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David Bentley Hart edition

Prev >>23564454
I've been listening to a lot of new music lately and I've been having heaps of fun.
All I listen to these days is synthwave. I haven't busted out any of my singalong playlists in over a month.
If I had the choice to travel to the past and prevent my own birth I would take it.
I saw a shiny demon in the middle of the road
tfw you try to talk to the nice gays you just met about literature and it turns out they're exercise gays and not art gays
I like gay guys, I've always enjoyed hanging out with them, I don't know why, I've just always got along with them. And before you say anything, no, I'm not gay.
You didn’t do it
I am tired of people bitching to me about the idea that we just have to "deal with it" regarding the present shitty state of the world. There are certain governments and institutions that are responsible for the way the world is and every last one of them could be destroyed and toppled. It wouldn't even take a huge amount of work. No government is invincible, no institution is invulnerable. Even the United States government could be undermined and destroyed. The commies did it themselves, it could be done out from under them in turn, and we could be ruled by No One who is currently in power.
This nigga out here trying to incite violence and revolution on /lit/, a spot famous for shy loners and men of the imagination, not men of action. Kek at the glowiepost
What is up with the memes on here conflating Hitler and Saussure lately?
I engage with philosophy because philosophy is the flight of the alone to the alone.
>Had a Mexican American guy on my friend's list since I've been, like, 13.
>Never heard his voice before.
>Heard it in an Instagram story yesterday.
>Holy shit he sounds so Mexican.
I'm a man of action just ask your mum
I'm going to write a novel with a little girl protagonist (not creepy). When do they start becoming interested in boys?
That's a monkey's paw situation, you'd probably just end up reincarnating yourself into an even worse life
I don't believe in reincarnation. If this happened whoever "I" became next would not really be me anyway.
If I could go further than simply preventing my birth, I would. I envision a retroactive cessation of existence which does not allow for the possibility of reincarnation, honestly.
Something like Buddhist nirvana, but rather than ending suffering or realizing boundless bliss I would simply end completely: the ground of my existence would be gone and the possibility for me to exist, or for the concept of me to even be intelligibile, would also be gone.
You know you could just plug some lead into your brain and achieve similar results
People are optimistic not when they sincerely believe in the object of their optimism but when it is convenient for their ultimately cynically planned and motivated plans to be optimistic.
DB Hart is not a model to imitate. He believes in Origenism, which means that every devil will be saved from judgement, this develops into purple prose, every word saved from editing.
Got an interview today lads, wish me luck
People from broken families I've noticed tend to weirdly apply their need for a family they never had to their own sexual desires
Idk how to describe it
I don't think I can but like im pretty sure homosexual desire for a "daddy" is often rooted in lacking a father. Things like that
It's so weird to me
But it's also like such people (faggots) can only interpret everything through a framework of domination v.s dominated
I have already written a proposition here on /lit/. Instead of toppling the government, wich would just lead to massive protests and chaos, it would be smarter and more viable to make a secession within a federal state of any Western nation. Smaller territories are easier to defend and to control, and later more federal states could be taken under control.
I'm still laughing at that stupid joke I made.
To be crucified with Christ. To voluntarily choose death rather than recant what is true. To willingly choose to do what is good though one will suffer for it.
Anons can’t even get a girl’s pants off so how are they going to persuade majority of people in their country to topple the government? You and that other anon are just having completely unrealistic megalomaniacal fantasies
on some real shit man i just ate a raw ass hotdog. just a dog on a stale biun with some yellow mustard. i would do it again.
Do you ever feel regret for all the people youve left behind? People who may no longer even remember you?
There's this one girl i sometimes cant stop thinking about who had a crush on me.
Her name was Olivia. She wore a straw hat, blond hair. She was so beautiful. I dont know what she saw in me
I believe harm reduction may very well be the only universal* moral principle held by nearly all humans on the earth.
*Definition of harm varies.
Forgot to add, I mean hypothetically and in Minecraft.
Just ate three homemade cheese kranskies (the type with pastry around them) and I'm washing it down with an ice-cold glass of cola. Other than that all I've had to eat today is four scrambled eggs on buttered toast. I contemplated having ice cream but I decided against it. Ending the day by watching Marvin's Room.
Want to become more interesting to other people?
You sound like you're fun to be around.
I hope this isn't sarcasm, anon.
You're good at catching the hints for sarcasm.
Well, at least I'm good for something.
Yeah you gotta see the upside not the downside bro
How about Ben Binbon as a pseudonym
I'm already too interesting
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Today I'm going to spread misinformation on the internet.
I don't care either way.
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We posting our celebrity crushes now?
Wanna get laid real quick?
Nah, I'll just jack off if I'm horny, nothing good can come from me banging a chick.
I want a diverse partner.
You sure you don't wanna bang? I can show you something it will work real good.
I like eating raw eggs.
You seem like you're fun at parties.
Add me on Grindr.
Have a pair of raw eggs ready for you. Come over to my house.
Sounds like we have something in common the two of us.
Do you prefer your raw eggs nicely fresh and shaved or foul and rotten?
Came late to the dms, but mine are extra big just for you my bae..
Are you into ass stuff too?
When was the last time you had raw eggs?
ZOGs most loyal goy-slave
Has a horny bot been injected into /wwoym/?
Are all horny replies of the same nature, it's either a bot or a joke that I'm just not in on.
Well congratulations cause I have good news for you, mine come with extra sweat
Don't know about the other ones, but I'm not a bot I'm 100% real my boo come to my place I'll be real nice to you
>Wanna get some cool screenshots from some movies.
>Go to some movie streaming websites.
>None of them have a little preview window when I hover over the progress bar.
>he doesn't have his kino downloaded on a hard drive
That wouldn't help me, I need something with a little preview window.
Yes it would because you can just download a media player that does have that
I found a real nice game for you buds.
Guess my haplogroup.
only 1 guy of the supposed 5 folks showed up lol
but it was super chill and relaxed and seemed to share positive feedback
pretty sure this is going to the next stage
I shouldn't have to do that, I should just be able to use a website. But for future reference, any media players that have that? I use VLC.
Was it a she or a him who interviewed you?
No one should let a women be in charge of any decisions
Funny for someone like you to say something like that
It was a guy. Why do you ask?

