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/lit/ - Literature

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/lit/ humor thread
Ok, you start us off.
I did, it's funny, cope
like a year ago I had to read every rf kuang book because my girlfriend at the time was really really into her. this post unlocked some memories that I had completely forgotten lmao
Debasing yourself so for a woman. You're a spiritual peasant.
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Are you 15 years old?
u mad?
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>wow i can't believe this humor thread on 4chan dot com, the pinnacle of human communication, is so low brow! how pedestrian! how do i downvote this post?
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bruh, you can go out of your way a bit for your girl. Just means you are interested enough in her to try her stuff out.
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You said /lit/ humour, not used /pol/ arsewipes.
seethe tranny
>t. R. F. Kuang
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inb4 the 1984 post
>I had to read every rf kuang book because my girlfriend at the time was really really into her
She cheats on you btw
Y'all know where I can find the humor thread?
Buck status:
You could contribute instead of being a snarky cunt :)
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This never happened thoughbeit as she died in a mental hospital at an old age
Just call me a cunt without the passive aggressive tone. We're all friends here, twat.
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Sure thing you juicy minge ({ô})
Based laugher. This man has seen the joy of life.
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kek, got me good
Is she really that bad? I constantly see her being shilled.
You post way too often. Get a life
leftists screeching about anything that doesn't fit their exact worldview as being pol are 10x more annoying than anything pol does. Do you see a bunch of whinging faggots saying go back to leftypol everytime there is a marx thread? Besides the point you have every single space online as being left wing yet you come here the one place that has free speech and complain about it. Quite literally go back.
How do you completely forget shit that you only read a year ago?
NTA but there’s a lot that happens in life and you consciously and subconsciously prioritize. Most memories rush back when they are jogged
I'm a big cock italian btw.
David Wallace owed me fifty thousand dollars when he died
LOL and this thread will probably stay up because of the /pol/ stuff. The real humor threads get instantly deleted. Remember, no fun allowed, unless you're spreading the philosophies of the worst board on this website, in which case, have fun!!
>Do you see a bunch of whinging faggots saying go back to leftypol everytime there is a marx thread?
replace "leftypol" with "reddit" (basically the same thing) and the answer is a resounding yes. Defend /pol/ like a little tard if you want, but acting like nobody shit on left wing politics just for being left wing here is top-tier retardation.
based, keyed
cringe... locked
So, American SJWs are as old as European Marxists. Intradesting.
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>derpy durrr
>ITT: White/Asian incels seething about female asian-american writers being now the queens of fantasy and sci-fi genre and also dominating non-fiction.
lit humor threads used to be cool.
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I thought Wagner preferred Æschylus
I'm not reading that. I'm still waiting for a good and funny meme ITT so far.
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>browses /lit/
>doesn't read
my apologies, I should've known. here's something your attention span should be able to handle.
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>Do you see a bunch of whinging faggots saying go back to leftypol everytime there is a marx thread?
I hope she read something you were interested in too.
It came to me in a dream.
>that sentence
Cruel and unusual punishment. Just hand me a gun I'll shoot myself
Does anyone have the meme of Schopenhaur in the race car bed?
Just another Protestant schism.
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Sneed & Pynch
Based as fuck
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pynch..easy on the cherry cokes..
Why is /lit/ so rarely funny? Terrible sense of humor
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/lit/ has never recovered from accidentally creating the big chungus meme, it's like /tv/ and the sneed meme
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First two funny posts in this thread
Have a (You). Shared custody.
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saved :^)
The creature that owns Reddit needs to get a colonoscopy with a rusty drill.
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Yeah, I dislike Harold Bloom too.
What actual case was that?
>good pussy breaks a nigga
This, but unironically
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>phd in philosophy
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Teach me to find joy in the little things. i am tired
So... sentenced to the only pool of dynamic and non-stagnant literature?
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I know people meme the touch grass thing, but every time I go camping for a few days I come back with a way better attitude. I forget how great a bed and a fat burrito and a hot shower are if I don't do this periodically
Stop being depressed
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Why is second generation diaspora always so resentful
Because they were removed from their natural environment by their idiot parents
I used to tutor 5th graders. One of my students was reading a fantasy novel written by an ABC woman. It was basically furry smut. Some woman would transform into a wolf and had a boyfriend who would do the same. A lot of the passages were about how sensual it was to be stalked in animal form and she often mentioned her "monthly blood." It was fucking weird.
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American Born Chinese (ABC)
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She's probably just trying to understand/humor her son or grandson. MoW is fine a read anyway. It's just an assessment on how spiritual and secular authorities should be merged to give people purpose
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They can go back.
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Sunak is this guy but brown
Yeah but the stress still scars you. They were robbed of a normal upbringing. Its unnecessary and selfish and it affects them forever so the kids resent the parents.
this image is kinda lazy because they just copy-pasted the descriptions off amazon rather than writing an analysis like in 'start with the greeks'
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>Joy luck club
hahaha that makes me want to buy the book, galloping abs at the end sent me over
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they're paradoxically caught in between the belief that their homeland and culture is superior and the belief that they're entitled to a prosperous life in America.
>of course I like my own posts, if I didn't like it why would I post it?
seethe, faggot
It is pretty easy
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cringe, fake
ok zoomer
>Do you see a bunch of whinging faggots saying go back to leftypol everytime there is a marx thread?
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You can protect the white race and it's fine, but when jews protect the jewish race, it's not?
Why does jewish protection come at the cost of every other race's protection?
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Age of consent in modern BDR is 14 though.
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Why does fantasized white protection result in the turner diaries?
Im confused
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Jews are a threat to everyone else. Their hostility and cynicism is unusual and it is unnecessary to protect themselves
They were less safe when they left their homeland and started subverting other people. Get it?
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Consider that today, you can copy a book instantaneously, at the cost of an insignificant sum's worth of electricity.
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Incoherent garbage. Write an actual sentence, with examples. I get this is 4chan, where people just shoot hogwash to fit in, but try.
Is this real?
It isn't incoherent, you are just being defensive
Why would I be defensive about jews? They're not my people. I just want the truth, and if all you say can be boiled down to, "jews evil", tell me why. Explicitly. With examples. And references to look up.
I just told you, they are hostile to others everywhere they go
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Examples, references. Why is there no evidence of any of this? Any specific points in time where they're fucking up the world? Provide some or don't write back
You know what they are. Youve seen them posted millions of times. Youve heard about it before. Marxism, gender theory, the talmud stating that everyone is cattle to jews, subversive racist media ownership in weimar germany and America etc. This led to the holocaust. It wasnt necessary to protect themselves.
Youre just being defensive and dishonest now.
Do you think the current state of the world is the result of white protection?
I'm not talking about your MSG-II plotlines. Marxism, a singular jew, and plenty of nonjews helped set groundwork. Gender theory, plenty of non-jewish actors throughout history, overlap coming about because jews use nepotism to become rich, and predominantly live in places where they can get away with it like famous cities (nyc, cali as a whole). Talmud, every people think they are the best. Christianity considers all jews hellbound by default, Islam (that is all) nothing has changed and unless there's evidence of them applying this beyond scripture, it's not enough.

