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Sorry gaijin kun, only Japan gets SDF and Do You Remember Love for a limited time
Fuck Harmony gold.
So by "limited time" does it mean it will only be available in JP for a limited time and will be taken down eventually, or it will only be available in JP for a "limited time" while they work out a deal for global?
Most likely Japan will have it watchable for a limited time with no place outside of there getting it because it's been in rights limbo. Same reason every company rushed to get a piece of Macross Pie but SDF and DYRL are off the table for the time being.
>YF-19 being the new "face" Valkyrie of the franchise
Still not sure how I feel about it; was thinking that they'd go with Alto's VF-25 so at least the colors can evoke Hikaru's VF-1
is there anything that we would get in good quality that we didn't have before?
In Japan, YF-19 >>> VF-25.
So does this make Mimay, Sheryl, ranka and all of walkure Disney princesses?
It's because the 19 is just as sexy as the best of the idols.
No it makes Alto a Disney princess.
Ranka is closer to a mascot character, like the snowman from Frozen or the dragon from Mulan
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First Disharmony Pyrite now The Rat, truly Macross is a cursed franchise. JUST wait and see The Rat sink it's fangs into Macross and make abominations far worse then Rowboatech...
Will they remember macross 2 and macross zero ?
DISTRIBUTED, I thought /m/ was better in understanding this. Anyway just wait for the blu ray releases
You don't understand anon the nightmare googles are permanently affixed. It is too sickening that the nightmare of Harmony Gold is seemingly over only for Macross now be to trusted to Disney. This makes me wonder what real shit went down between Big West and Crunchyroll. Crunchyroll is owned by Snoy which IS in cahoots with Funimation to stream Rowboatech. That must of rubbed Big West super bad and now they get in bed with Disney.
It's international too. Note how they're using Minmay's Flashback 2012 design because that's the only SDFM title that isn't fucked by Harmony Gold.
>Anyway just wait for the blu ray releases
Those probably aren't happening anymore
CR claimed they were still happening this past September.
>CR claimed they were still happening this past September.
>HG gets a deal with Snoy
>Bigwest goes with Disney
>All 18 titles gathered
So that's gotta include the films and shit like the 7 ovas right? Still sucks that Disney is involved
>Update: Crunchyroll revealed to ANN that there will be no effect on Nozomi Entertainment's licenses such as for Macross, and projects such as Right Stuf and Nozomi Entertainment's Kickstarted Blu-ray Disc release for Dirty Pair will continue as planned.

It's because the VF-19 can FUCK
anon..freyja is so cute..
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Already torrented all of them LOL
>Job entails checking for error free HDCP video across fiber
>DYRL blu ray never ever
I'm really surprised at how bothered I am by this.
Where is Macross II
It's funny because SDF and DYRL aren't even going to be available outside of Japan.
are the people at robotechx.com all laughing?
these new releases are arguably gonna have updated (better) subs, especially for the older stuff
There's nothing wrong with the BunnyHat release for SDF or the Pineapple Salad release for 7 though. Everything after that came with official subs on the BDs.
Me too, but I'm just happy to see it outside of Japan so that it can gain a bigger English fanbase.
watch all those old coots go "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS", "NOT MY ROBOTECH", and "BRING BACK RICK HUNTER"
Here's my tinfoil hat theory the reason why they aren't releasing the original SDF Macross and DYRL yet is because the latest Macross release that they're working on right now is like the recent-ish Space Battleship Yamato release with same artstyle but updated animations and shit screencap this let's goooo
>they aren't releasing the original SDF Macross and DYRL yet
It's because of the kikes at Harmony Gold nothing else. They're never going to be released until someone KyoAni's those cunts.
You think facts are going to get in the way of the funniest running joke that Disney involvement in any IP generates?
I'm still giggling over the Xenomorph being an actual factual Disney princess.
a dump of the Macross SI game so people dont need to suffer and play this terrible game. it mostly only have anime screenshot as part of gallery,you are not missing out that much
Pretty much. I assume someone finally threatened HG with another lawsuit or something getting them to finally agree that they don't have total control over ALL Macross and are willing to play ball with the other stuff, but SDF and DYRL are stuff they'll cling to for all time so long as Robotech idiots keep doing shit like spend their life savings on Robotech parties and give all their money to them.
Has HG done anything with the non-Macross Robotech series? Does anyone care about them?
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>but SDF and DYRL are stuff they'll cling to for all time
Consider this though:
What Disney wants, it gets. And if Disney is already running the show as the distributor for MOST of the IP, then eventually - maybe not just yet; but eventually - they will want ALL of the pie. And I want to be there on the sidelines with the biggest most bad-ass bucket of butter-laden popcorn on the day Disney chooses to open up the gun ports and target Harmony Gold.

