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>Anon, pitch me your /m/ anime/toku idea
white/red/blue robot with a V-fin and a beam rifle fights mono-eyed notnazi-robots
We are actually mechs.
space academy training teenagers or younf adults to fight the evil space aliens
the whole story actually follows the guys in the engineering department fine tuning and building custom robots for the pilots, we never actually get to see the aliens
Make them turn into cute girls and you've got yourself a deal.
Literally just Transformers Masterforce
10 episode battletech netflix anime that everyone talks about for a week and then immediately forgets about
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>space academy training teenagers or younf adults to fight the evil space aliens
how about "never again"
Kids consume plastics and shit out robots
Gundam but good.
Far near future earth is attacked by aliens whos weapon of choice are kaiju sized mutants of existing native fauna. Earth is barely holding on and conventional forces aren't incapable of downing the odd monster, but it's very costly and fighting multiple is near impossible. In order to get around this a brilliant cybernetics scientist enlists the help of a notorious rogue scientist who's a herbert west/Frankenstein type. Together they develop a piloted exoskeleton system where the undead remains of defeated kaiju are piloted against their kin. The exoskeletons are modular, so when a kaiju's body breaks down to the point of collapse they can remove it and bolt it onto another corpse.
Half-serious, half-comedic J-Drama about a washed up salaryman who decides to earnestly pursue his pipe dream of winning the GBWC.
It’s a low-investment show where Product Placement will pay for most of it.
Steal the basic story outline from Monuments Men, but turn it into a story about a crack team of Federation Forces sent to stop M'Quve from stealing all the cool historical art from Earth and sending it to space.
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>they find an asteroid full of gold bars
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0079 but Lalah doesn't exist.
Zeta but Reccoa and Sarah don't exist.
CCA but Quess doesn't exist.
0083 - Nina exists but dies in the first episode (impaled by falling debris)
08th MS Team but Aina doesn't exist.
WitP but Chris is actually admin.
G but Rain doesn't exist (so she can't cry when Allenby wins)
Wing but all 5 are girls.
I'm escorted off the building before I can finish at this point.
Yuusha series in space -- basically Goldran but with more futuristic vehicles and no comedy.
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Humanity has a mech war, employing "relics," found artifacts from humanity's past that are unexplainable by modern science. As the war escalates, artifacts become suspiciously more common and increasingly esoteric, and standard machines requiring more and more exotic materials and manufacturing processes. There's fully functional mecha made of bioengineered wood and glass that uses speed and force fields to compete with supergravity compressed heavy metals. It's revealed they're not ancient human artifacts, nor are they alien in origin, but directly bestowed by the faction's own pagan gods as a reward for prayer and sacrifice. As word spread between pilots, they each react to the information in their own way. Most are a bit perturbed. Some find offense that humanity is being given weapons of destruction by these beings and try to destroy their worshipers. Others embrace the role as paladins or shamans.
So, you want a Gundam BL series?
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Inter-service rivalry between Mecha corp and Magical Girl corp.
Android girls with technicolor hair developed to fight terrorists and learn about love and humanity and also get a significant power boost if someone cums inside of them.
I will never not be mad.
Of course not, anon. Girls can stay as long as they aren't cunts, derail the story or kill my favorite character.
re-air turn a gundam and kill the franchise
Victory Gundam but only the female characters survive and Katejina has to become a futa to repopulate both sides.
Gundam 00 bit we replace the Meisters with a Getter trio and Exia Repair is the main unit all the way through with its battle cloak.
Napoleonic Wars with mecha complete with line battles, cavalry charges, castle sieges,etc.
Dunbine remake with modern isekai elements (rpg stats, cheat skills, harem)
The kind of plan the Titans would reject for being too evil.
Has there been a mecha series where the hero switches sides and joins the villains and wins? Maybe that could work.
G Gundam but we replace the G Fighters with the girls from Infinite Stratos and we replace Domon with Bask Om.
Make it a three-way rivalry between the mechas, magical girls, and toku heroes and I'm in.
okay so there's this world and it's destroyed except for 1 town and there's like this boy in the town who is like a mechanic can fix stuff and he just got this cool ass necklace and also the circus is in town so like he goes to the circus and it turns out that the clowns in the circus want the necklace the boy has and are in the town to find it and they spot the mechanic boy who overheard them interrogating the mayor about it and like a chase ensues which ends up with the boy taking shelter in the sewers with his hillbilly friend who gives him a gun and then he starts fighting monsters in the sewer with his hillbilly gat and the wrench he has on him BUT THEN the clowns find him and attack with a circus elephant of all things but just as he's about to be done in his boss appears with a robot and saves him and then he gives the robot to the boy to beat up the circus and go out to save the rest of the destroyed world and there's a mary sue as well and they time travel and what not
call it Ebony Columbus or something
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>and we replace Domon with Bask Om
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How about we create a new installment of a beloved classic and tweak it just a leeeettle bit to make it more appealing for a modern audience?
Bask punches women.
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A new Gundam AU but based off racing. Think Yugioh 5Ds and some Super Robot influence as well. Make the plot be something like Around the World in 80 Days.
>Anon, pitch me your /m/ anime/toku idea
Certainly! Here's an exciting **anime/toku** concept:

