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/lit/ - Literature

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Post those stacks / recent purchases.
>R8, h8, masturb8
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I'm not a fan of these types of threads, but these were my purchases in May.
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Based and classicpilled
Americanfat and yet redpilled
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One stack. I finally bought a primo bible. I don't usually care about such things, but it's very nice. Main reason is it is an ESV with Apocrypha, which didn't exist in nice versions before. Never I'd get a red one, but it's awesome. Like having a personal altar book.
Heretical cringe
Heavenly based

Learn the difference, Anons
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>Heavenly based
One more for the road. Cover has an embossed cross.
It's legitimately impressive how you e-Christians are just as slutty for attention and wanting validation as trannies and ethots
Attention? I said nothing about myself. I just thought it was a recent purchase thread.
If anything, I'd prefer attention on the craftmanship of a bible, published by Schuyler, in a variety of options. You can get one yourself. It has nothing to do with "me". It has drop caps, art gilt pages, calfskin, calfskin liner. I didn't make it. Even if you don't care about Christianity, it's a primo book. Do you even /lit/ bro?
their difference with furfags and e-thots is that they can't get sex even if the life of their parents depended on it. There is always the volcel cope and false humility
As soon as my welfare money is readjusted I'm going to buy a nice bad dragon that matches in color with my with my beautiful Bible and I'll post it here just to make you mad.
You got furries and volcels out of a mundane bible photo? That's insane. What happened to you dude?
Do you what want. What does that have to do with me?
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>Noam Chomsky
Good selection.

Very chad and patrian tier.
fat tranny or woman
Why are you seething, ESLatinx?
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NYRB haul came in, and a little extra. I picked up most of these based on very little information but I think I did well.

My Stupid Intentions is starting off really good, I promised myself I'd read more current literary fiction and I've liked everything I read so far.
definitely faggot
Let's see Paul Allen's stack.
This thread just proves that /lit/ is dead. Nobody here reads anything good. They are a bunch of pseuds and low T fags.
should've gone with a KJV but at least you're reading the bible
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>should've gone with a KJV but at least you're reading the bible
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Summer stack :3
midwit tranny
Post yours or shut the fuck up nigger
2/3 of these are meme books or slop disguised as pseud.
Don Quixote is the only solid.
Boethius is based

Art and design sisters, at other publishers...what's our response?
I prefer a good Everyman's or LoA because of the nice binding, but FSG has some good covers.
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>Boethius is based
>I don't read anything I don't already agree with
Thomas Ligotti
Philip K Dick
Machado de Assis
Herman Helville
Denis Johnson
Arthur C. Clarke
Mary Shelley
>Now those are bad
Explain yourselves.
I read all the w.g. Sebald books. Just great and the nonfiction is good too.
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I pirate all my books and read them on an ereader.
You have none. You are speechless. Your lip quivers, then your leg. You bend the knee.
Who said that? he only said you are a faggot. and he isn't wrong.

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