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Exhibit 1: Evelyn Waugh
>traditionalist Catholic who supported Franco
>member of homosexual club at Oxford, multiple relationships with other men
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Exhibit 2: Yukio Mishima
>Japanese nationalist who attempted a coup with his private right-wing miltia (the Tatenokai)
>cruised gay bars in Tokyo, boasted of writing the most important Japanese text on homosexuality since Ihara Saikaku's 17th-century work 'Nanshoku okagami'
Douglas Murray
wasnt he bisexual?
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Exhibit 3: Thomas Mann
>was associated with the Conservative Revolutionary movement, wrote a book outlining his Spenglerian views of Western culture ('Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man')
>author of Death in Venice, had a love affair with the painter Paul Ehrenberg (who later became a Nazi)

probably. I am using 'homosexual' in a broad sense to describe all those with significant homosexual feelings or affairs
Exhibit 4: Lord Alfred Douglas
>founded a right-wing anti-Semitic newspaper called 'Plain English', described himself as a 'hardcore' Conservative
>was the famous lover of Oscar Wilde and coiner of the phrase 'the love that dare not speak its name'
Mann wasn't right wing lmao
Reaching: the thread
Exhibit 5: Renaud Camus
>inventor of the 'Great Replacement' theory
>wrote one of the most popular gay smut books of all time, 'Tricks' (prefaced by Roland Barthes)
Mann wrote very long, influential, and typical (for the time) volkisch/illiberal texts during WW1.
Exhibit 6: Gertrude Stein
>publicly endorsed Franco and Pétain, praised Hitler for "driving out the democratic Left elements"
>wrote some of the earliest modern lesbian literature (such as 'Q.E.D.' in 1903), had a lifelong relationship with Alice B. Toklas
Exhibit 7: Hans Blüher
>right-wing reactionary who supported the Nazis at first but became disillusioned after the Night of the Long Knives
>wrote a book on homosexuality in the Wandervoegel (which Himmler read and took notes on), promoted a return to Greek pederasty
Exhibit 8: Stefan George
>nucleus of a literary circle dedicated to cultivating a spiritual aristocrat ethos, was offered an honorary position in 1933 as 'forefather of the National Revolution' (which offer he rejected)
>lived as a celibate homosexual, wrote love poetry to the teenage prodigy Maximilian Kronberger
>promoted a return to Greek pederasty
of course he did
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Exhibit 9: Roy Campbell
>fought on the side of the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War
>was described as a closeted homosexual by some of those who knew him, such as Alister Kershaw (also his wife cheated on him with another woman)
Exhibit 10: Henry de Montherlant
>reactionary who detested democracy and collaborated with the German occupation, was friends with Ernst Jünger and Carl Schmitt
>was expelled from school at age 17 for 'corrupting' other boys, and got beaten up when he was 72 by a group of teens after groping one's younger brother
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Exhibit 11: William S. Burroughs
>laissez-faire conservative, fervently pro-2nd amendment
>just constant dissolute gay sex and drug-taking, 'Naked Lunch' provoked obscenity trial
Exhibit 12: Theognis
>ancient Greek aristocrat who deplored democracy and promoted eugenics (big influence on Nietzsche)
>half of his epigrams are devoted to the topic of pretty boys, many of them also dispense life advice to his youthful beloved Cyrnus
Exhibit 13: Colette
>wrote for Maurice Barrès' newspaper and later for several Vichyist and pro-Nazi publications
>a lesbian who depicted schoolgirl homosexuality frankly in her 1900 book 'Claudine at School'
Exhibit 14: Hanns Heinz Ewers
>Nietzschean who joined the National Socialist German Worker's Party in 1931 (despite being opposed to anti-Semitism)
>homo (not much else to say)
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Exhibit 15: Robert Brasillach
>A French fascist writer who was executed for his collaboration with the Germans
>a homosexual who wrote positively of Virgil's erotic dalliances with handsome boys
Exhibit 16: Roger Peyrefitte
>reactionary who supported Jean-Marie Le Pen
>a flagrant pederast who wrote 'Les amitiés particulières', a depiction of a romance between two schoolboys
Exhibit 17: Georges Sylvester Viereck
>went to prison for his pro-German and pro-Nazi propaganda
>probably not exclusively homosexual, but homosexuality is a persistent theme in his work - wrote many poems about Hadrian and Antinous and Shakespeare's Fair Youth, as well as a prison memoir marketed as gay pulp on account of its extensive and frank descriptions of homosexuality. lambasted Britain for its treatment of Oscar Wilde
Exhibit 18: Enoch Powell
>Conservative MP famous for his controversial anti-immigration politics (though his otherwise anti-racist and anti-fascist record is often overlooked)
>wrote about his own homosexual longings in several letters and was described as such by others
frankly culture as a whole has been a homoreactionary project from the very start. us heterocattle are just living in it
Mann went through political phases. In 1913, he was a Prussian conservative who supported militarist ideology. Around wwii, he changed and became a socialist when he was exiled from Germany. In his final days he was a DDR supporter living in Switzerland.
some of these aren't right wing
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Right wing homosexuality is dangerously based
Was there anyone more correct in history? He tried to save you bongistan
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>Gertrude Stein
Why is a Jew simping for Petain and Hitler who threw her compatriots in camps. Franco is understandable but he was also open to participating in the roundup of Jews if Hitler won.
He argued for repatriation of non-white immigrants. Not a Hitler level racist but it understandable why a lot of people would be pissed. Plenty of anti immigration right wing populists in the UK would either be deported or not exist by his standards (Sargon the quadroon, Academic Agent is half Iranian, Mahyar Tousi is Iranian, Calvin Robinson is half black,the Heritage Party guy,etc)
Many of the far-right gays in this thread sympathized with fascism or reaction, but this guy and Douglas murray seem to be Pim Fortuynist liberals that dislike Muslim/Non-Western immigrants for being socially conservative. But while Pim Fortuyn hated Muslims but he wasn't (at least not openly) into racialism unlike Murray and Camus
Looks like I'll have to be the first every hardcore right-right conservative antisemitic writer who doesn't fuck men. In fact I would say I'm more motivated to do this now than I was prior to reading this thread, I must congratulate OP for working so hard to guarantee at least 1 person in this world would reject left-wing ideology without exception.
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Camus is a good deal more complex than you're letting on. Some good overviews:

