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Give me your top 5 favorite writers and your 5 favorite works of literature so I can judge your taste
You posted a pic of a sniveling jew who wrote one of the worst pieces of fiction ever. Post your top 5 first desu
Bloom disrespecters should get perma bans
Joyce Carol Oates
Ben Lerner
Garielle Lutz
Emma Cline
Philip Roth
Gabriel Smith
Honor Levy

Der Ring des Nibelungen
Tristan und Isolde
Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg
Charles Dickens
H.P. Lovecraft
Cormac McCarthy
Hans Christian Anderson
Mervyn Peake.

Moby Dick
The The Odyssey
Tale of Two Cities
Blood Meridian
Gormanghast Trilogy.

Judge me.
A segment of /lit/ is too dumb to recognize a good ally when they had one. Bloom spoke out against multiculturalism, feminism, and supported the cannon, taking heat in the process. Since he was Jewish he has armor of sorts. But retards just want to screech about muh early life section and don’t actually care for defenders of their interests

All are fun to read

The Wind in the Willows
The Napoleon of Notting Hill
The Man Who Was Thursday
The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (I love this book and I like Dubliners a lot but I’m not smart enough to fully appreciate Ulysses, I liked reading it and there were parts I did appreciate like the Shakespeare chapter but it was very difficult to understand for me, I think that it could end up supplanting Moby-Dick as my favourite when I’m older after a reread with more of a guide)
>t. Adolf
Seems good, having Dickens as a favourite is pretty based
The Bible Above all.

Below that,

Fulke Greville
Thomas d'Urfey
Samuel wesley

If I cannot simply say their complete works each, I will instead do this

Certain Learned and Elegant Workes of the Right Honourable Fulke (Especially alaham)
Jerusalem (or if a short work is wanted, the chimney sweeper.)
Dunsany’s complete works (I refuse to choose, but if this isn’t allowable stanton coblentz’s time’s travelers.)
While it’s obvious, the Divine comedy is still a favorite, and my fifth if I can’t pick all of d’urfey or wesley, I will pick Robert herrick’s Hesperides.
damn haven't seen you in a while bro
welcome back
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Frater is elephantanon
Stephen King
Brandon Sanderson
Steven Erikson
George R. R Martin
Haruki Murakami

It by King
Words of Radiance by Brandon
The Crippled God by Erikson
A Storm of Swords by GRRM
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
>Desperately trying to appear interested, end up looking like an attention whore.
Good Chesterton picks. I also really like The Ball and The Cross.

Dunsany's best standalone work is easily The Charwoman's Shadow.
Gene Wolfe
HG Wells

The Faerie Queene
The Divine Comedy
Eugene Onegin
Madame Bovary
Thanks man, been very busy with irl stuff.

Have you read his poetry? “The Year” is a really good work. But in terms of prose whenever I read him I’m forced to read a lot of it, I read him from the delphi ebook usually so it’s easy to just consider big chunks of him one work.
>The Faerie Queene

Dangerously based.
>Have you read his poetry

No I haven't. I've read the first 4 short story collections, The King of Elflands Daughter, and The Charwomans Shadow. Love them all. I agree on reading him aloud. Love this excerpt from TKoED:

>And winter came, and whitened the roofs of Erl, and all the forest and uplands. And when Orion took his hounds afield in the morning the world lay like a book that was newly written by Life; for all the story of the night before lay in long lines in the snow. Here the fox had gone and there the badger, and here the red deer had gone out of the wood; the tracks led over the downs and disappeared from sight, as the deeds of statesmen, soldiers, courtiers and politicians appear and disappear on the pages of history. Even the birds had their record on those white downs, where the eye could follow each step of their treble claws, till suddenly on each side of the track would appear three little scars where the tips of their longest feathers had flicked the snow, and there the track faded utterly. They were like some popular cry, some vehement fancy, that comes down on a page of history for a day, and passes, leaving no other record at all except those lines on one page.
Angie Thomas
Alice Childress
Adiba Jaigirdar
Angeline Boulley
Ann Brashares

Zweites Buch
Voice of Our Ancestors
The Goebbels Diaries
The Eichmann Tapes: My Role in the Final Solution
Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior
When Bloom died all of /lit/ was mourning. I don't know where all these new users came from.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Leo Tolstoy
Honore de Balzac

