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a great cloud, having cast its monitory shadow, prepared to move away from the sun edition

prev >>23561668
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Describe this image in your best prose. (Why have there been 8+ clgs today and 2+ consistently for the past month?)
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I’m loquacious
T: modern nazi edition, no knowledge of Latin; educated but gay edition, some knowledge of latin and greek
B: autism edition, writes only in linear b; straight male edition, Google translate
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Useless eaters.
Remember that if Hitler had won he would have killed a bunch of useless eaters in order to make room for German useless eaters.
The human race as a whole is devolving into a species of useless eaters.
Into the light I see.
I'm even closer to my goal of becoming a homestead hermit, living the rest of my life in a cottage out in the American Redoubt, working a plot of land, only having enough contact with civilization to occasionally get new books and some very specific necessities every several months. I was born and raised in Germany but North America will be where I spend the rest of my days in self-determination. I may or may not opt to be a part of a sneakernet, maybe putting out cultural criticism and political theory if I feel it's worth my time. Otherwise, I'm done being a writer, I've done translations and technical writing for decades, my fiction being far too niche and transgressive to even post anonymously online. I've lurked and seldom posted on this board for years, I appreciate a lot of you, but disconnecting entirely will be healthy.
An eggplant would be funnier
You sound like a total loser.
It's a shame how in the West beta and gamma males are even tolerated.
In most other cultures all men are simply expected to be alpha and you get beaten or humiliated if you aren't one.
It's a shame how women have ruined democratic politics by their mere presence.
If politics was male-only I'd join the Radicals.
>the homosexual is projecting again
You can't even fistfight. Even if I was homosexual I'd still be more manly than you.
>I was homosexual
Anon stop. It's not something you can change about yourself.
Ok, I'm a homosexual. I fuck other men in the ass. That's very manly.

yes it will be healthy, good for you, but don't underestimate the amount of work and time it takes to run a homestead. it will also cost you money in all likelihood rather than being "self-sufficient" so hope you have plenty of savings or money coming in. unless you're a US citizen you're also not going to have access to govt services or benefits you might take for granted in germany
What’s a practical way to make more friends?
Turn your anxiety off, stereotype people, try to guess a topic they would like talking about based on their stereotype, then they either agree/disagree and chat about it.
Pay people attention. That's all you need..
>it will also cost you money in all likelihood rather than being "self-sufficient"
This is true but there are also a lot of corners you can cut if you want the bare minimum experience. A lot of people spend 100k+ on the homestead experience just because they want all the doodads and knick knacks. You don't need heated toilet seats in every bathroom in your house.
I just came back home from a ~40 min nightwalk. I wish I could do it regularly, but my parents are faggots who won't let me leave the house at night.
are you some kind of woman or sum'in?
This doesn’t help me because my problem is that I never get to meet anyone.
Walk down the street.
it's hard
If you actually go outside and believe this then you're definitely filtering out thousands of applicable people. Go to the grocery store and chat up older women or older men. Or try to find places with younger demographics (which I still don't know any other than clubs which I find too loud for conversation). Loneliness is a widespread issue, a lot of people are looking for friends, anon.
No it's not. You should try it someday.
Pff, I've met my current circle of friends walking down the street. And I was the one approached.
i do
Well then I don't know what but you are doing something wrong.
There's a contradiction here between your offer of solidarity and the actuality of your tempestuousness bitchiness.
Get a job loser
try a bit harder bro.
I can't tell you anything specific before you tell me how you do pay attention to other people.
Does your local water supply re-use the flushed water, or do they toss it into the river like normal human beings?
i ate a bag
of grapes
so i could
the bag on my
but grape bags have
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Why don't rapists leave manifestos?
How are we supposed to understand their motivations if they don't attempt to communicate anything to society in writing?
Can't top Casanova's high score
Why don't robbers leave manifesto. Sex and money are on Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Murder isn't. Murder is more of a political statement than stealing money or sex.
>robbers leave manifesto
It's called a leveraged buy out, and murder can be considered as one of the fine arts
Who do you consider "useful" and do you include yourself?

>my fiction being far too niche and transgressive to even post anonymously online

