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Bobby De with da owl edition.

Previous: >>23584541
Everything is going according to plan. Hehehehehe.
Yeah, it really does. There are some places in the world where no matter what I'm going through, I'm happy. But where I am now, shit sucks.
I'm on Earth. Where are you?
A shitty city. Also on earth.
Got another Christian fired today. He had a family too. Such a good feeling. I hope they all die.
I suspect that the people who text me don't actually enjoy it, they just do it because they feel an obligation to.
Sometimes I just think about how great the world would be if Hitler had gone after Christians instead.
Literal utopia beyond imagination.
Based. Good job. They shouldn't be stressing or worried, god will look after them, right?
Lol for real, mana will fall from the sky just like in the bedtime stories!
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
Yeah anon I'm sure that happened. You're so cool.
Get rekt schizo
I danced for 4-5 hours; the reading of the book 'The Dancing Writers' (translated title) paid well.
bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
Dear, Abraham Lincoln Expert. Did Abraham Lincoln's grandfather get scalped by Indians or did Mordecai, who was 14 or 15?, kill the Indian before it happened? Wikipedia says he was scalped, I didn't see a mention of scalping in the source but a mention that Mordecai was 15. Government website about the event says he was 14 and killed the Indian before scalping happened.
The Christian drive to cringe and bare their stomachs to strangers while they rape and torture and kill the ones they're supposed to care for is truly one of the most revolting things about them
Animal behavior
Truly not human, no higher-order functioning present at all
And it came to pass also on another sabbath, that he entered into the synagogue and taught: and there was a man whose right hand was withered. 7And the scribes and Pharisees watched him, whether he would heal on the sabbath day; that they might find an accusation against him. 8But he knew their thoughts, and said to the man which had the withered hand, Rise up, and stand forth in the midst. And he arose and stood forth. 9Then said Jesus unto them, I will ask you one thing; Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to destroy it? 10And looking round about upon them all, he said unto the man, Stretch forth thy hand. And he did so: and his hand was restored whole as the other. 11And they were filled with madness; and communed one with another what they might do to Jesus.

Then He said to them, “What man is there among you who has one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will not lay hold of it and lift it out?
Just found out about plain greek yogurt with fruit in it.
Holy shit. Where has this been my whole life?
Grocery stores
No fucking way
Sent out more query letters. Expecting the same old bs, "You're not a right fit" or "We don't think it'll sell at this time". Maybe one will be dumb enough to let me in. Then the fun begins.
Now try raw honey

Then try heavy cream with blueberries in it and a bit of sugar or sucralose

Enjoy your heart failure
When I was 16 or 17 I wrote a horrible book and sent it out to at least a hundred places.
Cringe so hard looking back.
Good luck.
I've been doing this for ten years now. Got all of my money through indie publishing on Smashwords and KDP, with some kickback from crowdfunding. I'm just trying traditional because it makes me laugh how they really don't understand the market outside of their safe zones.
Is that the level you are at, or do you mean to debase the atheist camp by responding in such a purile manner?
That's really cool. If you have the drive for all that you'll be fine whether the trads accept you or not.
I'm 45th generation Roman
Engaging with a relischizo with anything but contempt is the dictionary definition of pearls before swine.
They aren't capable of comprehending any of it or of engaging with anything honestly. All they care about is preserving their ability to cope with delusions and rape children. It's a waste of energy. Time spent picking one's nose is better spent. It's like trying to talk a serial killer out of their urges. They are broken.
Can you really track your lineage that far back?
The United States, the best country on Earth
Matt. 5:11
Blessed are you when they reproach and persecute you, and while speaking lies, say every evil thing against you because of Me.

Matt. 5:12
Rejoice and exult, for your reward is great in the heavens; for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Yawn, aren't you missing out on the rape your children hour?
Matt. 5:28
But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman in order to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
i used to wonder why they felt the need to include chapter & verse numbers in bible quotes. why not treat them like normal quotes, which you can just say on their own. then i thought, they would just look fucking stupid and nonsensical on their own. the fact that it's in the bible is what's important, not what's being said.
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I love boobs and ass, who's with me?
>They aren't capable of comprehending any of it or of engaging with anything honestly.
Except it is only you who has yet to showcase an ability to comprehend anything being directed at you. You have yet to provide any reasoning for any of your claims; and as such they remain blanket statements. If I may, I do not believe you possess the capability to meaningfully reply to me so that we might engage in a fruitful dialogue. I perceive only anger and hatred.
you're on your own there buddy
The only things directed at me are fucking Bible quotes from a schizo retard.
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Boobs for me please
You couldn't connect the dots? Would you I reveal it to you?
Is it true that you dont choose with whom you fall in love?
Nah that's just a cope for people that don't want to accept their looksmatch
Matt. 11:15
He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

Shake the dust off your feet. Doesn't matter.
>trying to be le stoic when you have such a childish shaking-in-boots reaction to mortality that you need a system of delusions and are willing to sacrifice your children as fuckmeat to pedophiles to cope
Lol the absolute state of schizophrenics
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The quality of writing over the last 50 posts is beyond abysmal. Why are these threads even still around?
And this is better, is it? You're only contributing to the problem.
Would a non-Protestant or even an atheist be able to enjoy reading the Pilgrim's Progress?