The Brothers Karamazov
The Idiot
Moby Dick
Blood Meridian
Tough to narrow it down to so few keeping in mind old favorites and newer ones. Some groupings I associate and can’t separate so I’ll list them

With no crossover between favorite writers and favorite books-

Henry Miller
DH Lawrence
Franz Kafka

Letters of Van Gogh
Memoirs- Cellini, Casanova
Chinese- I Ching, Tao Te Ching, Chuang Tzu, Classical Chinese poetry (Rexroth translated specifically)
The Snow Leopard by Matthiessen
Conversations with Goethe by Eckermann

I’m reading Life and Fate, and Flaubert’s letters now, think they’ll turn out to be a couple of the best books I’ve read this year as well
>inb4 the ghastly crime and punishment and brothers karamazov ringamarole copypasta

Who wrote that and why, its such a misrepresentation of his work I cant see it being done by anyone who's not spiteful towards Fyodor's work
Kill yourself, you limp-wristed homo
Your taste in books is pathetic and uninspired.
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>hey pal, you just blow in from reddit-town?
Your taste in books is pathetic and uninspired
>I’m reading Life and Fate, and Flaubert’s letters now, think they’ll turn out to be a couple of the best books I’ve read this year as well
Don’t think anyone asked. Fucking womanly behavior.
Have you checked this out yet?


A favorite

I gotta say I was surprised how good and readable it actually was.
Is that the guy who insisted that he’d only convert to a religion which would accept elephants into heaven, was advised that Catholicism suggests that animals will be there even if they don’t experience it as fully as humans and so decided for Catholicism?
That guy was based, it would be a shame if he has become a tripfag
I have a niche taste for horror, detective novels, light novels and sci fi but I cant think of a single one of them that can even come close to elevating itself to something like Faust
No, just the jewish gyp from brooklyn who spams his faggy collector’s threads and posts his bug wife
Most likely the most successful and intelligent anon ITT, as well as the most humble.
Id agree if Murakami wasnt there, definitly humble but for fucks sake I cant stand that guy's work
Yes you do.
Frank Herbert

The Silmarillion
Les Miserables
Children of Dune
Count of Monte Cristo
Are you a teenager or just an idiot?
Nope not me, I’ve never posted anything physical or from my camera, I’ve never posted myself, etc. I’m also not a Jew.
plague of frogs.
Bloom’s the man.
Bloom was a mediocre critic. Anxiety was pure dribble. The only redeeming quality about Bloom was that he was a catty, cantankerous jew who pissed off similarly situated mediocre critics who thought writers like Franzen, Smith, and DFW had talent
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Being willing to admit that one has awful taste is noble in a way but it doesn’t change the fact that he needs to read some better books by better writers, Martin and King are trash writers and you shouldn’t be reading them if you’re older than 16.
This anon’s genre fiction choices are more respectable but his inclusion of Plato amongst them makes me think he’s probably underage as well. And also needs to read more to escape from the prison of the pretentious teen
You’re a pseud.
Definitely underage.
Bloom is a perfectly acceptable entry level critic
Cope for middling dimwits with middlebrow taste. Stay mediocre, m8.
I mostly read shitty LNs these days, and I can't call them high art. Plato is just comfy reading, not particularly deep.

