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Qott: Have you ever been to the ocean? Also Should trans women tuck in swimwear?

There ya go OP helpin you out.
There's this trans girl on twitter who's DDD cup and 7 inches and I need a girl like that so bad it's unreal. I am a masc cis dude though so i'm not the type for that kind of girl.

my hometown is a beachside town so yes, and trans girls should do whatever they want with it. I think they shouldn't have to tuck but I understand wanting to avoid undue attention as well.
First 'cado on da 'log
gm chasergen!!!

>Qott: Have you ever been to the ocean?
yes many times lol
>Also Should trans women tuck in swimwear?
absolutely 100000%

I would rather die than go to a public beach untucked
Trannies should wear white bikini bottoms untucked that become see-through when wet
hi chasers. i have a question im gonna ask here idk where else i could. so, im a straight agp tranny and i have a long term boyfriend who thinks im hsts. i might have told him im agp years ago but i dont think he remembers. should i tell him? if you were dating a tranny and she was agp would you be offended or hurt? or offended or hurt bc she hid it?
no I just have dysphoria and don't want anybody noticing the part of me that literally makes me most dysphoric?

when I go to the beach I want to pass lmao not have people go "waow look at that tranny"
Gm Ava-chan. I'm glad you're such a good girl and so lady like. A proper, presentable future GF
gm anon! thank you <3
>a delightfully devilish wave bowls you over and untucks you
>you cannot leave the water or your delightfully full delight will be on display
>but you cannot swim forever
What do you do?
Is it gonna change anything when it comes to him fucking you sideways, when whatever made up tranny shit you think up next? Are you gonna worry about your star signs next?
drown myself immediately
Why would it make a difference, if you love him and he loves you? What's the big deal about this? tranners please enlighten me
>delightfully full delight
i think your brain is unfortunately immensely poisoned and you should leave this board as fast as you can.
no, but I have been to two of the Great Lakes if that's worth anything. and while i havent been swimming since i started my transition my answer is yes unless they have a swim skirt (which i do for when i finally go swimming again)
When I go to the beach I put fear in the hearts of men and lust in the loins of women with my girl bulge.
no it wont change anything im just worried if he found out he would think i dont love him or something..
it wouldn't make a difference i just dont want him to like me less
you're probably right
I haven't gone swimming in like 10 years. I should go swimming before the summer is over and show the whole world my underdeveloped cone tits
>i dont love him or something
I'm a man whose on this board, and I still dont care or understand that tranny blanchard stuff. If I girl can suck my soul out of my cock, and will let me smash all the time, I'm sure shes committed to me
im just worried if he found out he would think i dont love him or something
>it wouldn't make a difference i just dont want him to like me less
So is it about him liking you less, or about him thinking you like him less? Just reassure him that you love him. It's not healthy to keep secrets like this
I bet
Sure why not.
its not fear you'll be putting in my heart, i tell you what
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I love Adriana Lima. but for a thread about trans women you should have used a beautiful trans woman instead
yes. no.
I'm in a committed relationship with my sex therapist
i have been unbanned from /tttt/ !!!

yes ive been to the ocean many many times. i grew up right near it, however i dont care much for the beach or the ocean. tends to make me very uncomfortable and dysphoric, so i haven’t been in years.
trans women should tuck at the beach.
Welcome back, was it the tummy pic?
lol it was yeah
Wtf is this op, it's chasergen, if you want cis girls wtf are you doing here, also i bet op is an old boomer who complains about zoomers
oh i do both of those things for him. are men really that easy to please?
its about both of those things. and if it's unhealthy, are you saying i should tell him? what if he gets upset
Lmao people were posting worse stuff than that. I guess the mods really hate tummy pics over everything else
it sucks so bad that this board bans selfies now, I really liked getting attention for being handsome ish lmfao

>are men really that easy to please
different people have different needs but yeah cumming a lot helps a ton

also does your boyfriend even know what those are? not to be an asshole but agp and htst aren't really real, so it shouldn't have any bearing on your relationship.
my tummy pic wasnt good enough to get me banned :(
i guess it makes sense tho, urs was way sluttier than mine
I always wanted a katana, today i am the proud owner of one
>does your boyfriend even know what those are
not exactly but i think he would be able to quickly form an opinion on which one is the straight girl and which one is the fetishistic man
Oh yeah, it's watching Slay the Spire until I fall asleep time
You're not a fetishistic man. I think you've just been fed bad info and are overthinking. Blanchard's work has been famously discredited as it has very little basis in solid research or study, you shouldn't take any of that stuff to heart.
Ive been to the Atlantic while i visited Bermuda

