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You must post art
shoutouts to the anon last thread >>36176194 who helped me shit up the thread by giving me attention when i have "drawn" for fewer than 30 hours and was complaining about where that got me (nowhere). they linked me a youtube video >>36266370 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewHVHPGS_LU) that basically taught me in the most roundabout way possible to stop deleting shitty strokes (the video was about traditional media and redoing the entire piece cause of one failed stroke, so digital media is cheating, but still). it helps a lot with motivation to continue driving a """"piece"""" into the ground when my complete lack of line confidence means 99/100 strokes i do make me wanna kms. with this logic, drawing IS fun, since it's absurd how retarded the end result looks, rather than depressing. i encourage all non-artists considering picking up drawing to do the same
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Should've named it drawgen. I wonder if bumpanon finally got a life.
that was me :D
>I wonder if bumpanon finally got a life.
i didn't. i only started formatting a post to stealth bump it after the thread got to the arbitrary spot on the board i always bump it (the third row from the bottom on my arbitrary browser width that shows nine threads per row). HOWEVER, i will try to get a life late july, since my birthday is around there, and being an aging NEET is getting more embarrassing than i can deal with. i will stop bumping art threads as soon as august comes around. which is a double-edged sword, as i said once, since spontaneous art threads always get more traffic than the constant one i bump, but it means less opportunity for people to contribute. so it is what it is
also i agree that drawgen is a better name, only because since wakarimasen went down, we lost the ability to do three-character searches on /tttt/ archives. so this thread will be lost to time. i get that "art" is a broader term than "draw", though. so maybe "artgen" would be better. but unless you know artgen had ever existed to search for it specifically, weirdos like me who stalk archives would only search "draw*" (asterisk for wildcard searches)
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I'm glad you're continuing your journey. Now post something even if it's shit
At least drawgen is in the replies and someone can possibly find it that way
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face looks like an owl to me
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oh sweet a tranart thread
love the runny mascara
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Draw thread is my personal favorite, but I try to keep it as ambiguous as possible so people don't bitch if they make art that aren't paintings/drawing, however there's always one of you complaining either way.
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bumping with old panels made for a homestuck fan comic
Damn that looks official
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its not hard to mimic hussies artstyle its actually really fun and effictient when you get the hang of it, too much time was wasted drawing fantrolls all made in the same shitty fucking paperdoll editor
why is so top heavy? is she trans?
also I think you need some over all anatomy help this pose is impossible and looks yuck
Suggestions on improvement anon?
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thank you
funny faces
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I’m working on something different using only paper and glue, it’s a ton of layers using only 4 shades of red cardstock right now
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self portrait i doodled in about 2 seconds while getting increasingly pissed off at a brown trannoid
gotta be a poon
i would impregnate you with female semen
i love my vampy boy so much
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Sexual tensions?
Stupid arguments of the woman variety?
the last one...
are you the big booby bunny moder or another furry tranny that i love
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>are you the big booby bunny moder
in the flesh, or fur

i was feeling catgirl-y, idk haha
i will start drawing i promise.....
i want you so fucking bad its unreal dude im gonna have an epileptic seizure from how much blood is in my penis
I must admit it kinda catches me off guard how forward this is

