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>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23578888
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second post for a cool happy thread :)
cool song for this thread
>Any great stories about biological/living ships/spaceships?
Alien Earth. It's not the main focus, but plays a BIG role in the story which isn't some ecological drivel you might lead to believe from the synopsis.
I'm sure it's beyond useless at this point but I'm still looking for recommendations or suggestions on books about or involving a living/biological spaceship or something along those lines.
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Added a bunch more authors
...and I fucked up some formatting looks like. Sigh...
nobody reads xeelee (baxter) anyway
:( I do. I love Big Dumb Object stuff. I've read all the books and some of them twice
tell me about the wheel as a litmus test or i wheel leave in disappointment
Add Blake Crouch
Oh so now we've got /pol/ shit and attention seeking tripfags combined. Fantastic
So basically don't read female authors
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Alright, so I returned to Foundryside after debating if I should or not. It was a bad idea. There was more "You can't possibly understand" melodrama. And then on top of that, the author started using some heavy handed "patriarchy BAD" themes.
>The laws of the world turned you into an OBJECT. You've been OBJECTIFIED. Your objectification has been INTERNALIZED. This is all a fucked up SYSTEMIC problem. You must expunge your internalized objectification in order to be free. Then, we can pass the torch for a new system. But first, we need to kill the feeble old men who still bind our freedom. And elevate the marginalized underclass. This all could have been prevented if women could work in STEM. If only women weren't silenced!

There's a good story somewhere underneath it all. But the juice isn't worth the squeeze so to speak. Would recommend against.
>not just taking a screenshot of a spreadsheet you made
You enjoy suffering. Have fun with the formatting as it becomes larger and has ever more problems you didn't consider.

You're making basically making something like this, except very low effort .
Will do

>everything I disagree with is /pol/

Lol. The trip is only for post authentication, my dear r3dditor friend.

No? Plenty of females in green and yellow, a lot more to be added soon (tm). Not my fault awards are given based on sex not book quality, so shitty female authors rise to the top in an inorganic way.

True. I am playing around with several variations. The master list is easy to manipulate into whatever. This is how it will look for now. Everything is work in progress.
Why the fuck do people rate this highly. I am 50 chapters in and it's one of the most boring, trope filled stories ive ever read
Literally no one does except troons on reddit
You're wasting your time if you're classifying anything more than straight white male authors.
>filled with tropes
How pozzed is it?
>everything I disagree with is /pol/
It's a post whining about 'propaganda' that then includes several authors who worked as effective propaganda ministers for Reagan
It also recommends authors like Goodkind who the thread has routinely shit on for being terrible just because they're right wing.

It's obviously an attempt to force /pol/ beliefs onto the thread.
It's trope heavy dogshit but it does suddenly change course halfway through the school section (for the worse imo)
Dunno if you're there yet or not.
it reads like mushoku tensei fanfic that entirely missed the point
is it a translation from an asian text or was it written by the hands of a western man?
gay asian animeslop is generic, color me shocked
It was written by a Korean American. May as well be eastern slop because every character either sucks his dick or is a young master type that exists solely for him to beat up when they try to attack him for no reason
>It also recommends authors like Goodkind who the thread has routinely shit on for being terrible just because they're right wing.

It doesn't recommend shit. It says which authors use leftist propaganda in their wirks. It doesn't tell you if the work is good or not.
Liveship Traders by robin hobb. it is normal ships not space ships though.

also there is the tv series lexx
>green: no propaganda
That is a recommendation and under that recommendation are several writers who either outright worked as propagandists or wrote stories with the intent of them being explicit propaganda
You are a blatant cross boarder trying to force the culture of /pol/ here.
Why are the pol posts always full of ESL style grammar where a bunch of words are missing from sentences?
No LEFTIST propaganda you illiterate inbreed. Which is the propaganda that artificially dominates all media at the moment and people are suck of it.
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Read Tenebroum
It's not a recommendation you dumbo. It tells you which authors are libtard shills not whose books are good. That's for other lists or your personal research. Once you find something you want to read, you can crosscheck it with this list to see if it has leftist mental illness in it. Alternatively start from this list and research books from the authors until you find something for you.

It doesn't say green = good books it says green = no fags, troons and open borders
Well clearly not given the fucking giant list of right wing authors you're trying to force every thread
>sanderson in green
Dude I'm a die-hard Sanderslop enjoyer but how can you honestly put him in green when he's pushed both gay and trans characters in his stories to appease the twitter woke crows. He's even made a point of saying that if a tranny becomes a radiant the stormlight will make them switch genders, since it will "heal" their body to their "true" self. He should be in yellow.

Also I'm only on book 4 of Malazan so far and haven't really seen anything woke at all that I can recall, does it show up later? (since you put Erikson in yellow)
Not that guy, but Sanderson is peak middle ground conformist. He is so agraid not to piss off any of his fanbase that he doesn't actively push an agenda. Plus, the dude is a mormon and donates to anti-lgbt churches.
Having a faggot in your story doesn't mark it as propaganda unless it's forced abd it beats you over the head.
Can't say sanderson is bad when he's one of 5 authors they actually read
Yes, it does. Maybe you're the wrong person to do this. You seen you're trying to make some of it seem more acceptable. Don't worry that it has all this stuff, just trust me. It's only a little bit. Grooming 101.
>Some propaganda. Still safe to read. Usualyl the author is baiting for awards by adding mandatory aspects - gay character, weird pronouns, communism good capitalism bad, etc. Can be ignored, if the story is good otherwise.
Sounds exactly like Sanderson if you just switch "awards" for "sales to the twitter crowd". He's literally adding those things in because people were crying about there not being anything.
>want to write fantasy
>chinese-american that has an obsession with both translated eastern slop and western masters of literature/poetry