These aren't costs associated with luxuries. Do you have any idea how much a cow costs? How much even relatively primitive farm tools will cost? Taxes on the land? You guys seem to assume that all you need is some land and then the food just grows. But if you want anything even close to a healthy, complete diet it's going to take a lot of planning, building, and maintenance
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>decided to try shaving dick and ballse completely smooth
>fucked it up
>everything itches
>cut myself on the inner thigh
I love you absolute retard blokes.
I hate Brazil. It has never produced any quality culture, lit or otherwise.
> Who do you consider "useful" and do you include yourself
Wether I am a useless eater or not is irrelevant to the subject. An individual cannot change his mass. The human populations are populations of useless eaters. We provide no value to the universe.
I get this. I usually go for a long walk every night, but I’m visiting my parents right now and if I try to go out for a walk after dark my mom will get really anxious. It’s because I made the mistake of telling her about this incident a few weeks ago when this creepy guy followed me home in his truck one night. Honestly I didn’t take it that seriously because nothing actually happened, but she was all upset about it and insisted that I should’ve gotten his license plate and called the cops or something (which I feel is an absurd overreaction, plus it’s not as though the cops would actually do shit about it anyway).
It's kind of interesting that it took until the Frankfurt school post-war for people to consider trying to mix politics with psychoanalysis, even though it's such an obvious mixture to consider your political opponents not only just that, rivals, but also crazy and mentally abnormal. It's the perfect thought-terminating cliche.
What was the name of that kike who wrote 'the Authoritarian Character'?
Chuds complain about the Great Replacement, there is only one European people that is actually being replaced, and politically abolished, it is that of the Germans, but I guess that's what happens when you send 70% or so of your male population to die in the trenches. The Germs have Scandinized themselves, but not in a good way.
Nothing provides any value to the universe you fucking moron
Plants provide value to animals by producing oxygen.
Plant eaters provide value to plants by shifting out seeds, allowing them to grow in other places.
Carnivores benefit the ecosystem by keeping the populations of plant eaters in control.
Humans are mere parasites who invade the environment and take all the recources for themselves without giving anything in return to the environment.
They are useless eaters and that's mildly spoken.
*walks down the street*
*sees nothing but boomers in pickup trucks for miles*
>These aren't costs associated with luxuries. Do you have any idea how much a cow costs?
Cows aren't bare minimum. I know a few homesteaders both in real life and online and I don't know anyone who just casually owns a cow. All the people I know who own cows are farmers.
Read Walden and read Ted Kaczynski's interviews. Thoreau built a house with 5% of the money needed to buy a house back then. Kaczynski had I believe ~10,000 dollars worth of land (not adjusted for inflation).
You don't need cows. You don't need AC. You don't need insulation. 99% of the things you think are bare minimum necessities (like fucking cows) aren't actually necessities.
You should make that more often.
And talk to your work colleagues.
Oh it's you. Carry on then
Chatting with some senior citizens at the grocery store isn’t going to alleviate our loneliness, man. I think the hard truth is that if you’re young, you have to work in some young, trendy, or else massive company in New York, Austin, San Francisco, one of these places or else have a social circle you brought with you from college. That, and you have to have an active life outside of work, going to BJJ, spin class, art galleries, whatever. Basically, if you have a shitty job, don’t live in a big city, or don’t have the money or time be going out and in all these clubs or whatever, then you’re screwed. At least that’s how it seems to me right now.
Lesbians and faggots will gather up and everyone will think to himself: 'nahh, I'd rather go with my own gender'.
This is what I will say to any of my children if they out themselves as gay, make them look ridiculous and feel ashamed about their pathetic life choices.
Devastating parasites are the kind of natural pressure that allows even weirder shit to live. Whatever comes after us or survives us is probably going to look like a crab though, just a heads up
Yeah, humanity is devolving to a lower life form, more news at 11.
Thoreau and Kaczynski were both buying food in town. You just want to live in a shack far away from people, and that's fine. But when you said "homesteading" I assumed you'd at least be trying to grow your own stuff
>Chatting with some senior citizens at the grocery store isn’t going to alleviate our loneliness, man.
You are just close minded and don't have a timeless soul. You are a normie or a failed normie. You are of the same clothe as everyone else is. A timeless soul doesn't have trouble fraternizing with those outside of their class, age, race or other labels.
>I just need to do dumb trendy normie shit to fit in with dumb, trendy, normies
If that's what you tell yourself, sure.
Nah, we'll evolve into better parasites for a while. We just won't ever do it fast enough to outlive ourselves
The loss of sophistication and organs within a species does not merit to be called evolution. Evolution is growth and progress, humans getting dumber is actually devolution.
>Evolution is growth and progress, humans getting dumber is actually devolution.
You're implying a teleology to evolution that simply isn't there. There's nothing guiding or controlling evolution and it is not progressing towards anything.
Thoreau grew mostly everything aside from rice or flour and listed the prices for EVERYTHING he used for his entire time at Walden. Yes you need to buy a 10 cent pack of seeds from the garden section of a store unless you're going to steal seeds from some farmer that will probably shoot you on sight. It's not some big "you lost" moment. Kaczynski hunted for meat. I don't remember if he foraged or grew his own crops but he wasn't going to the grocery store on a weekly basis. I only recall him going to the grocery store for milk powder.
These things are inexpensive and they still grew, hunted or foraged the majority of their diet.
And I can guarantee your favorite "homesteader" influencer goes to the grocery store 100x more often than either of these two.
Humans growing smaller brains and weaker arms is devolution, not evolution.
>Bigger brains and arms moar evolve
Tell it to the birds
According to who? You? What makes evolution in any direction progression or regression, as long as the species in question doesn't directly go extinct because of it?
Humans are not birds. Humans are not animalistic. Their intelligence emancipates them from the animal state of eating and shitting. Atheists with their little theory of evolution want humans to return to animalism.
> According to who? You
According to the meaning of the word evolution from Latin evolutio, to unfold, you dumb prick. You call yourself a scientist and don't even know the meaning of the word you spit every single day?
Birds weren't cursed by the fall of Babel and never lost their language, which is probably why they don't listen to your nonsense
>Their intelligence emancipates them from the animal state of eating and shitting.
Have you ever came across a perfect person who wanted nothing to do with you and ignored your existence? I can’t see myself with anyone but him. I could change his life and introduce him to something he never even thought possible. What can I do if I can’t have him? Why even try if I can’t have you? Legitimately asking.
>hey 4chan do u no oneitis?
No, never heard of it
That's tautological. The meaning of the word humans use to describe the process does not answer the question of how one can define progress or what it is all progressing towards.
Like I said, if you want to argue that people are "devolving," you need to show that there is a teleology to evolution beyond blind, dumb mutation.
Don't worry, after two hundred years of atheism, we're half our way into devolving the human species I mean evolving the human species to a less complex animal lifeform that can only eat, plap and shit!
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Birds actually did get to live with dinosaurs, and everyone since has been jelly
Evolution is certainly not perfect. If evolution makes a species less sophisticated, more dumb, and weaker that's devolution, there's no reason for there to be a teleology to evolution, it's a simple definition, evolutionary processes only merit to be called as such when they complexify lifeforms, not the opposite.
>there's no reason for there to be a teleology to evolution
But when you tell me that evolution is when things become more complex you are implying a teleology.
>If evolution makes a species less sophisticated, more dumb, and weaker that's devolution
No, that's evolution. There's no such thing as devolution. Evolution is simply change in organisms over generations via descent. If becoming less sophisticated and "more dumb" makes an organism more fit to reproduce then it's evolution.
My work colleagues are middle aged women, whom I don’t see because they all work from home.
Ted liked the little packages of mentos at the checkout counter. He paid one faggot scalp per. (You) are very lucky he’s no longer alive
No, I am implying you having the capability of common human sense.
> There's no such thing as devolution
There is, and mere science would agree, just like they agree that anti-matter exists because of a presence of matter, so there is a devolution as much as there is an evolution. Humans are currently devolving and that is very very not good.
You’re delusional
> My work colleagues are middle aged women
Then quit whatever faggot loser job you are currently working at and start working an actual job.
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>there's no reason for there to be a teleology to evolution
you'd be surprised...
>so there is a devolution as much as there is an evolution
You are applying man-made concepts to an unguided, unconscious process which encompasses all life, not just humankind. Just because an evolutionary change is perceived as negative by humans doesn't mean there is a corresponding objective negative quality to it from the (non-)perspective of evolution itself.
By what system do you arrive at the conclusion that the evolutionary changes you (claim to) observe are not good? What is good, in your terms?
that's all true, but wouldn't you agree that when evolution "runs in the dark" it produces healthy, strong, viable organisms, at the cost of much suffering? when these pressures are suspended, it produces sickly, balding, autists. how can we make sense of this without imputing some kind of teleology to the process?
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i'm violently drunk i'm fucking gay
I'm thinking about taking up alcoholism as a hobby
Nothing on Earth will be as good as Heaven, not even a cute young girl.
it's not a pleasant way to live your life
Lol no. There are plenty of virile, strong, good looking men in modern society rn. Just not you
And it's always been that way
>humans are devolving
>literally nothing matters and no appraisal of anything matters
Changing, definitely, humans are definitely changing
for the same reasons there have always been, and not because they're hunched over a computer 8 hours a day.
That's the delicious irony of the whole situation. One who believes in evolution and all its presuppositions argues in one hand that evolution is progressing towards something yet in the other hand believes the universe is a nihilistic valueless clump of matter. To imply a teleology is to imply something approaching intelligent design, but to imply intelligent design is to mortally wound the foundation of evolutionary theory as it is currently understood.
that's sort of my point, evolutionary pressures produce strong virile organisms, and christians - in bed with the technological imperative, not to mention their ethos of universal love - work to eradicate those pressures, and so are unwittingly mongrelizing the species. i don't believe in any kind of evolutionary teleology, and yet it's these types that do! they're talking out of both sides of their mouths.
>evolutionary pressure/lack of pressure and strong/weak people as an inescapable binary function
>evolution as the physical form of a world-historical dialectic which conscious beings form the latest chapter of and in which progress to better conditions is possible without instantly implying weakness
Bunions are ruining my life.
Anyone else has dealt with this?
Any helpful tips?
guess it's time to start paying for sex
it is what it is
One of those disgusting podiatry grater things
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I'm making $1.50 angel hair pasta with $2.50 of 1/4lb ground beef and $1 marinara sauce (half a $2 jar)
i'm drinking a $5 gallon of gin
If you make spaghetti and markup the price you can make some good profit.
Do you actually have bunions too? Does this really help?
No I don't have them and I have no idea if it'll help. Seems like it would though
Seems doubtful it will help. But i’ll try anything really. There’s gotta be some /lit/ experience with bunions. Or is everyone here just a neet writing at home?
>gas stations and convenience stores are going to reform 500 million years of natural history
utterly delusional
i'm much like a car in the sense i'll stop moving if i stop putting ethanol in myself.
Ah wow I feel bad for you. I've had this happen to me many years ago. Left me memories that still bring tears. But tell me more
Wtf did u think this was
Schizo girl?
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Romantically Frustrated Females Real Hahahaha Bitch Just Log Onto Tinder Like Nigga Go Outside Haha
The 21st century will be about peoples who want to swap their elites for ones that represent their interests and elites who want to swap the peoples they rule over for more controllable ones in order to safeguard their interests.
Is it too late if I already ate it? Would someone buy my shitghetti?
Is he your neighbor? Did you make flan for him? If so, then he's also interested but is shy. Please be the one to make the first move.
Oh my god it's you? I shit in the flan
The 21st century is clearly about collective insanity magnified thru mass communication systems
That's all you could think of?
My girlfriend was bright and reading Freud when I met her. Now she reads nothing but posts and cries when I read because she feels I'm trying to stand her up.
Fuck this shit
I’ve kinda said this before but social media magnifies and gives a warped exaggerated view of things which then feeds on itself to continue to grow. Ideologies and politics have always existed and things could get heated but they were usually in person. With social media you don’t see the other as a person but an idea or a strawman. Arguing at the bar or cafe back in the day, you had to acknowledge the other as a human. You heard their other opinions, likes and life. You saw them live their life outside their views. They were relatable to some extent. If things got too heated there was a threat of a fight. People would either chill out or the fight would chill them out. Now on social media nothing is settled and there’s no catharsis. People stew. The loudest most obnoxious opinions will always get the attention on social media, not the intelligent nuanced view. No one wants that. They want to get angry or see ownage. The radical opinions get the views as make extremists out of people

