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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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It's the one and only lesbian general, you know the gist.
qott 1: Do you miss your ex? And what do you miss about her?
qott 2: yearning, yes?

dox yourself on the tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
We also have a discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36305155
>Do you miss your ex? And what do you miss about her?
all of my ex's abused me so no
>qott 1: Do you miss your ex? And what do you miss about her?
sometimes i miss her positivity
I'm yearning for a cis Asian girlfriend
>qott 1
>qott 2
Before yall get too deep take a gander at this:

wow! it's uninteresting!!

my knees hurt
tfw no gf who doesn't let me drink water until i've had a cup of her pee
We must create an opposition.

Who wants to be part of FemSec
>qott 2: yearning, yes?
very much so
I miss every girl I've ever had feelings for
wydag who was yearnless
but do you want to join FemSec?
you would be the second member
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what if you're walking through some random streets and enter a drive through and this lad stands in your way and you look at him for a few seconds and then turn a bit to the side and he scurries past
The last one, No, she told me the only reason she was dating me was to Find OUT if she loved me. That bothered me, why would you date me if you don like me?
One before that, no, she went off to war never to be seen or heard of again.
the one before that, no, she would spend her days bragging about how terrible she was to me, but i had already (naively) told her if she ever asked me for help i would always answer the call, now to this day, she STILL talks poorly about me, 12 YEARS AFTER we broke up.

They should all be well off, i dont tend to date stupid, i like them because i find them to be interesting and brighter than me. all good people. Hope they are happy and thriving..
>>TFW those are people i actually dated, I hope chicks i just used to sleep with are also happy and thriving.
what a weird little guy, hope he finds a nice fat cat to eat
I occasionally think of them and wonder how they are doing.
i recorded two videos
one of me flexing to show off arm muscles and another that was just me jiggling my tits through my shirt to show my gf that my boobs have grown recently
and i sent the jiggle video to my close friend thinking it was the flex one and didnt realize for 10 minutes
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I’m blessed and have no exes.
both are equally lewd
I miss every single ex I've had and I'd come back to them the second they snapped their fingers :(
>spend her days bragging about how terrible she was to me
one of my ex did the same thing and I still miss her so much
i've been so bored lately i'm considering putting some money on my steam account. i wanna play oblivion but my shitty computer wouldn't b able to fit or run it so i might get morrowind or stardew valley idk. they're doing a sale which is good cause i only have 12 dollars. which one should i get?? or should i get neither and not spend my money on dumb shit?
>qott 2: yearning, yes?
intensely, for gamedev comedian girl
he was pretty cool, scurried off into the residental complex but probably just to steal some trash, there's so many nutrients in what we through out and it doesnt fight back at all, especially compared to a cat!
qott1: Kinda she was nice but we fought a LOT (verbally), she was very supportive & kind
I'm losing it
>paying money for an 18 years old video game
>by a company that released 15 versions of the sequel and nothing else in the past 15 years
gee i wonder why you have no money
dump her, post feet
i only pay cause i'm super irrationally afraid of downloading a virus :[
just make a secondary windows install and dont install any antivirus or anything and try to get it fucked up on purpose, it's actually not that easy if you're not a hardcore boomer
>can't run oblivion
if you can afford to buy games you can afford to buy a new pc, even the cheapest pre-built pc is more than enough to play 15+ year old games
never & no :(
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Just found out Seth rogan is an executive producer on "the boys"

Naturally that dysgenic fuck would have his paws in something like this. No doubt all the disgusting gay stuff is his idea.
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>>36318868 #
Most people have no agency
Most people don’t even vote
Most people are literal NPCs
yeah :(
everything, even the most terrible and irreconcilable parts
You are a moid, S.
yes, but wouldn't that just be being nostalgic?
Like its a fond memory, It ran its course, and if you both really didn't do anything to each other wouldn't you just be happy knowing that they are most likely okay.

Idk, i feel they are okay.
im not, Good luck with that though
good lord please fuck off back to the other thread. I like the people I loved and wish we could have stayed friends but life isnt like that always
I want to kill everyone
same, skrillestie
do me first please
Maybe youre right. But that post i made, it was very sematic, it can convince, but at the end of the day its just my opinion dressed up with charisma.

