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404ing again edition
old: >>23475904
and I though L ron Hubbard general was bad
Theon has serious character flaws, but the Ironborn did treat him extremely poorly for something that was really their own fault.

Asha too, I don't understand why she is left off the hook so much. She was basically trying to undermine his claim the entire time when he arrived on Pyke, and then tried to humiliate him after he took Winterfell and 'avenged' their brothers. How could she have been surprised when Theon decided to stay in Winterfell and die there? He was basically convinced he had no home anywhere.

And then when the kingsmoot happens, it turns out that it is very likely they would have all accepted Theon as king (unless Euron assassinated him too of course). Victarion says he would have supported Theon. Dagmer would have supported him. Some guy even proclaimed Theon king when everyone believed he was dead.

Asha in ACOK
>“I am their lawful prince,” Theon said stiffly.

>“By the laws of the green lands, you might be. But we make our own laws here, or have you forgotten.”

Asha in AFFC
>"Ah, but my claim is better still." Asha set the collar on her head at a jaunty angle, so the gold gleamed against her dark hair. "Balon's brother cannot come before Balon's son!"

All of a sudden succession matters again. People look past Asha's conniving nature because she is a girlboss character.
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'ate daenerys
'ate catelyn

luv visenya
luv val

simple as
What is the scenario being depicted here?
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>After Brian takes several pills intended for Stewie's ADHD in "Pilling Them Softly", he is inspired to create a two thousand page novel and build a model to go along with it. He takes Stewie and his creation to a book fair to meet George R. R. Martin who identifies the work as generic space and fantasy crap inspired by the drugs Brian has taken. The judgment brings Brian back to earth and he and Stewie agree that they don't need the pills after all. Later, the real George R. R. Martin chases off the impostor who is making out with a fan, declaring that he had taken his place.
fat pink masts jutting into myrish swamps until her cunt became the world and shat but the more arbor gold she guzzled the more she shat until she was shitting brown water onto capon-greased nipples on a breastplate.
Night gathers, and now my cope begins. It shall not end until TWOW's release. I shall suffer no pessimism, tolerate no doomers, hear no talk that ASOIAF will remain unfinished. I shall live and die trusting in good old George. I am the beacon in the darkness. I am the watcher of new not-a-blog posts. I am the bumper of /grrm/ threads on /lit/, the proliferator of hope, the purveyor of every new clue promising a 2024/2025 release. I pledge my life and honor to the fat fuck, for this night and all the nights to come.
I always took her undermining to simply be just the Ironborn's way of encouragement. They encourage by way of shaming, which does work if you grew up in that sort of environment, but absolutely does not if you grew up in a touchy-feely honourable family like Theon did at the Starks.
The Ironborn don't understand support by way of affection, because in their world being too affectionate gets your shit stolen. They are harsh because their world requires it, so Asha is simply acting in accordance with her learned customs when he undermines Theon, subconsciously trying to encourage him to grow some balls.
As for the laws, the Ironborn much like the Freefolk abide by certain customs and rules for the most part but they are still a free people. It is the general rule in the Iron Isles that the firstborn male inherits, same as on the mainland, but they are free to also kick up that rule because in their worldview the strong must always take from the weak.
When Asha finds herself in a situation where she is the weaker party (against Euron) she too falls back to the argument of custom, not realising the Ironborn don't need to abide by them if they don't want to. It's a reaction out of emotion, which is caused by the insecurity such a society creates in its people ("if i'm not strong i'm nothing, therefore if someone makes me look weak by comparison, i will become nothing in the eyes of those around me" this loss of face is the death of an Ironborn)
What this ends up showing us is that Asha is much more like Theon than we thought and even she thought, though it is doubtful she'll ever realise that. I think it's a great character flaw and perfectly understandable when you consider the circumstances. The Ironborn truly are the niggers of Westeros
I'm extremely optimistic for Worldcon
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wow, what great taste! for me, it's sansa.
Asha is an ass and Balon is a literal seething retard who hates Theon. It's not even like Theon is incompetent, he is clearly a skilled fighter and captain if rash.
the iron island succession traditions are flimsy at best.

>it was scarce unheard of for a strong, ambitious uncle to dispossess a weak nephew of his rights, and usually murder him in the bargain.

balon was right, theon had become an outsider after being raised in the north for 10 years. they consider euron an outsider after being away for only 2. and theon didn't have the magic spells and naked pirate balls to make up for it.
aeron calling the snap election kingsmoot was probably the worst thing he could have done if the goal was to depose euron, winning the moot solidified his position, if there was none vic and asha would be forced to team up to oust him.
Stannis WILL die.
Stannis WILL live.
>All Euron's gifts are poison
>Vic is essentially a gift from him to Daenerys

Vic's not long for this world isn't he? I see him being one of the candidates to die in Winds I think all of the Greyjoy POVs will
Moqorro is Marwyn
Marwyn is a glass candle user so is a tier above red priests
He is cosplaying as one to get to Dany
at some point you have to realize theres way too many "x is actually y!" theories for many of them to possibly be true
Theon was a whore and at first not the most complex character but i wouldn't say he had "flaws" and if by ironborn you mean Balon, yeah he was a giga faggot. Think retard... Asha was breaking Theon's balls and generally being a bitch because Balon was alive. She was gathering "favor" with him even if she knew he would never name her to succeed him, it simply didn't hurt to try. Specially so when Theon was in fact deserving of scorn. IF she had any plan at all it would probably be to back him up as king. The succession always mattered she was merely trying her hand, that's like her defining character trait. Also Dany is closest thing to a "girlboss" in this series.
I wonder how the Citadel is going to react to Sam's account of killing one of The Others. They'll probably not believe him at first but I think he will get them on board or discover something while there connected to the Long Night. I think he'll be silenced at first or they will gaslight him into thinking he's crazy.


