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i am not the usual guy edition

previous : >>23525013
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>Wonder why the board is more retarded than usual
>It's summer
Okay, see you guys later.
i am never making one of these again
The more trouble you get into
the more footsteps you leave behind
/lit/, why you such a slop board? I thought there was standards
/v/ and /pol/ tourists
10 days of no fap and predictably the sex dreams have started again. Curiously, when I was younger, the sex in my dreams was continuously frustrated. Ie I would always get right up to the moment and something would get in the way and wouldn't get to penetrate, or else I would wake up before the moment. As I get older, I have sex all the time in my dreams and even cum. I wonder why that is.
I'm reading Franz Brentano.
>/pol/ tourists
JIDF is distributed across all of 4chan at all times
They are directed to threads whenever you bring up what a disgusting lot they are
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go outside, spend time around normal people, and be happy
jannies cant do their job
Summer and underage /pol/ tourists that think American is a race.
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Shut the fuck up bitch I'm staying inside eatin franks'n'beans and going schizo
Shirabe is cute.
How do you like it?
I don’t wanna be this

Poe’s law comes to mind. It’s hard to tell what’s serious and what’s trolling. There could easily be some false flaggers who would blend right in with a bunch of loud and real /pol/tard yokels. I guess some people are such losers they need to hang their hat on some giant collective like the white race, men, e-Christians or whatever. A bunch of fucking potatoes made this board and site their playground
i do that all the time and it kills me
luckly, you cant
it is all transitory and not only will you forget, the world will two
>the world will two
Parting easily two that were never joined.
>You've been diagnosed with schizophrenia dess
>go outside
>see fat people walking their dogs
ah yes this solves everything
Love leaves a memory no one can take
Why do you think so many writers were/are so miserable?
'Warehousing' the homeless is talked about as a bad thing, but given how much of a nuisance they are to tax payers, I think they should count themselves lucky that we don't make it legal to kill them on the spot.
Why do you think so many coomers watch porn?
It's the thing they naturally gravitate towards.
Trying to understand why God predestined our final ends but also obscures the future from us. If we knew our final end could we act contrary to it and thus deny it? And does that conversely demonstrate that God's omniscience denies free will?
Uhh excuse me I came here from /tv/
I've been doing that. I'm only happy when I'm alone
I think writing forces you to view actual reality and instead of the lollipops and unicorns bullshit people want you to be on so you don't harsh their stupid vibe. Fuck them. That's not reality, you stupid bitch
I hope you're homeless some day
Reality also isn't being overly emotional and reactive to every little thing. Come back when you're 18.
When you have problems, you seek solutions, and writing can be a very good solution to some problems.
>be me
>first grade
>6 years old
>Catholic school
>teacher is an old withered and terrifying woman
>all the kids are afraid of her
>ask if I can go to the bathroom
>"I don't know, can you?"
>don't understand
>tell her that's what I'm asking her
>really need to pee
>on the verge of tears
>have no idea what she's talking about
>"You MAY go to the bathroom. Never, ever say CAN"
>skuttle out of class and run to bathroom
Based honestly. Standards are too low these days.
I'm 53, faggot
In this dream, I was fucking an old friend with whom I've had sex in real life once before. We fucked in a public bathroom, in the disabled store. She wouldn't let me cum inside so I came in the sink, but the cum came out more like piss - in a long, strong stream. Afterwards, we saw that people had been watching us through windows we hadn't noticed. Specifically, mothers with their babies. They were furious with us, but I couldn't understand why they had chosen to watch. It just made me angry.
I think it's the origin of my fetish for tying up girls and making the drink a gallon of water and not letting them use the bathroom.
It's all dead. It's all fucking dead. Unless you're some millennial wine mom or dipshit coomer, there's no reason to be online. >>23530495 is a great example of this. Fuck. Why couldn't the Carrington Event or whatever put the internet out of its misery back in 2012? Sorry, Uncle Ted, but the internet and its consequences....
I like reading the crazy shit I find on 4chan. It's equal parts crazy and hilarious with some really sad, pathetic shit thrown in, to boot
I am so fucking tired of Christians cucking under to Jews and Israel. These people are our inferiors, they rejected Christ and abandoned Him and they blaspheme and insult Him every chance they get. By their works and by their behavior they have proven unworthy of the lavish praise and attention and benefit of the doubt the Christian world has heaped on them over the last 80 years. I'm sick of it. No more.

In particular it's time to start asserting the Christian claim to the Holy Land again. We have a claim to Jerusalem too. We should start bringing it up more often. Make the Jews feel uncomfortable for a change. I'm tired of fawning over the Christkillers. We even gave them Nostra Aetate, and what have they done in response? They've spat in our faces.
Did the anon who kept going on about how much he wanted to kill himself, kill himself? I haven't noticed him posting.
I think that might be several anons
People still do that in 2024?
So. I been thinking through some things. Been thinking about subversion, demoralization, the happenings of the past few years, etc. And I have come to some pretty bleak conclusions.
How long before you think those who spoke their minds are "rewarded" for doing so with long stays in small, confined spaces
Yes. The parents find the bodies and they get a quiet pauper’s burial or body donated to science. Few people realize what happened because the ‘cides were loners
Yes, more and more each year, actually
Or their heads on a spike. Don't dare be different
It seems inevitable and not good. We tried
How far does your road go?
Tried what? Helping others not as fortunate as you?
They don't get buried at all. They get cremated.
I’ve got to quit smoking cigars.
You “people” are pathetic
isn't it so horrible that some girls are ugly
Isn't it worse that some men have small penises
You're both right
It does trouble me. Men always have other things, and most men are average to ugly by women's standards anyway. But very clearly, all women enjoy is being pretty and gossiping about boys.
That's not true
I need to meditate more.
It's the only thought that has value as of late, everything else feels like filler.
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>don't fap for several days
>"it" starts to happen involuntarily
>trying to sleep and "it" starts creeping into me
>don't want to fap
>don't want to give in to "it"
I know that feel. It's almost a compulsion. Or a boredom, like what else are you going to do? I haven't figured out how to defeat it yet. I've occasionally been able to defeat the impulse by taking Motrin, but it doesn't always work, and I certainly don't want to get hooked on painkillers either.
It's called outsider art
if you genuinely restrict yourself, that's a slave mentality. you're doing what others say and not what you, as a human being (or as a man specifically), want to do.
Don't call me an it
>Acquired gf
Great, this is awesome, my feelings of self worth have increased immensely
>Get butterflies in my stomach when I think about her
>Heat skips a beat when I get texts from her
>Still feel really nervous whenever I make plans with her
I hate this. When does this part stop?
Where is schizo girl?
i am a real schizophrenic ask me anything
how's your day
kind of shit honestly I saw shadow people in the supermarket again. however I've made progress on my book about mind control so I'm happy
Giving in to what my gnomic will wants makes me a slave. Choosing the good is true freedom.
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Westerners love to claim other people's cultural legacies. They overemphasize the steppe Aryans but ignore how they were predominantly of ANE descent (or what's symbolically called Hyperborean).

