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/wwoym/ write what's on your mind

more pigeon edition

last >>23572871
Would you agree with the following statement?
>People who commit evil are our fellow sufferers. It may not be possible to see it at times but they are driven to their actions by a process as painful as the suffering they inflict on others.
Not really but they tend to feed into the good which feeds back into evil. It’s a cycle.
depends massively on the particulars
generalizing about a concept as big as Evil is fucking stupid

may as well ask "how long are snakes"
I hate thinking about suicide because it prevents me from actually do it
There's a storm drain by my apartment building. A long sloping tunnel leading under the road from a ditch. If I crawled deep enough into it and shot myself there's a chance no one would find me for a long time.
I can't tell if the problem with this board is that Zoomers don't read, or that third-worlders don't read. Granted, they're ESLs, but that's immaterial.
Why did bluekatie do that with the lip gloss... That's not appropriate
this has some of the worst writing on any board on 4chan. something about reading old literature and having a stick up your ass about it produces just the most garbage stuck up writing that is totally self indulgent and boring to any normal person.
I have a very grand, strong sounding name. I hope normative determinism comes into play soon
>Hurt people hurt people

Yes, but the popularity of this notion and the instance in a lot of modern media of reducing all anti-social behaviour as being motivated by trauma is more indicative of how pervasive therapy-speak has become, and how the Therapy itself has taken on a pseudo-religious function in the anglosphere west with the decline of Christianity among a population still susceptible to its forms, avenues of catharsis, and the sentiment of universality, even if greatly diluted and secularized. The sentiment that no soul is irredeemable, and the act of confession medicalized. Curious that this has happened in conjunction with people also openly declaring their political enemies, followers of certain social trends and values, "demons" or "possessed" in public discourse. A doubling down of the remaining non-secularized holdouts. You never had either form of language used in mainstream civil discussion 80 years ago when the kind of irreligiousness we see so commonly now was unthinkable to most.
I see an unwillingness to confront Evil as such, or conceive it as an metaphysical absolute, as an extension of the technocratic imperative of highly managerialized society to approach all things as engineering problems, an unwillingness to concede non-mutability as an unwillingness to accept limits of control.
Domestication will continue until all friction is eliminated.
My last name is Strong.
I can't figure this out.

I don't know what I want. I don't know if I like girls or men or tgirls or if it's just meta attraction. Being a girl and imagining myself feminized is hot but wearing a dress and making myself more feminine isn't arousing at all, it just feels normal. I kinda laothe women for natually being what I want and being allowed to be feminine. I also hate them for being kind of idiots. I hate and love my own mannerism and way of talking, it is very masc and vulgar. I don't identify as anything at all, I am just me. I am a man because that is the path of least resistance.
Is there a term for people who get disconcerted by those who don’t share their social values? There’s someone at my workplace who gets upset when he hears that I don’t think highly of partying, womanizing, etc. He knows I’m an introverted sperg, but he’s hellbent on trying to get me to see how being a virgin who doesn’t party makes someone a loser.
You are gay
You're just a narcissist. Get a hobby and stop thinking about yourself for a minute.
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>2 am
>time to open the widow and get some cold air flowing
>its still fucking 26*C outside and im better off keeping the window shut

my leaf constitution is not built for this shit, god damn
youre a man because thats literally what you are jack ass

you cant not be a man
>normie tries to make friends with anon
>>hey anon, let’s go to the club and fuck some whor-
t. Anon coworker
My first kiss was with a homie when we were both like 6
Extremely cringe and painful memory
who says I'm gae
george floyd propylon cyborg technology
new microsoft project george floyd negroid propylon cyborg technology negroid freud microsoft
new microsoft project george negroid propylon cyborg technology negroid freud microsoft bill gates NIGGER afro micro
drone glocial swarthoid negroid hologram surveillance project
for new microsoft cybertronic nigger part brain matter
codex manipulation for reptoid negroid neo-cortex
symboidic nigger afro nano-bug infestation CGI negroid israelite CIA
new microsoft project george negroid propylon cyborg technology
negroid monkey data-chip DNA blood analysis
It is perhaps one of the greatest cosmic jokes that the people provided with the most otium to engage in creative endeavours are almost always the people least suited for such activities.
>implying that’s a bad thing
True creativity is pretty rare. Most “creatives” just mindlessly copy
I have a similar issue with some black dude who constantly acts like a macho sleazebag and it’s extremely off putting. Why are they like this?
I was stripped of my right to my grandparent's garbage. Fucking hell. Can't even get to see the old and curious things they left behind. That's been fucking sold sold so they could move to another continent.
Fucking Boomers. They are so careless with the past. They'd throw everything away on a whim.
Mind you, this was, I guess, justified because my parent's and uncles all live far away from my grandparents and they are getting old. However, I'm still pissed at it. Fifty plus years of life, thrown away. Fifty years of life I never got to see because I was on another fucking continent.
It comes from a sense on insecurity. It’s not simply that they want to be “top of the pack”, they also want everyone to acknowledge that their midwit worldview as the one holy truth. Truly resolute people on the other hand just don’t give a shit
sense of*
I've been trying to get into new books and I fucking hate it when the writer bombards me with so many fucking characters right at the very start. It's the ick that makes me stop reading immediately. Keep it light, introduce them slowly and make sure each character is radically different from one another so I can really paint a picture of them in my head. Some of these stories I've read have long drawn out character introductions and a friend group will have characters who are basically carbon copies of each other that could honestly just be one character instead.
As a person, I've been very lucky to keep all my grandparents into my young adulthood, considering they were all born in the thirties. Unfortunately I've met them jack all in my life because they all live in another continent. I love them and everything (well the maternal ones, anyway, the combined time I have spent with the paternals over my conscious life is less than a month.)
Aside from my parents, an uncle and two siblings, despite having a very large extended family and many siblings, they all feel like strangers to me, maybe acquaintances. Some of them I've never even met or heard about before my my mother dismayedly tells me they died over dinner. "Uncle X died!" (Her uncle, for the record, my great-uncle) how am I supposed to react to that? I never met the guy in my life. Sometimes I feel more like it's my parents family and I'm just kind of there. They are not my (half) siblings, they are my father's/Mother's children, they are not my uncles, they are my parent's siblings, they aren't my cousins, they are the children of my parent's siblings, etc.
My whole-life I've been chained to all of this, and I don't even get part of their stuff. Not their books, not their trinkets, nothing!
It's all gone.

