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>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23494519
Bakker truly mindbroke /sffg/
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You are reading Wars of Light and Shadow by Janny Wurts, right? The series is over now so you have no excuse
Looking for something with:
>Straight lead
>Fast paced exploration of magic/technological capabilities
>Interesting twist or twists
>Little to no romance sloppa
>>Little to no romance sloppa
Unfortunately nothing like that exists.
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I just want something with a well thought out logistic network man. Something that wouldn't make me go, "Why is this a thing?". I don't care about muh prose and muh world or world building. I just want something that makes some fucking sense. Is that too much to ask?
You should considering reading engineering manuals
And that is a good thing.
Finished Titanium Noir. Was a good read if you like well noir. Way less scifi aspects than I expected. Tightly paced which worked well but went quicker than I would have liked. I figured the twist out fairly quickly though probably intended with all the clues. Oh auther turned out to be John le Carré's son and is working on a Smiley book. Maybe I missed it but after finishing I'm at a blank for why the singer was purposely killed
I dunno I don't read shit that makes sense
Look for something Japanese, they're very analytical like that. They like explaining things that could be communicated through subtext.
Have you read Reverend Insanity yet?
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Sorry I'm late. This is exactly what you're looking for.
I'm finishing up Ellison's Greatest Hits. Really enjoyable collection overall, some stronger than others and some a couple weaker but not an outright bad short story in the collection. Where do I go from herre if I want more Ellison? A good chunk of his works have been out of print for a good while but hoping more of his works get collected like this ideally I would like a Vic and Blood omnibus
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This needed another going over or two by an editor. I know it's the third book of a trilogy and when you get that far you really just want to get the whole thing out of the way and it's only people who are fans and forgiving that'll be reading it, but there's no need to be repeating the same line of exposition every time certain names and places are mentioned.
Any more S&S authors with good prose? The only author who comes close to Howard is Karl Wagner, in my opinion.
Fritz Leiber is okay. He can't match Howard's ability to write exciting action scenes but he has decent prose.
Yeah, Lieber is okay. I was hoping to find someone obscure.
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Actually good sff:
>The Hobbit
>The Time Machine
>The Broken Sword
>The Stars My Destination
>A Wizard of Earthsea
>Swords and Deviltry
>Shadow of the Torturer
>Titus Groan
>Fevre Dream
>Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
>His Majesty's Dragon
>Blind Voices
>Bridge of Birds
>Ender's Game
>The Pastel City
>Cloud Atlas
>The End of Eternity
>The Knight of the Swords
>Soon I Will Be Invincible
>Spaceman Blues
>Lord of Light
>The Forever War
>Black Leopard, Red Wolf
>Assassin's Apprentice
>A Game of Thrones
>The Darkness That Comes Before
>Jack Vance
>John Crowley
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>Jack Vance
Tell me about Lyonesse or the Demon Princes
I haven't read those yet. I need to.
I've mainly read his short stories which have all been excellent (excepting a handful of tedious scifi stories very early in his career)
The Dragon Masters is a favorite of mine.
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>It's been more then a few untainted breads now /sffg/ sisters.
>Many moons have passed since I took up the prompt.
>Mission creep beginning to set in.
>In light of this operational oversight can equivocally state I shall be commencing cessation of the recommendation service. >Sleep unwell at the knowledge that should the need arise the chimpanzee generate button lays at the ready.
>Hopefully final recommendation; Book of The Dead.
> Chimp out.
I finally read Starship Troopers now I'll never be able to watch the movie knowing we were robbed of power armor action.
Lyonesse is very fairy tale/Arthurian/mythic. It's my personal favourite fantasy series of all time, really fun.

Demon Princes is about a guy who has to hunt down these 5 super-criminals and has some of the silliest methods, don't expect super action-oriented revenge but more typical Vancian cleverness. Also really fun but I like the Planet of Adventure series better, YMMV.

we're going home bros
Too bad monkey shitposter couldn't take the popular author religious fanatics with him D:
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All right, fuck it, you shills managed to convinced me. 15 years later I'm giving Malazan another chance, pic related. I don't remember anything except quitting the first book midway through.