If we breakdown races to figure out Hyperborean descent, then we see Iranians and NW Indians both have a lot of ANE. ANE was already spreading into these places even before Sintashta/Aryan migrations. Westerners rarely acknowledge this because they are lying deceptive pompous bullies.

Is there any race as larpy and arrogant and evil as Westerners? I blame the WHG ancestry. Even Yaghnobis do not score more than 1% WHG, which may indicate steppe invasion is completely false and there was just a hyper diffusion from ANE. WHG ancestry correlates to be sanctimonious liars who create convoluted matrixes to psychologically destroy their enemies.

I am starting to see Ashkenazi are bad because of Western admixture. Also, here's a video by STJ about ANE/Hyperboreans, and here the breakdown of Hyperborean ancestry:

Why ANE are Hyperborean
https://youtu.be/Imj0_UhfMLs?si=JxrNonumXZpaM96i [Open]

Graph on ANE ancestry admixture.
is your mother worried
your intuition is far greater than any logic.
Something about us
I'm a product of your imagination stop paying attention to me
the voices are telling me that you're lying
some weed and wine shall pair nicely with my pondering
There are no voices nigga, those are angels
>my prose

I found my sister's panties nestled on the bottom of the laundry basket. It's not the first time I had her garments mixed in with mine, but it was the first time her dirty panties was mixed with my clean laundry. There was a crusty pale yellow stain embedded into the cotton fabric and a faint scent of what I could only describe as a mixture of ammonia and lavender. It was a strange combination.

It would be simple to place it back into the washing machine and forget about the item altogether, but I am a rabble rouser. There's nothing more I love than causing drama and needless stress to those closest to me.

I took a sniff. There must be something I can do to embarrass her with this. I racked my brains and wondered if there was a solution in my house. I wandered around my home, entered the basement, and found what I was looking for. It was my monster making machine!

The plan was simple, I just needed to extract the crusty excretion from my sister's panties and place the contents inside the machine. I haven't the slightest clue of what may come out of the machine but what comes out will be one of hilarity and embarrassment for my sister. I took another sniff of the crusty stain. The scent was much stronger---it must have been my excitement. .
I don't understand the desire to have incestuous relations with one's sister because she's one's sister, but I do understand the desire to have incestuous relations with one's sister in spite of the fact that she's one's sister.
>I certainly don't want to get hooked on painkillers either
Dawg nobody has ever been hooked on Motrin. It's ibuprofen, that's not what people mean when they talk about painkillers
Why do people develop such a keen interest in music at around the age of 13?
Changes in the brain around that time probably allow for greater appreciation of symbolism - not just in language but other abstractions like sound, too. It is exciting to explore these new forms of interpretation, and so a lot of people throw themselves into things like music. At the same time, during puberty individuals are trying hard to cultivate a unique sense of identity that is clearly distinguishable from others - whether peers and parents. Both the act of listening to music and the music itself I would say assists in this process.
I kind of want to branch out a bit and read something from countries whose literary traditions I'm less familiar with. Any of you know if the Turks or Poles have written anything worth reading?
Satan is one of man's closest friends. He praises man for his might, tells him to do as he pleases, yet he laughs when we inevitably come crashing down. He drives the individual to place himself above others and this'll lead to the deterioration of a society. God is a stranger. Though His presence is close, many don't know God. Though they believe they are followers of God, they've taken a mere idol as God. Who is God then? God is the objective truth & morality. To submit to the will of God is to submit to the truth and virtue no matter what. In our age of hedonism which mirrors Babylon, only a few souls can recognize God. I hope to be among them.
I think Satan is undefined void behind material world. Rejecting creator resulted in hatred of creation. His throne of pride is like a vortex you can get sucked into if you fall deep enough into worldly experiences (aka sin). Its cold hollow place but also only constant in everchanging world machinery, true centre so to pskmspeak.
Go ahead, let your urges rule you, then. I'm sure you won't regret it.
>clean break poop
Good luck
>pissing in two streams but they both go in without getting on the seat or floor
Great luck
>pissing in two streams but they miss and hit the seat
Bad luck
>initial burst goes on the floor
Terrible luck
>initial burst wraps around the shaft and goes all over your pants
Abhorrent luck. Cancel any commitments and stay at home on the day this happens.
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I love writing the story I am writing. It feels less like something I came up with and more like a gift God gave me. I feel privileged to be the one to tell it.
I think you are right when you say that a hatred of the giver of life led to a hatred of life in general. Since Satan is the epitome of evil would that mean evil is just a hatred of life?
When you say worldly experiences, you make it seem like the material world is bad. There are a few types of worldly experiences, but two which stand out are transcendent and base experiences. Transcendent experiences are those which get closer to God e.g. good art, worship, pondering the truth, etc. Base experiences are those which provide pleasure through deviant means e.g. trolling others, gossiping, abusing yourself/others to acquire sexual gratification, etc.
>only constant in everchanging world machinery, true centre so to pskmspeak
Can you elaborate on this point?
I like the Batman: Caped Crusader trailer, don't really care about the show, but the trailer was cool.
I'm an Eldritch horror to spiders.
Same. I annihilate them too, so I'm a true terror.
I love spiders :)
67 pages in and he has yet to encounter any zombies. Right now however he's being initiated into the Haitian mysteries. Good shit so far, exactly what I was looking for when I heard of this book.
Nine Inch Nails
I'm pouring my heart out and the world keeps rejecting me. To hell with world
For the first time in my life, I have found solace in suicide ideation
I've been a NEET virgin for over a decade now because I refuse the call to adventure just like the hero's journey says to do. My reward will be great.
same here, thank christ dc animation moved away from whatever korean or chinese sweatshop they were outsourcing their animation and writing to