Subversive racist media ownership in weimar, germany: tell me more, I haven't heard that one.
Depends. Africa: yes, undeniably. South america: america protection moreso, so slot it how you want. But the natives got fucked. Europe: no, their altriusm is turning dangerous and suicidal. NA: for natives, yes. For every other facet, aforementioned altriusm. Asia: kinda. Same deal as south america, except it happened twice, once during colonialization and one during the cold war, so part of it is just america first, part is genuinely europe trying to create dominance over the rest of the world (chinese century of humiliation, opium wars, british indian company).

Overall, the past says yes, and still says so for the losers. For current day and the winners, they say no.
The nazi party discussed it a lot
Also some prominent anglos/irish like Moseley, Ford, Joseph Kennedy, Nancy Astor

No, not every group thinks others are literal cattle to exploit. That's an obvious lie. Again you use a strawman to defend jews. Christianity views others as equal people that need to be saved. They have evangelised much of africa, the americas and asia. Islam is similar. You are now dishonestly smearing Christianity as well.
How is colonialism protection?
>This is sad! O little book! A day will come in truth when someone over your page will say, "The hand that wrote it is not more."
I came here to laugh, not to cry, dammit
Every western religion views the people that don't believe in them as non-believers, and therefore either giving their life away by forfeit, or doomed to die a horrid death after death. We can act like we care about specific wording, but it really is irrelevant when all religions do it. I'm not an athiest, I am a christian, but let's not put ourselves on a pedestal, our people have done fucked up shit in christ's name; that's non-negotiable, and not a strawman.