it was over for me before i even started… the cursed blood…
The Night's Dawn Trilogy
The east has amazing poetry and novels though. Fantasy in general just has a lot of slop on both sides. You can combine both in a single novel it's just not many do it well.
At least 90% are going to be Red, 5% Yellow, and 5% Green. That 5% is already going to be a ton. You should be making an approved list and ignoring everything else.b
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>Bakker the pedophile obsessed with gay rape and anti-Christian nihilism is "redpilled"
>Mercedes Lackey, a normalfag woman author who write gung-ho jingoistic pro-American military fiction is on the "pozzed" side
You make a fair point. Thank you.
>No? Plenty of females in green and yellow
The only woman on your list outside of red is Robin Hobb (who I've not read)
Also I don't know what Martha Wells did to trip your /pol/dar, I read Wheel of the Infinite and it was a perfectly fine standalone novel. The protagonist was a black woman sorceress but it didn't feel forced, her skin color only really shows up on the book's covert art and is practically never mentioned again, plus she winds up falling in love with a white guy and adopts a god-born-as-a-human-child to feed her motherhood instincts. Unless the mere presence of non-whites or women makes a book pozzed, I don't think that counts as subversive propaganda any more than Clash of the Titans does.
Are you mixed Chinese-American or just Chinese brought up in the US?
Terry Goodkind wrote extremely overt propaganda, Sword of Truth series is not subtle about it's political messaging at all, it beats you over the head with it - the only difference from most agitprop you see these days is that it was beating you over the head with libertarian politics instead of marxist politics. Goodkind is just a male Ayn Rand, unreadable to anybody not looking for a manifesto.
You anons like Star Wars? Pic related are all the ones I've read this year. Any recs? Thoughts on on ones I've read are welcomed
I like Star Wars.
I've read the old original Thrawn trilogy, which is worse written on a technical level than the Thrawn books from the new canon, but the overall narrative of the old ones is more compelling. I do recommend the new ones from Zahn though.
The other EU books I enjoyed most are Shadows of the Empire, the Han Solo Adventures trilogy by Brian Daley (pre-1980 and ESB), and the Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy by K.W. Jeter (about Boba Fett's survival from the sarlacc pre-Disney). Bizarrely enough, The Courtship of Princess Leia, despite the seemingly saccharine and feminine title, is actually really good.
There are a couple books that I really REALLY didn't like: Truce at Bakura and the Lando Calrissian trilogy from 1983. And nobody likes the Vong shit from NJO, if you ever see the name "Karen Traviss" avoid it like the plague.
Libertarians are normal. Nothing wrong with that. Only lefties are mentally ill dick-cutting freaks.
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>lolberts are normal
they're the ones who defend every communist SJW excess from abortion to tranny mutilation to drag queen daycare on the basis of "liberty" and decry every attempt from the right-wing to curtail this insanity or protect against it as "authoritarianism"
libertarians are an utterly subverted and one-sided sockpuppet bludgeon for the leftist elite, you never see these faggots do something like defend the institution of marriage or call for a repeal of the NFA or claim that white people have the right to exist
>Han Solo trilogy
Heard these were good, but wasn't aware they were pre-Empire. Gonna give them a shot just because of that.
>The new ones from Zahn
Yeah I actually mistakingly started a newer one thinking it was the first part of the Thrawn trilogy. It dealt with his origins and from what I read I believe you about the writing. The Thrawn trilogy has great character writing, but I could've used more descriptive language for the action scenes.
>Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy
Sounds kino
>Avoid Karen Traviss
Thanks for the heads up. I've seen her name pop up, but I've been avoiding woman writers for Star Wars.
There do exist good women writers in Star Wars, but Karen Traviss had this really wierd antipathic fixation against the jedi and used her position at Lucasfilm during her tenure to utterly subvert the franchise to the best of her abilities, wrecking lore and killing off characters left and right to satisfy her personal politics. The Disney faggotry people complain about these days is child's play compared to the shit she pulled ruining the EU.
Yeah the Disney faggotry is why I'm not particularly seeking out female writers. That's interesting to hear about Traviss. Maybe I'll check her out to see how bad it gets. On a related note it's fun to see how off the accusations about Star Wars stuff lacking strong female characters are. For example the Thrawn trilogy had some great stuff with Mon Motha that wasn't centered around her being a girl boss.
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In new canon there's a decent selection of books.
There are three sort of YA novels from 2015 called "The Weapon of a Jedi", "Smuggler's Run", and "Moving Target", which aren't anything special but which are nice and enjoyable interludes between the OT movies - unfortunately, with a framing device regarding the sequel trilogy, which is thankfully easily ignored.
There's also a series called Alphabet Squadron that's proven enduringly popular (alphabet as in A-Wing, B-wing, X-wing, Y-wing, not LGBT) and there is one female author that seems never to suffer any backlash even from the diehard anti-Disney crowd - Claudia Gray - but I personally haven't read them. However the fact that I hear good things about them from the places that usually pride themselves on being contrarian to Disney Wars suggests that they are much better than the Chuck Wendig slop that people typically (and rightfully) bitch about.

Also avoid Matthew Stover from the EU, he's mega gay - literally. If anybody is shilling Matt Stover to you, they're closeted.
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Fucking booktuber chicks. Why do they do things to my dick?
I can't stand women talking, their pitch is too annoying
>I can only listen the most masculine voices possible, but not in a gay way. No homo.
Many such cases. Sad!
If the point of this chart is to make a list of authors WITHOUT agenda-pushing, why are you including the other two categories at all? Just exclude them. Only include the green list.
Be patient with him, he's autistic, people on the spectrum have difficulty assigning meaning to their actions, they only perceive the obsessive compulsive desire to categorize.
well that only works if you can assume the list to be complete. with the ones not on the list you might assume they could be one or the other and try them out then.

but i would say having three categories does not make sense. seems like it should just be readable/not readable
>That excerpt
Always fun to find a new least favorite Star Wars thing.
>Claudia Gray
I'll give her a shot. Thanks for the recs, anon. Appreciate the mix of eu and Disney stuff.
Is this a guide for helping people find authors worth reading or is it an encyclopedic list of authors broken up into ideological categories? It seems like you started out with the former as your premise, but it's evolved into the latter. The former has a clear purpose and would fit very neatly into a tidy chart, the latter has no clear purpose except to satisfy an autistic need to categorize things needlessly, and would create a massive, cluttered info-graphic that absolutely nobody would bother to read in its entirety.
I don't think you know what a libertarian is.
i am not the one who made the chart. i was just saying the there is a usecase for having a negative category on the chart. so if i find a new author i look at the chart to find out if i should bother reading or not. so if it is on the chart in green i read. if it is in red i do not. if it is not on the chart i might have to read but might be disappointed.

but you are right, just having a board typical reading chart with "good" others would be enough for most people i guess.
It can't be helped since the US Libertarian Party aren't libertarians and US libertarians are different from how it's defined outside of the US.
>. i was just saying the there is a usecase for having a negative category on the chart
No, there really isn't. It's the exact opposite of what the chart was originally supposed to be about. It's not helpful.
That's why you only read the approved. Sure, you might be missing out on a lot, but that's better than reading something that destroys your mind with stuff you don't like.
I think it's more likely that you simply don't know what Libertarian means. The fact you're complaining about the Libertarian party not taking socially conservative stances is proof enough that you don't understand what it means.
I think the problem is, you have it backward. You are thinking that people will find a book in the wild, then will scramble to pull up this list and check if it's on there and how it's categorized. That's not how people use these charts. They consult the chart first, then seek out books based on what the chart recommends.
>tfw when you forget to put "nta" and anon assumes you're the same anon even though it's clearly a different anon
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Just want to drop this. Maybe someone could make a chart.
If you don't want to get hit don't stand in the line of fire, my guy.
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I think you need to open your eyes and recognize the difference between an idealized libertarian and what libertarians actually are in the real world. In b4
>But that's not real libertarianism!
Real libertarianism is how it works in real life, not how it works in your objectivist fiction novel, and real libertarians are the first to bat for gay marriage, open borders, and the right for corporations to censor your thoughtcrimes.

