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/wwoym/ write what's on your mind

better times edition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdf5QTWfgCI

last >>23505358
What's with all the fedora threads lately?
Some days this insomnia smmakes me seriously consider suicide
Why the fuck is YouTube reccomending this shit to me? I don't like video games, trains, or theme parks, and nothing I watch has anything to do with those things
What kind of insomnia is it? Have you tried transcendental meditation? It's basically mantra meditation where you gently push aside all thoughts except the mantra, even thoughts "around" or "about" the mantra. If you do this while being mindful of your physical state, perhaps after doing a progressive body relaxation technique and making sure you are doing long, deep breaths from your diaphragm, you can force your body out of its "alert" mode and into a mode in which it's easy to fall asleep.

I highly recommend to anyone who has panic attacks or racing thoughts, practice "subordinating your body to your breathing, and your breathing to your conscious control." Feel your body and all its sum total of anxieties and tensions as downstream of your breathing, become mindful of how you can "slacken" all the tension in your body by breathing deliberately slowly, and then become mindful of the simple fact that the deciding factor in whether this happens or not is your choice and your will to breathe slowly. Practice breathing in slowly, deliberately, not as your anxious state desires but as you consciously will to, and then likewise holding the breath there, at the peak of both the inhale and exhale, then again consciously willing when to breathe in or out again. Combine this with the feeling of progressive muscle relaxation, untensing your face and limbs.

After you do this a few times you can literally feel your heartrate slow, and almost feel your racing thoughts stop racing. It connects your mind to your body and teaches you that the body is the extension of the mind, the mind is not subordinate to the body's irrational whims or states.
Me too bro. It’s crazy how much not having a normal circadian rhythm limits your options in life.
Historians are very interested in looking for the first signs of the future to come in the past, such as literary historians looking for proto-romantics or proto-modernists a century or two prior to those movements actually becoming a thing, but I always found it more interesting to see how the past lives on in the present and the future.
If I think about my breathing then I will be stuck manually breathing and then as I fall asleep I will stop breathing and wake up feeling like I’m about to die. Its called “transition apnea” and I don’t know if getting a cpap would even help
I want to create things which look, read or sound like abandoned city streets on a cold autumn night at 2 AM
If I could sleep at any given time and not have poop shaming my life would improve dramatically
People talk about mindfulness and meditation and whatever but they don't take it far enough. You can learn to become aware of everything, or at least everything within the phenomenological bounds of your personal horizon, and recognize it as separate from yourself. This includes your identity, time and space, your thoughts, the artifact of cognition that stitches individual flashes of experience into moments and connects these moments into a coherent narrative, all of it. What can truly said to be "you" is only the simple awareness which allows all these other things to be experienced, and this awareness is necessarily separate from experience; that which is experienced changes from moment to moment, but the awareness does not change. Even in sleep, awareness exists, though it is simply empty.
I hope this doesn't just sound like schizo ramblings. This way of understanding experience was somewhat forced on me as a result of many years of what could be called rerealization or depersonalization disorder. It's self-evident to me that the awareness is prior to and separate from what it is aware of, but it might not be that obvious to others who are not aware of such a divide.
Mindfulness and meditation for most practitioners is mostly therapeutic in nature rather than an exercise in real introspection.
When you get right down to it, Socrates was wrong; The 'examined life' isn't actually worth living to begin with.
Widespread infantilization
Train journey videos are kino you’re missing out. Nice to have in while you’re reading too
I am rewriting my fantasy story. I need to rid 70% of it. Hould I just give up and throw it away?
I have experienced elements of this and I am convinced that it is only the antechamber of true mysticism. "Simple" unity, the simple recognition that the world in its totality is "my" object but that "I" am an infinitely simple world-positing subject, is the BEGINNING of mysticism, not the end. You then have to find your way back to identity with reality. Hegel's project was an attempt to do this a at the collective level.
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Well I've signed up for a speed dating event this Saturday. God help me.
Bitch got zero thickness. Better times my ass, girls take much better care of themselves nie, exercising glutes and shit, they're far more fuckable.
Sitting behind her was torture for so many reasons.
My best sleep is on dude weed lmao. I actually measure it with an Oura ring and I had a score of 77 today, I used to be below 50 and only get like 3.5 hours of sleep (I thought it was more but I woke up during the night)
Meditation helps me during the day but never helped much with sleep.
I always have flashes of me committing violence pop into my head. I would never do these things, but boy do I want to.
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/his/ invasion. I said this last month. Also /his/ is starting to post books.
Darwin kahneman taleb brentano nagel locke kant nietzsche hume lakoff johnston turing gombrich human nature biology philosophy of time
I actively anticipate violence overcoming the West in the near future and have prepared myself accordingly. It helps that I have a violent imagination and seemingly no inherent qualms about hurting other people. It's mostly the awareness of the trouble I'd get into that holds me back. Maybe it's because I'm autistic. I find it easy to take a utilitarian view of violence.
I'm fine with being a midwit but it hurts that the family I was born into has a bunch of retards and lower midwits who truly think I am something
Same. Same. I also have a bad tendency of associating with actually bright people and this hurts me.
you have to treat modern thought and modern ideas as the kind of new age paganism that they really are, even if they deny the label. God had one First Commandment, and even reiterated it in the second. Everything else is paganism, it is vanity
What do you think of Wittgenstein?
>anon is studied the blade
Mmmmoney on my mind
mmmoney on my mind
I have this thing going with a girl that I went to high school with where I never text her except for special things, for example, if it's her birthday, I'll send a birthday message, if she gets her hair done, I'll send her a message saying that it looks nice, if she achieves something, I'll say good job, but we never have full conversations, haven't since high school. Well, today is her birthday and as per usual, I said happy birthday. She replied "Thanks anon (really big smile emoji) I really hope you're doing well (smile with closed eyes emoji)" and I don't know if she's trying to initiate conversation or not, I don't know if I should respond. She normally only writes "Thanks anon (smiley face emoji)".
imagine being such a domesticated poodle that you waste cognitive energy on analyzing the intent behind emojis
either fuck the bitch or stop simping for her bullshit

Usually when I write something along the lines of "I hope you're doing well", I'm more than content with just hoping they're doing well, and have little interest in actually finding out. Everyone is different though.
agree with this anon >>23510677
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Yeah, man, I'm definitely focusing on the emojis and not the extra part that comes after it that hasn't been in any of her messages in the past.
>Happy birthday
>N-nice hair
>Happy birthday
>Happy birthday
>Congrats on graduating
>Happy birthday
>Happy birthday
>Happy birthday
>Happy birthday