They should keep their dirty ESG-score-tainted fingers off anime.
That wouldn't be accurate. Not everybody of importance at Disney is a Jew.
Watch all zoomies scream about an anime made before their dads where born because it makes them think they're cool and fit in.
Disney is not going to war for some weeb shit they will have to pay just for the privilege of distributing. Disney does not rent, they buy.
Good news everyone! Alto is trans.
Ranka is trans.
Sheryl is a radfem.
Freyja is actually black.
Makina just got a breast reduction.
Minmay is trans.
Hikaru is trans.
Misa is NB.
What's Mikumo?
A strong, independent girl boss.
(But also unrealistic beauty standards personified. definitely needs to be revised so she doesn't make girls feel bad about themselves.)
I got b& for this once for "advertising".
>t. salty robofag
>Good news everyone! Alto is trans.

This is not news.
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MCU superfan Clayton Bigsby's take.
Why does every western fag say that Delta flopped. It did very well in Japan, had a good reception, they're still making kits for it, the music has been in the top 10 and Delta and 7 is more talked about than Plus in Japanese spaces.
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Nah, man. There's virtually no real Robotech fans left to make a big deal about any of this anymore. The only old fans that are left are still held up on the spam bot-infested Robotech.com forums spinning conspiracy theories that Robotech was "sabotaged" by Big West and any other rival companies by convincing Harmony Gold that the Robotech live-action movie was a viable course of action and thus lead to the downfall of the entire brand.

You know, anything else that takes them further away from the reality that Robotech doesn't make any money and has been circling the drain for years.
It's just the same Macrossworld boomers who have been raging since 7 first hit the fansub scene.
Literally the only people I see that still even bring up Robotech are shitposters on /m/ and the occasional gen X hispanic
Coincidentally, I've watched Macross F last week which made me decide to resume watching SDF this week, and now I've just finished DYRL. The TV show was mediocre but the movie knocked it out of the park, god damn.
I'm not in the loop but it seems the series could have been bigger if they had better IP management like Gundam.
What a loss.
The VF-1 may be the OG but honestly I think they could pick any Valkyrie to be the new symbol and they'd be alright. It's a rare case of no bad choices.
Because of 'not much gritty war' despite being the only show about an actual conflict between conventional state actors and pushing the meta-story to interesting new places.
I don't care at all about the actual streaming aspect of this announcement, but a potentially positive view of this news (for everything other than '82 Macross & DYRL) is the notion Big West's current international partners are legitimately working on their shows. Of course, we know MacII is underway with AnimEigo, but beyond the movies for Plus, F, and all of Delta, the rest of the material doesn't even have official subtitles.
Hopefully, whatever subs Big West sources are decent and consistent. I'd feel bad for people who sub to Disney + for space planes and get treated to crabsticks.
The thing is, the Western portion of this announcement is likely going to be an extreme slow roll, which is probably why they didn't produce a press release in English. I imagine the content for international audiences won't be available, until the Western licensees finish their work; considering there are currently three of them, consistency may be a concern, unless they have a franchise bible-of-sorts from which to work.

Also, forgot in my original post, but Zero could also be immediately streamed with subtitles.
The subs for almost everything are handled by Creative Sphere, who are credited with the Frontier movies, the Delta sets, the Tenjin book that got released here and a bunch more. They also talked about fixing the Plus (what a bromance) movie subtitles for those international screenings. The recent Zero BD remaster has English subs and I think those are by them too.


As tired as the comparison is, Macross has the same problem as Top Gun where any presence of realistic jets on a carrier overrides the fact that the actual drama at play is a bit silly.
Yes, I'm familiar with Creative Sphere, but do we have any manner of confirmation of their potential involvement with the newly, internationally-licensed material? Not doubting, mind you, just haven't seen anything, myself.
Legitimately informative. Thank you.
There's a certain subset of the audience attracted to these kinds of properties that just can't handle fun or silly shit.
Not strictly /m/ but closely related, I see this happen all the time with Ace Combat. It's a franchise made by a bunch of plane nerds for a bunch of plane nerds, about doing silly fantastical shit because it's fun.
You get this specific type of person though, who acts like they're breaking ground by pointing out that the combat is unrealistic and the storylines are silly.
It's not quite a perfect match but I think both Macross and Gundam can run into it with some fans. Those unrealistic or silly elements are always present, but people just memory-hole them until it gets too visible, and act like the work they can't ignore it in is a betrayal rather than just leaning into it more than others.
They have to keep quieter about things since they work for Big West in an official capacity, but you can see them joking on social media about having to translate Plus into French for its Paris screenings.
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Man I forgot both Alien and Predator are owned by Disney now.

