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vr edition

previous >>23510211
So I just started a new job but that job conflicts with my school schedule. Wtf am I supposed to do
My advice: give up.
Okay. I'm quitting both the job and class
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I'm coming to a point in my life where I will need to call upon my writing to deliver the future. I have not written anything significant in at least 5 years, indeed I have hardly posted on 4chan since the most recent captcha changes. Today I did a 10 minute free write and I am shocked with how positive the experience was. I feel it is too self-indulgent to post in its entirety but I had to share this sensation.
Life is such a juxtaposition of ironies. All my life I suppressed my sexual urges in an effort for purity and religion to the point of permanently isolating myself from women. And every moment I failed I self chastised for falling to the vices.

And when I finally grew out of that mindset and decided to let nature take its course with me, God decided to kill all my libido. Funny ain't it
That's not irony. You're just dumb. Many religious chaste men have found wives. Chaste doesn't mean isolate from them.
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let me laugh harder

how can one be comfortable with sexuality? It seems too foreign concept to me.
You just have to be normal
does than mean I'm not normal?
Yes you're also annoying
what are you laughing at ?
Finding women is not my problem. And those chaste men you speak of certainly see fleshly needs as vices and they certainly aren't socially engaging with women at a large degree. Denial of desire certainly leads to the denial of source of desire.

The issue is I grew out of this bs. But now it means nothing. I used to pray to not be burdened by my desires and it is the one prayer that got answered.
You sound literally retarded.
>Many religious chaste men have found wives.
they werent living in the current days.
Well, nobody told me it's going to be like this. Otherwise I'd have done more to pound pussy. I thought I still had time
based, gl anon
Are you 60? If not, it's not your age.
Guys, how do you tell what books are worth reading? I only have a finite amount of time in this world and I can’t waste it reading useless books.
It's obviously not age since I'm 30. But the fact is it's taken from me. I had less time than the average guy and I squandered it.
you just stop and really appreciate the sheer sensations of the senses fully? like how soft things are, or the hardness of some things, or of quietness and loudness. the many different colours perceptible to the mind, a living thing, from the weight of lifeless physicality. life is such a gift, it is truly a miracle to be animated matter

so much so that sometimes i can feel the very essence of things "breathe" in their own way, the utter oneness of a connected reality shared by everyone simultaneously even as it is read in text. it's incredible, all of it, and it's so beautiful you gotta just sit back and soak in pure sensation
>life is such a gift
its a pure suffering
it is suffering only because you perceive suffering, because you are attached to things that don't really matter, burdened by weights fabricated by imaginary scenarios and fears. people live in a perceived reality and not reality-as-truly-is, which is sheer bliss, as such things were made perfect by the creator's will, a greater being

it is like the story of the man who kept worrying about tomorrow that he forgot to live in that day, until he was told he had no tomorrow left. it is important to think ahead to be sure, but i would argue as well, to at times pause, breathe, appreciate and give thanks not just as lip service, but as a momentary reflection of expressing one's own conscious being-in-action. i think i will go outside and just dance in the sunlight while getting lost in the park examining patterns of tree formation, i hope you can find the courage to do the same sometime anon
Based dancer anon
If you don’t get pussy you aren’t really a man. Simple as
here outside we find an endless symphony of patterns and vibrations, nature's symmetry echoing upon itself like waves on a pond but reality itself the water. it is a wonder how this is all possible, who can even dare concieve of such things? i am in awe. i stumbled and fell on my way out, and here i am gazing out at the clouds moving slowly to greet me while i am on my phone rudely ignoring them. i shall ignore them no more.

hello clouds! i am anon. i am here. present. on my back, just outside now, laughing and giggling like a child at such wonder of the buzz and humm of the world around me. i still need to drive to the park though so i can look at the pretty trees again, i hope i didnt forget my keys.aha here they are, and one metal handshake later the door is opened

we are now on the road~
I don't want to be alone anymore but I keep isolating myself and every time I have the chance to hang out with people I don't show up.
I like you, anon. I want to be more like you
One day even this feeling will start to wear off. That's when the fun begins.
I want her too bad for my own good.
Just learned a good and a bad news about the local water in the town I newly moved in. The good news, it's cristal pure mountain water.
The bad news, all of it is flushed unfiltered into the river. Piss, shit, chemicals.
>it’s 2024 and still no religion board on 4chinz

I shouldn't have said anything
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I've been writing poetry more since I haven't been able to find the will to draw or paint or write stories. It's actually the one art form where I don't actually care if it's good or bad, but I do want to make more art in general.

I hate to admit I find a lot of literary fiction and so-called classics boring, and a large majority of them don't really get interesting until halfway through, which on average for most of these books are like three hundred pages deep.

What are some examples of good prose according to you guys? Writers and/or passages welcome.

1.Experiencing it with someone else.
2.Have a life outside of work/school that doesn't revolve around sex
I can when I'm alone, when I'm walking a trail or walking home during the time of year when everything starts getting brighter. Everything looks so shiny and vibrant and it saturates the senses.
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>Babby hasn't had his first trauma induced dissociation yet.

Stay safe anon
AI is so bad. It will affirm any wrong information, like that being an anagram.
Repent, heretic
Do you guys think the occult and demons and stuff are real? What's your opinion and all on it?