Thinking of reading one
Probably not
Evil is not capable of creating art
Eh, I see what you are trying to convey here, but inspect the matter a little more closely. Have I not responded only to a likewise response levied against myself? And is not this present conversation/debate/vitriol more than a matter of opinion? Or is morality subject to opinion and not truth? Because if I read my antagonist correctly, even he seems outrage at "christians standing idly by wihile watching their loved ones get raped or killed". So he must be speaking about matters which he perceives as pertaining to truths and not mere opinions. Again, I only respond if you respond so that I not unwantingly accost you.
I'd like to say I'm not really an atheist just in case of you being retarded and misinterpreting me
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What do you want me to do? Track down every other poster and politely ask them in person to please put in some more effort when posting on /lit/ instead of spewing whatever bullshit floats to the top of their heads?
I don't know what I'm going to have for dinner tonight, let me go have a look.
Not bitch and moan about something and then directly contribute to the thing you're bitching and moaning about, you fucking retard. Imagine saying "Man, I hate when people get murdered" and then turning around and shooting some guy in the head.
*shoots you*
Our clouds will blow out the sun.
Then we will vape in the shade
If I'm not reading I feel guilty.
Innocent until proven guilty
I'm going balls on the wall.
I just want to fuck
I am simply unable to emotionally come to terms with the fact that those closest to me will pass away. It is much too painful. The only remedy I have found is in the belief of the body simply being a vessel for the soul and that soul merely flows in and out of an eternal consciousness. And that the souls of the dead live on forever in us the living.

My grandfather who died this year is not gone. He lives on in me. My sister who passed away at birth is not gone. She lives on in me. My little kitten who passed away last year is not gone. She lives on in me. They are all alive and breathing. Their souls will live forever in me.
I just see life as suffering and a prison and the death as freedom from suffering and the flesh prison
In some ways, I do agree with you. The circumstances of life aren't always favorable to the living.
I just want to make out with a chick, I don't even need to fuck.
A big ass stain appeared on my white shirt and I don't know where the fuck it came from. No matter how many times I throw it in the washing machine it never goes away. Any tips? It's a weird brown colour if that helps.
Get rid of the shirt?
dubs and you can make out with me (male)
I don't understand why it's universally accepted that you should have a positive mindset and expect good things to happen. If you want to be physically healthy, you need to put strain on your body, lift weights that you'll likely never need to lift in real life, run long distances that you'll never actually need to run but these activities will make you healthier and it's widely accepted that that's the case. But when it comes to mental health you're supposed to think positively, and when something bad happens you'll end up disappointed and depressed. I never understood this maybe because of my personality, I always exaggerate negative outcomes and spend some time thinking how everything will go wrong and how much I'll suffer. And when I come back to reality it will never be as bad as the stuff that I just accepted in my imaginary reality.
Same but with wasted life in general. Theres only one shot and I've already miss the target
I really hope you kill yourself one day.
Are you more femoboy or masculine?
When one is alone, one still has eros. Applying this eros against oneself, attempting the journey of the alone to the alone, while believing one's eros is directed against another leads to corruption: in rude terms, it is masturbation, the spilling of the creative seed without bearing fruit. Realizing that the journey to the alone must necessarily begin from the alone, one comes to see the manner in which to bear fruit without spilling seed: the direction of eros into creation brought forth from the self without corruption. The fruit of this process is Art.
> nofap
Yet another cope for not-so-degenerates who don't want to show weakness in a rotting society.
What the fuck? It's a shirt
That I paid money for. Why should I throw it out and spend more money on buying another one when I can just fix it for cheap? I want you to slit your wrists.
So I took two weeks of vacation a month ago and it was supposed to be glorious. Then, after a very tempered discussion with a relative at my house at around 2am, where I was very fervent about my honour, I got a good punch into the jaw. The whole thing got pretty blue and swollen, and instead of going on travel as planned the day that followed, went to the hospital, where they called the police because I said I got punched, and all of the three doctors I went to didn't want to take a look at my jaw, and ended up staying at home for a whole week until the thing got somewhat better.
Then, finally, the week passed, and I set today for my trip, when I find a whole fucking wasp nest above the window inside my room. I decided to inform my good old neighbour, who has the key to my house.
So I leave to go on my trip, taking a cab to the local bus station, where I only get to be informed that the bus line supposed to bring me to my destination went bankrupt.
So here I am, sitting at the bar in front of the bus station, wondering if this is a punishment by the Gods and why I had to eat so much shit on my yearly summer vacations.
I try not to play the generational spite game because it's not productive. But i was just out somewhere. Every other guy in the establishment is old, boomer age. They're sitting there talking about how "the kids are all lazy and entitled, fucked up, this generation blah blah blah." So I sit there biting my tongue. Guy gets his meal. Thinks his bacon is undercooked. Instead of just saying, this seems undercooked, he looks at the waitress, says "uhhh can you get me some bacon that idk..is cooked? This shit is TERRIBLE. I can't even pick it up! Tell them to cook it, fry it, not bake it! What the fuck!"
I hate these fucking people. They grew up in the most materially prosperous and easy time in world history. They call us lazy and entitled; we might be. We're also a product of their direct failure to do fucking anything to prevent the world of abject shit we've all come up in. And this fuck, right after saying we're entitled, instead of acting like a civilized person, acts like a fucking spoiled bitch, yelling at a person who's just doing her shitty job, and didn't even cook the fucking bacon he's crying about. Then him and his boy go back to talking tough about how "the kids aren't men."
I didn't say shit because I know better by now. But I kept sitting there thinking about the shit I've been through on a daily basis, and how these guys have no balls, they play pretend. Their idea of being a man is talking tough to a fuckin woman at a restaurant or calling a guy a pussy when he gets cut off in traffic. But they're pampered pooches, comfy, smiles brats. Always were and they'll die like that. Shit has never been real for any of them.
Fuck old people.
im a bald dude with a big beard
You must have shit yourself you retarded faggot
Just stop being poor lol
White shirts are like ~30 cents. Youve probably wasted more money washing it than you would've spent on a new one.
Who said anything about society? This rant is about things you do by yourself, from yourself. The delusion of the masturbator is that his use of eros reflects the way he would use it with another when in fact it only revolves around himself.
I'm in nyc and used to go to a lot of open mics, like multiple per day, for work.
Whenever anyone older than 40ish went up a lot of people would just leave for ten minutes because invariably at least half of their set would be bitching about young people or how everyone hates them for being an employed white male etc etc
They would even use the same exact phrases a lot of the time like they were from a borg hivemind. It was unbearable. Even the weird gimmick prop or costume ones were different from each other.
I have no idea how hot I am and it really fucks me up sometimes. When I think of all the girls I've dated or the girls who have been into me, they've all been pretty normal looking. I mean that in a nice way, not ugly but not 'hot'. But my last girlfriend was very conventionally attractive and its really fucked up my standards ever since. Did I get hotter? Or was she a one off. I can't help but compare every girl to her now and I hate that I'm so vain. I mean, I'm attractive enough that I've had girlfriends and I can get laid and have one night stands, but that's true of a lot of people - it's not really indicative of anything. When I look in the mirror I think I'm hot, but then if I think about actually hot guys then I pale in comparison.