# Title: **"Chrono Nexus: Guardians of the Temporal Rift"**

## Synopsis:
In the distant future, humanity has unlocked the secrets of time travel. However, this newfound power comes with a price: the emergence of dangerous temporal rifts that threaten to unravel the fabric of reality. To combat this threat, an elite team of warriors known as the **Chrono Guardians** is formed.

## Main Characters:

1. **Kai Hiroshi**:
- The stoic leader of the Chrono Guardians. He wields the **Chrono Blade**, a sword capable of cutting through time itself.
- Mysterious past: Kai's memories are fragmented, and he harbors a hidden connection to the temporal rifts.
- Motivation: To prevent the rifts from consuming the world.

2. **Mika Fujimoto**:
- A brilliant scientist who developed the time-travel technology. She joins the Guardians to atone for her creation's unintended consequences.
- Wields the **Chrono Gauntlets**, allowing her to manipulate time energy.
- Struggles with guilt over the rifts' existence.

3. **Ryota "Bolt" Tanaka**:
- A hot-headed mechanic and adrenaline junkie. His modified exosuit grants him superhuman speed and agility.
- Loves racing motorcycles and often clashes with Kai's serious demeanor.
- Secretly yearns for stability in a chaotic world.

4. **Hikari "Echo" Nakamura**:
- A mysterious girl found near a rift. She possesses the ability to communicate with alternate versions of herself across different timelines.
- Her eyes change color depending on the timeline she's connected to.
- Innocent yet wise beyond her years.
## Antagonists:

1. **Temporal Wardens**:
- Enforcers of the natural order who believe the rifts must be sealed permanently, even if it means erasing entire timelines.
- Their leader, **Aeon**, seeks to restore balance by any means necessary.
- Aeon's true motives remain shrouded in mystery.

2. **Paradox Syndicate**:
- A rogue faction that exploits the rifts for personal gain.
- Led by the enigmatic **Cipher**, they steal artifacts from different eras to alter history.
- Cipher's ultimate goal: to rewrite reality itself.

## Themes:
- **Temporal Ethics**: Is it right to alter the past to save the future? The Guardians grapple with this moral dilemma.
- **Identity and Fate**: Characters confront their alternate selves, questioning who they truly are.
- **Epic Battles Across Time**: Each rift leads to a different era (samurai Japan, cyberpunk Neo-Tokyo, medieval Europe), providing diverse settings for battles.

## Tagline:
*"Time bends, but heroes endure."*


*Note: This is a fictional concept. Any resemblance to real persons or events is purely coincidental.*
The Mummy but they dig up ancient robots with malevolent ai. An organization called Pharaoh is performing aercheological work in Egyptia and they accidentally uncover these long sealed death machines. There is an ancient robot based on each of the plagues that afflicted Egypt, replicating or mirroring the plagues with nanomachines and/or funnels/bits.