I think Moqorro is his own person. He works as a reflection of Melissandre's character, he has onyx skin meanwhile she's incredibly pale both will serve as a sort of advisor to Jon and Daenerys since their stories parralel one another.
If Robert Arryn is still alive by The Winds of Winter/A Dream of Spring I see Daenerys getting his and The Vale's support similar to how Visenya got Ronnel Arryn to give up his crown to side with the Targaryens by offering him a ride on Drogon.
Did George do a good job with Elden Ring?
Theon's main weakness is reading the fucking room.
He's not completely incompetent, but when it comes to political strategy, he's worse than incompetent, he's arrogant. He believes he has ability he doesn't which means one way or another he was going to end up cockless and that was the main issue. He actually whined when challenged, what use is that in a warrior society? They're retarded in their own ways but they have to know some measure of competence to have held on to any land for this long, and he simply doesn't have it.
Rob was learning the same lesson, you can be a brilliant military strategist, if you can't translate those battle wins into any actual leverage, you're dead.
do you guys believe in worldcon announcement or no
Not really. It's probably some gay tv show announcement, if anything
I believe he has something to share, because why else would he go back to the place he made a failed prediction at when they've had a few cons since the last he went to. Now is it going to be a Winds announcement, I'm not 100% but he might have a new sample chapter or something to share at the least.
13years and still no new books? hmmm
He's been pretty consistently writing in that time, just hasn't done the main series.
i want to believe in the cope that grrm produced a dogshit winds of winter in 2016 and was forced to rewrite it all and it's about to be done
>was forced to rewrite it all
By who? His wife, his editor, his publishers? Nah he's just lazy as fuck.
Have you ever considered that winds is going to be one of the most sold books in the last and upcoming X years?
I think that he and everyone involved knows this, so the date of the release is going to be carefully planned.
Winds is going to make many people even more wealthy.
afaik it isn't clear what things he did exactly, which parts of the lore. It could be that he only gave his name and did nothing else, or he could have created the original world which then got destroyed by the From team in order to create the post-calamity world of Elden Ring.

Whatever the case may be, Elden Ring is goated, so if he did actually contribute then yes he did a good job for sure
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>george r.r. martin announces the release of TWO (2) new books, winds of winter and a dream of spring
>the reason it took him so long was because he wanted to finish both and release them at the same time
>he dies shortly after, having finished his life's work
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I don't think Dreams of Spring is done, I think the winds announcement will come after HOTD season is over, he wants to write more dunk and egg novellas, theyre much shorter and self contained so should be written much much faster than the main series. I think he has been working on Dreams seperate from Winds for characters he long finished though, the weird post last year about wanting to see Casterly Rock via a POV 'but we'll see where the story takes me' makes me think hes working beyond Winds at least some of the time
He came up with the names of the Demigods, the family connection (each batch of kids have a different naming scheme to make it easier to keep track of them mentally is very GRRM imo) as well as all the political events, night of black knives, godywn the perfect glden son being killed and turned into an unliving cancer, 'those who live in death', the Gloam eyes queen and her Dragon Elden lord and the Godskins, and the outer god stuff. Fromsfotware said they changed the personailities GRRM envisioned and 'destroyed the world he made', so I think Caelid is all From but Leyndell and omens being put into sewers, the dung eater and his curse, region names etc seem to be all GRRM. Omens being called Omens because they're a bad omen for the Erd Tree and the Golden Order seems to be a very george like naming scheme, similat to the naming scheme of the Others

I just want to know who came up with the Fire giant design, the idea of wanting a cyclops due to the connection to fire and being demi-god-like beings of the Fell god outer god, but making the chest a cyclopian bleemy, a really old idea from bronze age europe is such a fasincating combination of European imagery. I can see From delving into ancient european folklore for it and I can see GRRM doing it to make his fire giant unqiue and different. The god of the first enemy of the Golden Order being named the 'Fell God' also seems very geroge to me,
Jupiter's North Pole. I think the Fire Giant is meant to be a pre-Christian deity like Jupiter of the Roman pantheon. The aesthetic is meant to evoke an outdated aesthetic.
oh wow I didn't know thats what Jupiters north pole looked like, meaks sense themeitcally that the fire giant is a combination of 3 powerful pre-christian monsters if thats the case, also explains the red hair since thats the hair of barbarians in classical roman/greek thought
And I just realised I wrote "The aesthetic is meant to evoke an outdated aesthetic."
I don't know where the torso face comes from but giants themselves along with the fire giant are very much alike with dark souls 2's giants in terms of their story (warred on by a king on the behest of his queen, driven to extinction save for a last giant). I think the giants of elden ring are what they planned for ds2 but didn't have the time to properly flesh out
They asked him how tall trees were
Assuming you did play the game, how is it not clear? Even with his statements aside, you can see his fat fingerprints everywhere in the story. In fact if there's a stark diference between ER and the rest of Fromsoft games is that lorewise this time there's an actual proper narrative behind the scenes.
if no one was told that gurm was behind the game, would you have been able to recognise these fat fingerprints to belong to gurm?
I knew he was behind the game and yet I still don't see any of these fingerprints, which makes me doubtful that you'd know which is gurm-made and which is From-made from a glance and it isn't just confirmation bias on your part.
>I think Moqorro is his own person
That boulder belly is important!
Mike Zaki has always had a deep love for the occult and folkloric beliefs.

The giants that interest me aren’t the fire giants, but the even bigger titans you can find in Caelid and the Mountaintops.

We know giants have gotten smaller over time, or more diminished. The trolls are a bunch of fire giants that defected, ripping out their chests/eyes, and replacing them with something…

Like the Demi-humans and Beastmen of Farum Azula, they are also described as slowly losing their minds, or intelligence.

It’s as though patronage is a requirement for evolution. We know evolution is a core theme of the lore as well, be it alchemical or “natural” (nature is alien here).
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So....ice dragons. Are they real and true or fake and gay?
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nta but The Shattering is the sort of comedy of errors that he likes
>Ranni plots to remove the Greater Will's influence and partners with Rykard
>Ranni plans to steal a bit of Destined Death and use it to half kill herself, escaping her body and the GW's control (with her brother Godwyn as sacrifice)
>Godwyn the Golden dies and his death may have caused Marika to break the Elden Ring as well as raise the undead
>Rennala has a mental breakdown when forces make Radagon dump her, leading to Liurnia entering anarchy
>Malenia and Radahn battle in the south but Malenia blows up, they both lose and Caelid is ruined
>Malenia returns to find Miquella is kidnapped by his sicko brother Mogh but she's too injured to find him
>Rykard and Morgott battle in the north but it's a stalemate
>thinking Ranni is dead and the plot snookered, Rykard goes for plan B and decides to have the entire world eaten by a snake
>Ranni's plan is dead in the water and the civil war she may have started fucks the land to a standstill
I might not notice it immediately but his fingerprints are there. Back to back woman moments, failed plots and misunderstandings ruin the land and let degenerates like Godrick take power.
What I really don’t like about the new lore is how forced or random that one Rellana is in relation to the Carians and the occult nature of the moons.

Not only does the existence of Rellana’s spell serve to devalue the specialness of the moons, it is obnoxious to a fault. It is also a disservice to the mother-daughter dynamic of Rennala and Ranni.

