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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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>qott is this the end? is it over?
olde >>36318953
it’s over
Fucking love haribo.
Anons I'm so hungry. Can I cheat?
i see you and i see someone i knew before
but who am i
i wanna say im gonna miss this place but maybe i wont
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Yay new thread
haribo is... dead...
Thread theme
post that one photo of you next to your dad
oh are you leaving again?
nice painting
would hang on wall
someone post a photo of shallo before he leaves, i forgot what he looks like
never began
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Its Seventeen Hundred Somewhere
The picture that’s like 4 years old that you’re obsessed with? Why?
cute ngl;
you'll be missed. by me
Everyone always ignores me.
because you look hilariously bad in it
took too long to figure out what that was. it seems upside down
It's a trip world you're just living in it
remember when we used to make fun of people like this?
Cut my dick while shaving so I can't jerk off. I will subject you with my inner thoughts instead
Solution to Hooter's failure: Brats
>twinks 18-25 only
>uniform must be short tight boyshorts and crop tops
>employees are encouraged to be catty and do things like spit in your drink in front of you or demand you say something degrading before they hand you your food
>employees are allowed to choose who they serve, you'll find out why in a second
>membership is called the Daddy Card
>a Daddy member may turn the tables and designate a twink that must appease his every whim
>designated twinks must go shirtless and wear a small collar
>at the end of the meal the twink must hug the customer in front of everyone and say THANK YOU DADDY really loud, groping or spanking is expected during this
>you must eat at the restaurant normally two times before you can use the Daddy Card again
>on birthdays you are served by twink harem
Theme nights include Interns (employees wear ties but no shirt), Classic Hooters (employees wear the classic female Hooters uniform, no accommodation for bulge) Club Night (employees wear rave gear, body paint, etc.) Sports Night (employees wear long socks, exercise and sports shorts, cropped uniforms) and Halloween (customers vote for costumes that are then randomly assigned to employees)
Why does this hurt your feelings so bad?
nothing stopping you
is regular Hooters as complicated as all that
I keep winning.
it was funnier when we all shit on them, i'm not about to sit around being the only one
its smol
remember my cooking
why don't gay incels care if their partner is a virgin or not but straight incels do?
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my fav streamer
I will always remember you by the screenshots I took of your burrito recipe...
i'm gonna asume this is another one of the chasers untill someone corrects me
needing old photos of me to try and hurt my feefees is not really a winning strategy friend
>not the first post by this IP
is she even still streaming
Who is she and and why does she looks so spooky lol
>Cut my dick while shaving
No and that's why it sucks. Brats is designed to maximize sexual tension and frustration and give an outlet for big spenders and sugar daddies.
> why does she looks so spooky lol
Not you revealing your transphobia.
i don't need the old photos i just know it would be funnier if someone did share them. You keep talknig strategy but i'm literally just here to make fun of you lol
sex with white men
>spit in your drink in front of you
Not if you want a food and liquor license. Being catty is fine though, dick's last resort does the rest already but mostly with straights
So what I'm saying is it could work but you'd just have to separate the debauchery from the food and drinks
i’m talking about the ghibli movie not whatever that freakazoid is
i saw you wearing all black superstars and i'm convcinced you need to move south

xhe's probably dead atp

No, i love my trans friends
>t. Asian
It’s just not really landing or impacting me in a meaningful way given my roster and notoriety in Dallas gay spaces.

Im bored gonna brew a Tatsunari toad rider brawl deck on mtga. Love you gays.
Sex with Latino tops
>just not really landing or impacting me in a meaningful way
that's such a lie lmao
gross stay away
*guards my pockets*
oh look xanaxthippe is back after the trolling magically stops
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you are ugly as shit
I would shatter your hole into a thousand pieces
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sex with twinks
she always disappears when it starts too lol
19.49 posts a day on average is actually crazy
That's cray cray
>that “moustache”
Hmm noticed :-)
>dick's last resort does the rest already but mostly with straights
That and Heart Attack Grill is the inspiration. The only issue is the target audience, there are too many bottoms and not enough tops. Heart Attack Grill works because burgers are fat.
touch grass
And your 50 a day complaining about other people posting is what, exactly?
