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>"artist" (neet)
>repped for a really long time and only started transitioning fairly recently (nearly a year now. Knew i was a girl for a long time, don't want to talk about it)
>still distinctly male in appearance
>basically have nobody and nothing to do, only one or two friends, etc
All I do is smoke weed, and try not to kill myself, which is getting harder and harder to do. I got put on more meds recently, but everything feels utterly and totally joyless most of the time, and I'm so despairingly lonely, nobody's ever going to see me as the woman I am, it's tragic, I want to die.
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All depends on your definition of hopeless, if its passing then it's hopeless unless you can afford like 100k ffs and get lucky with ur body.

But you can always go do t4t grindr and find a your looksmatch troon to hook up with and date you can still do that

and dont kys cause u are not picrel, remember it could always be a trillion times worse
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Your reply does despairingly little to inspire hope

Try to find solace in the fact that you're transitioning now instead of leading several more years of repping & the rest of your life in regret.

Try to maximize your transition too, get laser, cycle/lose weight, learn makeup, do skincare, and get a corset if you are built like a refrigerator etc.

>got put on more meds recently, but everything feels utterly and totally joyless most of the time
lifestyle changes, lifestyle changes. stop being a neet and get out more, try to find a hobby and make friends connecting thru that.

>nobody's ever going to see me as the woman I am, it's tragic
go get queer friends they will see you as whatever you want
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>lifestyle changes, lifestyle changes. stop being a neet and get out more, try to find a hobby and make friends connecting thru that.
It's easier said than done

by a lot.

>go get queer friends they will see you as whatever you want
y-yeah haha, ill just.. go get some friends! haha

>y-yeah haha, ill just.. go get some friends! haha really....
yes haha really if you want to be seen as female go get equally faggot friends that wholly accept your identity regardless of how passing you are. This will probably boost your self esteem in the short term until you can get to a point where you are confident in your own looks.

ultimately your life is what you make of it. Stay in the pit of despair you've dug for yourself or slowly crawl out on your own, either way nobody is coming to save you, and i mean nobody.
take it easy anon, ill be ending it soon. i really feel like you don't understand how long and how hard ive been trying, oh well
>ill be ending it soon
see u tomorrow lol
I hope u get the help you desperately need soon
i've been.......getting help, i got put on more meds. .i've been seeing a psych, it doesnt matter
oh no I mean like the nuclear option sort of "help" where you get involuntarily committed and given latuda
don't worry about that, i could die and not be found for literal days.
oh then get urself committed and get latuda
I don't want to anon, i'd rather die than be committed.
Stop smoking weed, it makes the meds ineffective.
if i stopped blazing it, i would definitely not last a day.
you aren't really trans if you repped until 25 hon
garbage take
I don't have anything revolutionary to say since I am also a neet who wakes up every day trying not to kms. Life is heavy. Assuming you have a somewhat functional body I think the best option is exposing yourself to new experiences or activities regularly. Not on the internet, irl: picking up an instrument for the first time, taking the train to some farway place for a day for no reason, learning how to cook a new meal... I think that's where I've had the most luck finding snippets of joy.
Friends are good too obviously but it gets harder past the age of 23ish imo.
>I think the best option is exposing yourself to new experiences or activities regularly. Not on the internet, irl: picking up an instrument for the first time, taking the train to some farway place for a day for no reason, learning how to cook a new meal... I think that's where I've had the most luck finding snippets of joy.

i wish i could anon, i wish i could, i can't, i don't have the means, i don't have much money and i have nothing to do outside, i have no friends, nothiung. I wish. I crave new experiences. I'm desperate for anything to break this monotony
I feel you. I'm not in the best situation for gettting new experiences either. Even then... There are things we can do that don't require much money. You have to look around a little but in general:
If you're lucky enough to live in the city there's sometimes free events held by libraries, museums, various centers and groups.
If you're in the countryside there's nature. I know that might sound a little underwhelming but sometimes a new experience can be going back to an old place and insisting on seeing from a new perspective. Like taking the time to sit down and study all the bugs in the grass, or trying to identify birdsong. It's a rich man's world but sometimes a new dish is just spaghetti with aglio e olio.
>>"artist" (neet)
better than being neet (not an artist)
not really. art, as a passion, requires you to be in a better emotional state than what i am perpetually in to create good work, and it's become something that eats at me, rips me apart inside. I can't quite describe how helpless it feels to be unable to create
i mean i'm not an artist, as i said, so i can't relate. but i've constantly seen people say their favorite artist (mostly music) created better stuff when they were depressed. unfortunately i can't name any, cause i never cared for music. but i think there's a balance when art is used for expression
misery is one thing

a level of anguish so excruciating all i can think about is suicide, is another, for hours, days, weeks, constantly.
How do people only do weed exclusively?
Aren't you bored?
Get better drugs if you're just going to waste your life away.
I mostly do it as cope, it's fine for what it is, it's better than drinking.

I'd do harder stuff if i had the money, weed is cheap
>I'd do harder stuff if i had the money, weed is cheap
meth is cheaper than weed
so is morphine and heroin
stop being a sissy
i'm not becoming a methhead to avoid my suicidal ideation are you kidding me right now?? this doesn't even justify humoring
There are methheads more functional than you.
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Are you kidding me?? Functional as in the only function they serve is to do more meth, and that's everything to them, are you kidding me?? is this a bit?? i'm flabbergasted that you'd come here and post this, i'm not sure if i should be pissed off
sissies when dey nigger plant
>This thread has been pruned or deleted
make manmoder friends!!
a 40 year old repper in a shithole is more trutrans than a youngshit with supportive parents in seattle
are you good at art

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