You may as well assume that the moons aren’t special, and that they’re Miyazaki’s most biased element of the game. It is an especially ironic take, given that the text on Ymir’s hat piece says he never even considered the moon all that special, and yet for some reason staring at the moon requires more brainpower than staring in to deep space. The moon is apparently a more significant, or special celestial body than a nebula (Comet Azur), how odd.

( I can only justify the divide by assuming the moon as some intelligent entity, while a nebula is just a birthplace for the stars; one spell is bigger and more potent, the other is a sharper, exclusive discovery, as though the moon were a selective one. )

Ymir is even said to have been the magic instructor of Rellana, and Rennala as well by association, presumably. Despite that, the guy is just another pushover like our encounter with Gideon. Meanwhile moon gurl gets her own obnoxious as sin boss fight, and a damn Remembrance.

I would rather have had an entirely new, unique 70+ int spell, like the ones Metyr uses in her fight. Instead we get a mildly useful universalist catalyst…and another finger bonker… Sigh.

More and more I am convinced that Mike Zaki is scared of making proper wizarding duels. He only gave us Rennala, and she is an early game encounter.

Overall, I’m just a bit saddened with what sorceries we got for the DLC, as well as the sort of faulty logic that went into them.

It’s bothersome, Mike Zaki’s bias when it comes to moons and uber femininity, and this has been a theme since Dark Souls.

( Fun fact: In DS1, certain pyromancies were going to be female exclusive, which was brought back for DS3, sooort of. )
I’m also super bummed we did not get an ultra big deep space spell. Why should a moon take up more intelligence than the black hole at the centre of our galaxy?
I like how it also implies that no male at Raya Lucaria ever reached above 60 int lmao

Girl boss game
His vintage word processor crashed and wiped out all 1300 pages he had written. Sorry no backups
I always thought the Ironborn, both as a culture and as individual characters, were a great showcase of Martin's writing skill, and the amount of hate they get from fans is an unwitting form of praise.
they're real and bran the builder warged one, the children used a hammer of the waters and homeboy froze it in its tracks
>More and more I am convinced that Mike Zaki is scared of making proper wizarding duels
We were supposed to fight master Willem in Bloodborne originally

I can tell you that i would at the very least feel like i was reading something GRRM could've written. That is, if the fat fuck wasn't lazy and at parts just straight up copy pasted shit from his books into the game.
>inb4 what
The proverbial "Storm King" is defeated in single combat by Godfrey who than takes his daughter as consort. Their descendant later rules the area. Sounds familiar?
Fake and gay. Maybe one existed once if an Other raised a dead dragon (assuming they can) and that's where this comes from. Or ice dragons could refer to nagas. But by all accounts dragons seem to be but an antithesis to all ice.
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The fandom is really hyping itself up for a worldcon announcement. Will George saying "Still working on it" kill the fanbase's hopes once and for all.
i dont think anything george can say or do will kill the hope at this point
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so who is it?
I want to believe, anon. But you know what happens when you begin to believe.
Kevan unless there was someone who died in Feast. Cersei needs someone in her corner for the trial.
I try to remain cautiously optimistic about things but I'll only believe Winds is done when it's in my hands.
Let me guess what's in this thread
>reposted quote from book by a person who didn't read it
>it'll never get finished bro, he doesn't care
>he had to rewrite the whole thing cause of the show
>lol fat
What would have happened if theon stayed with Rob and another lord went to speak to Balon?
The terms would have been delivered more humbly. There would be more stroking of Balon's ego which he would have got off on. There would of course have been the promise of the repatriation of his only living son who could have been talked up as a battle-hardened combat veteran etc. idk I think it makes the decision much harder for Balon.
I'm willing to bet Bittersteel is well and truly dead but it's odd we know nothing about Seastar like how can the most infamous magic user in Westeros just up and vanish without a trace completely erasing her records and why did she decide to vanish.
It definitely seemed decided once he knew Theon was being released. Though i suppose his banners may have been called before that even
Yeah he was already massing ships and men but the key point is that they did not sail until Theon was back. People act like Balon thought Theon was worthless but I suspect he didn't call his banners until that first Stark raven telling him Theon was on his way home. As for that gold chain Theon was wearing? He should have told his dad he took it off a Lannister captain he gutted in the Whispering Wood, would have instantly bought him credibility
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>He aint gonna finish it
>He aint gonna finish it
>He aint gonna finish it>He aint gonna finish it>He aint gonna finish it
>He aint gonna finish it
>He aint gonna finish it
>He aint gonna finish it
>He aint gonna finish it
>He aint gonna finish it>He aint gonna finish it
>He aint gonna finish it
>He aint gonna finish it>He aint gonna finish it
>He aint gonna finish it>He aint gonna finish it
this is gonna be me if Worldcon comes and goes without a tangible update
And then he'll be mad at US for daring to suggest he keep us informed on his progress. Fat gaslighting fuck
Just looked at who all is going to that. Many chuckles
she's quaithe
No this just proves the fandom is retarded and will be riled up again next year.
Ygritte/Sandor for Jon and sansa:
>Kills an inocent
>Negs Jon/sansa
>Shares physical characteristics with Arya+sansa /Jon(burned, scarred, grey eyes and dark hair)
>Knife to the neck, wildling marriage
>Dies/leaves in a battle
>The thought of them causes them sorrow, they have nightmares with them
Literally what did George meant by this
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What do you think of my taste in women from A Song of Ice and Fire?
>val, ygritte, brienne, and visenya

tomboy lover
wtf is bottom left supposed to be?

also ashara dayne has no character, simping for her is retarded, literally just the words "she was beautiful" on the page
her pussy was ST*RK approved, that's all you need to know

Daynes are my favourite house I've always liked them quite a lot and have been drawn to them ever since reading about Ashara's tragedy and their origin story is pretty cool plus Dawn.
do you guys think Bran has the ability to interact with the past or they were just coincidences and he didn't interact with anything?
best house
best sigil
best castle

can't wait to find out their motto
Yes but it's like in the show with Hodor
Dawn comes after darkness imo
House Dayne theme song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=feA64wXhbjo
arys oakheart
jonsa bros we're so back (we never left)
Far too nice to be their house
He can’t truly affect the past, being stuck in the present. Any change he makes has already been made. He’s a slave to the narrative. At best, he can alter a different hair of time he isn’t a part of.
I want more house dayne lore
Mental illness