Firstborn Plaguebot is the cyborg mummified older brother of the MC who was captured when they uncovered the cyber sarcophagus that activated the reboot of the Plagues. He serves as the princess to rescue. The Moses Machine is the final boss, a machine that initially brought the plaguebots to creation.
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Slice of life/comedy centered around the fleet mechanics at the motorpool for a mecha military division.
>cute girls
>grumpy old guys
>cool shop
>discussing mechanics
>trying out new weapons
>test driving the mechs
>water cooler talk
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Oh hey I didn't read the thread until after I posted mine >>22596112 we're on a similar wave length except mine would have cute girls in overalls
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Wait I got a template for this.
In a world where the heroes destroyed the evil aliens or whatever, some kid finds what they used to make MOTW and tries to make good guys with it. Hilarity and a redemption arc of a revived general ensue.
High fantasy magitech where a cold war between elves and humans led to Mecha being used more like tanks in the world wars with airship raining artillery overhead.

The mc has to pull a saving a private Ryan go deep into enemy lines and fight through a ruined Stalingrad style battle where magic and flying battleships have fucked things up.

His squads low on supplies and there's elven snipers in the cracks.
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Make a fantasy gundam series. Make the mecha sentient like Chamber from gargantia. Put some effort into the world building, don't just settle for generic JRPG fantasy slop. You could have the series take place in a hollow earth or something. Have the plot be character driven, limit the size of the cast and really flesh out your core characters. Core characters include the sentient mecha.
Gundam DMC clone, style rankings and everything done by platinum games.
Two prequels and two sequels to 0083 starring four different characters

Gundam 0081 Stardust Memoirs, starring Cima
Gundam 0082 Stardust Nmemonic, starring Karius
Gundam 0084 Stardust Amnesia, starring Keith
Gundam 0085 Stardust Dementia, starring Monsha
Gundam vs kaiju
how do I post text files? I got 20 pages and I dunno how to post them in this thread.
This is an image board anon, post screencaps. Though >>>/tg/ lets you post pdfs, see if their /mecha monday/ thread is still up.
>MC being reincarnated as a giant mecha that being pilot by Christmas cake
pastebin, or mediafire?
Low-tech medieval civilization on Earth with mechs but the general populace don’t understand how it works. Supplies and batteries come from space via a Space Elevator in exchange for crops.
One day, Mobile Suits fall from the sky and some of the larger kingdoms declare war against the big Space Elevator Church with them.
The MC is an orphan prince from a small kingdom. Only one Mobile Suit falls in his land, a White one with a distinctive head crest.
He reluctantly uses this unusually powerful MS to defend his kingdom, to quell the War and ultimately uncover the secret suppliers in space.
Basically G-Reco but played straight.
The earth got attacked by aliens and humanity was driven off to a Mars colony. Years later they start running out of resources and launch an offensive. There's a conflict between the factions who support retaking the earth and those who want to expand further in the galaxy instead. The plot follows a squad stationed on a moon base caught between the factions trying to sabotage the war, those trying to take advantage of it to gain influence, and the aliens. Basically it's a Muv-Luv ripoff but humanity is in space now.
>/tg/ lets you post pdfs
That place has spoiled me.


This is what I'd make into an anime, or something.
I mean THIS one

I don't know how this shit works. It's in the Mecha Monday thread, you know where it's at.
Just make a Custom Robo anime
Mobuseka but with budget and no faggots
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Every act of creation begins with an act of destruction!
The protagonists are wage slaves that drive yellow or orange, heavy machinery used in demolition works, such as a wrecking ball, excavator, bulldozer, superheavy truck... all of those happen to be toys which children used to love.
This equipment is used in the series both in the actual, real life labour of disposing of old, unsafe and illegal buildings, but also to fight a secret alien invasion which aims to destroy their city, and ultimately to combine as a single, large, humanoid mecha.
They also use man-portable equipment such as pneumatic drills, explosives, and so on as weapons.
There needs a comedic scene in which a fully loaded truck is set on neutral, and runs downhill crashing onto an unsuspecting, stranded alien small mecha right after the driver calmly gets out of it; by the time the aliens manage to register how fast the damn thing accelerates because of the gravity, it's already too late for them.
The combined mecha would use the wrecking ball as a weapon and the bulldozer's plow as a shield.
It's a TV series that teaches young, impressionable teenagers to direct their destructive potential in ways that are useful to muh society, just like controlled explosions, and to buy toys for boomers.