What should I expect?
Nifft the Lean
Most overrated tripe ever.
retard slop
wtf? is this what everyone is talking about when they say malazan has good prose? well, good thing to know I can skip it now.
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The official Mom Protagonist SFF List.
I apologize for the lengthy (ie autistic) list. I may update it later.
>Caught in Crystal (1987) by Patricia Wrede
>The Interior Life (1990) by Katherine Blake
>Raven's Duology (2004-2005) by Patricia Briggs
>Wolfblade Trilogy (2004-2005) by Jennifer Fallon
>Bridge of D'Arnath (2004-2005) by Carol Berg
>The World Gates Trilogy (2004-2005) By Holly Lisle, Arhel trilogy and Minerva Wakes too
>Dragonsbane (1985) by Barbara Hambly
>Paladin of Souls and Vorkosigan saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
>Sunrunner Saga (1988-1993) by Melanie Rawn. Mommy Sioned best yandere girl
>The Empire Trilogy (1987-1992) by Janny Wurts
>Liveship Traders (1998-200) by Robin Hobb
>Birthgrave (1975-1978) by Tanith Lee
>Karavans Trilogy (2006-2012) by Jennifer Roberson
>Skinwalkers (2014) by Wendy N. Wagner, ex-pirate Axe wielding mom!
>Frostfell (2006) by Mark Sehestedt
>Legacy of Steel (1998) by Mary H. Herbert
>The Traitor Spy Trilogy (2010-2012) by Trudi Canavan
>Sevenwaters Trilogy (1999-2001) by Juliet Marillier
>Blood songs (1987) by Robin Wayne Bailey
>Bloodsong Trilogy (1985-1986) by Asa Drake
>Gypsies (1988) by Robert Charles Wilson
>Child of Time (1991) by Robert Silverberg
>The Wayfarer Redemption (1995-1999) by Sara Douglass
>The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (1974) by Patricia A. McKillip
>The Keys to Paradise Trilogy (1987-1988) by Robert Vardeman, trio of mcs all of the same importance, veterans of the Trans-War that ravaged the country, one of them is a cat-girl who saves a slave kid and adopts him
>Bitter Angels (2009) by C.L Anderson
>The Great Wheel (1987) by Joyce Ballou Gregorian
>Daughter of the Bear King (1987) by Eleanor Arnason
>Night-Threads series by Ru Emerson, portal fantasy about a druggie mom, her sister and her teenage son.
>Frostflower adn Thorn (1980) Phyllis Ann Karr
>Fifth Millenium by S.M. Stirling, Shirley Meier, and Karen Wehrstein
>Spellsong Cycle (1997-2002) by L.E. Modesitt Jr
>The Sword of Lyric by Sharon Hinck, christian portal fantasy about a soccer mom and her son fighting against Not-Satan
>Cradle of Sea and Soill (2020) by Bernie Anes Paz
>Boneshaker (2009) Cherie Priest
>The Gap Cycle by Stephen Donaldson, absolute grimdark kino but like most of Donaldson's work it has a happy ending, the main characters just have to go through hell to get it.
>Dragon Gate by Lindsay Buroker, a six book epic about a Mother-son duo
>Memories of Ice (2001 Book 3 of Malazan Book of the Fallen) by Steven Erikson
>To Sail Beyond the Sunset (1987) by Robert Heinlein
>The War Eternal by Rob J Hayes
>Black Jewels by Anne Bishop
I'm open to any suggestions for SFF books with mom mc
And Kate Elliott's new Mom protagonist book the Keeper's Six.
BakkerWolfeVance is king etc.
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>veterans of the Trans-War that ravaged the country
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n-no esmi?
I can't take a name like that seriously. Janny? does he do it for free?
Clearly Bakker was the one whose mind broke
Shut the fuck up you fat bastard, no one believes you anymore. Go back to writing
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too ugly
I liked the series she coauthored with Raymond E. Feist, Daughter of the Empire. How does this compare to that?
Why did you shill it as the GOAT then?

No idea. Don't care about the prose desu.
>Why did you shill it as the GOAT then?
I didn't.
I picked up the first book in the series recently. Been wanting to read it for a while.
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Im on book 2 of dungeon crawler carl, really digging it. Is the rest of the litrpg this good, or is it an outlier?
fuck off
no u
DCC is an outlier among litRPG, if that's what you're asking.
she really doesn't do much, just gets raped.
Yeah, thats what im asking, its my first litrpg book
webnovel is the mindkiller
Lyonesse is about 2 gay villains who have sex with each other a lot before one of them gets killed by the hero in book 3 about 10,000,000 pages later.
I'll pretty much read anything but I hated Malazan. The characters are so one-dimensional it kills any interest I had.
>dungeon crawler carl,
is shit. You are probably a cunt who thinks cats knocking your shit down from shelves or destroying your property is funny.
I agree a dog or even a cat girl would have been better, but its fine as it is
I stopped reading when it got really gay which happened really fast.
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>10 kosher dollars have been deposited into your account.
I can also think of
>Darwin’s Radio, Greg Bear
>The Nearest, Greg Egan. He’s the kind of author with mum protags
>some Le Guin, surely. Four Ways to Forgiveness maybe?
>Ted Story of your life Life AKA Arrival, Ted Chiang
>those later Ender’s Game books? Wasn’t his sister a protag character?
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Go Lyonesse. It's really clever and funny. Nice twists on both faerie type thangs and classic medieval-ish fantasy. My favorite aspect is the way magic and wizards work. Starts slow, gets awesome for several hundreds of pages, ends slow. But it's Vance so even the slow parts are funny, surprising, and baroque linguistically, the way he does.
What? Sounds pozzed, why do people keep people keep recommending it?
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Does it look like I'd shill that as the goat? Wolfe is the goat
Because they aren't self lobotomized /pol/tards who judge anything and everything by a single metric.
Because they worship Jack Vance like the second-coming of Christ because he makes pseudo-intellectuals feel good about themselves.
Note that nobody shilling Vance after that post denied that there was gay sex going on throughout the books.