Exactly lol
If she kept her trip on and tried to interact normally while doing it she would end up confused and post on trip accidentally with a troll post lol
Last time i posted here was unironically longer than 2 months ago, honestly so crazy that you're dickriding dan so hard you're out here posting you fanfic about his haters kek
Is that bleage?
The last time I posted here was totally not the identical post I made 2 weeks ago.
What are you talking about sisma
>19.49 posts a day on average is actually crazy
you clearly have no friends
both ugly as shit but no
not suprised at all that you sit around tinfoiling about who anon posters are
lmao those are knockoffs I picked up in a charity shop for a tenner but I do have a blue pair hanging around
Still would ngl
Dickriding Dan Dirty Daily
It's mentally ill to think the person who made an identical post is the same person as me!
he posted nudes idk if anyone saved
shut up dan, you're the one sitting around doing 19 posts every single day in this god forsaken general
Why is Cooper like this
this thread is boring without his spice
She thinks if she successfully accuses a single other person of mental illness it will cure her own.
R u guys watching the presidential debate?
I hate 2 tell u brother but I'm a business guy and you aren't gonna have a successful business if you only serve the gays. It would have to be a place for bratty boy lovers of all shades. Straight women and fujos would love it, straight college dudes will dare eachother to go to prove they aren't gay, closeted guys will say you have the best chicken wings and that they are there for the food rather than the show. Don't worry about tops and bottoms outside of branding because that whole divide is a meme that doesn't actually mean anything about consumer behavior.
oink oink
Is 20 posts a day even really a lot? Threads are 300 posts long with multiple threads a day. What is this argument?
No I am not watching it. How is it going?
20 posts every single day of the year is crazy
Me neither probably ill wait to be spammed with recaps on utube
Good, weather is super nice finally now that the heat dome passed
It's mentally ill to think the person who made an identical post is the same person as me!
it would be a lot for someone who posted paragraphs but most /gaygen/ posts seem like they take less than 20s to make
Is it really though? It takes like 10 seconds to make a post. Maybe you should reconsider this angle
sometimes i dont even read debasers posts b4 i disagree with her
>straight college dudes will dare eachother to go to prove they aren't gay
No. No they wont. Gays do not understand normal men by definition.
yes it is, doesn't matter how long it takes to post he clearly has such an insane focus on this general all year around. Literally get a life at that point
Lmaooo sis. Drag her.
stop arguing and post HOT MEN!!!!!!!!!
It's a fantasy but I fear catering to women at all would lead to a model that catered even further to them over time because it's the most obvious direction to grow into. It's much easier to make a reverse Hooters than it is to make an explicitly gay one. Women would love it but it might go the same direction of a gay bar open to everyone where eventually the gays are pushed out because they make the majority uncomfortable.
200 seconds is 2 and a half minutes. I think your obsession with his post count is a little more dire sisma
I think you should take a break from this place and figure your life out before you end up 40 and still living at home which would be quiet embarrassing not just for you but also your parents.
*stomps all over you with my bare feet*
are you actually retarded? i literally in the post you replied to said the amount of time doesnt matter
That's totally fair and I do that to other people's posts too. I can sense the vibe of a post just by glancing at it.
Bro I went undercover as straight for more than half of my life and straight guys absolutely do gay bait eachother. I've seen it, done it, had it done to me, joked about how others handled it, been made fun of and complimented for how I've handled it, you are the one that doesn't understand normal men stupid fucking autist
luv luv oh-oh
luv luv yea-yea
this is so shallo coded :/
you look like every other fast food worker
not that there's a problem with that
someone has to put beef between two buns
for the fatties of the world
get help sisma
File deleted.
