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Do you guys think a tokusatsu-adapted Gundam show can work? If so, how?
Watch one episode of a random super sentai series to find out
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Want to bang the Quebley
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So...what you are saying here is the actualization of Mobile SUITS? As originally intended or envisioned by Tomino as his inspiration from Starship Troopers?
Wasn't that Celestial Being movie from Trailblazer basically in-universe Tokusatsu?
Only if it's made with actual gunpla in a Thunderbolt Fantasy style.
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You mean like Star Wars prequels, where they film the cockpit and use miniatures? Because I always wanted that.
Argumentatively a myth. Yes, ST was on his inspirations but Clover did not want power armor.
kill yourself predditor
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Yeah, turns out story crafting is a living thing and what you end up making often ends up pretty far removed from your original idea. Shut up.
Which is obviously worse, faggot.
Make it a regular Gundam show but toku, I guess.
Have the mobile suits stay as Mecha that the characters get into and pilot instead of battle armor. Make Ultraman scale sets for these Mobile Suit actors. Use pulleys to mimic flight and other such stuff.
I imagine a war Mecha show to be a good idea, usually these things are strictly super like Sentai or Mikazuki.
Immaterial. What matters what is actually created and what is put out there.
No, it's fucking stupid. Plus the costumes would be too bulky to maneuver like they would in anime
>Make Ultraman scale sets for these Mobile Suit actors
wouldn't be accurate to any scale.
for example, man is fucking 40m tall while rx78-2 is 18m. please actually watch a toku show before saying such retarded shit.
If you watched any toku then you'd know scale is always a problem no matter what. But if you're that anal about it then you can always just bump it up to a dollhouse/action figure scale as opposed to ultra's miniatures no problem and it'd work better.
And its still shit at the end of the day and forever stuck in its rut. No wonder mecha is dying.
only chance I'll ever get to post this
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Based on my understanding, the best I could see is that as an elaborate shitpost, some Gundam AU does a TV promo for its second season as if it were Kamen Rider or something. Kinda like how 00 went full goblin mode with its SD teasers.

It's a shame because this is adjacent to something that I'll genuinely admit I'm in the market for: rubber suit live action Evangelion.
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I would seriously pay to watch something like G Gundam but with a premise like "oh in the far off future Gundams got downscaled into human-sized armors and they're henshin heroes"
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Guntank should be in a wheelchair
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>we just stapled the gundam logo to this totally unrelated show for no reason other than brand recognition
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stranger things have happened
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>tfw no Qubeley wife
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>Amuro pulls out an SD Gundam figure out of nowhere, clicks its head (which emits a tiny voice saying "Gundamu, Gundamu") and swipes it over a panel in the cockpit
>RGB lights everywhere start flashing rainbow colors
>internal speakers blare out a jingle that's part of the Gundam OP *MOEAGARE MOEAGEAGE* "M-M-M-M-M-MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM!"
>Aumuro takes one of the two collectable trading cards that are suddenly in his hands and stuffs one into a pocket of his normal suit
>Amuro takes the other one and puts it into a velcro poch on his belt
>newtype flash sound
>"Gundam stands for gun and freedom in the new future of Universal Century era!"
>the front display starts slideshow of 10 CGI images of common zoo animals
>"Presented by Anaheim Electronics!"
>5 seconds of airhorn sounds play while the lights turn white and have a slight pulsing effect (but not too pulsing, you want the kids to have seizures)
>*samba music plays while the Gundam is shot down the catapult*
thanks I hate it
you can just go play hero senki anon
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Tokufags should burn in hell.
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Shit Puru.
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Still waiting on that non-SD Kamen Rider, Ultraman and Gundam crossover
why is this comment causing so much ass-hurt? are gundam fags ok? i know you aren't fucking lmao
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Amuro should be speeding around with the core fighter to gather up minovsky particles into his belt like the Show Gundam pilot he is. Kamille gets the posing.
This was the worst yet funniest thing ive read today anon, thank you
Eh, the sound effects and announcements would fit Suletta and Aerial more since she is in the Reiwa era.
Yes. Easily.
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