Is that video true? Is Jon really not a great and honorable warrior in the books but just a mere politician?
Are you saying that nobody is shilling Vance anymore because there is NO gay sex in his books???
I don't watch videos for others to tell me what they believe. I think for myself.
>Sounds pozzed
the main villains are fags. It would be pozzed if it was the MCs
Your IQ has to be above THIS line to ride the thread.
>book published in 80s
i hope you fucking die retarded faggot
Just read book one of the Aspect Emperor series.

Huh, so that's what a good book is, huh?
many say "read the greeks!" but i won't ever because they're literally an intentionally pozzed civilization
aspect emperor is a bit of a slog until Unholy Consult
I say skip Malazan and go to the source, Glen Cook's The Black Company. Way better, shorter, and just more fun to read.
i say skip black company and go to the source, Stephen Donaldson's The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant: The Unbeliever. way better, shorter, and just more fun to read.
Lmaoo is this shit for real? Grow the fuck up, stop reading children’s fairy tales and go read Dostoyevsky or Melville.
You are seriously a moron.
I am also trans (not sure if that matters) ...
>stop reading children’s fairy tales
>recommends Dostoyevsky and Melville
The absolute state of pseudofags
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What reading Dostoyevsky and Jung does to a man...
what having no foreskin does to a mf...
Stop reading modern fantasy
Stop reading YA
Stop reading series
Stop reading Iain Banks
Stop reading Peter F Hamilton
Stop reading Eastern European scifi
Stop reading litrpg
Stop reading webnovels
Stop reading Asian scifi
Stop reading Asian fantasy
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You can read early works of Peter F Hamilton. Do not read anything after Void series
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>stop reading
I think you may be in the wrong place anon...
holy based the west has risen!
File deleted.
i only read modern fantasy if they are written by middle aged women
i like cute moms and not whore moms. which is the best on this list for me?
Wh is the best hag author?
I am currently reading The Hollow Lands, book 2 of Dancers At the End of Time. It is meandering and relaxing so far with hints of melancholy and wonder.
I'm seriously considering it as my follow up series after Malazan. Between that and Warlord Chronicles atm. I'm more interested in literary fiction than escapists pulp and I've heard Janny writes thoughtful prose to take your time with and is interested in characters and exceeding genre. Warlord Chronicles just sounds like a good time middle ground
Expect many changes of POV and characters but know he'll make sure to familiarize you with the important ones. He writes very cinematically so try to actively envision each scene playing out as you read and it flows better. Also likes to leave meaning understated and subtextual between the lines i.e. he respects the readers intelligence
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>female author
Lois McMaster Bujold, Mercedes Lackey, Carol Berg, Martha Wells, Janny Wurts,Julie Czerneda these are all hags authors that are still active
calm down chuddie
chud is the FUTURE
I would say it's better.
No God when
I prefer ThePrimeThanatos, Odysseus, and Asthenic for synthwave/chillwave mixes
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>Stop reading modern fantasy
>Stop reading YA
>Stop reading series
>Stop reading Iain Banks
>Stop reading Peter F Hamilton
>Stop reading Eastern European scifi
>Stop reading litrpg
>Stop reading webnovels
>Stop reading Asian scifi
>Stop reading Asian fantasy
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>keep reading modern east european fantasy.
Your doing it wrong.
>modern east euro fantasy
Can anybody recommend some that isn't The Witcher?
Why would anyone recommend the witcher?
any really good new fantasy released in the last 5 or so years? i have been out of the scene for a bit, apart from re-reading tolkien and bakker
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Sorry but Chinese stuff is better.
Because they played the vidya and now think they need to clog their shelves with a book they bought for display rather than reading.
>the important ones
Is any character in this series really "important"? Half the cast are interchangeable edgy warriors with no real motivation or backstory.
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Any books for this feel?
I think I know like one middle grade book about a girl becoming the servant of a dragon but it isn't what I was going for
I also know there's like a story of a village maiden marrying a dragon she was originally supposed to get sacrificed to, but I can't recall the name
Play Factorio then you fucking nerd
because he's full of shit
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Read Tenebroum
>Actually good sff
>I haven't read those yet
Dosto is for 14 year olds
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>hmm... today, I shall write a female character... that draws her power from being loud and screaming about every minor annoyance... yes, quite genius
>hmm, yes, a spanking is in order for this chapter... a grown woman getting bent over the table by another and then, yes, the paddle... yes...
I'm enjoying Malazan so far but one thing I hate about it is that Erikson really doesn't do any explanation for anything like he doesn't walk you through what a Warren is or what Trells are but just drops you right into the action.
Utterly based
Sci fi is for worthless man children. Actual accomplished grown men don't read this shit. I am glad Hiro took off the poster counter so you can't see there is less than a half dozen of you losers left. You will stay until it is just two of you talking to yourselves. hahaha
Wait till you hear about the fantasy readers
kinda crazy how his wife was his editor so if he wanted to suggest anything in the bedroom, he just had to write <the author's barely disguised fetish> and see what she would and wouldn't cut
what makes sci fi for man children?
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Black Company bros,