>[Emmanuel] Macron is indeed, in my opinion, the best local representative on Earth of what I have called Davocracy, the government of the planet by Davos, that Swiss ski resort where the Great Paymasters of the world, bankers and giants of finance, congregate once a year to decide how the planet should be run.

Also, there is nothing wrong with remigration for the vast majority of nonwhites. Martin Sellner has been a great spokesperson for it lately. Turning it into a false binary ("either let them all stay or kick them all out to the point of being unfair and monomanic!") is a scare tactic.
I must be the only fervently heterosexual right winger in history then
You cannot be a Fascist without also being an aesthete. Sorry, cro-magnons, only enlightened, refined, and elevated individuals abound here.
You forgot Cecil Rhodes, OP!
Funnily enough, I’m writing about this exact phenomenon.
>All European
Your people have a sickness.
What are you writing about it? I'm interested :)
Did you miss the second one being Mishima. What is your ethnicity. I will find the homosexual element.
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Even though he considered himself on the left, he has very suspicious views that are borderline right-wing. Hitchens even exposed him being a supporter of Charles Lindbergh when he was younger and Vidal just shrugged it off and said basically 'so what'
I was considering posting him. I also vaguely remember him saying something about defending the white race.
I was admittedly disappointed that you actually didn't post him so I had to do it myself.
I think the through-line here is not that they were all right-wing but that they were all supremely ugly and grotesque looking. Physiognomy is real
This is what real human beings look like anon.
holy cope
Frustrated because I'm right, aren't you
>25 seconds apart
Not based and your use of gigachad is cringe. Even sex with women isn't based. I get uncontrollable erections around women to the point I'm leaking and it is the bane of my existence and if I don't have underwear washed it is obvious and disgusting and the mind is in disarray. I can't imagine having the same toward men. I would unironically end my own life if I couldn't be around men either. No self control or anything. Big disgusting filth cesspole. Fucking a woman leaves scent and a feeling of remorse because self control lost. Opportunities with defective homosexuals would be more common which means sweat and shit smell covering bed and home. Average homosexual has over 1000 "partners". Imagine how horrible disgusting shameful. You'd need to wash the bed every fucking day of the week. I once took a shit one time and was sleep deprived and sat there for 20 minutes laying down before I realized I smelled horrible and got up to take a shower even though I was tired enough to pass out in it and ended up not falling asleep all night. You're a disgusting animal and reading le books and being le lit doesn't mean anything other than these people are rich and have more time than brains. If I had money I wouldn't be reading or doing anything and wouldn't need to see another person again. Kill yourself. You're a subhuman who can't imagine anything beyond your disgusting animal appetites. All the people you cite are mentally ill faggots who had their brains destroyed by religion and sex. I am an atheist and hate all of you. If I ever have so much as ONE (1) homosexual thought let alone activity, I am ODing on IV morphine because I refuse to stoop that low. I never watched tranny porn for the same reason. I would literally end it if I did.

