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Opinion on the Seed Freedom english cast?

Amalee? Isn't she a youtuber or something?
I miss the original dub cast.
>Spoiler text
she's known more as that but she actually has being doing dub for very damn long https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AmaLee
Where are the ed boys? Inb4 angry ass weeaboo
No more Ocean cast for Gundam. Even Origins, Cucuruz Doan's Island, and Hathaway didn't bring back Brad Swaile as Amuro.
Yeah, she was Marin in My Dress Up Darling.

Not English Gundam SEED without Hill, Chantel and Vincent
It's so much better without them.

Those fucking Lacus' songs were HORRENDOUS
I'm not surprised it's the NYAV cast. Though, Shinn has a different actor. It was Aaron Phillips in Destiny.
>didnt bring back brad
Well shit, i really enjoyed him in that role.
It was one line and absolutely idiotic to think they would. It doesn't hurt anything.
>didn't bring back Brad Swaile
Although I prefer the original, Silverstein doesn't do a bad Char
I get that it's simply how these things work here in Clapistan, but fuck me man, it'll never sound right otherwise.
Gundam Seed was massively popular in my country. They went all out and brought back the entire original dub cast for the movie. I was shocked to see Cagalli's old VA returning considering she retired like 20 years ago. I didn't even realize she was still alive. That's just how much of an impact Gundam Seed had on my generation I guess
think the VA for the songs was a different person
What country are you from?
It was. Jillian Michaels (Shippo from Inuyasa) was Lacus' singing voice in the Ocean dub.
>Shinn's recast already
That's amusing as fuck.

The fact its the remaster cast and we don't if we're getting the dub at all in Canada is funny as fuck too. It shows how bad this shitshow is, combined with Sheh's comments with ANN.

To be honest, I don't want any more early UC stuff with the original 0079 dub cast since Kopsa passed away but the fact that nobody was even approached about role reprisals, let alone voice cameos alone, will never not piss me off. Shit's just disrespectful IMO.

Michaels was also Canadian pre-Buu Gohan and Goten too.
>we don't if we're getting the dub at all in Canada
It's a shitshow, they're only showing the movie in theatres for one day in Canada and two days in the US. A while back when early ticket sales opened up, I was more or less sure all of the theatre viewings around me said English sub only.

>Sheh's comments with ANN
I'm not familiar with that, got a link?
>What country are you from
Not telling, but I'll give you a hint. It's in Southeast Asia
I always forget that Ocean did their own Cell and Buu saga dubs for Canada, even after Funimation did their own in the US, and that it used music from the Ruby Spears Mega Man cartoon.

>It's so surreal for us because recording this series was like a fever dream. We did all 98 episodes in a few months, and it wasn't released right away,” said Sheh. “It was really hard to gauge how production was. Although I was told the show is really popular, I had no real sense of it.”

For context: The redub was announced in mid-2017 with the initial cast being announced that December with it being likely they had the cast already done at that point. The BDs didn't release until Dec 2020.
Here's your new Shinn bros https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN_94PZSBqs
>born in 1998
Christ he was not even 6 years old when Destiny aired
Have you heard the way they pronounce Lacus in this version
I think he sounds fine. I haven't heard Shinn's actor in NYAV Destiny. I liked Matthew Erickson in Dynasty Warriors.
Feeling old? Or do you need a voice actor for a 16 year old kid to be at least 25?
He was always great in Destiny and the games, helps he's a Mecha veteran as he was also in Zoids and Betterman. The Remaster guy was horrible, he had the type of deep voice where your throat feels itchy hearing him and his screams were awful, literally ruins Shinn's more iconic scenes.
He was Amuro in Zeta and did a decent take, albeit radically different if you were expecting something similar to Swaile's Amuro.

Especially obvious in Zeta vs since you'll go from one to another.
Suzumura was 30 years old when he voiced Shinn , Erickson was 26, Phillips was in his 30s
Why are you posting an archive link? The ANN page is still there.
Did Seed Destiny run back-to-back with Seed on Toonami?
Never aired on North American tv, Seed was the last show until Gundam 00 aired on Scifi. Destiny aired in Canada though on Teletoon I think.
I think it was YTV actually.
It aired on YTV in the Bionix (?) block back in 2006~07.

>It was so many years ago that the dub can drive
God I feel ancient now
Is there a list of anime that aired on YTV that I can check?