I think this is what a reverse centaur looks like and why it freaks people out
Not him, but most sci-fi is really just fantasy mislabeled. A lot of those stupid superhero comic book-tier stories are said to be sci-fi when they're really just fantasy for example.
semantics. Just call it speculative fiction or whatever it's all the same
don't forget Patricia A. McKillip, Holly Lisle, and Gillian Bradshaw
there's also Rosemary Sutcliff but she's dead, and she was always more of a comfy English granny
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>mfw it was actually her suggesting those scenes
Do you guys ever get invested in the worlds built up in games or movies/tv shows?

With the elden ring DLC releasing I was revisiting the lore and really enjoyed it. And I also played a...text adventure(?) game called The Roadwarden which was also really good.

I (used to) do TTRPGs as a hobby, but I've been busy lately, but the creative part of me yearns to make a world with rich detail and make it a little interactive. Has anyone explored interactive fiction and found something they liked?
>playing elden ring
Discordtrannies get the rope.
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Why am i supposed to hate litrpgs again?
Yeah I used to do this with 40k for a bit. Played darktide and would listen to some 40kek audiobooks.

For the ttrpg stuff I'd check out llms. You can RP basically any scenario that way, though I personally have no experience in that area.
That reads like it was written by an AI trained on 4ch. No wonder it's trash.
Funny you say that, because thats exactly whats its supposed to be
Being retarded on purpose is still being retarded
being a lorefag is one of the key signs to know if you are a retarded autistic faggot
The problem with lore is that people have become so blinded by having a mountain of it that they don't realize it's come at the expense of telling an actual story. Hacks and retards will go on and on about the series bible they made but then when it comes time to ask what the actual story is about they don't got shit.
>he didnt watch the 25h compilation lore video
you're missing out
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lore tells a story on its own, just like history does. you don't need a novelization to grasp it.
Semi related, this is why I don't like Dark Souls
Anyone read Magician by Raymond E Feist
nta, but does she at least whore for free?
Zanzibart… forgive me
The only reason I'd do a made up world is to avoid getting bogged down in the "representation" bullshit of ours. Because you know any story after 1800 has to include blacks and gays.
old school bildungsroman fantasy kino
Japanese covers are so much worse.
Best magical academy stories?
Hard mode: last five years.
The Will of the Many
Better in what way?
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I haven't read them but pic related has gotten a lot of hype in recent years. The author is a woman but she's at least a cute asian and not some fat tranny freak.
You're not witty or amusing, everyone already hates video essay niggas, cease your faggotry and go be a
nigger elsewhere.
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Reading Coiling Dragon is making me wish for a Bastion that isn't gay and lame
There aren't any.
Harry POtter exists, your post is wrong.
I stand firm in my statement
unfortunately it's mother of learning
Tanith Lee. She might be passed. Yeah, in 2015.
A Deadly Education
If you don't think Harry Potter is good you are a contrarian faggot desperate for attention.
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Red Rising first novel gave her the "ick".
Even though I think the 1st book is mediocre, imagine actually reading books with this mindset, do women really ?
there are no words for how much i hate bitches like these
Would you say this is written for adults? Im kind of interested.
Women aren't real.
Got the first book in a fantasy series but I won't tell you which one because you'll spoil it.
Dark Souls is great game design. Stop boring the zoomers with cut scenes which require a lot of budget to make and can mess up your flow state or immersion in the game. Have lore conveyed through item descriptions and give a bunch of bread crumbs for those interested in the lore.

Its when others try to emulate dark souls that I see a problem
Not really, no. It's fun as long as you don't think about it.
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>Dark Souls is great game design.
nta, but yes,
the level design is probably still unmatched
What's the consensus on China Mielville Bas-Lag trilogy here? They seem to be acclaimed steampunk
steam punk is gay and not real
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His prose reads like someone who sniffs his own farts.
So dark souls is like that webm? Cause that webm looks super fun
Lore is cringe
No. The plot hole niggas are speed readers don't listen to them. But no It's not written for adults.
Anyone read the broken earth trilogy, or really anything by N K Jemisin and want to give a pitch? Looking to try out a new author and it's between her or M John Harrison (viriconium).
Woke nonsense.
How woke is it compared to the trans hand of harkness?
Started and finished Dune Messiah today. Why do people shit on it? I thought it was great. Weird that Lady Jessica just sat on her ass on Caladan while the entire conspiracy was going on. On to Children.
>Why do people shit on it?
most retards don't realize that Paul is genocidal coward so Messiah hits them like a truck and filters them.
He's just like me.
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This cover made me lose my shit lmoa
what is that face
I want the world to end
the enlightenment and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Why would this faggot review the first book in a series which has been abandoned for decades and not even mention that fact ?
newfags wont even know that this bitch has been scammin for patreon bux and pretending to write the sequels since ages now.
what the based
>I get that it's a patriarchal society [snip] but I'm supposed to root for this guy?
It turns out discovering Africa was a mistake.
>Paul is genocidal coward
speed readers get the rope
Great, desu