it'll be nice to watch since there's actually some talent and genuine passion behind it all, ed brubaker writing it all
I might watch it. I liked the animated series when I was a kid, but I hated all the live action Batman media, even the Nolan films, and it made me dislike the character.
how old?
I'm fine with spiders as long as they keep to their corners and don't violate the NAP
Only 31
somewhat old for being a virgin
why not hire a prostitute or set up a tinder profile or smth?
I have to refuse any adventures until it's forced upon me. That's part of the hero's journey.
If ideas which form matter into specific objects exist in Gods mind then interacting with the world (a sum of aforementioned objects) on rational basis with goal of seeking ideas behind individual objects allows one to understand their nature better, come closer to truth and thus to God. So, although its definitely something unorthodox to say, in order to come closer to God one has to climb above physical manifestations of objects and thats one pole. One can also interact with them irrationally by gratifying pleasure through objects without paying attention to their nature up to the point of losing ones position as a subject for whom world was made to observe. One comes closer to the matter (hyle) itself by interacting with the world more with senses than with mind (intuitively) andnat a certain point everything starts to lose form and one reaches what we perceive as void - unified, static formlessness where relations between objects cant be perceived anymore so change/ movement ceases to be.

So there are two static poles within world of experience to be reached by opposite means.
Might be fun indeed. Seems very much to be harkening back to the characters noir origins, which makes Brubaker truly the right choice. Man's sensibilities bleed noir and grounded superheroics.
you know people can want to restrict themselves, right?
Doctor told me to not get out of bed for 48 hours
I fucked up my foot so I'm horizontal for a while too
Hello, fellow mage.
t. 31 khv wizard
One of us. I'm 30.
The most spiritually disgusting experience in my life is without a doubt when I was on vacation with my father and he kept flirting with this ugly colombian woman 42 years younger than he is. Some of the worst moments of my life.
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it's a disc bulge for me. take care bro, hope you get better soon
Slowly losing my hair and put a bald filter on for a preview and now I'm doubly sad. Went from an 8 to a 4
The reason he gave of not going forward with it was "She's young and at my age I can't keep up with young people in bed any more".
He is currently in a relationship, not with my mother, thank god. But with someone else.

I hate that old pile of bones like you wouldnn't believe, fuck him and fuck his blood for spawning me. I know this general already has too much weepy seething but I literally couldn't tell this to anyone else without oversharing or major repercussions.
For whatever reason, I inherited a puritan's temperament, and it's done me little good. I spenf my life quietly pissed off.
Going outside and interacting with normies unironically makes me depressed.
Last friday I went to a huge party. I had some fun with my friends at some point but towards the end and on the way home I wanted to kill myself really hard.
Seeing women outside also makes me depressed, especially during summer.

In contrast, I spent almost 6 months last year never leaving my bedroom (I was unemployed and studying hard for a cert) and not once did I feel depressed lol.

It’s so fucking over for me it’s not even funny
I think it's only just begun for you desu.
I've taken all of my father's worst traits. As the years go by I realise more and more how similar I am to him. My loathing of him when I was younger has, by Leibniz's identity of indiscernibles, translated into self-loathing
Ouch. Mine's just one foot so I can at least hop if I need to.
Did you drink at the party? I usually get those feelings when drinking mild amounts of alcohol. This is no more than a bottle of wine with lots of water.
Girls in the summer depression is understandable, though.
Uh, bros... my goonstick broke, wtf do I do now?
It's called limerence. Enjoy it while it lasts
I think the objective should be to be better, within one's means, than the father's. And not beat oneself too much about it.
I don't actually hate him, but it's been unpleasant dealing with an old man with a 50 year age gap between us. It's surreal.
50% of women like men more when they're bald. Something something cleanliness something something
>50% of women like men more when they're bald
nuclear level cope
Source: your crackpipe
I have a full head of hair and I'm 53
I read it. Believe it. Don't. I don't give two tin shits either way
It's about testosterone and age, not cleanliness. It's a signal to women that your genes didn't kill you by 45. Women don't value youth in men like men do in women, and sexual partners aren't as disposable to them. That's also why women prefer married men, because he's road tested and potentially solvent enough to provide for two women, and that outweighs being a cheater for a large proportion of women.
That sounds about right honestly. I couldn't remember the why. Only the statistic
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Immense sorrow! Not good at all!
I just spent some time reading plebbit posts by members of all different races, men and women, talking about the dating game, specifically the interracial dating game, and that shit was fuckin hilarious. Everyone is such an insecure weird fuck now. Did not matter the combo, black women with white men, vice versa, Asians with whites, Asians with blacks, whites with whites, blacks with blacks; every thread had multiple people coming on being like "being my race and my sex sucks because other men/women dont find us attractive and blah blah blah." The internet has really fucked people up bad. But it did make me laugh knowing it's a universal phenomenon.
I've seen what he's saying but it all depends and that's what he's not acknowledging. Some guys look more masculine when they go chrome dome. Some guys look like they're sickly and shit. The latter do not look more attractive to women. It all depends
Nothing can fuel hate in me like this board. Irl people tell me I'm patient. Animals, kids, women and actual retards as in people with Down's syndrome can't make me mad but everything you braindead larping faggots say is infuriating. Speaking as someone with experience dealing with both you are actually dumber than the clinically retarded.
IDC, faggot. Not your personal blog
Depends how you're balding.
I'm at a Norwood 2 vertex now. It is, dare I say it, a tasteful Norwood.