I need to go back to being realistic. I mean, I have a friend who is very attractive and he gets girls slipping him their number and shit. That's never happened to me in my life - who am I kidding? I'm just an average looking guy with high standards.
That's hilarious
I can't fuckin stand em
>When I think of all the girls I've dated
Stopped reading there
Dating a hot girl is always a problem in my experience. It's probably not a problem if you're a big dude. But if you're small or average, all that really happens is you go out, some dude mogs or punks you out and it sucks. Would way rather date a girl who I get along with and who isn't ugly but is on my level, inconspicuous.
For some reason, other men really get pissed if you're doing well.
Westtards wouldn't be so obsessed with fapping if they weren't so socially maggot-ridden in the first place. Wether you fap or not, you would be a normal person if you had grown up in an ethnically homogenous society.
today was a good day. God has been kind (as he always is), and i am grateful. i look forward to tomorrow. it is a miracle to be on this earth
For me, it's the unadulterated seething rage from random women if you go out in public as a fit and attractive man with an overweight woman.
>For some reason, other men really get pissed if you're doing well.
Its because men are women brained and get passive aggressive when they get jealous
Lol. That's funny too
Yeah but it's like. Why be jealous? When I see a guy with a hot woman my immediate thought isn't "he doesn't deserve that time for me to go fuck it up for him." Shit is childish
>men are women brained
Wholesome and divinepilled post
I would like to invite everyone in this thread to read the manga series Kokou no Hito. You can find it on mangadex.
Sell me on it
Read it some time ago. It was 10/10. Shame about the other author work.
Any in-depth critiques of the internet, internet “culture”, and social media? I’ve slowly become radically against the internet in general and most forms of social media (4chan included)
Not really interested in general Luddite/ anti-tech