They are old and curmudgeony, but I guess I can spend more time with my maternal grandparents now.
I don't even get my parent's past, they'll just throw that away to reduce clutter in their living room. I just get the emptiness, I get to have the shadow of their accomplished lives loom before me. Empty achievements, empty family, empty man.
And don't get me wrong, I love them. But it bugs me how they'll just throw all of that away.
A friend just told me that a pretty important part of job interviews is just the energy a candidate brings.

Skills and experience all equal, if I'm an under-confident sad sack with energy that brings down the room, then the org simply wouldn't want me in their team. Why would they? But if I'm good smart dude that brings a positive energy and constructive personality to the team, then they'll just like being around me, which ofc improves your chances.

I hadn't thought about it like that before but that makes so much sense. Like they're not just hiring some dude, they're hiring someone they'll likely spend hours and hours together every day
Yeah ultimately getting the job done does not matter. Having someone "fun" or who ticks the correct political boxes is more important than competence.
Why do modern audiences and, since they willingly produce it, writers hate genuine, active heroism?
Wanting do to the right thing always comes after being pushed into a corner.
Killing the bad guys only comes after letting them commit atrocity after atrocity and, even then, it usually only comes with the bad guy falling to his death or being killed as a result of his own actions.
Is it too much to ask for a hero who wants to do good the whole time?
>it too much to ask for a hero who wants to do good the whole time?
Probably yes
Seems this article is complaining about the same thing /lit/ complains about in regards to immigrant literature from a different angle.

I know exactly what you mean. You gotta watch shounen anime or play Japanese video games if you want such heroics. The entire modern western world is cucked in its storytelling.
goo goo gah gah
>The entire modern western world is cucked in its storytelling.
Tell when the rot began to set in and it will tell me all I need to know about you
I'll read it but by god do i hate Jew York """"""""literature""""""""""
no merit, no genuine thought, no style, no soul, just surface-level pandering churned out garbage crafted specifically to maximize social media share(a?)bility and/or allow the writer to virtue signal just enough to whatever in-group they want to break into. the longer i stare at it, the more i nauseous i become.
He would just punch me if I said that though. He also says weird things all the time about him being black and how he’s a disadvantaged even though it seems from what I’m seeing it’s the exact opposite, considering how the entire world bends over backwards for his kind.
From what it appears the author themselves lacks the ability to have introspection but that’s probably because they’re female I’m guessing.
Shounen has a lot of the same problem, where the MC believes that killing the bad guy is an evil act.
I've done a couple job interviews and how someone carries himself is very important.
Now I'm not a woman so I care less about if someone seems fun or not, but the ones that seemed focused and with a goal in mind are the ones I hired the most.
Insecurity is a turn off like with almost everything. I don't want to handhold you into your new job. Especially if it deals with other people, speaking with confidence is important.
Something that frequently works for me at job interviews is flexibility and demonstrating it when they ask questions you aren't quite prepared to answer.
Unless your job requires experience, in which case you probably have some confidence about your past experience, they're looking to see if your mindset is right. Almost every job requires someone who can roll with the punches.
Even factory work requires some lateral thinking, in times of trouble.
I am not gay, I like women. Men too but only when I am dressed up.
>author themselves lacks the ability to have
elaborate please, i haven't had a chance to read it yet
That's you being a faggot.
You asked this in the last thread as well, stop boring people by posting your gay story again.
I hate everything about this gay earth.
It’s Jew York times, I thought you would know better
what are you saying anon? that article complains about jew york lit, right? So

>author themselves lacks the ability to have introspection
where is the author of the article showing a lack of introspection? note I haven't read the actual article
oh are you saying that the author of this article shitting on jew lit writes this article with the exact same circlejerk style, intellectual complacency, spiritual bankruptcy as grade-A jew lit? If so, then that's based
How illuminating. I bet you're fun at parties
This guy is eating an apple in an extremely faggot way. I am more than annoyed.
My level of intellect comes in waves. If I've been engaging in brainrot activities for a while, then it takes my brain at least two weeks of mumbling, bumbling, and grievous anxiety until it sets itself will enough to talk and think with respectable level of confidence and competence
Listening to Bat Out of Hell by Meat Load (the album) for the first time, this shit is pretty good.
Stop making sense. It's wasted here on 4chan. Thank you for the effort, however
I had a dream that I was like a skeleton, or mummified dehydrated corpse thing, and I was walking across the land alone and I had this little bag of tools on my waist, mostly scalpels and stuff made from bone, that I would use cut dead bodies I found as I wandered. I had this understanding that tools were given to me a long long time ago by my mother, and they were the last thing I had that connected me to anything from my own past, and that made me feel really sad but I had been "alive" wandering around for so long I couldn't remember anything else.
Had a chicken sandwich for lunch today, shit was badass, hell yeah.
Stop posting this every fucking thread. It's trite and we don't fucking care
I should stop caring about people dying, they're going to die regardless of whether I want them to or not.
Why is it that I pretty much exclusively listen to love songs but have no interest in finding love in real life?
Unrealized longing
That's a good hypothesis.
I'm full of good hypotheses ironically. Very few people ever listen though
Why did everything get worse after the late 2000s?
For me, it feels like the cool future could no longer be imagined. I recently watched that old Halo trailer and I remembered how cool it was seeing that was back in 2012 and how ridiculous it would be today. I tend to think it was internet and social media discourse that really ruined everything.
the rate of innovation and progress lowered while the rate of people/wealth on earth increased. If our progress in technology and logistics and culture outpaced the birthrate or the birthrate wasn't as high then it not much would have changed since like 1970s. Mind you both those values are still positive meaning its not all terrible.
Has the wealth increased? Wealth is faker than ever. It’s just business valuations. And even that is lower in real terms. Pretty much every developed nation has seen lower growth rates since the 90s.
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I didn't get my childhood sweetheart so i took control of the simulation and ruined it for everyone.
People have naive faith in a hierarchy, exchanging their independence for the vague promise of improved living standards. As the hierarchy became entrenched and fewer and fewer people could even imagine an alternative, their mandate to improve the quality of life has been progressively eased. Our contemporaries have been convinced that they should accept stagnation in exchange for yet more of their independence, which is, of course, the wrong decision.
You will live to see a complete backslide of human wellbeing and any groups who complain about it will be accused of somehow collaborating with 'the enemy', that being an existing country or a vaguely defined ideology.
It does, but there are a lot more people now than ever to divide it between them, resulting in average person being poorer and the gap between rich people even longer.
I agree with the general idea: we sin because we have not faith in God, feel fear, and think it will ease our suffering. In fact it just does the opposite.
I've thought about this a lot, and in general I believe the advent and popularity of social media is to blame. Everywhere I go, no matter where I am, everyone I see, there they are: on their smartphones. And what are they doing on their ssmartphones? Usually browsing social media. Or, if they are not, they have their airpods in, listening to some podcast, which is probably corrupting them in much the same way social media does. The average person lives on the internet. It has destroyed organic roles between sexes, faith in humanity, and faith in God: each person is their own God. Organic, human to human interaction is gone. I can't remember the last time I had a casual conversation with a stranger when they used to be much more common.