You'll get 'em next year champ
What is your goal with that girl? Do you feel attracted to her and want to fuck her?
Why don't you simply ask her out on a date then?
It seems that you're just wasting your time otherwise and do not know what the fuck is it that you want.
Either that or you suck shit with women and have zero experience with 'em
>He thinks the only reason to talk to women is to get something out of them.
If I wanted to get with her then I would've shot my shot already, like I said, I've known her since high school.
Are you a virgin?
DON'T get a cpap until you are at least 75, an early cpap is one road you don't want to go down
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>Heh I don't want to get with her
Didn't expect The Wire to have so much gay shit in it.
Brown people being zesty
It's all in the game tho, right?
Allegedly that’s supposed to be what Youngstown is like, with some Godfather mixed in. I dunno, I found the Godfather movies tedious and never seen the Wire.
I need to take a big break from history and politics.
They're fucking killing me. They're causing my health to deteriorate.
I cannot handle being bombarded with mankind's atrocities any longer.
I don't care if pic related is a bad historian, his quote here is 100% right.
Mankind is addicted to that which kills it. You better get over it and break a leg champ. There's money to be made out there.
The only way I can feasibly make any reasonable amount of money off history is if I lazily lie about it and pump out a bunch of shit like Mark Felton.
I've had to sparse through too much bullshit to become what I hate, even if there's a financial return.
There are much better ways of making money. Retail and fast food are probably less depressing and miserable than actually putting proper research into a subject like WWII, and will likely even earn more.
I get it. My post to you was meant to be sardonic. I think money is evil.
My mistake. I've received genuine advice in the past that was nearly identical, so I mistook it for the same.
I kind of want to jack off but I won't. I'm feeling optimistic about the future.
Yt b ebil
I'm about to start my first day of a job for which I am totally unqualified and unprepared for.
what job?
Fake it til’ you make it! I wish I’d been bold enough to try that. Instead I’ve stagnated in a career I despise.
I guess more for me, then. I find the shit fascinating, ever since I was a kid. I’m 42 now.
Tutoring. I thought I was just gonna help kids with their homework, but it turns out I've been hired by a wealthy family to be a private tutor for their kids and I'm basically expected to be a part time teacher. I had to ask teachers in my family how to write a curriculum. They were helpful enough to send me a ton of resources to work with.
I've been torturing myself my entire life over feeling inadequate and not good enough when I should've just wanted things sincerely and negotiated better for the things I wanted
You'll be fine. If the parents are halfway realistic they are not expecting you to the turn their child into a genius after a day. You will learn a lot about tutoring as you tutor the child. Remember, a tutor does not need to know everything, they only need to know how to help a child learn the things they need to learn. Curiosity is your biggest asset.

Even if you are not perfect at the start, by the end of the year you will be a better tutor and the child will be a smarter pupil. Good luck.
curriculum is one thing but you will have to act like a half parent to them if I'm guess correct. Teaching some university rich kid is far diffreant than teaching actual kid, the former just needs to be taught the topics but the later also needs to be taught basic things outside the curriculum like how to behave to not be anxious about tests or how to learn properly. If you don't teach those things first then you won't teach kids anything.
Desu senpai I don't think I'm gonna be teaching these kids anything regardless.
idk anon. You might be missing good opportunities. Schoolars need to network with reich people if they want to get anything done in the future. Its not just money you will be getting but also a connection that can get you people with influence as well better job in the future. Imagine yourself being a parent or better yet a grandparent trying to teach them wisdom while teaching valuable skills.
For instance, imagine yourself teaching your grandson how to use a hammer, you don't just tell him how to use the hammer but also why, when, where, on what as well crack a joke or two to help them remember it.
Well I'm in America and these parents are in central America. They hired me through a tutoring agency and they're expecting me to make zoom calls every day to teach their kids how to write essays. Their wealth and influence won't do shit for me given that my meager middle class American life already outpaces their high class Latin America life. The position is a joke.
But yeah maybe I'm being too cynical. At the very least I can just take the money and run, right? I will be optimistic and use this as an opportunity to grow. I'm tired of my anxiety preventing me from trying new things anyway. If I get fired, I still collect a few hundred bucks for the week.
Teach them ancient Greek philosophy, Greek and Latin and bam those kids will be automatically more intelligent than your average kid
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Even though it makes me want to kill myself whenever I log in and see zero likes or matches, I'm determined to keep my Hinge account up for a month just to prove to myself that online dating SUCKS BALLS
You do the walk. You do the walk of life. Doot do, doot do doo doot do doo do.
You couldn't pay me to walk on a public road without shoes. The amount of glass and plastic garbage littering my city is appalling. When did it all go wrong?
as long as you prevent them from reading texts about unnatural sin
Did ancient Athenians wear shoes in public or not. They seem barefoot all the time in their art. But then Socrates perpetual barefootedness is described as something notable or unusual. Perhaps they were just barefoot inside and in places like their gymnasia.
>perpetual barefootedness
It's an insult. It's like describing him as "Spartan", these are subtle digs that would be something close to
>commie pinko
It's both foreign and partially gay. Socrates also has a reputation for being very particular about his sandals, but in that instance it's a different kind of foreign (persian decadence) but still also gay
I decided to watch Whatifalthists latest schizo video. The guy is so far out of his depth. He does not understand philosophy at all. He just takes a very surface level grasp of some quote (I think therefore I am!) and then weaves it into this web of other superficial takes and unfounded assertions to create this shaky and absurd worldview.
Sitting on my bed, naked and starving because I can't afford food while reading a philosophical text by Rousseau. Is this the literary lifestyle?
Hating the way you look is torture. Nothing you do can make you happy or satisfied. I despise my appearance and so I despise myself and my life.
Same :(
Wait... are we allowed to post underage AI girls on this board?
sex and food
that's what life is all about
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even being drunk and listening to the upbeat music cannot kill the depression. I think that might be it.
Nice lil turd cutter on her
>me, half naked and sweaty eating double burger on my couch after seeing play
Is it for your novel?
I actually like him more now than what he used to be
70 year-old man
slouching, idly pushing
his cart down the aisle

the ideal consumer
still somehow curious
inspecting each
bag of Doritos
still searching for something
after 70 years
and 7000 trips
>Is it for your novel?
1. well yes, not that I would do it and give away my book idea
2. although come to think of it, I've already done it
3. /b/ is obviously full of them but you never know how sensitive jannies will be on other board
4. it's funny, on this website I'm constantly worried about posting something perfectly legal and then getting banned
I will never call it “soda”
You just did
Well I just finished the tutoring session. I don't know why I was such a nervous wreck before. It was actually really easy.
>turd cutter
That's a power word if ever I've seen it.
You can feel the seething come through the work, Socrates was based in his time.
You look at yourself the least, why would you wail when it is least of all your burden to bear.
What a shallow preoccupation in the first place, we'll all be old and melting before long, focus on something of value or at least something that makes you less miserable.
Dating sites are terrible, don't bother. Your chances are better wandering half naked through the forest.
I'll be honest, if you're expecting something out of this, it isn't coming. If your question is naively sincere, then no she meant nothing by it.

Once you realize you are separate from all of yourself that can be observed you need to turn the observer onto itself and understand that it too is imagined, as empty as the rest. Shunyata.
The end of mysticism is unknown, but there's no return to reality, to be enlightened means to know there's nowhere to return to, you've nowhere left but the moment.
I get all my knowledge from Amazon reviews.
Amazon reviews are the reddit of the book review world
I thought reddit was the reddit of the book review world
Based. I imagine most anons on /lit/ could actually pull that off quite easily.
I can't fall in love I feel like Major Payne
She really wanna fuck I just want her brain
You can call my opps Abel you can call me Cain
I'm going schizophrenic crashout bitch I feel like Lain
>Socrates was based in his time.
Funnily enough it's usually The Clouds that's called out for participating towards the jury's view in the trial being so harsh. A lot of Aristophanes plays take digs at the usual suspects, but in The Clouds there's a lot of stuff Socrates says or does that implies Athens might be in no place to throw stones.
Was I human?
I love when girls were those short shorts that are slightly baggy so at the right angle you get to see a sliver of the bottom of their ass. Drives me wild
Rape time
I pretend i'm human a lot but I think they're starting to suspect
I feel spiritually lost without the Catholic Church because it's etched into my soul and can't be shaken off. At the same time it is painfully obvious that the Catholic Church of today (after the Second Vatican Council) is no longer the Catholic Church of the past. The Church of the Conquistadors, the Inquisition, the Crusades, the reactionary anti-modernism of Pope Pius IX, the worldview of St. Thomas Aquinas -- that is no longer represented by the globalist NGO classical liberal organisation headed by "Pope Francis". There is no squaring the contradiction. So I'm spiritually drawn to something I know intellectually is false and erroneous. And this is the source of my great spiritual discomfort.
That doesn't help. I'm a Catholic despite not wanting to be one, like an atheist Jew who still calls himself a Jew. I can't just shake Catholicism off for "Orthodoxy" like changing a pair of shoes.
By G. K. Chesterton
I know all these arguments. Fundamentally there is a massive contradiction at the heart of Catholicism and ultimately everyone knows it in their heart. That's why in the traditional Catholic scene there are so many varying opinions on this, and you see people changing their opinion all the time. People who have held to one opinion on the matter for decades will change their mind all the time. Because ultimately the contradiction is irreconcilable.
Atheist Jews not only do not want to not be Jewish, but are the most Jewish of their people and go find an "anti-modern" Catholic church that has bible studies where boomers change their shoes every verse
What contradiction?
Why is that bro?
>What contradiction?
The contradiction between the Catholic worldview of pre-Vatican-II Catholicism, and the worldview of Vatican II Catholicism.
Vatican II Catholicism is an attempt to change and suck up to the triumphant liberal world order.
Pre Vatican II Catholicism was intensely reactionary. It was similar to something like the Taliban, for example. (Although obviously much more enlightened).
Oh, you fell for the meme.
Time to take up the mantle of anti-pope
No I didn’t “fall for the meme”. I actually read Catholic texts before Vatican II and those which came after and saw the blatant contradiction. I’ll just list a few.