Not every piece is about that, but the ones that are are good.
what's the mostly widely understand singular word in the entire world across all languages? it must be "okay" right?
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Mama and papa obviously
And this map is super conservative btw, for example China also uses mama/papa:
>However, parents are usually referred to by their children as 爸爸 (bàba) and 媽媽 (māma) — "Dad" and "Mom"
what fucking retard decided to use such similar shades of green, stupid fucking dumbass
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Every time when I see a woman with a hijab etc I feel the urge to pull it off

Funny thing is I'm not even Islamophobic, it's something like an intrusive thought
so first is mama/papa. second probably "okay" or "hi", i suppose?
I miss the tryhard 2010s era of 4chan where everyone was trying hard to act intellectually and physically superior to everyone else, because now that I don't need to fit in I realized I was cooler than those faggots all along for a handful of basic reasons.
well the point is just to express how widespread 'mama' is, not to illustrate what countries speak which variation
what caused the change in the attitude of this place?
all of the posturing cunts who used to be here were actually complete normalfags who have moved on and most likely started families by now, leaving mostly the sad hopeless sacks of shit with nowhere else to go
The New Dark Age by James Bridle

Books like these are truistic and don't actually have anything significant to say though.
I wish there was a word web for 4chan post histories. I want to know which words I have used most frequently.
"Soak Up The Sun" is a killer song title for such a girly pop song.
I just realized these threads are Twitter for people who don't like Twitter. Including me.
then why have a legend at all? cmon anon, don't defend retards like this Mai credit
Just sadness which needs to be drowned in alcohol
because it wouldn't be technically accurate otherwise
i think i'm doing pretty good for someone this retarded
I was never a gore fiend, in fact I am deeply squeamish and afraid of body trauma, but for some reason I just love the gore and outlandish violence in The Boys. There's a visceral pleasure I receive from watching it. Is it because it's brings to life some deep-seated anger and trauma I've buried within me? I don't know. I can't understand it. It goes against everything I've intellectually learnt about myself so far.
It's because it's a live-action cartoon with live-action cartoon violence. A man with a bomb in his ass that explodes when he doesn't get felched enough is not the same as a mother being run down by a car in front of her daughter.
Good points. I guess even the context behind extreme gore and violence has its effect.
Desire is the spell nature puts its creations under to propagate itself without end.
John Donne is so fucking great, holy shit
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I love a good hotdog, bros.
Can't get tired of eating them. The salty, fatty meat link that gives a little bit of resistance before your teeth slice through the juicy, uniform interior. The zing of vinegar, the earthy smell of crushed mustard seeds—it's the peak of the mountain, the taste at the top that completes the deal. I don't really eat buns with my hotdogs anymore (I just wrap it in a slice of gouda cheese), but I always found the poppy seed ones interesting. I always felt like they tasted better. They were more interesting, coated with hundreds of little black dots. I guess the taste difference is kinda subtle. I don't think they'd go through all the trouble of putting the seeds on the bun if it was purely a texture thing.
I also don't use pickles with my hotdogs anymore. Too overpowering. The briny fermented taste obscures the dog and the mustard, the main attraction.
But I did like that crunch. Recently, I began adding a bit of salad mix to my hotdogs. Just a plain, tasteless iceberg mix. It was perfect. I was so proud of myself. I get to have the crunch without the pickle problem.
I'm so stoked that I get to eat this every day, bros.
I have realized while gardening that monotheism raises a problem polytheism does not have. In saying that there is only one God, then of course he also created evil. The ancient Slavs had no problem in admitting that there are two Gods, a white God, or the good God, and a black God, creator of all bad things. They aren't contradictory to each other, they complement each other. But in monotheism Satan is something to be destroyed, because it contradicts God's good nature.
Satan only got kicked out because he didn't like singing songs about humans also being good like the rest of creation. Rejecting his works is just a vote of confidence in man's ability to accept grace. (Catholics think gnosticism raises the problem of evil, because Catholicism doesn't believe in abominations being allowed life. Satan isn't abominable, any more than a zebra or tree or human.)
that is how the will to live tyrannises over the individual. that's the illusion cunningly wrought in us by the reproductive instinct.
How is it a surprise that this is what Europe has become when for the past two centuries european plebs have been doing nothing but killing off their entire aristocratic caste?
>The plebs started the blood disorders of European royalty
Drinking is not going to help, anon
Tbf if parliament hadn't okayed getting rid of patrilineal royalty, Victoria's kids might not have married so well
Considering the state of modern literature, maybe visual novels really are the way. Just without the anime trappings, of course. The last three centuries was the age of the novel, the next three shall be the age of the visual novel, the digital continuation of an analogue form in a digital age.
Nice cheeseburger makes everything nicer
Drunkenness is a fetid illusion
silly to think literature will change much. its format has changed remarkably little since scrolls went out.
The digital revolution has probably been an even more radical paradigm shift than the invention of printing. It's not something the medium will be able to afford to ignore if it doesn't want to go the way of the opera.
It is kind of funny that techno futurists always seem to think technology will eventually evolve the useful things they could already be using into something they would not only want to use, but people already using the thing would also want more than the status quo
I know but the boredom has to be drowned.
Drinking is not your friend. You can do better
I need to write out my appeal to a psychiatric care center for them to accept me as a patient. I currently belong to another care center which is no good. The reason why I need to do this is because.. Well it's not strictly necessary I guess, but what I really do need is for there to be a psychiatric care center that is willing to sign on the idea that I need to be allowed to work less than full time. The other thing that I hesitated on above was that I know a shrink who will only see me if I have more solid backing from public psychiatry (she can't handle it when patients die, and I have attempted suicide).

