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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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prev >>36328858
more like tulsi haggard #rekt
To escape the US' descent into fascism?
i think she's proper fit
Muslims have it so good in British prisons
I was cute pre hrt ?
pickmes against the wall
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Me and the bf
Tulsi is really pretty hindu, what are you even on about?
At least they speak interesting which will be amusing for about a month. Then you'd have to figure out what else is amusing about the Bri'ish
yes, you looked like a top and straight
what do you look like as a woman now?
>uncut dick
As opposed to ours?

Keep it gay at least
What if Vivek were to troon out?
how is UK descending into fascism? by flying the British flag in public?
Is there nowhere to go? I am a music history major.
You're making a strawman argument anyway. I never said white people are better than other races because of genetics. So that's your attempt to sidetrack my point anyway. Science hasn't able to pinpoint why white people as a collective we better than other races.
circumcision isn't required in Islam despite what you may think
i need a guy to basically use my hole, he has to be really cute though, otherwise it won't be hot.

I don't care for or trust the gay republican wing. It identifies with gays first, which itself is a leftist agenda, and therefore run by Jews. Its just a fact, progressives are always run by Jews and Jews put themselves first and make any fringe into leftist useful idiots. Moreover, the gays have nothing left to bitch about which is why trans became the new big thing as soon as gays got marriage. Its a dead movement. And now its going backwards because its associated with the worst of the trans and pseudo trans community.

And gays will never have the sense to wash their hands of trans loudly because at the end of the day, they just dont really care. They are too busy trying to cope with their own predictable life mess that was sold to them from the previous generation of making sex a lifelong identity and commitment.

And its "deja vu all over again". Any time any gays have departed from the political orthodoxy, they get shut down and silenced by other gay agendists, bought off or scandalized.

You will never see a gay man allowed near a microphone calling out leftist sabotage. If they do, they end up being cannibalized into some right wing meme like Milo and just get drowned out with a bunch of unrelated noise.
I was and still a full bottom lol

that nigga from the elder scrolls?
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I was and still a full bottom
Give it time

But I want to live in a country with free healthcare
do you get more action as a guy or woman?
you should probably eat more, you look malnourished
this or just stop oil throwing soup on picasso
i miss cisgaygen
>Give it time
damn, Deltoid planning a fascism from his cottage in Lancashire
i should run for office
>plan anything
Good one
I will have Delta run for prime minister of the Greens.
its a play on words like duct tape
Are you still in Lancashire? I thought you moved to London?
>the Greens
Seriously guys you're being side splitting today

Probably couldn't afford either
>strawman argument
I never said you said whites are better. This is ironically a strawman itself. I only talked about how colonials are cringe that cause their own problems and trip over their own dick blaming everyone else for them. And this applies to all colonial powers, including China and Japan. Expansionism is cringe, regardless of the fact white people don't actually exist on a genetic level because its based on flawed assumptions on phenotypes and mixed ancestry so it doesn't actually make sense. You don't need to take it personal by accusing me of something I never said.
One time I met an Irish carpenter residing in LA. Said he was from Liverpool. Came from a poor family. Was adamant about being a top. A certified rice queen. Wonder what he does these days.
What do you mean :/
fuck you delta, im voting biden anyways
>as a collective we better
Are we though? Judging by your argumentation and unironic use of fallacies I don't think that matters much in your case. No such thing as collective guilt nor collective merit. Its all from individuals of different cultures all around the world and are usually collaborative efforts.
Fuck me Delta, My ass is shaved
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Make Allah Great Again
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Im not
ai art should be a crime
Whites simply practiced colonialism on a cross-continental scale because they were the only race capable of doing so.
Arabs colonized Northern Africa, native African tribes colonized other African tribes, and the same with Amerindians in the Americas.
Again, what makes white people unique is their ability to excel beyond the abilities of other races in a practice that other races have always engaged in.
Genetics can't explain why white people were more successful at colonization than other races, so stop looking there you moron.
>Arabs colonized Northern Africa, native African tribes colonized other African tribes, and the same with Amerindians in the Americas.
Think he'll die in office?

