind. estrogen doesn't do anything.
same but i don't even take the e cause ik that it does nothing
reppers OUT
reppers and manmoders are the same shit..
how do i perform diy ffs
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like this?
giwtwm, the dude had balls, what a chad, this is the only type of ffs that can same me
but i don't have a shotgun :(
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i am going to explode.
the woman at the store just called us ladies … i dont pass kmsing
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should i buy sn? will i regret not buying it later? idk what to do..
real talk someone like you should not have an easy suicide method on hand for a lot of reasons, and I hope you know that, for your own well-being
i am too autistic and honnish for mall i want to die
i am a pussy anyway
even if i had a suicide button that would easily instantly kill me, idk if i will truly press it, idk what keeps me alive, maybe bc i am an asshole, i am not even scared of dying, it is just that even though i suffer heavily daily, i don't want to.. why? beats me desu
shes cute
partially your own fault because you have something that will help (estrogen) and you refuse to take it
please do :3

sorry it i seem weird to you srs, just shitposting for brief satisfaction then crying as not having hater dick (june) in my butthole ;___;
bros (girls...) i hate lari and also hate him as is fake dysphoria hon actually just wanting hot young dick in smelly uncleaned bussy
which would be based if he wasn't so fucking mentally ill disgusting and all
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