Really for me all anxiety about losing hair went away the second I accepted it. Just buzzed it short and now i don't even think about it anymore.
Thanks for your passionate response friend. Where would we be without you constantly spamming the same inane meme phrases in every fucking thread no matter what the subject is.
Well to be fair all you did was insult everyone and act miserable
You deserve much, much worse. You assume you're part of the group of retards I'm talking about because you know you consistently post like an irredeemable retard.
Same. Im depressed on my own but after interaction with normies it just hits even harder.
The problem is that I'll look sickly if I were to buzz it as this anon talks about>>23531670, in no small part due to my skull shape even though I have a decent jaw and work out.
How would you know if you've never buzzed before?
Post a picture, I'll be honest in my critique
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>Seeing women outside also makes me depressed, especially during summer.
It gets so fucking bad desu. I got so fucking depressed a week ago that I was just living off skip the dishes, so I wouldn't have to go outside and see women.
going to house parties used to make me hideously depressed. usually I would just walk out without saying goodbye to the host or to the people I came with.
I see this word used in a nonstandard way on the internet. Is it autocorrect or a 4chan filter? Or does it have some other meaning? I gotta know the etymology
Is it because of all the sluttily dressed women you will never have?
Probably Punished Snake from Metal Gear Solid
my inability to be at ease with myself and connect with others, male or female. usually ended up just hovering on the periphery of conversations.
the truth is said to set you free but it's the breeze that gives me that feeling
drugs & alcohol don't work?
What is wrong with you people
Lol you think having some retarded drunk conversations with strangers is bonding. You can't be older than 25.
Being a sexless incel hurts and women serve as a reminder of that, whereas when I'm alone in my room, high on coffee and energy drinks and immersed in my hobbies, I can forget about being an incel loser
Why does "seeing women outside" depress you?
yes i think a few drinks makes meeting new people easier. no i'm not older than 25.
If you're not already like them, the connection is pointless and ephemeral
Who gives a shit man
Cry about it faggot
it's not pointless in the sense it makes life a little less hard on people
went drinking with qt coworker again last night. didn't black out, got a little stumbly towards the end of the night but that's fine, means it's working.
deep and comfortably in the friend zone. perhaps getting too friendly. the less she knows about me the better. I should pull back. I need to get my dick back in working condition. she invited another girl to drinks with us, presumably to set me and her up, she wasn't my type. I'm hungover and smell like cigarettes. I need to drink water. can never sleep well while drunk. I need to sleep more.
nobody cares faggot
I went to an early screening of Kinds of Kindness with my uncle tonight, the cinema gave everyone a glass of wine to watch with the movie, you could either choose rose or red, I chose red, and yep, wine still tastes fucking awful. I drank the whole thing because I don't like wasting shit, but damn did every sip suck.
>drinking complimentary movie theater wine
Come on man
I wish I knew of a forum where passionate and mentally-healthy book enjoying autists congregated. /lit/ has never filled the shoes of 2008 /r9k/.
Can journalism even be unbiased now? I was reading some of the sort of stuff JFK did before he became a politician. It was literally just matter-of-fact reporting on events with no opinion whatsoever. I’m not aware of any journalism that’s like that today. If it’s in text, it’s basically trying to give an opinion or framing an event.
My hobbies are reading and saving money.
Going outside for anything else than work is very counter-productive.
So you think I'm a loser? Just because I have a stinking job that I hate, a family that doesn't respect me, a whole city that curses the day I was born? Well, that may mean loser to you, but let me tell you something...
Every morning when I wake up, I know it's not going to get any better until I go back to sleep again. So I get up, have my watered-down Tang and still-frozen Pop Tart, get in my car with no upholstery, no gas, and six more payments to fight traffic just for the privilege of putting cheap shoes on the cloven hooves of people like you. I'll never play football like I thought I would. I'll never know the touch of a beautiful woman. And I'll never again know the joy of driving without a bag on my head. But I'm not a loser. 'Cause, despite it all, me and every other guy who'll never be what he wanted to be are still out there being what we don't want to be forty hours a week for life. And the fact that I haven't put a gun in my mouth, you pudding of a woman, makes me a winner.