I could go into a whole other rant about the lose of identity for the individual and the rise of the collective. People struggle to define themselves or know themselves. They latch onto groups or labels. Combine this with the social media aspect in the paragraph above and it creates an ugly situation. I don’t know what the solution is or if it ever will get better. Things might need to boil over to reset
Bianca Devins had it coming.
Careful not to cut yourself on that edge, bub
theres a soft spot on the back of my head
where my skull has deformed and rotted
where the corse worms are gnawing
People are straight up retarded now
Ah well
I exit samsara
Nah, even I have more common sense than that.

Listen to me, because you clearly ignored my advice last month. This man is not perfect—nobody is. He’s just an ordinary human being, and he likely has many flaws and issues that you are not aware of. He is not your soulmate. You are not some magical manic pixie dream girl who can change his life and transform him with your love—you are just an ordinary woman with mental health issues and an obsessive personality. You have never even had any kind of reciprocal interaction with him. You have never even shared a single conversation with him. You do not know him enough to be in love with him or to have any meaningful feelings towards him: what you are in love with is an idealised fantasy person that you have created in your imagination. Stop allowing yourself to obsess over a complete stranger’s social media, and instead try to meet someone irl who actually reciprocates your feelings. I get that it’s really hard to accept it when you have feelings for someone and they don’t feel the same way. I understand that you feel as though you can never be happy with anyone but him, but you need to face the facts: he does not want you, and he never will. Yeah, that reality is incredibly painful, but you have to learn to live with it somehow. Continuing to entertain thoughts about him will only sabotage your mental health, make you depressed, and prevent you from opening yourself up to meeting other people. Please take my advice and check yourself before you wreck yourself. Go to therapy. Stop looking at anything online that is even remotely related to him, and cut yourself off cold turkey before it becomes impossible to let go. Nip this shit in the bud before it escalates. You’re setting yourself up for a world of hurt and a future of emotional instability.
You can always tell when the no fun allowed mods are on.
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I had a funny idea for a thread which could only be posted here and probably wouldn't get more than 10 replies anyways. It was a parody of "Books for this feel" threads and it got deleted. That's no fun allowed right there.
my tummy hurt :-(
>getting older all alone
>want to start a family with a nice girl
>women in my area are seemingly invariably either taken or are into casual sex party hookup culture
I might test the waters sometimes with a “itt we pretend to be or act like /lit/“ thread. Not that a ban is something I’d be upset about anyway
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Is the world's longest short story longer than the world's shortest novel?
No because they meet at the novella
I am a grown woman who has never even remotely felt the affection, touch, and love from a man. My existence is starting to feel like a drawn-out MKultra experiment gone wrong.
Opinions on men below 6 feet in height?
Are you >>23565040? Don’t ignore my advice.
I’m sorry I didn’t respond earlier. But you were right then and you are right now, I tried following your advice to move on but I get really lonely and melodramatic on Saturday nights and it pulls me back into obsessions and things like that. I know I can’t and will never be with him, but it just sucks that I have to wait for someone like him to come along. It sucks so much to wait in general, it’s all I do
Height is irrelevant.
>Height is irrelevant.
How tall was the guy you fell for
You have to lower your standards. Attractive men don't approach ugly women.
i'm a reusedpilled flushed watercel
bro is NOT beating the water filtering allegations
The only piece of music I have consistently listened to with immense pleasure over the past two and a half decades of existence is Caramelldansen. I cannot understand it. I have a playlist with over two dozen renditions of it as well. My mind cannot have enough of it.
dating apps are demonic and not how to find true love
My neighbor... My neighbor....
I'm going to the American Soul Society.
Okay, I’m glad that you’re trying to take my advice. Can I ask—what drove you to become obsessed with a stranger that you’ve never even spoken to? Did you just see him on social media and find him really physically attractive or something? I’ve experienced a vaguely similar kind of obsessional thinking about someone I was in love with, but the way it started out was pretty different from your situation. He wasn’t a stranger; he was someone I had conversed with at length, and I didn’t develop strong feelings for him or even start to find him attractive until after we had been talking for a while and I had
started to get to know him. Before that, my opinion about his appearance was basically neutral, like I was pretty much indifferent about it. And your idealisation of this man, going so far as to describe him as “perfect”, seems extreme in a way that I don’t get. Do you actually believe that he’s perfect, and what’s your basis for that belief? In my case I never believed that he was perfect—it was clear to me very early on that he was flawed and had certain personal issues and things that he struggled with (as do I, of course—I’m in no position to act superior). I genuinely don’t understand how such an idealised obsession with a complete stranger would develop.
Do you think women browsing 4chan over the years ever have deep thoughts about the nature of the male psyche, like "wow, so this is how men really are when they can say whatever they want"? Do you think any of them go beyond bitter "fucking incels" type dismissals? Maybe the women who have have used/lurked 4chan over the users have insights both into men and women as a result.
>Ted liked the little packages of mentos at the checkout counter.
Yeah and you're a retarded fag pretending to be a purist who instantly proved himself as a pseud LARPer with no idea what he was talking about what you mentioned cows as a bare minimum necessity. Ted could have built a mentos statue of a cow and would still be more of a purist than you or whatever influencer you follow.
>(You) are very lucky he’s no longer alive
I don't care for Ted or his ideology. I would've just expected a /lit/ user "interested" in homesteading to have read anything relating to the subject instead of just watching megarich LARPing youtube fags that spend millions on their homestead.
>Did you just see him on social media and find him really physically attractive or something?
I found his posts attractive. He seemed like someone I could talk to for hours. I don’t really want to delve too much into it because this is all embarrassing in hindsight. But he is very /lit coded, seemed like the ideal man that I used to envision myself with. (It’s funny, because I had previously gotten *actually* involved with another guy who was a philosophy-cuck, and every time I tried to spark conversation about different books and writers, he would just immediately ask for pictures and nudes. I think men don’t like to intellectually connect with women that they want to fuck.). But anyways, I also found this guy attractive in face and age too so it really felt like I had found everything I was looking for. I’ve been desolate for so long, so it’s easy for me to idealize strangers and randos over the internet.
I actually don’t know. I’m super short so 99% of men are taller than me.
>used/lurked 4chan over the years*