The other thing is me and my roomate need terms.

But also I need to get my sleep cycle in order and get in better shape. It's not going well. I keep thinking a lot about theology even though I really don't think there's any reason to. So many things have happened that need to fall into place in my head. that's why I think I'm tired all the time.
Maybe I cant after all, atleast thats what my mind tells.
the problem are zoomers.
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When you reach your bottom, you will find out that you absolutely can
that's different. a dramatic work is made for an audience, a book is made for itself.
I'm a pessimism and I haven't killed myself yet. I guess that does make me an hypocrite. I should kill myself soon.
The European nobilities progressively died out by themselves mostly. Throughout the Middle Ages entire noble houses would die in the countless wars fought in the Middle East and in Europe, Frenchmen of lower rank were called upon to fill their ranks.
Then you had the 100 year war and the 30 year war, where the European races themselves almost died out except for the few who somehow stayed alive. Simplissimus Simplicissimus portrays this very well.
So naturally the point had to come where the few nobles left had inherited all the wealth once owned by countless nobilities and the oppressed populations toppled them.
Ancient Hyperborea collapsed because of a similar reason probably too. You can't just have hundreds millions of whites living next to each other and expect them not to kill each other to extinction.
Europe would still be a battlefield probably if capitalism hadn't brought all this material wealth that for now has made the true spirit of the white man somewhat made fall asleepy.
there's no light at the bottom, anon.
I tell myself that the prospect of burning forever in hellfire outweighs the benefits of suicide. I don't really believe that. I suppose I'm just a coward, and a hypocrite like you. Gotta keep it all in. If you aren't willing to kill yourself then any expression of how you feel is just opening you up to crushing humiliation.
When and if you ever find out different, remember my words and pray for me. I feel like you're right
maybe you're like cioran
>the promised land of Nippon is now turning into a diversity wonderland now
>inevitably, they will have their very own domestic mudslime terrorists soon
Truly the worst of timelines
man, I'm so fat.
What percentage of people actually have a dog as a best friend? How many a cat or other animal?
Would be fun to have it in a pie chart. I'd guess at least 30% of best friends are animals
>but then if I think about hot guys
Maybe you're gay?
>where the European races themselves almost died out
A little dramatic don't you think
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I was bored so I drank at a bar. I'm about to go drive lmao
I'm side eyeing the cute ditzy blonde girls
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Does anyone else get the feeling that it's over?
You're not ugly, so pulling hot chicks is a matter of charisma at that point, not looks. Hell, even if you were ugly, it would be charisma, there would just be more friction and rejection in the process.
any chance with those girls?
You haven't read novels on the 30 year war, haven't you? There were so many soldiers dying the armies would forcefully conscript 14 year old they could find, and the peasant/nobleman density saw itself reduced to about 1/5. There was so little people, in fact, that you could venture around the country doing the fuckever because there was not enough authorities around to enforce the law (everyone was fighting in wars or dead). People would randomly kill each other over a piece of meat. And when you found women, you'd get straight up laid by 8 in a row.
I know it decimated Germany (HRE) but Europe in general? Or so far as to make the white race extinct?
Lol no
what went wrong? never asked them out?
I just finished Gravity's Rainbow for the first time. Not sure if I can recommend it to anyone.
It also decimated France.
What's where this PUA thing where people say that looks are only like the 3rd or 4th most important thing for women? It's not uncommon for women to give men their number purely on looks. Hell, it's even happened to me, and I'm not good-looking.
Insanity reveals itself when life goes as planned
Blood brother of mine communicates through Instagram reels through text messages. I've sent him some pertaining to some beleifs I do hold and he never mentioned anything.
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A teenager named Mori Buntarou is introduced to the sport of free solo climbing and becomes obsessed with it as it offers a form of escape from society and other people. The series is as much about mountain climbing as it is about isolation, connection with others, and the interplay between the two. Nice art, as well.
Thinking since I've downloaded a new torrent app I'll go through Hulu and Crunchy Roll to find some anime I've been missing. I need to keep up with Spy X Family at the moment.
Why is an automated message smiling at me
just found about this comedian whose whole brand is that he's autistic. If you look at his older videos, he makes eye contact with the crowd and doesn't act like a fucking retard for clicks. so sad.
>crushing reality of waging prevents you from having the time to posture and be a pseud online or more generously, from having time from heavily reading
>people just aged out of the 18-25 demographic and stopped using the site even if they still read
>failed normalfags moved on to other shitty sites because they're more popular and feed their ego to a greater degree ie. twitter
>extremely obvious cultural decay has dashed any hopes of ever being part of a greater literary/philosophical/cultural movement
>new generation of users is somehow brainrotted from anime and video games despite 4chan generally being populated by those types the entire time
>reversal of influence where 4chan is no longer the source of internet trends but the dumping ground from other social media, leading to their culture of appearance above all else and extreme aloofness/irony poisoning everything, even when two pseuds were going at it about their poor readings of kant in the past, there was a level of good faith that is absent entirely now
>trying hard and sincerely at anything is "cringe"
take your pick
My internet is wonky need to pay the bill
This is why normal people think atheists are immature.
Nah, I’m getting Sheetz delivered all I’m thinking about is food right now.
Oh that’s why. I’m autistic, I don’t have any charisma.
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Why is the moon so yellow tonight, It was kind of yellow yesterday as well. It's making me worrried.
moonis becoming more cheesy
Should I apply for law enforncement?
Homie, that's the sun
Worried about what?
I'd drink with you anon.
Asian people are such barbarians. Asiatic mudslimes are such barbarians of the most hideous sort. I know this because I'm a European and I went to school with them. Their language, violence, their only interest, violence. What dumb and stupid creatures they truly are.
Just look what they're doing to Ukraine.
Are Renaissance Faires fun and do hot girls go to them?
kek watching that video of the 4chan graffiti vandalist who painted the swastikas. Imagine being part of a justice system that routinely lets blacks murder people and lets them out on bail to murder again, only to put them in prison for "5 years, reduced to 2, 1 with good behavior," and letting them graffiti profanity and filth everywhere, but obsessively taking down some disgruntled kid and obsessively "getting the city workers out on overtime" to re-paint over the swastikas.