I would watch this
Seed Destiny
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50~ Minute Votoms OVA taking place during the war where a group of Gilgamesh soldiers wish to escape from a Balarant POW camp, heavily inspired by The Great Escape.
The plan to brakeout involves both stealing the guards ATs (Fatties customized for riot control and to prevent escapes) and fixing up an outdated trashed AT the soldiers find while being put to work mining jijirium (an ATM-01 clever camel).
The main character is a witty yet clever man in his early to mid thirties with the rank of captain who was assigned as an AT pilot due to annoying his superiors, he has to inspire the other prisoners while under the watchful eye of the guards.
Focuses on camaraderie and self sacrifice, still has an essence of comedy coming from the banter of the various prisoners.
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Based but you lost it in the last bit.
Wing should have been gayer than the village people and filled with even more absurd shit and ultraviolence.
Keep Wufei straight though.ultraviolence
People hated when Akumaizer did that
A toku hero who rides a motorbike and saves people from some secret society
Dude I don't want to be rude but Drac Darklord and Ms. Caliber of house Remington are bad names.
The mech fight was neat though.
Serialize it, i want mecha hogan's heroes
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Thank you. I was inspired by Gundam's naming conventions, like Bring Stabity.
Oh lol that makes sense
Hating on tripfags is fine, spamming it everywhere because you're a butthurt nigger is not.
Fantasy mecha set far in the future on a dystopian planet. Men whom claim artifacts can defy old Gods, Reaching the heavens and cosmos is all but a myth, Kingdoms have risen but lost technology has birthed a power struggle. The awesome magical powers possessed by the giant suits of armor could save or end the world as we know it.

The series has more plot twist than M. Night Shylamalan and the magic is really just the science mankind has forgotten. Could unburying the past really forge a better tomorrow? Are we truly bounded by gravity's fate? One man's struggle to survive places his friends, family and nations against him. The only absolute he can rely on is the unearthed remnant armor: Terra Driver Frame X-1.
Mecha that have a penis
no one knows why
the mecha battle and get kicked in the dick to defeat each other
MC has a huge peen that is actually a hyper mega launcher
I'm going to steal and modify your idea.
>The series continuously presents itself as a defensive war against an invading interstellar enemy
>Keen eyed viewers will notice some inconsistencies
>The finale reveals that the "human" characters we've been following are androids built by an alien race to soften up humanity in preparation for total extermination
>The aliens always craft their vanguard androids to look like the species they're attacking to both lower morale and ease infiltration
I had an idea, but the more I thought of it, the more it looked like just Starsector but with mechs. Made even more redundant by the fact that there actually is a mecha mod for Starsector out there.
Kamen Rider, but he's just some guy and the belt does nothing, until he gets an actual belt near the end.

He still kicks ass despite being a normal guy.
IBO but it's just Berserk with mechs
cyberpunk post-war setting where society is deliberately kept shitty because it keeps the elites rich and powerful, and all the protag's problems are because they made a decision anyone would make, they made a decision without actually knowing what they're doing, or it is caused by factors out of their control.

one protag steals a mech and tries to be a good guy, but despite suffering for his decisions he keeps doing good things because he believes in it. since the government and corpos hate him, he gets his ammo, fuel and replacement parts through the blackmarket and must do questionable things to maintain his mech. lives a bad life but dies a good death, sacrificing himself for his ideals.

