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Is it just me or is Stephen King the most overrated author of all time? He's never written anything I've enjoyed and a lot of it makes no sense or is extremely corny. It's impossible for me to suspend disbelief enough to even get into any of his books.
Almost ever single gen x (that generation of failures who love to blame boomers and millennials for everything) that I know says with pride in their heart: Stephen King is my favorite author

Yes, he is overrated. I own around 50 of his books, and I can say that. He was the first fast-food of literature. His best stuff are from the 70's and 80's.
Not every musician is Bach, but you can still nod your head to a three minute pop song. Not every author has to sate the literary itch. Some are just pulpy and that's fine.
He's rated exactly as he deserves to be. Maybe underrated if anything. The popular idea of Stephen King is that he's a bad or hokey writer, whose nonsense people find entertaining.

Everyone thinks Stanley Kubrick made the Shining better, and that King is kind of a boob for hating his movie.

Who, these days, is painting King as some kind of infallibly great artist?
Not a good bait.
It's not bait you twerp. These are my feelings.
How is he overrated?
He is a genre fiction writer who makes genre fiction people enjoy and who are adapted into good movies.

No one says he is Tolstoy or Shakespeare.
Literally how is it bait? Who is saying Stephen King is a great writer?
You've seen Garth Marenghi? That's literally what people think Stephen King is.
Standing up and saying "no, I think he wrote some good stuff actually", will pretty much result in you getting laughed at, and usually by people who haven't read his books.
Is he even rated?
>Who is saying Stephen King is a great writer?
plenty of readers
Almost no one remembers pop authors who outsold him a generation ago. King will be largely forgotten a few decades after he's dead.
He'll be remembered every Halloween?
you can say that Stephen King is shit or that he i overrated but the truth is that he has been a fixture of American pop culture for 6 decades now. At the very least I think that speaks to some sort of talent, even if he isnt Shakespeare
>Almost no one remembers pop authors who outsold him a generation ago.
Doesn't this just serve as evidence that, if anything, King wont be forgotten?
There seems to be only room for one giant pop author per genre. His is mostly horror, I guess. But there's Grisham, Clancy, Crichton, etc..
Cool reddit take and redditspacing. You convinced me to burn all my books on religion and philosophy and fill the space with Stephen Kino.
What's your favorite book of his where he describes sex with children?
>good movies
Lmfao. No.
No lol.
Either you misread that sentence or you're retarded.
Bro, I didn't even say he was that good.
I just said he isn't overrated, because the popular conception of Stephen King is that he's a bad writer, as opposed to an uneven one.
And The Long Walk is pretty good.
>The Shining, The Running Man, Misery, Stand by Me, and The Shawshank Redemption are bad, actually!
false, the trend for blaming other generations started with millennials
they're called paragraphs dipshit
Are the newfags skill hating on King???
Stephen King is like Star Wars. He is unavoidable and everyone has heard of him.
And both are masterpieces of the 20th century
The original Star Wars, sure. But when some says "I love star wars" in includes all the bullshit with it. Same with Stephen King. You gotta specify what you like.
NTA but it was a Reddit tier opinion (i.e. it establishes you're mid by stating the obvious and then following it up with nothing of substance). You should lurk more.
Two of your “paragraphs” are single sentences of 20 words or fewer each.
I like him. I just finished the dark tower series yesterday and it was pretty good I thought.
Yes, but James Patterson and Michael Crichton are quickly reaching that spot.

People might crucify me for this, but I think that Jeff Kinney is in the running for this title too.
Fags ITT >>23549757 are mad at the KING
I despise him as a man, the guy probably has skeletons in his closet (pedophilia being the mean problem), but I'm guilty of owning dozens of his books.
His prose is above the average, despite all the prolixity, he got worse and more full of BLOAT over time, and lazier and worse edited after reaching a very comfortable zone.
It becomes too full of clichés the more you read it, becoming extremely predictable and this takes away a lot from any pleasure you might get from it. I'd say he's the fast food of literature, although nowadays there's no shortage of writers worse than him becoming popular.
The Long Walk is one of the best books he's ever written and I'd say it's the closest he's come to being literary fiction rather than commercial fiction and slop.

I read the Dark Tower more than 12 years ago, I've considered re-reading the books, but I remember how the last three were full of crap and bad decisions. The ending that was hated by many was never my problem, I actually liked the ending, the problem was how everything else in the last book was lame or what was promising was poorly executed.
Rank your top 15 best Stephen King book, /lit/
The reddit tier opinion is that Stephen King is a hack or a pedophile.
I've actually been to reddit. Those people always go for the low hanging fruit.

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