>Religious liberty/freedom of speech:
Before Vatican II, the idea that freedom of religion (specifically, the freedom of infidels in Catholic countries to propagandise for their religion and form public worship etc) should be a civil right was condemned by Popes such as Pope Pius IX, Pope Leo XIII, Pope Gregory XVI and so on as a “dangerous” “absurdity”, an “insanity” and so on.

At Vatican II, especially in documents such as Dignitatis Humanae, the doctrine that all men have a right to religious freedom (in the exact same sense) was upheld.

Before Vatican II the Roman See never allowed its subjects to participate in prayer meetings or inter religious ceremonies with non Catholics as this would imply that these non Catholic religions are praiseworthy.

Vatican II taught the exact opposite.

>the death penalty
Before Vatican II the death penalty was upheld. Pope Leo X for example infallibly declared that burning heretics is not against the spirit of God in his condemnation of Luther’s assertion that it was.

The Vatican II Popes on the other hand all condemn the death penalty as barbarous.

Before Vatican II patriarchy in the household was considered incontestable and wives were heavily encouraged to stay at home. The age when girls could be married was 14. The Council of Trent for example said that wives should “love to stay at home and never presume to leave the house without their husband’s consent”. Also Pope Pius XI’s modesty standards stated strict requirements for girls dresses.

After Vatican II, this was heavily de-emphasised. For example, in the mass they make the biblical reading “wives submit to your husbands” only optional, so as not to offend modern sensibilities.

>the liturgy
Before Vatican II, the liturgy was in Latin, medieval, hard to understand, exclusionary.

After Vatican II, it was protestantised and democratic.

Before Vatican II, the idea that the legitimacy of the State “resides in the swaying opinions of the people” (Pope Leo XIII) was condemned. It was stated that the legitimacy of the State instead resides in God, and that therefore there should be no separation of Church and State, a doctrine which was likewise condemned.

At Vatican Ii, it was said that modern man is more intelligent/refined/etc than before and afterwards a democratic attitude sprang forth. This is represented for example in the doing away with the index of forbidden books, or the giving away of the papal tiara which represents monarchy and authority to some pro democracy museum in America.

Before Vatican II Catholics were enjoined to be an insular community and we were encouraged not to associate with heretics.

Vatican II is a new religion, plain and simpl.
my model ex just commented fire emoji on a 500k follower rapper insta im gonna end it all
this is like if lazer dim 700 was white
If there's a contradiction in doctrine, then I'd like to see you show a documented case of it instead of oversimplifying it. From what I've read Vatican II is a continuation of Vatican I which was interrupted by the Franco-Prussian War. Also engaging with the modern world doesn’t equate to conforming to it. The world changes, so obviously how the Church engages with it will change as well, that's not a contradiction in doctrine; it's about pastoral adaptation.
Respond to all these points:>>23512881

Pope Pius IX (who presided at Vatican I, which you claim is related to Vatican II)
>The Roman Pontiff cannot, and ought never to, reconcile himself or come to terms with, progress, liberalism, or modern civilisation.
Does that sound like a man who would’ve approved Vatican II?
Do you know what doctrine is? Popes can't change doctrine.
Just absurd cope. That’s all I ever get from Catholics. I won’t do it. I won’t delude myself and blind myself with cope. Yes, Pope Pius IX absolutely condemned religious liberty, and Vatican II absolutely taught it in the exact same sense as he condemned it. It will suffice to give you one quote (not from the Syllabus of Errors, which you have tried to tarnish, but from the encyclical Quanta Cura by the same Pope) contrasted with one quote from Vatican II:

Pope Pius IX:
>they [ie., those who teach religious liberty] do not fear to foster that erroneous opinion, most fatal in its effects on the Catholic Church and the salvation of souls, called by Our Predecessor, Gregory XVI, an “insanity,” viz., that “liberty of conscience and worship is each man’s personal right, which ought to be legally proclaimed and asserted in every rightly constituted society; and that a right resides in the citizens to an absolute liberty, which should be restrained by no authority whether ecclesiastical or civil, whereby they may be able openly and publicly to manifest and declare any of their ideas whatever, either by word of mouth, by the press, or in any other way.”

Vatican II:
>This Vatican Council declares that the human person has a right to religious freedom. This freedom means that all men are to be immune from coercion on the part of individuals or of social groups and of any human power, in such wise that no one is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs, whether privately or publicly, whether alone or in association with others, within due limits.

>Religious communities also have the right not to be hindered in their public teaching and witness to their faith, whether by the spoken or by the written word...

Let me just emphasise the two quotes to highlight how Vatican II LITERALLY contradicts Pius IX WORD FOR WORD:

Pius IX
>[it is an “insanity to say that] they [the people] may be able openly and publicly to manifest and declare any of their ideas whatever, either by word of mouth, by the press, or in any other way.”

Vatican II:
>Religious communities also have the right not to be hindered in their public teaching and witness to their faith, whether by the spoken or by the written word...

Once again zooming in even more:

Pius IX
>either by word of mouth, by the press, or in any other way.

Vatican II:
>whether by the spoken or by the written word

They use the exact same language to teach the exact opposite doctrine.

And this is just one of many contradictions I pointed out.