And this isn't necessarily my isolationist tendencies talking, either. I've always been something of an introvert. But their is no longer any sort of unifying belief and common ground in our culture to bound the average person over. Try living in a big, major city and it's disgusting how liberal they are. Maybe that's what's talking, since I live in one of the most liberal cities on earth. It's like walking around in a techno beurocratic hellscape.

Anyway, that's my views on the matter. I'm 31 years old btw, if that means anything to anyone.
The mods need to permaban anyone who posts
>books for this feel?
I cant stop comparing myself to others and feeling extremely depressed because of it.
Why are you obsessing over random things around you? Surely you have something, anything better you could focus on. Sounds like manic-depression if you ask me.
That's actually a common thing to do. You have your own journey to worry about as they do theirs. Nobody's life is pretty anymore. Let it go
Most anons here don't really read or study old literature. It's evident by the writing that is posted here. Or, if they have read the classics or antiquity, they either read poor translations of it (happens all the time with the Greeks), or misunderstood what makes those works so remarkable and inspiring. Those who have studied antiquity seriously are often more in the mold of a critic than writer. /lit/ has more critics than writers, in my experience at least.
And anyone who uses a wojak or pepe image. 2/3rds of this board is shitposts. Pretty alarming, when you think about it.
male virginity
God and I
Are playing a game
Of Hide and Seek

I search
Our ways and means,
The boughs and streams

With light heart and open eyes,
Each overturned stone
A clue and totem, not
Debris from an absentee Father
We need to have a /bftf/ general as a containment thread and then ban anyone who posts those kind of questions outside of that.
The problem with this and /sqtddtot/ threads is that nobody maintains them
I wish I could let it go but its the source of anger, only it makes me feel alive because besides that I just have an immense sadness and thats a good as being dead. Everyone else is just better than me.
Like nobody posts enough to keep them from getting archived you mean?
Yes. They do pick up and people do post in them, and they have the potential to become another /wwoym/ and really clean up the board. But before that can happen there has to be someone who stops them from 404ing in the early days, until people know they're there and seek them out.
I've changed my relationship with pizza. Just realised that I much prefer watching videos of outrageously cheesey pizzas rather than actually eating any. The potential taste of those pizzas in my head is leagues better than any actual pizza's taste on my tongue.
Nothing to do with manic-depression.
I was just stressed over something with the bank. And generally I'm easily annoyed by those things. Whether it be someone drinking their food down or sipping their coffee in a gay way.
I'm reading Mario Puzo's The Family, about Pope Alexander VI and the Borgias.
I went into it expecting it to be a reasonably entertaining historical novel with some exaggerated drama, but it's obvious the author literally did not know how to write how people talked and acted in the 1400s. It doesn't even make up for that in the drama factor either. Very disappointing.
There's a scene where the Pope forces his kids Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia to have sex with eachother (convoluted reasons about how "a woman can only be loyal to the first man she fucks so she needs to fuck her brother so her loyalty always lies with the family") and they just, do it. Not even the slightest objection from either of them. How very realistic.
You're a pizza cuck?
The Alice Munro thread has really been bumming me out the past couple of days.
One month ago, if you were to ask me my favorite food, the only answer I could give you would've been pizza. Have had at least a slice of pizza every other day and/ a full pie every weekend for the last decade and a half. I'm a fat fuck so I recently decided to stop for health reasons. I now see how much of my rating pizza was stress eating or emotional eating.
Enter nirvana;
Remain in nirvana;
Cease to Exist;
Lose Sentience;
Lose Nirvana;
Enter Samsara;
Gain Sentience;
Exit Suffering;
Exit Samsara;
Enter Nirvana;
Remain in Nirvana;
Cease to Exist;
Lose Sentience;
Lose Nirvana;
Enter Samsara;
Gain Sentience...
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>educated black/asian/indian women are always into me
>only really into trashy white women with fake asses and tits
I hate it...
you must be unfathomably dense if you'd rather have a white trash over an educated asian women anon. you are truly blessed. just marry the first of those chicks with a fat ass and cooking skills. your life is sorted.
Not if he's white, then he just regressed his kids' IQ by 20 points and turned them into a goblino.
The removal of IP count and the flood of AI slop/bot posting has turned 4chan into a worse version of Twitter
samefags are thriving since the IP count got nuked
I mean if he married his dream trashy bitch his kids IQs would've been the no different than the temperature at which water freezes anon. the asian chick is no doubt doing good bloodline a favor
I can deal with samefags, its a small website whatever. I just hate that we get astroturfed by bots or AI with ulterior motives. I enjoy the internet and sharing information with other people, not be marketed to by bots pretending to be human. It is unethical and wasteful.
Are you ESL, or just retarded,
Retarded, I'm a white adult male in the rural south of the US
/lit/ would be a better place if /wwoym/ threads were banned desu
No because this is the only place I can't post try hard stuff with being out place, makes me cringe posting stuff like I do here in /adv/ plus mods ban you for some reason
What's a nice name for a girl?
Why are you even here, you ESL retard? Do you even read?
I just converted to neoliberalism.
Sounds too old fashioned desu.
So far names that sound right as Melina and maybe Olivia
Already have an uncle called Richard but thanks for thinking with me.
My problems are too big and complex for a wwoym
30 minutes till I can see Ngubu work his magic
Tell them to a womyn instead bro
Personally I'm rooting for the Dutch Midfielder N'goji Mogbopo and future English legend Hakeem Jamal Mohammed
Write on me you nigger?
Check this
pwoaaah mate Hakeem Jamal Mohammed is a proper winger. Me I'm partial to M'ombambo Ume-Ezeoke from my town of Ipswich :flexing emoji: making the locals proud
lmao why u mad?
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Why do I think "Man, I wish I were her, I would get so much cock..." when seeing hot women or hot transwomen?