I know Toonami had Wing, '79, 08th MS, G, Stardust Memory, 0080, CCA, and Seed. And New Toonami has gotten IBO, Unicorn and The Origin.
Speaking of old voice actors that we will never hear ever again.
Kirby Morrow died, so no Trowa anymore ever.
Maybe for the best. Blue Water was an anti-union scab company. Dunno if any of their talent did VAing again after Ocean went bust.
I didnt know that, he had a smooth as voice.
Ocean still exists. They just do a shit tone more pre-lay stuff these days. Most Blue Water does these days is whatever Bushiroad sends them since they're basically Ocean/Chinook's budget studio.
I don't recognize any of these names.

I thought "Stephanie Sheh" sounded familiar, but when I looked her up, nope, not familiar.
Dude, she's Orihime AND Hinata.
You're either ancient, or too young to be here. Sheh's a 90's-00's vet.
I know her more as Eureka than those two.
>Hinata from Naruto
>Orihime from Bleach
>Sailor Moon (Viz dub)
>Yui from K-On
>Mineva from Gundam Unicorn
>Mikuru from Haruhi Suzumiya
None of these sound familiar to you?
Matt Hill is on Cameo, you could probably get him to dub all of Kira’s movie lines for spare change.
I would expect the dude to respond "LOL you watch dubs you fucking anime rapist", but this is a dub thread so I got no idea why he'd post here.
>Mikuru from Haruhi Suzumiya
Huh i never noticed it back then.
Not like Mikuru has any room to show talent. The entire role was probably struggling to keep a moe-esque tone. At least Hinata and Eureka are able to show humanity, and Orihime was pretty diverse until she became "KUROSAKI-KUN" 24/7.
She was also Tharja in Fire Emblem.
I don't really count FE13 and 14 as significant venues for VAs, since it's all voiceclips and not anything really significant like Persona or Coldsteel.
Since you mentioned Persona. Here's Kira and Cagalli.
I'm fairly neutral on dubs, but a big part of SEED's charm is it's big name, all-star voice cast. So, watching it dubbed just doesn't seem like a fun option to me.