Maybe later
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If hrt wouldn’t have killed my libido probably i would fuck more as a tranny, to be honest im happy because as a gay depressed guy i used to get a lot of bareback and its still a miracle i didnt get any std (also im a little scared of men strength)
its not only ugly, but also bad for the enviroment :(
>Genetics can't explain why white people were more successful at colonization than other races,
They likely simply went for it which the, say, Chinese were content to stay walled off and self-congratulatory
Yea, literally down the drain it went.
yall really discussing race?
moving near the edge of night
dust is dancing in the space
Manual transmission or automatic
when im sad i wanna smoke, but smoking just makes me feel worse desu
officially dropped as9
smoke what
does anyone have any videos of men being raped in prisons or war? Any male rape anybody?
Put a dick in your mouth. A penis is the cure
oh. yea, those cause cancer
someone should post penis... to revive the thread and all that
It's boring. The guest judges are now literal whos like who the fuck is Jeremy Scott
>only race capable of doing so
Not the only ones capable, but certainly the only ones willing because the muslims cut off their spice trade, which btw also have cross continental colonialism. Its not really unique to just "white people" whatever the fuck that means, unless you are one of those white people that believe muslims and arabs are white too. Whatever its such a clunky delusion, just talking about everything wrong with it resounds with the stupidity of history and the ages. The fact its not obvious to most of you is painful how far this empire is falling and built on flawed foundational ideas. Whatever, my people have been on this land longer than these nations have existed (except China) and they will continue to exist long after they are gone. One thing I do know for certain, I'm glad I'm mixed enough to tolerate heat waves, because I don't envy those who are overly reliant on technology that hasn't been built for the future of the planet. A/C won't help you when you power plants fail from their own workers collapsing in heat. The sea will boil, and the deserts will freeze. But europe will fry. And its easier and faster for humans to adapt to the cold than it is for humans to adapt to heat. And then your populations numbers will collapse to the point it won't matter and a new mythology will be born. As it always was as it will always be.
emotionally constipated
but enough about dan
last man dan starts crying as he cums and makes the bottom console him
Happy Friday. I ate 3 scoops of ice cream in celebration of Friday.
Whats interesting, telling about discussions of white colonization is that its framed in the parameters of civilization. This is where the idea of white supremacy emanates from on all sides.

What people miss, what I pay attention to, is evolutionary colonization. The fact is that humanoids benefit from civilization but they dont depend on it.

Its fine to go on about empires and rank technological advantages. And I am happy to take the win for "whites" and like civilization. But I am not taking my eye off the raw nature of life. Whites are less than 8% of the global population and dropping like flies while non-whites are expanding globally. And when civilization fails to greed as it is doing, nature isn't going to give two shits about IQs and technological advantage.

Clean water, medicine, agriculture and engineering mean fuckall when engineered famines and eco disasters hit. Africans have been surviving deserts and jungles for thousands of years. They know you don't have to be able to farm for generations to rob a farmer and survive one more generation today.

Meanwhile the power blacks out during a heat wave in the west and dozens die from a lack of air conditioning. People apparently don't realize the water is connected to the power grid also.