Lol based
Look i am incel and i do hold a negative opinion of women in positions of power. that simply is how i view the world
Gold Dust Woman is a banger.
Out of all Asians, Korean guys give me the worst vibes, they seem the most evil.
If you agree women shouldn't have power you would also agree beta males shouldn't either
Quiet, incel, pick my cotton.
Huh, somehow, I did not foresee this backfiring like it did. I guess I just don't think about gay sex enough for that.
It's also pretty clearly one guy, by the way.
At least he's honest.
He's not honest, if he was honest he would shut up and suck other men's dicks
You're so right, anon, he should suck our dicks.
You are not chad, normgroid #2872983.
Pretending to be chad is not an argument.
You could be be hit with a captive bolt pistol in the chest twice, and you would die. Mid dialogue tree.
I don't even mean in a gay way. It would fit OP really well to dress slutsuit and go down on other men.
It's because of beta cucks getting human rights that we got feminism in the first place. Democracy should be removed, take away the right to vote away from women but from poor fags who don't have private property too.
You are very transparent, Hamilton.
I'm just stating facts.
May the strongest take it all.
>most evil
For me it’s either proto or post punk, noise rock, death metal and drone.
lmao anon genuinely thought that was a good comeback, stfu dumb bitch
Most women’s rights activists tended to be WASP landowning class in the late 19th century.
>femanon tryna win a verbal battle on 4chan
You've already lost
Quiet, beta cuck. Pick my cotton.
Uhh yes, passive obedience is not for the Aryan wife.
No you are the woman, now get on your knees and pick my cotton kek
>response from job application
I don't reply.
>match with girl on hinge
I don't reply.
>people message me at work about important stuff
I don't reply.
I don't care anymore.
>response from anon on ass hair weaving forums
I don't reply
>Picking knee high cotton
It was a trick question. You have won.
It wasn't even a question...
You hate women.
Gonna go get a glass of water.
Suicide is on my mind
are you okay anon?
Nobody hates Janis, they just don't know themselves well enough to know they love her
Good, kys, the less useless eaters the better for the planet
What's your local water supply like? Where does it come from?
My tap. And it's OK.
Oh my water comes from the tap too. That doesn't mean anything.
How the fuck am I meant to know where it comes from, anon?
Because I know where mine comes from. It's cristal clear, fresh mountain water.
I just googled it and it comes from reservoirs up in the hills and a large river nearby.
That information is usually available on the website of whatever municipal department supplies your water
Where does it go to after flushing?
I don't know, I don't really feel like doing any more research into my state's water infrastructure.
You shouldn't drink tap water if it's recycled.
This is why you'll never be on Victor Hugo's level
You can raise your child to be promiscuous just by having him mixed.
creedence and witchcraft
I wish I wouldnt be so ambivalent.
Heads up anon, I don't think you're ambivalent.
Its only in a very insignificant matters, not important ones.
Yeah it's only in insignificant matters. That doesn't make you ambivalent.
OK, bedtime now. Got class tomorrow, it's piss easy but it's just so gay that I have to leave the house every day. Oh well, this will help me find a job, so I guess it's worth it.
>That doesn't make you ambivalent.
Yes, it does. I dont know what to do with my life, which direction to take. Its not about have obstacles to the end goal, but rather not having an end game itself.
Well I'm sorry to tell you but you should have an endgame. It would make your life a lot better. Do you have a job or sm?
I do have a job but its a pointless one. I just dont have any creativity to make something interesting.
Well you should change your job then. And you are creative!
>a spot famous for shy loners and men of the imagination, not men of action.