We really are pathetic trained dogs. The only thing that rouses us to any action or emotion whatsoever is opportunities to debase ourselves further.
Im the most unlovable guy ITT.
I'm one of the good ones.
As much as I find the incessant bloodshed innecesarily gruesome, I hesitate to denominate the Russians a barbarian people in their entirety. I don't think Putin is a barbarian either, I'd rather call him an extremely witted politician with a lot of power and might and who knows how to handle and enlarge it.
Something is occurring
That’s not true. I love you, bro. Jesus also loves you.
I love him too.
You're lying. You don't love him because you don't even know him. At best you are able to pretend to love the person who you could imagine would have typed those letters on the board you're reading.
It really makes you wonder wtf the happened in Western civilization that made it so insane because I’ve spoken a lot with boomers and my grandpa about this and it wasn’t like that when they were young. A talking point on the right lately is that civil rights law changed everything, and it’s hard to disagree to be honest. Pre-civil rights law progressive liberalism was kinda retarded and gay. You know? They had problem with blacks running amok in cities and you couldn’t be like openly racist in a white collar career and stuff. But it wasn’t THIS retarded and gay. We live in a civilization where you can’t just watch all this shit but you have to pretend it is normal and sane. They didn’t have to do that. It’s really nuts how far gone we are.
I don’t think you even have to know somebody to have love for them. I still I understand that’s a real person behind that reply and I want what’s best for him and I want him to be happy. That’s why we’re here, to make connections and give each other advice and chat. We are friends. And u want what’s best for my friend. If that’s not a sort of love then I don’t know what is.
I am that person. If I send you my contact info, will you demonstrate your love for me by meeting up with me in real life and perhaps accepting me to love in your home for a while?
Oswald Spengler thought that Russians and Ukrainians were literally barbarians in the sense that Germans were barbarians to Romans and that East Asians are so far past their Rome phase that they’re a lot like barbarians again. He called it being fellaheen.
To live in your home for a while* (not love).
I also have enough money to buy a plane ticket if we happen to live in different countries.
You might have been right 10 years ago but Putin fucked up hard with the 2022 invasion and exchanged a ton of soft power for mediocre land gains and potentially irreversible consequences to the Russian state. If he was smart about it he would have just kept waiting for the calls of "why does NATO exist the cold war is over" to get louder while funding friendlier and friendlier presidential candidates in Ukraine (though ironically Zelensky was the pro-Russia candidate when he got elected). If he had gone the slow route he could have got a full political annexation without a shot fired in another 10 years, but instead he blew his load. China knows it too and is doing everything in its power to make Russia its economic vassal.
The whole thing genuinely makes me wonder if Putin went senile or something. A couple teenagers from 2016 era /pol/ could have put together a better long-term strategy than this.
I've read "The Praise of Folly" and the thing that struck out to me the most is that literally nothing has changed in terms of peoples personalities

Someone could write this whole book right now about modern people and it would still fit.