Because I am into women IRL and not men. Is it because I am KHHV?
Righto mate cheers to that, M'ombambo Ume-Ezeoke is a legend he is. Shame he had a bit of a domestic with the missus, got caught shagging some old scouse slag, hideous she was. anyway got me a feeling that our norwich man born and raised K'tumbo Saleem-Worthingham will have a proper run today

olright it's kickoff mate, cheers to the boys, its coming home this time it is
>wwoym = write whats on your mind
>womyn = write on me you nigger
is a dumb joke anon
Stop watching porn.
You're the worst poster in these shitty fucking threads. You disgust me, you self-absorbed, narcissistic, whiny little pervert. Shut the fuck up. Everyone hates you.
Just now realized why a friend of mine stopped talking to me.

A few months back, he asked me to lend him about 500 buckeroos which he promised to pay me back. I have a strict no lending policy (other than immediate family and a trusted SO) so I said no. I forgot all about it and asked him to hang out a bunch of times like we used to and he just never hung out with me. Always wondered why, thought he busy with family or work or whatever.

I just now connected the dots that he's probably not cool with the fact I didn't spot him the cash. Took me this many months to realize all this. I must be autistic.
Pump those brakes, Kyle
I am exclusively heterosexual, but so many of my favorite writers are gay guys: Rimbaud, Burroughs, Delaney, even Foucault!

I am 100% sure I am not a gay man.

What does this mean?
You are better off without him if he bases his friendship on whether someone loans him money or not
There might be a hidden percentage of you that is secretly gay. OR some people are great writers regardless of their sexual orientation
stop watching porn right now
Why are you gay?
Lesbians and faggots have a monopoly on good lit. Idk why you like pedo gays so much though, that's the real mystery
What do you think about the incessant necessity to be a part of a 'collective' instead of an individual? Why aren't people more empowered to show how great they are? Why are people so convinced they are less valuable or not perfect? What is the cause behind this? Could we find some kind of engine that causes this within society? That makes and places people into herds and makes them think they are not advanced or understanding enough for reality? Why and who is doing this and for what purpose?

Isn't the idea of no pussy no work something like that? An attempt to take advantage of people collectively at the expense of everyone else, like some kind of sociological warfare? What benefits from this, who benefits from this? Certainly not the individuals in the group. Why on Earth would anyone do this, when it's always a struggle to get with women anyway, not a hard struggle mind you, but a struggle regardless. Why wouldn't anyone just constantly try and do that, what benefit do you get from all belittling yourselves constantly and making it seem like you're all less than everyone else?