Got any papers or books? This is /lit/ after all.
Because it helps the in-group win, and the out-group lose. Or alternatively, because not doing colonialism and bleaching and christianizing the natives or africans, would be saying your and others' lives on earth matter more than christianity and your life on heaven; you're protecting your soul by doing active swathing, antagonistic good, like torturing a bomber to give the passcode, except it's infinite loss (the loss of souls to hellfire and brimstone), instead of a theoretical nuke. Christianity can be karmic like that.
You are obviously a jew
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Too obvious Shlomo
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You trying to say I'm a jew instead of arguing against my points is spedtastic. Not a jew, never have been, never will be. When did asking rational questions make you a jew. Is asking for evidence about jewish conspiracies the 4chan version of "what is a woman?"
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Africa has received ten marshall plans in aid by white countries and it's still a shithole. The entire continent is running at a loss for white people. 100 years after de-colonization and black people still can't pick up the pace, and now the chinese are setting up shop. How is it white people's fault that the negro race is incapable for building the simplest stable society?
Ok Shlomo
If you pump and dump a teen into single motherhood, once the child moves out, is she suddenly supposed to be college educated and make 110k a year because that arc is, "over and done with"? fuck no. There are rammifications to actions. If the afrikaners pump africa full of authoritarian governance, and then dumped them while never teaching the africans anything or putting them in positions of abitration or power, what was supposed to happen, exactly? You expect a broken nation dragged kicking and screaming past the industrial revolution to suffer no hunger pangs? To magically fight against a culture only lost 2 generations ago of tribal thinking with nothing but a bible and simply not being corrupt? ok sped.
k sped
Whatever Moshe
Youre really obvious
Never your fault right?
It's funny. Let them seethe.
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I'm still waiting for something funny ITT, but I guess the right just can't meme.

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fucking lmao this got me good
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but its not even the funny kind of low brow, this shit is actually 15 year old's humor like other anon said
genuinely hillarious
here's a tip: if you completely destroy their argument and they can only reply with buzzwords and overused memes like 'shlomo' then you can assume you're speaking to a bot.
To them, I say: boo fucking hoo. As a descendant of Ellis Islanders I understand cultural alienation but I don't curse my ancestors, either. You accept what your circumstances or you change them and that's on you.
>Why is there no evidence of any of this?
lol, lmaoing even. Funniest post in /lit/ humor thread.
>When did asking rational questions make you a jew.
Your questions comes attached to retarded affirmations like "There is no evidence of the jews being evil" or "There is no western religion that treats non-believers as cattle" that are so ignorant that do not even deserve to be answered.
>They're too common, and they're everywhere. Youtube, twitter (don't have one, but I've seen it). I think this is a stupid people problem, not an infiltration problem
>It's so dumb that providing evidence is useless.
No person with good evidence thinks like this. If I could prove someone to be stupid, I'd do it. You can't, so you don't.
germanic kings married 12yo cunny all the time lol, same as all other euro royalty. go down a list of "queens of [country]" on wikipedia sometime and subtract date of birth from date of marriage
I am reading Ruth Ozeki right now and it fucking sucks. I hate diaspora Asian-American literature.
Calm down snowflake.
4chan's system says this is spam, thus why I sent it as a picture.
Why don't you? They fucked you over for their selfish desires and all you can do is submit to their will instead of retaining some dignity as well as doing whats right
You're wasting your time. They will lie even when they are caught. They hate you.
Thats not what that means
He didn't destroy anything
Just kept lying and acting ignorant
Everyone knows jews own all the anti white racist media in the west while they support their genocidal ethnostate
I can assume he is a jew
>If you pump and dump a teen into single motherhood...
NTA, but what, did Africa become too old to not be retarded after less than a century of colonialism? Balkan shitholes had military airports under mountains after half a millennium of ottoman rule, despite them building no infrastructure and receiving no hand-outs from the west.
There is literally no choice but to submit to their will. I was born here because of them and I have no control over that. You're saying the dignified and righteous thing to do would be to impotently rage at my deceased forebears? That's part of being alive. You deal with it. I refuse to blame them for my problems especially when they thought they were doing what's best. The truly selfish thing to do would be to have no children at all.
They're assimilated enough to be unwelcome in their parents' homeland but not so assimilated that they can fit in naturally in their birth country.
You could judge abd condemn their actions instead of signalling to others that its ok to do the same to their kids
ok bot
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>Evidence: schizopost
I could leave it at that, but I'll go point by point to tell you why that's dumb. I will using the "jews aren't evil" as the null hypothesis. I don't expect to convince you, but I'll lead you through what makes sense to me.