>Appreciate the mix of eu and Disney stuff.
As someone who is not cripplingly autistic and terminally addicted to outrage, I can see the positives in Disney Star Wars stuff where they exist without having a kneejerk contrarian reflex against it, just as I can see the positives in the old Expanded Universe. There is a lot to like in both continuities - and a lot to hate. Being 100% in one camp or the other makes you a midwit NPC cultist.
You've already made it a chart.
>real libertarians are the first to bat for gay marriage, open borders, and the right for corporations to censor your thoughtcrimes
Yes, and? Like, the fact that you're listing these things like they're "gotcha"s is proof you don't understand Libertarianism. All of that is 100% copacetic with fundamental Libertarian values. I'm sorry that you apparently thought Libertarians were some kind of "conservative ally", because they are not. Especially not since neocons took over the conservative wing of the US congress.
>not cripplingly autistic and terminally addicted to outrage
Weird that you're here then.
>All of that is 100% copacetic with fundamental Libertarian values
>libertarian values
Another illustration of the utter meaninglessness of the phrase "libertarian". If you are anti-individual liberty in any respect, you are not a libertarian. It's just another red herring for leftist elite to label their controlled opposition attack dogs when doing the "liberty for me but not for thee" routine. All for the freedom for pedophiles to rape kids, nobody for the freedom for kids not to be raped by pedophiles.
Letting people marry whoever they want, allowing unrestricted travel, and allowing private businesses to operate however they wish, are exactly the opposite of authoritarianism. Private citizens doing things you don't approve of is not "authoritarianism". Libertarians would encourage you to mind your own business.
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>Weird that you're here then.
Fool that I am, I expected to discuss scifi and fantasy books/settings here. Then again, I'm also dumb enough to seriously expect video game discussion on /v/, so take of that what you will.
How the hell did Sanderson write something as great as Mistborne and then proceed to write the dogshit that is Stormlight?
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>its not authoritarian when we do it
>Majority of redflags are women writers
Seems like it goes without saying then?
>Government uses corporations to oppress the people therefore the problem is corporations and not bloated, powerful government
Let me guess, you also weed your garden by chopping off the leaves without digging out the roots?
>libertarian politics
Picked up
>Brandon Sanderson marked as Safe to Read
Are you retarded?
Where is Christopher Ruocchio?
>There's a good story somewhere underneath it all.
No, there's not.
I suppose he would be a high yellow but honestly Sanderson has zero politics besides random virtue signaling. And even then he made Kaladin homophobic for some reason and never addressed it. Its too mindless to have politics.
Have you read it?
One's only a faggot if he sucks dick and take it in the ass.
Takes one to know one.
>Government using the corporations to oppress people
>Corporations using the government to oppress people
A distinction without a difference, at the end of the day it's the same thing: socialism.
It doesn't include gay porn? What an interesting exemption.
>Corporations are socialist
Wait til you realize that governments are a type of corporation!
Recently purchased two sci fi novels, Geta (the yankee edition has another title) and Harry Turtledove's first novel of the series where World War 2 is interrupted by an alien invasion (lol, yet my sort of lol).
Sci fi is pure literary russian roulette. I can't seem to read something I find "meh". It is all either "that was good" or "what a load of dung".

Allow me to recommend an author I am sure you yanks know FA about, sadly: Peter F. Hamilton. Go for his Great North Road. If you like, you can jump to any one of the many trilogies he wrote (each volume with more than 900 pages). The dude's a talented writer and his imagination is quite astonishing.
watching gay porn is only gay if you're twisting off to it
So in The Will of the Many there seems to be an inconsistency. Belli is part of a Military family. Why would she care if Vis joins Government? She is risking her spot with a bet to ingratiate herself to a faction her family isn't in and having Vis betray the faction her family is part of
Am I being retarded? Her motivation makes no sense to me.
This would be better with book series alongside author names and a division between fantasy and science fiction
The difference is goodkind wasn't spreading propaganda. That shit was his acta beliefs
>star wars
Fuck off
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Is there any other place to get audiobooks besides myanonamouse (can't maintain seed ratio without seedbox, every file is VIP member locked anyways) and audiobookbay (unorganized, low quality files, no seeders)?
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>Fuck off
Only the first one was decent
Dude muh long ass epic fantasy series with muh cosmere crossovers it's just like the avengers. I don't think sanderson raizes that people like robert jordan didn't intend to make massive epics from the start. That happened over time as they meandered around through multiple books without having a good editor and/or kept writing shit to make a quick buck. But Sanderson set out to make a gigantic epic fantasy series. He crashed and burned before he even started. The dude has like 3 interludes each their own POVs and the main chapters have around a dozen POVs as well. The first books has almost 20 iirc. The later books are even worse with this.
>And even then he made Kaladin homophobic
>for some reason
Kaladin is his self insert
Sci-fi is a dead genre. Other tha the notable stuff half a century ago and beyond the rest is derivative slop. Sci-fi also has less authors than before. Fantasy isn't much better but there are a lot more authors so you have a better chance to find aomething you like. The derivative slop of fantasy is worse than the derivative slop of sci-fi
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I need vampire kino. Already went through IWaV. What else is there?
Darrow killed millions.
you made me check.
it does seem like the author just derped, and it got past editors also lol
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Post short stories that either
>are fantasy written by science fiction authors
>are science fiction written by fantasy authors

I'll start: Second Dawn by Arthur C. Clarke
aren't they both type of author then by definition?

the way of cross and dragon by grrm
(does he count more as scifi or fantasy?)
Haven't read GRRM, but I've considered him fantasy (based on what I know second hand), and just looking at the title of that story indicates fantasy as well IMO