another protag is a merc for the corpos and rises through the ranks through skiill and trickery, also getting cool cutting-edge mechs. keeps getting more and more enemies but does evil/shady things that anyone else in his position might do too because he wants to keep living. lives a good life but dies a bad death, backstabbed for someone else's gain.
Hot blooded over the top super robot show in the vein of Getter/Gurren Lagann, but all the characters are moeblobs
Make one of the main girls a delicious chocolate with huge tits and ass and I would be all over that.
The mechas are remote controlled using RC remotes
>tfw just want a new knights and magic season, or a sequel to gun x sword
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Sorry Gaijin.
Giant combat mechs secretly develop a plot to use humans as pollen and create gunpla that are really baby robots that grow under the power of the sun's light.
Reboot C.E verse with the same characters but with improved writing and world building
Found this I'd written years ago
It’s private you fucking moron
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A sentai team of five, cute, 18 year old girls, ranging from a busty oneesan to a flat tomboy, have to defeat my cock each week. And there's a robot battle at the end of the episode or whatever.
Wierd and cute, I'd watch.
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A Gundam anniversary series that draws from the success of shows like Gokaiger or Kamen Rider Decade. Embrace the gimmicks - imagine if the Gundam's loadout was modified by blind box collectables that all the kids would rush out to buy
Pastebin apparently doesn't like swear words
Why would you want a GxS sequel? It reached a good ending point. Van sought revenge, he got it. There isn't much left to do besides introduce a new antagonist out of nowhere to drive the plot or prequel stuff. Revenge stories especially make for bad unplanned sequels.
They could just make the sequel a fun episodic villain of the week show like the early parts of the show basically were. They could also make a show based on what Van was doing during the timeskip before the epilogue. I don't think it needs one, but there's some stuff they could try
I enjoyed this anon, I liked all the technical details.
I'm a massive mark for technical terms because it, to me, adds a lot more in the way of versimilitude. Plus they help with worldbuilding as well.
This but the male mc falls in love with his female mecha
A Gundam Build Divers entry focused on Underground Gunpla. Where the most suped up and rarest kits are wagered and won in high stakes contests that test different skills and attributes like Navigation and Speed. The most common competition is a free for all fight where all contestants must not only outfight and outlast the other but must also outrace each other, at the start each pilot isn't equipped with any ranged or melee weapons. So they gotta race across the impromptu circuits collecting power ups and their weapons and reach the extraction point where the final battle takes place among who ever is left before the timer runs out or they get busted by the Games enforcers. Basically a mix of a street racing game with a battle royal with the same shrinking circle that DQs those who are too cautious or slow..All this takes place in the giant map where various other players are in their events and playing fairly.

Since Real World trading is banned moderators patrol the games maps and worlds looking for any cheaters, their enforcement gunplas mimic police livery. With flashing lights and equipped with gadgetry to track catch and confiscate illegally modified or acquired gunpla.

>Story can be a mix of NFS Most Wanted
>Gearhead kid lives alone with single mom
>They struggle to make ends meet, Dad is dead and all he has left to remember him by is the Gunpla he bought him before passed
>Pilot starts with kid being fired, getting scolded by his mom for how his Gunpla and gamer skills are useless and don't translate to any money
>kid is fed up and sad, decides to get into the underground scene..uses his final paycheck to trick out his Dad's kit and use the rest to gamble
>wins and realizes he can make a living doing what he loves
>whole show is just him climbing up the ranks losing and getting back his dad's gunpla
>Also main rival is the head moderator who is sympathetic but firm in catching said kid
>Also he pilots a custom Master gundam called Game Master Gundam.
Ultraman Kamen (uses masks as gimmicks)
Ultraman W (celebrates 10th anniversary of X, 5th anniversary of Z)
Ultraman Volt (black and yellow colored, celebrates Mebius 20th anniversary)

Kamen Rider
>Kamen Rider Ultra (space themed again but more of cosmic than astronauts)
>Kamen Rider Ranger (Super Sentai tribute where each Rider and their forms have elements of a Sentai team)