What kind of insidious machine is behind the mentality on here constantly? Not a good one, that is for sure. :3
You're gay because you like Foucault. Please keep away from children.
I just kissed my wife :o
I just kissed your wife too bro
pigeons had nests in the big barn, my little dog watched them for months, the babies came out and on to the ground and my dog mauled them to death, this pleased me to see my geriatric dog still kicking ass
The weather is too hot to think, its all melting away.
I've come to the conclusion, perhaps wrong, that to get a woman, I mean wife material, you have to provide her with socio-economic means. With that I don't mean you just have to have a big fat bank account, you actually have to be from the right parents, from the right family, from the right neighbourhood, from the right race, from the right ethnicity and on top of that you have to be a winner and a cultured man and good looking and have a lot of social contacts. If you can't provide her that you are basically not marriage material as a male. You might get laid a couple of times, or get into a relationship with some white trash low life or wogs, but you won't get a wife that is loyal to you, that actually loves you, that cares about you and the future, that actually contributes to the household and the raising of educated children, because basically you haven't even been born with the right prerequisites for that. You don't even get to inhabit the environment of those women, all you'll ever get a chance to get is white trash and non-white women, all whores, all ready to leave you over the smallest immodesty.
You, you pretend to, with the aids of herculean efforts and a row of happy miracles of some sort, get something the better half of your ancestors has never had to work for, and that the worse half of your ancestors has never felt the need for?
You are a worthless muttification of all the detrituses of families of white trash, and of those fully in the process of becoming white trash, and that's all you'll ever get in life, and you'll never be truly successful because socially you haven't been born to in an environment that breeds success.
disjointed and incoherent, yet obvious.
do you not have the capacity to properly structure such a simple idea?
i am sick and tired of low iq 16-21 year olds shitting up /lit/. even in wwoym.
PLEASE assume that you are the dumbest faggot in the room at all times before posting
>perhaps wrong
yea, it's all sorts of wrong. let me know if you need bullying
>PLEASE assume that you are the dumbest faggot in the room at all times before posting
I'm sorry, but this is an unconfident state of mind. It is something a nerd would say, not something a successful businessman says.
No it's correct. It's not even debatable. Righteous women only come from righteous, homogenous families, and if you want to have a woman who is capable of love, and who will love you, you have to be homogenous and from a righteous family just like hers, because humans are only capable of truly loving what is like themselves.
The people from other families are incapable of loving the other, because of trauma and because of that niggerish incompassion and impassivity towards the other shared by all the lower races, with wich they commit the most heinous acts of violence.
My recent sadistic pleasure has been seeing Canadians lose their minds over their country being overrun by chinese and pakistani people. The best part is that it is ENTIRELY their own fault. Their government literally just let them all in and now random canuck teens can't get a job in Tim Hortons and their land prices have skyrocketed. I just love it. Genuinely. Seeing these Canadians descend into this sort of cringe behavior after their entire identity on the world stage was based off of "being American but polite and cultured and progressive". Suck my cock, you moose fuckers. I shall enjoy with great pleasure as you tearfully suffer from the consequences of your own actions.
i understand that you assumed that this was some humbled stance that i also partake; it isn't.
No, I'm saying you're a nerd, you dumbass.
the next time you come at me with retard shit, don't obfuscate it with vague faggotry like righteousness and love.
lay it out like a man, and i will refute it as such. until you can do that, you're a pussyfooting beta. that's why you can't get women
i am cool though
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I have been reading in the park for more than a month now and I have bee approached by 0 cute virginal girls, in fact no one has even sat on the same bench as me.
Just took 22 mg SN. That's about it. This wasn't meant for me.
No, I didn't say I can't get women, I said the married life with a wife who loves you
.. that's a privilege for non-mutts from homogenous families only
you need to join islam
I would but I don't go outside
What is SN?
...said only by uncool people :3
That would make up for 22 years not spent in an ethnically homogenous Muslim youth.
Sodium Nitrite
Anon, please call poison control. I know I'm just a random dude on 4chan but I don't want you to throw your life away like this.
It's fine. I
I really hope this post is a joke.
If not, you still have time. Please call 911.
I find it thoroughly infuriating to interact with autistic people. The rare combination of above average/high iq and utter incapability of social awareness leads to interactions with test the absolute limits of my patience.
I highly recommend the movie Pacifiction (2022). Also, if anyone knows a movie like Pacifiction (2022), let me know.
Here I am again,, waiting on Chinese people. Why are they so bad at punctuality?
Semen nig
Why did Francoist Spain chose Calderon as their ultimate icon of spanish literature when the Mayor of Zalamea is about class warfare and pissing on nobles?
I’ve been a loner for five years now. I really need to go make some friends and get in a routine of going out with them weekly.
Every day I feel like tere's too much to do, not enough time in the day to enjoy it all.
What are you doing that you don't need to be doing?
I don't need to do anything.
Yes you do. You do eat food, after all.
What happened to white privilege? It was all anyone ever talked about but I just realized I havent heard that shit in well over a year.
I meant that there's not enough time to finish the things I'm enjoying. There's too many things to enjoy. I have a backlog of enjoying things.
You can hear it still in specific social media alleys
There's no such thing as white privilege. It's just black people are disadvantaged.
I hate this place so fucking much. I wish someone would just nuke us already so I wouldn't have to face this fly-infested shitstain of a city anymore
Is that Mexico?
Yeah, but it used to be inescapable. Every day, it was in the news, it was in schools, it was at work, movies, tv, even here on /lit/. Now it's just gone. Like sneakers in a riot.
>there are 3 genders only. Male, female and intersex. Others are just delusions made from psychotic brainrots whose father didn't come home with the milk in their childhood.
Try firing a black person from a job and see your HR rep start shrieking.
If you're English speaking there's probably only two. They're all delusions of language though. You probably mean sex not gender, and there are multiple ones of those too. You're hoping society stops liking things you don't like, and I sympathise because once I saw an MCU movie.
>all my old hobbies bore me
>can’t do shit for more than 30minutes
>just work and lift and study
I wish I could still find deep enjoyment out of video games and anime, people my age still babble about anime and I can barely sit through one episode every few days or so. Am I depressed or just grown up? What the fuck do I even do in my free time for fun?
There are only two genders. Mental illness is not a gender.
What do you end up doing when you give up on something after 20 minutes?
You're depressed.
Truly growing up is not caring about what others think about your hobbies.
Either I find some reason to go outside or start cleaning. Or scroll social media brainrot shorts. Even 4chan can’t hold my attention like it used to.
That's not a hobby problem or an age problem, that's a your-attention-span problem.
Cartagena, Colombia.
Have any of you actually ever taken an IQ test
Election happening soon and these dumb fucks on MSM seen to be bitching about trump or biden most time I've seen. Fox had a point for some issues with biden but 4 days later it was just beating a dead horse with the same stuff.
Taken one in jail and it came up to 135 I've asked him what it meant and the dude told me out of a room of 30 I'm smarter than half of them.
It was 98.
What the fuck am I supposed to do with my time after work. I feel lik the hours of 6pm to 10pm are just a dead zone where I sit around, waiting for it to be late enough to sleep.
Your about 10 points under what's considered genius level so yes thats very good
No. You typically only take an IQ test to prove you aren't retarded.
I really wish archives weren't a thing because due to OCD I keep revisiting a specific argument I had which is unforgettable in my mind due to the nature of it. Either way this place was founded with the idea all posts are ephemeral which is why archives shouldn't exist anyways.
Oh, is that right? Good to know.
This is probably true. I tested at 127 in middle school but they most likely only gave it to me to check if I'm retarded. Turns out I kind of am but I didn't realize that until later and I don't readily accept that anyways.
They had to start doing that because people were committing crimes and speaking about them here
Yes. It took three days to administer. This was in the 70s
I read
I'm too fucking tired to read
I will never write anything like Moby Dick and that's perfectly fine.
Yeah, I feel that
I've been listening to this tiktok slop on repeat lately.
Why the FUCK am I always so gassy?
You need money to live, so you have to work most of your life to make money to live. But working is not enjoyable, we’re forced to do it. So, is life supposed to be unenjoyable? Is there no better way to live? A system where we aren’t enjoying our lives five days out of the week? I’m suddenly feeling terribly devastated at the fact that we are being robbed of our days and literal lives. There must be a different way to live. This is not the way we should be living.
I want a cool pen name like Trevanian but everything I come up with sounds like a dr Seuss character
Have you considered Dr. Niggersmasher?
>But working is not enjoyable
Not always true. Meaning and joy can be found in work, and hard work is always worth something to someone. That said, the zeitgeist of work in this world is severely off-kilter and really needs to be addressed at some point.
I like my tutoring job.
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But a pithy indagated spittle he sayeth. Wrought into the time of the cretinous horde. Forsake not my kin and soul. Forsake not my golden bowl. In the tower atop the post, the village idiot adorns his host. A crimple flower of meat sack range. Indignantly flaunt a farting sage. For what do we fight, in blood we dance. My mother's womb, I slid from tranced. Alpaca wool upon my skin. Butcher bloody, battled thin. Amen, bretheren.
A battled, fought and tiresome lot. Suckling the tit of their mother not. In decadent green and splendid bloom, they eat the milk from the others bosom. The suckled lips upon the teat, a whisp on sound from liquid meat.
No work can be enjoyable when you are forced to do it for a certain time frame, certain type and amount of days, and at a specific designated area. Those are the characteristics of a labor camp. No work can be enjoyable if it takes away with your basic needs as a human, leaving you only with four spare hours each day to eat, socialize, romance, exercise, learn, relax and sleep. Four hours. Four fucking hours over the course of five days is the standard. 20 hours to live your life across the weekday. Work should be a part of your day, not your entire day.
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The flatulent sun emitting gray. A hazy ray with which to pay. Each growth inspired new. Forgotten roots will push on through. A raped and beaten twin of three. Quadrupled, innocent, but far from free. The mother cries for sin and sorrow. How will she be saved tomorrow?
>leaving you only with four spare hours each day
8 hours work, 8 hours sleep, even if you have a shitty commute or work a bit more it's still way more than 4 hours each day
Sinners sleep while withering deep, wakened by the burning fleet. Ashen skies of smoke and soot bring tang and toot. Ingrates flock to fleeing wells, while outgrates fight with wings and bells. Hoot howl hark and twang, for buttermilk son is coming for your wang. Sayeth not the wayeth you came, for father mother in brother name.
A silent puff, a whisp a fluff. Into the night breeze, it floats away. A stench of rotten foul decay.
Sorry, I meant four hours to do everything else besides sleep: eat, shower, clean, relax. We’re fitting that all into four hours. This is why no one has any time to read or to make friends or to find love because we are at work for 8-9 hours a day. Work is fine, but fuck, I want to take a long stroll in the late morning time. I want to take an afternoon walk. I want to eat lunch besides a running stream and maybe take a nap after. But instead I’m on a fucking Teams meeting inside of an office building at 3:30 PM. No decency or humanity to even move our bodies to gather us in a room so we could at least look at each other’s faces (sans pixels). I am burnt out at my job.
Got woken up by two wasps coming in my room and buzzing all over. I have only had 5h of sleep and I can't go back to it.
Rhyme, chime, lime, climb
Bend, rend, offend, mend.
Haste, chaste, raced, baste.
I've seen lots of bees resting lately and I'm worried for them
8+8 still leaves 8 hours. Sorry your job sucks though
Poo poo
I'm new to using a certain group messaging app that rhymes with Pisscord and recently joined a server full of really great and funny people. For the first week I had a ton of fun and genuinely loved chatting with everyone and sending shitty memes. They never took shit seriously enough so you could write "Niggers are the lowest class of society" (for example) and get a couple haha responses. Anyway, one of the more prominent members who posts quite often has revealed herself to be a woman, along with a couple others. I didn't really care because I still enjoyed their posts regardless, but dear God the other guys in this server turned into fucking comedians overnight. It's embarrassing seeing the kind of people they've become now that pussy is on the table. A week later and still her posts would pull several instant replies from thirsty guys and tons of DMs no less. I'm not saying all this because I'm jealous, rather I miss the genuine and simple nature the chat once was. Tears me up thinking back to all those fun times knowing it's all gone because guys don't know how to jerk off and manage their horniness.
>block of text to just say being poor narrows your selection of woman

