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It's just me, but in general it's women who do it with a certain pride? I swear nowadays I see people say they've read 20 books in a month but they're totally incapable of doing the most basic of analysis of any book they've read, at best they can give a short summary of the plot and nothing more.
I think nothing of them.
Pissing matches will always be popular on social media. I don't pay them any attention.
I don't really have an opinion because I don't really interact with these people on a day to day basis. I am also almost entirely off social media. The only people I have an opinion on is people who read in public while walking. To be clear I am not making fun of people who might read on the train or in a coffee shop or whatever, I am specifically talking about people who walk on busy streets in the city reading a book. Coincidentally it is women 100% of the time, and I simply find it amusing because I am vain.
Used to be impressed but then I read Schopenhauer's essay about how reading too much makes you retarded. Now I mostly just read the Bible and books on Catholicism and Christianity, Latin and Greek, some history books, the occasional English novel. Quality over quantity.
I want to ring the giant Cathedral bells on Sundays. Thinking about asking to volunteer at the church.
Dew it
Reading a lot is retarded. Just consooming at that point.
They're either skimming or reading children's books.
Yes, it's mostly women and reading pure slop, but there's some bugmen-like men who also does it, especially while reading fantasy and pulp crap.

I honestly doubt that any of these people mentally visualize the scenes and characters, they just flip through the pages, without much thought.

And there are always the subhumans who say they read a lot, but are really just listening to audio books while painting their nails or driving.
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Is this post a bait??? Or are you legitimately a high-on-copium retarded?
If you're reading serious material, only someone with huge amounts of free time could do it—or a very uncommonly fast reading speed.
He read 11 books last month, what's your excuse /lit/?

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>This book is sooo good
>Offers a basic synopsis
>Aw man, it is so good. The way she writes is soooo good.
>This book has lots of interesting things going on
10 a month is only 120 a year, which is no where near the amount that I want to actually be reading
I'm a femcel btw if that matters.
Look at that pile of hackery. Very sad.
Reading isn't a contest. How can you possibly read that much and not know basic grammar?
many such cases
I read the Iliad last month and it's 24 books. 10 isn't impressive.
If I could knock down 3 books a week I’d be a happy boy. I’ve done it exactly once in my life and every week I don’t do it feels like I’ve done some kind of injustice to myself.
They either have more free time than me, read shorter books than me, or both. I don't give a fuck
how about short cute guys who read while walking solitary streets in the countryside?
nta but why would that be wrong?
As in you think of them as nothing or you don't think of them at all?
I once believed that but now disagree with Schopenhauer. A friend of mine once said “you’re the kind of guy that if everyone is facing one direction you face the opposite just to make a point”
Bible isn't literature
Solid bait
I've known adults that count Archie comics and Goosebumps as books worthy of bragging about the volume they read
I don't count manga or anything like that on my reading list, I just include as my monthly reading any book that I've read, physically held, in its entirety, no audibooks, no internet articles, or anything that I've only read a little but not all the way through.
That's why I stick to a pathetic four books a month.
I dont think I could find books I enjoy quickly enough to pull that off. I mostly read molecular biology papers now, but st some time was under the weather due to "not reading enough literature", and I tried reading hume or critique of pure reason or ze greeks or some contemporary fiction, and I dont care for the plot of those, I can only enjoy reading books that are about my interests. I enjoyed Dimnets art of thinking, Watts logick, Darwin. They are nice in their style and language, but without the content I wouldnt care for them.
Archie and Goosebumps are better than many classics and modern fantasy

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