The way he talks about artists, men/women, alcoholics, gamblers, it's all the same, the things he wrote about are still happening, the people behave and act in the exact same ways.
At one point he makes fun of people who take travels, who pretend they're doing some grand spiritual journey when in reality they are just boring and want to have something to brag about and it sounds exactly like the discussion people have on this website right now about women who post about travelling on tinder/insta.
And the whole book is like that, everything he's written about 510 years ago is still happening in the same way.

The book also has a lot of refrences to antiquity, various saints and culture, and my edition of it has footnotes for each of them, which are all weirdly extensive so the actual text is 150 pages and then I have another 150 pages of just footnotes.
I'm not surprised. People love to act like people from the past were some kind of backwards primitives until the Enlightenment happened, but in truth a person from 2000 years ago and a person from 500 years ago and a person from today all behave in similar ways and, if it weren't for linguistic and cultural barriers, could likely understand each other quite well. There is nothing new under the sun, after all.
I don't think it's far down the list, it may even be #1, but it's not the only thing either. Jeez, I see couples where the guy is punching pretty far above his weight with some consistency.
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Yeah but that's like saying "I know examples of peasants entering the aristocracy!" Those are exceptions to the rule. On average, with a large enough dataset, women are consistently hypergamous.
Slavs might be barbarian, but they certainly aren't as warlike as Germanics.
In the contrary. Putin seems very conscious on what he's doing, and he has keenly recognized the West's greatest political weakness. He has said he is open for debates to end the war from the day it began. The West is just too proud to go and debate with Putin, but also too pussy to send troops to Ukraine. And because Putin knows all this, he knew he was going to get away with the invasion of Ukraine. At least that's the assumption he is gambling with. So, either the West goes and debates with Russia, admitting it's strength, or it does not go to debates with Russia, without sending troops to Ukraine, admitting Russia's strength. Basically it's a game he can only win at, but that's precisely why the invasion on Ukraine was such a smart move of Putin from a geopolitical perspective. And the fact that he's playing with such open cards only demonstrates his political honesty. He's not a hypocrite.
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>the economic and political aspects of the war are less important than some high school tier strongman image projection shit
Sure thing, bro. Whatever you say.
Idk if you’ve ever checked the space colonization scene on the internet, but it’s peak midwit and at times downright retarded. Basically anything dealing with science is like that. It really is kind of nuts that 19th and 20th century science amounted to nothing more than a cover for progressive politicians to destroy civilization or a fantasy for Redditors. You can’t even really appreciate medical science anymore.
Russia has become more economically stronger since the sanctions were put on him. And... is he doing more damage to the West with the West putting economic sanctions on him? Did he want to rid himself from economic dependency on the West without weakness? You're making fun of me, I think you're failing to see the bigger picture here.
My mistake to discuss such highly elevated an complex topics with a flatwit like you.
Please, peasants entering the aristocracy were far rarer than average/ugly guys getting cute girls.
All vampires are invited into my house.
They’re actually not. History is literally filled with people entering higher social classes from humbler beginnings, especially in post-Roman Europe.
Does believing in free will contradict religion or vice versa
Idk, everyone is beautiful to me.
Vice versa
Normal people aren't religious schizophrenics lol
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It's crazy how most non-fat women in their early 20s are attractive and yet I've still never had a gf
that's a non sequitur

Russia is doing fine now but don't underestimate the ability of the West/US to isolate a country. What we've seen so far is just the beginning of the sanctions regime. Every year they will tighten and every loophole and whatever will eventually get closed.
Free-will goes hand-in-hand with religion. At least for the Christian religion
They both contradict reality and people with one delusion are more likely to have another, so I imagine they're correlated
Oh nooooo! How threatening to imperially ambitioned Putin!
Nothing ever happens.
And don't forget the countless amounts of Ukrainian lifes getting wasted on the West finding... yet another loophole on how to sanction Russia! Just two more years bro!
Not sure if anyone else is dealing with it but I’ve been getting strange bans a lot lately for posts I didn’t even make
I'm depressed to my core by what's happening in ukraine. Even thinking of it makes me want to vomit.
i recommend this hellish chinese instagram content: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8W4DpehmAh/?hl=en
Well, what I find the saddest is how pathetically the Western nations are acting in reaction. I hate it.
Are you still okay, anon? Is it night there yet?
It’s a false flag. A modern day Reichstag fire
Imagine how bad the shooter would feel for missing if that weren't a false flag
I feel for the imaginary guy