>And also needs to read more to escape from the prison of the pretentious teen
I'm planning to do that more, but I have to finish moving to my new place before that. Hoping the used bookstores will have some good selections.
You have already been extremely humiliated in this other thread >>23543333
> I'm planning to do that more, but I have to finish moving to my new place before that.
Good for you, we only gatekeep because we want people to be better and experience better things.
>Hoping the used bookstores will have some good selections.
You’re looking in the right places at least, used bookstores or second hand online is usually the right way to go
This reaction proves that you need to go back, those writers are the definition of middlebrow, it’s the kind of shit read by the flood non-genius STEM nerds who never invent anything new. Imagine listing Brandon Sanderson as one of your favourite authors and having such a lack of self awareness that you claim others are middlebrow and mediocre. I hope that you are underage because if not you have a serious problem because these are the kinds of books I read as a 14 year old, because only undeveloped adolescent brains can enjoy this kind of shit
That’s not me and you don’t belong on this board. Stick to the genre containment thread. People are trying to gatekeep you because these are shit authors for tasteless immature nerds
I only read obscure stuff. Most stuff you anons would never have even heard of so no point in listing mine. Stuff like John Hawkes, Hiromi Kawakami, This Side of Paradise…
Embarrassing projection, most trannies love genre-fiction and can easily be described by
> non-genius STEM nerds
Women, transsexuals and soiboys read that kind of genre shit.
So what’s this lovers’ quarrel about again? Oh yeah, jew, kike, midwit, pseud, troon. Might as well get it all out of the way and make it feel like /lit/ again
The only people in that thread humiliated are the people defending Stephen King on a literature board.
On the bright side, and influx of King dickriders at least shows us why Bloom is being unfairly lambasted. They aren’t actually antisemites (which would be based), they’re just salty that he called out the trash they read as trash
>unfairly lambasted
This was so unnatural you certainly went you yout macbook’s thesaurus, you retarded troon.
>thinks that lambasted is a word that would require a thesaurus
>wants to defend genretrash
>calls others trans while defending the books and authors that trannies actually read
Pure pottery, it’s nice to have confirmed that genre-fans genuinely are retarded, reminds me of why you deserve the verbal abuse.
Many such cases. I don't even know why they come here
Vaguely conservative redditors come to this site constantly. The issue is that they have absolutely no connection to culture outside of 20th century pop culture so they’re aghast when they learn that people think the artless escapism they consume is bad. This makes them cope and seethe uncontrollably because, despite wanting to be conservative, they don’t even know what’s worth conserving on a cultural level.
Cool I’ll check that one out, I’ve not read it yet.
Got this on a whim, hearing this makes me really look forward to it
>they have absolutely no connection to culture outside of 20th century pop culture so they’re aghast when they learn that people think the artless escapism they consume is bad
It depends on that you mean by "bad". I've found trashy fiction great because it provides various windows into social moods and desires if you consume it critically and it provides plain fun if you turn your brain off. I remember it actually encouraged me to write, too, because I thought "I could do better than that."
Naturally, it's not as deep or significant as books in the old canon. But many of those are merely the books that survived the test of time. Classics like Les Miserables and A Tale of Two Cities were serial publications, as vulgar and lowbrow as a web novel online.

What matters more than the quality of the books read is the variety of them and the willingness of the reader to think.
God, this is embarrassing.
>The bible above all else

Holy cringe.
>Classics like Les Miserables and A Tale of Two Cities were serial publications, as vulgar and lowbrow as a web novel online.
I don't know what reddit comment induced you to think this but you're embarassing yourself
Sure, that’s a fair perspective, but the kind of person whose favourite books are written by King and Martin, and vehemently defends them by imagining the people who turn their noses up at him as transsexuals, are not keeping an open and varied perspective on their literary horizon.
Serial publication formats or popularity alone don’t make an author mediocre or bad, but bad writing does. This anon chose this image>>23550264 for a reason.
Given the people in this thread defending Stephen King, GRRM, and Sanderson, I think you should know exactly where they come from.
Damn /lit/ just plain sucks now. There are like 10 anons who read books that aren’t exclusively on the end of year chart. It seems most don’t read. More just spew grade school level venom
Then maybe you should leave.
Ironically, it’s people who don’t read much that don’t understand why there is so much commonality in favourite books.
>/lit/ pseud coping that his favorite classics aren't as highbrow as he thought they were
lol. Dickens, Dumas, and Hugo are by no means bad (in fact, I think their works quite excellent), but their works were clearly shaped by the serial medium. Dickens often wrote purple prose to bloat his word count, Dumas filled the middle of Count with filler to continue the series, and Hugo often wrote editorials that had no relevance to the story until a footnote at the end.
These were common stories for the common person, designed to excite and stir the imagination.
NTA and you’re right, Shakespeare was another great example of a writer who wrote for the time’s popular format, but I think this rather makes our current crop of popular fiction look even worse.
Something having a wide appeal doesn’t necessarily make it bad when the people whom it’s appealing to have read more.
I think it’s also worth noting that some books were serialised just because that can be a convenient way to generate interest, Ulysses was initially serialised and that is not a book for the average reader at any time, this is a book that required analysis before people were certain that it was obscene enough to be banned
Way to praise him on the least important and /lit/-related things you could have chosen, you braindead /pol/castoff.
1. Nietzsche
2. Nietzsche
3. Nietzsche
4. Nietzsche
5. Nietzsche
>Frater posting outside of /pg/ with his trip on
>t. he doesn't know