Stop coping. I’m tired of Catholic coping. I just know there is no way to square the contradiction and I’m not going to sit here and delude myself. Enough.
More cope. Just stop it. Have the balls to look reality in the face. You can’t say the people who believed that burning heretics is not against the spirit of God are the same people who don’t believe in the death penalty at all. Death penalty by burning is one of the most brutal ways to go. Just stop man.
Convert to Orthodoxy, it's that simple.
>zoomers try to find religion/spirituality the thread/board
Why do you think context doesn't matter?
Quanta Cura (1864):
Context: Pope Pius IX was responding to the rise of liberalism and secularism in Europe. The Church faced increasing pressure from modern states advocating for separation of church and state, which often resulted in anti-clerical laws and the suppression of the Church’s influence.
Content: The encyclical and the accompanying Syllabus of Errors condemned various modern ideas, including the concept of absolute religious liberty as understood in the context of liberal states that often used this principle to marginalize the Church.
Vatican II (1962-1965):
Context: The world had changed dramatically by the mid-20th century, with significant developments in human rights and a growing emphasis on personal freedom and dignity.
Content: The Council sought to address the modern world’s issues by promoting dialogue and understanding, including the declaration on religious liberty, Dignitatis Humanae, which emphasized the human right to religious freedom in a pluralistic society.
Pius IX: Condemned the notion of absolute religious liberty that denies the Church’s authority and promotes indifferentism (the idea that all religions are equally true).
Vatican II: Affirmed the right to religious freedom based on the dignity of the human person, recognizing the necessity of freedom from coercion in matters of faith, without promoting indifferentism.
Pius IX: Focused on protecting the Church’s rights and influence in a time when secular authorities often used the guise of "liberty" to suppress the Church.
Vatican II: Emphasized coexistence in a pluralistic society, advocating for a legal framework that protects the right of individuals and communities to practice their faith without coercion.
Pius IX was addressing a context where "religious liberty" was used to undermine the Church's role and promote secularism, often at the expense of true freedom of conscience.
Vatican II responded to a different context where the Church sought to affirm the dignity and rights of every human person, including the right to religious freedom, in a manner that respects the truth and does not equate all religions as equally true.
The similarity in language (regarding freedom to express beliefs) serves different purposes in different historical contexts.
Pius IX: Opposed a false notion of liberty that sought to eliminate the Church's voice.
Vatican II: Advocated for genuine religious freedom that respects human dignity and prevents coercion.
>More cope. Just stop it. Have the balls to look reality in the face.
You're the one who says context doesn't matter, and that you can take quotes without considering anything else and present them as contradictions.
Man, what is this ChatGPT response. Stop deluding yourself. He was very clear in what he was condemning. He wasn’t condemning “the Church being marginalised”. He said he condemns the idea that a right resides in the citizens to publicly manifest their religious beliefs. But Vatican II taught exactly that. Will you stop deluding yourself. How can this be good for your soul.
>it's this guy again
Did V2 change doctrine? Did it redefine or negate any actual theological positions? Or did it change the pastoral and liturgical approaches of the church, which have changed many times in the past?
Additionally, why is everything so fucking over now when the church weathered way worse events, like the Arian crisis, the Saeculum Obscurum, or the Western Schism?
John Henry Newman was living when the Syllabus of Errors, and he said that even then people were misinterpreting what was being said. >>23512928
Quanta Cura isn't infallible doctrine.
How many of us actually ensure our bodies are physically fit so our minds are properly fed and tuned?
The Vatican II religion is a new religion. Vatican II is not an exhaustive catechism on the beliefs of this new religion; rather, Vatican II was its incorporation ceremony. That’s when it finally “came out of the closet”. The point is, that it becomes plain to see, that the Church simply adopts the dominant culture of whatever time period it’s in, and has not managed to be set apart from the world. If that is the case the Church is a worldly institution, not a divine one. And hence my spiritual crisis.
/wwoym/ - theological disputes
Yeah the guy that complained about faggotry and gossip being womanly is a modern liberal...
>The Vatican II religion is a new religion
Oh, so it redefined or negated theological positions rather than pastoral or liturgical positions, then?
>That's why in the traditional Catholic scene there are so many varying opinions on this, and you see people changing their opinion all the time.
Kek, i'll bite. Are you mad Pius X didn't appoint bishoprics outside the see? Press 1. Are you claiming to have been let in by the Palmarians? If yes, give date. Are you pretending you're a girl who doesn't know she can still wear a mantilla? Post tits
The Catholic Cope-Coaster:
>if you stretch the meaning it’s no longer a contradiction!
>that’s not infallible, bro!
>muh historical context!
>what about the Arian crisis ;)
>Christ was crucified, the church will be too
>just trust in god and suffer bro
Well, yeah, if you want
Why would you lie to yourself? “Pope Francis” is the most LGBT friendly “Pope” in history. He believes sodomy should not be criminalised and that gay civil unions can be blessed by Catholic priests. Why lie to yourself? Why delude yourself?
Yes it says religious liberty is a fundamental human right rooted in the dignity of the human person. Thats a blatant contradiction to the teaching of all the pre Vatican II popes who dealt with liberalism and rejected it (Pope Gregory XVI, Pope Pius IX, Pope Leo XIII, and so on). But this doesn’t even matter. As I said the Vatican II religion is more than just what exists in the Vatican II documents. It’s everything that followed it. It’s not the Catholic Church of old.
>gay civil unions can be blessed by Catholic priests. Why
What's wrong with throwing some holy water on them and wafting the incense about? If you're cool with doing this for demons, you're going to have to explain to me when you started thinking Catholic was not catholic in its reach
So fucking tired of seeing dudes on /lit/ posting about religion. Go to /his/ for your fill of "was Peter REDPILLED?!" and "is the X5B gene responsible for western civilization?"
>you're going to have to explain to me when you started thinking Catholic was not catholic in its reach
He thinks there's a bit carved out of creation for him alone to judge. Like, someone died and made him king of the gays.
Is an ex cathedra statement contradicting another ex cathedra statement?
This thread is obnoxious
You might like reddit.com
Are you a woman?
If it makes you feel better Pope Francis is a very godly person IMO. He is one of few modern Christian leaders I see as respectable.
it's crazy how atheist this board was before. I was too. the holy spirit is moving through us .
Really holy place 4chan is
>it's crazy how atheist this board was before
/lit/ was always spiritual. We go through meme religions like a Lafcadio Hearn speed run. Generally there's a few anons pissed off nobody else read any of the books who start info dumping. RCC are just really easy to troll because they're required to point out false info, and they're super trolled by internet trad cath larping
Let us be clear: Catholicism, even if you ignore the Orthodox argument that the Papal Primacy is sinful, went off the deep end as soon as Pope Francis got in and said LGBT needs to be tolerated rather than LGBT people need to accept they are sinful.
... everyone's sinful, we're meant to love and tolerate your anomalous ass too
Does anyone want to know what's on my mind?
>I wanna rebel
Always a choice
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The Holy Spirit is a demonical force of pure destruction. Jesus was an idiot.

Allah is an angry, jealous, and merciless god, and I put superior idols before him. Muhammad and Ali were idiots.