How do I look?
what a comeback
It's fine as fantasy, I'm just saying how you could make ur fantasy an imperfect reality
>200 seconds is 2 and a half minutes.
Bad. Leave us alone.
LMAOOOOOO you should be a comedian with that face
Also, the thing is, you don't have e to cater to women to attract women
Catering to gays already attracts women because women love gays
put your trip back on i filtered you for a reason
lynch yourself
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Oh my god.. did he really say that ?! :-O
I hope you wear baggy pants with your boxers showing with a glock sticking out of your front pocket
All so mean for no reason. I think you're just jealous.
Everyone lies about some things. You have fucking autism.
Shut up you dumb nigger
I just think you look funny
>Catering to gays already attracts women because women love gays
And we must stop this at all costs. Did you go to business school or do you run a business btw? I am a wagie pleb I wash dishes.
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Ugh I plucked way too much of my eyebrows absolute downgrade I look awful. And right before a big event too
I know I'm ugly. I just wish someone would tell me I'm valid.
>plucked my eyebrows
but you're not
You’re valid.
trip. on. filter.
i was trying soooo hard 2 get sissy to do a no eyebrows look b4 u guys ruint my plans
Not me, but the jealous post was me. They're an imposter. However I do actually feel like this internally. Validation makes me hate myself less.
now she is straight she will never do it :/
Hey Blue. You’re valid.
John’s still a greaser and Tommy’s gone off to war

James got busted and doesn’t give a fuck anymore
member that one time when gaygen didn't have you as an active poster? me neither
is this what really happens in Morrocco?

The first one and we must not stop women from lusting after gays. They are our biggest supporters and if we have to use seduction to exploit them so be it. You think it would be a bad thing to have twinks sitting on a milf's lap calling her mommy? It would be a fucking ad for the place. You could get straight twinks in on the game. Straight subs are practically gay anyway. Green is the most important color of the rainbow.
she's not from Morocco lol
you're not ugly and you are valid
it doesn't matter if you might not be to everyone's liking
personally I think I'm hideous and yet some people apparently think I'm cute
she said she lives there
Now don't get me wrong, yeah I think you're all right, but that won't keep me warm in the middle of the night
she lied to try and sound interesting
it wouldve been the perfect crime (english for l'crim parfay)
and you ignore them, curious!
thats my cousin
Yes I am you fucking idiot liar.
Beluga, beluga, beluga
What a comical but tragic predicament. A business manager with no business sense and a gay with no understanding of men and even less of women. When his universe finally implodes from delusions the consequences will have headlines in at least two neighboring states. The comedy is that he is bent on giving unsolicited advice. It could be an AMC sitcom.
I feel like a str8 would be more likely to do the no eyebrows look but I might just be thinking about mad max and tbf they are probably not straight that's a lot of war boys and not many war girls and they r using inhalants sooooo like.
she said her family owns two camels as means of transportation
straight people think looking stupid is what being queer is all about but theyre wrong its only a small part of it
Third time's the charm you have autism grandpa do not speak to me of predicaments
you should take a cute photo with your camels

I can't help it
I'm never looking or expecting complements
and I always think they're taking the piss

Voidchan without tattoos.
a photo of Delta outside is the only thing that would convince me he's real
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>file photo of Delta in direct sunlight
when you posted face on /int/ you had a US flag. when you post voice you speak with an American accent
she's full of shit
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35 thousand is actually crazy
fregoli strikes again
I've never posted on /int/. Stop making stuff up.
They died yesterday in a camel accident
>You think it would be a bad thing to have twinks sitting on a milf's lap calling her mommy? It would be a fucking ad for the place You could get straight twinks in on the game
A friend of mine was frequently harassed by old women at his last job I should have considered this angle. I can see it going very badly if a straight employee is ever stuck with a man.