>Jews accumulate riches and try to change culture to their own
Jews weren't allowed to work normal jobs throughout plenty of europe, be it military service, land ownership, certain trades, etc. Banking is one of the only ways they could make money, and also one of the only ways they could gain institutional power to stop the aforementioned restrictions brought on anti-semite policy. If your people were hit with pograms whenever someone wanted a scapegoat some minor inconvienence or inconcievable disaster (ie, well poisoning during black plague), you'd want the change the culture to stop people from murdering you. Look into what christians did to gain power in rome, I'm sure it's similar.

>despite being 2% of the US pop, why is all media, controlled by them?
Simple, your scale is off. You don't need to be across america to control large corps. These corps originate from new england, where plenty of jews have settled since they got off boats. For CNN, 1/2 founders is jewish, yet one comes from ohio, right next to new england, and the other comes from new england (new york city). Their current owner was funded where? New england (nyc to be specific). MSMBC: same story, new england (nyc) founded, Fox, 1/3 of the big 3, actually has a more interesting story, where Rupert murdoch is already had institutional power from australia, where his father was already in the media and news business. If anything, you're analyzing crossover between old money, old places, more than some jewish connection. Plenty of corps in america originate from new york Let's look a bit deeper actually. Fun fact: new york city is the biggest holder of jews outside of israel. If they were to gain power anywhere, it would there, that's just how probability works. The question being asked is loaded and framed, it's a reasonable question, but not a good one to use as an antagonistic question.

>Why did Germany went from being a poor country due to ww1 to being able to figth the world for 6 years?
Stockpiles? The fact everyone else was poor and tried their hardest to not get involved while they prepared for war, initial support from the USSR. But you have some theory, so lay it down.

Split in two,
>Who financiated both sides of different wars?
What wars. And why are jews expected to take on collective responsibility when their people do something bad? Black people asking for reparations is stupid because you're not slave owners, but when probably separate factions of jews fund different people, they have to be working together, and genuienly evil, and it's the sign of a conspiracy.

>What is the religion that always pops up when you search the director of that movie or series that is a danger to your culture?
Americans, despite being 5% of the world population, are responsible for 100% of dogshit coming out of hollywood. Clearly something is amiss.
But seriously, same points as before. They fought against oppression (remember, null hypothesis) for centuries, were finally in a place that didn't shit on them as much, kept create generational and institutional wealth, and now they have generational wealth, institutional power. Now, they have the ability to invest their lives into middle class pastimes like art. High jewish population in cali, all can do art, statistic conclusion, literally yes, doesn't prove intent because it's a statistical happenstance. There are plenty of shit christian or athiest media guys as well.

>What religion desproportinatelly supports movements like feminism
Oppressed people don't like see others opressed? The underdog rooting for the underdog. Empathy towards people in similar situations, or alternatively, being wealthier and naturally having more liberal policy through things like education or not being as psychologically pseudo-conservative.