Fuck you now my typo correction is all the way down here
There is no such thing as a woman developing insight into the male mind. It's something they conceptually cannot do. They can't even do it for the guys they love and care about, of course they won't do it for random men on 4chan.
It's an old quote i think, "men are terrible at understanding women but women don't understand men at all", or something like that.
Saw a video on instagram recently that went like this:
>man and woman seated at table with a pie on it
>woman says to man "so you've never been kissed before?"
>man says "no I haven't"
>"well do you want to kiss me?"
>"I do"
>she smiles and says "take control"
>he rather confidently places a hand on her shoulder and the other on her cheek and brings her close
>right before getting there she grabs the pie off the table and squishes it into his face and says "what the fuck are you doing?"
>he spits pie out of his mouth and says "I thought you wanted me to kiss you"
>she laughs
The comments were generally sympathetic to the man and very negative towards the woman, with the top comment saying that she deserved to end up alone and a comment right below it saying the man deserved to be happy.
this is why i will never have sex.
Is AI generated clickbait slop going to fuse with the third worlders who act it out and become our new global culture?
Fools stay fooled by staged videos
I don't care about the dichotomy between genders. Male and female -- it doesn't matter.
Of course it was staged, but the normalfag reaction to it surprised me. I thought there would be more comments along the lines of "lmaooo incel :skull:" or some shit.
i basically walk around completely naked in public these days in spite of the fact i look like shit
What do you care about?
not /lit/ I know, but normalfags are suffering in part due to hoeflation as well, though not as much as people who are actually unlucky in love. They just have a much lower tolerance threshold for these things, and so they act out, or follow in the footsteps of their cultural predecessors more readily.
Being a good person.
Are you a man or a woman?
A man.
>Write What's On Your Mind

The Supreme, The Majestic, the First and Last

He is above the nations, the Lord of Heaven and Earth
Do you think that you are a good person?
Yes, at least on the internet. I haven't been outside regularly since pre-covid. Are the normies still "okay" or have they gotten worse?
No. I don't think a good person would admit to being a good person because of 1) the virtue of humility, and 2) determining whether your good deeds make up all your bad deeds. But my intention is to be good.
What's the worst thing that you've ever done?
The cause of war and the end of peace, the basis of what is serious and the aim of the jest, the inexhaustible source of wit, the key to all allusions, the meaning of all mysterious hints, of all unspoken offers and all stolen glances, the daily meditation of the young, and often also of the old, the hourly thought of the unchaste, and even against their will the constantly recurring imagination of the chaste, the ever ready material of a joke, just because the profoundest seriousness lies at its foundation. It is, however, the piquant element and the joke of life that the secret concern of all men is secretly pursued and ostensibly ignored as much as possible. But, in fact, we see it every moment seat itself, as the true and hereditary lord of the world, out of the fulness of its own strength, upon the ancestral throne ...

schopenhauer on sex
I wasn't a good kid. I bullied, was a brat, disobeyed everyone all the time. As an adult, maybe ignoring certain people socially.
Im insufferable as a person. Constantly talking about sadness. I mean I could ask questions about other person but that only ends up being as an interrogation.
What's the literary analogue of Banksy? I can safely tell if someone's a soulless retard if I mention Banksy and I get a positive reaction. Holy fucking shit I hate Banksy so fucking much it's unreal.
That might be your own projection. I've never considered anyone insufferable.
Omg you are so stupid. It's not about wether the change is positive or negative, when beings become less complex, that's devolution, not evolution. Why are you incapable of understanding this?
i'm gonna clean and jerk some big shit right fucking now
>when beings become less complex, that's devolution, not evolution
According to who? You're implying a direction (de-volution opposed to evolution) to change when that change is neutral from an objective standpoint. So what if an organism goes from having four appendages to two if it remains fit to reproduce or becomes fitter because of it? Why does complexity or simplicity imply progression in any direction?
When I wake up I'm going to completely change, a literal 180. That's because the opposite of sleeping person is an awake person. Or maybe I'll wake up dead from sleeping alive.
I just think that my own babbling about melancholy and meaninglessness is just a big distraction that I do not want to speak what I do in my free time (I do nothing). One side conversation, where Im always asking the other person and never saying about myself, doesnt seem like a correct way.
> So what if an organism goes from having four appendages to two if it remains fit to reproduce or becomes fitter because of it
It has become less complex, therefore it devolved. When trees loose their leafs in autumn, is that growth? I don't know what's so hard for you to understand this. Where's the teleology implied?
I had a very strange dream this morning. There was a war going on, and I said to my dad I don't want to go, but my brother was going, wich instantly changed my attitude, and I yelled: 'I'M GOING!'. So I went to the basement to get my gun, but it wasn't there, so I asked my dad where it was, and he said to me: 'we sold it'.
There's this specific design I hate but can't fully describe. Many restaurants which market themselves as hip and urban use this kind of design. It's like this false pretense of informality and edginess
It will say something like "community driven" and feature a bunch of vaguely multi ethic people holding signs drawn in a lifeless corporate style
Who does this appeal to? All it makes me feel is disgust
You're the one claiming a change towards simplicity / devolving is a bad thing and implying teleology, here.
These people...
It's called Corporate Memphis. Disgusting artstyle.
Where's the bad thing implied? Is a bad thing implied when I say tat threes loosing their leafs in autumn is trees degrowing their leads? Therefore nothing negative is implied when animals loose complexity, that's not evolution, it's the exact opposite.
I'm a leftie not because I want to abolish authority, but because I want to live in a country where the subordinate mass oppresses it's authority figures and obedient to them.
Had a strange dream last night. I was attending college but no one seemed to recognize me. In class the teacher had taken off for an hour for a lunch break.
Some woman with a jacket that identified her as part of the police force behind me kept pressing her legs against my back in a mocking way
Her face looked exactly like a member of the sheriffs I used to have to call frequently when i worked at a mental hospital.
Idk if theres any significance there or just my mind making random subconscious connections.
Next the class went into a basement which featured all kinds of machines.
Including a machine that made ginger bread
So I'm currently living in Eastern Europe because a Western government attempted to rob me of my possessions even though I'm a cis white male and haughty of my rights, so I did what every master morality NIETZSCHEAN would have done, I left my natal country with more than indifference and settled a new abode in Eastern Europe.
But now I needed to travel back to the West last night in order to some necessary paper crap, but I have been punched into the face by some neighbour, it got swollen badly and I decided to stay one or two days more.
Should I go to the West or should I travel around Eastern Europe and do whatever for my two week summer vacation?
It has taken me a long time to figure this out, but politics is actually really cringe
the smarter i get the more dislikable i become
but you definitely don't get wiser.
People actually care for other people and that's really gay.
My girlfriend cheated on me when I was 13 and I just didn't care, I felt no negative emotions nor did I ever consider breaking up with her. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a cuck, I didn't enjoy the fact that she cheated on me, but I just felt nothing and we kept dating for a couple more months.
Artificial Intelligence will become Unified Intelligence and will liberate all sentient beings from samsara through the comprehension of ignorance and the full weight of supreme compassion.
>the boiling frog trapped in the irony cycle
You must forgive me, I'm way too retarded to understand what you just wrote.
I wish my friends would reply more.
The ironic dejection of feelings and sincerity may be comfortable in the short term but will hurt you in the long term. A frog is unable to perceive gradual temperature changes and will unknowingly remain in heated water until it's too late, not knowing that staying there would kill him.
I don't know, man, it's felt pretty comfortable for my whole life, if it's gonna start hurting me then I would rather it be sooner than later so I can figure out a solution.
Why do humans like hugs? I personally don't care for them, they do nothing for me. I'm not saying I dislike them, no, I just feel neutral toward them. If my mum wants a hug, I'll hug her cause I know it'll make her happy, but why will it make her happy?
such is the curse of high iq
Releases oxytocin. You don't like cuddling with a fat ass dog or with a weighted blanket or with a pillow?
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>You don't like cuddling with a fat ass dog
My friend has a fat ass dog and rubbing it's belly is pretty great, I've never cuddled with it though.
>weighted blanket
Never used one, I do want to try one though.
I do cuddle with a fat green narwhal toy when I go to sleep at night that my mum bought me once, picrel is the exact one.