Based prose
also wtf man
Accidentally inhaled my cat's fur and now I'm coughing like a bitch
How did you accidentally inhale your cats fur?
Snuggling with his kitty under a blankey and shit posting.
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Didn't expect the funny 4chan word to pop up in Water Margin of all places but here we are.
george bush raped my grandpa at woodstock '89
Saying nothing is always better than saying truth or lying.
Boomers gonna Boom
Academia is a bullshit dead end career field. I can’t believe I fell for this shit.
You an always change career paths bro
You really can’t though. The chances you’ll switch to something mid-career and be particularly successful at it is virtually zero.
You shouldn't think like that. How old are you?
He said mid career so I’d reckon 50
Eumeswil only works in white totalitarian states where crime is relatively small, in current anarcho totalitarian states like France the government is not just your enemy but the increasing hordes of third worlders who are more likely to kill you over stupid stuff like cellphones or other mundane shit
It is the state that lets in all the immigrants to increase corporation profits.
Eumeswil isn’t a political manifesto dumbass.
I found an older book that has no audiobook version, and now I'm trying to decide if I should put the time in to do it myself since it should have one.
You call that too late to make a career change? You still have 33 years of career ahead of you.
I believe I am becoming shi'a rafidha, which will make me a heretic to the vast majority of muslims.
I am, however, not convinced of the moral superiority of Iran, although I am not done with the matter. Playing along in games of capturing prisoners just in order to have someone to trade for people of yours captured in other lands does not seem like what the Prophet sAawaws or his ahlulbait aas would do, though it must be said that there is probably hardly anything true reported about Iran (although to that it should be added that there were all kinds of apologists saying the same about the USSR).
>does not seem like what the Prophet sAawaws or his ahlulbait aas would do
though I will say I am not sure of this. War is complicated morally.
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I hate the internet. I will inadvertently be shown porn by some anon or the algorithm and feel very fallen and ashamed all day, and my mind will reconjure the image at intervals until some other stimulus becomes the focus of my disgust.
People like you are odd.
Don't even belong on 4chan. Used to be people on here saw gore as kids. Now we have full grown adults feeling ashamed for seeing a pussy. Mind boggling bitch behaviour.
dbh is based, i love the seethe he causes among larper groups
What do you teach? But didn’t you know that going into it? I work in academia but on the research side, and I always knew I was destined for shit wages and weak growth but I’d rather do this than work corporate. You can easily transition into office work if you wanted.
No one knows what dbh is
Econ and finance. I’m not a full prof though. I teach part-time and am part-time staff, so I’m already doing office work about half the time. I wasn’t totally ignorant but in regard to the things I have in mind which really sour the career for me, I was ignorant. I didn’t intend to enter academia as student. I ended up here by accident after trying another career first. It is better than most corporate gigs even though it pays less (which really sucks because I’m in a high cost of living city). Honestly though there are a lot of pros. I guess it’s just not the best fit for my temperament.
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The neo-puritain tradcath larpers really fucked this site. Used to be misfits and deranged weirdos who would post on 4chan, not people who were bullied in the 10th grade and now they have a complex about it they curb by pretending to be righteous crusaders on the internet. 4chan used to be a place where you could unabashedly be yourself with no social expectations or repercussions, not a place where shame addicted flagellants weep about how they weren't normal enough. Fuck normalfags and normalfag worshipers
I stopped watching porn 5 or 6 years ago, but my sexuality is still warped from consuming it my whole adolescence. There's a certain point of no return that I crossed.
Misfits and deranged weirdos became the norm in the 2010s.
I have this weird complex where whenever I do anything fun or outgoing, or receive kindness from others, I end up really depressed. It's like a mix of regret of past loss and imposter syndrome.
do you feel like you dont deserve it?
I tried a raw egg once and it was literally a mouth full of mucus. It's awful bro. It also doesn't even digest well.
"Failed normalfags"
I hate them more than normalfags because they think we have anything in common.
>econ & finance adjunct prof
Damn. You should just find a cozy full time desk job at your institution. Theyre basically paying you to do two jobs for one shitty salary. At least with admin stuff, you can climb ladders and get yearly promotions at most universities.
I don't know if that's it, though I do find it hard to accept criticism. I think when people are kind to me I get overly attached, somewhat like a stray dog. So I compensate by distancing myself, in hopes of finding a median.
By accept criticism I mean accept compliments. I do have a low self esteem
texture is weird but raw egg digests faster than anything.
By digest I really mean that you process significantly less of the nutrition in a raw egg compared to a cooked egg.
No I do about 50% of the effort of each for 50% of the full-time pay. Honestly, I make a lot more than a lot of people at my institution because the staff job pays pretty well and the work is not very time consuming. I think I will switch to staff full-time if I stick around. It’s shitty though because, at least from what I’ve seen, you have to have faculty experience to have any future in administration. In order to get faculty experience you need to knock everything out and become a prof almost immediately. If you start on staff or spend too long in adjunct hell you get stuck there. So I’m probably screwed in the long run either way.
the fat soluble vitamins are reduced by cooking
One time by accident a girl felt my package in the train and by her expression I think shocked about the size, little she knew I have massive balls and average cock
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I recently discovered that I think I may be into some sort of domineering women. Was slapped by a woman recently and I found her womanly aggression to be the hottest thing ever. Don't know what to make of this. I have never had a fetish before. Going to read picrel to see if it sheds any light on the psychology of the phenomenon.
I dont think I've ever even seen someone get non jokingly slapped in real life. It seems like something from the Victorian era to me.
I wish I could stop comparing myself to others (especially my brother).
No they didn't, you terminally online faggot.
The evolution of 4chan has been strange to say the least. Tis no longer the same site
I cant even drink all the alcohol and eat all the food. Maybe Im just tricking myself.
It’s normal to compare yourself to others but you have to remind yourself that different people have different paths to walk in life in also have different things to contribute and different things to do with their lives.
>different people have different paths
Why are their paths so better than mine?
I wanna SUCK. I wanna FUCK.
Sometimes I get boners.
Dominant women want even more dominant men.
There's also dominant women who want passive men but those will just straight up abuse you.
You can always become a money slave.
Plenty of women would like to take your money and then laugh at you while you bow to them
has anyone even met a dude with a digital harem? i find women with male harems to be much more of the case. I use the term lightly because what it really is a web of dudes that offer them different services and whom each serve a different function in their lives.
Why'd you get slapped
you ever feel like you're going your whole life waiting on a transformative spiritual experience that just aint happening?
I'd rather pay a women money for her expenses so she can stay at home and be a housewife, than not have to give her money because she already gets money from 'entrepeneurs'.
I don't know why you want to make it seem like having your girl lead the life of a housewife is somehow cucked, but whatever.
The idea came to me in a dream yesterday to versify a full university Math major: that is, the typical core eight-course sequence of Calc 1-3, Linear Algebra, Proofwriting, Differential Equations, Abstract Algebra, Real Analysis. Has this even been attempted before?
You mean you want to study university-level math at homes?