Even if the perfect girl loved me, id still move on. Because i did have the perfect girl.
Some people just want other things.
My post was really just a big strawman.

Many fell for it, my words.. are dangerous..

But what even is objective truth.. it doesnt exist.. we just have feelings, we can justify them with any rational, take your pick.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to settle down. Sure, you shouldn't do it outta fear, but the desire to be with someone is valid and pure.

Im the coward here. I run and run, from what? Myself? People? I dont know. I look for answers whilst hiding from the truth.

You cant trust a word i say, i am a chaotic being that will drag you to the depths with me, the gutters, the abyss. Hold on to your meaning, your love, your heart of gold, dont let anyone tell you it aint worth the world.
this,... this is beautiful :'(
>she says while the 1/8" diameter dinkleberries around her sphinter slowly dry
yes, she was the only person I’ve ever met that had very similar brainworms to mine. we vibed on such an intimate level from the first meeting onwards because it was almost like we were getting to know one another in reverse, inside to out.

drawback was that we could instantly see through one another’s outer masks and normal well meaning white lies and would hurt the fuck out of our own feelings that way
Your gutter is full of verbal diarhea
Not really, it’s been over 10 years since we were together and I was only 14.
What are the vibes of the discord
Loved it, but left because it now felts too crowded and... Extraverted..?
I miss cheezies...
I cant stand that one racist pooner
What the fuck
why what happened
lol losers
The worst most annoying political conversation from the worst most annoying people on earth
lol im not even in the discord
stacker5 is a racist faggot
jealous brownoid or seething yt libtard?
absolutely rancid, just look it up how many times lago threw racists slurs
ahahahahhaha your mother failed you
lago called me a dark black gorilla n***** in dm then deleted it before I could cap :/
Why there's a pooner in a lesbian discord when Lago angrily opposes to ftm lesbians? We'll never know
Lago is just a retard who doesnt know what she is doing (based)
They're pooner girls not pooner boys it's fine
that discord sounds even worse than i thought lol you people tsk tsk
the pooner is a pooner in the girl way and not in the boy way so its fine
It's not that bad most of the time.
There aren’t any afaik.
It goes through shitty phases, but new rules have helped.
>all my friends hate me because I'm self pitying and my life doesn't get better
write a song about it ill produce it
I have no artistic qualities unfortunately anon...
went to london the last few days and seeing couples holding hands has made me feel depressed. I've been happily alone most of my life and this has never happened before, now all I can think about is how much I want a girlfriend.
London is so comfy! Going back in October :3
Have you tried Gelupo if you like ice cream? I literally went twice in 24 hours LOL expensive but rly yummy it's near Piccadilly
Oops meant to (You) you >>36322498
Iktf tho it's full of queers and people I'd never see in Ireland.
currently downloading legally obtained video game
u produce?
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Feel like I'm crying out for help and nobody who I care about cares to listen
Not sure what to take from that
pllaying with my grickle isnt fun anymore :(
doesnt matter just write down lyrics and read them into your mic
only for laughs, there's no point in trying to seriously express anything with DAW music
why is there a male who got his dick cut off (not a tran woman who got srs, literally a cis male who got it cut off) on the lesgen discord
same i need a gf to stick it in
time to have srs :)
how hard is it to get laid by meeting someone at a pride parade
they're intersex plus they look like a cute girl
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Why are you making things up or not reporting this supposed user to me?
he's amab, has a beard, and takes testosterone anon
his username is gynandrofreak. he's a cis male "nullo"
wow, and I feel invalid even just lurking this thread...
the discord owner cant spell her own name
Can you show me where they’ve said they identify as a cis man? AFAIK that user is woman aligned non-binary and intersex.
Shut, I’m on mobile.
i'm so fucking depressed. the /clg/acks have invaded all the rest of the threads I'm on and said i need to get raped and killed. project 2025 wants me dead and all the kolaphiles are little shits who say "What its just sexual attraction~" i wanna strangle those little annoying smug bitch pedophiles.