The older I get the more I think it's real which has got to mean God is real
I used to be handsome. Now I'm pretty.
Cristal's a brand name of champagne, crystal is probably the word you're looking for
very little excites me anymore. I don't care for IRL stuff, or socialising, or seeing live music, or visiting places. I feel like I've seen it all, despite being the most shut-in person you'll cross.
Still I feel some excitement for the future. I think I've been so railroaded in my life, doing what my parents wanted that I have a little glimmer of hope that I can just go on and life my autistic, loser, loner life by myself and be content
>man with consciousness level just above that of a monkey rejects subhuman delights of decrepit culture, is dismayed to find there's nothing else (and doesn't know there used to be other things)
>doesn't know there used to be other things
like what? educate me, O superior Ape
Going to bed
Today was a good day
Thomas Montgomery, a 47-year-old married man, was convicted in 2007 of murdering a workmate in a case called the "Internet Chatroom Murder". He posed as "Tommy", a 21-year-old marine, and began an online relationship with a 17-year-old called Jessi. A workmate of his, 22-year-old Brian Barrett, subsequently began an online relationship with the same girl after Montgomery's deception was revealed, and Montgomery shot him in their work car park. "Jessi" was actually a middle-aged woman who had been using pictures of her daughter.
Never got this Shakespeare play when we read it in class. How did he know about chatrooms?
I consider myself leaning on the 'right-hand' but I dislike the corpus of Abrahamism. Are my only alternatives Buddhism (preferably Theravada and Mahayana)?
Next: stop paying rent.
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If you think about it, he has to know about chatrooms if he got as far as inventing leapfrog
does prayer work?
Do share if you're comfortable anon. I am in a similar position and would appreciate it, as I already appreciate your post.
This is the first onf my freewriting exercises. In so In a way I have already failed according to the doctirne of Elbow. I have made some edits so far although they of course do not appear on the page because they have been striekn from the record. I think the editing while type ing has become more had become more of a habit after programming because the preciosion of the language the syntax and the spelling is really the essnce of what you rae doing. An while programming there is in some ways only a finite number of things you will write, because they have to fir within the rules of the language, so the mind is sveral steps ahead of the fingers. ANd the output of typing is really just an afterthough ot a necessity. Im sure there would be and I failed again I paused to take a sip of coffee. And im sure there would be computer scientists who would disagree fundamentally with the way I presented it, but I stand by that view even as someone who prefered the theroretical or philosophical angle to computer science. It is possible that I may have cheated at this exercise in another way, I have been planning to do it at least for a few hours today and have thought of some things to discuss. Of course my fear with that is running out of ideas, and maybe I would have nothing to say tomorrow or the next tiome I sit down to write. I must pause hjere and say that there have been many many and too many more times to count wherein if that is the appropriate word, I have had the idea to write again and planned and read on /lit/ and so on how I would begin and really I never begun...
...Another sip of coffee sorry Peter. I thinkt he furhters back of such times and to interject I think my spelling has gotten worse while typing and I may have to discuss that in thre future. But the furthest back of such times may have bene in the Sporing of 2014 after dropping out of the first college, after having some time for self-pity though not too much I have never given myself too much time at once for that. But after that period sometime as the world began to warm I was reestablishing routines, finding success academically against my better efforst and getting some good work done at the climbing gym, I recall feeling this urge to compile a list of all these people I had let down and write them individual apologies. I am not sure if I really did intend to send out these documents or if it was just an exercise in moving on. From that you can see that the significant people in the previous 18 years of my life outside of my family really did have a great impact on me and I valued our relationship. It may also be that I did not feel ready to move on from what had been. That maybe did take a while. Indeed it maybe took a few more years before I really did find myself and by that I mean discover some consistent thread that can be followed to me at this poiint ion time. That spring of 2014 though there did begin to apear fragments that stayed with me. The time is up this was extremely enjoyable I think I have to date and save this if only to motivate me to do it again.
I love Phoenicia!

Anyone with a problem with that, has to leave my mostly peaceful world!
Did you know the Levant is significantly Celtic!?
just take adderall and cram
niggas iffy uh blicky got the stiffy uh
I hate women.
Has anyone else noticed porn is getting a lot more gross? Everyone spits on everything now. Also a lot more "gagging until vomiting/coughing up globs of spit" content. What the hell is going on?
I beg apologies milord
nature under constraint and vexed
Escalation of stimulation is required to reach the same level of arousal due to adaptation. It happens much more quickly on an individual scale but the porn industry and society at large undergo the same process.
Look forward to ever more extreme content becoming normalized over the next decade or two. I would unironically expect a real push for a decriminalization of pedophilia if the whole MAP thing takes off.
No, all fake nonsense. Religion, occult supernatural etc are like some kind of mental virus. They are fantasy stories, clearly fake and not real yet even when our concious mind knows it, whenever we hear, see or read about supernatural it leaves some sort of mental imprint just like some annoying catchy song that you can't get it out of your mind. Shitty television, books, songs, entertainment and just shitty culture and retarded people that mention g-d or some other fantasy nonsense every two seconds make this mental virus spread so fast that it's almost impossible to stop.
Yes. I've encountered that stuff personally.
It's not really worth spending time on. What the occult offers is a set of deeply unintuitive methods of manipulating one's personal/phenomenal horizon in exchange for a willful choice of evil with full knowledge of the act. The deal only sounds good if you don't fully understand what it entails. There are other methods to reach the same things but they are also not really worth it. The counterparts to this stuff are the miraculous things which happen to very holy people, but they too encourage one not to dwell on them or pursue them as an end in themselves.
At the end of the day it's not something to really focus on, since the great drama revolves around the choices you make and not what kind of wacky stuff you did or saw during your life.
No, ghosts are real. I seen one.
oh yeah. way nastier than the clean 90s for sure but I'm sure there were gross things in the 70s and 80s too.
>A hallucination is a false perception of objects or events involving your senses: sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. Hallucinations seem real, but they're not. Chemical reactions and/or abnormalities in your brain cause hallucinations.
ooooooooooooooooo you are getting sleeeeeepy oooooooooooooooo you are getting dizzy ooooooooo
why is society so fucked? i feel nauseous
I want to eat a pizza and two pounds of wings and drink 30 beers
dont be american next time..?
sorry let me just re-roll my stats jeez
Ur a softboi
I don't know how to play the game, and women can tell
What game?
mario kart
I just lost the game
I don’t know why I can’t just let go and enjoy life for once. I thought I’d cured myself of all the depression and other nonsense, I got my motivation back, I got a spot in one of the top business schools on the planet and my life is sorted for the next decade at least. I just have to kick back and relax but I can’t.
I see people all around me enjoying, partying, smoking, drinking etc and I just don’t want to do anything like that because I know it’s pointless. I don’t want to “network” with people because I find literally everything about everyone here repulsive. I find the whole thing absurd and pointless and just can’t wait for the whole thing to end already.
This is when I have been in complete isolation for the last 5 years. This was supposed to be my last chance at having a normal life.
Is it over? Have I run out of chances?
>I see people all around me
>enjoying, partying, smoking
Maybe change the group of people you spend time with
What's wrong with enjoying, partying, and smoking? In moderation they're all fine
Every choice I’ve ever made was the “right” one and its left me restless and anxious.