Ironically enough, I have zero idea towards Super Sentai.
a love story between and man and he's mecha
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Like Initial D but mechs?
Creamy Mami with Heavy Metal L-Gaim
Kamen Rider Isekai
Pretty much
Gundam 00?
>We are actually mechs.
and what if we swallow tiny people who merge with our spinal cord and they pilot us?
A Gundam show where the series' Oldtype/Natural equivalent are strongarmed into a culture of tolerating the atrocities of the series' Newtype/Coordinator equivalent lest they repeat the actions of the Titans-like group from decades ago. One of the big messages pushed is that Oldtypes/Naturals are inferior to Newtypes/Coordinators. The main character, a female Oldtype/Natural, refuses to fight the Newtypes/Coordinators at first due to this belief in "tolerance", but, after being rescued from an insane Newtype/Coordinator by the anti-Newtype/Coordinator movement, realizes over the course of the show that Newtypes/Coordinators don't have to be tolerated in the face of their bad deeds and that Newtypes/Coordinators are actually emotionally, physically, and intellectually inferior to Oldtypes/Naturals. This will be proven when the MC is able to defeat Newtypes/Coordinators in mobile suit combat because she is calmer and more logical and has greater control over her mobile suit. In fact, it will be revealed that Newtypes/Coordinators are suffering from a genetic mutation passed off as a "new evolution" because the Newtypes/Spacenoids have interests against the health of the Earth's environment, so wanted to glorify living in space despite its adverse effects on humans. The series will end with the MC and her movement turning all the space colonies to trash and all surviving Newtypes/Coordinators sentenced to prison as humanity works to heal the earth.
But Setsuna is a horrible boyfriend
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Patlabor but construction workers
Generation Kill but for a space war
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A sentai show in which every single member is meant to come from a previous sentai series entirely but they’re completely new in design
So Zenkaiger?
Setting: Derelict space graveyard of warships, a mixture of broken space vessels intermixed with debris, asteroid chunks, and other assorted space garbage coalesced into an area almost the size of Pluto.
Mission: Somewhere in this graveyard of starships is the rumored partial gold reserves of the fallen Modro Union somewhere in a fallen warship, worth an estimated 4 trillion Earthnotes. Three teams of special operations units from former enemies of the Union have been dispatched to survey and potentially recover the gold. They spend the 12 episodes engaged in combat and scouting operations against one another.
I would take this exact same setting and mission but have it be teams of salvagers and treasure seekers racing against one another going ship to ship in their scrap metal/construction mechs. Watching the rivalries and seeing the weird stuff they find and strange aliens they uncover etc
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I feel like you could look at lots of 60s to 70s war media and easily place it into Votoms.
>Ultraman Quanta
In the year 22XX, humanity became a space-faring race and joined the wider galactic community.
The Terran Republic very quickly establishes itself as peerless explorers with infinite curiosity. In their pursuit of knowledge, they create multiple massive self-sufficient explorer ships that would explore the infinite void of space and go where nobody else did.
12y Ryo Satsuma, son of scientist Kuro Satsuma, are part of the crew of the Japanese explorer vessel Amaterasu that was sent out to explore a phenomena on the southern region of the Milky Way Galaxy. Things go not as planned when it turns out the anomaly is a wormhole that sucks the Amaterasu and spits it out into a completely different galaxy and right in front of a giant ship that was seemingly abandoned.

The away team lead by the elder Satsuma and supported by members of the elite Tempest Team board the ship to find clues on their current predicament. The away team however didn't realize little Ryo smuggling himself onboard the vessel. The situation quickly turns bad when another alien vessel appears out of nowhere and attacks both the derelict and the Amaterasu and releasing a space monster from its inside.
Due to the chaos, Kuro Satsuma is kidnapped by the assailants while Ryo gets infected with a mutagenic virus. All seems bleak for the boy when all of a sudden a silvery blob appears out of nowhere and fuses with him. His condition is stabilized and the virus kept in check thanks to the blob whose name is Quanta. Once a denizen of the Valley of Light, now a mutant experimented on by the alien Kunajikk to harvest his powers for himself. The vessel that appeared belonged to his army along with the derelict. Ryo and Quanta team up to help the Amaterasu find its way back home, to find prof. Kuro and stop Kunajikk and whatever evil backs him as the mutant Ultraman Quanta.

AKA: Ultraman meets ST: Voyager, Farscape with some additional mecha thrown in.
I once saw an idea thrown in by an anon about a magical girl show, but all the girls are daughters of various toku heroes and their looks actually depend on the dad/mother they are descended from.
Would be fun. That's for sure.
I want a mecha show about a retired pilot trying to get back into shape after her first pregnancy. An entire episode is dedicated to her just trying to fit back into her old pilot suit.
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Fantasy series (not isekai) with mechs, but the protagonists are three kobolds in a trenchcoat who pilot a combining mech that changes forms like Getter. The kobolds convinced everyone it's piloted by three humans, and they change formation in the trenchcoat to become the different "pilots" outside the mech and maintain the illusion.
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In the near future, particle collider experiments lead to an incursion of monstrous creatures from a parallel dimension, dubbed Anomals. Soon a special task force, Anomal Reduction & Control (or A.R.C.) is formed to deal with the Anomals, as well as specialized weaponry and power armor called Catcher Units to counter the mutant fauna's destructive abilities. To help fund the organization and control the narrative around the situation, the agents are marketed as superheroes to the general public and enjoy a degree of celebrity, though their actions out of suit are heavily downplayed.
The whole setup is incredibly shady, and surely there's a government conspiracy lurking in the background, but so long as the pay is good, the team is mostly okay with it.
This is a story about heroism, good people doing a dirty job, good publicity, and monsters getting blown the hell up.