>be me
>crush on bishit 10 years younger than me
>people tell me age gaps are bad and to let her be with someone her own age
>see her with a guy 10 years older than me
I'm beginning to think this type of advice is designed to cuck me
>Can you show me where they’ve said they identify as a cis man?
I cannot, as I refuse to touch discord even with a rented gock, and am ironically self-pitying over my unwillingness to participate in spaces ostensibly for women
he literally takes testosterone lago... that's all the proof you need. shouldn't be controversial to say a male with a castration fetish who shoots himself up with testosterone isn't a woman.
it is, you specifically too
age gap rhetoric is an overcorrection against pedophilia, adults can do whatever they want
his alignment says woman on the dnd chart
They're back on estrogen I heard
>age gap rhetoric is an overcorrection against pedophilia, adults can do whatever they want
Sure feels that way. This dude has grey in his hair. Imo if someone is in their 20s it's less relevant.
You know cis women have testosterone too?? Especially for someone who is nullo, they’re going to have different sex hormone needs. That user has also been on estrogen and looks like a woman and identifies as nb.
>You know cis women have testosterone too??
he takes male levels of T
>looks like a woman
he has a beard
to be fair i'm coping because i'm basically chasing a cis zoomer but i'm also right
I haven’t seen either of those things, anon. You’re free to DM me that stuff instead of shitting up this gen.
qott1: not really
qott2: fuck yes, i want a cis f chaser girl to kiss me and fetishize me and make me feel validated by cis so badly
Deeply unsexy
do any girls here like being killed with a knife by a cute girl but maybe not actually killed just hurting you enough to make you fear for your life
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I know a couple like that and they creep me the fuck out. The top is also into guro too like lol 0% chance that relationship ends well
what if she cut you with it and drank ur blood
im a nice girl i just want to see fear in a cute girls eyes
blood is hot and im tired of pretending its not
>blood is hot
period blood especially :)
need cis gf to give head to while shes on her period
although desu i think id prefer blood from wounds that i create
Ugh how to get ffs without dad noticing when I can't move out
say you tripped after coming back with your face absolutely wrapped in bandages and if he says anything looks different say "whaaaaaat? reallyyyyy? mustve been a bad fall! hopefully i look okay, i look okay right?" and then he'll be compelled to be nice about it because he wouldnt want to say you look bad
I've actually thought about this, granted for coworkers, get a really drastic haircut. I have buttcrack length hair right now and after FFS I'm going to get it cut back to my shoulders or something. So then when I look really different people will think they know why
I am very smart
smart plan imo!!
Well he calls me fat and ugly all the time so I'm not too sure he'd be afraid of hurting my feelings...
Hmm smart actually yeah I wanna get my hair cut to my shoulders eventually regardless so
>Well he calls me fat and ugly all the time so I'm not too sure he'd be afraid of hurting my feelings...
oh you should kill him!
Good chance to try haircuts that are hard to pull off with your existing face too. No downsides to my plan
need dirty disgusting gf
Demonic lesbian...
He's pretty bad idek if he hates trannies but I have daddy issues so I'm afraid to find out
>need cis gf to give head to while shes on her period
god i want to do this to the girl i'm chasing
silly anon, you cant chase cis girls...
i can and will
>tfw no cis gf who wants me to eat and finger her pussy but i just keep fingering her butt and eating her ass no matter how much she begs for me to play with her pussy
But they’re the chasers
i think soon i will be completely sex repelled, it's gonna be great
sex is overrated i just want to hurt a girl and hear her whimper
i WILL chase cis women
i WILL get a cialis prescription
i WILL top them relentlessly (with consent)
Typical degenerate dyke
its ok because im a cute girl
prove it
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sorry i lied im actually fat and ugly
ahh scary
yeah thats right... grrr.....
whos eva
oh just someone who looks very similar to you i guess
i dont miss the constant gaslighting and cheating and lying and physical/mental/emotional abuse but god was her love bombing good