I studied hard at school. I got good grades and majored in something “useful.” I got a good job and then I got a scholarship to do a master’s degree, and then I got a better job. I spent five years of my life reading economic theory, financial analysis and business case after business case pretending I was the CEO of the biggest widget company in North America for the honour and prestige of becoming a power point monkey. Sure, I get to talk to VP’s and present “strategies” on how to sell more wood floors in Western Europe and update my LinkedIn profile. The only problem is I couldn’t care less about wood floors.

If I keep it up, I’ll become a manager.

I fell in love with literature, poetry, and the humanities. Every time I read a classic, I feel like I gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be human. It’s made me more idealistic and believe that the things that really matter in life aren’t material. And for what? To swipe a bit on Tinder and jerk off before bed?

I go to the gym and stay in shape. I eat well. I have lots of energy, I’m restless all the time. I can’t ever relax.

As I inch closer to 30, all I can do is think to myself is, “what was the point?”

I’ve turned myself into an idealistic, over educated, yuppy. I’ve given up my twenties and have nothing to show for it. I don’t own a home and the prices of everything keep rising, and I could be laid off if a project falls through and be back to square one. I have all this energy, all this education, all this passion, and instead of building something, creating something meaningful, making a mark in the world, I’ve become paralyzed. Every night I get restless and anxious and I read about men who’ve done something with their life and I look at my own life and realize I have no direction. I’ve read so many historical accounts of men that have changed the world. They were moving toward something at my age. No one even responds to my emails. I have nothing.
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I got 2 girls almost 16 years younger than me pregnant within 3 weeks and they’re friends with each other
I wish I just got a trade life some of my friends. Go to the bar everynight for a few years. Get a waitress pregnant, buy a bungalow. Atleast they're happy.
The exponential development of AI and of printing technologies that can produce material objects, including biological objects, means that post-scarcity and thus communism, are both inevitable.
point and laugh friends
Or you could try to argue against.
if you believe in marxism there's very little there for me to argue with
Marxism is a theory of historio-economic development. It's not really an ideology to believe or disbelieve in. At most it's a set or predictions based on an jnternal logic one can either accept or reject. I accept it. It makes sense. Would you like to explain why belief in it seems nonsensical to you? That's worth more than pejoratives, although, pejoratives are certainly easier.
If you can provide a compelling counter argument, I am all ears and will accept it.
i got an autographed copy of Augustine's Confessions. what do you think i can get for this on ebay?
you must be over 18 to post here idiot. you are too young and retarded to have extrapolated up to the existence of the heavenly realms. you are hard of heart and it will bite you in the ass. only then in ruin will you begin to even glimpse at the militude of spiritual forces at work in your daily life because at the moment you are confused. look at your worldview and see how it accounts for forms, morality and telos, then try to convince the world that you aren't anything else than but self-obsessed hack. Lord have mercy on you.
Unwilling tantra. Unconscious experience. Multiple time. Forced enlightenment. Like being forced to stare at the Sun at noon. The rape of awareness. Brahman and Atman joined at gunpoint. Luminous reflexive pain. Unintelligible, unutterable knowing.
Well, the first point isnt going happen ever.
>Sleep for 7.5-8 hours.
>Wake up yawning feeling tired.
>Get 3 hours of sleep.
>Wake up feeling fine and go through my day not yawning once.
What the fuck, big sleep?
I would suck and fuck a trans and I would suck and fuck a femboy or a cute enough guy, does this mean that I'm allowed to say faggot and does this mean I'm bi?
a psalm a day keeps the devil away
it just means you are horny anon, and evidently quite lonely. the path you speak of will only lead to ever-increasing self-destruction, no good can come of it. seek insteaf to resolve your nature or find a good woman to release these natural desires, and only there can you find peace
>does this mean that I'm allowed to say faggot
You were always allowed to say faggot
>and does this mean I'm bi?
No it means you're a faggot
>it just means you are horny anon
I am sometimes, I just jerk off whenever I am though.
>and evidently quite lonely
I resent being called lonely, I'm always alone but I'm never lonely, never have been, I love being by myself.
>the path you speak of will only lead to ever-increasing self-destruction
How so?
>seek insteaf to resolve your nature
Again, how so?
>or find a good woman to release these natural desires
It is way too much effort to find a woman, why would I do that if I could just jerk off? Now don't get me wrong, would I say no to a hot woman if she offered to suck me good or let me fuck her? Probably not, but it would have to be a really hot woman, average women have no effect on me. I would also never date a woman unless I could know with complete certainty that she wouldn't get fat or smell weird once she got older, those are two major turn-offs.
How do I get more people to read my book?D:
You probably just still have subconscious sexual guilt or you are physically unhealthy. Both are things that could be changed.
Market better.
Hail Mary, full of grace
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death.
So it all boils down to selling my soul to Satan in order to make it? I'll have you know that I've got morals, buddy.
Yes. Do you think people are gonna just randomly find your book? You could also get an agent and try to get your shit trad published.
I want to read some comfy metaphysics before bed
I can't. I didn't spend enough time editing/ rewriting the first draft. And it's 3.9 million words or 15k pages long. The main problem is that I'm an ESL dumb faggot with a foreign name. And no one's going to read that shit willingly because of the name attached to the book.
It's free as well. I just don't know what to do. Shit's tough, man.
I've been writing since 2015. And I don't plan on stopping. I just need a win, that's all. Regardless of how small it is.
I took NAC and have been coughing up mucus for the past few hours.
I am ten thinkers thinking in unison, or perhaps not quite succeeding. That might account for the confusion of thought which I sometimes feel. The thinking that thinks this thought is the "think." If our mind is in a computer, then what does "I" refer to?
Bow down before the one you serve

>You probably just still have subconscious sexual guilt

Maybe but when I did have conscious sexual guilt I was still horny like an animal.

