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Outsourced Edition

>Power Rangers Cosmic Fury:
Currently available on Netflix

>Official YouTube Channels:

>24/7 Streams:

>Boom Comics Recent Releases/Announcements:
- Ranger Academy
- MMPR: The Return
- Godzilla vs. MMPR II
Main comic seemingly ending with the finale of Darkest Hour.

>Power Rangers: Legacy Wars Recent Releases:
- Zenith Ranger/Zayto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fObYr1jJfw4
- Pink Lightspeed Rescue Ranger/Dana Mitchell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3ocUbSOLM0
- Red Ninja Ranger/Rocky DeSantos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knSvbv-Zdd4

>Previous Thread:
Thoughts on Mr. Weenie and his power ranger videos?
he went off the deep end
Does he have a speech disorder?
He speaks in monotone
what happened?
Nah, that's just most Power Rangers fans
his videos became all unhinged jdf conspiracies and raging at hasbro. basically as unhinged as this place.
Has some hot girls in his morphing videos though
>unhinged jdf conspiracies
What kind of unhinged?
Don't have them, but based off Hasbro's outsourcing and how we don't have a show at the moment, either they're far worse than Sentai's or the sales are similar but Hasbro was expecting much better and got mad.
He's a little spergy, but he makes fair points and at least attempts to be levelheaded about his takes.

They're bullshitting. He's hardly said anything controversial. The closest he's come is saying Hasbro not playing ball with JDF may have contributed to his poor mental health, but even then he's not saying they hired assassins or something outlandish like that.
his last video on the subject was a longform rant about hasbro being the woke mafia.
He was talking about ESG and Blackrock and how it effected them
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>longform rant about hasbro being the woke mafia.
all the fags obsessed with sweet baby inc and the like don't even know what these companies actually do.
I don't know what the digestive tract "does", but I know it produces shit
It's been a year, and you're still malding over this unnamed gay man and his boyfriend showing up for one scene?
Off to a good start guys
He's always been a larping faggot
Now he's a larping ragebait faggot
Someone beat him up for me if you see him at a con
Having just rewatched Once & Always recently, the bigger problem is how awkward and forced everything about the moment feels. I have less of a problem with two gay guys being boyfriends than I do the way the guy is just standing there saying "My boyfriend! He's my boyfriend! We're gay and we're boyfriends!" Also, why is that guy staying with the car when his boyfriend is being attacked by Putties like fifty feet away? Why isn't he trying to help his boyfriend? Also, Minh's "hero training" moment is saving these two civilians from Putties... even though she'd just saved some civilians from Putties in the Youth Center five minutes prior and that was presented as a bad thing.
Has some hot women in his videos though
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If anyone here cares, I uploaded every old Power Rangers dvd bonus feature to youtube that wasn't already online.

Quite a bit of stuff:
>cast retrospectives from LR through Megaforce
>How props, sets, scenes were filmed
>How monsters were made/used
>What the writing room was like





>old ally
JFC Melissa I swear if Drakkon's actually alive....
Thanks, anon.
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Any beta can pay for hoes. What's your excuse?
None anon, just making a statement, Chris Cantada force had some damn good looking women in his pink video but after that, yikes.
You're the official MVP of this thread now.
Damn, anon, you're awesome. Thanks for posting all this. I can't wait to watch this stuff.
Glad you guys like it. I can't believe a ton of this material was exclusive to a limited edition box set of only 2000 copies. That set is also going for over $1500 these days. Too much high quality content to stay stuck on physical media.

My personal favorites are the Time Force retrospective, the ADR process, & the prop usage vids
Oh yeah I remember the Shout Factory stream
Wasn't Operation Overdrive the only team that had ZERO returning actors for this?
That was around the time OO was still viewed as the most hated season. Do people still hate it now? If so, why? It's been ages since I watched an episode, so I forgot what was so bad besides the Black Ranger's actor coming off as kind of a dick.
Nobody from In Space got interviewed either for some reason
Yeah, it was so unnecessary and in your face. I cut that scene out and you wouldn't even know anything was missing. It's completely superfluous and contributes nothing to the story. It's there for the sole reason of saying "Look! Faggot representation!"
How would you have preferred it with the gay couple kept?
I would prefer not having overt buttfuckers in a children's property at all.
I wasn't familiar with this guy beyond maybe seeing his afro at a con or two, but after watching this I have to say he is incredibly based.

