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my ribcage feels and looks massive. im 36" underbust pretty much to the bone at 169cm.

what's the cutoff? when do you become a ribhon?
is your rib cage disproportionately bigger than your body
ur a ribhon
t. 170cm with 36" underbust
we're twins!
hmm i'm 6'2 with 31 inch
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38 inch
ur honestly cute dakota
stay winning
i wish i looked endearing in the way u do instead of looking like a bitchy twink (which is basically what i am ig)
183cm / 6'1" tall
38 inch underbust

But I'm also very overweight. Hopefully my underbust shrinks once I lose 80 lbs.
shit that pic is what dysphoria feels like for sure
5'4 afab with a 32 inch ribcage, it's huge and i have problems fitting in womens clothing
bro how
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more bdd posting? oh goodie (mtf)
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i'm 32 at 173 and i feel like not terrible but still bad
my underbust is 31" at 5'8" which is not great but also not terrible. I'm a fat fuck 165 pounder so my hope is I can still lose a bit
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32" at 184cm/6 foot 0.5in am i a hon hehehehehehe im a hon guys im definitely not fishing for compliments hehehehehehe hahahaha noooooo i will NEVER pass hehehe proceedes to post enormous tits (C cups btw)
36' isn't great but tbqh it's more about proportions and how your ribcage looks compared to your hips and lower body. you could have a ribcage measurement that sounds big on paper but if your hips are wider then it's not really a big deal, equally you could have a relatively small ribcage circumference but be built like a fridge with no waist or hips.
Could you please link the website you used for this? Thanks!

28” underbust
31 at 175cm. It's one of the qualities of my appearance that I'm the least comfortable about, because I feel like women's clothing just isn't really designed for it. In theory, it doesn't look that high compared to what it could've been, but it feels massive and I hate it and it makes me want to die.
really not bad, civilian data example in cm
pretty much exact same measurements and i'm in the same boat lol it sounds okay on paper especially since my other measurements are decent but it feels huge and like women's clothing fits it awkwardly. there is also an element of doom about it just because it's largely unchangeable, at least if you don't like parts of your face for example you can change that with surgery but you're kinda stuck with your ribcage. makes me worry i'll never feel totally comfortable with my appearance.
That chart takes into account cis woman boob sizes though, which I do not have. It doesn't look too bad in terms of where it falls statistically, but it feels very bad when I see it in a mirror. Especially from side angles when I see my ribcage jutting out over my waist. All I can really do is dress in baggy tops and sweaters to hide it, and then it looks kinda fine.
Underbust does not include boob
Underbust is below boob (lit. "under" "bust"/"boob")
Ah right, fair enough, I'm stupid. Still, it doesn't really take away that I can visually tell that my ribcage is disproportionally large compared to that of cis women.
No it isnt, you just have body dysmorphia
There’s no cutoff. Does it look disproportionate, that’s all there is to it.
Also, breadth is more important than circumference and is what you’re looking at in the mirror.
I'm 38" at 165cm/5'5"

I have DDs which help a bit but they're still wide set unfortunately
it's a bit disproportionate but not like the picrel
haha us :')
somehow still closer to the female average on the ansur, it really is over for me
fuck youuu luckshits >:(
my hips are reasonably wide and they'll probably be at the female average or more after i get some fat redistribution. but my bigass ribcage will still be bigger overall unless they end up WAY wider.
do u "people" have nothing better to do than come into my thread and humblebrag?
30cm breadth, so still bad but not as bad as underbust.

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