As for the other question, its whatever the woman wants sure id enjoy seeing her untucked but thats unsafe for her and might make her nervous

Nude beaches are cool as a concept return to nature etc but are embarrassing irl
i hope so i just worry i guess. sorry and also thank you
Most swimwear isn't designed to handle the gock. So when Karen from Tampa Bay sees the tip poking out she's gonna freak the fuck out.
playing minecraft with keepinventory false is stupid. im trying to have fun playing a block game where i build farms and villages and losing all my equipment when a skeleton shoots me is dumb. itd be fine if you just lost xp but how am i even supposed to get my stuff back if my armour and sword are lost too
you don't have to apologize, don't worry anon. I think things will be ok for you.
maybe don't die you dumbass
>but are embarrassing irl
There's always 5 of these guys at a nude beach
oh im sorry i didnt realise i was supposed to not do anything in the fucking game until i got enchanted diamond armour. the modern fucking combat system makes it impossible to deal with more than one mob at once if they're in close quarters.
>Have you ever been to the ocean?
Yeah I live next to it
>Also Should trans women tuck in swimwear?
I dunno, I haven't worn swimwear for about half my life now on account on my disgusting rape appendage
lol git gud you retard, you can kill everything in that shit game with just your fists
>disgusting rape appendage

jesus christ. hope you can get srs soon, anon
Me too! It's slowly rolling forwards
im sorry what part of "trying to have fun" did you not understand. if i wanted to play a challenging game with lots of fighting i'd choose a game that isn't about making silly things with blocks.
brother there is nothing challenging about minecrap, you just suck ass, you can punch everything to death
Is this gen full of boomers?
glad to hear it:)
most things in the game take 20 fucking hits and kill you in three. it's easier to kill normal enemies in fucking dark souls
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I think you're forgetting one very important thing
you can destroy and place blocks, and your enemies can't
maybe try using that to your advantage you retard
better yet maybe just cut your cock off already you failed sissy man
Why am I so afraid to tell my parents I'm trans? I've been transitioning for close to 5 years now, haven't seen them since the pandemic. My mother asked me for my HBO Max logins and I changed it back to my deadname, just so I didn't have to explain why it has a woman's name.
Damn, what's it like to be 30? Having back pain already, pops?
i cant place blocks if i dont have any because i lost all my shit when i last died !!!!
damn what a shame it's almost like the game encourages you to store stuff in chests???
cuz you know
there are craftable chests in the games
where you can store excess blocks
and backup armors and items
man that sucks.............
will you two shut up, jesus christ
again ur making the argument that i should simply not die until i get lots of gear and materials, the obtaining of which usually has at least one death involved!
i lost my only diamond pickaxe im allowed to be angry >:(
Shove it up your ass
but I LOST it so I CANT
pls respond
i dunno, have you tried rehearsing it or something? i dont remember how i came out to my parents but like. do u have a reason to think they'll be unsupportive?
Make a new one and fuck yourself with it
i CANT i used all my diamonds to make it!!
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suck my cock bitch
lol imagine actually dying in minecraft
They'll support it, I know that, but what they won't support is that I hid it from them for so long.
so your options are come out now and have them be mad you hid it for five years, or come out later and have them be mad you hid it for >5 years.
What do I do? I don't even live with them anymore, they live in Rhode Island, I live in Washington state with 2 other trannies.
I miss namefagging Im getting 10x less (you)s
Yes, I have been in the ocean before. As for your other question, I couldn't give any less of a fuck. That's her decision to make, not mine.
need tranner to plap
kill stab murder jade
Who r u
I want to platonically impregnate Naoto.
What happened to you now
I want to platonically impregnate Nikocado.
With my pp
i had a meh day but i was in a lobby with this super gigachad fighter on dark and darker and i wanted to be his healer rly bad >-<
sounds like you wanted to get ploughed
Ye for some reason healing men and them being proud of me after is like heroin in my veins
So do you stream? Or just playing offline, would've been funny to see your horny ass
yea my twitch is orchidspiderlily but my internet sucks so badly its over for me
>No vids
Bruh, what? Do you even stream
chinchilla chimichanga
What does this mean
have you ever seen a dog
I want to platonically bring Naoto all the way down to the base of my cock.
Yes i have, why?
can I interest you in an inertia based startup
did it make you feel closer to god
a what now
Im more of a cat person but yes pets do bring me lots of joy and happiness
A hasbeen.
what happens now will forebode what is to come
of course. as expected.
what about the unexpected and uninvited?
they will be met and shown why.
I will visit you tonight, I have been given permission by my own authority and momentum
>Qott: Have you ever been to the ocean?
I live near the ocean and grew up here. I love the sea but could never go swimming now as a grotesque manmoder freak x_x
>Should trans women tuck in swimwear?
yeah obvs if there's people around
Anons who have fwbs, do you usually get last minute booty calls and do it really late during weekends or do you plan things ahead of time?
not really i dont have vods or whatever i guess plus like i said my internet is rly bad but i want to do more stuff.
I'm all 5 of them with my turtleheading dick out on full display cruising for beach tbabes
chat I've just discovered I'm out of miso soup and I haven't been able to stop crying