Moses and the Torah are shit, and I curse YHVH/Elohim/Jehova.
>everyone's sinful
But being heretical is being sinful beyond the basic level of sin everyone has.
Many choose the hellfire.
>including the witnesses of Jehovah
Kek, some people do want to watch it all burn
i agree it was spiritual and that's what attracted it to me over /sci/ even if i was primarily reading sci shit. for me it was always more good faith than /sci/ and more level-headed than /x/. but as of late i've seen an uptick in specifically Christianity not only on this board but across the board when it comes to public intellectuals and so on.
I don't think you understand how much work you're going to have to put in to be heretical instead of rebellious. I don't think you even understand why the Church at her most stringent usually only ever suspects heresy. I think you should probably get to know those things because not knowing them is near destruction
I detect satire. Supine on my bed, shitposting from a laptop that's been on 24/7 for about 6 years, without a hitch. Dressed in 30 year-old green wide wale corduroy pants I like because of their comfy softness, despite that it's 88F and 60% humidity outside, since it's 73 and 20% inside. I'll turn the AC down to about 65 when thunderstorms menace with a chance of outage, for that extra measure of thermal inertia security. Same principle when the likes of a polar vortex looms. Then the climate controls go up to about 78, and then it's time to strip as if for a day at the beach when going horizontal. Doubtless Max Beerbohm would have enjoyed the modern grid as much as I do, and in much the same way.
>No but really God told me it's fine if I do parts of the Final Judgment for him
That's the devil speaking to your wicked prideful heart, anon, pray for protection from such temptation
My neighbor gave me some pizza
I ate all the melon and now there's none left :(
What kind of melon sir, water kind or other kind
>water kind or other kind
Juggling too many girls. Lots of drama
It took me 10 minutes to realize what you meant by juggling.
Kek, I was going to make a joke about anon dropping one and the inevitable injuries, but i couldn't end it without suggesting he juggle balls instead and that felt uncalled for
You should've done it.
Too late now, nice numbers btw
A neighbor gave me a choice of two large Mandevillas, since she went overboard on one of her gardening shopping trips. I tend to err on the side of inclusion when it comes to seeds, and sometimes wonder about how worth it that huge seed bank built into a mountainside in Norway is, given that there's a whole category of seeds that aren't viable after dessication, and of those that are, half-lives are all over the place, from a year to a half century.
How do I get over the discomfort of sharing what I've written? Just the thought of someone reading something of mine, even though it's meant to be read by others, makes me feel naked in front of a crowd.
My best chance to get a girlfriend is in being drafted in WW3.
How bad is it if I forget a lot of details when I'm reading a historical book? As in, I remember the events, but I forget a shit ton of the characters and their role, just the overall big picture stuff. So I would remember how the French build forts over Canada, but forget if Rosebomb or La Dicker was the one who made them.
I'm reading them for fun but still it's concerning to me, and I feel I haven't read the chapter. I'm contemplating writing notes after I'm done, chronicling who was what, but I'm curious on what you guys have done. If it's a fictional book however, I have high retention, mostly because I'm not gonna see a new character/river every two pages.
Notes could help. Some people are just bad at names.
I would definitely reccomend tutoring to /lit/izens.
>putting idols before Allah when he has warned they are powerless
You will eat zaqqum!
Brushing your teeth is gay. Imagine waking up and the first thing you do is stick a phallic object in your mouth. Back and forth, back and forth. Fucking disgusting.
>phallic object
>Failed to mention most toothpaste is white stuff
I'll give you a 6/10. If trolling isn't your major, you can count this toward your credits for your degree.
You’re gross
I'm glad I'm probably not going to get to see where education goes over the next few decades.
Methinks the lady doth protest too much
You didn't mention Christ even once in this post.
He's also pretty pumped to go back to the Jesuit days for someone who hates having a Jesuit Pope.
Depends on whom it's for and the purpose of what's written. One time I hired some local chick for a big shopping errand I couldn't undertake at the time, and added a paragraph meant just for her in the situation, at the end of a carefully organized list. Fortunately it went over well. On thing that sticks oddly in my memory is an entertainingly nit-picky letter Stevens wrote to a manufacturer of T-shirts. And while I've never done anything quite like it, not even on Yelp, I've sometimes felt the itch.
Sola Scriptura prevents all these retarded arguments.
>a rich pedophile in a hat said something in the 1800s!
>then a different rich pedophile said something else in the 1960s!
Who cares.
>Go to /his/ for your fill of "was Peter REDPILLED?!
This isn't religious, this is just finding another reason to have keyboard wars.
I'll do that, at least it'll give me a cool index. I already take screenshots of a cool page (like how the author of the book I'm reading portrays Indians as heart eaters), so being able to chronicle who ate whose heart will be useful to know.
Oh look, the toothbrush loving fag even fantasized about cum. Case in point.
Yeah after about 5 years of heavy drinking I became retarded.
I was about to poop but nah I'll just hold it in.
I am a polytheistic Muslim, Anti-Christ Christian, and charitable Jew.
I have an unfinished project I can finish, it's nothing serious, just a meme type thing, but I don't really see the point because I don't care about receiving attention for it. I know how le Internet works and that I can post my shitpost on any related subleddit and get guaranteed attention but I don't care. This is why I don't really seek out anything anyone else has created anymore, because "why bother" should flit through your mind before hitting submit, and the answer for most people is "I want attention", but I for one don't care.
For me, larger context is everything. Last week, for some reason I was thinking about clipper ships, the fastest and most efficient large vessels ever powered by wind, just before steam power took over. And about how different they were from, say, the awkward slow things around the time of Columbus, Drake, the Spanish Armada. One of my favorite passages in literature is that afterward by Dana on a steamship enroute to San Francisco. I think of 1600 as very close to the composition of Hamlet, and that sometime around 1800-1820 is when the New Madrid fault let rip and rang bells faraway as Boston, but can't remember the actual date. (No chance in Hell I'd live anywhere near St. Louis.) For some reason I remember that Handel wrote the Messiah in one month, mostly of August, and that Debussy enjoyed the sight of a rare light snowfall in Rome.
If you don't want to do it, who cares?
Like I said, not me.
Then shut up and don't do it. Why did you waste seconds you could be spending on literally anything else on this post when you knew you didn't want to do it?
anon it sounds like you are spending too much time on the internet reading bad news and other fudd. that's exactly what the devil wants. the pope isnt as liberal as you think, the catechism is still rock solid, the faith is strong and trad, if you feel disillusioned then participate in church bible studies and comminunity events to be more trad

but always remember this. at least things are nowhere, and i mean, utterly NOWHERE near as badly progressive as certain protestant denominations. the church has survived thousands of years with great cathredrals longer than some countries, older than america herself. stop being demoralised
Pope Francis is definitely not representative of Christian Faith.
I would abandon Catholicism post haste and return to Orthodoxy, if I was in that heretical system.
Just shut the fuck up already
>and that gay civil unions can be blessed by Catholic priests
READ THE FUCKING DOCUMENT before posting shit like this. He says individuals in such unions can be blessed individually, as anyone can be blessed by a priest, as long as it is explicitly clear that the blessing is not for the union itself.
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Unless the blessing begins with an urging for them to repent their sins, it is invalid.
Dennett understates the case when it comes to the general effect of modern accessibility to recordings of professional musicians. The equipment itself makes possible effects quite impossible without it, often spectacularly sensational. Studio magic, analogue or digital editing, synthesis, play with electronic equipment as instruments in and of themselves, the almost endless selection of speakers, headphones, car audio setups, etc. A good chamber orchestra sounds rather like what I'm used to through good headphones and speakers, but it's the outliers I find particularly astonishing: A large live fine chorus in a suitably reverberant acoustic, and things best heard in almost total privacy, in a car, hypnotic transportation music too scenic to experience to advantage in any kind of theatre.
I believe the contrary, music on demand has cheapened it to meaninglessness.
Man is a laughably banal creature, aren't we?
Yeah, but what're you gonna do?
What can be done to fix Brazil? How do we stop it from being such a shithole?
Depends on what you mean by "meaning". I say the more luxury the better, particularly when it comes to choice, artistic or otherwise. Let listeners find their natural levels with the slightest movement of the will.
>Woke up tired and sore.
>Took a shower.
>I'm still sore and tired.
>Thinking of making some hot chocolate.
I'm not a man.
But I'll still fuck you like you are.
More bunda
I think they're doing pretty well in that category.
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lord forgive me my sins, as it is written, you shall not judge lest you be judge, that you shall not condemn lest you best condemned. but it seems i cannot help myself, when someone says they are a Christian, i should rejoice and have joy in my heart for another brother or sister in Christ, but instead i just think "what kind of Christian?"