That's just weird to think about.
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>Weiss Schwarz PR card included!
sticker is funny considering they apparently fucked up the Playstation release and forgot to actually include the card.
What does the card do?
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I have no idea if it's actually good or anything because I've never touched Weiss Schwarz outside of buying some signed singles. It's just an extra bonus they threw in the limited edition.
Imagine the next Kingdom Hearts.

But what happens should Harmony Gold refuse what Disney has to offer if they want to distribute SDF (DYRL, however, being a worse legal mess because it just doesn't involve Harmony Gold).
last I heard from people involved in it, SDF just never sold even though Macross liscenced it out to be sold like 2 or 3 times. it was even on hulu for a while. No one cared for it back in the 2010's so when Animeigo's and ADV's printings were gone that was it.
meant HG licensed it out. minor error, I am now die.
Are you the rpg guy who claims Macross never sells
there was also the Robotech Perfect Collection in the VHS days of two eps of Robotech and the two related jp eps with subs
Yeah, From everyhting I know the stuff just didn't sell. the only reason the Animeigo stuff

no but are you that loser that I heard was stalking people who disagreed with you?
brain cut out cause of the other guy but the only reason Animeigo sold enough to be 'profitable' (which was just enough to make sure they didn't go bankrupt doing it) is by making it an early kickstarter.
Definitely that guy with the class rep pfp

Plus and II were hot release
I'd ask that you stop trying to stalk me down btw.

II never was, only the new kickstarter was successful.

Plus was more successful then the others but to what degree hard to tell, not that those two have anything to do with HG since tatsunoko finally learned not to sell full distro rights.

also it doesn't help with Manga entertainment the guys behind plus coming to the US also stopped being able to liscence anime in the US around the time of trying to get macross II into peoples memories again but putting it on youtube. It obviously didn't sell enough between the xbox 360 market place and itunes to be profitable enough to even warrent a full release anywhere around the time of them doing this. Manga entertainment US which went defunct in 2015. they had 4 years to do something with what they had but couldn't cause it wasn't profitable.
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Remember when people on /m/ swore up and down until their faces turned blue that 7 would never ever ever ever get released in the west because of vague "song licensing issues"?
now they will have to suffer watching a great fun show.
>Macross to be streamed internationally via Disney +
Great. More tourists like zetarager shit posting about macross 7 in the near future. Fuck!
wasted quadruple dubs
>immaculate numbers wasted on doom posting
anon.....chances are, this anime being far past its prime probably won't even draw too many shitter tourists in and outside this board, I imagine people who unironically use Disney+ wouldn't even step foot in the direction of anime besides mainstream slop
It's funny how HG suddenly has a business trip in Japan right after the announcement of the Macross franchise getting streamed on Disney plus. They're probably desperate and wants to get some free money.
Oh now they want in on a slam dunk money printer? Fucking idiots they had so many easy opportunities handed to them on a silver platter.
Why can't HG just go bankrupt?
And Kevin Mckeever apparently has no friends there because he went to the shitty American imitation restaurant rather than any place good.
Heads up Shooting Insight is available to purchase on Steam for $39.99.
It is honestly kind of astonishing how shamelessly parasitic they are with this shit.
yeah, technically it was years before Kickstarter existed but it used basically the same business model, pre-order, then after xx pre-orders there's another lump of cash to throw at cleanup work on the prints, then after yy pre-orders the set price went down, and so forth
I recall it going far beyond their expectations to the point they had to rewrite the way the price drop was set up, if they stuck to how it was initially written they would have ended up like, paying people to take it

that rumor goes waaaaaaaaay back, I recall it even coming up in print mags like Animerica
but supposedly the story was that you could license the show of M7, then for a separate fee you could license the music rights, with a sum total well beyond anything the anime companies of the vhs days could come up with
well yeah, this whole thing likely benefits them that's what no one seems to notice. Like HG likely is getting a chunk of the money.

looked it it, it kinda sucks. I hate saying it but Robotech on the gameboy does what it wants to do but better specially with things like being able to mode shift when you want and each mode preforming differently. instead of shooting insights you only mode shift for a quick level transition.