>with no understanding of men and even less of women
My understanding is whatever makes my penis the big penis at this moment and right now it's public twink correction.
i've only ever seen blacks in the deep south wear the bandana like he does (louisiana or alabama) and maybe parts of Texas (Houston)
but they tend to choose lighter colors as darker colors just attract heat
I went out yesterday

I'd be a pile of ashes desu
lmaaao pedophiles fry
do you ever take a selfie outdoors in the wild?
no because he never actually does it
my first post w/a trip was 9 years ago
>I was gonna ask in /int/ but I'm not sure which thread would be most appropriate to ask if im ugly in
>Hey /int/ first time posting here. Am I ugly?
>https://unsee cc/album#qYfbwx59z7wJ
If they are working at the place, it would be something they sign up for and consent to. If you had enough workers you could let them pick which sex they perform for but I have a feeling many straights would be fine with performing for men. Male models and dancers often do now. Lots of people are unironically sexually confident enough to do gay stuff even if they aren't actually gay. Let the market do what it does best. You can hire security to deal with harassment, but you have to remember that harassment is kind of the theme.
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why are you so obsessed with accusing me of this

I went out yesterday :(
3287 days in 9 years, that's consistantly 10 posts a day without missing a single day for the whole 9 years. Time to get a hobby buddy
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>sdfk s'jskdjf s spdfkj ssdf n'kklnsfsf boierenn sdf d sdnlbs sadfsdfb esernlnsad sadfn nngdfsdssn nnskdnf nsdfries dsfm,me
My most used phrases on the apps are "You're too far away", "No, I don't want to trade nudes", and "No, I don't want to cam".
Dating is garbage now.
i talk about my hobbies itt all the time
maybe u r just having a stroke
9 years straight is such an insane amout of time kek
note the US flag... her ass has never even set foot in Morocco
not only is she mentally ill she's also a liar
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daddies turn me on like nothing else but i have a good relationship with my father
how fucking sad is your life when you post 10 times every single day for 3287 days kek
>bottom said "i love you" while I was cumming in him
Not sure what I'm supposed to do with that
i get the vibe that u dont enjoy posting here but still for 4 whatever reason but bc thats not how i personally feel i cant relate. sorry diva
end her i enjoy your posts
you're so wrong, i love making you look like an obsessive faggot. This whole exchange is what i live for
For me, I want a bf who reminds me of my mother.
see u just gave away how u feel about posting here
perhaps too good. show me where he touched you on this doll
maybe it was a freudian slip. i wouldn't think too much about it.
has horror ever posted cock?
tbdesu i knew when i said the moortugal meme and he didn't get it
ideal bottom
he doesn't have one
i just know his hole is amazing
who are the possible ftm's of gaygen? is there a list?
i'm literally just here to make fun of you buddy, 9 years straight without missing a single day kek. Call me obsessive for looking it up i don't care, atleast i don't spend time on this general like you do
i’m obsessed with tripfags
i'm obsessed with holes
hello cooper
xanxan can you shut up already
not cooper tho
everyone who is obsessed with tripfags is cooper
Shipping Delta x Tankanon
horror deserves to get dragged at this point, he's so fucking cringe
I think the reason why /gigi/ gravitates so much towards trips it's because they are the only common topic everyone shares in the thread.
It's the gay general, but besides being males (mostly, lol) who like other males, each person has their own likings even when it comes to being gay.
Compared that to a general in /vg/, where the common topic is a game franchise.