Hard mode: there are constantly astronomical phenomenon threatening terrestrial infrastructure that has only been around a bit over a century. Good luck.
I wanna eat popcorn and ice cream. I also have to feed the kot his pills :/
he's still haunted by his fucked up hole and inability to bottom ok
So you think climate change will bring about the downfall of Europe and North America, while I think the cause will be multiracialism corroding the core fabric and culture. We both agree that a return to dull regressive tribalism is inevitable, and you'll again turn to your predominantly white researchers at Harvard to find the root cause. Europe is culturally and spiritually fractured to a much lesser extent than America is, they'll still exist long after you and your peoples revert to wearing loinclothes and scavenging for nuts and berries along the riverbanks.
Europe took over the world because it only had parsnips and carrots and meat for the longest time as a staple diet, with famines and population booms/losses correlating to wheat losses. Then after WW2 the shock of being bombed made westerners like garbage food like Aspics and forgot all about the spices and crops they literally conquered world for because its not normal to think of europeans as existing without potatoes/corn/tomatoes/ etc. But only in the last 500 years did they develop what we think of as their national cuisine and they did so by including the heritage of those they conquered with their food and ingredients. All except for the fucking spices in UK itself. Why are they like this? IDK. Its not like there is a specific gene that you can point to that says "this person can't tolerate a bit a black pepper, thinks paprika is spicy" its almost like a purely cultural thing. I won't pass judgement on what about which or any of European cuisine is "superior" or uniquely european with only native european ingredients. But again, nothing in this world was created out of a vacuum. We all draw from the same wells and you can't do much inventing and iteration and design if you have no resources as a result of being on the losing side of wars and colonialism. If you want to see more innovation it requires investment, just like every other innovator you could possibly imagine regardless of how you categorize them.
i could probably go for hours of anal sex, but tops don't really last that long though. i remember reading somewhere that the average sex session lasts 15 minutes
what do you think? should bottoms even be allowed to have hours-long pounding sessions? if they're given what they want too often, they'll start becoming demanding.
чa чa бич
i last average of five minutes
Learn how to love.
i last a minute max, but i'm a bottom and my penis is not used to being inside men
delta forcefully raping a bottom, lancashirian style. first he dips his rape tool into a bowl of honey coating his cock entirely. he then, and without a warning, thrusts his lancashirian meat into the bottom making him squirm in pure terror. the bottom begs the lancasirian to stop but delta doesnt care and delights himself on its suffering. the bottom ends up bleeding from its hole to death with a pool of blood around its freshly defiled body. delta then gets up covered in honey and blood and walks off into the dead of the night tipping his fedora. another day another hole for the rapist of lancashire.
>muh harvards whites will save the day and multiculturalism reeeeeee
White people who are educated tend to accept constructive criticism and reflect on the preventable problems within their grasp to grapple with, its a lesson you would do well to learn yourself. Regardless, enough people are trained of "other races" that we can salvage just fine without you. Even the Chinese can single handedly replace Europe and literally nothing would change, there is nothing unique that only whites could ever offer. At this point, all human work is well on its way to being automated, so frankly no one has anything unique to really offer besides their own perspective and even that can be simulated. We wont regress though, we are too advanced at this point with data forensics and the knowledge is well spread in the global populations that no knowledge is ever truly going to be lost, let alone the principles of innovation.
I can spank your ass for hours while my dick is still rechardging if you're cool with that.
how about you leave it in and relax for a while. slow down, and pull out if you feel yourself getting too close, then you could last a little bit longer. i think they call that edging or something.
And now for my next song, which I call "Creampie Daydream".
>they'll still exist long after you and your peoples revert to wearing loinclothes and scavenging for nuts and berries along the riverbanks.

White people do this shit for vacation and for camping and bonding with nature, but when we do it year round its seen as unideal and backwards. Curious.
Harrison Schurr.
What would a gay Uncle Tom be called. Life Partner Tom or Uncle Lance?
i can't let myself get topped by anyone i wouldn't want to be bfs with because i know that if he's good at fucking me, i'd get way too attached because of my simple lizard brain that wants constant physical gratification
that's so slay money sis
>What would a gay Uncle Tom be called
a bisexual
they're called pickme gays
Dang this kitty's got claws
Usually we just call them fash, because all pickmes are basically some flavor of fash one way or another. Its not a problem until you start trying to legislate other people's lives. No one gives af about the fact everyone has a different opinion, it doesn't make you special.
I'll slash your face sis.
I'll give you buck fifty.
I think the opposite for straight people should be this guy because he is iconic.

That memesexuality deserves.
>anon types one handed as he furiously beats his meat under the desk
keep me out of your fantasies
afternoon fellow gays
How are we ending gay month?
i need a cock to bounce on.
isolated, quietly, with a whimper, and Elden ring
cooper is on a rampage today. mommy must not have restocked the tenders
I like that gays think that people who call themselves bisexuals are a threat because they are living proof of the absurdity of clinging to gay identity.

They are not. They themselves still orbit the premise of living under an identity based on both sexual interest and what gays view as 'sex'. Its the same folly of anti semite Christians who still place Judaism as the central architect of their spiritual worldview.

Nor is it heterosexuals. Given that heterosexuals exist in perpetuity as the manifest incarnation of humanity, and given that every generation of humans has some deviate group that will cling to same sex interest longer than is natural, there will always be some word in every language to identify an out-group from the majority. However gays are viewed or defined in any culture, the idea will exist for as long as language itself.

So as for people who do not have any sex based identity at all, I will leave that for discussion among yourselves. Because I doubt you can discuss something for which by definition is not visible or definable in your language.