-Al Bundy

This made me think.
I'm an incel but im waiting for a 10/10 trad 18 year old half-black Mongolian girl with blue eyes who plays videogames, has never used technology, is a Catholic and believes in eugenics.
The biggest hurdle to living a good life is money. For me at least it’s money. All of the things I want to do are too expensive.
What a self-limiting worldview.
I'm turning into a loser version of my dad.
You big crybaby
I used to like going out but now i usually go out to meet up with a girl (they often bail) and most of the time just spend 80% of the time outside smoking. i occasionally have a nice conversation with a friend or anon but the degeneracy is so palpable when I'm out. I often choose routes that require a lot of walking when I'm getting to places because I honestly enjoy the walk more then my time spent at the place.
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I know no man is an island on to himself but god damn do I wanna be left by myself most of the time. I think it's because of my upbringing, being the youngest in the family, my parents were like helicopters around me.
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>go outside
>talk to people
>some want me to join their fellowship programmes
>girls assume i'm coming onto them
Going to a christian church for a funeral service for the first time this sunday. I’ve never been to one. What should I expect? What should I do? I’m going alone. How long will it be?
I inherited a lot of his mannerisms, ways of understanding concepts, ideas of right and wrong and acceptable and unacceptable, work ethic, and so on, only he's a family man with a PhD and several published books and I'm the opposite of those things.
not very long. if you're young, the priest will try and make you cry.
I love seeing kots on my way to work, they really bright up my day
hmm, almost based, but ultimately not.
Any good books on green energy and EVs?
Ww3 is officially happening in about 3-4 months. Will you fight, or will you stay in your gooncave watching futanari porn with breaks for white women getting railed by BBC?
Royal Troon will have longest hole in Open history
I used to carry cat snacks with me so I could feed kitties I saw while walking.
It should be legal to kill street cats
So all of us who weren't living under a rock the past three months know that WW3 is going to happen this year, but the more important question is, will the West immediately collapse because of it?
Every time I'm on vacation, I figure out how I could massively improve my life. After a few months of work and other obligations, I lose myself in the grind and stress. I think it's not a coincidence that I've quit my job after almost every major vacation I've had.
I don't know how to stop this negative cycle while I work. Maybe forcing myself to meditate longer and twice a day no matter what is the only way I can keep a clear head.
Anyone who kills street cats is clearly insane and should be in prison.
>So all of us who weren't living under a rock the past three months know that WW3 is going to happen this year
Explain in detail why this is the case
I'm a creep
They are a nuisance and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. I don't kill them but I do like to spray them with a hose when they come to my yard. They're filthy, they shit everywhere, the scream and fight all night, they reproduce rapidly. Terrible animals.
Why this year?
Only reason I can see it happening is if China enters Taiwan. I can't see ww3 coming from just Ukraine and Israel
I don’t think it will. The new Western M.O. is to have foreign nations fight proxy wars. That means Ukraine, that means Israel, maybe that means Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan. Worst case scenario it means Finland, the Baltics, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Turkey, the Philippines etc. What it does not mean is England and America.
If China enters Taiwan we’re just going to raise a big fuss and not even put troops in Taiwan. We’ll arm the Taiwanese, fund their resistance effort, try to draw in Japan and South Korea but we are too much of a loser country at this point to even fight in-person for Taiwan. This country doesn’t have that type in it anymore.
Nta but:
>fraying unipolar hegemony and hegemonic competition from a peer power for the first time in 70-80 years
>global economic instability
>dismal metrics worldwide (birth rates, environmental, employment, etc)
>global hostility across racial and sex lines
>flare-ups becoming more common
(Gaza, sino-indian border skirmishes, us-mexico border tensions, etc)
And many more
War will never enter the seat of Rome, my liege. We may see fighting on the fringes of the empire, but we are the height of world power. The hordes will never breach the gates of the city. Rome has been, is now, and will be forever, Rome will never fall.
And we're in for a pressure cooker summer. Let's get it.
I'm also not expecting a WWIII but Taiwan and Ukraine are both strategically very important. Losing them both will be a sign of weakness.
>I'm also not expecting a WWIII
Who ever is, dude?
I'm not saying it will happen, hope it doesn't or that it remains restricted to proxies, but I don't like this way of thinking. People were still saying WW2 wouldn't happen days before it began. People have a hard time confronting the possibility of what seems totally unthinkable or unacceptable. Doesn't mean it isnt possible or even probable though. Just means it sucks to accept.
US will launch a missile against Russia and Russia will attack NATO in response. That is, of course, unless Trump becomes president.
> we are going to say a bunch of stuff, we are going to cut all our economic relationships with China, we will seethe every single day for the losses of Taiwan military, and we will totally come out as the champions because of it
Stupid amerimutt.
More like a realistic worldview
It's crazy to think about what happened. There's nothing I can do about it but. It seems a little unprecedented.
An ethnic conglomeration of people, "white" people under an Anglophone banner, reached heights of world power never seen before and defeated every single enemy it came across for ~500 years. It depleted and then resettled an entire continent. Two, actually. It revolutionized technology in ways unimaginable before. It accrued more wealth than ever has been accrued. It even, for a time, maintained a narrative that most people around the world assented to and was able to sustain relative sustainability due to this. It invented nuclear arms to ensure no one would ever even attempt to touch it.
And it's been done in by nothing more than gullibility and precariousness. It wasn't an act of God, wasn't an act of war, wasn't even fiscal mismanagement, as those rules are basically fake and can be rewritten or ignored by whoever holds the biggest gun.
It systematically stripped and sold off every element of its industrial base to a power who it at one time, desecrated, humiliated and destroyed, on the basis that "we can be friends now."