>the profane literally cringe at the holy and call it a "holy cringe."
>Frater is anti-Semite
I knew there had to be something wrong with you.
>is now part of cuckchan "culture" to be a simp for tripfags
thank God the other /lit/ still exist on the webring.
No your just a disgusting pedophille.
>bug wife
You have to be 18 to post here, dont worry we have all been there
>conservative redditors come to this site constantly
>seethe at STEM for whatever reason
>deeply insecure and desperate for validation
At first I thought you were just shitposting, but it's obvious that you have genuine problems, almost a sperg, are you by any chance a NEET who spends half your day listening to breadtubers ?
My opinion of the Jew is one half philosemitic one half they are the synagogue of satan.
This elephantanon seems to post the collecting/irl book threads or posts in them a lot, if I see one I’ll ask him about dunsany.
There's nothing wrong with that.
Bloom is so pathetic. Read better critics.

Anyway, top 5


>Gravity’s Rainbow
>The Crying of Lot 49
>Infinite Jest
>The Recognitions
One individual does not a culture make, troglodyte. Frater is a very skilled poet in the making. Certainly one of the most skilled to grace this board. You can mock as you please, but I don't care. You're a nothing to me.

Ah, well, that's reasonable enough. Frater, I still recall from memory most of your poem which ends, "He that sees the King is Jesus damns damnation." Such a wonderful work. I don't often grace /pg/, but if I did, I'm sure I'd recall even more. "To the pipsqueak, pixie's pretty play," lol. Such a delight.

Obviously, I think there is. I don't care whether you don't.
>read better authors
>whole list is 4chan memes
Put your trip back, zoomer faggot.
Jorge Luis Borges
Herman Melville
Gene Wolfe
JRR Tolkien
William Shakespeare

The Book of the New Sun
The Lord of the Rings
The Divine Comedy
>I think this rather makes our current crop of popular fiction look even worse
On one hand, people judge too early. Many great authors go unpublished until their deaths, and cult followings take time to establish themselves. On the other hand, we have a real and problematic oversaturation of content, which can make it harder for the real gems to show themselves and forces said gems to compete against one another for relevance. What's likely is that as technology advances, it will take longer and longer for the good books of each generation to surface. Nevertheless, I am (perhaps naively) optimistic that we have good literature being written this very moment, and it will just take time to attain its deserved status.
> Read better critics.
>posts cringe
Absolute Patrician

Virgin Pleb
Be curious to hear your thought on how I’ve progressed then, recently posted two verses, one with the rhyme fixation, one without. Here’s the one without much rhyme since it’s shorter.

Tipherethiel: a meditation on beauty.

Espied my mind divine beauty,
Sky isles far drifting downstream a swift river,
coalescing into undulating ripples,
The curling combers of an auburn mane,
A little while I remain,
But then the visions change,
I see the twilight rainbow,
The Gloam bands from dim red and sweet orange,
To bice blue and faint vi’let,
Empty of all, without association save pure color,
Unsure, I see another,
As to oils that are stirred when suspended in water or alcohol,
Mottle and muddle, motley and melange,
But then the great amalgamate of tow’ring flame was placed,
Again, a change,
The waves return, all aureate, spectral as phosphene glistering,
Or perhaps strange as the corse-luminescent which lights casket with its charge,
A limitless boundless markless sphere which seems, with brocken glory, rushing to a common center,
A Comet’s trail, a garment’s train, both,
Of He, of body universal,
Whose head is as the Seth animal for a moment,
And then the next the emerald tree boa yawning,
then delicate gossamer of stretched out copper burnished and beat mirror-like,
Shifting returning, yet the eyes,
The soft amber of precious resins,
incense, the bodily sense of the summer night well wanted,
Then deep cold icy jade green, shivering as feeble leaf,
Ashes on the skin,
Jasmine on the wind,
Heavy, doubtless, substantial,
Against the shifting image I grasped hard,
And for a moment glimpsed a black star,
And saw within a man’s heart,
Engraved there was the mystery IAO,
The name of God written by man’s fantasy.
The Old Curiosity Shop
The Black Tulip (yes, I know, I chose the pretentious work)
Diary of a Madman
Battle of the Books