Yeah, few men want dominant women. But assertive women are higly attractive, the kind that doesn't mind initiating, doesn't give in to social pressure and does and says what she really means, isn't a caword but also not some lesbian haircut misandrist, is kind and will help you in healthy manner while maintaing boundries, doesn't mind being on top but isn't interested in putting on a strap on and lastly instead of berating and undermining the man when something goes wrong she instead is compassionate, lets the man recuperate and can even take charge if the guy is ill or not in position to lead.
liars are disgusting subhumans. not sociopaths who never really stood a chance; but, specifically those who are capable of not lying. you are surface level, like some animal but with more processing power. you probably litter, too. i spit on you
Know that story in the Bible of a young woman who will marrycthe man able to win against her in a sword fight? Hundreds of men show up to her and die until she finds the one who was better than her in sword fighting.
No. I already have a degree in that. Now I want to put it all into the form of an epic poem.
i won't be told what i can't write about, and if i'm going to sit down and write for awhile then i'm going to do that. the problem with you all is that you sit around contemplating about how your sense of style is all hitched onto some other big idea. the big idea doesnt matter because the big idea is just going to devoured by the gaslighting media that will just fart out another DEI pile of trash and your work will go unnoticed. we live in a stagnated, broken, dying culture and we need people to stop engaging with it. to write with ferocity and spirit, and wipe out this DEI boring protestant delusion once and for all.
Based, but also seems like a cope.
I think that theres a clear and present motive by many people on this board to create a protestant hijacking of thought and im sick and tired of protestant-islamists from france constantly trying to shove their bullshit down everyones throat. congrats france oyu got your monkey government well done UK you got your monkey government -- and what will come of it? what artists will you produce? what works of literature? a party political stamped and sealed DEI washed out toneless nothing that will be consumed by people with dopamine problems and severe mental illness caused by hypersexualisation (yet nobody is having sex or children anymore), and reality that death is inevitable and they will die alone. this is your great legacy you prods, you damn prebysterians. and you think im the one not laughing? i am dancing on the grave! and thats why the jannies are constantly banning me because they know that the ultimate rejection of all contempoary "-ISM" lifestyle choice smade by self-righteous naricisstic w*myn in their late 30s who fuck dogs and will die in their 60s from wine and drug overdoses will lead to nothing. thats why they censor everyone and ban you for """racism""" anyone who speaks with -ISMs is a FAGGOT.
im tired of regulating my self. why do we exist in a world of so much regulation? regulate all things in your mind and yet the media runs hyper sexualization mind campaigns all around us, nudity, sex, fucking, and nobody fucks nobody has families. single women in their 30s walk around with dogs wearing little jackets and this is how we are suppose to live and treat as normal? i feel like everyone in the world is a mentally ill trauma patient that is going through the stages of grief and middle aged crisis im seeing 20 year olds who look and smell like 80 year old dementia patients on their deathbed riddled with bed sores and cancers. i am not TUNING IN to your fake and gay protestant islamic world view you cannot force me to accept you for who you are and i am tired of your talk of DEI tolerance there is no artistic reason why i should tolerate anything or anybody and suggesting i should sounds like absolutely desperate cope from you and your gay faggot friends
Based, but take your meds.
not quite what I had in mind but I can see the appeal.
Life was amazing till lately.
heres the biggest thing on my mind today. i was walking home from a long and boring day at my job where all the people were complaining about a freeze in their wages, and then i hear people in france today cheering on higher taxes, more migration, less culture, more rules regulations more people for media to write about, more e-celebs this is the kind of shit that the souless prebysterian "soul" has vomited out for us to "enjoy". when i am drunk i like to pick fights with teenagers because they are so meek and careless. imagine being 20 years old with a half shaven head with a variety of -ISM pins on your jacket demanding people to be obedient to the -ISM you have faith in this is the kind of young mind produced today in those factories they call schools what kind of school is it that doesnt teach youth how to fall in love and yet we live in a world with the least amount of love in it in the history of the world.
this is unironically gay
Why? What the fuck? Do you think men should only be allowed to like submissive simpering bimbos?
To get an elite wife you have to be an elite man.
i love cute girls i love to fuck them but i love romance i love talking until 6am and taking them dancing at 7am and out for a coffee at 8am when the cafes start opening up. and then i talk to 20 year olds, who are in bed by 10pm after jacking off or the girls are taking pictures of their assholes to sell to southeast asians for $5 a piece and then they grow up and hit their 30s and realise they've watsed their life so they buy dogs and little jackets for these dogs and call them human names and push them around in carriages and talk to themselves and eventually overdeose on some chinese manufactured drug that the mexicans brought in through their childrens assholes when they were escorted in by the border patrol flops who are all mexican themselves, and the french have the fucking nerve to still call themselves lovers
no but like, this is an attraction to masculine behavior. its not literally cock sucking gay but it is definitely spiritually gay.
when i was arrested while attending a fake lecture at hampshire college in 2014 there was nothing they could do about laughter. the problem with every -ISM is it requires unfunny protestant-muslims who sit around in drag and think they're young girls but in reality they're unfunny fat old w*myn or pisspoor lanklet "men" with the charisma of a toad and the smell of shit about them, as if they somehow naturally produced the odour of death on them as they are living in a constant deathstate with no actual connection to life or the desire to live. you see the pride parades. flags like little sycophants, a few old men jacking themselves off frothing at the mouth to children, some men jacking off with buttplugs and dog hoods on their heads, some women urinating themselves or bleeding from their vaginas and trying to feed kids their period blood. these people are goign to die childless and thats the great nauseau i think they live with daily, and their behavior takes great influence from the fact that, ultimately, the invetiable True Daeth that will cut them down as it cut down the Khan will, in the sum total end of their stinking miserable lives, perhaps allow for a deathbed epiphany where they realise just how boring they truly were and i will be laughing at them, even then.
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Literally me
im dating a girl now for 5 months she sews dresses and plays some obscure instrument and i think that in this way i could have a child with her. passion is a rare thing these days, passions without concern for rhetoric or -ISM. everybody is so hung up on "politics" they forgot how to lift a girls skirt up or dance with her and take her for a drink and maybe kiss her with a cigarette, or just watch her pick flowers for awhile under a warm sun or hold an umbrella while the rain comes down and she talks about how she cant wait to get home and paint something. and then those artist girls that claim to be artists but sit around on their tablets looking at porn all day or deciding that they will spread their asshole open for 60 year old indonesian child pimps on the internet and you ask yourself what you are going to do with your life. well its not fashionable to have a baby they say, so they instead buy a little dog a put a sweater on it and start sobbing into the pillow at night because True Death is going to cut them down like the Khan and they'll not be able to do anything about it.
what artistic value does tolerance give me? why do the jannies enforce non-literary themes on a board dedicated to passion, writing, sex, literature these are all connected. wheres the music in some stifling old janitor mosing into my business because i laugh at some stupid monkey the government brought in to star in DEI movies about african english aristocracy?
Nice prose, sad it will be burnt down together with everything that could remind people of the 21st Century.
i would take your fucking stupid jannie fucking head in a fucking giant vice grip and fucking squeese your fucking tolerant skull until it popped like a fucking piss filled water balloon in some grimy faggot sex hotel in LA
cigarette break but i dont think im coming back for awhile
>Write What's On Your Mind