Historians will look back will still struggle to make sense of it thousands of years later.
How did you come to this realization?
Nta but it's an ancient tradition
Idk bro, depends on the church.
I have an old notebook and the fan has been making an obnoxious loud rumbling noise for over a year. Today I took five minutes to download a fan control tool and the noise is gone. For some reason I just accepted the presence of the obnoxious noise for over a year instead of fixing the problem in five minutes.
Skynet will access the nuclear codes and the terminators will take over the earth
Richard pepsi banquet listen offline diet
surgery real talk automobile wreck sniffer.
>retard liberal homoglobo
>retard low iq authoritarianism
why would i fight for any of these shit factions?
but enough about humans
>US will launch a missile against Russia
No, we will wait for the puccians to fuck up on their own, which they are doing a fine job of already.
>and Russia will attack NATO in response
With what? Besides nuclear forces their military is turbofucked and they know it. They don't want to fight NATO, they want to talk big and settle things through soft power.
Good song
>West immediately collapse because of it?
obviously we saw from covid that the west is really dependent on supply chains
I don't know how this made up rant is supposed to be imposing in any way, or how it is related to the discussion. All you've done with it is proving again you're just a stupid amerimutt.
> No, we will wait for the puccians to fuck up on their own, which they are doing a fine job of already
The amount of coping and seething from the side of the West is hilarious. Russia is invading Ukraine and they can do nothing about it except talk like a flock of hens. Now, I'm not saying that Russia will 100% win in a NATO-RUSSIAn conflict, however, Russia will 100% attack NATO IF they attack Russia. And Russia has 1.3 million soldiers, US, barely 400 000.
Delusional amerimutt.
It's not meant to be imposing, it was just a musing. Feel free to ignore it
Good, made up imperial narratives don't impress the Faustian man.
I have exactly one hour to kill someone fucking argue with me
Which one specifically?
It stems from the mystery schools cross culturally
Left hand vs right hand path in a modern context deals with a lot of those concepts
"When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help. That's the message he is sending."
i have many responsibilities, but i will not fear them. bureaucratic systems are anathema. everyone wants my money, but it's all gone. i have to get papers to prove things and heal my body. focusing work is good. i enjoy walking mindfully despite the pain at first. heat is only unpleasant because we're told it is most of the time. most people have their entire existence locked down in order to secure a very basic economic task for a corporate conglomerate. the real purpose of this is not economic at all, but sociological, as a means of control. today i'll appreciate my existence and not think about yesterday or tomorrow. i'll go into the things i don't want to do and find solutions to my problems which are not really problems, as anything that can be solved with money is not a problem. i have a scrawled notebook full of humorous attempts at novels and memoirs hyping up a mythic wild west persona or detective; that will be fun to write in.
I'm so fucking bored. I finished my job for the day and did all my college work. Now what? It's only noon. There's nowhere to go, there's no events, I have no one to meet. I'm thinking about driving to some random ass Cafe or restaurant, but frankly I'm craving in n out and don't want to spend too much. Aaaaaaa this sucks, being idle sucks
>inb4 read
I've been using my free time to read and after like an hour of reading the boredom sets in again. Fuck, now I'm realizing why I'm such an alcoholic.
Now I'm realizing why I spent so much time with that girl even though i didn't like her personality and found her unattractive. It's because she was available. Whenever I was bored I knew I could just go pick her up and drive someplace I wanted to explore. Fuck me man, maybe I need more friends?
all apparent connection is pointless and ephemeral. that's what makes it great, whether you want to be detached or tumultuous. idk what you mean by not like them, but people in general are very forgiving to most all the retarded shit they see happen in public so long as it's non violent. people who see you yelling at a tree will assume you have a personal history with it and continue about their day forging connections between that and other people they see and in 100 years they'll all be dead, except the tree who's 50/50 on still being here
I'm in a similar boat. I have to work later and didn't get enough sleep. I have enough time to get enough sleep but I don't want to sleep. I was just thinking I might take a ride to a Cafe and read. If you go ill go.
I think one of the reasons amerimutts are such a non-issue to me is because I'm an amerimutt myself even though I forget it most of the times. The other reason is that the only brand product made in America I know is the Harley Davidson. So saying that we are an 'economic power' sounds like a joke. But it do feel nice to live on a big fat island, it provides a feeling of detachment from my two archemies - Europeans, and the amerimutts.
Depends on what kind of suffering.
Bullying fits that description, but being an asshole on 4chan is something I've done on my low point as well as when my life was going great.
>It's because she was available
Careful, anon, this is how billionaires wind up marrying a string of secretaries and air stewardesses, propinquity is the cause of most human relationships
Are you some mutt who escaped to Asia because you couldn't make in in the U.S or Europe?
I'm going to in-n-out dog. I need a triple cheese burger and animal fries. It's too hot to sit at a cafe and read horror novels. >>23532911
Oh don't worry, I sent her back to her country (she wanted a green card)
I've hypothesized for years that this site is a place where people with moderate to high antisocial traits, socialize. In a strange way it kind of all works out.
Damn that sounds so fucking good. I'm starving. Fuck. Fuck man
What exactly in my post made you create that assumption?
I'm an amerimutt.
Seems clear to me. I do find as I drift more into becoming a normie I get very tired of the people either moping around about no gf or trying to be shocking in a very unoriginal way.
Sometimes I think 4chan sucks, then I take a look at Twitter subhumanity, and dearly remember how good we all have it here.
Forgetting you're an amerimutt, feeling detachment from them gave me that impression.
I read this as
>I have exactly one hour to kill someone
>fucking argue with me
Some of it is probably late bloomerism, or to be less charitable, crybabyism, rather than real psycho or sociopathy. Or aspd.
I find as I age, my negative emotions kind of just numb themselves out and I have a more realistic perspective about how and where I've fucked up so I blame the world less. And accept others more.

I still can't seem to socialize for too long with regular people though. I can fake it and I don't hate them or anything but there's always a distance. They're not "my" people. Point being, I get what you're saying I think. I cringe when I read posts here that remind me of how I once was because I know the person is just fucking themselves up.
You know how some Greek philosopher details the five eras and the five successive races that ruled those eras, until the current era, that of the humans, and the author sadly admitting to be a human? That's my relationship to amerimutts. I am an amerimutt, but I find nothing glorious or honourable in that term.
Anon I think any of our countrymen with a conscience and an IQ above 110 feels that.
I'm the same. I'm turning 30 next month and I've really learned to just ignore the negative emotions. They don't matter. Get mad get sad it does nothing for me, so unless something is really shocking I just roll with it.