It's not just two years. This is the permanent program they have long dreamed about. They were just waiting for the pretext and Putin (and the Ukrainians) gave it to them. Their goal is total isolation of Russia the same way that Cuba and North Korea are isolated. So you have to settle in for the long haul. The lives of the Ukrainians is completely inconsequential to this, as is the outcome of the war.
this is going to drive me as crazy as JFK did
He's not even a good actor and you can see in the video that there's zero blood and his ear is fine until after the suits tackle and apply the blood pack.
It's not even well done.
Civil War!!!!!
Total civil war!!!!!!
Nevermind, just watched the video. It's so obviously fake it will be the end of his campaign. Such an obvious lie and a forgery will not pass. Biden 2024!
I'm still worried about the anon who let the vampires in.
>sister walks up to me
>asks to measure my foot size (???)
>giggles while measuring my foot
>immediately afterwards runs off to the bathroom and occupies it for an hour
What the fuck did she mean by this? I can't figure it out.
>or will they be a palestinian sympathizer like the guy who shot rfk in '68
they're going to be MK-ULTRA'd like Sirhan Sirhan was.
Either a black guy or dyed hair.
Probably dyed hair, they really like that imagery for some reason.
God people are so dumb. You can literally see him not get shot and have blood applied in the wrong direction from where the sound came from. They believe anything but their eyes.
wow so the left is really going to go with this "it was staged by crisis actors" narrative? hopefully the nyt will come up with something for their followers that isn't quite so absurd
Show me in the video where his ear is shot before he gets tackled.
Oh wait you can't because he wasn't.
You've never even shot a gun have you.
You really think someone would do that? Just go to the media and lie?
This nigga wearing a monocle when he type
Bros the election is getting WEIRD.
It was some antifa troon and it was obviously real. Anyone who knows anything at all about shooting can tell this was real.
You’re clearly new here. It’s range banning because you’re posting from your cell provider. They ban all IPs in a range. That’s why it works again when you go to WiFi.
At this point I think if vampire anon comes back, we have to assume he's been compromised
They shouldn't have given Hunter is gun licence back
Show a single pixel in a single frame of blood or ear damage before he gets tackled.
Did he shoot the other two people on the way down?
Show a single pixel of a single frame of anyone dead.
Why would you think that? There's nothing wrong with letting vampires into your house. They're friendly and just want a little bit of blood. You won't even notice. It actually tickles a little.
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retard leftoids feel like they have the truth on their side, they always chimping over the minor inconvenience and now it's not possible one them shoot a candidate?
Cool cool that definitely happened, your single pixel of blood or damage to his ear before the suits apply it?
I need to refine my anti vampire plans
you think the secret service faked an assassination attempt against someone win their charge including putting a dead antifa douchebag on a roof? lmao leftists are DERANGED then again i guess if you can believe karl marx take on economics you can buy anything
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That's more than 1 pixel
>my political side would never use trickery or propaganda. Only the other side does that and does that often

So many tards out there
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Real bullet

This nigga really is the Teflon Don
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Exactly, he better just be faking with this Project 2025 shit and he is really going to go full fascist this time or I'm going to be so fucking disappointed. No more neocon faggotry.
Shut up adults are talking
Right before my great grandfather left Sicily his family and friends all told him he was acting crazy and nothing was going to happen.
Most of them died.
Owls. Everyone is fond of owls. Except for mice and shrew.
If you were on a desert island with a cute girl, with no hope of rescue in the near future, how would you broach the subject of sex?

I'm not saying I'd rape her but I would probably be like listen lady, it's not really asking much of you to let me squeeze them titties at least. We're on a desert island here. I'll get you an extra coconut or something, don't be a cunt.
I'd probably just go all Wings of Honnêamise
You wouldn’t have to broach anything. She would come onto you.
It's also me being optimistic
Why aim for the ear? It doesn't make sense.
What do you think of the claims that it was shattered glass or something?

>no I've never killed anyone, I did boring training shit and then got out
Based, glad you never had to have blood on your hands anon. Hope you got a free education or something from the gov.
What are you guys talking about
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I hate these threads. They’re so demoralising and upsetting.
My president was just shot
What country?
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Some guy just posted this on /pol/ with a 133xxxxxxxx.jpg filename and I want to say "based oldfag" but I also don't want to post on fucking /pol/. Anyway I remember this pic from the old SA days. I'm old!
I wish I had kids. I wish I could be a dad.
Someone make a new thread or I will with no link
just had my first pure and lovely /lit/ experience with a grill
spent 2 hours chatting and she even showed me some of her poetry
her poetry was quite good
wish me luck bros that it works out
Good luck bro! I'm rooting for you!
Would this incident be used as an argument for further gun control?
The universe loves to prove me wrong. Fine then. I will NOT get my based short story accepted for publication within the next two weeks.
Yes, but I doubt anything would come of it. "Those" people introduce new gun control laws every session and they rarely make it all the way into law.
I can't wait for the first kino about this decade
well hell, aw shucks, really? heavens to betsy, you gotta be kidding, goshdarn it, the tarnation thing.


Post gae thotz there
should have banged her instead

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