Just have both of them being menaced by the Putties (instead of the one guy standing off to the side not trying to help his boyfriend for some reason) and not have them advertising their relationship status. Just make it obvious via subtle stuff like they hug once Minh saves them or something. If it was a straight couple the husband wouldn't be off to the side while the Putties attacked his wife.
>can't see gay people on screen who aren't doing anything sexual without thinking about buttfucking
That's on you, anon. Normal people don't think about men having sex with each other just because they saw a gay guy for 1 minute. Only really horny gay men, fujos, or the deeply closeted do.
They should've started making out and winking at the camera after they were saved.
Shill your fag shit elsewhere
So recap from a post back in December
>Transformers is a custody joint with Takara
>GI Joe is pure Hasbro kin and can literally go to jail for murder and still be given love by the parent
>MASK, ROM, Micronauts etc are neglected adopted kids
>Visionaries is the kid who's biological but died after sleeping on their stomach as an infant
>Same for Xevoz
>Also for Inhumanoids but they straight up lost the body as well through an accident
>Air Raiders died the second the baby took a breath out of the womb
>Wizards of the Coast stuff are the kids CPS barge in to investigate
I guess that now Power Rangers the neglected adopted kid who was initially given so much promise only to be pimped out to someone else now for cheap cash
The horses are the successful daughter who the parents love, but they always ask why she keeps dating men twice her age.
Would she be one of the older kids or be a pageant show brat ala Honey Boo Boo?
It's called "sexual" orientation for a reason. The single defining trait of a gay man is that he wants to fuck a man's ass instead of a woman's vagina. When a kid asks "why does that man have a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend?" How do you answer that question without lying to them? It's entirely about sex.
>still can think about "sex' without going to fucking
Okay nta but it is "sexual orientation". That's why the whole trans thing kind of fucks with being gay or lesbian, because it is about a preference for body and genitals.
How do you answer "Why do men have girlfriends?"
To make babies.
Because they like them, and if they ask how it becomes a "well I'll tell you when you're older" kind of thing, because sex is usually involved.
That is a stupid answer. You ask any man on the street why they have a girlfriend or wife and 99.9% of them are NOT going to answer "To make babies!"
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>To make babies.
People literally break up over wanting babies or not
What does that make Hanazuki?
The entire reason that sexual attraction exists is so people will fuck and have babies. Whether they want them or not, that's the core underlying reason men and women get together. Fags have a mental disorder which makes them want to fuck something which cannot get pregnant.
>and have babies
>AND have
Gee Anon, I wonder why people buy condoms
The foreign kid they sponsored for a time, but eventually lost contact with.
That's the problem with wokeness these days anon. Its diversity is different than the ones back in the day because it's a lot more pandering and in your face. People always claim Power Rangers (and any franchise that does it as well) are always woke, but they're just not the same as progressiveness of the past. And that is why some oppose woke agenda, even if they align left.
No, I think the problem is you're a mentally ill man who's spent a year seething at a background character in Power Rangers, and you're making up excuses so you can pretend this isn't as pathetic as it sounds.
People may actively try to prevent having kids, but the reason they're fucking in the first place is because their biological imperative wants them to have kids. There's a reason why tits and hips/ass make normal men hard, and it all corolates to having kids. Thousands of years of evolution haven't erased this because it is hardcoded into our DNA to propagate the species. Faggots are defective units no different than retards, but they are a far greater danger to our society because they've had the mental fortitude to make the world cater to their hedonistic lifestyle, and have started to shove it in the face of children. The world was a better place when they were bullied relentlessly for being the sick rejects that they are, and they kept that shit in the closet where it belongs.
I came here to talk about Hasbro killing Power Rangers and this is the conversation I walk into. Are you people always like this
Pretty much, yeah
Weenie is a lousy nigger
Not always, but it isn't surprising when it happens.
Ragebaiting is what so many has-beens do now as desperate last attempts to stay relevant.
The dissapointing thing, is it usually works.
I've been in the Power Rangers fandom since the usenet days and had no idea this guy existed until someone in this thread started talking about him.
You must have literally never searched Power Rangers morphs ever on youtube since his shit is usually the first several results
No, why would I? I see the morphs a hundred times when I watch the show.
It's gonna be the Solar Rangers
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Which Power Rangers character does this actress portray?
She is the pink ranger of the Mukbang force team.
Gonna need to see her belly
People don't immediately have sexual thoughts when they hear somebody talk about their girlfriend or boyfriend. They only do it if they think that guy's hot.