That's why homosexuals have cats and litter boxes and all sorts of filth in their homes. They literally don't care that they live in filth. I don't see why you would just accept life like that. Religious tier delusion.
>shits himself
many such cases
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I didn't shit myself. Wiping was insufficient and I usually shower after I shit but didn't that time and just laid down because I was so tired but the residual smell of the shit was there and it made me sick.
Exceptions are not the rule
You can't call It a <<theory>> at this point
This isn't a huge surprise to anyone who has interacted with gay people outside of Twitter. Gay people are largely racist. From my time hanging around homosexuals the "peace lovin queer" image the media tries to portray was quickly shattered. They were violent, bitchy, and degenerate. No better than what the media would refer to as white trash. One of these little queens had a huge black boyfriend who they would racially humiliate publicly because it got him horny.
Gay culture might not be conservative exactly but it's in no way liberal, unlike the aborted Queer culture that has taken over gay culture. Most fags hate trannies, as well.
Do you live in Alabama or something?
No. I was living in London at the time. Which was seen as one of the more sophisticated gay scenes in Europe. Which, is fair enough because when I was there their club culture wasn't just blatant fetish baiting. Unlike, let's say, Berlin or Amsterdam
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Brainwashed golem.
Heterosexuality is inherently left-wing (worshiping a weaker inferior form of life).
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I am Vietnamese.
Reminder that the first fascist state (D'Annunzio's dictatorship in Fiume) legalised homosexuality and was a safe haven for homosexuals. All traditional masculine cultures revere homosexuality. The Greeks, the Japanese, the Florentines.
It's been my experience as well. Any fag with the least bit of maturity (for most of them are immature, which reads as effeminate) has an extreme distrust of the government and a yearning for decent society that the left does not foster. Not very deep down, fags like men and find fags to be insufferable. Classically liberal or separatist is one stream of it; which may as well be conservative today.
Sorry I don't know much about ancient and feudal Vietnam or Vietnamese culture in general. However homosexuality has a venerable history in South East Asian cultures particularly Thailand China Japan etc.
Revere is a strong word.
Of course fascism is gay, it's neo roman
greeks were the fags, anon
>revere homosexuality
Not true, acting as if all those cultures unanimously "revered" homosexuality is truly delusional. If we can at all correlate homosexuality and fascism, it is definitely not on the basis of "Masculinity."

Reich for example analyses the effect of the swastika, and fascistic aesthetics by extension:
>Reich goes on, however, to describe the swastika as a graphic representation of two interlocked human figures; an explicit sexual or fertility symbol. And thus in the manner of Reichian psychology, we have Fascism unconsciously offering an overt sexual symbol to the working class who suffer from the sexual repression of bourgeois morality and capital’s social relations. The symbolism would have a greater effect on the masses’ unconscious emotionality, and therefore make Fascism seem the more attractive, the more spiritually and sexually impoverished they were. An abuse of power indeed, despite the fact that Hitler and his acolytes were unaware of the real meaning of the swastika, and tried to link it up to their racial–mystical ideas.