I say we make /gayfeetgen/
vg has both its own slapfights & spillover slapfights from v constantly tho
horror has posted 10 times this thread, time to wait for the next one so that he can posts 10 more
i think it's the lack of social skills that makes it the way it is
/vg/ is also heavily trip and namefagged
It's just easier to have a conversation when people know who you are
getting upset about horror who only ever posts shit like "hey divas just made spanakopita with amaranth instead of wheat flour its not good" is so wild
the ffxiv general?
that’s just 4chinz as a whole luv
not drama im familiar w/at all
this is my favorite type of horror post
these are the same people that got upset over a guy that was lukewarm
i love /crpg/ and the hobby/sport boards when the mood to talk to relatively sane people hits
the internet in general but people seem much worse here for some reason
you clearly haven't been around for the 9 years he's been posting the same shit over and over again
you have? oh…nurse
i have, how fucking new are you?
if you have then you're throwing stones from a glass house there aren't you babe
i'm not the one that spent all my time consitently posting 10 times every single time for 9 years, that was horroe that did that
speaking of posting the same shit over and over again
starting 2 think skunk won
yikes posts
xanxan only gets replies when she’s off trip trolling. Sad!
do you know how averages work or do you think he counts to ten and stops posting for the day
whites and asians were made for each other
that's cooper. you can tell because her big fat kielbasa fingers cause her to make constant typos
do you understand how averages work? 10 posts days for 9 years is actually insane, stop glazing that retard so hard
This is the only website where someone will say having one to two conversations a day is too much.
i do not like how you give cooper credit for my posts
well no
skunk had the sense to leave this place, you're still stuck here aren't you?
Me when I buy a bronze account and bully anyone that loses to me with more than 200 games
literally don't even have to be here for you people to tinfoil about me kek
but you are here
mood sisma
i sure am but not a single one of you know which one i am if i don't want you to. It's actually so fucking funny to watch you get upset about me because of posts i never made kek
i’d rather deal with marea again than this shit in this thread
idt most people actually know or care about who you are any more
Cooper won
>most people actually know or care about who you are
Search my name buddy, you all mention me weekly regardless if i'm around or not
sisma lost
post ascitic gut
Piss maw
I won.
I'll post it if you rope yourself first
weak response
er du sjenert?
Why are straight men so attractive. Every gay man looks the same and fem. Even mascs act fem.
Rolling on the floor laughing at this genious reply
An genious
e du flau over koss jævligt hjelpa laust du har posta i kveld?
Telling an anon to rope himself and he posts shibari nudes
thinspo queen
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an igger
>Every gay man looks the same and fem
that's the homophobia in you
its thirsty thursday bye divas, divettes
the self hate is strong in you
have fun don't get too quenched
It's nigger you fucking pussy
member those 10 posts a day for 9 years straight? i sure do
Telling anon to play in traffic and he wears a butt plug on his commute
Why are you quoting an eight year old South Park episode? Are you an FtM?
it's actually insane kek, what kind of life do you even have if you're stuck posting that frequently ever day for 9 years
Telling anon to neck and he posts a pic of him kissing his bf OK I'm done rule of three
>he fell for another anon posing as me
Lol. Low iq.
Nope. No lies.
I understood it. I just didn't think it was funny. Besides, I already said I grew up in the US and now live in Morocco.
I'm gonna check you too, i feel like you're also around way to often
I'm the boss of this gym
881 is no where close to as pathetic as horros post count lol
No one tell him
I actually want to suck Debaser's nipples.
He must be full of milk and love.
telling fat debbie to lose weight and she milks her breasts
ima watch the debates when tf do they start
9:00 est
*pats head*
why are they so fucking late?
I hate men so much it’s unreal
6pm my time nice and comfy evening cause CA matters more
Americans don't have a bedtime bcuz we don't live in a nanny state
where is haribeaux
the voters that matter (anyone 40+) will be asleep
I don't have school shootings mate
>he thinks voting matters
sleeping luv
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>I just didn't think it was funny
black BITCH!!!
I lurk that hard but don't post as often as him, actually been lurking for 14 or 15 years, the answer is I'm in and out of being a NEET and am a typical 4chan nerd shut in. Failure to launch, poorly socialized, typical anxiety/depression, no real life friends, etc.
getting fucked behind mcdonalds
yikes, 15 years without having the balls to make a name for yourself
mcdonalds is commoner here
cheeky nandos is on the same realm of common
have you posted hole?
don't stop posting horror, i was just starting to make fun of you.