>aren't they both type of author then by definition?
I meant authors who generally write a particular type of fiction or are known for that type. Who knows? Maybe Clarke thought Second Dawn is sci fi. I'd expect there are a lot of instances where authors cross over, either intentionally or not, which is why I made that post. I'm interested in the way a primarily fantasy author writes sci fi and vice versa; also the comparison in style.
There's a pretty obscure novel called Dracula by this one-hit-wonder author named Bram Stoker, you've probably never heard of it, but it's a cult classic.
>abercrombie could be classified under yellow or even red these days
What a shame, authors using social media to interact with 'fans' always leads to ruin
the short story is scifi. he wrote scifi for 25 years before starting asoiaf. he got 3 hugo awards for his scifi stories. but i guess he is most known for asoiaf now, so i chose some scifi.

he believes fanatsy and scifi are two sides of the same coin. don't remember his explanation.
Is there any fantasy where the heroic virtue of self-sacrifice, even of one's life, is espoused rather than condemned?
I can't remember seeing something like Boromir blowing the horn for help even though it calls more enemies to his location along with allies in the last ten years.
Sci-fi is dead because doing it well takes work. Look at the notes and references at the end of any Peter Watts novel and you'll see why writers prefer to write fantasy or space opera.
Hard sci fi is for fags. If you want to do science, just do it in the real world and make more money.
That's also why no one wants to do it: the only readers are people who should be doing actual science instead.
>fanatsy and scifi are two sides of the same coin
I would generally agree, or at least they are closely related, or maybe their differences are often subjective. One could easily look at a work like The Book of the New Sun and classify it as science fiction, although I would classify it as fantasy, simply for a lack of scientific rigor / explanations / underpinnings.
Is heroic self sacrifice usually condemned? I awals feel its the other way, at least in fantasy.

David Gemmell comes to mind but his novels are always about honor and redemption, flawd heroes etc which almost always involves heroic sacrifice. Like bear hugging a Balrog equivalent and jumping off a cliff to kill them.
Not him, you are retarded
They're related, but like any siblings they fight viciously.
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I feel like if there was a common thread it was more so in the fans themselves. A lot of this would have been back when geek culture is still considered.... well GEEKY I guess is the only way to put it so many fans of fantasy, sci fi, video games etc and down the line where often treated like outsiders from the cooler aspects of society. Fans of these things just sort of drew together because we generally had no place else to go. Fantasy may not have always like Sci Fi but we sure as shit weren't gonna go buddy up to the football players.
>Is there any fantasy where the heroic virtue of self-sacrifice, even of one's life, is espoused rather than condemned?
Can you list some fantasy where virtue of self sacrifice is condemned?
In the last five years, it seems like the idea of dying for your cause is condemned by leftist propagandists who hate the idea of gallantry in the face of death.
>idea of dying for your cause is condemned by leftist propagandists
They've always hated that, what they have been promoting is male characters dying to save females and save the world regardless of who the main character is, the old patriarchy world dying to save the new "better" world run by blue haired idiotic females, poc females or just some dumb feminists.
I suppose, I dont read anything modern anymore but I can see what you're getting at. Heroic sacrifices being considered as "Heroic Masculinity" now, but usually its just bad writing. Like a character wants to sacrifice himself for the greater good but then some mary sue character figures out a way to save everyone.
They are foolish, of course. Without gallant souls willing to die for the cause, equity will die to random chuds who will say, "my country right or wrong" and jam a bayonet in the mouth of the revolutionary before pulling the trigger for good measure.
should I read the Farseer Trilogy/Realm of Elderlings? I've already been some what spoiled about the cuck shit but I assume its not a big part of the story?
Are you of such a profession, like social work, that you have no time to read?
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Has anyone read this? Any good?
I am of a profession where I have all the time to read but nothing to read.
Then read the story anyway, and tell us if it is worth reading.
COunt yourself blessed, you are not a social worker!
LOTR vs Dark Tower by Stephen King
So actually read shit instead of asking us. If it sucks you at least know. Actually expose yourself to things.

fucking snowflake jesus christ
as a germanfag when will the day come of good german scifi
When you write it.
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The official Mom Protagonist SFF List.
I apologize for the lengthy (ie autistic) list. I may update it later.
>Caught in Crystal (1987) by Patricia Wrede
>The Interior Life (1990) by Katherine Blake
>Raven's Duology (2004-2005) by Patricia Briggs
>Wolfblade Trilogy (2004-2005) by Jennifer Fallon
>Bridge of D'Arnath (2004-2005) by Carol Berg
>The World Gates Trilogy (2004-2005) By Holly Lisle, Arhel trilogy and Minerva Wakes too
>Dragonsbane (1985) by Barbara Hambly
>Paladin of Souls and Vorkosigan saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
>Sunrunner Saga (1988-1993) by Melanie Rawn. Mommy Sioned best yandere girl
>The Empire Trilogy (1987-1992) by Janny Wurts
>Liveship Traders (1998-200) by Robin Hobb
>Birthgrave (1975-1978) by Tanith Lee
>Karavans Trilogy (2006-2012) by Jennifer Roberson
>Skinwalkers (2014) by Wendy N. Wagner, ex-pirate Axe wielding mom!
>Frostfell (2006) by Mark Sehestedt
>Legacy of Steel (1998) by Mary H. Herbert
>The Traitor Spy Trilogy (2010-2012) by Trudi Canavan
>Sevenwaters Trilogy (1999-2001) by Juliet Marillier
>Blood songs (1987) by Robin Wayne Bailey
>Bloodsong Trilogy (1985-1986) by Asa Drake
>Gypsies (1988) by Robert Charles Wilson
>Child of Time (1991) by Robert Silverberg
>The Wayfarer Redemption (1995-1999) by Sara Douglass
>The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (1974) by Patricia A. McKillip
>The Keys to Paradise Trilogy (1987-1988) by Robert Vardeman, trio of mcs all of the same importance, veterans of the Trans-War that ravaged the country, one of them is a cat-girl who saves a slave kid and adopts him
>Bitter Angels (2009) by C.L Anderson
>The Great Wheel (1987) by Joyce Ballou Gregorian
>Daughter of the Bear King (1987) by Eleanor Arnason
>Night-Threads series by Ru Emerson, portal fantasy about a druggie mom, her sister and her teenage son.
>Frostflower adn Thorn (1980) Phyllis Ann Karr
>Fifth Millenium by S.M. Stirling, Shirley Meier, and Karen Wehrstein
>Spellsong Cycle (1997-2002) by L.E. Modesitt Jr
>The Sword of Lyric by Sharon Hinck, christian portal fantasy about a soccer mom and her son fighting against Not-Satan
>Cradle of Sea and Soill (2020) by Bernie Anes Paz
>Boneshaker (2009) Cherie Priest
>The Gap Cycle by Stephen Donaldson, absolute grimdark kino but like most of Donaldson's work it has a happy ending, the main characters just have to go through hell to get it.
>Dragon Gate by Lindsay Buroker, a six book epic about a Mother-son duo
>Memories of Ice (2001 Book 3 of Malazan Book of the Fallen) by Steven Erikson
>To Sail Beyond the Sunset (1987) by Robert Heinlein
>The War Eternal by Rob J Hayes
>Black Jewels by Anne Bishop
I'm open to any suggestions for SFF books with mom mc
And Kate Elliott's new Mom protagonist book the Keeper's Six.
BakkerWolfeVance is king etc.
Other recs by kind anons from past threads
>Darwin’s Radio, Greg Bear
>The Nearest, Greg Egan.
In other words never.
Write it you faggot
we used to like it back when people in here read
Can my series survive the protag sacrificing himself in the first book to let his child survive?
Depends on the quality of the follow ups. Seems a decent place to end things though. Also maybe get your book done before you think series. Sort of putting the cart first.
Yes! Just make sure that his child is actually an adopted black/lesbian daughter (and make him a white racist too). Libshits and females love this shit.
I plan to write the series anyway.
I figure the sequel will sell because it's his daughter and women like women protags.
entire list discarded
I like Palmer's blog, she writes well