"Eppur si muove."
mathilde poire & a sprite
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Oh you know, living the dream in paradise as usual.
Dang I need a new shtick after this. Maybe I can become an anime poster or an HRT poster
Sound off in the comments below, what should my new larp be? Don't ask me to go back to being Skylake.
I can’t deal with bisexuals
you scould sexualize short men cause they resemble teenagers
please try :(

Right cuz gay people dont cheat on each other all the time. People who limit themselves to sex or another can never truly appreciate what it means to know humanity and to love them unconditionally because they are simultaneously either incredibly narcissistic/xenophobic or self hating to the point where they dont respect women but also don't trust men around their partners even if they get salty when men get criticized. Its an inherent contradiction in the human condition that were are simultaneously self aware but also resistant to evolution we know will be for the better. As far as neuroscience go, they just have brain structures suited to reacting to both forms of stimuli.
Only if they aren’t prison gays
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Have sex with your boyfriend at least twice a day.
You just excluded 95% of bisexual men from the available pool.
go for 100%
Need an archive of all /int/ twink content
Idk why they're my new fetish
It will always be the duty of bisexuals to humanity to decide what, if any, level of tolerance homosexuals recieve from society, ceding or denying a voice of support from the ether in which we dwell.

And presently, yes, gays are on thin ice. Keep pushing and see what happens.
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omg yaaas fuck me against the window daddy <3
You know I'm not actually a bisexual, right? C'mon. I need ideas. I could start posing as an LLM fanboi
What exactly is a prison gay tho as opposed to a gay man in prison?
I didn't agree to any of that contractually.
just type shit like "pass as a local" or "in your country" on desuarchive
Sounds like a lot of work, I won't do it for free
i think being short is fun as fuck
I fell off of gayming in recent years desu i haven’t tried that one yet but it looks like something I would vibe with. I started up Horizon Zero Dawn for the first time the other night ackshually. Who so isolated dan?
You’re the turtle?
i think ppl r starting to figure out the cast of 10 already
Nearly had a panic attack on the shitter but we're safe now.

This definition just sounds like a failed bisexual that likes cock enough to get bi, so what is the prison and gay referring to?

>60 likes/4 dislikes

I don't think forced memes count as real definitions of actual slang.
Sometimes. I love sleeping, especially when people come over to cuddle. Great cuddling weather so long as you have a fan.
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>tfw you've jerked off to a pedo fucking twinks not realising that his lust during the scene was pedo lust
I feel gross just thinking about it
I'm bi and unironically think you all need to go back into the closet, regardless of the social benefits this will bring, it will be much hotter for all involved
stop being so dramatic. it's pathetic
I haven't heard any Sabrina Carpenter stuff yet, but looks like the industry to trying to prep her for the eventual and imminent destruction/disposal of Taylor swift. It's pretty obvious. Scooter Braun and all them dudes are evil as hell and hate how she destroyed their bag by re-releasing re-records, so they're definitely devising some really fucked up plan to find legal loopholes in which they can sue her into poverty/imprison her or worse.
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>literal greek god
>has jailbait boypussi on tap
>no, I MUST see children getting raped
straights are right, fags are mentally ill
nobody even knows who this carpenter chick is
sweeping overgeneralization
taylor is uncancellable
and that straight guy who made the daisy destruction videos was doing what? playing Barbie dolls with those flipino girls?? lol you're always pathetic
If a guy is stuck in prison or on a boat surrounded by other guys for years he might end up having sex there but as soon as he gets out of prison he goes right back to girls. Just like prison relationships they might use gay guys for sex and pump and dump at the first available opportunity instead of trying to foster a normal relationship.

Taylor is too big to fail. As artificial as her releases are people won't stop buying and streaming them. Anywhere she tours generate hundreds of millions of dollars for the local economy. There are a lot more people who want to protect the gravy train than there are people who want to take it down. We will be stuck with her until the heat death of the universe.
it's a love story
baby, just say "yes"
>When Americans are pissing you off
Yankee go home pls
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That just sounds like an availability thing. Women are always getting to know your family and shit, trying to make you food and mother you as a way to show their interest. Gay men just simply don't have that same homely courting dynamic, its all bathroom sex and implied rape because it was forced underground for the longest time, and repression takes its toll and makes you weird af.
>Anywhere she tours generate hundreds of millions of dollars for the local economy.
Only F for Femboy is THIS delusional.
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I have bizarre, niche kinks that lead me to consume basically zero “pornography,” in the ordinary sense of that word. Nevertheless, I know who Austin Wolf is from memes (he has sensitive nipples, I have gathered). Is he basically the most well-recognized name in gay porn?
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>Gay men just simply don't have that same homely courting dynamic, its all bathroom sex and implied rape because it was forced underground for the longest time, and repression takes its toll and makes you weird af.
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but that seems to have been a waste of time you're the reason there is so much friction between G and B cope nigger sneed CTRL+W
Truly full of true truth. No amount of evidence convinces the zealot it requires to accept gay normalization into adulthood during this age of information. It becomes neurophysically hardwired to prevent emotional horror at realizing the self sabotage one has commited and can therefore only be healed through physical negative reinforcement.