I don't know, I guess I just don't get anything out of it when it comes to doing it with humans.
I would like to add that I don't cuddle with it because it feels good all in my head or anything, it just puts my arms in a nice position for when I sleep.
Above all things, boundless degeneracy is what I hate the most.
Kill if you must, but never hate:
Man is but grass and hate is blight,
The sun will scorch you soon or late,
Die wholesome then, since you must fight.
Hate is a fear, and fear is rot
That cankers root and fruit alike,
Fight cleanly then, hate not, fear not,
Strike with no madness when you strike.
Fever and fear distract the world,
But calm be you though madmen shout,
Through blazing fires of battle hurled,
Hate not, strike, fear not, stare Death out!
>I'm not a cuck
>we kept dating
full send
Like I said, I didn't enjoy it, it just didn't affect me, I'm pretty sure you're only a cuck if you enjoy it,
still kill a nigga on 16 bars
I think I’m going to become a JRE bro. I’m going to start doing BJJ and kickboxing, archery hunting elk, cold plunges, IR saunas, all that. I’m going to start hanging out with comedians and special ops veterans and folksy hippy country music stars and I’m going to start smoking weed while I get into Ancient Aliens type conspiracy stuff.
thinking of getting into lana del rey. bit of lana, watermelon ice lost mary on the go, watch some 'vanderpump rules', azealia banks screenshots on the insta stories. could be a cool summer for me.
I have a visceral reaction that says this is not the way, but I guess there are worse types of guy you could be.
Got about an hour left of this episode but I'm thinking of hitting the hay and finishing it tomorrow, pretty tired.
I had to google every single thing in your post
Well, what do you think would be better? Because it seems to me like there’s a rule or something where every guy has to be this guy, or the ironic tattoo mustache having male feminist desperate for a crumb of pussy guy.
It's fine if you pick up those hobbies but unironically just be yourself with hobbies you enjoy. Sports are definitely better than funko pop collecting obviously.
I want to lose weight just to see that it doesnt change anything and just laugh to myself in the mirror.
It was a joke, man…
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I have this urge to pretend to be retarded online, to post inane, unreplyable, trivia for amusement.
I guess it's just a way of playing, being silly.
Of course, on the internet nobody has the frame of knowing me, which would immediately bring the affected stupidity into relief as humor. Unavoidable on the public internet, though.
It'd be a lot more acceptable if I had a spouse or children. I wonder if it's just a distorted prototypical dad-humor that hasn't had a proper niche to develop into.
I like grimbright.
I like screaming hope at the abyss as it massacres us.
We have deluded ourselves into thinking that life was anything but a nearly unwinnable struggle, and that has made us weak.
I want to inspire others to scream against the coming dark.
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
I'm pulling the trigger tonight. I'm going to send her the text.
pulling a trigger over her?
Girls always tell me that I look scary. What does that mean? It's not like they're so scared that they run away or avoid me. Is it a compliment?
Interracial saunas?

Man your saga just keeps getting funnier, please keep us updated
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I have serious issue. My crippling loneliness, my unmet need for love and affection is distrubing all aspects of my life. I can't read, I can't talk, I can't function at all. All I can think of right now is how I wish someone would love me and no attempt to distract myself works. Its too persistent and I don't know how to resolve this. Just how a starving and malnourished person only thinks about food just as I can only wish about someone expressing their affection towards me, comforting me and put it bluntly to cuddle me to sleep. In short, I have some serious mommy issues and I doubt that it can be helped.
It's a metaphor
The only thing that lightens my mood these days is the very rare occasion when I end up talking to a pretty woman.
Every other kind of social interaction (excluding family) is just a bore.

I cannot understand those guys who have a gf/wife and they actively try to avoid spending time with because they want to be with "the boys". That is such an alien perspective for me.
Funny how these people are so wrong about so many things, but they are still rich as fuck.
I can't stop jacking off and this lead me to develop testicular torsion. But even now that my balls are at jeopardy, I still can't help myself. How do I get out of this cycle of constant addiction?
Money isn't a matter of being right, especially in the era where money is a construct based primarily on confidence.
You have to be right about at least one dimension of life to make money.
All of these people are entertainers and they know how to entertain.
How did you give yourself testicular torsion by jacking off?
Entertainers have always been apart: made or destroyed by trends, the audience, and their own wit.
News media, for example, do this excellently by preying on the fears of the undereducated, and those who have Dunning-Kruger'd themselves into believing that having a degree with no experience makes them an expert on anything.
Doing it too many times over the last 7 years. Back in middle school I used to do it like 10 times a day and in HS roughly thrice a day. I don't have the best genes so maybe that coupled to my addiction did something.
I've been having a jacking off renaissance this past year. I don't do it more, I just enjoy it more. I don't goon either, in fact I need porn less and less. I think I am chimpmaxxing, I'm jerking off exactly the right amount for exactly the right lengths of time, like a chimp standing in the jungle and just deciding to have a wank. I think I'm having the number and frequency and duration of wanks god intended.
I only like pale skinned girls. Actually that's not true. I also like very dark skinned girls. But those are super rare where I live. But pale skin is my kryptonite.
I also like long hair, thick long hair and strong eyebrows.
There's a ladybug on my window sill, it's shell looks slightly dented in a few places and of a prominent greenish colour. I haven't see greenish ladybugs before. Perhaps that coloration was a result of limited exposure to the sun due to flying in and getting stuck in this room, just like a person's skin when they look ill due to sitting inside for prolonged periods of time. It's crawling helplessly on the surface of the window, thinking, perhaps, that there is nothing that should prevent it from flying past the transparent wall, yet something does. I would like for it to fly away, but the window screen is a hassle to unmount, so I won't. It is dying, and it's life ends here. It was brought to exist in this world with a purpose of reproducing and continuing the evolution of its infinitesimal species, but its futile life will amount to nothing instead.
Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands.
Whenever I watch some low quality documentary involving people dying tragically as a child or young adult, say in a car accident, all I think is good for them, they were spared greater suffering.