I am sorta nostalgic for the old Ocean Group SEED dub. Surfer dude-sounding Kira and surprisingly awesome Rau always stick out to me.
Do not reply to the tripfag.
Im just grateful /m/ has a small community so it is a small list of tripfags to filter.
>No Ed or Double D again
As I said with the SEED remaster. Pass
Are SEED's old actors even around anymore? Matt Hill isn't active in dubbing anymore and Murrue's isn't either.
The only Ocean talent I see anymore is Brian Drummond.
Trevor Devall (Mu's Ocean actor) still does voice acting in LA. Don't know if he still does anime though.
Well people take issue on this. What about the rest of the cast? Sure, the NYAV Post cast is now just 98% of it because people did not like Remaster Shinn's dub voice, but it doesn't change the fact that English dubs are insistent on using "fresh talent" every time, leaving little to no opportunities for older talent to return, even if cast as someone else. For one matter, Michael Adamthwaite, now known under his new stage name Mark P. Whitten, is still highly active to this day and keeping up with these new talent, but people would still want him as Yzak, which may not happen here.
Wasn't he only Yzak in SEED, and Swaile did it and Dearka in Destiny?
>English dubs are insistent on using "fresh talent" every time, leaving little to no opportunities for older talent to return
I wouldn't call Sheh, Rachael Lillis, Tara Platt, Keith Silverstein, and Liam O'Brien "new talent". And that's just the ones I can remember as being veterans casted for Unicorn and The Origin.
*fresh talent. Fuck.
No just feeling old. I don't like being reminded that there are now grown adults that were kids or not even born yet when I was a teenager.
She was also Estelle in Trails, which originally was just battle voice clips, but she did actually return when Estelle came back at the end of Cold Steel in a major voiced capacity.
You don't hear much from them anymore because there's nothing for them to work on anymore. Since the 00s recession, all anime dubs moving south, Bandai US shutting down, Canadian cartoons not getting made anymore and MLP over, what are they suppose to voice?
What's been airing on YTV these days?
Nick and Nelvana shit
Not Seed related, but still a dub matter: Just found out that Guel in G-Witch isn't Matt Mercer. It's some relative new blood called Bradley Gareth who's doing a good impression of Matt Mercer.
Why would anyone think it was Mercer when it's been known for almost a year that the guy wasn't voicing the character? Are you just that stupid?
Surfer Kira was always funny to me.
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Take your meds.
Gundaminfo doesn't dub the credits. How was I supposed to figure out the dub cast?
Max Mittleman? For real?
Do you have an issue with him?
They were making a joke. Max Mittelman also voiced Ryuji in Persona 5.
I've never played Persona. I hate emulating non-Nintendo and I can't find any Youtube playthroughs for Persona 3.
Persona 5 Royal is on Switch.
I can't play Persona 5. Not until I've played all of Persona 3 and 4.
You don't have to. They're each their own story with very little continuity with each other. That's like saying you can't watch Gundam 00 without watching MS Team first.
A lot of the word of mouth I've heard about Gundam IBO is that you won't be able to understand it unless you've seen Gundam 00. Generally a lot of the reason I enjoyed Gundam Wing was because it didn't do any of the stupid shit that Zeta and Victory took way too much joy in.
What morons told you that? And why did you believe them?
You're listening to some very stupid people.
Go back
Wow. It only took 83 replies.
Mercer started doing an impression of Baker and now this guy is doing impressions of Mercer. We've gone full circle.
Check any news site? You act like it's a chore to find out simple information
Motherfucker's here don't even want to link to ANN. There's no hope for these people.
not diverse enough
I dont even watch dubs but I know her
More like the circle is still going. Remember that Baker exists to do Nolan North impressions.
Gonna start watching Seed. Hope Aniwave still has the old dub saved.
Watched episode 1. The dub I'm watching sounds too good in terms of audio quality for what I expect. Are there any sure tells for which dub I'd be watching?
I know Max Mittlemen from World of Warcraft can make a really inspiring heroic performance. I'm thinking of Prince Farondis from the Aszuna questline. I don't recall anything memorable the other VAs have done.
Ocean Group Rau sounds vaguely British. Ocean Group Arthur is aggressively British.
I mentioned some of Stephanie Sheh's characters here. >>22601276 but, for the rest:
>Chris Hackney: Basara from Testament of Sister New Devil, Ghiaccio from Jojo Part 5, Dimitri from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
>Cherami Leigh: Lucy from Fairy Tail, Asuna from Sword Art Online, Makoto from Persona 5, Sailor Venus (Viz Dub), Red Blood Cell from Cells at Work
>Kieran Regan: Shikanoin Heizou from Genshin Impact, Twnety Fifth Bam and Jue Viole Grace from Tower of God: New World, Yusei from AMAIM
>Alyson Leigh Rosenfield: Bonnie from Pokémon X and Y, Fraw from Gundam: The Origin, Sayaka from Mazinger Z Infinity
>Kelly Baskin: Amber from Genshin Impact, Kirin from Gunvolt
>Ben Balmaceda: Neku from The World Ends with You: The Animation
>Lizzie Freeman: Chizuru from Rent-A-Girlfriend
>Alejandro Saab: Yukimura from Science Fell in Love (Replacing Billy Kametz), Akihiko from Persona 3: Reload, Shadiq from Witch from Mercury
>Zeno Robinson: Hawks from My Hero Academia, Junpei from Persona 3: Reload
>Amanda Lee: Marin from My Dress Up Darling
are the compilation movies okay for a recap? i don't think i'll be able to watch all 100 episodes of gundam before it shows up in my country on tuesday
Lizzie Freeman: Chizuru from Rent-A-Girlfriend
That's probably the least notable role you could've mentioned she has with her last five years of lightning progress.
OH MY GOD, you already made a thread about this over a week ago. Just watch the show already and stop asking other people what to do.
I can't believe I forgot she was Trish in Jojo Part 5, despite remembering Hackney's character.
They don't look anything like their characters. This is some Netflix tier garbage
This isn't a live action movie.
why would we give a fuck about trash