And you can't do better than simping for some background character? He wasn't even hot. Sentai shits out hotter guys.
You probably kept interacting with him on youtube. My search result only showed official channels and watchmojo.
Gee, would be really fucking nice if Hasbro gave two fucks about Power Rangers again
Don't count on it. They're only doing it because of BG3. And even then the studio that made it stopped working with Hasbro.
Video games probably the medium best fit for PR right now.
Who? Get him the hell outta here! And take his coat!
Which one?
Animated series. Why haven't they done this?
Dunno. Hasbro has ties with Takara because of Transformers, never understood why they don't just make an animated series of PR.
Sex with Rinne.
Menhera Rinne... is CUTE!!!
They've wanted to several times. Toei shot the idea down.
Yeah, a fighting game would be really cool
>Another FightinggameSLOP
No, Power rangers deserve a good RPG or an Action game ala batman Arkham.
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Man fuck them. Why would they prohibit a PR cartoon?
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The Red Dragon is my all-time favorite Zord so easy pick. The White Tiger is also an amazing design though.

I really like all the stuff that came from Dairanger, even the monsters which I've read some people here over the years disliking the designs.
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I keep bitching about how we need our own Shredder's Revenge, or something similar. Lately, Natsume has been remaking its old games and that could be a good opportunity to do something like that. A remake of the first SNES game would be interesting, but it wouldn't surprise me if all the old PR games are in licensing hell, with the rights all over the place.
You don't need Sentai footage for a cartoon.
Because execs only tolerated PR for its cheapness. A cartoon that looks any good would cost more money than PR is typically familiar with.
They saw it for what it was: Disney's attempt at weaseling more control over the brand than they were allowed.
>we need our own Shredder's Revenge, or something similar
It was made last gen, it was called Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Mega Battle. It got little to no love, but it was a solid beat-em-up. The combat system has great variety, more so than any Ninja Turtle game I've played. There's an upgrade tree which lets you unlock a lot of different attacks. You start out as a teen, and once you gather enough energy from defeating enemies you can Morph. You can use any teen including the replacements, though White Ranger and the replacement teens were DLC). My biggest complaints are that it was only 4 players, and didn't have online co-op. The Megazord sections were also just QTEs, but I imagine they didn't know how else to handle Megazords in a 4 player game. I think a lot of people were put off by the cartoony style style of it, which is a shame because it's one of the better PR games we've gotten.
I keep memoryholing this game. I was actually interested when it came out; I recall watching some gameplay but I don't remember why or what made me lose interest. A couple of years after it came out I decided to give it another go and saw it was delisted, so I never played it.

Was the gameplay really that engaging? I barely see people bringing this game up, even here.
It had its heart in the right place, but the game just wasn't super satisfying. It looked like a cheap Flash game (I guess it was trying to go for a comic book aesthetic? They should've just used pixel art like the old games instead), playing as the Green Ranger didn't matter (you'd use the Megazord anyway instead of the Dragonzord), the DLC characters were just skins instead of actual characters (Adam had Zack's voice, etc), a lot of the redesigns for the villains and monsters were weirdly off-putting (Rita was way too overdesigned, King Sphinx looked like a fucking dinosaur, etc), and I remember some stages in the game being way too fucking long.
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Beat-em-ups can get repetitive if you're mashing the same button endlessly, so I appreciate the options they give you. You have a light attack (punches and kicks), heavy attack (Power Weapon, uses stamina which auto refills), ranged attack (Blade Blaster, which uses energy gotten by defeating enemies), and a grab for picking up and throwing enemies. You can perform both light and heavy attacks in the air, and can also dash attack. Tying your Power Weapon and Blade Blaster to stamina and energy pervents you from spamming them, though at max level you can use them more liberally. There is incentive to save your energy versus using your Blade Blaster though, as you can activate a super mode which is essentially Metallic Armor once your energy is at max. Your energy slowly drains in super mode, though attacking enemies gets it back up. At max level you can stay in super mode indefinitely as long as there are enemies around to fight. You can also summon all the Rangers and form the Power Blaster while in super mode, though that will immediately deplete your energy and end super mode, so you can't spam it. Leveling up unlocks other types of atacks like team attacks.

