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I’m so tired of females.
I used to think maybe I’d like AFAB trans men or enbys but holy shit stop appropriating my masculinity with none of the downsides
You’re always going to be handled with kid gloves, you’ll always have female privilege despite identifying as “male”
It’s pretty bad when men can be better women than women sometimes but a woman can never be a better man.
Everything for an AFAB is easier. Always. Transition, no transition, whatever. We will always protect our uteruses, even if they don't use 'em.

They think/claim it's "easier" as a transman, but that's just because they don't have any baggage or the mental molding via various PTSD sources that makes "a man". No training. Their speech patterns and accountability/"simp behavior" (or lack of it) betrays their true selves. They're just hyped they don't feel as vulnerable to male attention. When they actually pass and people don't want them around out of fear/anxiety, they have a hard time understanding what the fuck is going on, even though they did this to men themselves for years.
The thing is, trans men will always be treated with the best of both worlds, and not give up their fertility or AFAB TERF privilege. They hardly ever give any effort (it's shit easy to pass male immediately) and constantly talk about how trans women are just "face pedos" or some shit (however the Ovarit scrolls). They don't even see themselves as men, most don't GAS. Remember AGP and how that's considered the most shameful cringy thing you can be? These fags are bragging about being autoandrophiles and it's like… bitch.

TLDR; if trans men became infertile and malebrained instead of just estrogen filled bearded TERFs calling us ugly men (biiiitch) (who are screeching for the right to call themselves lesbians and to have AAP) they would be men, but that never happens. I will make exceptions to individuals, not the entire FTM community. Mostly, as where we transition due to GD, they transition due to a weird persecution fetish or some female purity TERF klan bullshit.
Hell, even para-poon theyfabs will take some T and feel like they "belong" to a community of other sad women that are LARPing as boutique pronoun cunts. It's all based on some very fucking flimsy reasoning (what a surprise) and this shit can kick in, ROGD-style, after some quick TikTok exposure and "therapy groups".
lol lois griffin fursona
I have had dysphoria my entire life. Hated my deadname, always liked girls better, crazy bottom dysphoria. Never realized until like 12. Some of these bitches complain that you're not manly enough for them and then pull out their ugly ass smug unpassing… what do you call a female hon? Sir?

Now don't get me wrong. There are genuine trans men out there. But the majority of them are being tainted by LARPers who spend their whole life focused on being female and muh hecking afab socialization!

Nobody on the other side wants to be any phile. But you go on r/ftm and immediately, "Oh I love autoandrophilia! Honestly it's the only reason I love transitioning!"
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Where is the magical utopia that amabs seem to live in where I supposedly get worshipped just cuz I was forcibly raised as a female? All I know is abuse and being told that I’m worthless and should kill myself, etc etc etc blah blah blah. This entire board for the past month or so has been nothing but the same boring posts over and over about the “easy mode” nonsense. But yeah you’re so oppressed becuz you can’t be live your animuuuuuwuuuu loli fantasy. Gimme a break. I refuse to self flagellate and “apologize” for the crime of being raised female against my will. You freaks who behave like angry incels who make retarded blanket statements like these are nothing more than angry narcissistic men who want women to shut up and take your abuse.
FYI….. 80% of the time these trans “women” who still act like angry incels don’t want to be women either, you are just angry failed men who can’t live up to male social standards so you think making yourself look feminine will be easier for you and get angry when you quickly realize that’s not the case. You are projecting and accusing ftms of doing the same exact shit you are doing. And that’s my problem….. why exactly?
Not all dysphoric people have social dysphoria. It is valid for them to deal with their anatomical issues only.
People misinterpret society being gynocentric as women living in lala land. Women have their own issues. Their wellbeing will always be put on a pedestal. Any issues affecting women are magnified whereas issues affecting men are ignored, violently swept under the rug, misrepresented or even celebrated (e.g. androcide via conscription, make genital mutilation).
Oh really? Being raised female "against your will…"

Oh, anon…

So painfully female.

But I will humor you.