what the fuck do I do in this situation?
my fire, my wrath, my fury, I am inexorable
you will be my soup, fueling me for years to come
Find the nearest sweaty gooch and suck on it
Similar flavor
I don't think I want to be a soup

I have some freeze-dried miso packs in my pantry that are decent
another tierlist-less general, sigh..
well I don't
Sorry for getting you banned by demanding you to post it. Don't really regret it at all tho, was a good pic, and no reason for a ban.
guys im scared i told a couple coworkers about how i matched w a guy from work on tinder a while ago and said he basically asked to fuck immediately and he has no game and he overheard it and got really mad do you guys think im gonna get in trouble?
Sorry I'm tired, I meant to say I would send you some if I could
fly to the grocery store like taylor swift
Casual. Losing all of your stuff is fun, it means you can get more stuff. It gives you a reason to keep backups. It gives you an adrenaline spike when you barely survive. It makes exploring feel like it actually matters.
it's over

trueeee but I'm not a carbon terrorist :( also hey

They genuinely drive me so fucking nuts I love them they're so pretty
Qott: Yes, every day. Probably.
arent you a billionaire
no I'm not LMAO
Agreed. I wouldn't exclude passoids to keep my dating pool wide, but when I'm looking specifically for tranners, twinkhons are where it's at. No point being a chaser otherwise.
You piss me off, don't you realize the money you could be making right now? Look at finnster, you could be copying exactly what that mf is doing, you could make an onlyfans and farm redditors for money while promoting your twitch, you could be making thousands a month you have an opportunity right in front of you yet you decide to be a useless neet
hii, hope u are well
im not that pretty or entertaining im not a skinny twink girl its not easy to just get people to want to watch you
its way way harder than u would ever believe lol, tried, failed, moved on
Disgusting moid twinkhons are meant for transbian dick.
>Have you ever been to the ocean?
>Should trans women tuck in swimwear?
ideally no. only pre-op gigapassoids need to do that. hons/boymoders should wear trunks, post-op passoids obviously dont have anything to tuck.
Start with onlyfans, promote twitch there, literally copy what finnster and other popular streamers are doing even if you have like 2 viewers keep doing it until it becomes natural, but the hardest part is to never stop doing it, do it everyday if you give up you'll end up like this >>36383548
sorry your only worth 800 mil
thank youu, you too! I'm doing well, on break atm and trying to figure out something to do lol
>two of the Great Lakes if that's worth anything.
only superior and Michigan count. the others arent big enough for waves
?? where does this meme come from lmao, no I'm not
I found it to be fairly easy.
Transbian ass are made for chaser dick
most chasers are repping transbians so technically true
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been to sea, i think tucking is silly and for drag queens
just not my cup of tea then i suppose, much more suited for the neet programmer life
good im glad! time for me to go to bed though gn
not my case tho
twinkhons are so cute
The key is good networking. Have a few streamers around your viewercount to bounce raids back and forth between so you can keep people entertained without them having nothing left to watch. Be friends with a few big streamers so that you can get raids of a few thousands viewers to juggle with your crew.
Do you have plushies to sleep with?
yea i dont know anyone so im kinda fucked honestly
Bruh you think these streamers started knowing anyone? Stop making excuses
True, I met everyone in game. They have to entertain all day, so if they come across you and you help them entertain their channel by being fun and interesting they'll appreciate you.
did u follow? idk if i post here when i stream people will just make fun of me
what do you stream? honestly it's all going to boil down to your voice
dark and darker and elden ring maybe if i get better internet tarkov
You could start by getting off here, that would be a great start, then you could also grow thicker skin, especially if you truly wanna be a streamer, ppl are gonna be mean all the time especially because you're a tranny
I'd watch a d&d stream if you're not complete dog
what to do to a tranner that
1) doesn't get stimulated from her tits or penis
2) struggles to do anal
how tf am I supposed to stimulate her
stimulate her mind
trade her in

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