According to others anons the first book is okay, later entries less so. Be prepared for CURRENT YEAR shibboleths
The main virtue of the story is that the protag dies as a Christian Saint would: for his enemies and to spare his children death.
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yeah, i was afraid it would be about that
I'd rather read chinkslop than Sansoslop
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>The main 'virtue' of the story:
>the protag dies
>protag's a Christian
>protag's a Saint
>only protags mixed race female children survive
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There is a time for peace and a time for war.
its actually not that uncommon for that to happen in JRPG now that I think about it. Blanket spoilers for anyone
>DQV, the protagonist gets petrified and his children become the MC, eventually save him
>Sol Trigger, you die against the final boss but your pregnant wife that you get to choose survives so your kids are the next protagonist
>Lufia II, you and your wife sacrifice yourselves to destroy a floating castle before it crashes into your city with your child in it. Child survives and his descendent becomes the next protagonist in the sequel prequel

I could think of more but pretty much the same themes. Heroic sacrifice and the child takes up the mantle. Its also not that unusual for fantasy novels to have like a main-ish protag in the first book who dies and then theres a new protag afterwards. The issue there though is that they usually make the first protag too good so the rest feels like, "man I really wish the protag didnt die".
>I figure the sequel will sell because it's his daughter and women like women protags.
if thats the case you could try reading Aching God by Mike Shel first. Starts with the father protag and switches off to the daughter protag. Could give you some ideas for structure. Personally I did hate the shift to the daughter because she was terribly written (make a character smarter by making everyone else around her dumber/weaker) but I would have no issue with a well written daughter switch
putting Gregs Bear and Egan next to each other reminded me of the time some anon mistakenly recommended "Greg Egan's Halo novels". Now those, I'd like to read.
>The dude has like 3 interludes each their own POVs and the main chapters have around a dozen POVs as well. The first books has almost 20 iirc. The later books are even worse with this.
don't tell this guy about Malazan
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It's jarring going from xianxia to shit like this, every chapter the POV shifts
I’m reading A Court of Thorns and Roses and it’s a really awful slog. I hate this book. Should I just stop? It feels like a good lesson in what not to do, though, so I would like to keep going.
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>only Christian saints die to protect their children
Anyway, it can work if you advertise the story as multigenerational and if you make both protagonists equally likeable. Or you can bring a twist and have the daughter strive to measure up to her father's sacrifice/idealised image.
we don't have the best, but with perry rhodan we have the longest scifi.
who is or was the robert e howard equivalent for sci fi?
I'm filtering this image
>James SA Corey
>not pozzed
I get liking things even though they're pozzed. I enjoyed reading those books (a lot more than watching the show), but come on.
>gays everywhere
>Indians and UN rule the system
>muh stronk wymyn
They didn't write this story as award b8. They find it possible, logical, and preferable, even described as practically inevitable at times.
No, don't do it!
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He filtered millions...
His actions were justified, they'd died for a great cause, it wasn't a meaningless sacrifice.
Hyperion is actually really good
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chinkshit pls go
It has good worldbuilding but the story is generic and complies with ccp rules.
Something you probably haven't already read? The Golden by Lucius Shepard. It's essentially a whodunit with vampires in a mysterious castle.
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Reminder to read dungeon crawler carl
I will not read bugfic, litrpg or webslop
You will read it and you will like it
>not a single woman outside of red
Sounds about right. Out of the listed women I’ve only ever read 2/3 of Muir’s Locked Tomb series, and… yeah it’s just an excuse for her to lust over teenage girls
It doesn't count because it has politics I like.
Sarah Hoyt comes to mind a a woman author that is decidedly right-wing.
how can u not maintain ratio. my real upload is tiny but i can generate VIP in a few days of seeding to noone
>it's forced abd it beats you over the head.
What would be considered "beating you over the head"?
>Has anyone read this?
Yes. For a book club.
>Any good?
Are you a woman?
Reminder people who read DCC are reddit-tier faggots.
Poor man's Diamond Age. Starts decently well, but falls apart towards the end. Some aspects of the world are laughable, and at some points the author is clearly writing with one hand down her panties (which may or may not be up your alley).