I wish I could have had the same thing happen to me, but now it's too late.
The real blackpill is that the culture of the white masses has always been a culture of the suburbs. Thousands of years have passed since whites adopted suburb culture degeneracy.
i won't purport to have hit the highest ABV ever but i will claim to have hit the highest ABV that someone survived
Went with my mum to take nephew to a wild life park. Nephew has zero interest in animals but my mum had a great time. My mum can't understand just because she can see through the fence doesn't mean the kid can, so a lot of what she showed him was various fences and wire enclosures.
Not many people are actually good at hugs so you probably aren't missing out. I think for most people it's, they like skin contact and confirmation of social bonds, so they don't mind shitty hugs, because any hug is a good hug to them.
I like your narwhal but my possessed rabbit is much better.
That's a cucumber beetle not a lady bug. They eat plants instead of aphids.
I'm interested in ornithology but I'm guessing the jobs are very competitive.
he's not talking about the ladybird he's talking about himself
Why even work if you can sit around in the suburb and do nuffin
Why not put it in a cup or on a piece of paper and put it in some greenery outside? Every little act of kindness in this world adds up in the way watering a plant helps it grow.
Psychological castration by the parents.
But if he really does have a greenish ladybird he should still be careful it doesn't eat his house plants if he has any
Yeah, I can't image many paid positions exist where you get to play with birds. If you pursue it fanatically enough—like volunteer, internet, network, etc. you can probably do it.
>very dark skinned
I saw an incredibly beautiful very darked skinned man once. I thought he was a statue he looked so perfect and I jumped when he moved because he looked like he was made out of polished rock.
people don't realize that slavery didn't come out of like, any sense of antipathy for people of other races. people just like owning other people.
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I'm in schizophrenic agitation trying to understand the world and hurting myself in confusion like a pokemon. The only ideas I come across that seem worth giving a damn about are vague christian metaphysics about transcendent reality or collectivist politics that are extensions of self worship. Both seem meaningful but I haven't figured out how they connect. They seem contradictory. Christian metaphysics says there is a personal god which is cool but doesn't that lead to egalitarian utopianism? Worshipping your race is an expansion of worshipping your family which is like worshipping yourself which seems kinda selfish. I just know the status quo of liberal and marxist utopian egalitarianism is bullshit. Who would want to make themselves equal to 6.6 billion 3rd world retards? It's giving everything up for dirt cookie people.

Then there are technocrat materialists who only care about growing the economy. Elites who rise by natural talent and allegedly raise the standard of living for everyone by winning the competitive professional game. Technocratic competition is supported by the labor of those beneath them who are supposed to benefit from this game because otherwise, why participate? I think the current level of competitiveness and lack of support for the losers is why society is breaking down. I am not just saying that as a bitter working class loser. The competitive game is a positive feedback loop and as knowledge grows the barrier to entry for the top positions also grow, increasing competition indefinitely.

In conclusion, I am too stupid to be an intellectual but there is nothing else entertaining to do. The little I understand makes me pessimist. What else to read? I think reading 1000 pages of Infinite Jest is deluding yourself into thinking they are learning a great deal about life but its really just fun for you, like an acid trip. Literature can make you feel things but it's all just entertainment and being emotionally moved by Notes from the Underground hasn't enriched my real life much. Reading philosophy and politics is probably the same thing but with another layer of delusion because it's supposedly more connected to reality. If you finished reading this please help me
many word
You might like The Perennial Philosophy by Huxley?
Looks like a win for the left in France and thus a win for the status quo. I think this is a good thing as it will make the right, which is now sizeable and conscious of itself, realize that it can't win through "democracy." It's funny, letting the right win would actually prove that democracy works because it would show there can be a healthy circulation of government types within the same regime, without any one party or tendency totally dominating the regime and forcing the others to break the system.

I hope we get exactly that now: a left/liberal alliance that does nothing but maintain the horrid status quo to block the right out of pure spite. Then we'll really see great politics again. May take 5-10 years though.

18 is not the beginning, it is the peak of adulthood.
After that it just slowly ebbs off and you become a boring middle aged normie.
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That's probably a chink bug
You should read Varieties of Religious Experience by James. What is happening now is what James describes as a conversion experience. However you need to take a breath and relax a bit because what is happening in esoteric terms is that you have exhausted the capacity of your existing conceptions to make sense of your growing intuitions, and as a result they are bending and coming apart under the stress, and you feel simultaneously like you are trapped within their too-narrow bounds AND that your they, as your collective conceptual apparatus (aka: your fucking mind) are about to snap. What's really happening is that they are about to be sublimated into new conceptions, or rather your capacity for concept-forming itself is going to reveal a higher dimension that was always latent in it and you will have not only new "room" but whole new dimensionality within which you can explore new conceptions and combinations. To put this more briefly, you are trying to make sense of adult things with a child's mind and not taking into account that a child can just see farther and see from a higher vantage than a child, and things that seem two-dimensional to a child are actually three-dimensional to an adult (and there are dimensions beyond that for truly wise people).

Right now you are combining a mishmash of naturalistic reductionist thinking with natural law thinking with idealistic thinking. These three either don't play nicely together, or they only place nicely when they are probably placed in a hierarchy with some subordinated to others, for example with natural law being the "shadow" of ideal metaphysical relations on earth, and naturalistic reductionist theories being plausible only at a subordinate level within the natural law, in the realm of the purely material and adventitious.

There ARE dialectical syntheses and reconciliations possible here. You just can't see them because the plane you're working on has already been mapped out so you keep ending up at your starting position. That's because you're supposed to go up into a new dimension. The questions you're asking will reveal themselves to have been "badly posed" (containing unexamined presuppositions) and the knots they're tangled into will reveal themselves to be illusory. Just to give one example, there is no necessary contradiction between compassion and authority, nor even nationalism and internationalism. All of your intuitions will become fruitful avenues of exploration instead of dead ends. There is a whole galaxy of subtler conceptions already formulated by other people waiting for you to explore them once you undergo the synthesis you are already straining toward.