>you are physically unhealthy.

I don't see how. Maybe something to look into
no good music allowed in this thread only SLOP
I'm posting this crappy song here to show off how bad it is.
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thoughts? would you read more?
It's wrong because it's a straw man not only of ideology and religion. Every religion in the world has evangelization or control by a central authority? Really? Who wrote this garbage?
Why was that picture of an alien being censored on this site a little while ago? Can somebody explain
>Every religion in the world has evangelization or control by a central authority
by definition, yes... otherwise it's just a spiritual movement, not a religion. hence the phrase "organized religion"
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You don't write like Rousseau, you can't put dry deep thoughts about society into a readable, interesting frame or context so I won't read it.
Today my mother was very dismayed upon learning that I have sworn myself to celibacy and will never interact with women. She keeps periodically asking the question so I assume she never took me seriously when I told her I was not intending to get a "gf" or have sex. And I have memories of saying some form of this since I was a kid.
That's not the definition of religion.
pull up oxford english dictionary right now
yes. why was it censored?
>I have sworn myself to celibacy and will never interact with women.
Are you religious or just getting back at your mother?
For an elaborate prank.
I tried reading philosophy books while holding my breath, and I noticed it's more difficult to concentrate on them than when I'm breathing normally.
Why do females use the exclamation point more often than males?
I like to think neither. Probably the latter if it's an either or question.
I was also being dramatic. It's not like I'm going to avoid contact with women, I'm just not going to pursue them, I'm not going accept any advances where I to receive any. Otherwise I'll just be polite and friendly if so is the ocassion.
Everyone dislikes me at my job. I'm expressionless and never show any emotion.
This stupid cunt kept blaming me for all this shit that I didn't do, or problems she herself caused. People either distrust me or think I'm an actual retard. Doesn't bother me at all if you want to give me the easy work and take on all the difficult tasks by all means go ahead
I don't know but I like it. It makes them sound like they're happy and excited when they talk to me and that feels nice.
Sounds like renuncination of sexuality itself.
Is it incelious behavior if my instincts tell me I shouldn't be reading something written by a man (Chekhov, Turgenev), but translated by a woman (Constance Garnett)?
It makes intuitive sense to me that I should look for a male translator.
>should look for a male translator.
>jazz and ice cold coffee on the longest Sunday morning all year
I think I won
I guess. What of it?
The three hours of sleep that I got last night are finally catching up to me.
There will never be another serial killer as intimidating as Ed Kemper, the guy was built mentally and physically to be as scary as possible.
Anyone been raised by agnostic/atheist parents and what are y×our thoughts on atheism?
Is this an attempt to bait anons into an argument/debate?
Man you're sad and lonely
>it's 3.9 million words or 15k pages long
This is why people aren't reading it. In Search of Lost Time is 1.5 million words. Why would someone spend so much time reading a free e-book from an ESL nobody?
I'm not sad nor am I lonely. Why do you think I am?
I always felt like I had so much left to learn. The internet was infinite. It was easy to find people who had insights I couldn't come up with. Now everyone is retarded and academics are the worst.
anyone else have an entirely different fund of memory to access when they're smoking? my style is different, the voice isn't the same, is it that it is an unearned state of meditation provided only under rigorous exercise (the classic runner's high)?
I recall being able to moonshot great cognitive calculations, threading the metabolic needle and transforming my perception of time by turns so that i could be sure i was operating with pristine motivations, but to be able to have a sort of trace-along overlay over every action, it feels it leaves a residue over the emission, motivating myself has been a problem, and it's clear my voice is somehow needed in this world, there are those who have come to me, and have lost hope, i can let myself down but letting others down has been the only thing that really leads me to regret. i know i am going to fail eventually, but there is some time i could operate, and marijuana gives a vague, transient path towards that, but i know it's not lasting, it's an uneasy armistice. for whose sake!?
I was. And to this day I am an atheist; there are (probably, you can never be sure) no gods or God.
And while I believe myself correct, I do not that that my position should be enforced as dogma. But I believe it should be tacitly accepted as true for the better functioning of state and to keep moralists in check.
I did toy with looking into religion for a while. But I realized it was going to be insincere and the uprise in annoying religious moralists also helped me turn off that path.
It's because weed can help with forgetting. It causes you to drop habits and to have to recognise facts and patterns anew, which is also why you can ask "for whose sake" at the end of a paragraph where you said it was for everyone else in the world. Swings and roundabouts.
Im just lying down in the bed this whole day. too depressed to do anything else.
Take a shower and clean your sheets so you can wallow in comfort
I am not against accepting supernatural but it has to be proven to exist. What you have just said is some esoteric buzzwords that mean nothing. How do expect people to accept your fantasy as reality?
What's On Your Mind
If I wanted to talk to a serial killer, would I just be able to schedule a meeting with them with whatever facility they're held at or would that be basically impossible unless I'm like, press or something similar?
Depending on their sentence, they're allowed visitors and letters. How do you think they keep getting married?
>basic philosophical concepts are esoteric buzzwords
all you've done is reframe and say I'm the one in a fantasy when your worldview can't account for basic things observed by philosophers for nearly 2000 years. nothing will convince you until you see the errors in empiricism and materialism in general. until then you will be a tool for the forces at work whether you know it or not.
Hmmm. I wonder how the process would go. Hmmm, the only interesting ones are old or dead so I'd have to be quick. I wonder if I can become penpals with one.
It would seem the prison that houses the one I want to talk to has a whole process on their website for this very thing, too bad I don't live in America.
My worldview can account for basic things observed by scientists because my worldview is based on science.