Also class functions both ways. I'm from a lower class and can't stand most of the middle/upper-middle class woman no matter how beautiful or educated they are. They are far too domesticated and (in America) have largely inherited the most retarded beliefs. This is to say that though you can construct an ideal wife, the women you will actually be attracted to is out of your control. Also this idea of 'waiting at the finish line' will bite women in the ass when they realize that it's much better to attach themselves to a man who has potential then to try their chances on established men or the few successful young men with tons of options.
When some socialists argue that human nature is actually naturally cooperative and egalitarian, then why do they advocate for a government that forces people to act that way instead of letting them do it voluntarily? Doesn't capitalism allow you to start cooperatives if you want to? The fact that we don't just naturally have socialism right now means that the human nature argument socialists use is wrong.
I really enjoy the Bret Easton Ellis podcast
Literally me but I started drinking to kill the time.
I feel bad for you wageslaves. Sounds rough.
My job causes me great amounts of stress. I frequently work with abusive supervisors, peers who skate out of work and leave it to be done by others, and subordinates who simply don't want to be there. I work long and unusual hours, often on weekends, for little pay.
Despite these facts, I need my job. It gives me a sense of purpose and obligation which I do not get from anything else in my life. I have no friends, no wife, no girlfriend, no children, no family of my own. If it weren't for the feeling that I need to go to work or risk disappointing people, likely inherited from the Protestant work ethic, I would have nothing. I think the day I retire won't be very far from the day I die.
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>another week on +30 now in the forecast

fuck I hate this bros, i settled into such a rice summer routine, now I cant do shit because its too fuckin hot out
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>melting in sub 30*C weather
Build a hobby
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Be humble
I have hobbies, but they don't fulfill me like they used to. They're things I do to pass the time at this point, but unlike work I don't have the thin veneer of obligation and doing something "purposeful" to keep me engaged with them once I get bored. I work out and eat healthy too but it doesn't really help.
You sound like your fine being alone?
A pitiful fart let out by Jennifer. She moaned as it was released. What a bizarre set of circumstances. Trapped in the elevator with nothing but flatulence. The smell wafted around the confined space. Kevin could hardly breathe. In an abrupt turn of events, he started screaming at the top of his lungs. I suppose there are limits to human fortitude. Jennifer's farts were putrid to say the least.
Why do rape and abuse survivors always say MY rapist or MY abuser?

It feels so fucking weird, like are they taking ownership of that person that has wronged them? This feels like some weird ass unhealthy psychological thing. Why are they letting this person that did a horrible thing be such a big part of their life? Why give them the importance? Just say "the person that committed X to me"
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Who the fuck moans when they fart?
If someone killed you would you say "my killer" or "the killer"?
kek my ghost would say "the person that killed me" and then proceed to murder the killer