I still gotta read this. Snow Crash and Anathema were great, Seveneves was an absolute fuckin slog.
>I still gotta read this
Prepare to be disappointed then. It touches on similar themes as Diamond Age, but with a lot more shoujo manga melodrama and much less competence or insight. I did finish it, but do not plan to read the sequels.
I thought everyone liked the RotS novelization? Even the ones that hate Disney SW with a burning passion.
What’s with all the sexual predator authors in the sci-fi community?
I meant to suggest "I gotta read Diamond Age". I've owned a copy for years now. now Palmer's series does sound interesting because apparently it's fairly philosophical in nature, and I really like that. But - I've told myself I'm not buying any books the rest of the year, my backlog is stupid.
I definitely do recommend Diamond Age, it's my favorite Stephenson novel after Anathem.
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nice, thanks anon I will push it up on my reading list. Anathem was definitely my favorite Stephenson book too - I love western philosophy and he did a great job with the world building in that one.
No, only the loudest and gayest secondaries.
That's the thing, even people I know who like the old EU and are actual die hard OG SW fans love the novelizations. It's odd since I always saw novelizations as redundant, cool trivia to be sure since they're usually based on earlier drafts, but redundant nonetheless.
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>even people I know who like the old EU and are actual die hard OG SW fans
You misunderstand me: EUfags (or EUnuchs) are the kind of
>it's ok when my side does it
shiteaters who will excuse anything in the EU solely on the basis of it not being Disney. I never once heard a word of praise for Star Wars novelizations - ANY novelizations, including the Alan Dean Foster ghostwritten original trilogy - until after Disney bought the license and started a new continuity. Everything in the EU - even the fag planet from Bioware's TORtanic game that lets you get gay married - becomes permissible simply on the basis that it's anti-Disneycanon. Stover was only parroted as an exemplar of Star Wars literary technique after it became a useful name to add to lists of authors to counter the Disneyverse's dearth of content. Most people who actually gave a rat's ass about Star Wars books back when they were new were busy reading James Luceno's Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader or his Darth Plagueis books, not novelizations. In fact I struggle to recall the novelizations of TPM or AOTC ever being mentioned (AOTC's novelization being written by none other than R. A. Salvatore), but Matt Stover gets a pass because Revenge of the Sith is the most fellated of the prequels.
Maybe the Bloodsworn Trilogy by John Gwynne? Orka is the primary of 3 (5 in book 2) protagonists, a viking warrior mom going full John Wick to try and save her kidnapped son.
>finally read assassin's apprentice
>pretty hacky
>old yellers 3 dogs in one book
>debating whether to continue trilogy
>look up synopsis of next book
>cliche romance plot
Fuck off robin hobb
there's cuckoldry in there too if you're into that
sasuga woman author
I getcha know, and I agree with EUfags being annoying. Back in the day, I heard nothing but scorn for shit like the Yuuzan Vong, the Legacy of the Force books, and all of Karen Traviss' bullshit. Nowadays EUfags think they're shakespearian masterpieces and everyone hating it was a "vocal minority" or some shit. All because it's "not as bad as Disney"
What kind of gay shit is that. Can authors seriously not write a single fucking novel in current years that has none of this shit?

>"It's not----it's not like that---"
Are there any fantasy novels by female authors that aren't hacky? Too Like the Lighting was pretty good but that was scifi.
what did you not like about farseer 1?
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That's not all EU authors, it's not even all DisnEU authors (as faggy as they can be), that's just Matthew Stover being a disgusting sick fuck. I read (or rather, started reading and stopped from disgust) a book of his a month ago and it was filled to the brim with the most vile repulsive degenerate sex acts CONSTANTLY. Stephen King is a prude compared to this gay pedophile (and there's no way a man who, in Heart of Bronze, writes 30 separate sex scenes between old men and 7 year old boys in the space of 250 pages is not a gay pedophile), and yet he is somehow popular among culture war grifters who think they're fighting a blow for "real fans" against the mouse.
I liked Ombria in Shadow.
define hacky. I liked kingfisher's nettle & bone, but considering it's about a would-be witch looking to save her sister from an abusive husband you might not like it. also a very decent fantasy story, but I have a feeling it's the former that sadly got it nominated for hugo category in 2023.
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are star wars novelizations actually any good? I never bothered.
*Getcha now
many of them are very good
They're actually pretty well written, and they have some unique points-of-view and details you might not see in the movie, or cut content that was either deleted scenes or rewritten from an earlier draft (for example, Veers dying on Hoth or Uncle Owen being Obi-wan Kenobi's brother)
The general sense that none of it mattered really. There were deaths and such but none of it really had any weight, aside from the dogs, which is cheating. The whole "forging" thing seemed like mostly an excuse to have video game style NPCs walking around for the protagonist to figuratively level up on. There were no real twists or surprises in terms of the major characters, the bad guys were with the bad prince and the good guys were with the good prince. And at the end of it none of the main plot really seemed to have mattered since even the royal family status quo was maintained. There wasn't even really any in-character philosophizing about the nihilism of it all. Kind of just a total flatline in terms of the human characters, which is why I think she felt the need to do the shit with the dogs.
>don't read book, read a wiki
>make completely incorrect assumptions about it
>whine about author in thread
Every time
It was an informed decision based on the first book being very mediocre
>Tolerance forothernessis a theme that runs through the fantasy elements of Hobb'sElderlingsseries
>The Wit, the ability to bond with animals, is viewed as an unnatural inclination, as emasculating and shameful, with its practitioners publicly hanged and forced into hiding.[52]Scholars have described it as an allegory forqueernessand homophobia.
>Hobb explores gender as a theme in theLiveship Traders, which focuses on the lives of three generations of women in a patriarchal society.
>Other themes in Hobb's writing include critiques of colonialism
I guess the wiki on Robin Hobb is incorrect. She isn't focused on identity politics and other leftist sjw nonsense, she doesn't write fiction literature to push degenerate leftist ideas and narrative.
I see summer posting is back
doesn't the royal family status quo change massively in the second book though? maybe if the first book was too slow you can still get your payoff in the second?
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>the ability to talk to animals is an allegory for sucking dicks
This says a lot more about the "scholars" and wikipedos than it does about the author.
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I never read the EU novels until after TLJ released and was so fucking bad I'd give anything else a try.
Plenty of people dislike a number of SW books (Children of the Jedi in particular, for the Jedi Apprentice trilogy it's is often recommended to read I, Jedi instead because it covers the same events and Anderson is a bad writer).
For myself I was unable to read NJO past this point, it was so fucking boring and awful.
>She isn't focused on identity politics and other leftist sjw nonsense, she doesn't write fiction literature to push degenerate leftist ideas and narrative.
not in the way that le guin is, no
I don't give a shit what happens in the second book of a series if the first book wasn't good
Chuds and schizos are back i guess
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The EU is, in discrete terms, better than the Disney New Canon on account of having 35 years of content, so by sheer volume you're guaranteed to get enough good stuff to enjoy. Disney is very anal retentive about controlling their content so there's proportionally much less of it, so the usual Sturgeon's Law of "90% of everything is crap" becomes much more visible relative to the actual good Star Wars stuff being made.
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There's actually quite a lot of disney SW though and it's all shit
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I don't know if this is that but we need more notStarWars since disney has fucked the pooch so badly
Anyone read pic related? Read it high school and don't remember anything about it.
Kino. I'm reading Jedi Search and X-Wing Rogue Squadron.
These are next on my list
Always wanted to get into Chalker's, is this a good introduction or should i go with Well of Souls?
>X-Wing Rogue Squadron.
Nice, Rogue and Wraith Squadron are peak SW imo
all the zahn books are good
he's a good writer, whatever you are interested in
the ones posted here are really good
I wish he wrote more f̶a̶n̶f̶i̶c̶s̶ about Mara Jade
>Nice, Rogue and Wraith Squadron are peak SW imo
Yeah enjoying it immensely so far. Wedge was so based in the Thrawn trilogy I had to check these out
bro assassins apprentice is schlock.
you're just parroting buzzwords
I like Farseer
I like Robin Hobb
I like reading character driven fantasy written by women
Love New Wave scifi
Hate chinkslop
Hate webnovelslop
Hate modern """""""Sword & Sorcery""""" (S&S died with Karl Edward Wagner, it's time to let it go...)
Hate modern scifi
simple ass
A girl recommended Mistborn to me, and I read it.
She's very cute.
Should I offer her my handkerchief?
Is modern Sword & Sorcery even a thing? I never see any modern books marketed as S&S.
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feel like I've read or at least attempted to read all the popular / acclaimed shit, so please recommend me some 'obscure' or lesser known or full-blown fuckin forgotten sci-fi books you personally think are good
I am compelled to offer this one caveat, the original Republic Commando novel, Hard Contact, was actually really fucking operator and kino af, her work got progressively more insane over time, but it started off strong and is worth reading at least the first one.
I like the interactions he has with all his team members, it's banter done right and he gets even more based as the books go on.
The Rogue Squadron comicbooks are good and they are written by Stackpole too
Does Lord of Light count, nobody's even shilled that here for a few years
sadly it is, and most of it has cringy blurbs like "this is fantasy for REAL MEAN not for SISSIES or W*MEN (yuck!)" like they care more about owning the libs than writting something that's actually good, i really doubt Howard, Leiber, Kuttner were thinking how to fight the tranny agenda
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>"You see, girl, when a civilization begins to decay and die, the only thing men or women think about is the gratification of their body's desires. They become preoccupied with sex. It colors their laws, their religion --every aspect of their lives.
>"Listen to me. When you have a dying civilization, the normal, accepted lifestyle ain't strong enough to satisfy the damned insatiable appetites of the courtesans and, finally, of all the people. They turn to Lesbianism and things like that to satisfy their desires."