I don't think Bran has that power but he'll try and influence events only for them to wind up having consequences for everyone. Maybe this is how the original Long Night started. Bran went too far back in time and tried ti change sometihng, then boom The Others/Neverborn are born as result along with whatever The Heart of Winter is. Current Bran is going to try and fix his mistake so that nothing like The Long Night ever happens again by shutting down the Heart of Winter which is a corrupt weirwood but he will need to strap someone to it and sacrifice them who will wind up being Theon.
Came here to post this. I'm over it now. I won't read it even if he does release it. I've moved on.
See you in the midnight release line at Barnes & Noble
So if everyone on the Shy Maid is incognito, who's Haldon Halfmaester supposed to be?
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I was looking at martin blog for clues and I think there's no Winds of Winter announcement this year... There's more "Words of Wisdom" and blue rose... FUCK THIS SHIT!
either way it's going to be hella fun watching this massive cope train turning into trainwreck
>Haldon is clean-shaven, with a lined, ascetic face. He wears his hair pulled back, and tied in a knot behind his head. He has cool grey eyes
[s]benjy stark[/s]
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He 100% has the power. Anyone denying this is coping.
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poor old george
ignorant of the ways of w*men
>I wonder how the Citadel is going to react to Sam's account of killing one of The Others
didn't Marwyn basically tell him to keep quiet?
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What did he mean by this?
>Theon has serious character flaws, but the Ironborn did treat him extremely poorly for something that was really their own fault.
Um, yes. That's the point.

Theon is a living reminder of Balon's humiliation and that's why Balon hates him. Balon LARPs it up as Theon failing to meet the standards of Ironborn culture and Theon is straight up too dumb and self-centered to realize the disdain as his dad's desperate cope, so he takes it as an ego hit that he must rectify by going
Not really, no. He just came up with names and incest, and the rest is the usual Miyadzaki rigmarole.
Please God no. Do you even understand what that would mean? Does anyone WANT to see Bloodraven ruling westeros again with most the major cast dead? And lets not start asking questions like how tf were the children losing to the first men if the greenseers had this kind of power... Can other practitioners of magic do something similar? Glass candles, dragon dreams, visions in the fire, could they potentially change things too? Time travel stuff is the least thing this story needs, hopefully Martin stays clear of it and that was just him tickling our balls to make everyone uneasy.
I fucking knew it.

Aegon's invasion
Whenever GRRM finishes a book he immediately writes about it on his blog, has been that way since the 90s. Please stop lying and claiming he's going to announce Winds at Worldcon because it's not true.
>Not really, no. He just came up with names and incest, and the rest is the usual Miyadzaki rigmarole.
I'm not so sure. Elden Ring feels a lot more Catholic/Western in the lore which I think came from Martin.
>Kevan unless there was someone who died in Feast. Cersei needs someone in her corner for the trial.
She still has Qyburn
Yeah but this time it's different because Winds is the most hyped book of the decade and will be George's first real book release since finding fame. No, ADWD doesn't count because GoT didn't really become a cultural phenomena talked about by literally everyone until Seasons 3 and 4. They're going to be way more calculated about the book announcement of the decade than they are for GRRM to just randomly post that he's done.

Maybe Qyburn makes a FrankenKevan too as well as a FrankenRobert/Gregor
It could be Aemon. There's so much information about Targaryens that only Aemon had.
>Kevan unless there was someone who died in Feast. Cersei needs someone in her corner for the trial.
It's definitely not Kevan, he had zero purpose left in the story. Cersei has aleady been granted trial by combat and Qyburn already has her champion ready. Cersei doesn't need him.
The question of whether Bran is a true time traveller is annoying because all of you always ignore the fact that… Bran’s body is still stuck in the present… so he can’t actually make any changes to the timeline that weren’t already made.

He. Doesn’t. Actually. Go. Into. The. Past.
If it were Kevan it really isn't that big of a deal, because Genna Lannister is most likely to become regent next upon Kevan's death. She's only a few weeks away from KL
>It has just been announced that The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring will each be split into three separate books. Martin hopes to release the first of six by 2030.
Not enough info to sniff out the secret targ right under his nose thoughever
Rellana is Miyazaki’s version of George’s Darkstar lmaaaoooooooooo

An absolutely trash edgy character that should not exist and feels just off
Ok anon, just try not to cry to hard when nothing comes out of it.
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I'm the anon rereading ASOIAF in POV-Order.
>Jon Snow
>Jon Con
Finished Dance with Dragons, will write up a full review of Tyrion and post it to the reddit probably, but wanted to continue to share my thoughts here first :) I'll do a brief general review of all of Tyrion when I finish his WoW sample chapter

First off, yes Tyrion reflects a few too many times about where whores go, hands of gold, and shooting Tywin. Of all these, the Tywin murder is the most appropriate and I don't think it was ever annoying. Asking himself and others where whore go did get a bit repetitive but it generally showcased how Tyrion kinda stopped giving a fuck. Thinking of Shae and the song were usually annoying, though. Once or twice would've been fine, but it feels a bit gregarious.

Tyrion with Illyiro is a fun setting. Learning that Varys has powerful friends across the sea, yet Varys stayed behind in KL is cool Varys lore. We learn Stannis is at the Wall, which is strange, because Stannis was THE main villain for the King's Landing faction for a book and a half. Tyrion thinks of aiding his niece in Dorne, which is also fun to imagine. There's some worldbuilding as he travels East which is generally fun as well.

Tyrion on the Rhoyne is fun. The turtles get a bit repetitive, but the cast is great. Some exiled knight, or maybe a lord, his son that Illyrio cares about for some reason but won't say why, a septa who skinny dips, some maester dropout, and a knight one step above Bronn in terms of legitimacy are all great. Then Tyrion deduces that the son is a Prince, and eventually it's revealed to be Aegon, son of Rhaegar, and Varys saved him. This all paints Varys as a Targaryen Royalist all along, though it does make one wonder why he messed with Aerys and Rhaegar. He could've helped Rhaegar, but now is helping Rhaegar's son? Idk, from the reading, when you sit back and think about it just from Tyrion's POVs, Varys is not too trustworthy but seems to be generally a good actor, though his actions surrounding Illyrio and Aegon don't entirely make sense. That aside, Tyrion chapters, especially the earlier ones, had nice lore exposition, like the history of the Blackfires and the Golden Company...

Tyrion only hears a rumor that the Golden Company went West, so it is currently ambiguous if that's true or if Aegon is going to Mereen. That might play in to why Tyrion ends this book saying he is going to convince the Second Sons to switch sides, but that's getting a bit ahead of myself. It's fun to imagine Tyrion really did troll everyone and convince Aegon to go west. Tyrion is receiving generous help from people that owe him nothing, yet he has become so jaded from life that he is actively fucking up everything he can purely out of spite.