The only way a gay past 22 can have their sanity restored is by creating something even more horrifying than realizing how they've ruined their lives so early over a hoax sold to them by older perverts.

Which brings us to electro convulsive therapy, beating and the death penalty. The last being mostly for show since such zealotry by definition cannot exist within a mind that can rationally perceive consequences.

That is why gays continue to gay despite living where there are legal penalties, literal plagues, castrations and social exile. Nothing short of the certainty of daily beatings can bring them to reason, and even that is not guaranteed.
Skunk so fucking won.

average bottom
Injecting Dan with 5 different strains of AIDS and watching him suffer from behind a one way window.
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got drunk with my best bi friend and he took his shirt off and he was really touchy and bubbly today.

...when it got to the deep talk about life part, he kept on saying how he wishes to have a normal family and kids and how there's this girl he thinks is nice

We also laid in grass and I have like 100 bug bites all over my legs and arms now.... well, can't say I *didnt* have fun, though.... ha hee ho. Sadly my fantasy of being with him continues to be even more and more on life support even if we made a lot of contact today and our chemistry was just great.

It does feel more and more difficult to imagine that one day, i'd find someone that I like as much as him. Maybe indulging in this love fantasy is not very healthy at all and I am just setting myself up for an even bigger heartbreak when I get a little too drunk and just bluntly tell him I like him and he doesn't share the feelings
I mean I would love it if a cute femguy or twink went out of their way to be nurturing to me. It is in fact an effective way to get my attention. But since gay rights coincided with sexual liberation movements born out of repressed subcultures around the world, and since most men are by and large pretty horny, its not something you see often on gay dating scenes, to the point where the few monogamous gay marriages that last lifetimes without infidelity are seen as a spectacle and even outright detested by people who are so used to being secretive hate that happy couples can live openly when they had to jump through so many hoops to live without people focusing on it. The distinction is meaningless, we share a lot of the same experiences. When I have a boyfriend I get all the same shit as everyone else who does its not like Im unaware of what we are dealing with or even presuming. I think there is something to be said about the fact that for the longest time, we weren't allowed to develop our cultures openly, and doing so for the first century or so is probably gonna have some hiccups, but I do believe as any culture ages as a public figure who is part of the community and discussion people will gravitate towards and figure out what makes them the most happy. But they still need to explore and figure that out and share with their friends, pass on useful information etc. But a lot of scenes developed originally as refuges from society, and going public will always have critics, but in the long run with will always be for the better even if a few people embarrass themselves inevitably. Its just Law of big numbers, nothing can be done about keeping every last trillionth human in line. People have to discover whats best through trial and error, and that process can only really start when they aren't spending half their time hiding or avoid thinking about the fact. Clandestine survival and dual lives are very times consuming and resource intensive,not thriving.
mad scientist make a concise post challenge
you type like you have a humongous cock
Heh daily beatings *wistfully wanks the air*
one of my favorite double entendres is ‘come in handy’
Well its average, but I'm big in Japan.
that’s so hot i’m quivering rn
Are you a tripfag from /d/?
imagine dealing with a horny little annoying faggot every day
Yeah that post maxed out on character limit, no room for fancy shit like reddit spacing. Learn to read carefully maybe? You need that skill to read college textbooks.
sounds hawt :3
What is all this nonsense about skunk winning? I haven't been here since January so have missed all the tea.
no, I'm from /b/ originally but I mainly lurked and shitposted.
i miss haribo
skunk broke boomeranon. ever since then, boomeranon has been seething about le gays and their debauchery
All bottoms are like this, you get used to it. Let them be cute and interested in cringe stuff. It doesn't matter, its always adorable when they do it and make you happy.
Skunk WON
Thank you, bestie.