Tl;dr: It's Patlabor meets Daiguard meets Shinesman meets the G3 Team from Kamen Rider Agito.

MC is a laidback slacker with hidden depths. Ambivalent to the idea of being a public hero, but enjoys helping people and getting to test out all the latest gear. Wears the Catcher Unit – Secutor, based off a roman gladiator.
Mission control is a middle-aged woman with a chip on her shoulder. Particularly bitter towards the MC, since she was the original beta tester of the Secutor until she was sidelined by an injury. More compassionate and lively than she lets on, but has trouble letting her guard down. Mostly because that's what lead to her injury in the first place. Eventually gets another suit, Catcher Unit – Vaquero, with a cowboy motif.
Secondary mission control is a glasses wearing rival type who is far more mild-mannered than he initially appears.

That's about as far as I got with the concept.
More non Thunderbolt early UC sidestories
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I finally found mine after a long time search.

Show that's focused on mech warfare, tactics, politics, likeable characters and good dialogue.
Kinda like Generation Kill with mechs but with more action and upped scale of conflict.
Gundam UC spinoff where a Federation battle ship is tasked with hunting down Zeon remnants come across a seemingly abandoned colony. They send out their GMs, but their ship gets destroyed by a mysterious bioweapon that seemingly pilots mobile suits. The surviving federation forces find the surviving Zeon remnants and have no choice but to work together to survive. Tensions flare, and through infighting, constant bioweapon attacks, and the hazards of living in an abandoned colony, only a handful of survivors manage to learn the truth about the bioweapon. Maybe it's the souls of dead newtypes possessing corpses or something.
TLDR Gundam but with elements from Alien, Halo's Flood, and Zombie films. You could even get rid of the Gundam part and just use original characters and factions.
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Americans already took Dougram and willingly decided to run it into the ground twice.
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I am legitimately baffled to this day why people would take a grounded setting like Dougram and then turn it into some weird ayylmao shit, and then came Battletech which is just its own thing anyway.
Nicolas Cage as a Masked Rider
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I just want an ultra gritty anime centered around tomino style war murder porn.
There's no Kira Amuro or Bagnagher to save the day and the whole show is just a front row ride in seeing the Dark History wipe out Humanity to near extinction.
Dudes pilot mechas that were made from their wives. Bonus points for the drama about their kids also being able to pilot Momgelions.
masked rider in the wild west

>riders include revolver rider, lasso rider, dynamite rider, arrow rider (the token indian), etc
>rival has double revolvers
>monsters are farm and wild animals who were abducted and experimented by aliens or whatever
>the horses also henshin

Ah fuck it. I wanna talk about it anyways.
>Pretty much the same thing as SS's backstory
>Differences start juuust before the first AI war, with the factions finding out about the "Strikecraft", a pre-Collapse humanoid-shaped construction machine whose designs were relatively easy to acquire, could operate both in space and in the atmosphere, and could handle much bigger weight and recoil loads than their otherwise small frames would suggest. They'd prove their salt as fighting vessels in the post-collapse when the not!Tri-Tachyon releases their armies of AI murderfleets
>Main Character is, unlike the player character, not a fleet commander, but one such Strikecraft pilot, whose knowledge of the Captain's (implied to be the aforementioned PC) plans is strictly on a need-to-know basis, and he has to cope with seeing the freaky shit you usually deal with in an average Starsector run, ranging from berserk ancient exploration drones, to brutal remnants of the AI murderfleets, to a final battle in the end of the series against the not!Omega
>Meanwhile, the AI fleets hiding in the fringes try their best to learn about these strikecraft used against them, attempt to acquire forgotten unmanned designs or use their arcane, beyond-human-comprehension knowledge and thought processes to create their own.
I like it, glad you posted it. That said I'm also a Starsectorfag so I admit I'm biased.
That happens in Full Metal Daemon Muramasa.
I wonder how an Omega strikecraft would look like, though.
I'm split between "triangular Turn X" and "Sachiel, but with thrusters and the occasional panel lining"
Series about fans of a particular franchise who never, ever stop trying to make everything else about that franchise.
I mean, when you really think about it, isn't that basically just the original Ultraman?

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