he taught me the meaning of 'cul-de-sac'
Elden Ring has lore?
Honestly if you told me that lore for all soulslop games is AI generated then I'd see no reason to disagree.
i miss the days when there were no women on the internet
she kills her fucking child out of spite, FUCK eo
honestly most of the series is kind of a slog. bakker spends waaaay too many words describing things.
There's enough lore in Elden Ring to keep soulslike youtubers in the black for another 5 years
What should I read anon?
I've played all the dark souls/sekiro and I don't know a single thing about the story of any of those games.
Due to changing circumstances, both expected and unexpected, I will be reading, writing about, and posting my thoughts about books here at a slower rate overall. This may have been already noticed in that I've only posted a few this month. It'll be what it'll be.
no really, i hope it does
Why does every female author love including cuck subplots?
You say that, yet they barely released any lore videos, especially that cunt vaati. Even they know its all gibberish
>ripped the old fat fuck who refuses to finish his books away from NOT writing
>he writes like 2 paragraphs of "lore" for the game while on the shitter
>despite that the narrative is still as schizophrenic as every other dark souls game
>also he named all the bosses after himself for some reason
What was the point of involving Martin in this again?
To make Sanderson publicly seethe, as he did.

So I asked each of these questions, and only got one genuine response, even if it was a bit slim.

Consider putting a little more effort into your posts here rather than using it as your shitposting outlet. But I'm curious, do you maybe have some other place to discuss SFF books maybe IRL that satisfies you, so you look at this place as inferior? Or are you just so conditioned to being a shitter that it's just your default behavior?
Oh right, Sanderson is the big FromSoft fan but they don't want him lol
Sanderson didn't have a massively successful TV show made about his books.
That's every female character written by a female author.
Just finished part 2 of Way of Kings. Dalinar is great but I find Kaladin boring. I'm sure the forthcoming section will be all Shallan. Hasn't entirely hooked me and wondering if I should just take a break for now
females authors are based?
Should I read red rising?
YA slop
I'm considering using blogspot to autistically blogfag about every book I read--mostly for myself--because it's free and I can't be fucked to search for better venues. Do any of the maybe two lurkers this post pertains to have any suggestions for a superior website or an anecdote to add?
The story of the DLC ruined whatever lore people thought there was. It's gay (I'm using this both pejoratively and literally) and written by chatGPT.
why do you need to blog when you can just journal?
>a superior website
but i'll give you this anyway https://bearblog.dev/
Either way. The terms are synonymous within my headspace (implying my ego believes anybody would read my non-advertised random dude blog journal whatever). I'll look into this. Thanks.
Your fictional setting will still be seen as problematic if it doesn't have the right demographics.
Easy drama
What are the kino xianxia? Preferably with loli, but I guess it's fine if not.
So bad. At least read everybody loves large chests if you are going to read slop, don't specifically seek out goy slop.
>that part of Martial World where Lin Ming paddles a girl on her ass with the butt of his staff
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Already read martial world. Don't remember that part (don't even remember lin ming having a staff) The only one of the major xianxia I haven't finished is atg (actual loli xianxia) cause I caught up like 2 years ago. it should be translated by now surely
Are we supposed to know what that is?
It was during the... what was it called? divine world whatever the second huge big tournament, when they were on that one Empyrean's replication of the 13(?) Divine steps
I'd copypaste the excerpt but I can't be fucked to plug my kindle in
My bookmark says
Martial World 1347 2017
So I must have dropped or hit the end of the translation at the time. Is it after chapter 1347
fuck if i know
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I want Way of Choices but with a different ending and an editor that cuts the word count down to 1/4.
Renegade immortal is the one where he is pushed into some alternate dimension and eats all the spirts with his mind and that lets him get ji realm right? That one is pretty good, I remember making it to the end where he fights some universe. I don't think any er gen has loli though.
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>I remember making it to the end where he fights some universe.
Wait that's desolate era, I don't think I finished RI, but RI was the ji realm novel.
>What was the point of involving Martin in this again?
Game of Thrones money
>you'll never read about Ji Ning practicing his sword arts ever again unless you want to reread a 2k+ chapter xianxia what teh fuck is wrong with you
I think Ji Ning could have progressed further but he had enough.
What more did you want from the ending, the plot threads were neatly wrapped up.
Unless you wanted another 2000 chapters in the sequel bait western fantasy world where they fight God.
I am not learning chinese to read qidian slop that I won't rember WHILE i'm reading it let alon. Especially when chatgpt is better than google translate.
I was under the impression that it was the end of the road, wasn't he the only offensive dao that made it to the Autarch and he could beat that old guy who was chasing him around easily, but he decided not to for the balance of the universe.
Any recs for a high fantasy with a romance focus for my gf? She really liked Aragorn and Arwen in the LOTR movies.
Against The Gods, very slow burn romance about a fallen god who teaches a young man how to cultivate, eventually after the man becomes the ruler of the planet she returns to her realm and the man must fight his way to the top of the divine realm to meet her again.
Seconding the Deadly Education trilogy by Naomi Novik. Scratched the itch for magic academy real good.
If you're bothering to read Stormlight Archive you might as well finish the best book in it before you quit, you didn't even get to Kaladin's best moments.
>finished part 2
>[anybody's] best moments
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I've finished reading the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks today, and these are my thoughts on the three books (Way of Shadows, Shadow's Edge, and Beyond the Shadows).