Tyrion relishes hurting people now. He makes Illyrio's servants fear him, he wants the Volantine whore to fear him, he tries to make everyone he can fear him in some way. In Clash, he had the power, and was power tripping a bit. Storm was largely about him trying to come to terms with losing his power, so now in Dance he is on a mission to become as powerful as he can no matter the cost. And he doesn't seem to care whose side he's on anymore. He genuinely contemplates the Wall and Dorne before signing on to Illyrio, which is both about Aegon and Dany. The one takeaway Tyrion quote of this book should be "they did not love me living, so let them dread me dead." I could go on. Tyrion simply does not care anymore, and is actively using his best abilities to fuck things over.

As for people hurting Tyrion, we have Jorah. The Tyrion only-POV readthrough really highlighted how great of a paring this is. Since Game, Tyrion has had a connection to Jeor Mormont at the Wall. Now he is paired with his son Jorah, who is like a parallel Jeor in many ways. Jorah is even more a bear than Jeor, and then character wise, Jorah is like a new Bronn. Bronn has three books of black humor with Tyrion, but ultimately he likes Tyrion. Jorah has much the same sense of humor as Bronn, but the key difference is Jorah does not like Tyrion. Bronn would make fun of Tyrion in the vein of busting your friend's balls; Jorah actively despises Tyrion and makes hurtful comments solely to hurt Tyrion. It's a good way to show that Tyrion has been a bit sheltered this whole time, and now he's around people that don't show restraint around him.

Penny is annoying. I hope Dany finds some place for her in her court and she can fade into the background. I do not want much more of this character. She is a young and naive girl in the middle of a battlefield, currently. I doubt GRRM would maim her in the fighting, but I don't want her to speak in Westeros. Please, Penny, stay in the East.

Giving the Stinky Steward sailors black rum was nice worldbuilding. Using alcohol to show how different a world Tyrion is in now is clever. The Big ass Red Priest temple is so massive it felt a bit unbelievable for me personally but whatever this is fantasy after all. Moqorro was a cool character, and his warning about the dark figures reaching for Dany, especially one really bad one with one black eye and ten long arms was very spooky. Hoping future POVs can give more hints about this. Sadly Moqorro swept off the ship. We won't be seeing him again...

Tyrion ending up with the Second Sons is thematic, and Ben Plumm seems interesting enough a character. There's a lot of "throwaway" characters in the East, but what can you do about that.

One of the hardest chapter-to-chapter switches came from tyrion being told he will perform for the queen, to that having come and gone his next chapter. We find out what happened, so lore-wsie it's fine, but reading it was a bit jarring.
Yaknow, it's only George's blog that has mentioned Worldcon. He's not listed with the Guests of Honour, the Special Guests, or the Programme Participants.

Say - hypothetically - I had written a song, specifically for George, a song inspired by his writing; even say - hypothetically - it's an actually really good song performed by an actually really good band... George will love it, if only I could get to him, get him to hear it. Any ideas? Getting TO the event won't be a problem, but getting in, and getting his time, assuming he'll actually be there. I'm thinking of volunteering at the event if I still can but I don't have a lot of ideas beyond that. I just want an audience with the King.
Help me plan this heist and you can all hear what I got.
>It's fun to imagine Tyrion really did troll everyone and convince Aegon to go west
Isn't this basically confirmed with the Jon Connington chapter at the end of ADWD? Or am I not remembering something?
>Tyrion is receiving generous help from people that owe him nothing, yet he has become so jaded from life that he is actively fucking up everything he can purely out of spite.
Yes, I also found this to be amusing on my second read through. I dunno where Tyrion will end up (I've always had theories that he'll die at the end) but I don't see how he could have a redemption arc the way he's going. One of my theories on his redemption was that maybe he'd meet up with Jon again and the soft spot Tyrion had for him (back when they meet at the Wall in AGOT) might nudge him into a bit more empathy. But I think that's a stretch, considering also that Jon will probably not be the same man when he's resurrected.

It's also funny to think that Jaime started as the reprehensible one and then has slowly become better and Tyrion is basically on the opposite trajectory.
>One of the hardest chapter-to-chapter switches came from tyrion being told he will perform for the queen, to that having come and gone his next chapter. We find out what happened, so lore-wsie it's fine, but reading it was a bit jarring.
If I'm not mistaking Tyrion performing for the queen was seen in Dany's chapter, right? The one where she stops Penny and Tyrion from being killed.
>Isn't this basically confirmed with the Jon Connington chapter
The point of this readthrough is to pretend I have no knowledge of SOIAF and learn about the story through one POV at a time. So yes, the Golden company does go west, but the reader doesn't know that yet. And in the Winds chapter, Tyrion mentions the Ironborn of all people have shown up, so it's not the Golden Company, so you have to assume they really did go West. If you only read Tyrion, then the narrative concludes thus far with it being ambiguous.
>Tyrion in the end
the worst case scenario for him isn't death, it's having his tongue cut out before he's sent to the Wall. Even worse if he truly becomes Lord of Casterly Rock before having to give it up. Maybe Tysha spawned Tyrion's bastard and that becomes the new Lord of Casterly Rock, who knows. I personally support the Tyrek theory but we'll see.
I see Tyrion ending the story as Hand. By the start of Winds, he has realised he doesn't want to die after all, he wants to live, and after he sees the destruction of the coming wars I think he will finally be pushed back to not wanting the world to be a shit place anymore and wil try to undo some of the damages
yes. Remember, this readthrough is also about pretending I am a blank slate and learning about the story through one character at a time. And Dany will go last, so the reader won't get to learn what really happened in the pit for awhile. The reader learns that the dwarves performed in the pit, they were supposed to be eaten by lions yet weren't, and after that the big dragon attacked and Dany flew off on it.

It's been quite fun jumping through the narrative by sticking to one POV> I would encourage others to try this read through POV order; it's really enhanced my appreciation for how GRRM writes and delivers information. Storm was Tyrion's weakest book, but still feels a complete narrative with just his chapters. Dance feels complete enough, but obviously could've been better for the general ending reasons Dance faces.
I thought there were two Tyrion WoW chapters, not one, so whatever.

Tyrion in the sample chapter basically feels an extension of the previous chapter moreso than a truly fresh start. Seeing the ironborn of all people show up to Mereen is a wildcard, and confirms that Aegon really did go west.
He remembers his past, but not as dreadfully as he did throughout Dance. Time will tell if he has found some optimism again, or if he's just coping better. He convinces Ben Plumm to switch back to Dany, so that's good. Seeing the dragons is fun as well. Jorah gets another great fighter moment, and hearing about Ser Barristan and the Unsullied is nice. Hopefully the spilled cyvasse table is symbolic for the narrative finally moving on from that game; its usefulness as a metaphor grows thin

Since I've now read all of Tyrion's POV, I'll start working on a big breakdown post of the experience, but for now I'll do a brief summary. Cont...
>the worst case scenario for him isn't death, it's having his tongue cut out before he's sent to the Wall

I'm nearly through Eddard's POV and this bit jumped out to me - foreshadowing a fate as Wall librarian? Also positing Lann/Tyrion as a foil ("Mushroom"?) to Brandon Stark (The Story). Personally I hope the Imp lives to haunt the inner walls of the Rock!