>until then you will be a tool for the forces at work whether you know it or not.
There are no such forces. You are imagining things.
Either you want to be a loser or not. Make up your mind.
I think turtle chips are so yummy, I've yet to eat a flavour that I didn't enjoy.
Look, I'm with you, I'm an atheist too, but why did you even reply to them? Did you seriously not figure out that this was bait?
I have no excuse. It was my mistake.
yeah. was spiritually conflicted from a young age, began gravitating towards Christianity around 21 or 22 maybe, just got confirmed into the Catholic Church recently. mom said something to the effect that they hadn't exposed me to much religious stuff because they wanted me to find my own answers and she was happy I did. I think atheism is bad for obvious reasons and less respectable than just practicing a different religion from mine but it depends on your reasons. people who simply haven't given it much thought or people who are embittered by bad childhood experiences can't really be blamed. people who just hate religion in spite of never being personally hurt by it are fucking weird.
low IQ
Years of marxoid theorycels "marching through institutions" only for it to be completely destroyed by 10s tiktok hyperborea zoomer edits, now comrade "Lilith" can't even open up his favorite song on youtube without some lil chud commenting "anotha aryan classic" and receiving 20k likes. Sad!
Downloading the made in abyss movie right at the moment and going to get the second season
I will just never understand modern Christians. So you think the Christian God is the truth of the universe but it's absolutely fine if someone worships some other God, as long as they worship *something*? You don't care that they contradict your descriptive account of the universe and also would call you a poly-theist and think you will go to hell?
Despite God being the truth of the universe, it's fine to hate him if your feelings got hurt in childhood, but if you arrive at an atheist position through some other means, like thinking about it, that's bad?
>anything I don't like is bait
The sad state of atheists
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You think I'll bite, but I won't, I will not be replying anymore.
>1st gf, hs
>closet asexual

>2nd gf, college
>unaddressed past of sexual trauma, cried everytime we sexed

>1st ons
>whore, body count 20+

>2nd ons
>pissed on me during foreplay

>3rd gf, adult life

>3rd ons
>secret jesusfreak virgin trying to rebel

>now, girl im talking to
>30yo adult khv

why cant I just have one single positive and healthy sexual experience for fucks sake
For the past week or so all of my dreams have pertained to stressing over the finals of last week and just recently school in general. I did pretty good on the finals, yet I'm haunted by them. In all of these dreams, people treat me like shit. For example, I was yelled at by a professor for not being having some key card that everyone else has, then I was told that I had to work at some gas station for a bit if I wanted to complete some paperwork to get it.
I can go on and on with other dreams, but you get the picture. So what's up with this?
Rent free
>1st ons
>whore, body count 20+
Honestly man, who cares?
just enjoy the ride
i guess it was less the number and more that i got this feeling that sex wasn't a "healthy" thing for her, she was weirdly bipolar, sometimes fun and excited, then quiet and brooding, during it all
I would probably split this up into more paragraphs.
I also found it difficult to grasp what the author was trying to get at besides "ideology is bad". Beyond that it seems to bounce around between a variety of reasons like a lack of foundation, susceptibility to outside control, and being generally authoritarian without going into much depth on any of those aspects.
>All of man's problems stem from his inability to sit alone in a room
Kind of true but also misses the point so much that trying to disprove it would just put me in a useless framework.
>2nd ons
>pissed on me during foreplay
>>All of man's problems stem from his inability to sit alone in a room
more like not getting any pussy amirite?
People who like sunny days are also the least likely to be outside. Sunshine culture is a symptom of detachment from nature.
Putting on sunscreen sucks. The heat when you're doing physical activity sucks. The harsh lightning and glare sucks.
Stayed up too late again.
Rain is also great because sunfags don't go out in it, being completely ignorant of proper rain gear.
Maybe there's something wrong with my skin and eyes but who the fuck enjoys sun exposure that much, I hate those 1 to 3 pm sunlight rays also really hate sunny mornings with all that light in eyes almost blinding you, it gets worse if you dint live near the beach
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Tried to be /lit/ and listened to Death in Venice, which made me give up on my newly started /lit/ pursuit.
Absolute kino.
Now back to /tv/.
I have had many similar experiences. Women are all totally nuts. I don't know if it's the era we live in or what. I've also heard from many women that men are all nuts these days too. I have a bad tendency to say I regret having sex after having sex and apologize to the woman and try to tell her to become a nun or something, and my most recent hookup told me her ex-boyfriend and two hookups also did this. I've also heard stories like the first guy they've actually really liked and wanted to date, a sweet guy and the first one who seems normal, suddenly turning on hardcore porn on his laptop and tilting it toward the girl without explanation. Or suddenly saying horrendous shit out of nowhere, like joking about raping her in front of his friends while introducing her to them for the first time.

I feel bad for women. You just have to wait until a guy comes along who has this magic je ne sais quoi quality, which you can't predict or force, so you're at the mercy of luck and fate. And then at any time he can start watching porn on his phone in the restaurant and you have to start all over, including the waiting process for another je ne sais quoi guy to be dropped into your lap.
Today I felt le good but now I feel le bad? Why does this happen.
> apologize to the woman and try to tell her to become a nun or something
You're a faggot, a hypocrite and a pathetic cuck.
Let the hamlet fan larp with his various modern day opheilas, he'll be fine
I think i'm going to put my feet in an ice bath
Not really a hypocrite in that I don't cling to the lie or inconsistency. The whole point of the apology is that you're apologizing for lying to her and to yourself up until that moment. On some level you know that nobody should go that far with a woman unless he actually likes her, but we all know that we find 98% of women boring and retarded. In that moment, all of the reality of the situation comes rushing in on you, and you see her as a victim and as deceived for the first time instead of seeing her as the opponent in some kind of zero-sum game.

I only stopped doing it once I reflected that it only makes the woman feel worse. They'd prefer to be lied to. In a way they're exploiting you too, so you might as well just lie there and stare at their ironic wall art and reflect silently on how disgusting the whole "process" is.
>rare straight male starfish spotted
you misunderstand. I don't think any of those things are "fine", only that some are better than others. islam isn't "fine" but it's better than atheism. being embittered against Christianity isn't "fine" but it's much more understandable if you were molested or beaten than if you were raised in a nice household with no problems. all sins are sins but some are worse than others.
Sex isn't a "zero-sum game" you fucking retard
I mean after the sex is over.