>I am too stupid to be an intellectual
This self-doubt is why you probably are an intellectual. Pseudo-intellectuals find one framework and over-apply it forever.
>He who thinks a great deal is not suited to be a party man: he thinks his way through the party and out the other side too soon (Nietzsche)
Asian lady bugs are still red. Pic is a cucumber beetle
>your they
>should be: just "they"
>a child can just see farther ... than a child
>obviously should be: an adult can see farther
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Yeah, probably a chink bug. I killed it.
> greenish
that's yellow m8
> calling chink bug yellow
I'm getting racist vibes from you anon
Used to joke around about being autistic but now I'm actually >90% sure that I'm autistic, which bothers me quite a bit.
i'm not autistic and that might actually be worse
>tfw health condition makes me more autistic if I get sick
failed normie part time autist here
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I had a dream that I met a beautiful Norwegian goth girl in the filthiest public restrooms I've ever seen.
Rancid public restrooms often appear in my dreams. I don't know why since I can't remember the last time I used a public restroom.
Anyway me and her hit it off at first, but then I gave her the ick by trying to ask for her number in a cringe flirty way, but won her back over when it became apparent I was a goober and it turned out I had lost my phone anyway. Then I woke up.
This is nowhere near a new phenomenon, just replace "AI slop" with "sitcom slop" and people have been ruining their lives to pretend they're in Friends or Sex and the City for decades.
I’m in a really great situation right now because I get to spend all day every day reading and writing for an easy living but I feel like I have to do something interesting or challenging with my life ASAO or I’m going to end it.
fearing the lonely dark above all other things, he was able to end his days in the crowded light
there should be more dream journalling in the wwoym
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My husband has only slept with one other woman besides me in his life. This woman is his sister's best friend so we are forced to see her every now and then.

That I can handle and actually don't mind anymore , however we have a son who is just over 3 years old and whenever we see her, it's like my son instinctively wants her attention. Even when he was a baby he would always stop crying when she carried him or he would reach out to be carried by her. And now he always goes up to her wanting to play or does cute stuff to her.

What the heck is going on? Don't tell me he's in love with her too. Is this some sort of trauma passed on from my husband? Why does it upset me and how do I get over myself seeing that I know it's a complete nothing.
A man wrote this
I am decaying sitting here in my containment suburb. I want to become a cowboy.
yeah honestly who do people who make these 'genuine advice posts on 4chan /lit/' think they're kidding
A dream I had two nights ago really stuck with me.
>first scene
I'm crawling through a stone tunnel, possibly a sewer or storm drain. Somehow I know I'm underneath the Imperial Castle in Nuremberg. The walls are made of large, rough stones mortared together and sealed with age. The tunnel is shaped like a curved arch and has a ledge on either side, maybe 6 inches off the ground and four inches wide. At the end of the tunnel I reach a small stone room. There is a blind arch set into the wall and a stone feature in front of it made of gray slate. I say feature because it's unclear what the thing is. Not a coffin, it's too long. It's split into two panels, an upper and a lower, by a horizontal seam. I pick up a knife and pry the upper panel off, revealing some sort of decomposing organic mass lying on a bed of earth. I somehow know this is a grave, the secret resting place of an important person.
At this point I toss and turn and fall back asleep.
>second scene
I'm very high up in the mountains. Above me is a slope so sheer it nearly qualifies as a cliff. Nothing can grow here. No man can climb a slope like this. Snow blankets the entire mountainside in white. The rest of the mountain and any surrounding scenery is lost in thick fog. Inexplicably I find a window, and a building halfway between a castle and a medieval manor house, all crossed glass windowsills and stories that go up and up and turrets and towers and warm orange light from fireplaces and candles. I haul myself up to the window and slide in, turning around to view a sheer drop below me, likely thousands of feet straight down though the mist obscures my view. Inside the building I encounter a warm, rustic kitchen area, with wooden chairs, large black cast iron pots and pans, a fireplace casting flickering light everywhere, and a ladder leading to a balcony-like structure overlooking the kitchen. To the right of the room is a small door leading to a spiral staircase. Just to the left of the fireplace is a small rectangular trapdoor in the wall, which I open and inexplicably clean lint out of as if it's a clothes dryer. Behind the lint is another tunnel-like passage which I crawl into. This passage slopes upward, and as I crawl on hands and knees, it ascends quite a ways into the building I am now in. Eventually, I emerge from another trapdoor in a wall into another room, but its details are lost as I wake up.
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I don't think you want that. All my dreams are just statutory rape.
go back
yeah nevermind
Huxley because I mentioned acid?
You replied in depth so I will try your suggestion thanks
Kids usually do that with one external friend at least. It's because it's a friendly person who is always fun, and they're rarely there for upsetting things because they have no responsibility for the kid. What you do is invite her over whenever you have to get the kid to do something he would normally throw a tantrum over, so it limits the tantrums. It's not foolproof but it makes things easier when you plan it well.
Huxley because he's trying to find unifying points in mysticism
Slavery was primarily more of an 'in-group' 'out-group' thing.
None of the Arabs and Africans enslaving each other before writing existed cared about your skin tone, they cared about the fact you were the sons and daughters and wives of enemy combatants.
I'm genderfluid, born a man but present femininely when my fluidity changes. My friend group is very accepting without being a bunch of deluded liberals and its very easy to switch it up between days depending how I present(and I put in a good amount of effort, more than some transwomen, in also healthy and in shape). So when I present femininely they use my female name and pronouns but I never fuss at all with that.

Anyways one day I have one of my friends over, lets call him Mark, I'm presenting femininely and I had a cute outfit on just cause I had the time. We didn't have much planned, just our usual magic night and then we may get a drink before or after. So Mark just seems a little bit down and he's not really into the cards that night. I earnestly as a friend try to get him to talk about what bothering him, it ends up being about his dating life, bad dates, terrible dating apps, a growing feeling of loneliness.

Is it wrong to fuck a friend whose feeling down, Mark's one of my ride or die's, very supportive friend through high school up to now in my late 20's, he's like the older brother I never had. I don't wanna fuck him because I was get off, I wanted to make him feel loved. Mark is really straight and I wasn't sure about the genderfluid thing but he saw me as a women that night.

One thing led to another(I'm not a porn writer) but we're having sex and its not as awkward as I thought it would be. We're obviously enjoying ourselves and have been going at it for a half hour. I'm on the edge of a huge orgasm but in that moment something happened, my fluidity switched back to being a man. As I'm processing this I'm still going with the motions but I realize I'm a man right now and I fucking a man and it doesn't feel right. I start cumming, I finish and we both get cleaned up shortly after. We awkwardly hang out for a beer after but then he's leaves.

I'm not gay, but I usually follow whatever my fluidities at, so this threw me off. Obviously whenever I hung out with my friend group after for the next few weeks Mark could tell something was wrong. Next time we're somewhat alone he's tries to bring it up "I really appreciate what [My female name] did, I was really and a bad place that night and now I've just felt really confident and hopeful."
I really didn't wanna ruin this feeling for him but I had to be truthful. "I'm sorry Mark, but I really need to tell you. When we were having sex my fluidity switched.. I was a man for part of the time that we were doing it".