probably how I stayed with her for 7 years before she told me she wasnt gay, fucked my best friend and then tried to guilt trip me into giving her my cat (i didnt my cat is safe with me)
i wanna fuck a girl who looks like she could be my sister desu
There's something wrong w you you're freaking me out
there's a girls kissing thread on /gif/ that has at least one pair of twin sisters
i never got the appeal of being one of a pair of twins or anything like it though, but then i hate myself and want to die so i guess that makes sense
>gets treated like shit
>still misses her embrace
how this keeps happening? Does abuse scratches an itch on the human brains or what
whats wrong with me...
dead cope thread
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This isn’t /clg/ lol.
There’s a hot webm of twins who eat each other out but they supposedly got exposed in their country and stopped making videos. RIP
clg vibes are so weird, everyone is so mean-spirited there
I can’t really do anything about people who lie, but I’ve kicked a few pooners already,
Yeah, shitty place.
because terfs aren't human
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hmm you can't say that sweaty
tiktok surely swiftly dispensed with the notion that humans are civilized and rational, what a time to be alive
oh uh someone's scared of boobs
yes, im scared of boobs
not disappointed in humanity
just scared of boobs
you got it
Glad we agree :3
yes, we agree
im not just disappointed in you
we just agree
you got it
passive aggressiveness is hot give me your contact immediately
im not being passive aggressive, im just tired and cynical
also, no, but you can ask around on the discord
Need to write deranged sketches with her and then fingerbang her until she soaks the bed
naaah i hate reacting involuntarily to erotic or sexual stimuli, this is disgusting as heck frfr famalam
Thinking about her is unlocking my feral dom side like nothing else ever has
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Why do her boobs lack jiggle? Very bizarre.
all of my ex's abused me so yes
because she's too young and hasnt had enough kids yet for you apparently
I dunno. I think her boobs might have performence enhancing silicone implants..
Hello gay women

I hope yall get some bitches

I feel bad that you've been drinking the yearnermiester booze
How do I get bitches...
Worry about learning to wipe your ass first.
Be yourself and find the appropriate spaces to interact with women like yourself?

I wouldn't know as im not a gay woman

But i wish u the best of luck
Wydag who is a two for one deal of emotionally distant charisma demon, and narcissist borderline psycho gymbro?
no because you smell like shit
Thanks anon, you too if you're also in need
Manifesting a win for all of us in this universe
the only ex i had a real connection with was a tguy who was so insufferable that i realised i am a full on dyke the second we broke up. so no

i’m in agony over a pretty blonde girl bro
God I need her so fucking bad I need to kiss her under the moonlight in the park
I only just fund out I'm (probably) a woman and a lesbian 3-4 months ago and I've been struggling a lot with it. How do you guys feel attracted to woman, as a woman, without feeling like a pervert? I feel crazy.
I’m thinking about kissing her from her neck to her breasts, slowly making my way down. I feel like I’ll die not tasting her. All I can think about is her curvy figure underneath me. I need her.
Also just realised that not only does she look at me in this particular heartmelting way when I make her laugh, she looks at me that way when *other* people make her laugh
Her eyebrows curl up as though she's pleading with me for something, with that big beautiful smile and bright searching eyes
My god, to be able to hold her close...
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Kinda wanna huff her boob sweat.
T4t is your saviour
Why the fuck am I still banned from this retarded server
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Im very excited to meet up with my ldr gf next month
I told my mom about her today
Went well
I don't think I'm bothered by the idea of that later down the line but it really doesn't really help at all.
Ignore one of those "really"s please
Too much suicide baiting and other users wanting you to become a lolcow. That’s the only user I can think of since I doubt you’re one of the pedos, moids or people who talk about harming others irl.
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Oh youth... to be naive again... sigh...
So that's just it then.... I'm just not allowed to be a fucking person... Fuck you too
>Do you miss your ex? And what do you miss about her?
I don't really think about her too much anymore but she made me feel really special like the most important girl in the world but she was clearly still hung up on other people in her life. She never intended to date me and eventually told me as much. It hurt but I think I'm basically over it now.