These books were not nearly as edgy as I had heard them described. Sure, the characters like to say "fuck", there's graphic descriptions of all kinds of ultraviolence and more than a few raunchy sex scenes, but the themes of this story are about the triumph of love, honor, and justice over mindless destruction and hate. At its core are a group of heroes who sacrifice themselves to overcome utterly depraved monsters.

There's a lot of cheesy writing in these books. The dialogue feels like action movie banter at times, and almost Whedon-esque comedy at others, but I found myself enjoying it rather than cringing toward the end, mostly because of how much I'd come to like these characters.

I suppose one way this series holds up to its reputation is the amount of suffering characters go through, cause oh boy do they suffer. Just about every single protagonist is put through a hellish ordeal, some of them get more than one. Just when you think the horror is over, Weeks pulls the rug out from under you and reveals it was a false sense of safety and people were even more doomed than you could have believed. Which just makes the eventual triumph of the heroes that much more cathartic, even if it did come at a high cost for Kylar in particular.

The world of Midcyru is interesting to me. The cultural influences Weeks drew from to create different countries are fairly obvious, but similar to Wheel of Time he's blended different traits together to create the various nations and peoples.

One thing that makes me want to pick up more of Weeks' work is the fact that he avoids spoiling the big mysteries of the setting right up until the end of Beyond the Shadows. While a lot of facts were revealed in that book about legendary events, big questions were left unanswered (deliberately, no doubt) and the world Weeks created still feels vast and mysterious to me.