Rare Skunk W, I fear
he won
i already lost my miiiind miiiiiiiind :3
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pretend to be Ryan Beatty and serenade us with your voice

Skunk didn’t win. I did :-) think about that. ;-)
Boomeranon's taste getting worse by the moment
U drunk sis?
Short bottom x tall top duo.
keep skunks name out of ur mouth
he has a pregnant girlfriend now and doesn't post anymore because he's working all the time
have some respect for the soon to be British daddy
looks like david lynch
i havent done a cartwheel since i was niiiine
i havent seen my mother in a long tiiiiiime :3
>he's working all the time
That’s very out of character of him.
show pussy
First Holden and now Skunk. Who else will leave gaygen and become a breeder?
I have done far worse than fun post.

I have made gaygen cringe.

And I wish to go on... making you cringe.

I shall leave gaygen the way you left us, the way you left him.

Marooned for all eternity in the center of a dead general.
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gag on it bitch business skunk is REAL
Wait I confused u with anime blowjob. I don’t remember if we’re friends or whatever
I want to believe this so much. If it can happen for Sissy and skunk, there is still good in the world.
what tha fuckkkkk ewww ewww ewwwwwwww

im invisible im invisible im a ghostttt :3
Post vocaroo
Tank is starting to hate gays and will find a wifey
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no, i'm not drunk, i've been actually trying to stay sober lmfao lmfao rofl

show me ya pussy now now now
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you dont own meeeee im not just one of yall little toysss

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To be a man you must have honor and a penis.
honor among hoezz
I didn't realize you were such a fan
Something kept a bishit from cheating on his partner? Whoaw.
hes a boss of his own life. in control of his finances. a self-regulating entity within the busines space of the united kingdom
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precious lore
you don't need to have a penis to be a man
yea that's sweet or smth, but how many more times will it take for him to say that he's straight to break you out of your delusion?
i was a functioning alcoholic till nobody noticed my new aesthetiiiiic ;s
I like that he's not super attractive or fem and looks normal with flaws
He looks like Donatella Versace as a drag king.
shallo has nipple hair
In 2 years he'll be a masc daddy. Just watch.
wrapped up work and sang a song, thank goodness it’s Friday

but it helps
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ok now you're getting creepy and gay again
ima shave it rn just cause you said that
What is so funny?
He should lose the peach fuzz pedo stash but besides that he actually does look both feminine and attractive.
bald shallo with a beard
that was the plan from the start. you're my pawn
Stop being stupid.
please, just like, smash my bussy >.<
i'll do anything you want, could be a favor or an errand or whatever, as long as it's reasonable nothings off the table (i'd even top you). just, please, i need a big throbbing cock in my ass right now or i'm going to go crazy
hi king x

are we in the clear yet??? :s
Skunk forced to change Boomer's diaper. oWo
my brain is calcifying into a state of gay retardation
>are we in the clear yet?
yea, as soon as you let me kiss you
choke me daddy
hi diva
i’m just like DAMN its 7 AM
oh, he's still a huge faggot. His strategy is to just not have gay sex because he's afraid he would start preferring guys lol. He talks to me about fucking himself with dildos and shit. He also wanted to troon out at one point (and still kind of does). Definitely not straight. I just do not fully understand him
need cock
you're not going to find it here
ggrrr! gay
>evening dinner movie
>Conspiracy (2001), Funny Games (American) or Incredibles
Incredibles is the only one I never watched. I always say I am going to hate Pixar movies and I am always wrong.
i’m not into bottomsbianism queen :s
i have a bofy uwu

good you arent as stressed with work as before king x
Pineal Gland = PROSTRATE
many upon many have found cocksies on 4chins its like grindr youd be surprised ;s
let me milk your penis
Oh yeah definitely relationship material
do you have a permit?
Such destructive misinformation. No wonder this place attracts so many desperate lonely people if they believe this
not work but everything else literally everything
The gays here are hot, but they are unhinged af and I would never date one unless I was trying to get hurt.
i'm applying for one, orally
>The gays here are hot
Lerrem know
you just don't get it :(
I should correct myself *some* gays here are hot, especially on /int/ but they are unhinged af and I would never date one unless I was trying to get hurt
texanon is cute though
that presidential debate was so fucking embarrassing. everything that came out of trump's mouth was a lie and biden's cognitive decline has never been more apparent. i honestly think i might sit this year's election out.
its like any other dating app but the chances of meeting a sane person is like fity fity