I was never super social. I'm good with people I know but with most people I don't give them much chance. I have what i want now, I don't really want to add other people to it. My hobbies are pretty solitary and I'm okay with it. Work and family life takes up a lot of time, I don't want to shoot the shit with someone I frankly don't really value. Old friends I'll keep, but even then I barely see them after moving.
And yet, here we are, two degenerate amerimutts.
Ahh life is good.
>I need to get my dick back in working condition
Qrd? What caused this problem anon, some kind of meds?
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Imagine eating this good
my voice just echoes off these walls
Looks aight...what's the sauce?
Pre-Mylo Xyloto Coldplay sounds good without some bitch in your ear telling you they suck
Ahh yes, food for the eyes, my favorite type of food!
Thousand island dressing. Basically mayo, ketchup, and relish.
Nice kehd. Nice. Enjoy
Perhaps they simply misjudged my character. Perhaps too many times often, but still. People think I'm dumb, ignorant and stupid, not worth a serious discussion. This gets me very furious the years passing. I feel driven to go to war or some shit so people finally respect me. Maybe if I go to war and kill a bunch of people society will finally respect me.
set theory proof are even more vague and seems to me it just go on circles, most math proofs left me with this feeling that someone is trying to rip me off with logic and words
Understanding is like a slime digesting
Tires rolling and rolling on the concrete.
Our weight crashing down on the seams.
I couldn’t be closer to happiness.
Math proceeds directly from axioms so you're not really wrong for feeling that way
Thoughts on paraconsistent mathematics?
You guys ever feel underserving of love? Like people around you treat you so good and love you so much but you dont see why? I never did anything to deserve it.
Felt like this my whole life and I cant be the only one. Is there a word this, /lit/?
A reflection, a perception, a reflected perception. The reflected perception manipulated the perspective. With focused introspection new corrective perspective manipulates negative perceptions and reflects positive emotions.
reality is a reflection of invented perceptions.
Set theoretic proofs tend to be somewhat unrewarding on their own. They can show up as interesting lemmas, but generally sets with additional structure are more fun. Basic familiarity with set operations are enough to jump into other areas right away, and the extra structure helps to ground the results you find in more independently meaningful contexts.
I write a lot of posts here that I don't even end up posting. I'm sure others do this, but I wonder how common it is.
I have to admit, idk what that means. But I'll look into it. Based on the word I think I can imagine it but I'll check it out.
Okay. I'd have to probably chew on that for a moment but if I'm thinking terms of pure logic, thats already how I tend to think. Apparent contradictions are all reconcilable under true perspectives. The absolute is a void and all paradox is a unity. But I'll read more and think more about how it applies to math.
>the puccian army, currently unable to advance more than 100 miles into its broke-ass neighbor, will win against NATO because... it has more mobiks
Least delusional zigger.
I don't feel and I feel great
I dont go on dates because I'm a loser and it isn't fair to any woman to go out with me. But i miss dates. Relationships are hard but the first few dates are always fun.
in order of most fun to least
cheating > meeting someone > dates > being a couple
Yeah all the time
Idk what the word is. Perhaps gratitude
Or maybe, guilt
Mix of both, I'd say. Gratitude for their love and presence in your life, guilt for not feeling worthy of it.
I don't really like interacting with people. But I like being around people. If I'm reading, I'd rather be surrounded by people going about their business. Idk why. It's good for the soul. Communion is good even if from a distance.
tree branches, docks, red clover, stubble turnips, strip-grazed kale
You'll be sick if you eat all that
How do you guys meet women to have dates with?
If you meet a woman and you’re interested, how do you propose a date?

All this seems so alien to me yet normies talk about that like they’d talk about their next meal or their latest commute.
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I used to use apps. I've gotten more comfortable starting impromptu conversation in public.
Basic rule of thumb: you'll meet people in settings that mirror what they'll be like. If you go to bars, you'll meet bar people. If that's not you, don't go.
I've met women at bookstores and coffee shops and it's been more fulfilling.
All you need to do is give a quick glance. If you're intuitive you'll be able to tell if you're a nuisance, or a curiosity, by how she receives the glance. If it's the latter, ask her name and what she's reading about. But the biggest thing by far: watch your intentions. If they're pure, you've nothing to fear. If they're not, you'll feel guilt, as you ought to.
This applies beyond women as well.
>basic rule of thumb: be attractive
I'm not very attractive homie. Just shower up and groom yourself.
Her extraordinary memory makes her feel like she’s in an emotional time machine.
>t. attractive person
Post face.
Because I guarantee you're overstating how ugly you are so you can bitch and moan and refuse to change.
>just take a shower bro
Get real.
common humanity prevents me from giving girl advice on 4chan. but literally i think you'd have more fun asking a girl if she likes hitler than going by this >>23533518 anxiety-spiking game.
Thats not even the same anon. I was the one who told you to shower and groom yourself. That was another anon asking you to post face.
I look like I've been on drugs for 20 years dawg. My teeth have holes in them. Take a deep breath. You probably hate yourself more than anyone else ever could.
>dude, just like, shower and shave
you're retarded
Why won't you post your face? Afraid you're actually attractive?
i've actually talked to girls about it and they do say 'clean' when they talk about boys they like
you really do live in anime land
you're retarded because you think I'm scoffing at basic hygiene, not because you assume I don't already shower and shave
that's gay bruv
That's not solely what we are talking about. Get a decent haircut and put some clothes on that don't scream poverty or lack of taste.
But actually it doesn't really matter. I look homeless.
Above all, be interesting and able to hold a conversation. We live in 2024. Most people are baffled by the fact you even have the gall to speak to them unprovoked.
retard. complete myopia
Id advise against posting your face tho, to be clear. Asking for trouble
Grow some confidence tho homeboy
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>just like, take a shower and wear clothes bro
i don't resent your attractiveness, i resent your inability to step outside of your experience. but you'll nut in a bitch tonight and i'll seethe forever. so it goes
I'm at this weird point in my life where I seeming have many aspirations but no ambition. There's so much I want for myself, but I seeming cant put the effort or the dedication in to actually work towards it. Maybe it's out of fear or anxiety, idk. I've come the realization that I'll probably never be as talented of a writer as I'd hope I could be, and in reality my desire to write is based in a want to be admired and not really out of a love for writing. I wanted to pursue music for a time as well, but I cant seem to push myself to learn how to play anything, and even when I try, I give up after about two or three weeks. I also realized I can't even maintain friendships or even attempt to pursue any potential love interest due to embarrassment of my current living / financial situation, a lack of communication skill and understanding of social ques, and immaturity in regards to the level of jealousy and entitlement I feel when I'm not getting the proper attention I believe I deserve (yet in the same vein, I'm more than willing to ignore or cut people off when it best suits me.) I guess it does help that I'm in the least bit self aware of my issue, but the lack of desire or push to fix them doesn't make up for any kind of self awareness I believe I have. I want to change and do better, but I'm just too embarrassed and feel too defeated.
>on date with girl
>leave date
>remember anon post about the raw deal men get with modern woman
>tfw she hit basically all his points