I enjoyed this a lot and I wish I had picked it up years ago.
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>Night Angel trilogy
ironically I just bought the Night's Angel trilogy and from covers alone I can say with utmost confidence that I'm getting the better deal here than you are.
Ass to grass?
Whats the Elden Ring DLC of /sffg/
something in here
Whats so bad about it? And no, talking cat is not an answer
Wheel of time thank me later
>gap cycle mentioned
Hey I've been reading that over the last few weeks i put book 5 on hold due to some video game releases lately tho
I wonder
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>new books using new terms
truly abhorrent
>new terms
nta but i believe the term is fairly older than 2016
Murder hobo dates back to old DnD at least
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>old dnd
I've only ever heard if from the (((people))) who play modern dnd. You would just not be invited if you tried to do that shit in any dnd circle I played in after the dm gives you a couple chances.
brando is streaming the new elden Ring DLC
maybe even older, Murderhobos was how fans called Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
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>old DnD
Faggot I cannot find any reference online older than 2006. It's a purely online term probably from *pukes* rpgnet.
Stop false flagging, you will never be a geek
It's been in use since at least the early days of /tg/, but usually as one word.
>reading bound and broken series
>cool characters except for MC and his sister
>MC is just anger issues the character but in a childish way
>His sister is a boring as fuck POV and bland as fuck and should never have been included
This guy can write compelling characters but why is his MC so shit?
>/tg/ predates dnd
How do zoomer survive day to day?
I didn't recommend those two, except implicitly through recommending Vance because everything Vance does is phenomenal, that Ive read and its a lot, and there's no bad place to start.
Beautifully written, genuinely funny, shifts from dark to wistful in tone very gracefully One of the GOAT fantasy series, deserves its lofty reputation in this general.
It's a retarded term. And the fact that fiction is shifting focus to speak in memes is asinine.
archive.4plebs added some ai image caption to some of their images
why is it that only retards use this word?
you're on 4chan
I couldn't handle the translated prose, picked it up and put it straight back down.
what is retarded about the post? Are you trying to say there are no good xianxia or something? I don't speak twitter/x zoomer. Use more characters.
It's the implication that you could have a kino xianxia without loli.
It's like a bakker without gay sex.
It's such a shame that LOTM has truly terrible prose
prosefags might need to die, I can't tell how serious they are though, but I guess it doesn't matter if they think they are being funny
Not what I said, ESL fuckwit.
>I, ESL fuckwit.
Concession accepted
Verse SF is the way of the future
Holy based
that is one of his strengths, it is a lot at first picking up all the new proper nouns but when you settle in it makes for very immersive and intriguing storytelling and really not all the confusing. Allows him to elegantly use subtle and elliptical structure to convey meaning tonally without spelling everything out for babies, which really gives it the "epic" genre tag feel not just in content - though he'll use hammer for big flashing MAJOR THEME sections from time to time too.
Oh, you were trolling. Carry on then, faggot.
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so speaking of Malazan, went ahead and read the Esselmont companion series in parallel reading order since my library happened to have them. Night of Knives was a nice enough detour, felt like a video game DLC if that makes sense, brief and narrow scope very action focused. Return of the Crimson Guard though, good lord, as long as one of the main books and is just a slog, all the pitfalls of Erikson but without his redeeming charms. Apparently it was the first Malazan material put to paper and it shows. Apparently his books get better from here but be warned.
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i will be the shakespeare of sci-fi
Talking about prose is what pseuds do to seem "literary". There's times when talking about prose is merited, but it doesn't deserve the treatment that pseuds give it. It's often the first and only thing they bring up about any author or work of literature. They will often dismiss books purely on the prose. To anyone actually literary, this rejection of ideas over form is the purest form of idiocy.
That's what I found engaging about it. It made me intensely curious about the world it was set in and I wanted to know more. The characters I grew to like just from being close to them over so many chapters, I found myself missing them, but it was the setting that kept me enthralled.
>Would not recommend, unless you have absolutely nothing else to read like me, and just want to fill some time. Now I'm going to start the sequel for the same reason.
Nah, dropping the second book. It's not worth it. Even as a time filler. Too much sappy PG-rated romance crap. "He smelled like wind and sky and cinnamon, and held my hand, and had dark eyes I could lose myself in, and I felt the warmth of his body, as he held my gaze, and blah blah blah"
Shut the fuck up, cunt.
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bait, but
>the written word is often the first and only thing they bring up about any author or work of literature
Do you realize how stupid this sounds? The written word is not just the primary, but in the vast majority of cases, the sole vehicle through which information is delivered to the reader. Of course the way a novel was written should be given a lot of attention when what you're talking about is writing itself. It honestly shocks me how many people genuinely view prose as if its some tertiary element, when the novel would not exist without it. It's not a script, a screenplay, a storyboard, whatever; it's doing 100% of the work. All a novel is is the writing.
>>prose, n.
>1. a. The ordinary form of written or spoken language, without metrical structure; esp. as a species or division of literature. Opposed to poetry, verse, rime, or metre.
>c1386: Chaucer Melib. Prol. 19 “Gladly quod I by goddes sweete pyne I wol yow telle a litel thyng in prose.”
>1667: Milton P.L. i. 16 “Things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhime.”
>1718: Lady M. W. Montagu Let. to Abbé Conti 31 July, “I..will..continue the rest of my account in plain prose.”
>1800: Wordsw. Lyr. Ball. (ed. 2) Pref. note, “Much confusion has been introduced into criticism by this contradistinction of Poetry and Prose... The only strict antithesis to Prose is Metre.”
>1833: Coleridge Table-t. 3 July, “The definition of good prose is—proper words in their proper places.”
>1880: M. Arnold Ess. Crit., Stud. Poet. (1888) 39 “The needful qualities for a fit prose are regularity, uniformity, precision, balance.”
Damn not even a mention of tingling in her loins? No heaving bosoms? No proof of his ardor straining against his pantaloons? Weak shit. Must be writing for mormon tweenagers.
It's not bait, and your pseud response is typical of the people desperate to prove themselves sophisticated while being totally incapable of discussing the substance of a novel. Nobody is impressed by your ability to reduce works of literature to a sum of its parts.
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The farthest the author went with it, was saying the character could "feel the life inside of him swelling", or some shit like that. But it was entirely metaphorical. No loins were actually inspected for swelling life. She was speaking to some vague idea of his energy.
based schizo
if I didn't care about prose I'd read a manga or watch a film
So bored I'm arguing TAG against chatGPT. I should just go back to reading xianxia.
>prose is the only thing that is important
>that's why I only read shit by poets who got filtered by rhythm. If they don't misuse verbs every 3-4 words I'll drop
You aren't beating the pretentious pseud allegations.
How do we make sword and sorcery sexy again
I've been trying to figure out what the hell you were thinking when you wrote this, but did you just skim that image, see the word "Barbarian" and immediately assume it was by Robert E. Howard? Flaubert doesn't match your description at all, but Howard might.
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Howard's prose is actually quite excellent and evocative.
>If they don't misuse verbs every 3-4 words I'll drop
It's actually a pretty fun game to guess which dictionary the author uses based on their strange verb choices.
Blood doesn't "start" and people don't "bay" outside dictionaries.
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It mostly depends on how much you want others to see it, personal control, and customization options.
I've thought about doing this but I'm not sure how to go about advertising myself.
thou matriarch doth
A lot of popular reviewers on Goodreads link to their patreon or other monetizable website. I assume you mean something like that fog financial gain.
I don't know if I'd call it excellent. He does have his moments (parts of Red Nails, Queen of the Black Coast, Beyond the Black River), but overall he's a pretty sloppy writer.
Fuck you.
If your goal is simply to get as many eyes as possible then what you do is regularly post to the most trafficked sites or whatever else fur what you're doing. The rest is networking with others. I don't think paid advertising would be they helpful in this particular case.
No. I'm not looking to make money or anything. I'm just not sure what happens after you actually make the website. Do you just let it sit and you're off? How do people stumble across my bullshit.
Okay, I've got two friends
One says American Gods is great
The other says American Gods is shit
Who do I believe
Oh. I know this one. You ask one friend what the other friend would think and the opposite of the is your answer.
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>tempers don't flare
>hearts don't break
>lives aren't lit up
>time doesn't thieve
>programs don't run
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Goddamnit I'm asking a serious question here stop making me laugh
All standard English. The problem with randomly picking verbs from a dictionary or from very old authors is you don't know what context they are supposed to be used in, you are essentially worse than an ESL author at that point. Stick to writing in languages that you know.
Imagine some far future author talking about time theft during a holiday cruise.
Just read this short story and enjoyed it very much. Kornbluth's literal 45 IQ characters are hilarious.
You can't just let it sit or nobody will ever find it, you have to link to it from somewhere. Like that guy said, you can link to it from an account on another site where you post reviews. Or, you can do a webring-type thing like some neocities sites, where people link to each other's sites (assuming you know someone who can put a link to your site on their own site). But in general you just have to have a way for people to connect to your blog from a website that actually receives traffic.
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>web ring
Man does that ever take me back
He's called Neil GAY-MAN for a reason.
its shit and Kneel, Gay Man is a hack
that's exactly why literature is a dying medium
I read like 20 of the discworld books a decade ago. I remember i enjoyed them, but I can only recall the events of 3 or 4. Are they slop and I have bad taste? Am I just developing early onset dementia? Are they worth reading again? Is pee poo?
Youre a speed reader
>i hate art
is all you had to say
most of them are great
Some are very good. Some are awful
I read the 40+ of them and I have them all in hard copy. The Guards, Death, and Witches+Tiffany storylines are probably the best. Rincewind is probably funny to actual British people, not to me though. I also really like the standalone novel Dodger, though it was pretty hard because it's written in victorian era English and it's full of strange words. I filled it with notes for rereads. In fact I should read it right now.
This thread never discusses books.
Okay. So I read Christopher Ruocchio's Sun Eater series and Pierce Brown's Red Rising
Now what?
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What did you think of them?
Wild guess... Piers Anthony?
I liked them both very much.
Surprised how different they were, despite the genera overlap.
They even happened to share in some central themes and settings, got a bit spooked that it was gonna be a repeat of the book I just read. But that wasn't the case at all.