>There was something here, some truth buried in these brittle yellow pages, if only he could see it. But what? The tome was over a century old. Scarcely a man now alive had yet been born when Malleon had compiled his dusty lists of weddings, births, and deaths.
>He opened to the section on House Lannister once more, and turned the pages slowly, hoping against hope that something would leap out at him. The Lannisters were an old family, tracing their descent back to Lann the Clever, a trickster from the Age of Heroes who was no doubt as legendary as Bran the Builder, though far more beloved of singers and taletellers. In the songs, Lann was the fellow who winkled the Casterlys out of Casterly Rock with no weapon but his wits, and stole gold from the sun to brighten his curly hair. Ned wished he were here now, to winkle the truth out of this damnable book.
>The point of this readthrough is to pretend I have no knowledge of SOIAF and learn about the story through one POV at a time
Ah gotcha. I thought for a second you were misremembering, not pretending that you didn't know what was happening.
>after he sees the destruction of the coming wars I think he will finally be pushed back to not wanting the world to be a shit place anymore and wil try to undo some of the damages
Hmm. Could be. He could also have some breaking point but as of now he has nothing he thinks is worth living for. Maybe Penny's death could be a catalyst to him wanting to preserve innocence?
The second Tyrion Winds chapter we have is just an excerpt that George read out at a con somewhere. There's a summary available but no actual text IIRC.
nvm the cont. it's too much typing for one post but I dont want to make a million long posts here to clogg up the thread. TLDR
Throughout the books the reader, through Tyrion, encounters the Lannister family, the Wall and spooky Others threat, Lady Stark and Lysa, Tywin, the Mountain, then King's Landing with the small council and a hint of magic in the world with the alchemy. Stannis is portrayed as the villain to Tyrion's faction. The poor Stark girl that's been mentioned a few times has to marry Tyrion, and news comes of Robb's death at the Red Wedding. The other Stark girl, Arya, is presumed dead, and the Ironborn are in rebellion as well, with Theon killing the two Stark boys. Joffery is poisoned at his wedding, Sansa fled, and Tyrion framed for the murder. The Viper of Dorne nearly saves Tyrion, but the Mountain kills him. Tyrion escapes his fate by the sudden arrival of Jaime, albeit missing a hand, but they end on bad terms, and Tyrion kills his Father on the privy with a crossbow. Now Tyrion adventures East, encountering rich cheesemongers, secret dragon princes, slavers, sellswords, and even drgaons.

You get the entire basic story through just Tyrion's eyes, as I expected. Now the fun starts to compound, as I wind the narrative back to Catelyn Stark. Her capture of Tyrion is what started the War of the Five Kings in the first place, so let's see what led to her making that decision. Why was she even at the Inn at the Crossroads (inferred in Tyrion chapters) in the first place? Why did she think Tyrion tried to kill Bran? How does the war between the Starks and the Lannisters look from the Stark side? And before Tyrion, I did allow myself to read the Prologue set Beyond the Wall. Tyrion is Acting Hand when Ser Aliser shows up again, claiming the dead rise and march on the Wall, yet no one seemed to believe him or even care. Maybe Catelyn Stark will live through events and see things that better address these mysterious Others...
Tyrion specifically thinks in the WInds I chapter he cares a lot about living, so he at least isn;t nihilistic or whatever anymore. Time will tell how much he cares about others, I suppose.
I'm a bit torn with Tyrion at th Wall, though, because I also want Jaime to become the 1000th Lord Commander. Both Lannister brothers ending up at the Wall would feel a bit much.
Haven't read that Tyrion Winds chapter in a long time, so didn't remember that. One day I'll read the POV Way
the POV way is super fun so far! It's fun to hear about story events happening off page elsewhere, and the limited information of Tyrion mostly stuck in King's Landing allows the reader to really speculate about stuff.

Some of the biggest unanswered areas of the story just from having read only the prologue of GoT and Tyrion:
>How did Renly die?
>What really happened with the zombie hand at the Wall?
>Did Arya Stark truly die?
>What will happen in Dorne now with Myrcella and Doran?
>What happened to Daenerys/will she come back in time?
>How did Jaime lose his hand?
>What is Stannis doing at the Wall?
>What are the Ironborn doing with Winterfell and the North and at the Iron Islands?
>Why did Varys stay in King's Landing?
>What will Aegon and the Golden Company do as the go to Westeros?
There's probably a few more major plot points that go unanswered in Tyrion's POV, but this is just off the top of my head. The narrative is very interesting, and I look forward to reading Catelyn now to hopefully answer some of these questions. I hope you remember this POV order (working on a more easily rememberable name lol) and someday try it out for yourself! There's so many small moments I can't convey due to the shortness of post limits here.
So what about Winds?
someone actually thinks this zombie could be Bobby?
gregor's body with robert's head is an existing theory. since gregor's head was sent to dorne.
but that anon could also just be referring to the zombieman being called "robert strong"
For sure, I'll try it out. I've putting off my reread on ASOIAF for a long time now because I don't want to get blueballed until I wait for Winds and if Winds does come out I want the story fresh in my mind. However, I have read Tyrion and Jaime's POV on their own and I agree they were a very fun and interesting read.
My main impression coming away from Tyrion's POV is that he's an entitled lil shit who has no idea how good he has it.
Compare Catelyn's story, highborn and beautiful and capable she may be, her life is made an unrelenting misery, she loses everything again and again, constant family death and tragedy, no wonder she was utterly demented with grief like her sister and father at the end.
Also I now have a much better understanding of the Frey family tree
I like to think it's one of Cersei's piled up dwarf heads
They are grotesquely larger than normal
I just think the Seven-pointed helm coming off to reveal the huge bulbous nose of that wee begging brother we met once or twice would be a kind of funny fucked-up poetic justice for the moral and mental midget called The Mountain
>wtf is bottom left supposed to be?
I think that's supposed to be a whight wife of the Night's King
>Robert Strong
>Robb Stark
>Stark translated from German to English means Strong
>You could apply the name Robert to both Robert Baratheon, and Robb Stark who Robert who was Robb's namesake
>Robb Stark's head was never recovered and its whereabouts are unkown