saying MY rapist or MY abuser almost feels like you're being cucked
But you were cucked. Cucked out of your dignity of choosing who to fuck. Cuck out of you choice to be "intimate" with someone.
What do you do when you realise how much of a resentful, wrathful, spiteful, insecure, neurotic, idolatrous, avaricious, jealous, selfish, entitled, lustful and prideful piece of shit you are?
I pray for God to kill me so I stop being a burden on society. Individually, some of those labels are forgivable. So together in one person? Nah, kys
I don't know. I alternate between feeling an instinctual need to cuddle with a cute girl and have kids and whatever and a strong desire to get away from all people everywhere and live in a cave or something. The lonely feeling gets pretty bad sometimes but I think if it was really important to me I'd make an effort to meet people instead of having transient fantasies about idealized anime relationships while lying in bed or whatever.
A lot of the major relationships in my life began for reasons I didn't really understand and ended when the other person took offense to something I did or said and cut contact, again for reasons I didn't really understand. I figure it was always my fault somehow but I never get to know that how. These days I tend to see myself as a burden on people if I get too close to them and actively avoid getting into relationships deeper than the transactional work-related variety. It hurts a lot sometimes but I'm just a real life NPC to the people in my life anyway so it doesn't really matter how I feel.
Do you think, maybe, possibly, all those negative traits you listed could have anything to do with that? Quit wondering. They do
>I pray for God to kill me so I stop being a burden on society
One of my favourite passages of the Bible is in 1 Kings when Elijah wants to die
>But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.
The difference is that's Elijah speaking, who had enough favour with God to be taken up in a chariot. I've been trying to get better but I'm running in circles. Nothing ever changes. And yes, I continuously pray for help.
>Nah, kys
The sin of suicide trumps all of those sins.
That anon didn't post these traits >>23580737. I did.
Your brief system is whackadoodle bonkers and you know nothing about suicide
Why bother. You already shit out your inane beliefs for all to see
Why is writing horror so hard? Everything always sounds cringe
Tell me why my beliefs are wrong
The axiom less is more is revelent here. There should be a pay off but it should be at the end. You can always try to subvert that but rarely is it good
Well yeah that's kinda my point, why willing choose to bring your "cucked" past of getting raped or whatever into the rest of your life? Why willing give it this huge importance to the rest of your life? Yes, what happened to a rape survivor is a horrible traumatic thing, but why give the rapist this sense of "ownership" over you? Just say "the fucker that raped me" instead of "my rapist". Anyway that's all I have to say on this
Why, so you can argue how pure they are in reality? If only people could understand me! Did you just not post that you are "resentful, wrathful, spiteful, insecure, neurotic, idolatrous, avaricious, jealous, selfish, entitled, lustful and prideful"? But somehow suicide is the biggest sin you can come up with? Based on what someone else says? You're a piece of work and I'm not gonna argue with you. You already posted why I dm shouldn't so read your own stuff before you ask stupid questions
If I didn't say suicide is the highest sin would you have bequeathed me with your beliefs?
What difference does that make?
None at all. Have a great day
You too
I don't understand all this recent cringe discussion around Alice Munro. Why does everyone involved in the literary space have such a warped moral compass when "esteemed" white women are involved? Munro was actively complicit in the sexual abuse of her own 9-year-old daughter. There's no two ways around it: this severe injustice is clear. The sole spiritual and moral duty of a parent is to protect and sacrifice for their child, or, at the very least, minimize harm to their child. Munro failed and actively eschewed this duty in the most morally bankrupt manner possible. She deserves to never have a story of hers ever read again. She deserves to burn in hell. In fact, I know she will.
Because she's a woman
People who harm children to that extent should be executed. Same goes for circumcisers.
>every jew, muslim, and american instantly dead
god lead us onto this hallowed paradise
I don't like it when people do things for me.
>Anon, I want to cook dinner for you.
Great, but I can cook it myself, let me do it.
I've been noticing more Muslims where I live. I don't like them very much. They look dysgenic and have disproportionate levels of deformity and being mentally handicapped. Must be the cousin marriage. I don't like how they act either - simultaneous persecution and superiority complexes. The men are simultaneously aggressive and effeminate. Must be the neurosis they acquired from their infant circumcisions. I think they should all go back to where they came from and stop hiding behind labels of racism and Islamophobia. They like using the language that the same leftists they hate gave them. As a consequence, I don't appreciate their hypocrisy either.
I'm normally against bigotry but I think Islamophobia is completely fine.
Agreed. Muslims are the absolute worst immigrant group in the US. Second worst being West Africans and South Americans in fairly equal measure f. The best of course are the Caribbeans, Indians, and East Asians.
I'm pretty sure crypto is a giant ponzi scheme that's designed to bring about another economic catastrophe when it implodes and wipes out millions of peoples savings
>The men are simultaneously aggressive and effeminate.
Fucking thank you, this isn't pointed out nearly enough. The ones I've been forced to interact with always act like histronic mommas boys.
I'd add one caveat; by far my least favored immigrants to the US have been the whites. This was a beautiful country full of lush landscapes, healthy life, and bounty at one time.
White immigrants? Historically speaking or contemporarily(?) speaking.

Either way, I am in complete agreement with you. These United States is a gorgeous, breathtakingly beautiful land. So much shit has fucked all that up now.
Yeah, white immigrants. They came here around the 1500s and killed all the people who lived here. Barbarians, really. They stole, raped, killed, pillaged. They actually showed up and immediately started fucking with the people who lived here. Bunch of animals really. And they also had that feminine/masculine, aggressive bitchiness you're talking about. These dudes used to wear women's wigs and stockings while they were blowing people's heads off and slamming infants skulls against trees. Really sick and twisted criminal fucks. This was good country before the illegals showed up, the white illegals.
I concur, anon.
>this isn't pointed out nearly enough
People conflate being overtly aggressive with being masculine. This is silly and a very narrow view of masculinity. The result is the oversight you point out. Muslim men are the archetype of this dynamic - histrionic as you say, but also conniving, resentful and usually control freaks (beyond the pale of typical male leadership). If nobility is to observed in a Muslim man, it is the same nobility of that in the Jew - a deep hatred of what their culture has made them.
Well, come on, man. That's no fun

Muslims are just people dude. And the people are retarded. All of us, all of you. Me too.
Different peoples have different proclivities. Proclivities are often downstream from culture and/or race.
Not that different though. White people really chilled out a lot after subjugating the Earth, which allowed them to kind of just sit around building stuff in giant nationwide fortresses with riches coming in from all corners of the world. First through Britain and distributed among the rest of white civilization, then the US which took shit truly global.
But before then, they were basically superstitious retards who behaved like animals. And even throughout the stable period, they let loose every so often and did some serious barbarian asskicking.