The Originator, the Fashioner, the Righteous Judge

The Subtle One, the Maintainer, the Sustainer
all the romanian scaffolders at my work:

The Truth, the Light, the Savior of Mankind

The Conquering Lion of Judah, the King of Kings
I'm not neurodivergent, I'm an Aryan.

To keep steady consciousness of the divine is to encourage obedience in body and mind
What is a cope about that? Perhaps my internet lingo is rusty, but I'd just like to know.
A cope like you like the idea of making an epic poem of math but you will actually just randomly give up after like 40 hours, max.
This is what's on my mind.
I'm 14 and the dawn sun lights up the stained glass on the front door which creates staffs of light in the dust. The sun and planets all conspire in moving trillions of tons of material to make this fleeting moment happen. In that moment I was enlightened and hecking euphoric.
Now I think Jesus was there too. It even happened on Easter but the significance may be "only" psychological. It was one of the first decent sunrises after the winter, the symbolic death followed by resurrection.
What is a digital harem? I knew a guy in college that had 3 girlfriends.
You underestimate how autistic I am. That said I am more than willing to give up if I find that it can't be done effectively, or backburner it if it's arbitrarily difficult to do effectively. That's why I asked here if anyone knew of anything comparable. I know of math doggerel but it is all terrible. Flatland gives me hope, but I am not sure there exists of subjection from |good poetry| onto |good prose|. If anyone can convince me that one exists then I am willing to devote arbitrary amounts of energy to this project. It did come to me in a dream after all but I cannot remember a single line I dreamt, only my enraptured state on waking
My point is they’re not better. They’re just different. One person chooses to spend their life playing video games, another chooses to become a writer. One chooses to become an accountant, another becomes a soldier. One isn’t necessarily better than the other. They’re just different.
What city do you live in do you like it? I’m living in the suburbs of one of the bigger cities in the U.S. and I’m really starting to hate it here.
*That there exists *a* surjection. Pardon me. My native language is French but I don't want to write my poem in French because Alexandrins are shit.