it has gotten so bad that i would at times prefer the company of secular, atheist, or vaguely culturally Christian people as i know they would not spew nonsense at me in matters of faith or misrepresent Christ and his teachings in the proper context and understanding. it is an opportunity as well for them to know the true path. as it is written, love thy neighbor, i have one job, and i just keep blowing it
Not much. By the time any region is dominated by favelas/slums when nuclear powered air-conditioning and eerily automated agriculture has been established for decades elsewhere, it's already too late. At least for our species, not necessarily the best. .
Be disappointed, I assume.
It includes wo-men and unmen, too.
Being able to experience music (even against your will) immediately and on command has not only made the experience much more ordinary. But it has possibly degraded the medium, too.
I had a friend come over a couple of months ago and he stayed for two days, most of the second day was just him sleeping on an air mattress in my loungeroom while I sat on the couch next to him and watched the UFC. It was comfy. Back then the guy lived in uni accommodation and it's right on the main street in the city so it was really loud at night, bro just needed a few days to recharge and catch some good Z's.
Did you suck each other cocks?
Probably the strangest and most beautiful scenic sequence I've enjoyed is the view from a DC10 window, to O'hare, from the west coast of Mexico, in mid December. The best part by far was how you could see the fine details of the rural Illinois grid at night even from 37.000 feet, and the way the captain seemed to read my mind, and gave two views of the North Loop from around 8000 feet, lazily looping over the comparatively inky blackness of Lake Michigan.
By 2030 the common understanding of a near-future sci-fi scenario will be an obscurantist eco-society of gay-rights mostly african gene-modded humans who take care of the earth after having a close call with climate change.
Grim stuff.
Good thing I'll be long gone by that time
did she fart
If a random person off the street asks a passing priest for a blessing, how should he respond?
No, it was because I wanted her so badly, she was so cute, but I knew I couldn't have her, I couldn't do anything but stare at the back of her head and feel tortured.
No. Should we have?
why did you want her so badly?
Cause I found her very attractive. It's unfortunate that cold approaching is a creepy and weird thing to do. Also, maybe it's a good thing that I can't have her, I had a quick vision of me strangling her from behind pop into my head while looking at her.
In my long experience of gardening, the species/varieties most immune to pests and diseases are French Dwarf Marigolds, cottonwoods, and burgundy maples--the latter of which always looks amazingly perfect even at a century and 80 feet tall. Yet the oldest tree I've ever seen is a 600 year or so old oak, which happens to sit in a modest front yard, within easy walking distance where I used to live.
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Listening to the new Alcest, it's kinda comme ci comme ca
It's not that creepy or weird. Why couldn't you have her? Was she taken?
It's not that weird, just depends on how you do it.
Never liked Alcest. I like plenty of what is termed “post-black” like Altar Of Plagues but Alcest just came off as massive posers to me. I’ve been into heavy music for 27 years I think I have culminated some authority on the matter.
>I had a quick vision of me strangling her from behind pop into my head while looking at her
That shit is normal especially if you have general anxiety. The important thing is you don't hold on to it and that it's not sincere.
I wish the age gap between my little sister and me was larger. If I had been older and more developed when we were growing up I may have been more aware of my role as a brother, and of the outsized effects one's siblings can have during childhood, and treated her better. I often feel that I did a fairly shitty job as a big brother and wish I would have done things differently.
>It's not that creepy or weird.
It really is, I think the only appropriate place to do it is a club or a bar, there's a reason only a small number of guys do it outside of those places. If the girl wanted to talk to you then she would approach you.
>Why couldn't you have her? Was she taken?
I'm not sure if she was taken, she was riding the bus alone. As for why I can't have her, it's because I couldn't approach her, I couldn't start a conversation with her, she's a stranger to me.
>Everybody starts out as a stranger.
You're right and I really don't have a rebuttal to that.
Really? I always have visions of harming people. What do you mean by "hold onto it"? Like, do I think about it all the time? Also, I would probably strangle her if given the chance, but I wouldn't kill her or take it too far. It's not a her specific thing though, I'd strangle anyone given the chance, I just wanna strangle someone, I guess.

I might see her again, I have to ride that same but at around that same time for the next 5 weeks, and she clearly has to ride that bus to get to a place that she wants to go, so there's a chance our paths may cross again.
Pure schizo. I can't tell whether Left or Right in bias, but doubt it matters which.
I just had a thought that I'd like to just drive off into the sunset and get away from everything. Then I realized I live on the west coast.
Ever heard of boats? When you operate one it's called driving.
>If the girl wanted to talk to you then she would approach you.
I'm a girl. I was asking all those questions because I was curious about the other perspective, having been on the receiving end. And no, she wouldn't.. It's not that weird to approach her. If she's wasn't interested she'd just forget you ever approached her in like a few hours.
I'm impressed my butthurt hyperbole post managed to supercede the left-right divide.
But why exactly can't you tell? is it because of the obscurantist part.
Now that I look back it.
It's basically a tweet in content and format if you take out where it was posted.
meanwhile the Amish remains pure. maybe they were right all along?
I doubt it, they are just inert farming people. I abhor village life and I doubt I would enjoy life without the internet.
>Hey, girl, I'm a stranger who's talking to you because I find you attractive and even though I'm not going to explicitly state it, you know that that's the case. Everything that I say and everything that I do when interacting with you will ultimately be in an attempt to get you to really like me so that you'll be with me.

Does it not feel weird being approached by a guy when you know he's only talking to you because he wants to be with you/get in your pants? Is that not a creepy and weird thing?
Also, yeah, it is true. People that aren't talking to each other are choosing not to do so simply because they don't want to. Girls will approach a guy if they want to talk to them and stay away from them if they don't. It must also feel pretty shitty being forced into an interaction you don't want to have simply because the guy wants to be with you/get in your pants.
My youngest sister is about 5 years younger, and I feel the same way you do about yours, that I wish I'd been a better and nicer brother. I favored my next oldest almost too much, partly because we were only 18 months apart, and both enjoy a certain kind of extreme domestic tranquility. Not that I was all that bad: About the worst that I did involved pranks with sound recordings, some of which she's in, acting silly for the microphone. Love my littlest sister.
More of the same. Get a life.
>Girls will approach a guy if they want to talk to them and stay away from them if they don't
What does it mean if no one has ever approached me?
Yeah, that would be weird. Smiling, saying hello, asking someone's name, and then asking them a question isn't that weird. The worst thing that happens is she'll say no thanks, and if you're not socially clueless, you'll intuit it long before she says anything. No biggie.
Also, you said get in her pants. Some women wouldn't mind that anyway, but, why's that the assumption? What if you want to get to know her and go on a date?
Is sex all you're after?
Thats not really true. It may happen sometimes and in certain situations, bars and shit like that. But no that doesn't really happen that often, women unprovoked approaching men. The calculus is often different, women have more anxiety about approaching men than the inverse because they might get abused or feel the sting of retribution if it doesn't work out. Most men aren't afraid of physical assault by a woman.