Plenty of jews don't support israel, also, isn't this talking about both sides of your mouth compared to the last point? Lgbt people fucking despise israel, they would extirpate the idea of it from the historybooks if they could, with the way they act.

idk, idc, way more important points above
The balkans are in a better spot. Africa naturally sucks because hot+shit for resources before modern tech. The balkans were also shit on, bu they could make something of themselves way easier due to easier resource (you said mountains, but also forests), weren't that far behind techwise and weren't dragged far into the future technwise, so societal growing pangs didn't fuck them, and also, the balkans had their shit phase already. They simply had it while under ottoman rule. Think of it this way, africa was a pump and dump after a couple of dates as a teen, the balkans were abused throughout the course of a years-long relationship as an adult (in this context, not as big tech differential). You can improve during that time way easier than you can while raising a kid as a kid.
>dick Parkinson's
genuine kek
Missed the part where
>Fights one (1) war
>Against 50 countries
>And world media
>And world finance
>Somehow loses much wow
Ok faggot
Who is going to read all this jew shit?
>Jews weren't allowed to work normal jobs throughout plenty of europe
> Banking is one of the only ways they could make money
Noooo you can't work jobs BUT we'll let you control our money supply and give our people predatory loans until we're your slaves!!!

KEK this is my favorite jew cope of literal all time lmao, please please make this make sense
"You can't work jobs around us (powerful euros). But we (poor euros) need/want money and are will to take on interest to do so"

Two different sets of people, it's not contradictory.
Just a jew shamelessly lying and defending their actions as per usual
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>/lit humor
>degenerates into pseudery with anons bringing up the Balkans
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Please bro, I put in so much effort
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The cope is beyond comprehension

Needs "abortion is healthcare" to be added.
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i think if i ever get published i'm going to try to write a seemingly negative review that says all the things i like best about my own work under a fake name.
is vidya higher or lower than film?
Explain where the cope is
>Powerful europeans won't let jews work regular jobs
>But the same powerful europeans, who control the country's money, will allow these same jews to control the money and lend it to their countryfolk with interest
You don't see the absurdity and that's why you're still 19
Based. Fuck that reddit "philosopher"
Plato is also reddit
I only play Pharaoh (1999)

You're free disagree with history, but history doesn't change.
The Jewish people were relegated to mercantilist occupations because of religious and ethnic discrimination. Their simultaneous dispersal across Europe and relationship to Christianity (which deemed usury as sin) allowed them to act as money-lenders on behalf of Christian monarchs as a functionally internationalist system. Parasitical accusations arise from this arrangement. The antisemite can take this where he likes but that point isn't really contentious.
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>Americans, despite being 5% of the world population, are responsible for 100% of dogshit coming out of hollywood. Clearly something is amiss.
That kind of makes me feel nice. It’s rare to read a post on here that doesn’t reek of self-centered cynicism.
Guess Germanicus never got those eagles back after all.
I think it's a bit unfair anyway. Take Napoleon. There are the wars of the first up to the seventh coalition. He lost the wars of the 6th and 7th, giving him a 5-2 record. But this is a byproduct of the diplomacy of that age. If WW2 took place against the backdrop of late 18th/early 19th century diplomacy, it would not be 6 continuous years of war, but would rather be intermitted with several peace treaties that the warring parties use to regroup, while fully intending to resume hostilities at a later time. Who knows what Germany's record would be then.
I need more like OP pic.
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>left me for a Proust scholar
i'm glad things ended alright for him, but this part sent my sides into orbit
>Now I've written the whole thing: for Christ's sake give me a drink
after writing one email during WFH
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people cant help themselves, it's pathetic
last sentence is useful advice
How the fuck did i get banned for making a fuckin /lit/ humor thread
Holy fuck fucking based
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Ahahahahahahaha kek, based.
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Literally me
Accurate french voice
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This you?
I don't get it?
i actually laughed at this
>Do you see a bunch of whinging faggots saying go back to leftypol everytime there is a marx thread?
I'm second generation American and I'm not some whiney faggot about it. But that's probably because I'm white
Oh nooo the slave religion we totally accidentally spun off to the goyi—gentiles, is uh, forcing us to take a spot in the major locus of international power :(
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William Wallace if he real.
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Having a girlfriend sounds so fucking gay.
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He's not saying they don't do that. But what does OP's meme have to do with politics? Do you mean that thinking diaspora literature about how hard it is to be an asian-american in america is political? Specifically /pol/-related?
>inb4 IT'S OBVIOUS!!
explain how.
Soon this thread will reach 400 posts and only one post so far was funny.
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Was he autistic
Hitler would have loved and also hated Okja.
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He was a Vegan hero.
Are you that one guy who always keeps trying to say that Freud was totally on to something because a bunch of retarded gooners on the internet masturbate to milfs sometime? Do you also think he was right about feminism just being female hysteria?
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I fucking hate this retarded meme. Half the philosophy class is retards who just saw this and thought they could btfo plato because of it.
no im just dumping funny shit that i have saved because im stuck in a bullshit employability skills course that i am being forced to complete in order to keep my unemployment benefits.