I am open to recs, though I find "Lost Generation" American works to be avant-garde drivel that has been masked in a nouveau riche guise. I cannot stand it one bit.
>Divine Comedy
>The Nigger of the 'Narcissus'
>The Mysterious Island
>City of God
>A Farewell to Arms

>Joseph Conrad
>James Fenimore Cooper
>Robert E. Howard
>Edmund Spenser
I'm a LARPagan sissy btw if that matters, I want to burn in hell together with Robert E. Howard and take big barbarian cock together with him!!!
This is very good, of course. You have a very good ear and a vivid mind's eye. You're far more knowledgeable on the structure of poetry than I am, but I will give you my impression.

I think you hit your stride in the second half, but the early portions have some very compelling imagery and phrasing. There are moments in the beginning where the word choice feels excellent, but the phrasing comes a bit awkwardly to me. For instance, "Sky isles far drifting downstream a swift river," which feels like a broken or antique sentence, followed by, "coalescing into undulating ripples," which feels completely modern. Both have wonderful word choice, but their conjunction doesn't necessarily have the fluidity I think you're capable of. The next couplet of lines work so well, both in sound and rhythm (I really love "the curling combers of an auburn mane," masterful) but the next two revert almost to prose and I feel the rhythm broken a little. My general impression here is that you're in a sort of growing stage of your poetry. One in which you're discovering the way to blend the two voices—the antiquated English which you clearly love, and the more contemporary, prosaic voice. I think this is a wonderful idea which suits you completely, and it will just take time to strike the balance well, so that you may preserve your rare command of the cadence of sound. The way you write feels like skipping stones across water on a bright spring day. I read a lot of poetry and I've never seen anything like it. It's also interesting to see this new thing you've done—you use alliteration of sound a lot, but here you're also using alliteration of concepts in a more modern fashion, "Shifting, returning," "Heavy, doubtless, substantial," "deep cold icy," "limitless boundless markless," etc.,. I think its interesting. One caution, I suppose, there is so much imagery here that I could see it reading as very indefinite and therefore difficult to comprehend your meaning. I believe I followed it, but I read much more poetry than most readers may. All in all, I like it well, and enjoy the ending. I just have the distinct impression this is a style still in a middle stage, and I hope that isn't offensive.
Your samefagging is getting more and more embarrassing.
Go back
What a weak reply, you are only showing how right he is.
what’s meme or cringe about pynchon? he’s literally the goat writer
>Divine Comedy
>City of God
No offense taken at all, a key thing which is animating precisely why the rhythm at times feels shakey, is I am using meters very uncommon in English,

The “Sky isles” line for example is antibaccius meter, the gloam band stuff is baccius meter, there’s also experiments with cretic substitutions.

But on that mixing of modern prosaic and antiquated voices, to be blunt it’s because the ideal with that poem is an imitation of my own mind contemplating beauty mentally speaking, of course refining, but in reality I will go back and forth like that while contemplating it.

I totally agree that narrative solidity, that stability is my weakest point, I’m actually forcing myself to write a long prose work to try to iron out that deficiency.

But for the middle stage thing, Thank you for the compliment, i see refining and the capacity of getting better as the best part of art, if I were to plateau and reach a peak of my own ability, i would probably stop writing so much.

Here’s a couple other verses I posted some days ago if you have interest.


But for the assonance and flow, I genuinely credit the prosody of rap as fundamentally being why I can do that. Watch something like this and it’s an abundantly clear https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GnQpdRj9Dpc&pp=ygUUcmFraW1yd2FsIHNoaXQgcmh5bWU%3D
I wasn't going to try and narrow it down. I hate picking favorites, but since I've been posting in your thread anyway, I'll do my best.


>Demoted Authors (full of men with my aesthetic sense, but without my morals)
Yeats [demoted on account of his blasphemy]
Tennyson [sidelined on account of suspected Luciferianism]
Milton [sidelined on account of not knowing what to make of his faith]
Swinburne [enemy of Christ]
Blake [I'm undecided on what to do with Blake]

I like myths and poetry a lot, but I don't think I'll list those because it's a bit more difficult to select.
Why are you coping, you retard? Stop deluding yourself. How embarrassing.