actually from what I heard the japanese side asked for them to come and do buisness. so who knows whats going on.
>actually from what I heard
you heard wrong
Apparently it's not worth the money. Will wait to see what people say
You mind uploading somewhere else, damn website is down atm
>JUNNA making a two month trip to America
Oh no!
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General Galaxy uber alles
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>good shows up top, trash on the bottom, with the best of all being front-and-center
OK but real talk for a moment, Kawamori struck gold with the 31 as a design. Deep down you know you want to see a Siegfried done up in YF19 Supernova colors
Regarding Plus, OVA or movie? Please don’t say both, I just don’t want to watch the same story twice.
Someone did recut the OVA with scenes from the Movie but you have to watch both because the movie leaves out some scenes and adds in others. There's also some unfinished animation the movie version redoes.
If anyone wants an actually not shit Macross vidya, here

Movie, you can't top the new animation in the final battle. And there's some nice additional scenes that flesh out the characters better than the OVA does
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This might come as a bit of a contrarian position but I genuinely like the VF-31 as a FSW canard super plane more than the YF-19. The 19 always felt a little anorexic around the forward part of the fuselage for my tastes.
The goose neck on the 19 is kinda silly now that you mention it. Though with how birdlike the high speed mode is I think for the YF19 in particular the aesthetic works, but honestly I'll agree with you that the 31 is filled out in all the right places. Plus the 31 doesn't have to bullshit its proportions anywhere near as hard as the 19 does across modes.
The VF-31 is a fantastic design, and I'm sure more people would froth it if not for the western fanbase's mixed feelings on Delta.
That second Delta movie was pretty good. Generally just a fun movie. The series itself started with a bang, but I don't think ever quite hit the same highs that Frontier did. Not the worst show ever. I'd say a low 6/high 7.

The new 31 variant in the movie with the beefed-up Battroid proportions did a lot to improve the design for me.
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Liked the beefed up wings and canards on the AX too.
Same. It's not a radical refinement of the design, but some nice tweaks that really did a lot to improve it in my eyes.
Also the new SV from the movie looks super slick, if only it didnt have the TRON neon active pattern skin.
It looks like Macross is following Gundam with all this exotic tech being added into variable fighters. You have the Fold Wave System and Fold quartz being built into the frame of Gen. 5 variable fighters, it seems like the Macross version of the psycho-frame.
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Well, the "exotic alien tech being grafted into conventional human fighter jets" is kind of foundational to Macross in general.
Yeah, they've pretty much always had one kind of reverse-engineered alien technology inside them since the start.

It's more like humanity's understanding of Fold Wave and Fold Quartz has gotten better, so the setups in VFs have been improved to accomodate that.
In this aspect Macross is a lot better than most longrunning mecha franchises. The tech advancement feels iterative and natural.
It helps it's been the same handful of guys helming the series for 40 years.
Going to be honest and say I've never really been able to get into Gundam as a larger franchise due to the fact its got the American capecomic syndrome of three trillion guest artists all doing their "take" on a handful of classic designs.
There was a decent throughline from First Gundam through Victory but the side stories and spin offs really diluted things. To this day I do not understand the appeal of AoZ.
I was joking about the princess thing anon you autistic sped.
Has anyone played the new game? Did they at least translate the menus?
What makes AoZ so good anyway?
No they didn't but there's an official western release in the works
I've heard its just dogshit. Disappointing really, considering how much potential there is in Macross as a game franchise.
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It's another game with A+ presentation and C- gameplay which wouldn't be the fifth or even sixth time that's happened for Macross. Pic related.
Yeah so the devs are a subsidiary of the current business entity that owns the Raiden franchise, from what I've gathered.
That tells me enough for what to expect: game will look OK I guess, but the shmupping ain't gonna register for anyone so far into the shmup hole that they know who IKD and YGW are.
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For me, its
What is the strongest Valkyrie? I've read in some forums that it's YF-29 Durandal. Spec-wise, it is even better than later Valkyrie variants (though the one that appeared in Zettai Live is piloted by Max).

So is the Durandal the Turn A of the Valkyries?
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The VF-24 that both the VF-27 and VF-25 are derived from is supposedly the strongest VF in NUNS service (which is why it was export restricted by Earth).
I thought it was the YF-24, not the VF-24 as it never actually went into production.
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You are right that the only designation in Frontier is YF-24, but Macross Chronicle says it was formally accepted into service. Would love to see it properly, but that would depend on if we ever revisit Earth in a future Macross entry.
>but Macross Chronicle says it was formally accepted into service
Got a link?
That sounds silly, I thought they were trial running the Messiah/Prophecy
Valkyries don't really work like that since they're in the star fighter tier of sci-fi vehicles. I.E. they can leave atmosphere and travel between planets.
So as a general rule of thumb, assume that whatever Max flies is the hottest shit at that given point in time.
Take it with a grain of salt however, because at the same time Max is the biggest running gag of the Macross franchise and he could probably still kick ass in a Space War 1 era vintage VF-1A. Because he's fucking Max.
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That Kawamori dude is talking about Plus and 7 again.