There is a good variety to the enemies you fight. The Putties are the standard grunts naturally, and they have ranged variants which shoot shit at you. Partway through the story they become Z-Putties, but it seems to just be an aesthetic change. They intermittently throw Tengas at you while the Putties are still the Rita variety. They're more difficult, as they have a guard which needs to be broken with either a dash or heavy attack (unless you're in super mode, in which your light attack breaks their guard). Several monsters are used as recurring intermittent grunts which are harder and need to be defeated more strategically. Knasty Knight for instance can only be attacked on his head, though team attacks and Power Blaster will bypass any needed strategy and easily defeat them.
How is it "weaseling"? Power Rangers was Disney's and it was making the japs more money than just sentai alone. Toei made more footage for Voltron when WEP asked for it, why couldn't they reciprocate for Disney? A PR cartoon would've been even more popular since you can do more off-the-wall action sequences in animation than you can do in live action.
The Handsome Men in Killer 7 were technically more Power Rangers than Sentai. They were New York based and drawn for American comics. (That predicted the future and was used to assinate people until they killed their Author trevor pearlharbour)

Anyways this makes them the best Power Ranger team and videogame.


Dont um actshully me I just wanted to post this.
All valid criticisms, though I don't have a problem with the long levels as I would never play the entire game in one sitting. Tommy doesn't say anything when he morphs into either Ranger, so I imagine they didn't have clean audio files of him or the replacements. I do wish they had the replacements morph silently like Tommy instead of just using the original actor voice clips. What really annoys me is that they went through the effort of having Kim use her Power Bow instead of Blade Blaster for her ranged attack, yet both Green and White Ranger simply use Blade Blasters. White Ranger should be using Saba's eye beams, and Green could either use the hadouken from Green With Evil, or shoot a laser from his Dragon Dagger like he did against the Two-Headed Parrot. What's especially frustrating about it is that you fight Evil Green Ranger at one point, and he uses the hadouken, so it would have taken no effort at all to use that animation for his ranged attack.

I ultimately do find the game to be quite satisfying though in spite of it's flaws. I think the problem is, like any beat-em-up, it's more fun playing it with other people, so only having couch co-op hurt it. It's also pretty bare bones at the start before you unlock anything, so one's initial impression is probably not going to be great. Once you start to level up and unlock more attacks and such the game gets considerably more fun, and with everything unlocked I have a blast playing it with my niece, who often requests playing it when she comes over.
Because thanks to people like Harmony Gold, Japanese companies got wind of how Americans take an inch and walk a mile.
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Concept art up for all the Kaiju Rangers and Zords
>Freddie Williams of people designs the best comic original Zords
I wouldn't believe it unless I saw it
Oh god that shit is ancient history. Not every US company is out to fuck over their Japanese counterparts. They know not to bite the hand that feeds them because it's not the 80's and 90's anymore.
It's still leans too hard on the Daizyujin influences unfortunately but at least it's a design that wouldn't give toy designers a migraine figuring out
>Green Gigan
Oh sweet, I love Giga-wait Trek's in this?
Voltron is not like Power Rangers. Nobody in Japan gave a shit about Golion, while Sentai is one of Toei's big franchises. And at the time this idea was shot down, around the Gokaiger era Sentai was actually making them big money at the time.
And then Saban sold the brand to Hasbro behind Bandai and Toei's back.
So? Hasbro's collaborated with Japan before like Takara and they co-created Transformers. Everybody wins.

Okay but why not now? Hollywood's been getting into anime studios so this is the perfect opportunity.
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Anybody else see this?