I don't think you understand what that means.
your worldview is based on ignoring basic problems and stripping the world of function and purpose because addressing this would question the coherence of your worldview. you worship scientism and though you are unaware, it functions just as every religion on this planet does. you are not part of a meta-religion, you are a part of a religion equip with it's own dogmas and eschatology.
If a Unicorn has one horn, two unicorns have as many horns as one cow.
I'm a dialetheist.
Healthy sex isn't a zero sum game but the pathological sexuality he describes often is.
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This is a unicorn (Rhinoceros unicornis).
Can you talk about how your conversion happened?
How was RCIA? Was there anything that you found difficult to accept about Catholicism or Catholic doctrine? What do you think about Pope Francis?
t. strongly considering becoming Catholic
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Oh shit new antisemitism just dropped
im pretty sure dota ruined my chances of getting a phd. undergrad was dark times and if anything, dota helped trap me in this hole. it literally was the modern day cocaine for me. of course, the fault ultimately lies with me but oh boy did i abuse the shit out of playing dota. depressed? dota. failed a test? dota. panicking before a test? dota. and then there was the pursing of higher and higher mmr. the grind of getting better, reacting faster, thinking smarter, all for the sake of dota. what are the meta heroes? what builds are pros using? how should i farmed, maybe i should check up rtz/ee's stream to see. when do i rotate? how do i split push? all of this so i can become the better player. but fast forward a few years later, all i have is dota. i am a better dota player yes, i probably can have some real life transferable skills, like efficiency and what not. but at the end of the day, i no longer have the credentials to succeed in life. i am a better dota player, but not a better person. i don't have the grades, i don't have the network to succeed. i am swamped in debt, which a part time job probably couldve helped throughout undergrad. this sucks. life now sucks.
I hate homeless people.
You should.
Their existence is proof of two things:
1. Laziness is rewarded in your society, rather than punished, or else they would starve to death.
2. Vagrancy laws are not enforced.
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Has somebody of you read "sick societies" and want to talk about?

I don't. I just read some scondary scores. I admitt, he has a point.
i cant hate homeless people, only the annoying mentally ill ones that scream and attack people, the ones minding their own business arent a bother.

there but for the grace of God go I
watched my dad regress swallowed by his self isolation like a wave crash it swept him out and left nothing. is he out there now in deep water drowning? god help us all every year my older brother looks more like him. and I love myself just like my dad did only when im obliterated drunk
My man! I work in a grocery store. Meat department and stocking shelves. Most of my working hours are spent alone with my thoughts and some task that I've done a million times before so that it's become second nature. Lots of time to think. Lots of time to feel. I like to squeeze the marshmallows softly. Or the bags of brown sugar. I feel my feet on the ground. I focus on the subtle irriedescence of the plastic wrap enveloping the meat. It shimmers like an oil spill in a parking lot. I contemplate the morality of preparing sliced animal bits and serving them to the white man in these petroleum-based containers. I'm in the break room now and time's up just as I'm writing these words. Back to work. Take care all!
What is the most intelligent board on 4chan?

/int/, /sci/, /lit/, /x/ or whatever?
There is no such thing as a homeless person. They are career vagrants. Any normal person has all the help they need by the modern first world state to get off the street, even in dying America. Anyone who stays on the street is choosing to stay: drug addicts trying to avoid the mandatory drug testing that comes with their free tax-funded housing (which costs 100x more than it should because it constantly has to be de-loused and cleaned and repaired because, of course, the vagrants trash it regularly), schizos who were turned out of institutions and now prefer to harass people in front of Walmart 24/7 (and use drugs) while being tolerated by the state.

This is what Sam Francis called "anarcho-tyranny." You allow scum like this to accumulate at the bottom of society to terrorize and demoralize the middle class, while crushing the middle class from above with bureaucracy and over-management of basic life, with the very same state that paradoxically just can't seem to do anything about the schizo jerking off outside Walmart.

This is one of the main reasons the NSDAP regime came to power by the way, and one of the first things it did was round all these people up and put them in relatively cushy detainment camps where, no, they were not executed in cartoonish fashion, simply detained so nobody had to deal with schizo rapists anymore. Quality of life massively shot up instantly.
this is like asking which student in the special ed classroom is the most intelligent
>How was RCIA?
I went to RCIA in two different parishes on account of a move. the first time I went didn't go great, the guy running it wasn't the guy for the job. he got angry and defensive about pretty much every question I asked him even though I was really trying to be polite about it. the second time was much better, there were 2 or 3 priests at every meeting who were very patient and prepared for everyone's questions.
>Was there anything that you found difficult to accept about Catholicism or Catholic doctrine?
initially, yes. I was wary of the veneration of Saints mostly. I had a minor hangup about what happens to the soul immediately after death. and i felt and still feel that Luther got a raw deal, but I bounced my thoughts on that off of one of the priests and he basically agreed with me. every issue I had was explained to my satisfaction.
>What do you think about Pope Francis?
I dislike some of his rhetoric, but as far as I can tell he hasn't actually changed much about Church practices. there's never going to be a perfect Pope that everyone likes anyway. he seems very earnest and passionate at least,.
Cradle catholic here, the rhetoric around Francis strikes me as weird because he's not particularly liberal. Ratzinger did some shit where I was like, I think the Holy Spirit took this seriously because the man from the inquisition just said some radically merciful shit. I think a lot of it comes from people who aren't familiar with Church practices and doctrine. Francis being called a wild card is kind of funny if you've met any other Jesuit.
>not particularly liberal
And yet he tolerates violations of the scripture that are politically expedient.
> On some level you know that nobody should go that far with a woman unless he actually likes her, but we all know that we find 98% of women boring and retarded.
And yet you still do it because all you want is plap.
Then you plap, you achieved your goal, and apologize like a pathetic cuck and a hypocrite.
Hypocrite, because you plapped even though you think it's wrong, cuck, because you apologized, faggot, because you have womanly feelings of guilt about the things you do.
Like when they were translating transubstantiation to the Aztecs? Kek
What initially began your conversion?
When did you fully decide that Catholicism was the right path for you?
Thoughts on the Orthodox churches?
Sometimes man just needs a kick in the balls so he can stop acting like a retard.
DAMNIT why can’t I stop thinking about her. She’s made it clear she’s uninterested and other girls, including hotter ones, are giving me attention yet I’m still obsessed with figuring out what went wrong. Yesterday I caught her looking back at me when she passed. She’s also pissed everytime other girls flirt but then doesn’t want me when I flirt with her. I’m sorry I keep annoying you guys with this shit. I just can’t figure it out
Why dont you just fuck some other women? Or just jerk off until you cant even look at women as sexual objects. You appear to have an unhealthy fixation and more sophisticated methods would take long time, so just short-circuit faculty that is the source of fixation by excessive stimulation.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh, why can't I?
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh, why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?
I yearn, but I am not desperate.