So how much can we expect an announcement for BDs this July at Anime Expo? I think that's where they were initially announced in the first place.
>and 7
Hell yeah.
7 was always his true goal.
Kawamori talked about how the staff for 7 could watch people react to it in near real time with early forum websites. He said audiences basically mirrored Gamlin with them not understanding at first but then screaming along with him that Basara must sing and not fight.
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I love how Sheryl's hair can be blonde, pink, or both colors at the same time.
Hair product is a path to many styles some consider... unnatural.
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For me it's still Mirage
>The only old fans that are left are still held up on the spam bot-infested Robotech.com forums spinning conspiracy theories that Robotech was "sabotaged" by Big West and any other rival companies by convincing Harmony Gold that the Robotech live-action movie was a viable course of action and thus lead to the downfall of the entire brand.
You'd think after everything they would just realize Harmony Gold were shit at handling the IP.
Mob connections.
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I don't think most of them care is the issue or even realize HG is still a thing. It's kind of that old person nostalgia where they're not really lifer hobby fans so much as they're guys who sort of remember that show from when they were a kid. It's like, how often do you hear people talk about the old Star Blazers or Force Five versions of its respective shows. You might occasionally get some fond nostalgic but its quickly moved on.
I might sound stupid for this but is this true.
They're primarily a real estate company. You do the math.
Yeah I just remembered the embezzlement fund. What the fuck.
You have to understand a lot of this was done out of ego by Frank Agrama. Now that he's dead, it's HG's number one butt boy Kevin McKeever who wants to pretend he's a big Hollywood producer. In reality all he does is rubber stamp the licensed merchandise that keeps their contract with Tatsunoko from ever expiring. Without him, HG's media catalog would have probably gone to Sony.
Bruh she's just a big tiddy space elf.
Wait no what am I saying that's a good thing.
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> Why does every western fag say that Delta flopped

Store anon here. Merchandise wise for markets outside japan yes they are shelfwarming fuckers compared to other macross titles.
If I enjoyed the first 6 episodes of Macross 7, what are the chances I’m going to enjoy the whole thing? Does it ever gets tiring as everyone says? I thought there was plenty to enjoy in these. Way better than Macross II. My only complain is that Milia is a bit bitchy on this.
7 only gets better and better anon
>Boot up youtube video
>Macross Retrospective
>First let me tell you about today's sponser Nord VPN.
>what are the chances I’m going to enjoy the whole thing? Does it ever gets tiring as everyone says?
to be frank, the show is formulaic, if you like what's going on now, you'll be able to get through mostly the whole thing. Really the only thing that changes is the growing cast and them finally programming different insert songs
Estranged hag who's strewn with work and paranoia, pls understand
looking at what other anons said, I guess it got listed on steam but not actually translated. I wanted to buy it but ran out of money. Apparentlyt it follows the same track as all of the other games. Sad
No matter what some soulless fag says 7 is very good, the show picks up after the city is forcefully folded from the Battle 7.
>Store anon here. Merchandise wise for markets outside japan yes they are shelfwarming fuckers compared to other macross titles.
How much of Macross sales outside of Japan are even via physical hobby shops? From what I can tell, everyone in the Western fanbase just orders their VFs online.
Anon never mentioned physical or online.
i was the opposite, i didn't "get" 7 until 5-10 episodes in, but now i think its great, so if you already like it you should like all of it
>Anon never mentioned physical or online.
When people say store and shelfwarmers, I take it to mean they work at an actual store with actual shelves.
Reencountered this because of Youtube algorithims:


I imagine this came from the ADV release of SDF?
Looks like it. It's still odd they had her ching chong it up for the dub itself, but her English is actually pretty good most of the time in real life.
>finally free from Harmony Gold

Doesn't matter, it's still being monopolized by left-coast criminals.
yeah I was really hoping it'd be on Peacock
All hail our AI Overlord Sharon Apple

Delta hit Dizunii Purasu today, rest of the world when?
I hope this means the Sunrise show will get simulsubs.
I hope Summer because that's when Macross II's BD is supposedly shipping.
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Got a real information high from that link.
It's her world, we're just living in it.
The estimated delivery date for MacII is December 2024. It'd be nice, if the disc does come before the end of the year, but I'd expect to see it in 2025, based on other AnimEigo crowdfunders (or just crowdfunders, in general).

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