Red Rising was FUN. Characters hamming it up, everything is over the top, very engaging book for me, kept me hooked. But, definitively the "junkfood" one of them.
Even if the author and books grows as the series goes on.
I was thoroughly entertained by 'hunger games in space' (the notorious Red Rising book 1), no complaints from me, but I'm glad it turned into space opera.

Sun Eater was a bit boringer, and may have benefited from not reading all 6 books in a row.
It still probably wins out as my favorite of the two series. I'm a sucker for the main character's ruminations.
Book earns it's payoffs. The political intrigue is very interesting, but there's also great action scenes.
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One man's woke, is another's paedophile cringe misogyny dumpster fire
This book is not supposed to be taken seriously, and it's super obvious. You have to be a dumbass to miss this.
Should I read it? The cover looks so tacky, it grabbed my attention
Got weird super high ratings
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Read House of Suns next
I want all the control I can have over it although all my entries will boil down to is a text rambling of my thoughts and likely an image of each book's cover (that I talk about.) I don't care for advertisement. I'd like the opportunity to link when relevant (if someone is talking about an uncommon book I've read) but that's about it. For my own notations and records, mainly.
It's a sort of Witcher but MC is even crankier than Gerald was in the early books, and also a foul mouthed drunk. From the onset it's an edgy 17 year old's dream: blood and violence , love and sex, the shunned underdog battling the forces of evil and everyone saying "fuck, shit, cunt" whenever possible. It still has a somewhat coherent plot, and the character aren't too flat (except the comically evil bad guys). It's a fun read if youunderstand it's not supposed to be taken at face value.
I'm gonna try it. I could go for something fun now.
I've been reading to many dour books.
I've read and enjoyed (almost) every Reynolds' book
House of Suns was how I got introduced to the author, I'm very partial to it.

I'm starting to worry that I've read all the "good" scifi, that there's just,,, dubious, titles left for me.
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Come home, hwyte man.
>I read Red Rising
>I'm starting to worry that I've read all the "good" scifi
Normalfags say the most retarded shit.
reading comprehension
Look, that's just exactly what I mean, right?
I have to read series I'm kinda skeptical of now. Even if I turned out to massively like Red Rising.
Black Iron Legacy Series by Gareth Hanrahan. Straight (but female) lead pov, very little romance. Plenty of interesting twists. But they don't feel like they pulled the rug out from under you.
Lots of magical technology / artificery. The series mostly takes place in a city that has undergone a magical industrial revolution. The alchemist's guild use this industry to create and sell weapons to both sides of the Gods War. A world war between a lich empire and a number of smaller countries whose local deities have becone directly involved by possessing some worshipers as living saints or even just congealing from nothing and laying waste to the land.

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