The course just ended for the day though so maybe i should hop off this thread and get back to some reading.

THere is a theory in psychoanalysis that when you respond to a idea with intense and disproportionate aversion, that means youre hiding or repressing something in that area. Idea has some limitations, but it might be valid in your case.
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I was in a biological anthropology class and some spazz tried to explain this to the professor when he gave a scientific definition for human. The guy was literally retarded and so it was incoherent babble and so the professor just nodded his head and said oh okay
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fanfic larp. There are no husserl scholars at any small liberal arts colleges in Georgia
Read this thread, it's dozens of excerpts from Hitler's childhood friend
This feels like a "I got kicked out of Gregg's for being racist'
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that's not even funny, just sad
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its obviously a made up story you retard
so? fiction can still be sad
It was a response about this thread and others which descend into retarded discourse because of cancerous /pol/ posters, not specifically the OP image, which is funny and tame. Your point was that nobody tells lefties to go back to THEIR echo chamber when they are told to do so constantly. Reddit, twitter, /lgbt/, kek whatever you can think of.

I don't hate /pol/ because they are right wing, I hate /pol/ because they have completely ruined /lit/. Apparently having a whole board where you can post whatever the fuck you want is not enough for the attention whore /pol/ack.
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You need to treat your amygdala, redditfriend
If you have nothing to say, don't post.
Good copypasta
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It's easy to notice that the person behind these posts is a spoiled faggot and under 30 years old.
By the level of mental damage and entitlement you can also bet he has hormonal issues.
It's easy to tell that I hit a nerve and all you have left is projection.
You really need to treat your amygdala, Princess.
You responded exactly the way I expected. Good.
I accept your concession.
For real, is this a copypasta?
Are those post-modern marxists in the room with us, Peterstein?
All you've done is prove my point. You're attention whores who get upset when somebody calls you out and can't formulate a real response. So no, I accept your concession.
Most of these countries are slavic shitholes.
>I'm basically going to repeat what the anon that humiliated me used, but make it more gay and small dick energy, this will show them how smart I am!
>more projection
Thanks for the response. Your concession has been accepted and filed.
I'm seeing more and more of this happen on the board.

I wonder if they are bots or just soulless people who love larping as a parrot.
Finally a good joke in this thread. Kek.
>somebody criticized my precious /pol/ on the literature board so they must be a bot
It's an extremely tame critique of /pol/ and yet you guys are triggered like a bunch of twitter users.
My God, look at this poor little thing, he learned the word from me and now he's going to repeat it ad nauseam.
Your vocabulary is extremely limited, I know people with English as a second language who dance around you with greater eloquence and vocabulary.
Maybe you should be studying more instead of complaining like an arrogant wimp online.
All this seethe and yet nothing of actual substance to say.
Kek, I love /pol/ tears. Keep going.
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I read this POST while mentally visualizing basedjak and that made me to laugh.
based truthbomb
>samefagging: the thread
I'll use this in the future when I LARP as an obnoxious tranny.
i would bet sHe is in fact from the West coast and a zoomer.
>me sipping on /pol/ tears
you seem a little triggered there guys
>the numerous /pol/acks all stop posting at the same time
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Are you a pretentious midwit
>kills you
>"I'm just le protecting my le race!"
>oh ok its fine to kill me then
>cutting meat
jewish post
I hope that pic is not an example of what she was trying to do, because everything's fucking camouflaged in white
The first Deus Ex is above 90% of movies

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