I can't think of a single time a woman has ever approached me for a date, but I've approached them for dates successfully a few times.
Once I hung out with two girls and I was oblivious that one of them was into me the whole time. Right as they were about to leave, one of them did a sort of aggravated groan and then came up to me and asked for my number, obviously annoyed that I'd gone the whole time without doing it.
So think about that. She wanted me and spent two hours avoiding having to initiate hoping that I would.
You don't have to make it weird or unpleasant or act like a fucking door to door salesman. Actual chads will talk to girls because its fun. Even if they don't want to fuck the girl. Actual chads are bored most of the time in their day to day life. They aren't consumed with anxiety and autism about every little social interaction. Talking to the people around you can be a source of entertainment. And when you get used to that, then talking to a girl you like isnt such a big deal.
You are a normal male. 90% of girls don't approach guys, ever period. You have to approach them.
That sounds nice, anon. I hope your relationship with them now is good.
My sister rarely speaks to me.
I used to think this and then read about the rampant sexual abuse, misogyny, and animal cruelty in Amish communities
Same bro. 6 year age gap for me. Its a tragic distance. Too large to really do much together, but not large enough for you to be mature.
My youngest sister has a different complexion from the rest of us and when she was 4 or so, she was asking us why and we explained that we found her in the woods being raised by a family of squirrels. My dad wanted to take the squirrels instead of her but my mom insisted we take her instead. I still remember it because she bought it and spent the whole day crying and asking my mom about squirrels
I'm not only after sex but I hate the tension and uncertainty of talking to a woman I'm sexually attracted to. I hate being just a friend to her. I'm more interested in romance than just sex but I hate pretending it's just about friendship. Sex for me is more about sealing the deal, if it worked like in the old days and we were engaged before having sex, I could wait for a long time but I don't want to be some kind of beta orbiter to her.
Also, you said get in her pants. Some women wouldn't mind that anyway, but, why's that the assumption? What if you want to get to know her and go on a date?
Why did you choose to leave out me also saying "be with you"? I never said it was just about sex. No guy is ever going to approach you in public unless he wants to BE WITH YOU or get in your pants. I don't know how old you are but I assume you're at the age where you should know that by now.
>You don't have to make it weird or unpleasant or act like a fucking door to door salesman
I never said you did, but the intention is clear every single time a guy cold approaches a chick in public. There's no world where I decide to cold approach the chick on the bus, sit down next to her, and her think to herself "Wow, he's talking to me because he wants to be my friend", no, they're always going to know that I'm sitting next to them because I want to be with them OR get in their pants, they're just going to know that, women aren't stupid.
Ahh thats normal shit. I told almost the exact same story to my little sister. We found her on the side of the road lol

In some way this has made me feel better that there are 3 of us with big bro guilt like this. You have to keep in mind that you were a child yourself.
Ok. See you around.
Alright alright relax I just overlooked that. No big deal
Yeah. I advocate for being direct. Nothing wrong with platonic friendship with a woman, but if that's not how you truly feel, its better to fess up and if it's unrequited, just distance yourself.
A lot of resentment and weird shit spills out in those quiet, pretend friend scenarios
Oh I'm not too guilty about it. It's funny to me. I have more guilt toward my other sister actually. She's got some cluster B stuff going on, I'm certain of it, but I'm fairly certain I do too, and I was very mean to her back in the day. She was mean to me too. But it still sucks to think she might feel as though I do not love her.
Family is strange. All of my family members have flaws that'd cause revulsion in me if they were experienced through strangers, but in family I always tolerate, accept and empathize with it. Thinking about how much I love my family is one of the few things that enables me to have sympathy for people who aren't my family. I'll relate them to my parents or siblings and say okay, maybe there is more to this person than their shitty attitude.
It's complicated, if not close at this point, The youngest is the family archivist almost by default, at least when it comes to photos. But I have one over on her: Cassettes.
Women are notoriously stupid about this actually but we can put that aside.

Why is it bad if they know you want to fuck them? If anything you should err on the side of making it overly obvious that you want to fuck them. Don't hide your dick like a beta. They respect you a lot more when you aren't being sneaky about your attention.

If I approach a girl I literally believe in my heart that I am doing something good. I am giving her the opportunity to go on an adventure with me and have fun. If she isn't into it thats fine, who knows whats going on in her life. Its a situation with a very favorable risk/reward to talk to a pretty girl.
You wish.
Not him.
But is platonic friendship between adult heterosexual members of different sexes possible?
I'm not trying to be mean, I just have few friends.
What, drive a boat to China? That's fucking retarded
We lurk the same general, we are bound to talk again eventually.
I'll defer to Nietzsche:
>genuine friendship between a man and woman is possible, but is helped along greatly by some physical antipathy on the part of one or both.
There's truth in it but it's tongue in cheek. I've been friends with women I've found physically attractive, but not enough to cause feelings of jealousy or strong desire. Most of it comes down to respect. Recognizing that if you're going to be friends with a woman, some reptilian part of your brain may want to fuck her or something, and that that's a disrespectful part of your brain you must ignore or restrain for the sake of respecting your friend.
Some things, people, aspects of yourself are irrevocably lost to time or fate, or chance or evil, and I'm trying to and have been trying to deal with that for a long time. Sometimes I wonder if this attachment to this idea that I had my innocence taken from me by the person who sexually abused me is even a good or healthy way to view my past. Was it stolen? Did I lose it then, or was it inevitable? I feel a sense of loss when I think about it but the thing I've lost is elusive. Maybe there was no thing at all, maybe what I'm looking for behind this feeling isn't there and never was. This feels to me like I'm trying to question myself why I feel like this in the first place. Why do I feel bad about what happened? Why does it hurt?
Sure its possible in the same way it is possible to put your whole hand inside of your asshole if you really wanted to.
I've never been sexually abused, I've been abused in other ways. Abuse always hurts and comes with a mix of guilt, shame, hatred, resentment, vengefulness, loss, etc. At some point you either make peace with what happened and slowly rebuild yourself or you cave to it forever. But sexual abuse is very serious, more serious than what I've endured and may be qualitatively different, so I could be full of shit here. Either way I'm sorry that happened to you and I hope you find a way to make peace. Just because something happened to you, doesn't mean you aren't still you.
Talk to me now. How do you live and where?
This is an interesting way of thinking, I'm gonna mull over this for a little bit, thanks, anon.
I live by breathing, eating, and then evacuating the waste produced by those activities. I'm a student, too.
I live on planet earth, in the north american continent.
I think in some sense all loss is the same
I'm partially convinced that what I'm experiencing isn't real. The world I perceive and the sense of self and identity I seem to perceive it through seem illusory, transient, and perishable, and I begin to believe that I never existed in the first place, that a self of any kind is illusory, even the self which the Hindus speak of when they say Brahman.
This is a result of many years of personal failure, isolation, and trouble relating to others. I reject myself completely and wish to find a way to exit the world, dissolve myself, escape into solipsism, or damage my fundamental awareness, if possible, in such a way as to cause it irreparable harm. Buddhist annihilation doesn't go far enough. Dissolution into Brahman doesn't either. I want the very possibility for me to exist, ever to have existed, or come to exist to be destroyed, not negated, as the binary of negation and positivity implies the thing to be negated.
I tried therapy and medication very briefly but quit after a few months. I exercise regularly and have a stable job, accomplishments, various things for myself. It doesn't matter. None of it will make me love myself, or love someone else, or accept another's love for me. There's nothing inside me for a treatment to repair, just TV static.
Specifically, I live in the U.S. Why?
Most people feel that way
The worst adult temper tantrums I've had that I can remember are: 1) Threw a shitty CD player out of a car window. 2) Broke a rare bud vase by throwing it into a sink of dirty dishes. 3) Wireless keyboard thrown across the room, from a recliner. 4) Stomped an alarm circuit board in the office where I worked. 4) Raging phone call to a landlord about a noisy neighbor. 5) Flooring it to pass someone going only 75 in a 55 zone.
The ineptitude of humanity, it's inability to deal with the reality of itself, simultaneously fascinated and disappoints me. This is not to say that I myself am free of those accusations, I have not delusions about my contributions, the lack of capability to surpass the ego and achieve something more than survival. I wonder if in some alternative universe, or on some distant world, that there is a semblance of individuality that combines itself with the freedom from bias that I crave, but the reality seems unlikely to me. Perhaps I'm egotistical even within this thought, perhaps I'm being pretentious, perhaps the these thoughts are in of themselves a contribution to all of this.