I've never read him. I actually wasn't criticizing the authors, per se, I just find it amusing that you only listed 4chan-typical authors while criticizing a man who has read more than you ever will.
>Chinese- I Ching, Tao Te Ching, Chuang Tzu, Classical Chinese poetry (Rexroth translated specifically)
This is cheating.
Might as well write "The European Canon" as one of your favorite books too.
Anon, you're the only embarrassment in this whole thread, you're obviously the typical small dick energy guy who exudes insecurity and needs to act like a cunt to feel better about yourself, I doubt you're older than 30 and if you are, you just haven't matured.
Create your own personality and try to lift heavy heights too.
>Dickens often wrote purple prose to bloat his word count

This take is the ultimate midwit take. No he didn't. There is literally zero evidence for this. He wrote "purple prose" because he it was beautiful. No English writer composed more beautiful sentences then Dickens. The idea of reading a Dickens in striped down prose is insanity.
You guys unironically triggered the Bloom fanboy ITT, to the point that he has spent the last five hours attacking the other anons and defending his e-daddy's honor.
I curse the Holy Spirit every day. Kys.
>The Old Curiosity Shop

This very well might be the most based pick on the thread. Fantastic book that most people either never heard of or have a gross misunderstanding of it.
>baccius meter
>antibaccius meter
>cretic substitutions
Looks like I have some studying to do. I have an friend of mine, ENTP, who once showed me some videos with breakdowns of rap like those. I find them fascinating, even if I don't really listen to rap. I respect the artistry which skilled rappers are capable of, but the lyrics keep me from it.
>if I were to plateau and reach a peak
Don't worry about that. Just keep going! Yeats, the wicked fool, was still improving even near 70. When God gives the gift, it can always grow. He is infinite, after all. I'll check out your other poems too, thanks.
Then you will burn in Hell forever. Sorry to hear it, but you work to deserve it, so I can't be too sorry.
>more cope
Kid, just shut your trap already.
Thank you, I honestly was split between this and The Pickwick Papers, both are probably some of Dickens finest.

>most people... have a gross misunderstanding of it.
The same goes for a lot of literature sadly. I am sure you know the story about Bradbury walking out of a class at UCLA which he was invited to lecture at because the students all misinterpreted Fahrenheit 451's message.

I can think of a few more examples (like people seeing deep underlying messages in works where there are none), even more so with poetry, though I know that a lot of people would disagree with some of my thoughts concerning the medium.
You will trigger some manlet zoomer, bro, be careful, he will pray for his jew god to destroy you!!!
I think you and I once had a brief conversation in a thread of mine about Rexroth's translations (or else there's a third Rexroth fan lurking about).
>The best he has to offer is to continue acting like a pathetic zoomer.
I accept your concession.
I fallow one jew, and his name is Bloom.
You lack self-awareness to an extreme, lol.
this is too hard to answer. I refuse.
it's always hilarious to see zoomers trying to pretend to be mature at the start of a debate only to then embarrass themselves and fall into "cope, kiddo, seethe, dilate, lol".
you don't even have to try very hard to humiliate them, just give them line, it's like fishing
>thinks he's humiliated me
What planet are you retards on? I feel like I'm talking to two of the most insecure little trans-kids I could imagine.
What a weak reply, you are only showing that you also should go back
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In no particular order:
>deletes and reposts the same list
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lmao look at this butthurt manchild samefagging and coping this hard, lol
You need help. You actually do.
Yes, OP is a faggot.
Why not Bleak House? Also are you saying people gave a tendency to read too much into poetry?
It's always hilarious to see someone too old to be typing like a zoomed typing like a zoomer (while criticizing them nonethless!)
They genuinely have no self-awareness, the only second language they learn is to project their own problems onto others. They will simply never achieve spiritual peace or masculine vitality no matter how hard they (pretend to) try.
Based Jack London enjoyer.
Fuck off with this off-topic shit. Get a life. No one gives a shit about your thoughts on the inner life of Zoomers, you imbecillic fuck!
As of now, in no particular order:

J.R.R. Tolkien
Mark Twain
Tad Williams

>favorite works
The Lord of the Rings
The Brothers Karamazov
The Dragonbone Chair
The Longships
Of Mice and Men

(Close contender was Discourses by Epictitus but decided against it cuz it wasn't fiction)
Go back.
No u

Kek the tranny going insane in this thread is honestly pathetic. To the point where other threads are pointing anons here to witness the mental breakdown
So OP is a tranny, not just a faggot? Lol
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>the literature board
>not a single person with good taste
Post yours, you sack of dogshit
>stale pepe
>criticizes lists but doesn't post one of xir own
not that anon. Bleak House is great(just re-read it). But i think its weakened by its double narration. The third person narration is far more compelling then the first person one.
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i removed kafka and added Shakespeare
Ah, I'm surprised I didn't notice.
Franz Kafka
Friedrich Nietzsche
Charles Darwin
Peter Wessel Zappfe
Edgar Allan Poe

The Trial
Aphorisms on Love and Hate
On the Origin of Species
The Last Messiah
Murders in the Rue Morgue.
You made a midwit kvetch ALL over the thread.
>tips fedora
>twirls lightsaber
>Honore de Balzac
Favorite works?
Bloom here.

I would like to thank the very dedicated anon who has been fellatioing me for hours.

I love you, goy! As much as I allow myself to feel free to love a dumb animal.
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Anyone know of any good blogging sites to post my retarded ramblings and sporadic works of fiction? I want something simple, with a good tagging system, that wont ban me for mildly offensive opinions. I don't care about exposure, just want to post into the void really, if someone stumbles upon it organically its much more likely that they'll actually be interested anyways.
Houellebecq everything including his poetry
Ben Lerner (Atocha Station) plus poetry
Borges poetry

Gabe habash - Stephen Florida
Hesse - Steppenwolf
Roland barthes - mythologies (essays)
I'm a woman if that matters.
I found a basic WordPress site the easiest to work with. I turned comments off, but still got "views" from within WordPress (I think it showed up in people's recommendations).
I teamed it with SimpleNote from which you can post direct -- just seemed simpler.
Used it for poems.
(Also tried Google's Blogger which is also simple but with the additional things listed above). I didn't care about getting views or being in search results etc. the only way anyone found me was if I sent them the url.
You can easily delete them so maybe play around with a WordPress and blogger site and just see what you like the feel of. I've had a few on both and just delete the whole blog when I got bored of it.
Btw I read lots of reviews of other site hosting platforms etc but what I said seemed simplest to me.
Actually I'm a gay male
I don’t deny his importance but regardless he had opinions I’d still disagree with regardless of whether he’s a Jew or not. I would probably feel the same if he was a continental European.
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Based Jesus enjoyer dabbing on the soulless.
Awesome thread on Bloom, guys.. Glad someone is finally writing about writers writing about writers. Feels like I got that MFA degree I could never afford.

Toni Morrison
Claire Keegan
James Baldwin

Song of Solomon
The Last Novel
All The Pretty Horses
As I Lay Dying
Richard II
you talk like: >>23551769
Oh, really? Is your mom proud of your shitty meme? Wait for her to wake up so you can show her.
nigger what i am just scrolling, or do you think anyone who references another post must have been the poster of said post? you have now not only exposed your age by expressions such as "based", "enjoyer" and "dabbing", while also mashing casual and careless language with religion, but also by referencing my mother, who has not been a relevant part of my life since the day she disowned me for fucking yours.
What a beautiful sperging. But it's time for you to go back to your Stephen King general thread.
>Says he's mature
>Rant like a teen, starts with "nigger" and ends with something about "fucked your mother".
There are times when I doubt whether they are just trolls or are we really managing to have a troop of idiots with a total lack of self-awareness.
So I say, Discord destroyed imageboards forever.
you will burn in hell

you just pretend to be a Christian to gain approval online but you don't have any of the Lord's lessons in your weak heart, kid
fr fr no cape
bussing bussin fr no cap
I can't believe this was the first person itt to name Shakespeare. Wtf are you people reading?
Mike Ma
Maybe you should accept that he is in fact the most overrated author in all of history and that no one who actually reads really thinks he's special.

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