He clearly saw which way the wind was blowing even 90 years ago and it surely must have affected his writing somewhat
This is the failing all of writing that wants to 'own the libs/chuds'.
Ultimately, it focuses on attacking its audience instead of inspiring them.
>filled to the brim with the most vile repulsive degenerate sex acts CONSTANTLY.
Heterosexual sex in the missionary position?
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Yes, between a 40 year old and a literal infant. If that's what you like, go read Matt Stover.

Yes, as independently published print-on-demands on Amazon
>Yes, between a 40 year old and a literal infant.
Holy shit. No fucking way was that published, not by a major publisher at least.
Boomers seem to love him and has fallen of the radar for modern readers but he was huge back in the day. he seemed like a big ideas man and i always like those authors, also i know he was a bit a freak/weirdo and that's always a good indication that a book is going to be interesting (ie. Heinlein and Tanith Lee)
For being such a famous character Mara doesn't really have lot of page time and it's even worse when about 30% of her appearances happened in the god forsaken Dark Nest Trilogy and LotF.
It's ok though, because it was a depraved villain who did it!
Obviously you can't pull that sort of shit with Lucasfilm breathing down your neck, but with DAW or TOR or whatever the hell Heart of Bronze was, they're not going to stop you.
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I'm still fucking mad. Nothing Disney has done was more actively malicious than this.
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>Traviss further stated that she was a fan of the character
lol lmao. Her death was pathetic Denning and Traviss did more damage to the EU doing their edgelord fafics than all of disney combined, the only reason they didn't completely destroyed the entire cast of Rogue Squadron was because Aaron Allston did everything in his power to save them. and i'm still mad that Denning turned Tahiri Veila into a literal predator
I also like to lie.
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A new Conan book just came out.
Yes yes whatever time to go back t𐐬 reddit
>when a civilization begins to decay and die, the only thing men or women think about is the gratification of their body's desires.
>They become preoccupied with sex. It colors their laws, their religion --every aspect of their lives.
This is perfectly reflected in literature, 95% of modern sff is smut (with a strong dose of pozzed) disguised as some fantasy or scifi. Worse, the audience wants that.
sun eater
give me something new. I've spent a lot of time scouring the reading charts but have found nothing
Seriously considering buying a $200 hard cover collection of Frank Frazetta's artwork.
China Mieville is (objectively and by all metrics) the best writer on that list.
>dude muh insecure but insanely attractive MC bastard royal who is a powerful wizard and epic assassin
bro just admit you like schlock
>reading fan fiction
bound and broken. First book was shit but author improved afterwards. Still only decent though. Isn't amazing but it's the only recent fantasy that went big I know of
lmao please carry on reading
You genuinely couldn't be more wrong about what Hobb's whole deal is as an author if you tried
you're really going with the "it gets good 10 books later" defense?
Stuff I've read from last 10-20 years that's explicitly S&S Copper Cat, The Thief Who Pulled on Trouble's Braids, Gotrek and Felix
There's more out there and then you have guys like Howard Andrew Jones who came up via pulp and writes what I'd call fantasy swashbucklers which have S&S influence but probably draw on Dumas more
No I am going with the you have fundamentally misunderstood what the author does.
Hobb makes her protagonists fail and suffer more than almost anyone else in the genre.
You really should've started to notice this when Fitz has everything he bonds with die and ends the first book with possibly permanently damaged health.
SAnderchad says this is bad writing
>oh yeah dude just start Stormlight Archive, you don’t need to read anything else before it
>oh that character? Oh yeah he’s a Worldhopper. You need to read Warbreaker to know who he is
>that one? Oh yeah sorry he’s from the Mistborn trilogy, didn’t you read that first?
How tedious
>bound and broken

The first book is so....adorable? It's written worse than a fanfic desu. There were so many unecessary sentences and weird reaction phrases. Like "chuckled at the crowd" like who does that. But the second half of the first book already showed a huge improvement and the second book is already so much better

HOWEVER Im getting bored with Rist and those newly reunited knights order I forgot the name of.

Meanwhile Calen gang and the Dragonbound on the side of the empire are fun POVs
>I’ve only ever read 2/3 of Muir’s Locked Tomb series, and… yeah it’s just an excuse for her to lust over teenage girls
Based, actually. Going to add it to my reading list.
>Hobb makes her protagonists fail and suffer more than almost anyone else in the genre.
classic female fantasy of the suffering chad
The author doesn't need to emphasize so many words.
the first book was mediocre. I like Rist because I'm glad it didn't end up like Eragon with the evil empire vs Eragon. Rist adds more nuance.