Have you ever been called a rapist? Banned by your own community? Relentlessly torrented with anti-pooner memes? Constantly told you will never be good enough? No.

When you decided on a random tuesday, "I guess being a boy would be fun!" without any dysphoria at all, you signed up to be a superman. Not a subhuman freak. Nobody targets you. Everybody wants to have sex with/date you and you're pouring over with friends. Nevermind the fact the worst thing you'll ever have to deal with is using pronouns. We have to give up everything, including our rights, sanity, and fertility to mimic a fraction of your power, yet you throw your life away for a stupid yaoi fetish. So yes, you have it easy. Half of you just get off with really easy childbirth/no planning/no dysphoria. I hate you. While we're still men after 166 surgeries you're supposedly a heckinf valid male after one T shot and getting cumbred? Hell naw! We understand our place. You must too. TERFs anyways. Stop even wasting your time. Be an unfuckable, unlovable wasted retard who laughs about JK Rowling "protecting you".
I barely read your shitty post cuz it is very obvious you know nothing about me but okidoki

> Have you ever been called a rapist?
Nah, just actually raped
>Banned by your own community?
>Relentlessly torrented with anti-pooner memes?
Yes sir
>Constantly told you will never be good enough?
Aren’t you doing exactly that right now?

Also… who ever said I wanted to be a man, or that I just woke up and decided to be one? You know nothing about me yet you make retarded untrue blanket statements, as I already pointed out. What makes you think I even care about or feel connected with women? I have mostly been abused by women, actually. But whatever, I can just feel the seething jealousy in your words screaming at me about “how painfully female” I am. You are probably constantly called a rapist becuz you are one. Have a good night, sir, enjoy jacking off to underage anime girls and sobbing in the mirror wishing you were them ;)
>Have you ever been called a rapist? Banned by your own community? Relentlessly torrented with anti-pooner memes? Constantly told you will never be good enough?
Yes, actually.
Also lmao >no dysphoria/you only ever have to worry about pronouns
Ftms aren’t theyfabs you troglodyte
You don't really wanna be cis woman do you? Because clearly you don't even see yourself on the same level as female/afabs. What the hell are you even transitioning into?
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>holy shit stop appropriating my masculinity with none of the downsides
What are you going to do about it, pussy?
I know it's just the dysphoria speaking, but I count no dick and balls as a pretty big downside.
thats a troll they arent trans and they certainly arent afab
Not care when you start crying because a cis man raised his voice at you
feminazi DESTROYED
Your equivalent of crying is writing seething paragraphs on a Zimbabwean cheesemaking forum, which is not nearly as therapeutic as having a good cry. I pity you.
America, primarily blue and upper middle class areas.
If you’re from the rural south or Saudi Arabia your experience is def very different
>pooner transitions to desexualize themself after rape
Every time.
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That's not a pooner, that's a MTF. There's literally no FTMs in this thread.
>posting on an anonymous basket weaving site
>literally crying toxic masculinity when told to man up

No woman would want such an insensitive man and no gay man wants to deal with fembrain
not even the US army is going to draft them

i don't know anymore but i think they should enlist,

no desire to be a soldier = not a man
Kiss already fags

im so tired of moids. stop bitching for once holy shit waaah muh wombyn privilege NOBODY FUCKING CARES YOURE INSANELY DELUSIONAL IF U THINK ANY NON STEALTH BINARY TRANNY IS TREATED EVEN KINDA WELL

always with the fucking preexisting misogyny that creates these types of scrotes too idk why im surprised. god can you PLEASE fuck off idk where u came from but this is /lgbt/ and lately theres been a lot of these posts and its getting literally just painful you have 12 other boards and sites to post this go there
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>YOU WILL accept male oppression because,,, you just SHOULD okay???
>YOU WILL WANT the downsides of being male
>YOU WILL NOT like the privilege you have
>YOU WILL NOT like having it easy
didnt read kill yourself shitjak poster your slimy greasy lard hands are ruining your keyboard
I am not fat and you will have to face the reality that nobody wants the downsides of being male, but I'm afab so I don't worry about that too much
obvious troll is obvious

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