All this to say I pretty much want to die.
She said she's not ready to rush into a relationship, okay I took it as her saying she doesn't like me and is letting me down easy. the problem is both before and now AFTER this she constantly stares at me when i'm interacting with other girls there. i know cause i see it out of the corner of my eye her turned completely towards us when she is usually facing away otherwise. its that kinda stare where they linger for almost a minute. so what the fuck. is she now jealous. does she just want my attention and care without having to give any in return? Definitely that. it sucks so much bros i thought she was the one but she's just a selfish hoe. i fell for the halo effect and her seeming very nice and affectionate.
A week of waging is over and now I'm so tired I have a migraine and can't enjoy the weekend.
She's a woman, just assume the worst.
You know they are. We're just not pious enough, it's not in us.
i should but i still hold out hope that im wrong and she is conflicted. i dont know. the new girl who i'm talking to, who girl 1 was staring at (along with me) while we were talking, is much cuter and seems pretty cool so far. but maybe i shouldn't fall for girls at work anyway. dating apps are just too brutal when it comes to meeting pretty women. real life actually has gotten me the prettiest women so far. and i pretty much just work and come home. i go to the bar but hardly any young people seem to go there now
I'm a retired semi-cripple NEET and live in north central Illinois, in a weirdly spectacular and spacious setting. My (so-called) insurer bills the federal government about 80K per year for Enbrel, and I listen to rather a lot of EDM through HD 600s
I think so. These days especially
Look into recursive thinking
---- Solaria ----
Garden Aperture

Obscure variations on popular hits,
Sight cuisine.
This is just an egotistical person. Men do this too. It can be more complex too. Sometimes people are aware that they themselves are no good and don't treat others right, so they self sabotage or distance themselves, but they still desire the affection, so they still act jealous. But it's just as often, ego. They don't want you enough to be there, but want you just enough to gratify their ego. So seeing you with someone else creates momentary anger, but not enough to commit to you wholesale.
You're better off either way. Pay her zero mind
If it's not real, then go get a knife in your house and stab your eye. Doing that shouldn't matter any more than typing on the computer if none of it is real.
Not all wishing is vanity. Sometimes reality exceeds expectations, in sheer surprise.
Haven't taken a decent poop in over a week.
I'm taking anti depressants and the idea of an afterlife starts seeming more plausible.
Go for milfs and gilfs
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Keep on rocking in the free world.
Whenever a character in an anime or fantasy novel is presented with a choice where they can keep being human or trade their humanity for power, the question they ought to be asking is not whether they should take the deal, but what good, if any, did being human ever do for them.
tfw from kazakhstan
keep on banging hookers
Am I doing this right?

Little did he know that Lady Elaine would have the final say in the matter. The strange words had reached Lady Elaine's heart. The two were unable to make amends, and no one understood why.

It was a dark and stormy night in the manor of Lord Gerald.
Gerald had slept in for the third time this week, and his servants had started to worry for his well-being.

Every sixty years the badgers of the Northern Mountain region migrate eastward, but for the first time they have migrated westward, and it has only been forty years since the last migration. Badgers in the western region could only spell trouble, but luckily, the anti-badger trumpets were played, and they were sent back north, to wait twenty more years.

"I wonder about the sorts of things Lord Gerald dreams of." Said Elaine.
"Sometimes I look out at the fields of flowers, and i can't help but feel each one was made for me alone."

"I remember last week, when Johnson Abigail and I went to the store to buy bread loaves. There croissants where there, but I didn't want any. I had no idea Johnson Abigal's wife had made those croissants. Now they've all gone stale."

The warm Autumn breeze blew orange leaves up into the overcast sky. Every step crunched with a delightful springiness as the two old friends, Dave and Carol delighted in the noonday weather by sharing a modest meal comprised of smoked sausages and bourbon.

"I am not that drunk!" Dave blurted out, barely able to keep his eyes open. "Can you even stand, you twit?" Carol cackled, delighting in the whimsy of her inebriated colleague.

Gerald ducked behind the overturned table, narrowly avoiding the thrown pastry. He looked over to his left, and noticed a stuffed teddy bear. In a single graceful movement, he leaped over the table and threw the teddy bear at the assailant.

Later that day, Johnson Abigail and his wife Carol enjoyed their usual past time of reading in silence by the fireplace.Something changed in his expression. The silent room became penetrated by the shrill laughter of Mr. Abigail. Eisner, the cat, leaped with fright from the sofa where Johnson resided, onto the lap of Carol, both bemused and worried at the same time.
Why did I have to develop depression at a young age and suffer due to it for rest of my life? I didnt ask for it.
Broooo same here. I was diagnosed with depression before you can even be clinically diagnosed with depression. Depression in preteens is called "pre-depression."
Damn, I remember asking parents on why I had to be born back on the primary school, maybe at the first or second grade. Being a depressed guy is emasculating.
Greet me
right on brother
Wouldn't it be nice to have someone you can love unconditionally?
Wouldn't it be nice to have someone unconditionally Love you?
that's Jesus, anon
Without a doubt.
I jack off to him too.
I saw an incredibly beautiful girl today. We were walking down a busy street in opposite directions. Locked eyes - she was looking at me, these beautiful, broad brown eyes.
I’ve really kneecapped myself with women lately because I’m self conscious about my appearance.
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I hate this part about myself. I'm thinking ''ill go to a park today''. Ok i think ''lets move my arms to dress up'' and I can't do it, as if I was paralyzed yet im not. My brain is sending all the signals to all my body ''move'' and all I can do is continue typing and maybe flex a muscle in protest.
If you are able to find the beauty in other people, then you begin to be open to the idea that other people can find beauty in you. If you are judgmental and vain, then others will be judgemental and vain towards you also. Just one of those paradoxical truths about life.
Nta but I can find others beautiful but others have to be blind to see beauty in me.
t. looks like deformed goblin
>Girl whom I lost v to literally said she owns me now the first time we had sex
>Always got annoyed with me when I expressed feelings for her and would scold me for it saying I was being clingy or whatever
>Eventually fling ended
>Still see her around
>When talking she sometimes just stares at me and smiles at me amusingly (don't know how to describe it but she suddenly gives this look and smile like she's ignoring what I'm saying)
>I literally fall in love again and stupidly smile back
>Forget about it again after we part ways

Wtf is this? Why does she still make me feel goofy and give me butterflies after all these years even though we are both married. I obviously know that I don't give her those feelings though because I don't think she rcer reciprocated my feelings lol.
Love is playful. You sound young, and when you are young feelings are fluid. She probably feels more strongly about you than you realise - which is not to say that you should pursue her or anything. But you get fed a story that things should be 'serious' when the truth is that - especially when you are young - love and liking, devotion and flirtation, all these things merge and separate again. It's not all so serious, roll with the punches. There's something enjoyable about confusion too.
Lmao we are in our 30s.

We were hooking up at 17 to 18. As much as I used to try to convince myself, I don't think she ever felt strongly about me. I was just her play thing when she was bored then she got bored again and discarded me lol.
>I was just her play thing when she was bored then she got bored again and discarded me lol.
Many such cases!
>Lmao we are in our 30s.

Ah, with that in mind, you should kill yourself.
>When talking she sometimes just stares at me and smiles at me amusingly

I knew a girl who did this to men all the time. She once made a remark about it and was convinced it wasn't in her control but it was one of the reasons I attempted to steal her from her bf. She would do it all the time and there were several instances of me catching her doing it from across the room at a party. I would later come to find out she was very big into the occult and a self-harming BPD. She's probably right that it wasn't in her control given what i know now about demons.
What do you know about demons?

I've come to realise they are real but want to see your perspective

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