you got this king x

tank is cute :3
you’re so bae love you you cute lush
where is tex?
haven't seen him in a bit
i hope she’s ok
he's probably playing elden ring, no need to wrry
you slay me sis.
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Mm hmm.
best to just ignore furry autism and not post tweets
love you too king x
How would you react if your loving boyfriend decides to brew you a coffee in the morning out of the blue,but the milk you'd find in the cup would be too thick and creamy and funny tasting as he keeps looking at you and saying stuff like "Night, oh,I guess so" or "Left,right, oh, Nintendo"?
that church and GOP is shook
i wish for whats forbidden get it like boom boom boom ;3
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I can’t relate to desperation
Why isn't she running for president
do we really want her doing something stupid like nuking ireland?
No one blames you for being gay. They blame you for being too fixated to even try to cure yourselves.

Until you hit 30. By then they just figure your family making years are finished anyways and the clock is just ticking until you unleash your low smv on children and the sympathy ends.

Thats when they would rather just throw you against a wall to be shot.
No one blames you for skunk leaving. We blame you for being obsessed in the first place.
I’m 31 and my smv isn’t low so I can’t relate
>i've seen your swing
>i know it
Yes, but Australia.
when bottoms are ready to mate they let out a high-pitched, shrill-sounding screeech to let nearby tops know they're looking for a partner.
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the one o o one the one one cunt the two one two the cunty one the cunty cunty cunty ah the cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
divine masculinityTM for trademarked (with a bit of fem energy) ;s
I say soda soda, I'm high roller
Yo sir, I pose for the poster, yep!
Icy Cola Coke-a, Sprite I love the most-a!
I ride rollercoasters! I try all the cultures!
She was so real for that
I hate how people don't see the huge grey area when it comes to sex crimes against minors. Some children are whores and very precocious. We all know that girl in highschool or even middle school who was a bigtime whore at weekend parties. The one who was smoking weed and drinking alcohol before she was in her teens. The girl who had a new boyfriend years older than her every month. At least I did. She now has like 3-4 kids with different dads and she's only 22.
For me it's Treasure Island
why are you so weird about the age of consent
go to sleep grandpa
if charles can release a green album named "brat", azealia should make a beige one called "cunt"
>I post anything
>bring up poor skunk as human cope shield 3 years later as if we were e-bfs because some fat loser got rejected
And Im the one whos obsessed.
Ump shiggle bump du bump bump scunt
I get it done did it did it, the yung one sung -
Kunt diddle kunt du kunt kunt
Kunt diddle kunt du kunt kunt kunt
Yum jiggle bun du bun bun yum
A bit of fun with some gentletop — yung hung chum
Ump jiggle bump bu rrrump pump
Hump sugar lumps — harrum-pum-pump
Rum diggy dum du dum — yung punz
i lovehate camilla cabello but not the queen consort camilla the camilla that sings i luv it i luv it i luv it i luv it :s was camilla justified taking the crown for herself?
because it doesn't consider maturity levels, physical appearance, or other factors besides a designated "age"....
not all people in the same age bracket are the same mentally
the ukaians have no chill like how can u still be a royal in todays age? :s i thought the monarchy was like a feudal thing isso weirdddughhh :s
>a 55 year old man sleeping with an 18 year old is bad!
>Why? Because I said so!
ok goodnight queens my boyf calls me uwu <3
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Friday night mothafuckas!
Hating this movie
>dialogue whispers
>turn up volume
>turn down again
>whisper whisper
I hate these kinds of movies. Tf audio is this accursed sorcery?
the one you cheat on?
she won tho
RIP more to the genocides in Africa the United Kingdom did.
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what on earth are you eating?

in my experience I was precocious from the time I was around 6 when I first had my sexual thoughts about older college-aged guys, my summercamp counselor, my friends college brother, etc.

I would have acted on it if they would have initiated it which is freaky to think about. Nothing caused me to become precocious like child sexual abuse, it just occurred naturally. So I constantly have conflicting views now about the age of consent because my own moral compass isn't like others.
is that margaret thatcher?
I want to move to another country that I assume is freer than this American shithole but everyone in the Uk seems unhappy.
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Fruity pebbles. I'm trying to keep my rainbow energy at peak for the final stretch of Pride month.
Do you have any useful skills or a degree/job that are in demand? Are you willing to learn a foreign language? Try it, anon. It's easy to migrate.

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