That paints a disturbing and neurotic picture, but I wouldnt doubt it in the least. The homosexual are far from the most "equilibrated" men in nature...
>It's been my experience as well. Any fag with the least bit of maturity (for most of them are immature, which reads as effeminate) has an extreme distrust of the government and a yearning for decent society that the left does not foster. Not very deep down, fags like men and find fags to be insufferable. Classically liberal or separatist is one stream of it; which may as well be conservative today.
This is truly a strange framing. You do have a point though, fags tend to be more superficial and egotistical as rule, so I admit fags are more likely to cling to immature aesthetic ideals and sentiments.
Good effort but the patrician's choice is closetmaxxing. You cannot write great works until you go full Metal Queer Solid
>the more spiritually and sexually impoverished they were
Thats really the important point in that post.
That is completely schizo. Anyone who believes in this psychoanalytic nonsense has no right to pass judgement on the psychological equilibrium or lack thereof of other people.
Mann, Mishima and Collette look good. The rest are average.
Mishima looked good, for someone who was 5'3 and a Jap*
I disagree with your assertion about Mann being handsome, but I concede that Colette looks good. Douglas looks good, too, but it's telling that he eventually renounced homosexuality and was partly responsible for the imprisonment of his wildely grotesque lover.
>Evelyn Waugh
>Idolizing an alcoholic and sex addict who had father issues
Many homosexual and bisexual men are very attractive. Consider famous sex symbols like James Dean, Marlon Brando, Rock Hudson, or Tab Hunter. Or famous historical exemplars of male beauty like Antinous or Rupert Brooke. Women are always complaining about how all the hot men are gay. An interesting fact is that heterosexual relatives of homosexual men experience more reproductive success.

Then again, Socrates was famously physically repulsive. But he had a beautiful soul.
But anon, I'm relentlessly dashing and favor women exclusively, and they dote on me unendingly. How do you equivocate this with your theory?
Reddit: the thread
I didn't say heterosexual men couldn't be attractive. Numerically the majority of very handsome men must be heterosexual! Just trying to refute anon's association of bad physiognomy with homosexuality.
I see...! Noted! There's a fine line between... James Deanian"aesthetical homosexuality", let us say...? And pederasty... As seen in... Sleazy Christopherson, Oscar Wilde, and John Wayne Gacy !
I suppose it makes sense. Like in a heterosexual relationship between a powerful man and a less powerful (but attractive) woman, in a traditional pederastic relationship the beloved is the beauty object -- whereas the lover is selected (if he is selected) for his prestige or wealth or intellect or what not, and not for his beauty (at least traditionally). The Greeks believed that the erastes felt eros for the eromenos, while the eromenos reciprocated with philia. He did not return the lover's sexual feelings, but indulged them out of respect and friendship (or perhaps to attain certain benefits...)
>reddit is when homosexual
Mishima wasn't a homosexual. He was married and had kids. Ihara Saikaku's work isn't a text on homosexuality but Buddhist ritual pederastry.
So were Wilde, Waugh, Blüher and many others
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This thread is nothing but cope, holy shit.

The right is still going to ban gay marriage again if they actually take power. You can gnash your teeth at it and call them hypocrites and secret gays, it's not going to undo it.
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>Claudine at School
Looked this up and it reminded me of how much I love Belle Epoque aesthetics. I'm not the biggest Francophile out there but they really had something going on during that time
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Exhibit 20:
Were the fuck are all the fascist gays when I'm trying to find a boyfriend? All gays near me are libtards that get shocked when I mention that we shouldn't adopt or use surrogates.
Actual fascists in the modern age aren't sodomites, and those that are aren't actual fascists but performative larpers trying to find an outlet for their sadomasochistic tendencies
>We wuz kangs, gay edition: the thread
Homosexuality has been against the law in most European countries until the modern age. It is still against the law in most Muslim countries. Yes pedophilic homosexuality was practiced in Ancient Greece but this was not "revered" by everybody; in fact there was significant pushback. Aristotle, for example, compared homosexuality to other mental diseases brought on by abuse or habit such as biting one's nails. Plato seemed to approve of non-sexual pederastic relationships (such as existed in Sparta, where homosexuality was illegal), and in some of his dialogues he records his characters outrightly saying homosexuality is unnatural and wrong. So contrary to your assertion the Ancient Greeks did not unanimously "revere" homosexuality, though there was a degenerate element in their society which did.