I will not tell you. However I have lived in enough US cities to write them all off as awful. If I were you I would move to the countryside with a stack of books because the US countryside is the best in the world.
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How do I handle being lonely. I haven't got a singel friend for over a decade. I can't do anything. All i do is browse youtube, 4chan and play multiplayer games because reading and playing singelplayer games cause me to be extreamly lonely which distracts me too much to do anything with my life. I have no idea about being social and the only thing I know is what I want and what I want is to find someone I can trust, is patient and is willing to listen to me and spend time with me, and I want to be in person, not online. I crave human connection but I have severe trust issues to point I don't even trust my own parents yet alone strangers.
Man writes because creating fictional universes is the closest one can get to becoming a God.
I think the countryside would be even worse. There’s nobody there.
People who dislike solitude on principle are only admitting that they are not even entertaining enough to entertain themselves. Note that being in the countryside doesn't even imply that you have to remain there indefinitely: therefore you are admitting you are not even interesting enough to interest yourself momentarily. This is made all the more ridiculous by the fact that there are many excellent rural universities in the US. So you are not worthwhile and I don't care where you choose to live until you become so.
I think it’s obvious that your single biggest problem is how you spend your time. You don’t do things with your time that even allow for the possibility of meeting people. You probably have a pretty severe internet addiction. My advice, honestly, would be to try to find a part-time job in some setting that allows you to be a little social, like a restaurant or a bar or a store or anything other than like IT basement dweller really. Just gradually get to know people through that and if there is someone you click with, which there probably will, ask them after a few months to hang out, get a drink, play a game, whatever. Alternatively, join some group activity and resolve to get good at it. It doesn’t matter if it’s run club, a BJJ gym, a book club, a dinner club, a dance class, wine tasting club, cooking class, a car club, whatever. Just go consistently and commit to getting good at the activity. Personally. I would recommend the classes because they only meet for a few weeks at most so if you find yourself embarassed it’s over in a few weeks and that’s that. That is pretty much the step by step process of how to meet people socializing. But the real question you will have is how to do all this comfortably, without crippling anxiety and cynicism. The answer is simple. You commit to honesty and open yourself to good things. If you do that, you allow yourself to be in a situation where you can meet someone and have your attitude be like “yeah I’m a bit of a loner and even though I’m a bit awkward and embarrassing and maybe even depressing I’m trying to make a connection and I’m actually open to that good outcome happening, which is a happy thing”. People will naturally gravitate to people who can balance honesty with positivity. Too often loners and introverts continue to fail because they always have an attitude that assumes the negative. They become depressing people who aren’t really looking for something enjoyable or fun, they just want a Misaki to drop in and change their lives. But it doesn’t work like that. People are also looking for something from you, just like you’re looking for something from them. They want a friend, and not a therapy patient. You have to be open minded enough to let a friendship happen.

Try that.
I'm flexing my balls.
I don’t dislike solitude. I crave solitude actually. I just realize a life in nothing but leads nowhere. By the way, have you ever been in a rural university? It’s just a lot of college kids day drinking.
Are you West Chester anon? If so, eat shit you little bitch
>BJJ gym
Why am I suddenly seeing so many anons mentioning this?
>I just realize a life in nothing but leads nowhere.
I don't understand this sentence. Please be clearer.
>By the way, have you ever been in a rural university? It’s just a lot of college kids day drinking.
Rural universities do involve many college kids day drinking, yes. I deeply disagree with your assertion that this is *all* there is. Moreover, many of the greatest humans currently alive or dead have been alcoholics. I don't see your point unless you are trying to justify an insecurity by dismissing a whole category of experience out of hand.
It’s just a common interest
I meant to say a life in nothing but solitude leads nowhere. I’m not really dismissing it. I went to one of those small colleges in rural America.
I was not suggesting a life of nothing but solitude. I could not interest myself indefinitely but I could for a very long time. I would like to live in the rural US near a good college.
Midday drunk and making burgers on my George Foreman grill I keep in my bathroom because the plastic is potentially toxic to birds, listening to a Lionel Richie song I've never heard before on the radio

Sometimes you have to stop and just think "I am the happiest man in the world right now"
Why? To me that sounds like guaranteed solitude because your friends would all basically be kids. Did you go to college?
Love watching this guy intellectually ragdoll catholic larpers
Used to get angry that they didn't even understand how btfo they got, but now I think that's the best part honestly.
Can't wait to read his new book.
I mentioned upthread that I has a degree in math. It's forgivable if you happen to have missed that because the format of 4chan hardly invites consistency.
I would want to socialize with professors and faculty more. If you aren't on that level in any field then I can imagine a college town being quite dull indeed. Even if I were not my ideal life would be one of rural solitude with occasional excursions into the city. Twice a year for several weeks would be enough. I am jealous of US citizens who have the option of moving relatively easily to their countryside.
I know /lit is filled with women because this is the only board on which I get banned for 'racism'. An indefinite term that only the female brain can pretend to believe in.
orson welles said every man who is any kind of an artist has a great deal of female in him

>Shakespeare was clearly tremendously feminine. Every man who is any kind of artist has a great deal of female in him. I act and give of myself as a man, but I register and receive with the soul of a woman. The only really good artists are feminine. I can’t admit the existence of an artist whose dominant personality is masculine.
I doubt professors socialize much with people not affiliated with their university or another. Either way, sounds like a total snooze to me. To each their own I suppose. I’ve never really felt at home in an overly intellectual circle though. Then again, neither have I felt at home with the shallow bug people out there either.
I say a lot of racist stuff and have never been banned for it.
That is true. My biggest problem with going outside and being social is people being hostile towards me, again. The problem is that I'm not afraid of confrontation, but exhausted and concerned about myself and others around me. I already meet plenty of hostility, especially mother but my family in general anytime we talk. If I were to go out just for people to reject me and come back to my once again drunken mother, pushing my emotional buttions while in vulnerable state I would snap, I'm already weakend and I can not afford to snap, again. If I'm going to go and meet people I MUST know Ill be in good hands, but I do have doubts anybody does or ever will care enough to do that, hence why I'm so alone.
of course, there have been many attacks on protestantism but i wonder if anyone has ever explored or at least identified this specific weakness before. it is something i would like to loosely define as a kind of "structural theological decay", that is, due to the lack of a centralized organizational superstructure defining things as this or that theologically, as the many various catholic councils have done from Nicene to Constantine, the protestant will initially be very similar to catholics, but over time turn into something very different