It really is Robb Stark at least the head could be
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Spooky thought. Do we even know that's Robb's body under Greywind's head?
Gared lost his head, even Craster knows.
Ned's bones got lost somewhere in the
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it's definitely not gregor's head under the armor.
robert strong is the mountain - at least, most of him. the body surely. the skull the dornish received really is gregor's. human skulls that are big enough to plausibly belong to an 8 foot tall man don't just grow on trees, and there's been no indication in the text itself that it's a fake or questionable in its realness of being a human skull. westeros doesn't seem to have other, great apes, specifically giant ones, and i'm not sure they'd have time to specifically import one from sothoryos, because i doubt merchants carry that on hand. and those would look different anyway. there is some obfuscation over whether it really is gregor's but not whether it's a genuine skull of a man or not, so i say it is gregor's, because there's no one else it can feasibly belong to. it's not like theon killing the miller's kids and saying they are bran and rickon because they fit the profile - no one else can fill those shoes. or, perhaps, helmet. i've seen a few different theories about who's head it is under the helmet. one was one of the women qyburn took into his gooncave. or that it's just some guy after all. robb would certainly be the most dramatic, but it raises questions about how qyburn acquired the head, got it to KL from the twins, without raising any eyes.
I think Craster was actually sacrificing his sons to The Wall and not The Others like many people speculate as a way to bring their brothers rate back up
Predict TWOW ending.
>and who has a better story than penny the dwarf
That would actually be hilarious. All the death, destruction and suffering of the past seven books, and Tyrion decides to troll everyone by putting fucking Penny on the throne
Grrm dies and it never gets published as per his will
Joffrey requested Robb's head be sent to the capital for the wedding because he wanted to show it to Sansa. Questions arise then if the request was ever really sent, and if it was then whether it even made it to KL and in what condition.

Regarding Gregor's head in Dorne, it could even be that that one was some other guy's head. It's not like the Dornish would know how Gregor looked like, just get an other, reasonably large head and send that. That way you don't need to worry about cutting Gregor's head off his body and then having to find a new one for him that fits the body. Seems way more simple to just send a fake one to Dorne
yeah, skulls last forever and gregor wasnt the only big guy 4u who ever lived
Dragons stirring in asshai, dragons flying over winterfell, dragons glimpsed by Tyrion.....why are there so much fucking dragons all over the world when there's only supposed to be 3?
Jeor had offered to take crasters unwanted sons but he was refused. There would be more babies/toddlers running around castle black if that were the case
>Dragons stirring in asshai
>dragons flying over winterfell
You mean the fire and smoke that Summer takes for a dragon?
>dragons glimpsed by Tyrion
From his dreams?
Dany is preparing to finally head back. But first one more tour of the shitting fields.
Dragons were like UFOs to them there back then you see. You could barely use the outhouse without some dragon or other buzzing about.
bros, imagine the wildings... are black...
now I understand alliser thorne. I would never let them in!
they're ice mexicans
Charred by fire... Unlucky...
sorry but confirm if this true
Gregory Sadler is a metalhead but he's also a fag. Intellectuals either listen to nothing pop or they listen to pop in the same way they might go to McDonalds and get a turd sandwich in between important intellectual tasks, viz. fully cognizant that it is "tasty shit." It's possible to have a 160 IQ and still find chiptunes catchy. However, anyone who listens to rap is a certified retard and anyone who listens to anything remotely "/mu/core" is a midwit retard which is even worse. The former are not even eating turd sandwiches, they're just eating turds off the sidewalk, and the latter are pathetically trying to pretend there are haute cuisine variants of turd sandwiches. At least the metalheads and chiptunes enjoyers are being honest about what they're doing.
is GRRM coping now thinking not finishing the best fantasy series is a subversion of actually finishing it literary trope?
George wrote them a detailed world with some history, main characters, regions, deities etc. Thousands years pass from what GRRM wrote and then Miyazaki turned them into grotesque monsters and bosses basically.
If anything then publishing it at the end of HOTD S1 would have been the perfect time.
I dreamed the books were released, Egg. I dreamed it was done.
Kneelers don't season they food
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Winds is never coming
Just get over it
Damn, no wonder people are starving in Africa, poor bastards can't eat anything exept salt and pepper
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>imagine the wildings... are black...
Literally impossible
>Dragons stirring in asshai
Probably the remains of the proto early experiments of Valyrian blood magic and not true dragons
>Dragon flying over Winterfell
That was Sheepstealer, and was Old nan leaving the North to go to Bloodraven caves because Old nan was actually the child of the forst Leaf with a glamous, Leaf/ Old nan may or may not be Nettles but either way leaf is a part targ child of the forest who rides a dragon
>dragons glimpsed by Tyrion
That was literally Drogon when he went awol
it won't be up to GRRM, it will be up to his widow or his heirs
Ellaria saw the Mountain kill Oberyn. She would know if the head wasn't right
Arthur Dayne is supposedly the best fighter ever, right? How does anybody really know that? The Smiling Knight doesn't seem like a good metric to me. Okay yeah, some guys who we know are really good, such as Selmy and Jaime, both say he was fantastic. But mainly its just because gurm says so, right?

Anyway, how would Arthur beat the mountain in a melee fight? Oberyn was specially prepared for this specific fight.
The point is that the ironborn are subhumans that worship a god of death and destruction

They are essentially human orcs and George uses them as a representation of the evils and dangers of reactionary beliefs
right, i forgot about her. I think he had a helmet on the whole time though
he had a cool sword and was very chivalrous, but he still lost to a manlet crannogman
Ygrittee and Jon is an inversion of the 13th Lord Commander and his Other waifu
>My main impression coming away from Tyrion's POV is that he's an entitled lil shit who has no idea how good he has it.
His character arc is mostly an examination of the black pill/genetic determinism
Finally /lit/ accepts and tolerates GRRM & ASOIAF.
>But mainly its just because gurm says so, right?
that's kinda all that matters and martin mentioning him as the first person he would choose if he himself was in a trial by combat
George once said that Gimli would take out the Mountain
now thats interesting
gimli solos everyone is asoiaf, hes magic and ancient and has killed battalions of orcs
has he solo'd trolls though?
>Did you know
>in the books
Asoiaf is the first I've come across the POV chapter structure. What other authors use/used this method? Did gurm get it from a particular author?
underrated post
Oberyn got emotional and started t-bagging and rage-emoting on gregor's ass. Doesn't count.
I didnt say he lost; I was implying he won
but I was saying he only won due to special preparation
if we pitted regularly-armed arthur vs the mountain, im skeptical that he'd win
jaime thinks he'd win against the mountain but he's pretty full of himself
Tupac Shakur is supposedly the best rapper ever, right? How does anybody really know that?
fucking retard
how dare you respond to me
There's nothing regular about Dawn though.
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that is true
That's the point though, it was his reputation.
Anyone could win anything on a given day, Tyrion survives fights against loads of people he should've lost to if not for the circumstances. It was just the reputation of that guy, who knows what would happen on a given day, someone could get lucky, or unlucky. Physical fights are just like that.
My belief is that Arthur Dayne is the best swordsman in the seven kingdoms. Howland Reed is the best fighter as he uses a Remington 870 as his primary weapon, and plate doesn't do well against buckshot, nor chainmail. As Ned himself pointed out "He would have killed me but for Howland Reed".