You are just trying to convince yourself that your mental perversion (which you should be battling against) is right, when it's most certainly not.
The ancient world doesn’t count because left and right are a post-French revolution concept. All politics of antiquity are skewed to us because of this. They didn’t really have progressive ideology vs conservative, return to tradition ideology.
I have had mancrushes before but have had no desire to pursue these crishes sexually. I can feel a fond, almost affectionate bond, with certain men (very rare. Has only really happened once) but never get aroused at the concept of getting physical with them. With one of these crushes me and him shared the same women but never at the same time. He tried to advance our relationship sexually and I had to cut it off, sadly. I don't understand. Am I a fag? I only find women sexually desirable but I've never felt such a strong bond with a woman. I am not against homosexuality morally, even though I am quite conservative.
How do you play to have kids, then?

I read a (comedic) short story about two gays who wanted kids: they decided to alternatively DP some whore whom they'd paid.
How old were you when you cut him off? It's quite common for men to feel this way, it's just not publicly aired, being supposed a dog-whistle for woman-hating, yet the majority of all right thinking men would've laughed at the idea of a serious fraternal bond with a woman.

I think had your friend approached you when you were both young it might've been different. Perhaps you'd have developed a greater sexual attraction to men, but more likely your mutual youth, and its corollary inexperience and desire, would've pushed towards a moderate consummation. Again, this isn't explicitly homosexual (though apparently he is), but rather an initiation right. These are all accompanied by intense sensory experiences, being usually the most pleasurable or painful experience possible, with the force of those sensa making the persons involved more receptive to any kind emotional/rational imprint.
>homosexual club at Oxford,
but thats just all of them
Nice b8 m8. This one makes me doubt everything else
I don't. Gays shouldn't be raising kids. Adoption and marriage are not human rights. Surrogacy makes my stomach turn and should be banned for both straights and gays.
23. So an adult but still young.
He betrayed the white race though
Greg Johnson - gay
Nick Fuentes - gay
BAP - gay
Richard Spencer - gay, but in a non sexual say
Keith Woods - a straight twink