i appreciate it
yeah idk i like furries
my dick hurts so bad i want u and to smoke weed with u while i draw furry porn that i will then masturbate to post coitus
sorry forgot to get back to you. the faces and your overall design for the first post are really good. I think just working on how you draw bodies and poses is necessary. just understanding the way the body works more
that's really very cute anon, i get pretty cuddly when im high, like rn
im high too
can i flirt with u
srry but big titty stoner furries make me horny
I think it's cute anon, yes you can flirt with me, haha. It's a cute thing to be into too, lmao
ok but i warn you i want to fuck you to the point youre blacked out longer than you would be on xanax
Goodness anon, all from my drawings? it sounds very.. passionate..
half from the drawings mostly from the person drawing them..
Well im happy that you're not a racist.
Hope you two can settle the dispute peacefully
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haven't finished any pieces since this..
because im a bit of a big booby bunnymoder myself? lol
yea... i mean soft girl plus weed = cumming ropes
sorry i cant help it
talk more about the bunny boobies.. ive been a fan since that thread
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well i gave my sona big boobs because like, around when i started transitioning i got a lot of boob growth, i have an irl friend i chat to about drawing furries lol she's another tgirl
how big. im dying i need big booby bunnymoder titfuck and ass in my life
right now they're like, big palmfuls and then some, haha, i have a bralette that's pretty snug, ill have to get actual cup measurements soon
let me measure them for you..
i am struggling to have any conversation beyond "BREED AND KISS"
be my guest, only measurement i can give you right now is that i'm 6'1" lol, and high.
>breed and kiss
that made me giggle a bit, i guess you just wanna keep chatting to me huh?
hgg height dif
>i guess you just wanna keep chatting to me huh?
yes yes and yes and as much as i love these threads ill shit it up anyways for BUNNY BOOBAS
that is pretty cute, and it's cute that you're shorter too. Im gonna order some food in a bit too, heheh, so im not really going anywhere
im getting food and more weed... we can talk on disc later too maybe :3
oooo idk anon im shyyy
smoke more and let me make u blush
i must admit im pretty flushed ehe
i can help make other parts of ur body flushed and share a few zips of weed..
what did anon mean by this i wonder...
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This was for a gameboy challenge, but I didn't get to finish it in time
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>62 replies
>19 images
just a little uh you know rubbing and oiling
sorry ill draw later when i have a hand free
wellll, hard to say no to that, especially when im this high, haha
sorry i posted a few drawings,i should post more, but i dont wanna like fill a thread with my art when there are other artists..
In progress bird I’m working on painting. Wish I had more time to paint.
you should fill the thread with your art
then send me more of it while i fill you :3
Im dying
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my latest creation (in russian voice)
blood pressure jacked up
bunn moder nooo
post art NOW
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I don't understand how mirrors work
How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real
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Mirrors are just portals, and our twins on other side sometimes are slacking
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i do fetishy tg shit
taint porn
not that anon but idk what this is. explain?
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^_^ mspainty
like, boymoder taints..
need sleepy tranny to rot in bed with
ok, now i really don't understand. when you just said "taints?" and "taint porn", i thought you were referring to some type of tg porn i had never heard of, since i have no interest in or knowledge of that scene. but you appear to've literally meant taint, the body part, as in the perineum. i don't see how that was anything but a non sequitur to that anon saying they mostly draw tg. and you said "taint porn" as if drawing an amab's behind is a genre of porn people should be familiar with. am i just missing something?
responding to myself but i think i confused myself. i thought "tg" meant genderswap somehow. but anon's replies still confuse me. but sorta makes sense, asking to see amab behind, now?
just anything that has a tranny taint in it. tranny taints are one of my favorite things on earth
sorry, that post of mine was based on confusion. what i thought happened was the artist who said they drew "tg" was saying they dew genderswap transformation stuff. so i thought your replies were asking if they do a "taint" sort of corruption/ identity loss transformation thing. so when you said by taint you meant the perineum, i got 200% confused, and googled "tg porn" myself to find it just means "transgender". i've seen "tg" a lot in the wild, but thought it meant gender transformation the whole time. like not tranny stuff, but magical and shit

but anyway, i understand now the logic behind asking someone who draws tg (transgenders) if they've drawn an amab's rear before. it was just the way you phrased asking mixed with my misunderstanding of "tg" that made me ultra confused
transition goals. i wish i could be a bunnymoder
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Wish i ever had anything interesting to make let alone finish
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i just read this entire convo and i felt my eyes well up with tears from how hot and beautiful this convo was. i love flirting so much, and you two are the best at it, seriously. i can easily rub one out to this convo right now. PLEASE do it again if you ever get the opportunity, drawgen be damned
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This is pure art
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Relatable. I have idea how people create fully rendered paintings, I've never pulled that off even once in my life.
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People who can render are amazing. Even crappy coloring makes a drawing more lively. Guh.
Mike is so applejack coded, why would you do this
Just my favorite character from both shows.
Going out i'll make an applejack for you later
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twink alert
rendering is a lot easier than line drawing tbqh. it's daunting at first when you don'y know what you're doing but once you get over the initial knowledge wall it is very approachable. the best thing you can do if you want to learn it is just set aside an hour for life drawing every single day

how to render by scott robertson is a good introduction and alla prima by schmid is a good primer to learning to think about colors in an intuitive way
graphic la & huevaluechroma.com also helped me a lot personally
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witness greatness
i can't tell what i'm looking at
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do you rike tho
i can't tell
lmao, they were better a while ago, i got worse at it
puppy snuggies :3
do you think picture references on a computer screen can at all be an alternative to life drawing?
are there any drawings guides that anons would like to recommend so someone trying to start for the first time
I am drawing a thing for a outfit design contest and this is what I have so far.
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never trying animation again
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I never post here but here are my 2 minute doodles
Using acrylic markers so the coloring looks muddy cause I'm too impatient for it to dry
i am basically in the same boat, but at this point i've watched a few drawing videos that caught my fancy, picked up some vocabulary related to drawing, and tried different things in the hopes of getting drawing to stick for me. if you don't struggle with motivation, you already made it. but even so, watch the youtube video an anon linked for me once >>36341690. otherwise, i personally started by watching some "draw like a sir" videos, namely the first on the "Tutorials" playlist on his youtube channel:

but i thought it would be more concrete, and the point where he tells you to pick up a pen made me think it was a video i could follow along with. it's not. it didn't really mean much to me, considering. i tried to follow along with one of his anatomy videos daily:

but it just left me feeling frustrated, since i had no line confidence, and was just redoing every line 100 times over (as per the first video, do not do this) until it remotely resembled what i was trying for. it literally took me 1-2 hours to do a single two-layer abysmal drawing of a human, so i complained, and someone put me onto gesture drawing. i started here:

but i found that when trying it myself, i simply do not understand his philosophy of refusing to draw straight lines, and drawing bones (namely the spine) instead of the actual body parts you can see. i had to draw a gesture of a spine that is literally a straight line, and had no idea how he would've done it, so i dropped his method. i tried drawabox next, which is so fundamental it really is a must (teaches you perspective, to draw using your shoulder rather than your wrist), but (cont.)
Fuckkk I love these so much, they’re excellent for 2 minutes, like EXCELLENT!
(cont.) but i lost motivation when it demanded a purely theoretical arrangement of boxes in perspective, very early into the course, that didn't interest me at all. i was only informally following the course (it demands a bunch of shit i detailed here >>36266235, which i took no part in, so i was instead just following along alone with non-standardized tools). but if you can push through that, or even follow the course as intended, by adhering to their rules, i am sure the legacy of the course's influence speaks for itself that it will work wonders for you. but personally i am just back to drawing gestures. calling it a "gesture" is a stretch, since i just pull up a reference image and scribble the outline. but i am just hoping for the line confidence to hit me eventually so i can do something with more structure. also here are the drawabox links i couldn't include in the last post due to the character limit:
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not done yet, but its somethin ive been workin on for a bit.
i want her
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she's my sona, i can post more if you'd like. :>
post one of her tummy pls
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i dont know if i have a *good* drawing of my tum but i can look
based. her tummy is my favorite part, but thicc women deserve the world
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she seems to be going through it, but disheveled hair is top tier, so selfishly, better for me
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heheh, thats from when i was going through the airport. was very miserable, and very sweaty. here's a doodle here, as well. not very high quality but very scandalous nonetheless.
oh shit, it's suddenly WAY more intimate that i know it's literally you and your lived experience. hot as fuck. sorry you suffered, though, lmao. but everything else just makes it better, for me. and love the tummy. was always my favorite part of every girl who had one to show off
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im happy you're liking these messy doodles, eheh.
(to clarify, the tongue is just cause i bit my tongue these days, ehe :p)
fuck, i love it. tummy in dresses is simply the best. pretty much just highlighting your entire figure. and love the eyes in this one
>(to clarify, the tongue is just cause i bit my tongue these days, ehe :p)
oooh, i see. cute. hope it doesn't hurt too much
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im glad you like it!
its doing fine now, mainly was just cool, ehe.
if you're a fan of suffering though, here's the rest of the airport extravaganza. (drawn On the planes!)
planes are not designed with big women in mind.
>big women
damn right!! but sorry again for your suffering, lmao. but for what it's worth, you're proportions are absolutely amazing, and the fact that it leads to experiences like these is basically porn to me. i love it. thanks for drawing it, even though you probably did so to vent. wildly cute
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ehehe, im glad you find it so cute.,, it *was* drawn to vent (as is a lot of my art), but im happy if anyone gets anything out of it.
hot. lovely. perfect
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roman twink hurt his slave boytoy a little bit too much (he also gouged out his eyes)
Shin megami tensei
reminds me of tainted jacob and dark esau from the binding of isaac
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you just got to force yourself to color more, something that helps me is to check the grey levels on a drawing and focus on those more than the colors themselves, also dont be afraid to jump around the color wheel
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I remember reading your posts in the last thread and relating to them a lot. Thanks for the infodump, I'll try to update in the future if I'm able to
cheers, anon. and godspeed
I'll try my best. I mainly just want to draw my OCs and other paracosm insanities. It sucks when there's so much shit bottled in my head but I lack a satisfactory way to showcase it. Big part of why I am also trying to get into writing as well.

And in an attempt to not clog this thread with text posts, I drew this months ago while high so I feel detached enough to not feel shame from it. It's a character from that sonic tamers12345 channel that my friend asked me to draw.
cute. and i relate, lol. but i was more creative a long time ago. nowadays i just wanted to draw to be able to give back to the scenes that provided me content my whole life. but if i can do my vision justice, i'd definitely dig deep and produce some stuff i would have if i could have a long time ago
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sequence 1 of a larger animation project, intended to maybe not-so-subtly express a dysphoric kid growing up
This was my draw for today
This is very cute anon, good job
drawgen got me cryin in the club again. but i will say that i don't understand what the smiling worried expression in the final frame is meant to convey. i don't intepret it as distress at all
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thanks. The artstyle is planned to evolve as the animation continues, so it'll be a little more like picrel in the middle of it
>i don't understand what the smiling worried expression in the final frame is meant to convey
it was meant to convey cope. The invisible authority (originally planned to be a waggling finger but I didn't like how it turned out) has at least given the child SOMETHING to play with, this is what's allowed for a small boy
I can expand the scene further with the kid walking off a little dejectedly to maybe go play baseball

I'm grateful to say that I didn't get this treatment from my parents. My mom even had an old baby doll I was allowed to play with (its eyes even closed when you held it horizontally, a simple trick but amazing when you're a little kid). But it was clear at school and daycare what I was and wasn't allowed to like, and so repression began
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