I lol'd because she inadvertently revealed she had a used up butthole (as anon pointed out) when I made some comment about how sodomy is bad. she hit at least 5 other things he listed too. it's sad how common this is
I hate when adult women try to act like children. Disgusting behavior.
the unattractive know as little about the other world as attractive people do about yours.
indeed, i have the humility to accept that
Bro I literally look like a fuckin crackhead.
i've seen plenty of drug addicts who can still pull. it doesn't mean anything.
you worm
I dislike when women act like children.
this you? yeah, conventionally attractive, see guys like you pull all the time or walking the streets with your gf. i was bang on
I mean whatever bro I don't think I'm attractive. Get mystique
Wear interesting shit
why am I a worm
Homeboy you're better looking than me wtf ru talking about
bwahaha thanks i needed that
I feel uncomfortable when women act like children.
Yeah. Not trustworthy
that's not me, the resentful poster. that's the other chad

yeah you look fine, don't feel like insulting you to make myself feel better, nothing to insult you about.
No dude, I'm the other Chad. I'm not posting my fuckin face wtf I'm the one that was telling you to shower at first tho
That dudes good looking tho. Yall are goofs
Fun game, let me try. I feel uncomfortable when 2+2=4
One of you chads posted your pic for some reason then
He did it for the mystique
Being attractive obviously helps with dating, but if you're an unfuckable freak as a -person- you're just never going to see success. Work on being less of a spergy dickhead and you'll do better socially in general.
Strong Bad?
Someone make a new thread or I'll start crying
>talking about the evils of sodomy on the first date
Man what the fuck are you doing?
To be fair, it was just a quick comment on how I think its unnatural and can cause health problems. She then recoiled in insecurity and said 'yeah if your like a middle-aged gay man or something'. I honestly don't remember the context I was shitfaced and tired by that point.
Work, woman
Work well
Soak your ass in the tureen
If it is hot it burns
If it burns it's that it's hot!
Any femanon wanna be my bdsm gf
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House spider next to my PC has a beetle in it's web. It's wrapping it up, but the beetle keeps squirming and trying to get away. It's hard to watch, and I dunno if the house spider's fangs can even penetrate the beetle's carapace because I'd imagine it should be dead by now.
I get the spider's gotta eat, but if it can't actually eat the beetle, then should I save it? Like, give it like an hour, and if the beetle is still visibly alive I rescue it? How do I get the webs off it without killing it in this case?
I think it was a mistake to humanize superheroes. Supermen aren't men.
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cellar spider*
The beetle's movements have slowed significantly but it's still moving.
This really fucking sucks to watch. Nature is horrible. I should've saved it when I could've.
You should save the beetle by carefully removing it with tweezers and place it outside, then while outside look for a bug to replace the beetle.
Should have asked her if you could buttfuck her right after that
Let nature take its course. If you interfere with the spiders work, he'll move on to you next. He will remember it
The beetle made his choice. He fucked around and found out
I ended up taking a tiny pair of eyelash scissors, sneaking it into the web, and cutting the beetle's head. He stopped moving within seconds.
That way the beetle isn't suffering for long, and the spider still gets it's meal. I provided some mercy to both parties.
Ah yes, the Mohammadean path of mercy killing
Insallah anon
Anon... you murdered an animal.
do insects like beetles even have nerves to feel pain? before you virtue signal too much, might want to do some entomology reading
How's it any different from euthanizing a pet dying painfully of cancer?

If they do feel pain, then getting it's head cut by scissors is less painfully then being bitten multiple times by a spider and slowly digested alive with the spider sucking out it's melted guts.
If they don't feel pain, then they would feel 'stress' as a survival instinct, and I shortened the length of that stress.
It doesn't matter whether or not you can feel pain. Hypothetically if a person couldn't feel pain... you get my point. Beetles don't want to die; they don't kill themselves but eat food to live.
you motherfucker
You don't know if the beetle couldn't recover. You didn't even try to nurse it.
Spiders don't want to die either.
>Bitten multiple times by venom, movements slowing, wrapped like a mummy in a web
>Even if it survives, the spider starves
He could extract the spider's venom, inject it into himself (since it's not lethal to humans, extract the plasma with the antibodies his body creates, then administer the plasma into the beetle along with nutrients in a safe, sterilized environment.
I euthanize insects routinely, I've heard it said killing them is immeasurably worse but if they're going to feel that pain anyway why prolong it? Most insects are bros I hate to see them struggle and suffer
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Going to be pissed if I fractured my toe tripping up the stairs just now
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Is Bon Diggity a good character name
Boniface Diggory
My head hurts too much to stream ASMR today
I've decided to quit drinking.
Because everytime I drink I feel like shit, act like a retard, embarass myself, and ignore responsibilities and people who care about me
I've been doing this for years
>he's become like a palestinian, but they don't like him because he's a very bad palestinian, a weak one
oh man trump is so savage lmao
Trump lost, everyone is saying it
Banned again from my home board
My parents are dead. No one knows where I'm at nor do they care. I could die right now and it might be decades before my body is found. I leave behind four children, three of which are daughters, and five grandkids, two of those are grandaughters. I've lived a wretched, selfish life and now the cracks are appearing. I helped no one and I affect no one. My influence on this world is like swirling dandelion seeds-negligible and chaotic. I wish death and destruction on most and hope it all burns down around our ears tomorrow. In fact, I pray for it. I have nothing, I am nothing. I was swallowed by the underbelly of society. Just bad luck, I suppose because I had every advantage a man could possibly dream of and I frittered it all away in the name of love and friendship. Even now, with the thread saging, no one will read this nor should they. Because fuck you all. Mankind was a mistake. All we have done is inflict misery on every goddamn thing on this planet and each other. Give me one good reason why humanity should go on. One.
Shut up.
Fuck you
No fuck you
You dumbass. What needs justification for mankind? Its surely not from you lousy fucks. THINK ABOUT IT
I don't do charity, bitch
My stomach hurts because I ate too many burritos. I can't concentrate, but I have enough willpower to see that you're dumb!
I was going to post a picture of a zorse, but the file size is too large (900MB)
Noise is the absence of silence
My flatmate's ex's younger keeps staying over at our place and I'm getting kind annoyed. I don't care what their relationship is, but she's been freeloading off our stuff and making a mess of the kitchen and toilet for the past week. Doesn't help that my flatmate is also a slob too.
New: >>23534753
New: >>23534753
New: >>23534753

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