All current big pro-white figureheads are gay
Right wing homos are just struggling with internalised homophobia. It’s a way to radically fit in with straight men and that ideal. When gays are liberated culturally, the world will be a much better place. The more oppression the more that stings back at society and then this is used as a scapegoat. You apply the pressure cooker then blame the gays for getting too hot to handle/manage. And also with out us you dress like complete utter shit.
discord-assisted voyeur/grooming thread
>muh polspeak
Your existence is a betrayal to the sacrifice your parents made to raise you.
Most sane heterosexual
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If you're against homosexuality, you're not right-wing. You're just a Judaized cuck.
Plato was a degenerate freak who wanted to abolish fatherhood. He was not a Greek traditionalist or representative of normal conservative Greek thought. He was the "degenerate" element. Negative attitudes towards homosexuality are a sign of social decline.
Aeschylus Sophocles Solon Epaminondas Theognis Theocritus Ibycus >>> Plato and other neurotics
But it is true.
Homosexuals fared better in patriarchal societies than ones dominated by women. Conservatism and leftism must both be washed away.
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>Waugh was homo
Prove it (although I believe you).
Blah, blah, blah; shut up, poo-breath.
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This, OP is peddling a filthy lie. But I don't blame him. Heaps of people have fallen for this retarded "Gay greeks" narrative including Hitler and Evola (pic related). It's pretty pernicious.
Here's a photo Evelyn Waugh's boyfriend Alastair Hugh Graham sent to him.
>My few romances have always culminated in Christmas week: Luned, Richard, Alastair.
Evelyn Waugh diary Christmas 1924
see above posts>>23514424
Brainworm homosexual blabbering
There's no convincing them anon. The Gay Greeks myth is too well-established. Even Hitler fell for it. It's like trying to redpill people on the fact the Earth is flat. The brainwashing is too pervasive.
the picture you posted has poorly sourced quotes, mistranslated words, people simply taking the piss out of greeks by calling their mythical heroes gay, And quotes taken out of context (eg author was writing a dialogue and the quote is the authors representation of a point of view not necessarily their own)
im not sure what your intention was with posting the picture but the picture seems to have been made with bad faith.
That's troubling. Can you tell me which quotes are poorly sourced or mistranslated? The ones I checked were all verifiable. Also can you tell me which ones were taking the piss out of the Greeks??
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>The Greeks didn't fuck men
>Ignore these hundreds of writers and thousands of depictions
The Jews obviously worked diligently to insert those quotes into ancient texts and fabricate all those potsherds. Potentially all of Greek history is fake. Greek might never actually have existed. We need to very seriously entertain the possibility that antiquity is a degenerate lie peddled to us by our masters.
lgbt =/= homosexuality
Reminder that Magnus Hirschfield's organisation was opposed by German homosexuals like Adolf Brand, Hans Bluher, etc.
>He swiftly leaves his wife for proper joy,
based, every hard working husband deserves a boy
lying faggot. the claim was never that there weren't any Greeks that engaged in sodomy. the claim is that sodomy was not commonly accepted.
but it was, or rather it didn't care where a man put his dick because it's his dick and his business. the prohibition of sodomy is a jewish invention to distinguish themselves from the surrounding tribes, same as all their dumb dietary rules and genital mutilation. you will stay a kike golem as long as you propagate their tribal customs
Nta but how would you even know? All we have are the writtings of uncommon men.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The Jews put those quotes in by Plutarch and other writers about how great men and promoted it in their laws. Presumably you've read Plutarch's Lives? In the biographies of Solon and Pelopidas "he" says that the lawgivers in Athens and in Thebes specifically promoted homosexuality as something virtuous. But obviously this was a Jewish scribe and not the real Plutarch. Also the dialogue attributed to him where several learned Greek men debate the relative merits of boy-love and woman-love must also be a forgery. There's absolutely no way this was an acceptable topic of discussion back then.
There is a difference between faggotry and sodomy. Pre-christian Europe was not pro faggotry, men who gave it up for other men were not thought highly of.

Buttering up a young boy or jerkin off with your mates? Now that's not faggotry, it's just a bit of fun.
so your claim is unfalsifiable because no matter how many primary sources extol gay sex you will just insist they're exceptions
There are two options about your flavor of retardation right now
>We only have people writing about their sentiment towards homosexuality, how could we derive peoples sentiment about homosexuality from that?
>All these people writing about how much gay sex is happening and how common it is doesn't mean that homosexuality wasn't a taboo
You should kill yourself in either case.
Hitler despised homosexuality and yet according to every single person that was close to him greatly admired ancient Greece. Leon Degrelle even recounted one instance in which he asked Hitler what he saw himself as and to his surprise Hitler responded 'Greek' (Degrelle was expecting 'German' or European'). why should i trust a single source written after the war that has a single line that doesn't even state that Hitler thought that at the height of ancient Greek civilisation Greeks were accepting of homosexuality (only that much later growth of homosexuality was a reason for decline) as evidence that Hitler thought that ancient Greece was universally pro homosexual.
no you can very clearly look at how common derogatory terms for homosexuals are during the period and you can look at writers that strongly condemned homosexuality as evidence that ancient Greece was not accepting of homosexuality.
we also have the writtings of plays that were intended for common men. many of these plays include objectively disparaging jokes aimed at homosexual men.
So is it fair to say that homosexuality was accepted among the great men of ancient greece?
That quote is from Rudolf Diels -- a reliable source. Hitler obviously considered homosexuality a defining characteristic of ancient Greece. Notice how he said it extended to the "best and most manly natures". Not degenerate Greeks, but virtuous and famous ones. Similar to other writers lamenting the way that great Greek men were infected by "the sin of their country".
What about the word pederasty? "eros" + "pais" (boy/child)
Aristophanes makes fun of adult men who take on the passive role, but he never makes fun of anyone for being attracted to boys. In 'The Frogs' Dionysus takes it for granted that Hercules would be. Aristophanes also has the Voice of Right talking about the way it used to be practiced in the good old days compared to now. Aristophanes even praises pederasty in Plato's Symposium.
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Another redpilled fascist
we have overwhelming evidence that pre-christian Europeans executed faggots such as yourself. No amount of lying is ever going to change that fact. see >>23514424
no. Aristotle explicitly condemns it. as do many others
Got a source of Aristotle condemning it? He speaks neutrally about homosexuality in Politics and the Nicomachean Ethics as a basic fact of life in Greece. The only thing I can think of is his description of adult men who like to be fucked in the ass as a mental disorder. But that is not how the ancient Greeks practiced it. For them it was a relationship between a man and a youth.
>Hitler obviously considered homosexuality a defining characteristic of ancient Greece
no. you're wrong. Hitler very clearly despised homosexuality and admired ancient Greece. he could not have believed that at the height of ancient Greek civilisation homosexuality was commonplace.
What is a sodomite
in nicomachean ethics he compares homosexuality to various other mental diseases
You realise it is possible to admire a historical culture without agreeing with every single thing it does? The ancient Greeks practiced child marriage, slavery, infant exposure, and pederasty. Most people admire the Greeks without admiring these things.
Do you seriously not understand how someone could admire ancient greek civilization, and despise homosexuality, and think it was commonplace?