>yearning, yes?
Yearning for a girl I know who I can never date and yet I would sell a kidney just to get to cuddle her once to know what it feels like to have her in my arms.
We're both pretty low maintenence. Havent really had problems. I know it's not for everyone or most people but im hopeful for the future.
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You’re not allowed to post shit that’ll get my server deleted. You can take that to DMs for all I care.
You literally blocked me and Perma banned me so as far as I know
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No and yes, but you can come back if you follow the rules. I don’t like permabans unless it’s for the other groups I mentioned earlier. I’ll unban you rn.
I wrote a diary for about a half a year after realisation, I vented there and eventually came to the conclusion that doing gender affirming care was something I wanted and started my slow transition. There is no right way or a specific path, you hust have to listen to yourself and think ehat do you want to be in the future.
>and eventually came to the conclusion that doing gender affirming care was something I wanted
I don't think there's any other option. At the very least I have to try it out because I only found out at the end of March and its been agonizing. I'm just anxious, I feel like I've been male for too long and I feel like I'm incapable of being attracted to women in what could be considered a "lesbian" way. I have fucked up fetishes. And the idea of being a woman attracted to women almost makes me feel like a predator. Like I wouldn't be able to be trusted around other women. Which I'm sure is probably like, irrational, because I'm not attracted to all women but I am generally attracted to women. It makes me feel like such a pervert, especially having a penis. How can I be in community with women and be attracted to them?
Find women who like dick on girls problem solved
Again, not really the issue.
i want love, but every part of my body recoils at the thought of getting lost in someone else again
no, no one will come for you. you have to be to have been. my boat could be steadier than a space ship, but it wouldn't stop me from being afraid. i appreciate the thought, though
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I want a incredible sloppy bj in a ranch house from a rancher girl with a thick southern accent.

Just a weird random desire i cant explain
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>turned 30 last week
>dating profile auto updated to this ig
>have been getting flooded with matches from early 20's theyfabs and bottom femmes ever since
uh, w-what is happening...
ok bro come over
Why is love so brutal
>crush on schizophrenic competition cutter
I love her so much, I feel horrible because I think that I might be happier going after someone more normal.
But my heart truly belongs to her I don't know what to do, she never listens to me when I try to get her to help herself.
Always talks over me with her fantasies & asking me to tell her to cut deeper, I just want to see her happy :(
Its over....