>Amalee? Isn't she a youtuber or something?
same bitch who makes a shitton of covers and was dub Kitagawa
Gundam 00 and IBO are literal opposites. 00 is about humans coming together and beamspam, IBO is about humans being tools and physical weapons/ammo.
I heard Mikazuki was a remix of Setsuna.
speaking of sites anyone remember the one that one anon said that had the OG versions of SEED and Destiny?
Downloaded a Tri-audio from Nyaa. I probably need to listen to the redub regularly to stay sane hearing the female voice performances, especially when NYAV managed to hook some of my favorites for Ramius, Badgiruel and Miriallia.
Aside from being quiet, they're nothing alike. Setsuna is a boy who lost faith in God and replaced it with Gundam due to O Gundam saving his life. He wants to change the world due to how he grew up. Mikazuki is a boy who follows whatever Orga says to a T to the point that Orga sometimes seems afraid of him. He isn't about changing the world or the bigger picture. Just changing his current life and circumstances. 00 and IBO are two completely separate stories with little in common.
>NYAV pronounced Lacus as "La-koose"
Oh for Kira's sake...
How did the Ocean dub pronounce her name?
"Lah-kis". Like a human would.
AmaLee is fine as fuck tho ngl
I just booked a ticket for me and my dad, but after how embarassing it was to bring him to Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel part 1's English dub, I'm not doing that again so I bought two subbed tickets. Hope there isn't anything visually embarrassing. I typically bring him to see Ghibli and Shinkai movies.
tadoritsuku basho sae mo wakaranai
Watching Seed is the weirdest experience I've ever had. I keep rotating it between Ocean and NYAV and occasionally turning on subtitels for spelling clarity, and just going full JP anytime Lacus starts singing.
"CGUE" is not a word, Gundam. No wonder Ocean just spells it "Sci-goo".
He mainly does anime now because he records from his home studio now.
North-Baker-Mercer-Jonah Scott/Bradley Garreth
Going to see the movie this Tuesday.
The Toonzone recaps are amazing.
>"Dearka, Yzak, and Nichol, (aka the 'other guys' with Gundams) still have no idea how to combine their GundamZords together, so they attack Kira to force the info out of him. Athrun, meanwhile, prepares to welcome [Lacus's] new baby by making hundreds of Haros that take over the ZAFT vessel. Murrue, who's starting to wish she were a giant floating head right about now, has a decision to make, as Flay snaps and goes on a maniacal killing spree, starting with a little kid named Justin..."
A big chunk of the ocean actors do work in America.
Matt Hill,Trevor Devall, Brian Drummond, Mark Oliver, Micheal Adamthwaite, Brad Swaile, Michael Daingerfield, Saffron Henderson , Andrew Francis, Scott Mcneil, Venus Terzo, Brenna O'Brien, and to top it off Lisa Ann Beley lives 4 hours from NYC.
Unicorn was over a decade ago.
Jesus American voice actors are so unappealing to look at, I would only fuck Cherami and Lizzie out of this whole lot.
>Unicorn was over a decade ago.
Does this change my point?
Also I forgot to mention Steve Staley, who played Shiro in 08th MS back in 2001.
Have fun!
The site is animegg, if i'm right.
Aniwave and my Nyaa torrent are missing the recap episodes. Where can I find them?
>Does this change my point?
It does, alot of the unicorn era dub VA's are no longer frequently in anime or being phased out over race.
He was also Banagher, Seabook, and McGillis.
I wish I was rich enough to recast the entire old original dub. Everyone was great. Kira, Athrun, Mu, Murrue, Cagali, and especially Lacus were perfect.
I keep swapping back between Ocean and NYAV anytime there's a scene between Patrick Zala and Siegel Clyne. Goddammit Sabat I don't need to hear you everywhere.
Ironically, Zala's NYAV VA was 4kids Zoro.
I brought up Staley specifically because he voices Banagher.

>being phased out over race.
It's been proven that's not happening. Otherwise we wouldn't have had that giant shitstorm with Wendee Lee.
NTA, but weren't some people upset about Suletta's dub actress not matching her skin tone too?
That's on them for thinking tanukis are a race rather than an anime design.
4kids zorro is best zorro, he also voiced guts from berserk btw.
>It's been proven that's not happening
and thats just one example, American voice over industry has been encouraging white voice actors to step down over race.
The Wendee Lee situation was literally an example of that, only difference being she stood up for herself and got her role back. Ironically same replacement was the main one bitching about sulletta. https://boundingintocomics.com/2023/02/03/western-voice-actors-accuse-crunchyroll-of-bigotry-for-casting-white-actress-as-suletta-in-english-dub-of-mobile-suit-gundam-the-witch-from-mercury/
Genuinely curious how you think we it isn't happening.
Ah, yes, boundingintocomics, such a reputable site. Hah!
Nope, Gundam pretty much died in the US after SEED and we never got Destiny unless you wanted to buy some expensive DVDs. It wasn't necessarily because of the quality of the show though, it was more because of Bandai's retarded decisions and the show being pushed to a dead timeslot when most kids would be asleep.
>You don't hear much from them anymore because there's nothing for them to work on anymore. Since the 00s recession, all anime dubs moving south, Bandai US shutting down, Canadian cartoons not getting made anymore and MLP over, what are they suppose to voice?
That's a bit ironic, since anime has never been more popular than it is now. I'm sure he could find some work if he really wanted to. Or maybe they would rather do western cartoons.
yeah I found it eventually but thank you anyways

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