Are you REALLY so fucking autistic that you don't understand how these three ideas can inhabit one mind without incongruity?
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What's the real meaning of this passage, bros? Considering we've established that Greek pederasty is FAKE..
pederasty is pure
I call my catamite a faggot every night, I'm doing the lord work.
>on Christmas
Good grief. A Handful of Dust made it easy to believe from the start though.
/leftypol/tranny thread?
>But it is true.
You are a filthy liar sir. Burroughs was antiauthoritarian, he even wrote a book about anarchist pirates. Calling him right-wing borders on funny
worse, right wing pedo thread
>what is a libertarian
>Say stupid shit
>People call out your stupid shit
>The thread must he infiltrated by "them". It can't be that I said something stupid.
You need to leave.
Right wing homosexual is like a conservative atheist.
There, read this and its reply.
>Anticonservative antiauthoritarian
>Right wing
Don't @ me
Bet you haven't read one book of his
Celine was ine of his favourite authors and he met(and Ginsberg) met him. The influence was in style, not politics. Why am I saying all this? It should be common knowledge, but did I expect from someone who cares where writers wan t to put their dicks in
Look through the thread, retards. I'm not holding your hand you illiterate cunts.
Are there detailed descriptions of armpit hair and other body hair?
...in that they both exist?
This is just communist rhetoric with one reference to the race of the third world. The new right is actually fine with sweatshops abroad, as long as the brownies are outside the country
I am "new right"tm and I am not okay with sweatshops abroad.
Just admit you got BTFO.
No idea, take a look for yourself
>Anglosphere kikes be like:
>"What makes somebody right-wing/left-wing? It's not their economic and political beliefs, it's their stance on trannies, niggers and netflix slop"
only the angloshere could think this only applies in the anglosphere
Probably this. The quality of discussion on this entire site is so low at this point, who even cares? I swear half of the posters are inbred 3rd world/nonwhite peasants who watch tiktok and Andrew tate

he belonged to the old American aristocracy so yes he was antisemitic
>Barbarian snowniggers clubbered homos
>civilised states didn’t persecute them
It’s not the own you think it is…
>Thomas Mann
Wow, 3 of his 6 children turned homo. Wonder how much he was molesting them.
Nice cherry picking, kike
Nietzsche and Wagner seemed to be deeply in love with eachother
Could have just called the thread right wing writers and it would have been the same shit
why is the left so bigoted?
Never said anything was wrong with it, just pointing it out
Why is male homosexuality so based... but male bisexuality so fucking cringe?
other way around, every single one of these men was bi.
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>Mishima wasn't a homosexual. He was married and had kids.

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