If I had a name you would quickly identify that I have no life and nothing to talk about. It's easier to appear normal if you can hop in and out of any thread or conversation whenever you want.
No I used to do it when I was 15-18 on other sites and now it just feels gross.
He's the only person I believe when he says he's leaving. Everyone else talks about it for two hours. Xanthippe for five. Dan for 30 minutes but he comes back to spam selfys 15 minutes later.
imagine posting hole
girl please, 10 posts every day for 9 years straight is actually insane. Horror never leaves this place kek
i bet you look like your mom was pregnant with you for 9 years
sick cope anon
it didn't feel gross when you were courting pedophiles?
sucking on and blowing snot bubbles into sticky neet buttholes also my brother is at the point of telling me off for my antisemitism goodnight
who are you?
No it was fun actually at the time just over that kind of thing now.
typical gay
who are YOU? where's your trip? anonigger.
why would you admit that online
It's a LARP
I'm someone important, can't ever remember you ever being relevant
it is not
Typical roleplayer response.
tryhard reply
like a president of a big company or something? because surely you don't mean important and relevant to the general, that would be sad
The internet is for saying things you can't say in real lie.
It's not only real it's extremely easy and is probably happening all the time even right now. I shared porn with people I chatted with in ERP groups on steam and 4chan, and then naturally people ask to get on camera or send pictures back and forth. They knew my age and didn't care. Some I chatted with for months.
>like a president of a big company or something
you're so fucking new kek
now kiss
no, cooper, i'm not. are you still on benefits or do you have a job now?
*pouts my lips*
>The internet is for saying things you can't say in real lie.
Like lies.
Jobs are for retards, i get paid just for existing
well you don't make it sound like it's much fun
Do you have fun selling the limited hours you have left of your life for money? Because i actually love getting paid for doing nothing, i couldn't ask for a better life
*unzips your pants*
It was dumb of me to even clarify not posting hole like that but that's the reason. We're in page 5 of a dying thread and I won't be hopping to the next one, no one knows who I am there isn't much to be gained for lying.
Would you top pietro?
the fuck else am i going to do for 8 hours out of the day? what you do? no thanks, i'll take being a good goy for the next 50 years
It doesn't matter how ugly or gross or terrible of a person you are, as long as you have a big dick
>the fuck else am i going to do for 8 hours out of the day?
i literally spend those hours doing whatever i want to. Have fun slaving the only life you get just to make your boss rich kek. I'll spend them doing whatever the fuck i feel like
explain delta
Delta hasn't broken through the Matrix yet, but once he does, he'll finally realize his potential
his potential to bottom maybe
i really doubt you're getting enough gib to do whatever the fuck you feel like, not that i give a shit. enjoy it, if you really do, i'm not completely convinced
Why aren't there more gay goths in the world? They're so hard to find
i'd help him realize his potential but he's too stuck up about sex
i dont think you understand the amount of money i make every month, i'm not american my country actually cares about me kek. I make enough to eat all month while also buying enough weed or alcohol
>i literally spend those hours doing whatever i want to.
and you choose to spend them drinking and seething?
i spend it drinking yes, i don't seeth tho i make you guys seeth for my entertainment
You've been here for a while, who were your favorite trips?
stuck up?
i know you're not a yank, everything about the benefits is besides the point. no one sees your posts and goes 'ah, this guy is just hardcore chilling'
I honestly do no give a single fuck about what you retards thinks about me lol. You can all be good capitalistic boys getting a job and selling the rest of your lives for money like dumbasses, I'll forever live my life doing whatever the fuck i want kek
post hole
Kinda disgusted when I see trips that have been here less than a year flaming antediluvian trips and there arent even enough left to call them out on it because so many got disgusted themselves and left. Kinda a mircocosm of the gay world irl.
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