I yearn desperately for her, but I am not desperate. I still have my standards. I am not betraying myself or my values to be with somebody who I do not feel comfortable with, just for some sham kind of relationship.

Why do people always assume that people who yearn deeply for somebody must be desperate?
When Pope Francis was elected there were lots of media exposing his supposed anti-communist /pro-fascist deeds in his native Argentina. He is supposedly even responsible for delivering some more liberal clerics to be tortured and murdered.

Funny how he's now supposedly the rainbow flag waving liberal reformer.
You hit the jackpot and still complain.
Hope your face meets the front of a bus going at 60mph.

How did the girl pissing on you come about?
Female bladders open easily if you touch them down there. It's actually very normal.
lmao niggas don't know about the g spot
I cut porn and I'm quite proud of myself.
But now I'm very quickly going insane with no release at all.
I'm not celibate per se but I am uninterested in casual sex or sex outside marriage. If I never meet someone who shares the same values then I will never partake in sexual activity.
That's just a euphemism.
It's the piss spot.
Do you ever feel like you're the protagonist of a cheaply shot dark comedy?
Everything I try fails spectacularly in the most ironic of ways.

I was a khhv until 28. I got a gf. She left me after 6 days. I still have my v card.

I have three worthless degrees. After a whole year of job searching I get a job. I thought this was going to be my lucky break.

Turns out, it's located in this terrible location full of drug addicts and weirdos, it's badly paid, and I'm basically a slave working 65h/week.

Fuck my life. I'm going back home to my father, my brother and my chickens. I'm going home, and I'll just turn off my ambition and sit there until I die.
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Men, rise up.
nah, you see, you know they want it cause they are sitting on the same bench, he's even got three of them queuing for it, what a Chad
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Dont. At that point its better to be homeless.
Unironically join the Army, as long as you aren't fat, retarded, or a criminal you should be able to commission (and, worst case, enlist) and leverage your time in to redirect your life.
>I have three worthless degrees
How do you get not 1, not 2 but 3?
he's above 25, are you sure they will accept him?
The Army's cutoff is 35 and older people get waivers all the time. I went to AIT with a dude who was 37, there was a dude who passed Ranger selection at the age of 40, and I've heard of a 42 year old college professor getting selected for Special Forces.
I have no daughter to come home to.
>See title
>This immediately starts playing in my head
I worry for kids nowadays hitting the 90s nostalgia hard without the drugs
>40 year old Ranger
>42 year old SF
Technically true but also there's a reason guys like this are usually living legends, it's quite a feat.
Drinking just to realize that you actually have nothing to fucking do as you drink is probably the most terrible feeling in the world
Sure, but they're extreme outliers I'm using to make the point that age isn't a limiting factor for this kind of thing, especially for someone who's not even 30 and who would most likely end up in a cushy job like military intelligence, supply, or medical lab tech anyway.
You could read a book
I've got a half dozen open on my browser right now but I really don't feel like bothering at the present. They're all in foreign languages I am not accustomed to and I'd have to rape my brain for hours to manage 10 pages.
Kek too drunk to find a book you're fluent in
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I can't get enough of how the chorus man says "Eukalyptusbonbon!"
How old are you & how old were you when you first had sex?
i'm thinking if i should continue to use a digital app (trello) to organize my life or if i should go back to a paper planner
I'm 23. I think it's obvious from my post that I have not had sex.
I'm 26 years old and I have never seen a vagina in real life, nor have a ever kissed a girl or had any romantic relationship
I'm sad to be honest
Your post started with “I’m not celibate per se”, I had assumed that you weren’t a virgin and were just abstaining until marriage. I think many people think about sex too much, or lack of sex.
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This website has made my life profoundly worse.
Have sex
Honestly I'd sympathize more with the homeless if they could be hunted for sport. Their eternal struggle should be one of knowing I might be a truly *twisted street nigga* on the prowl.