>Meanwhile Calen gang and the Dragonbound on the side of the empire are fun POV
Yes they're fun. Calen and friends are funny because of how angry they always are. I hate Ella's POV though wish it didn't exist but I guess you have to have a mandatory female protagonist but god is she boring.
>insanely attractive MC
Fitz is literally brown
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Rename the 'no propaganda' section to 'propaganda that i agree with'.
It's more honest.
it's pretty funny how people used to wonder about how subtle he was gonna be with the cosmere stuff before the more recent books
kuro but if she big boba
lesbo stuff is admittedly a vice of mine which was why I picked it up to begin with. It’s surprisingly well-written and while both of the first two books have some pretty major weaknesses I did enjoy it well enough. I’m going to read the third soon
Ooooh yeah Ella I almost forgot her. I kinda felt she's similar to Dragonbone Chair's Miriamele wherein all her contribution to the plot so far is....travelling around.....and crying
Sanderson's books are slowly becoming the MCU of fantasy novels. And his fans have started to talk shit on other fantasy novels simply because of the lack of spoonfeeding autistic-level magic system
>all her contribution to the plot so far is....travelling around.....and crying
She should have died with the parents
the fact that her plot started with wanting to run away with some guy and her POV is my family will eventually understand
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I'm assuming you haven't finished the third book yet? Ella gets relevant later on but yeah she's a very slow burn and I also had some trouble with seeing what the point of her was until then.

And to add, third book was amazing and the author just keeps improving with every book. I'm really hyped for book 4. Also, don't forget to read the novellas.
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Gonna write the Dark Souls of literature. Heard a few people want to read something like that but it's not available.
>Ella gets relevant later
don't care she's probably still annoying. Egwene was relevant in Wheel of Time but she was boring to follow and annoying
Read The Road first for inspiration
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Someone else already wrote the Bloodborne + Elden Ring of literature
Already read that masterpiece.

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The Dark Souls of literature already exists, it's called the Quran.
>demon-possessed warlord
>barefoot lolis
>evil dogs
>an ancient evil has awoken
what else
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Finished the first book in picrel, found it extremely disappointing. Is book 2 any better or am I wasting my time?
what made it disappointing to you?
No, I didn't mesh with it either, genuinely one of the only books I don't understand the praise for. Felt bad for the fake white rose though.
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>but it's not available.
it probably gets its praise from being somehwat influencial and being very well liked by people in the military. the author was a soldier as well.

were there dark gritty military fantasy books before this that pulled it off as well?
I can't think of any, although you saw glimpses of it in Poul Anderson's stuff it wasn't ever fully realized. I still haven't read Legend and I've heard that's got a lot "dark gritty military fantasy" stuff in it and published around the same time.
Wolfe wrote BOTNS years ago my man
Anon, unlike fromslop, BotNS if entirely coherent. It's a rather straighforward story with beginning, middle and end, with a minimal amount of entry-level time travel thrown in literally just for cyclical symbolism.
>is very anal retentive about controlling their content
>then they proceed to give sam maggots to write a book, a person who said doesn't like sw
>Sanderson's books are slowly becoming the MCU of fantasy novels
>Slowly becoming

That's what they ALWAYS were.
godspeed, you beautiful man
sanderson is tentatively yellow because of the new faggy characters that are almost certainly there to clear Hugo requirements.
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I'm almost halfway through book 4 and I'm seriously considering just bailing on the series. The first part of this book with only following Karsa was cool, but now that it's back to standard Malazan fare it's starting to feel like a slog again.

I'm barely feeling a connection to any of the characters, there's way too many of them to keep track of and it seems every character will now also be having at least two names to keep track of (and 90% of names are just nouns). There's too many plot-threads going on and it's impossible to gauge what is actually relevant in the text and what is just side tangents and fluff. To top it off there's the endless talk and descriptions of military plans, ranks, squads, companies etc that I can't even begin giving a shit about. I've been using the slides but that just makes it feel like work and studying instead of being a story I can simply enjoy and get immersed in.

GotM was my favorite so far with much tighter and faster pacing and smaller cast and it really got me interested and hooked on the world, it's mysteries and continuing this huge series. After that DHG was a slog and MoI was a step up but still just fine. The payoff to both of these were also really underwhelming after such huge books and after hearing that these are generally considered the two best books in the series. I really want to like the series since I hear so much praise for it and that it all pays off hugely down the line, but I don't know if I can be bothered pushing through. I keep telling myself that it'll start clicking with me if I just give it a bit more time, but I'm starting to feel unsure about it being worth it in the end. I have so many other books I also want to read and these are taking such a huge chunk out of my reading time.

Can anyone give me some motivation to keep pushing through? Or should I just accept that this series propbably isn't for me right now?
I'm not too good at articulating my negative thoughts on books but I'll try my best here.
I think the most striking part to me is how a lot of the writing feels kind of amateurish or YA to me. Its a bit hard to explain but a lot of times it seems stunted or too restrained, especially when trying to describe evil actions the company does. I also found it really silly how the evil wizards were hyped up only for pretty much all of them to turn out to be kinda lame. It feels like a lot of characters are teenagers who are larping as edgy, gritty characters for their theater club or tabletop night. The Limper and Soulcatcher did not at all command the level of ominousness that I feel like the book wanted them to have, the company is constantly told as being bad people and by far no heroes, and yet all the actual bad parts are glossed over or written as "yeah some of our mercs did this but all of the named characters dont like it :(".
I found things like the Dominator and Raven to be a bit ver the top silly, and the fact that all we really learn about the rebels is that "theyre just as bad as us guys" is a bit lame because it A. never really shows them being bad beyond torturing someone who honestly kind of deserved it and B. I feel like it sort of negates the premise of the black company not being the heroes.

Maybe I was misled and expected something this book isnt, but whatever it is I found it somewhat silly and lame.
hm i think the mages not being all that great is on purpose. like how the lady wants croaker to write her story down to put her in a good light, as if it matters. or how she just cries because she is scared of the dominator. they are maybe more poweful than normal humans but in the end still die.

raven was definitely a bit to teenager edgy, even down to the name.

in think the company being seen as evil when they sre more neutral, fighting sometimes for the bad guys, is just a vietnam thing. people hating the soldiers and all that. just a guess though.

but i can see how it would feel a bit silly. i mean military stuff has a certain crowd reading it i guess. a bit like anime being cringe as well i feel sometimes.
Damn I haven't read a book in over a month video games are a curse of time
One sitting on your face and the other riding your cock fiercely. Just think about it, anons.
Based lolbert noticer
C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy is "sci-fi" written by a fantasy author. Though, I really don't know if those books are actually sci-fi
They're no more or less sci-fi than Jules Verne or Edgar Rice Burroughs
Almost like we have a distinction between sci-fi, "hard" sci-fi and "soft" sci-fi.
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A meaningless distinction made up by elitist snobs to preserve the "dignity" of their fairytales among potential critics.

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