Wherr u at senpai

Jk i dont want a bj froma stranger
>3 years into mones
>still jerking off to hentai several times a day
>still living in a trashy unkempt flat full of dried cum and pizza boxes
kms? I'll never find a gf
dream gf right there
is it safe to put electrical tape over a broken outlet temporarily before replacing it
depends, put a fork in it and see if it gives you a shock
You just have to do a lot of self acceptance and just try your best.
You wont do anything predatory by accident, it'll all be something you think so you can stop yourself. You have to find a partner who accepts you and gives you consent to try out things with.
fuck you i accidentally ripped a plug out of the wall and now there's a hole with an exposed outlet where the bottom socket should be. can i tape over it right now with electrical tape and deal with it later or is that even more of a fire hazard
I'd presume it'd be a fire hazard yes, tape is supposed to tightly insulate wires, but idk I'm not American
hello who else wants to eradicate toe nails
>does electrical tape isolate mains voltage and current
idk depends on whether you use duct tape for pipes i think
First find the fuse box and the right fuse for the room you wanna fuck around with the wiring in and turn it off.
>>does electrical tape isolate mains voltage and current
look i know it sounds stupid but i want to make sure because sometimes what seems like the obvious solution could fuck things up, like blowing into cartridges, and i know nothing about electrical engineering
wydag who hates gay men
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this is what the outlet looks like btw (left is a normal outlet included for reference)
why wouldn't you just take a picture of it?
it's like a reverse pirate, not covered with something anymore and it's the whole face except one eye
becausae the vevil chaekr 4chan will dox lucy or something i think
took my gf to the doctor to see if they could get her spayed for masturbating without my permission but got told they don't perform oophorectomies for that reason...
lucy electrocuted herself didn't she
most of people like that want you to be their mommy, and they immediately drop you the second they realize you're a submissive shy retard. it's not worth it
no i just didnt fuck with it at all
i found some sealed star wars figures just now tho
I'll trade you my rarest funko pop for them
put them up as guards against the electricity
God Amity is so fucking me and yet she's so cute crushing on Luz how have I put off watching owl house this long my heart is melting at the fact I never got to experience gay teen romance and gave my virginity to a fucking moid in my twenties
>wake up
>comedian gamedev girl still isn't dating me
This is so homophobic, it's pride month babe....
I am that girl but you're cringe babe, I can't throw away my career to get canceled because of you
How dare you L me, the quirked up nerdy white lipstick les dangerously attracted to dorky sweetheatered bi women of colour?
emotionally unavailable """tough""" futch trans lesbian musician gf with terf brainworms. also mmm pipeline punch
I can fix her
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me on the left
bob the builder ass
I dont really have anyone anymore... making friends is hard...
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troon lesgen frens how does it makes you feel knowing that afabs can look picrel and still be called lesbians but if you have an single stubble you're a man invading women's spaces?
I can only blame myself....... its my fault... if i had been better, i would have people i coile trust.. maybe.. i cant trust anyone....
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ur her
trans women are women and so are trans men, or so they say
real and true!!!
this type of girl youre describing is always one beer away from turning into a crying mess and begging you to hold them while they cry about not being a real woman and just being a gross agp straight man
I cant forgot that that character literally stinks of cum
idk i think it shows we cant escape our sex
i drink whiskey, thank you very much
>trans women are women (not in a way that matter), trans men are women (real ones) #ally
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i love my dog very much, the bestest pet
We were never even dating, “basically dating” according to her, but yeah I miss her. I’m already over the worst of it though, I processed a lot of this the last time. I will fill the male role, I will self improve and find work, I will put up with the bullshit, but if she doesn’t want me she doesn’t want me, and I’m not so much of a masochist that I’ll stick around for that.
I’m bisexual thank you very much
that's why I say lesbian label is a fucking meme. If you don't giga pass and is on deep stealth there's no point tbdesu
i need to dom her i need to dom her i need to dom her i need to dom her i need to dom her i need to bite her neck with my hand down her pants i need to bend her over the bed and rail her until she soaks the floor
>giga pass and is on deep stealth
rizzing the gender police
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tell me it isn't true
Good think I feel no need for community or human connection
is pee ok
captcha h4gay
>gave my virginity to a fucking moid in my twenties
tfw trans lesbian but lost virginity at 19 to middle aged cis moid chaser who i hooked up with for validation
No point in what? It's all a meme just do what you want with it.
oh man same except i was repping and it was an older gay guy
gold star rapehon ive only topped cis women
anything for her
the girl i'm describing is me, and i've never drank so u might be right idk
wydag who ate raw whole spinach including the stems
tfw khhv
Oxalate pilled
spinach is pretty cool ..
does it count as khhv if you're dated pre trans
not really i dont think so
bout to have the most metal sign for the trans pride march
lol, theres a biracial diaper transbian whose twitter is dedicated to loli hentai who's trying to be one of the good ones and defend nazis
i think diaper is probably in the bible no?
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my exercise mat is drenched top to bottom in sweat and so is my body
i laid there partially broken, my core now tender and quivering for 2 minutes
No. Queer unity or kick it to the curb.
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Some creepy guy stopped in front of me, did a weird hand gesture and said "here you go love" in front of some stairs to let me down before him I didn't like it thought I was about to get murdered or hatecrimed
So real girl
yes obviously
this pisses me off so much it's unreal
it makes me feel heccin invalid
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imagine posting ugly pachinko ange
dropped 90 dollars on star wars toys and one of them is worth like 175 dollars apparently. Haven't checked the price on the others yet.
Yeah spinach is tasty
Im sososo sooo sooo soo sorry
i wish i could pet my gf rn :c
Those days...NEVER go on forever.

Life is DEATH
Again and again
And oh isnt it fun..
What do you plan to gain with this doomed mindset
i want a doomed microwave
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dungeon meshi gen
insane polycule
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miss grocery shopping with gf
>You wont do anything predatory by accident
I won't?
Is it really doomed? IS IT? a star never escapes a black hole once it crosses the event horizon. Its just one big spiral, to an inevitable end. But what is that end? What is THE end? We end every minute, you begin, you end, every day, is it sad, just as sad as a fading firework perhaps.
I cant say its doomed. Its something. Its just thoughts.
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hate polycules but if it’s the only way to get a regular DnD group… /sob
>she hasn't responded in 1 hour
it's OVER
forcefemming my sweaty tomboy friend into a dress like this after she’s been working on her home repairs all day and taking her out on a date and mooing at her and smacking her ass from behind treating her like an object with no value, no intelligence, no skill
lol I remember this girl used to post here super early trans and chasers would drool at the mouth I doubt this is you but if it is that's really funny
>hey my neighbors all play DnD together I wanna join
>oh it's a polycule where the DnD involves spanking each other
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please hopepill yourself
based if they’re hot women
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nobody even knows what a hot woman looks like smdh
i NEED to choke her while i fingerbang her FUCK
what the fuck is that
new bread

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