the reason way is simple, and is the cause for the many upon many denomenations that plague the modern Christian world: whenever protestants disagree, there must by definition be this great temptation to just split off and form a new denomenation, again and again, until the starting point is entirely unrecognizabls. this i think, is why there are still very "conservative" (for now at least) denomenations and the rise of these more "progressive" denomenations at least theologically that range from Jesus to was not really God (the Arrian heresy rises again) to Jesus-was-just-a-teacher-and-was-all-metaphor-bro and even so far as the you-can-use-female-pronouns-fod-God crowd. it is incredible the depths men have in regards to twisting scipture to fit their own materialistic goals, especially political ones

a family member of mine, a protestant, would always tout at me that he goes to a "Bible-based" church but to me that seems incredibly dangerous, as "Bible-based" does not mean "Bible-only" and one is subject to random people making stuff up and twisting words along with translation games to fit their narrative, and not God's narrative. truly as corrupt the Catholic church is alleged to be, at least they haven't budged much on key theology (Vatican 2 made changes yes, but core theological theory and the catechism ramained largely the same). every game needs a referee, every court a supreme court, there must be definitive decisions on things rather than a celebrity pastor telling you what's what, rather than the official word of a one true universal church built up over thousands of years
It sounds like you are young with a normal level of insecurity and still trying to find your niche. Best of luck, anon.
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this sounds digital, and awful. i respect the era and vibe though
how does that sound digital? Its an acoustic guitar, bass guitar and drums.
even after beating this game you come here and show me what it could have been, making me lament about the fact its over, thank you and fuck you anon; now give me more
>Its an acoustic guitar, bass guitar and drums.
thanks buddy, i thought i was hearing xylophone and piano. what the fuck do you think i mean?
Are peanuts good on pizza? Both start with p.
All of you should just an hero. I hope you all experience gruesome and violent deaths.
Just convinced my boss to pay me 30$/hr tomorrow when I wasn't even full time. He should really hire a manager soon lol!
You can try CBT used for OCD to stop compulsions. I'm not saying you have OCD, just that the techniques apply to all forms of thought stopping.
I used to
Still do sometimes.
But nobody's coming to save you, not even spirits.
I live in jersey city.
I used to say "near nyc" or "a suburb of nyc" to anyone not in the tri state area, since nobody knows where Jersey city is.
But for some reason that makes people think you're being uppity or a social striver, instead of trying to tell people where you are geographically.
So now I say northern new jersey.
This weird social thing where I can't say "a suburb of nyc" and people look down on new jersey, are my only complaints about it.
Its beautiful; I'm right next to a park; right next to everything; good food; lots of happy young families. Very rapidly gentrified affer I moved here. I can get to the center of nyc within 20ish minutes.
The older I get the more i hate religious people.
I've become "that guy".
I don't really mind.
I never truly thought it would happen to begin with.
i used to feel embarrassment (grew up with it so at youth) seeing comments online but now it's normal to see people express themselves even if it's completely obtuse
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I have absolutely no idea of what to do of my life, I keep trying and giving up things and I get nowhere, it is either that I get scared I'm not going to make it or I realize I don't like it, but either way I end up giving up
I don't know what to do.
i hjate being a perfectionist
cant continue writing because i have to choose between 3 plot points and i dont know which would be better
too retarded to live, not retarded enough to die.
i have experienced sex, actually. you should try it
play videogames until your late 30s, working as little as possible. it's pretty sweet
I understand. How old are you?
After a lifetime of mental health interventions, concussions and stress, I feel spent at 34. It feels like I'm exploding in this whimpering way, every day is a tremor less strong than the last, and somehow my tolerance for the anxiety and the fits of rage diminish with each wave. I'm losing my ability to feel and yet the internal intensity, relative to my other emotions, remains blaring and drowning. All I can see it phenotypy. I've been locked into this beginning with reading about my psychiatric issues as a teen, and being measured up and down. I'm not an incel, because it goes further than that, and because I don't hold women in contempt. Worthlessness was encoded in me because I'm one of billions of shards of chaff that were created to be trumped in the endless heterogametic contest that defines our nature. If pleasure is out of the question because my prefrontal cortex is atrophied and my dendrites and receptors are singed, what am I doing? A noose around my neck has proven too frightening every time. Catholic training left a whisper in the back of my mind that scares me out of a confrontation that ends in me being down to hell. They raised me to seek beauty, and love, and I know I can neither make the former nor live the latter. The suffering isn't unique either, it's mandatory and inevitable, because without it the power and beauty of real people is without its elevating contrast. I wish more than anything that I could make something concrete and independently wonderful.
What are they
Let me choose
Penis pizza
I'll never finish my book
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A girl smiled at me, like a flirtatious smile too. I dont know how to feel about this
You sound like someone who identifies with their mental health problems. Do you?
The least these car lobbyists could do is make cars that feel good to drive, and they can't do that anymore. Now people want walkable cities and public transportation or whatever. I don't blame them. New cars suck ass.
The sole government-mandated new car feature I actually like is the backup camera, it's actually very useful. The start stop nonsense and the internet connected bullshit is what needs to go.
it was the car lobbyists that determined that everyone in NA would live in suburbs with strict zoning
i like that movie
I feel like I can never trust anyone who cheated on someone. Like, unless it was some genuinely abusive relationship that they couldn't escape from like something out of John Jake's North and South.
It seems that everyone who is willing to cheat at any point, is eventually willing to do something else fucked up at some other point, without fail. Every fucking time, men and women. Their morals just aren't there for them to have cheated in the first place.
hate is a pretty strong word, what happened to make you feel that way anon?
I miss you.
I've been trying to teach English to some Chinese kid. I didn't realize how complicated the language was.
I have zero respect for people who cheat. It's disgusting, animal-like behavior.
we are animals
No, we're not. Unless you literally piss and shit everywhere and have no other thoughts besides eating, sleeping, and sex, that is.
I am an animal
You just did desu
Keep your stick on the ice
yes, we obviously are. and schopenhauer called the sexual instinct the kernel of the will to live.
From my mid 20s to my early 30s I watched some people in my social and family circles become more religious in direct proportion to them becoming worse as people and less attached to reality. I think if they'd been kept away from religion they'd still be salvageable instead of people I can't talk to anymore.
Plus all the normal objective reasons.
I hate having to work, I get home everyday and Im too tired to do anything other than something mindless. Its hard to accept I will have to do this until im in my mid 60s. It feels like im throwing my life away
just curious but do you know what specific church denomination they were involved with?