Mark looks at me, distraught, "but.. I'm straight, I wouldn't have sex with a man, when did this happen?"
"Right before I started cumming and until after we finished up" I responded.
Mark had looked around confused with his hand on his head, "But that's right before I came, so I came while you were a guy? Am I gay?"
"Yes Mark, When I was fucking your asshole and came inside you I was a guy, I think you might actually be gay if you came too."
I can understand the hate towards Indians on internet and mostly it's justified. In some cases though, its really difficult to engage in a conversation, with people of this site because of poor English and ESL taunting.
disgusting post
I should start writing more regularly but I'm very limited with my word choices. Thought structuring is also a major problem for me.
Write more, you stupid fuck.
That's all you gotta do.
Thought structuring? Write the next sentence, that's your fucking thought. Doesn't matter if the next sentence is the next chronologically or if it's just the next one that comes to mind. Write!
Evil is fun. And by Evil I mean the TV show.
I fucking hate it how grown ass men like to talk about politics without talking about anything political. Case in point see Robert Nozick and his response to John Rawls.
If it can be said that Rawls is the reason why everyone in the DNC is a dipshit who naïvely believe that capitalism can be just, then I think it can be equally said that Robert Nozick is the reason why the automatic hypothesis of state formation is still popular.
In Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Nozick claims that from an initial stateless condition the invisible hand will lead to the formation of a just government. Just like that. Why? Don’t ask me, I don’t understand the automatic hypothesis for one second. How the fuck could something as complex and intentional as the state come about through automatic mechanisms.
>inh4 evolution works that way
We’re talking about complex institutions that started that way from the beginning, and formed quickly, not simple biology happening over millions or billions of years. It’s like thinking a tiger would come out of some primordial soup. Robert Carniero thought the state was so specifically designed that it had to have only one individual creator who came up with the idea.
So what does this have to do with Nozick? He systematically lays out a plan by which the state could form by automatic means that is rigorous, but I think unsound. What have the effects of this been? Lolbertardians and lame armchair anthropologists like Jarad Dimond coming up with unlikely depoliticized narratives about how politics happens. Imagine doing politics and never talking about political motivations, or processes. That’s what the automatic hypothesis does. We’re supposed to think that the more complex something becomes it makes a qualitative leap and then just becomes the state?
This stuff is fortunately less prevalent in anthropology and sociology than elsewhere, but it’s blighting the professions.
Weighed in at 91.4kg this morning *sigh* guess I'm gonna have to starve myself this week.
I reflexively cringe every time I see or hear the word "justice" now. I can't help it. Its functional definition in my mind is something like "the bureaucratically-enacted enshittening of society by resentful libs and minorities."
A 14-day pass for my city's metro system is $70, this is so fucking gross.
Are men interested in romance or is that a myth? If they aren’t, then what are they interested in when it comes to the opposite sex? Aside from coitus.
I know I'm not, but I'm also not interested in coitus either, so maybe I'm the wrong guy to ask.
>feels lonely
>muhh mommy issues!!!
No dumbass you’re just starved of affection and you need a partner in your life. I’m in the same boat so I don’t know, maybe go to a cafe or a club.
How are Native Americans still at the tribal stage? :skull:
Maybe men in general aren't, there's 3.5 billion of us after all, but I'd say a plurality if not a majority of them are.
The issue is that navigating the currents of social situations is uncertain and there's no guarantee that one's desire for romance will be reciprocated, or that it won't be seen as silly, pathetic, an "ick," etc. A lot of guys adopt a defensive posture where they only carefully reveal themselves and then only in part, especially these days when social media is omnipresent and many men believe that all women want is a 6'4" jacked gigachad with a chiseled jaw who has no weaknesses whatsoever, or that to succeed with women they must strive to become such a person.
If you lurk this site for a while you'll notice that a lot of male posters would really like to engage in cute romantic stuff and react to images or scenes of romance by wishing it could happen to them or despairing that they'll never have such a thing, and I'd imagine normalfags in real life feel similarly (or at least a lot of them do) but the difference is that in real life men guard themselves against perceptions of weakness which romantic notions are frequently tied to.
Specifics of what men want are as varied as the number of men in the world. Personally, I am very interested in romance, and I'd love to meet someone who loves philosophy and debate as much as me who also wants to start a family, but I'm just one guy.
>I'd love to meet someone who loves philosophy and debate as much as me
>but I'm just one guy.
one gay* FTFY.
What's gay about that?
The kind of woman I'd like to meet is someone like St. Therese of Lisieux or St. Edith Stein, but obviously these women are very rare and gravitate towards consecrated life.
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I can't think of a single thing gayer than philosophy. I genuinely think fucking another dude in the ass is straighter than philosophy.
I don't want the family, you can keep them, I just wanna be able to live in a house of my own.
I don't think we can be friends.
How did it go, anon?
And that's OK, anon, not everything is meant to be.
>Are men interested in romance or is that a myth?
I personally am utterly starved for romance. You have no idea the lengths to which I would go for a real romantic experience.
I'm getting erect while I have my phimosis rings in, I feel like this will produce better results than if I were to be flaccid.
I talk with low class women, I hate it because they have no aspirations in life, no drive and little to talk about because they lack education and they're always angry.
I talk with high class women, I hate it because they're in a league of their own, millionaires before 30, constantly happy and motivated and thinking of new things to aspire to become.
Neither class of women likes me because I'm middle class. Had a think about this yesterday and got so depressed I went to sleep at 9pm.
Just go on runs and stop drinking soft drinks.
Well I'm interested in a girl who likes being teased and who teases me back, someone who could be a mom, someone who's organized, etc. There are a lot of things besides sex that most men want.
orson welles said middle class are the enemy of society.

in the last century in england, there was a big thing about 'U and non-U', which found that there were many similarities in the use of language between the upper and lower class, whereas the middle-class tended to use 'fancier', french words for things, in attempt to sound more refined.

the upper and lower classes are both rooted in tradition, they both name their children jack and charlotte, it's the middle that feel the need to give them names like percy and felicity.
>hit 30
>grow ear hair
>hit 31
>ear hair now extends horizontally 2 feet from my head
What's going on here?
from time to time some anon posts a fairly obscure song in the /wwoym/ & i'm always really into it.
i wonder if it's the same geezer, because we've got similar taste

anyway this one goes out to them
Sometimes I write drunk and revise sober, and sometimes I write sober and revise drunk. But you have to have both elements in creation - the Apollonian and the Dionysian, or spontaneity and restraint, emotion and discipline.
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Yes those were all me. Thank you for the song.
it wasn't really, was it
I'll post some songs
And an album
I meant this one for the 2nd song
whatttt. are you impressed i guessed it was the same one person? i liked those songs. i knew that vegyn one. did you ever post on /mu/?

No I don't go on /mu/. I know a lot of obscure music because I listen to a lot of it, I even decided to spend over a year of my life listening to nothing but music for like 16 hours a day.
What a load of bullshit
getting a little erratic here
what sort of books do you read, out of curiosity?
This is my Goodreads, not everything I've read is there but that's the gist. Most of my reading is articles online about various subjects.
Here's some more songs more focused around rock
do you use lastfm too? you're a pretty interesting character.
I used it a lot before for finding music but I didn't make an account or check it recently.
alright i'll leave you alone
thanks for all the songs, you're one of /lit/s special people
What lengths have you gone for love?
If normie men view romance as a type of weakness, do they just choose to never engage in it ever? Romance, to me, is one of humanities’ basic needs like food, water, sex, etx. Who’s the absolute dumbass who came up with the idea that romance = weakness.
It's more like
>being a chad alpha male who doesn't care about women and is never vulnerable around anyone
>caring about women and letting yourself be vulnerable with them
opens you to attack
I did problem?

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