I dont like being around people who fuck with me or hate me for no reason because of some looney tune bullshit they have floating around in their headz same as you don't like it, but don't get confused about what humanity is or how "different" everybody is.
You were simply speaking the truth, anon. I am unable to do anything but agree and hope there is some for spiritual karma for those of this land that have been deeply wronged.
Did I prevent myself from experiencing a lot of things in my youth because I dropped out of high school at 16?
Karma continues onward unless balance is achieved
Samsara dictates everlasting karmic cycles
True justice would be for everyone to drop this shit so we can focus on tangibly improving existence for all sentient beings
But humanity has a hard time with that because everyone has some sort of grievance, so. We will see
Are you that anon in other threads who calls Christianity immoral?
Probably, but the things that are experienced in high school are probably outweighed by the typical "positive" adult experiences.
No. I don't think Christianity is immoral. I do think many Christians and the common dogmatic interpretations of Christianity are heavily immoral. But I don't think what Jesus was trying to say was immoral
And there are plenty of Christians who at least aim toward being compassionate
Cleon groaned loudly. Martha sighed deeply. Bilbo scratched his thigh. It sounded crisp.
>typical "positive" adult experiences.
Am yet to experience one of those, can you give me some examples?
You took the words right out of my mouth, it must have been when you were kissin' me.
I used the term "probably" because I haven't experienced all of these. But the following come to mind
>seeing the fruits of study
>completing university
>becoming financially stable
>earning a living wage
>starting a successful business
>being there for someone
>getting married
>the birth of one's first child
>the birth of subsequent children
>buying a home
>raising a family
These things vary from somewhat mundane to pure bliss. They're also fairly common. They also don't happen to everyone. In any case, they're more formative than whatever you'd experience in high school. Should these things not happen to you, chances are other formative events will happen to you. Not all of these things are necessarily positive in the ordinary sense.
Kissing girls is gay af anon, hope you know that
You want me to kiss you instead?
yeah that'd be pretty based
>seeing the fruits of study
I'm studying at the moment but it's piss easy so I don't feel any which way about what I'm getting out of it.
>completing university
Never went to uni, high school drop out, remember?
>becoming financially stable
>earning a living wage
>starting a successful business
>being there for someone
Gay. Also, being there for someone doesn't do anything for me.
>getting married
Lmao, there is not a single way that I would benefit from getting married.
>the birth of one's first child
Fuck that.
>the birth of subsequent children
Double fuck that.
>buying a home
Biggest lmao yet.
>raising a family
Mega gay and triple fuck that.
Alright, you twisted my arm.
In which case, yeah, you peaked in high school and there's no going back
anon... kissing me was your idea...
Don't make me rethink this *mwah*.
*mwah* you're a cutie anon, little gay but that's okay
I just called the gay police
You know just how to make an anon blush!
I hope they're ready to get the skin sucked off their cocks!
are they gay as well?
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I'm 24 years old, have almost no working experience, and will begin to study English in a Finnish university this fall.

How doomed am I?
not doomed at all
not as doomed as I
>He's studying a language at uni.
My sides.
You are not merely doomed, you are Finnished
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Find God and become Orthodox Christian.
Fucking gottttttt eeeeemmmmm
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I didn't make it to philosophy. I don't know what else to do. Any advice. Should I just try again next year?
finnanon on suicide watch
Schools for fuckin fools. Unless you're gonna be a doctor or some high falootin shit. Just become a garbage man and read books
I'm only half kidding
Learn something with practical value and a clear career path. Have you considered tech or business? Lots of cool tech companies in helsinki and other scandinavian countries
>I didn't make it to philosophy.
Oh god, you are a fucking retard. Why don't you study something that can actually help you out in the future?
I want to become a professor, researcher, or teacher.
Wouldn't know where to start. At least my uni has prestige. I have no ready and similarly attractive avenue to pursue in business/technology. I also imagine that the corporate world is very cut-throat.
finbro is so cooked
You better be rich as hell because I can't imagine something dumber than studying that at 24.
>I also imagine that the corporate world is very cut-throat.
It is, but you know what's even more shittier? Poverty. And you know who ends up in poverty? People who go to uni for philosophy or to learn a language.
For tech, just pursue a degree in some form of engineering or coding or v systems/visual/ux/interaction design or any M. Sci. with a tech title
>professor, researcher, or teacher.
When I was young I wanted to do that too. I had the one good professor I've ever had, sit me down and give me a dose of reality. He was the chair of the philosophy dept, making like 40k a year.
Before then, he worked for nearly 15 years as an adjunct making like 19k a year living in a car at one point. This was one of the most brilliant men I've ever met and extremely passionate about philosophy.
He got extremely serious when I said I wanted to become a professor and told me it would be a wiser career choice to simply go home that day and put a bullet in my skull.

You can always read and hone your skills. But the academy is a grind and you will be ground into dust. I would absolutely recommend facing this reality now and going for a practical career track that will net you enough to live comfortably. This is one of the few times I break character on this site.
Heed these words
Anon I wasn't even kidding about garbage man. That's a decent paying job with state benefits and a pension
Or a janitor...anything. doesn't need to be glamorous and you don't need to do some crazy shit like welding or all the shit you read people say online.
But for the love of God, start thinking practically. I wish someone told me this back in the day. Life sucks, your dreams will be crushed. If you're lucky, you'll make it out with little debt and a degree you can't use for much because you chose the academic route. Then you'll have to take that and try to sell it as marketable in an already bloated private corporate sector in a bullshit economy.
If you're unlucky you'll do the same thing with an assrape of debt behind you.

If you want to get the academic training at school out of passion then OK but don't expect a career out of it, and you'll have debt. So you also need to develop a practical career choice. Lose the glamor shit. Home inspector, government worker, garbage man, there are a ton of bullshit jobs where you don't have to work too hard and will make a decent enough living to survive comfortable, with good benefits. Aim for that

Or do whatever the fuck you want really. But just recognize reality. It's fucked, and no one told me except that one prof
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How difficult is it to attain an academic position with an acceptable degree of remuneration? Can I become a high-school teacher without specialising from the beginning of my studies? I very much wish to become academically oriented.

I will not go into much debt because university is free and I will live at home.
What you have written looks very pessimistic. I do not understand why I should give up studying now, when I could do so after finishing my degree. Certainly the paper I will receive is of marketable value. What country are you from?
>Can I become a high-school teacher without specialising from the beginning of my studies?
Yeah, my uncle did it. He's a performing arts teacher now and he loves it.
Quite frankly, I don't think any of us can give you full answer given none of us understand the nature of Finnish society and their economy. Most elsewhere, where the government just takes your money and essentially drops you into the mad max world, having lots of money and a career with growth is key to not fucking up your lives and the lives of our kids. Being a teacher or academic is generally suicide. However, it seems that in Finland there may be more social safety nets that allow you more freedom to pursue careers out of preference rather than sheer economic necessity.
Yes, they say Finland is the happiest country in the world.
>Yes, they say Finland is the happiest country in the world.
I wonder why.

Are you Finnish?
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Yes. Why do you ask?
Finnish gargling my balls
You really can't catch a break, kek.
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I learned a new word, gargling. Thank you for this.
Such it is being #1
Can't believe it's only 10:00 PM.
See, you don't need to go to uni for English.
New: >>23581378
New: >>23581378
New: >>23581378

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