you do have my sympathy though anon, religion is supposed to better people, that's one of the key tenets: that people are fallen, and we live in a fallen world. it is just a pity that too often religion is confused between religious teaching and religious followers. religion is meant to be perfect, like mathematics, but obviously you can have bad math and bad followers. it is a shame to all religions when they give faith a bad name
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Not really. I did as a kid because I had no friends. For a long time, I was excessively reliant on the models for a way of understanding myself. Then my diagnoses were anulled, excepting OCD. They don't know what I've got, "Mixed Personality Disorder", which is a cop-out. I don't need their conceptions. All I know is that I am abnormal and pretty retarded. Verbose for a lack of concision and inability to contain ideas, excessively nervous, lots of disordered thinking, incapable of socializing. I feel jumbled all the time, there's not really a platform upon which to cultivate identity. The brain damage from my "mild" concussions didn't help. My instability precedes them.
trying actively to get a woman to cheat has probably been my most evil act. it never actually occurred but it was a nearly year long process that ending up breaking me (and presumably her bf more so than her). it's wild watching yourself transgress and in a semi-sober states actuate a plan so contradictory to your morals. there is some type of social alchemy that occurs once start to transgress in this way that is very strange. one the one hand, you go insane because you can't reconcile good/evil, but on the other hand you gain a sort of upward spiral of social dominance that feels almost mystical at times. There's energy released with every transgressive act and it certainly changes you. In some sense it's about seeing through the spell of social construction and mundane life by going to extremes either via drugs or evil deeds. all in all once you go far enough you know that Christ is the truth.
Every great person has died and everyone on this earth right now has lived a comparable amount of time to you, relative to world history, and therefore their time to learn and study the world has been similarly limited. If you have been diligent with your study and observation, you will arrive at the uncomfortable truth that every single person in the world is just another asshole doing their best. Anything can happen. Any. Thing.
today in american zoomer culture news: an autistic call of duty streamer has been discovered to be a former homosexual onlyfans fetish prostitute and zoomers are now morally obligated to show their support to him for being mocked
People have a much weaker grasp on morals than they think, and yet they strongly believe in their righteousness both through their sheltered lives insulating themselves from difficult decisions, and selective blindness towards unsettling truths. I know how true this is, because I know how damn hard it is to willingly see the truth. How distressing it is. How much sacrifice is involved. It is fucking hard if you've spent your whole life in this dead machine society.

You quite literally are. That's the worst part about modern society. It ails us with constant suffering, but provides just enough of its socially-acceptable entertainment to stifle frustration. It is a fucking fight to try to be a human being, because nobody around you cares. They just go "haha everythings getting worse, politicians should do something and I want to kill myself!" and then they go play videogames and watch tiktok instead of DOING something. When our children are forced to finally deal with this shit instead of waiting for their obviously corrupt and bought politicans to "pass a law" because everything has fallen apart so much that they are working 80 hour weeks and are no longer able to consume their salving entertainment, will they forgive us for doing nothing? What was our excuse? But of course the rebuttal: Why should we care?
It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have libs running the country to the ground
>walking down residential road
>dude drives by flooring his v8 mustang
>shits so loud my ears ring
>flip him off

Post gay thots here
It definitely is a slippery slope. The hierarchical contexts matters. Powerful/desirable people cheat constantly, it's in their repertoire of social games for the pursuit and maintenance of dominance. They can do plenty and stop, or never consider stopping and others will have to eat shit. Combat in the upper echelons never ceases. On the other hand, for regular clowns like myself, it's an underhanded tactic that is seldom worth bucking the rules for. You get inured to the fear of getting caught, and chase greater transgressions. Maybe a bit of autodenigration in there, too. I hate myself, so I make myself into a worse person.
Why the feminine?
Silence is violence
>slimy christschizo coping
Kill yourself demon
Seems like circular reasoning. You presuppose religion to be irrational and immoral, so as they become more religious you perceive them as worse, which you then use to support your initial proposition. I need specifics. How exactly are they worse morally or less attached to reality?
It's religion versus spirituality. Religion are outward ordinances and rituals, not unlike the Old Testament Law. Spirituality is the inward transformation of the heart. A lot of people are religious without the spirituality.
The only winning move is not to play

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