As it is, I just can't be asked to deal with them. I'm resigned to inventing slurs for them in my mind. They suck so bad, HELP!
Hi /lit/, long time no see. After using this as my main board for years, I'm now more of /g/entooman than a /lit/izen. I'm now married and close to beginning my PhD. It will be fun. I started a blog and am reading some technical stuff now. I'm still doing my Latin, but not as frequently as I'd hoped. It's been some time since I last read a romance.
One year+ nofap checking in. Wet dreams are...... an experience.
I had a dream that I met a 14 year old cousin of mine (not a 1st cousin or a real person) at some family gathering and she instantly fell in love with me based on my demeanor or some subtle things I said. I’m pretty sure that the reason she was underage was that this was based on the weird chaste yet passionate love described in some victorian era novels I had read. And of course that also explains why she was my cousin. There was no sexual desire and I had to assume sort of a teaching/fatherly role yet it was like there was a secret understanding between us that we would have to get married. This was a weirdly powerful dream that for some reason has restored my hopes of finding companionship in real life
I bought this girl I like a Ducati because she told me she likes them. Going to give it to her tomorrow.
Just coom without the porn.
90% of the negative feelings are from staring at stupid vulgar imagery with your dick in your hand, not from blowing a load.
And semen retention is a meme beyond a certain point. In my mid 20s there was an entire year where I didn't beat off at all and it didn't make me a better person in any capacity and I ruined several pairs of underwear because lewd dreams would sometimes get me before I could wake up and muscle my urethra shut.
make sure to buy her a coffin too while your at it
my astral projecting is reaching you.. very good
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oh fugg
Imagine not sleeping naked
Come back and visit usneed
Not that anon, but when I was self employed I was shitposting on lit after every 1.5 hours of work or so for a 12 hour day. Now I'm guberment mang and I can't come shitpost with my bros anymore :(
>The fatality was not a freshman, but a female cook who died when undergraduates misdirected chlorine gas into the kitchen as part of a hazing prank. The gas was intended to interrupt the Cornell freshman banquet.
Top banter
A man in rags is pulling his stolen wagon through a snow storm. It is nighttime with a white glow. The heavy flakes are falling steadily at half-speed, covering the creek trail up to the man’s shins, as he trudges towards the clinic.
The man’s brindle best friend is bedridden behind him; a bullmastiff, breathing shallowly, blinking off tempo—different somehow. The man can sense the tidal recession of Argos’s spirit; he can feel it pulling him out into open water; can see the shrinking horizon.
It must be three miles to the clinic. The man and Argos had lived along the creek for a decade. Homeless in Boulder, never in one spot long, but always in a spot a short way from the library. Ten beautiful, easy Summers, sitting in the shade next to the creek. Watching the water flow all day long; reading supine, with his head resting and rising and falling on Argos’s powerful chest.
The wagon is awkward in the snow, and he changes his grip on the handle often, sometimes needing to face Argos and pull; the dog’s eyes are unfocused, not seeing. The man turns forward, not wanting to watch Argos fade, and focuses on the mechanical task, overcoming the friction and resistance—working, displacing.
Every bend in the trail triggers reveries. Memories more in space than time. Ten years of blurred seasons, watching people flow along the path, how they change with the weather. Walking every day with Argos, leisurely, up and down the slight sloping miles along the creek. The recent months spent pulling Argos in the wagon. Heavy at first; lighter each week; his light faded each week. Memories flash and blur in the man’s mind. Discontinuous memories, instantaneous images he can almost hold as negatives before the next flash.
The man stops under a bridge and checks on Argos. His eyes are still open—wide open, and staring over the man’s shoulder. Argos starts to growl. The man turns and sees a scholastic panther muralised behind him, lunging, furious, ready to kill.
i honestly don't think its all the jews fault but it's gotten so bad that i'll take blaming the jews if it can focus a movement around a common enemy and bring about real change
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How do I reach through and connect?
i don't remember that line. what part is it from?
You are literally a character in Starship Troopers
3, somewhere around halfway through the book. Pynchon sprinkles a lot of shit like this throughout his work, huh? Makes for good re-reading
*thinks about the fall from the garden of eden*
augh ooogh oof ouch
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I think I will just take Pascal's Wager. The threat of hell has buckbroken me, not much more to it.
You're me but 6 years younger.
the gf disagrees with me on abortion and Im scared I might knock her up since we aren't ready to raise a kid
>God decided to kill all my libido
You are just depressed or are on anti-depression. No such thing as a man losing his libido
My biological urges to have kids get stronger every year, but I'm just getting older all alone.
anyone else excited to see what the post trump world looks like? i dont say that as a trump hater or biden defender. But out of curiosity.

Pol are trump fans, and in 2024 they are barely still fans of zion don. with trump out of the picture im picturing a flourishing of political ideologies on pol, but i think ultimately they will revert back to the 2000s b tard standard of libertarianism and v for vendetta tier cyber anarchism.

Neocons will most likely retake the face of the gop post trump, so poltards will either give up on politics, explore other ideologies, or become even more extreme
Do more cardio
My dad was irreligious, got depressed after being fired because of age, went to travel, met some priest while traveling the Balkans and goes to church every single morning
One of the great things about aging is the immense financial power you gain relative to much younger women. It is so intensely pleasurable to destroy these girls’ self-image of virtue and modesty and see them become impudent whores for you. The chef’s kiss is when you feel their tongues in your anus. That’s the moment they abandon the last remaining bit of innocence and they choose the easy and more rewarding path of being a whore forever.
We are still supporters of Trump. He's going to win in 2024
No we support Peter Sonski for 2024.
I don't really think much about it because the position of believing a god exists is just too foreign to me. Sometimes I wish I could be naive enough to believe in a religion because its a more comforting thought that there is an afterlife but Im just too critical/analytical thinking to fall for that shit
yeah i know, you are morons with endless contradictions, hate jews, ignore trump sucking jew dick, hate immigration, ignore trump saying he wants to get green cards to indians, etc.

trump just doesnt have that 2016 magick anymore, if you still care about trump or biden in 2024 you got brain problems.

i just want to see the fall out from when he is no longer there
This is our party
demoralization shill
>if you still care about trump or biden in 2024 you got brain problems
How ironic.
every flatchested woman (female) ive ever really known has either been super trad christian or mega whore, never just a normal woman with normal relationships. i don't want to say its because of them over compensating for their lack of breasts and subsequent perceived lack of attraction from males

can't say the same for small dick guys (male) since most of us just take what we can get
Just spilled my spiced chai over my phone

>this is all indistinguishable from liberalism
>f's MIND becomes the boc
>where is the great f????? where are the assault on soma? include my gi argument. rather, all of this is merely castration-frustration, bog-standard liberalism
I was thinking today about how everyone has become obsessed with 'the rules', but only 'the rules' as a set of social behaviors to be followed or ignored. Everyone wants to conform to these rules or disobey them verbally, not though action. Online, in tweets only. Everyone is very passionate about defending or tearing down 'the rules' but put them in a room with other people and suddenly these supposedly strong, principled stances never seem to manifest in any real action or interaction.

Why are people like this?
Atheists have no principles.
New: >>23521042
New: >>23521042
New: >>23521042

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