Gimli is goated with the sauce as Tolkien himself was fond of saying, so I believe it.
I like that he waited almost the full length of the 5 books to drop that gem in there.
Kino with intent.
Arthur would simply take a lemon out his pocket and squirt the juice into Clegane's eyeslit. then in the confusion he'd start a small fire using broken pieces of red door from his ancestral home, starfall, as kindling. the fire would then ignite his sword Dawn aka Lightbringer, and magically slay the mountain.
>Selmy and Jaime, both say he was fantastic
these two are the two best swordsmen alive in the story that we know of. if they say he was the best, he was the best.
thy is sci not good enough?
Anyone else appalled at the new episode of HOTD
i won't watch it
black valyrians - NO THANKS
EVERY episode has to end with 10 minutes of full retard no matter how good the previous 50 minutes that preceded it.

I think they're trying to depict Alicent as not misunderstanding Viserys on his deathbed, but in this insane state of cope that she heard what she wanted to hear
if Winds of Winter gets announced I will fucking read the whole series again, I don't care it never gets finished, I need to read that book.
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>black valyrians
The Grand Maester is black too, and the Kingsguard. Also like 1 in 4 Kingslanders. Lol. Lmao.
>Euron defeats conquers OldTown with eldritch magic, probbaly summons a kraken/dragon creature and stelas the Horn of Winter
>Stannis defeats the Bolton and takes Winterfell, then moves to the Nightfort
>Euron blows the Horn of Winter and the Wall collapses, Others march through it and kill Stannis.
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Worse... They're sc*ttish. 700ft of ice isn't enough
Arthur sparred with shittons of people when he was still alive, and both the opponents and onlookers would be able to measure Arthur's skill.

If Jayme and Barristan say that Arthur was the best, it's because his technique, precision, speed, resilience etc which they experienced when sparring against him way beyond anything they saw or faced since.
I can’t be the only one who blurted out laughing when they announced the Velaryons in the red keep hall. “Yeah, we are a serious house” and in comes mop wearing darkies. I’m so glad I don’t have any black friends, otherwise it would’ve been an extremely awkward moment.
Who fucking cares
Nobody anticipates adaptations anymore
So that's the big announcement uh
How would they even do this? The whole point and CHARM of these games is not knowing jack shit about anything.

Seriously, a fucking hobo would know a lot more than us. Having the audacity to reveal it all is also hubristic.
God I hope he just dies what a cunt
George once said that Saruman would wreck Melisandre because he’s a “true wizard” while she’s “just not”.

This is him likely pointing out that magic in his world has no real master, and if a true wizard exists, they aren’t around.
Sam will blow the horn unknowingly destroying the Wall
But I like Victarion and wish him well, please no
He's going to announce that Elden Ring movie and laugh his high-pitched giggle
Reminder that he likes her because she's loud in bed
Magic is a ladder. There will always be a wizard one step above you, and a wizard one step above that wizard, and a wizard one step above that wizard, and so on.

Glass candle users and green seers are more or less their own gods. Red priests and green dreamers are their receivers, who in turn receive the masses.
Euron and Leyton will both cancel each other out with their own magics, with no one the victor.

You will notice that both the Ironborn and the Hightowers are holders of tidbits of a kind of lore that went into the foundations of the Valyrian’s own.

1. Sea folk go around the world breeding with surfacers, likely out of Asshai.
2. Sea folk destroy or assimilate cultures like the extinct Lorathi mazemakers, who match up with the tall Lengii who also live on top of mazes, and are neighbours to Asshai. Other locations include toad isle and the thousand isles.
3. Two of these places are Battle Isle and the Iron Islands, contacted by “a people from beyond the sunset sea”, of building skill that matches with the Lorathi mazes and black stone of Asshai.
4. The Grey King “stole the living fire of the sea dragon”, while the old Hightowers “slew the original dragons”. The seastone chair is of the same black stone.
5. The teachers of the Valyrians are said to be from Asshai, according to surviving Valyrian lore.
6. Leyton is said to know a ritual to call or summon “an army of the deep”. Euron is one to probably try something similar.

The Valyrians “stole the living fire” much like the Grey King did, except on societal scale, to devastating infrastructural effect.

The most likely case is that the Valyrians had turned on their former rapists, and in turn became the rapists. I say this due to the fact that the surfacers of this inhuman and unknown fishy civilization are said to have been from the sea, and ‘Squishers’ and ‘Deep Ones’ are mere half breeds.

It is possible that wyrms are sentient and the original masters of the surface, if we assume it was all sourced to the same culture or civilization (we can’t be sure of the underwater politics). Firewyrms “hold no love for men”. Nagga may have been a wyrm, or sea dragon, or other chimera.

( also note how the ‘worms’ inside Aerea have ‘faces’, ‘hands’ and ‘terrible voices’ )

The Valyrians aren’t the first people to go and produce chimeric abominations, they simply took, stole or learned it from some other inhuman race and culture.

The Valyrians also picked up metallurgy from…the Rhoynar…not the people from Asshai, and that leads me to assume that the race of fishfolk were similarly simple like the children of the forest. The artistic, twisted architecture of Valyria stands far apart from the eerily blocky, crudely, oily formed black stone from the sea.

I sometimes think wyrms are more closer to worms, then reptiles. We know dragon eggs stay dormant, like some worm eggs, and wyrms may be parasitic creatures of some sort, if we’re to assume the things inside Aerea weren’t some horrific outlier blood magic experiment.

Also, what thrives near deep sea volcanic vents? …worms…

“It’s ways summer beneath the sea, I know, I know~”

The smoking sea was always there, and it was a subterranean sea.

You know I’m right too.
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>doesn't even appear in the show
He is 110% dead, like, there is absolutely no chance of survival for him, he is deader than queen elizabeth
You’re probably right but George won’t ever get that far

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