Normally I wouldn't give clout chasers like these the signal boost, but getting footage from the original Bio-Man pilot is pretty huge.
>we need our own Shredder's Revenge, or something similar
A MMPR "Shredder's Revenge" would be amazing, if done right. Even the same pixelated, cartoony (but accurate) art style would fit. Go through a bunch of stages swarming with Putties, Z-Putties, and Tengas. Fight some of the more notable monsters of the week (King Sphinx, Eye Guy, Pudgy Pig, Pumpkin Rapper, Pirantis Head, Nimrod, Lipsyncher, Silver Horns) as bosses, then the last few levels' bosses are Goldar, Scorpina, Rito, Rita, and Zedd, maybe Master Vile. Start the roster off with the five Rangers, with Green and White as the obvious unlockables. Then have Ninjor, Bulk, and Skull (maybe with the last two as the Purple and Orange Rangers) as the secret unlockables you have to work at getting. Maybe even Alpha, too. I admit, I don't know how the Zords would work in this game, but I'd almost rather have no Zords than just reduce them to QTEs.
You largely described Mega Battle. It's weird how no one seemed to care about it at the time, yet it seems to line up with what people want from an MMPR game today.
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>I admit, I don't know how the Zords would work in this game, but I'd almost rather have no Zords than just reduce them to QTEs.
Having 3 - 6 players is where things get dodgy with Zords. The Genesis movie game was only 2 players, but because of that they were able to have Megazord levels for each stage with Thunder Megazord/Tigerzord and Ninja Megazord/Falconzord. I consider that to be the most satisfying Power Rangers game ever made, and the Zord levels play a big part in that.
The only way to make 6 players work is with individual Zords. If the Genesis movie game was able to make the Falconzord a playable character, I don't see why other non-humanoid Zords couldn't be.

Have a mechanic where doing damage as an individual Zord earns you Megazord energy, and when a player maxes out their energy they can form the Megazord until it takes a hit. Have QTEs for the other players so they have something to do. Completing the QTEs would continue to fill their own energy. If the player controlling the Megazord takes a hit, and another player has max energy, control will shift to them. Order will be determined by the order in which people hit max energy. If the Megazord takes a hit and no one else has max energy, the Zords separate into their individual components. The mechanic could also be given to Dragonzord to enable fighting mode.

I would only have the individual Zords for 4 - 6 players though. If there are 1 - 3 players it would be Megazord/Dragonzord/Titanus by default. If tackling season 2, Thunder Megazord/Tigerzord Tor for 3 players, Red Dragon/Assault Team/Tigerzord/Tor for 4 players. The same combination mechanics would apply for Red Dragon, the Assault Team, and Tigerzord. The Assault Team would have the option to choose Thunder Megazord or Mega Tigerzord when maxing their energy. The same could be applied to individual Zords in 5 - 6 player mode. Someone playing as the Firebird for instance could choose which one to form, while someone playing Red Dragon could only form Thunder Megazord.

Season 3 has the most options to accommodate multiple players without needing the individual Zord mechanic. Ninja Megazord, Falconzord, Titanus, and Shogun Megazord only gets you to 4, but adding Ninjor as a playable character ups it to 5. Individual Shogunzords make the most sense for rounding things out to 6 players.
>I've read some people here over the years disliking the designs.
Are they retarded?
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Dairanger doesn't have great monsters overall. There are some good ones like Silverhorns, but a lot are just using spandex suits and standard Ranger boots. Case in point...
>You largely described Mega Battle.
Mega Battle was fine in concept, but its execution was severely lacking.

If the game is just "generic MMPR game" and doesn't care about making sense in-universe, then you could have Megazord, Dragonzord, Thunder Megazord, Tigerzord, Ninja Megazord, and Shogun Megazord as the six playable Zords, with maybe Dragonzord Fighting Mode, Red Dragon Thunderzord, Mega Tigerzord, and Giant Ninjor as unlockables.
What about the execution is lacking compared to Shredder's Revenge?
This is it, exactly. Whenever Dairanger made a full-body monster suit (Silver Horns, Lipsyncher, Skelereena) it looked great, but way too many of its monsters were just:
>Upper torso: Intricate monster suit
>Lower torso: Pants
Doesn't help that something happened between Toei and Saban and half the suits weren't shipped to US for filming, and since they couldn't use any footage with the Dairangers in it, they end up recycling the same stock footage of the monster pointing at the camera.
They had one job, guys
One job...
Plea agreement confirmed.
What's even more bizarre is that even when they had the suit for a Dairanger monster (Silver Horns, Pachinko Head, Bad Bookala, Purse Head) they'd never film a proper fight with them, even though they were fully capable of making decent U.S. fight scenes throughout Season 1.
I'd say Mechagodzilla would be Psycho Silver (if he was actually a character and not Zhane) but then I remembered there's no DNA/bio-energy/whatever to use
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I was gonna complain about using Pipebrain as a counter claim to Dairanger's monster designs being good, but you have a point there. Still, even if a lot of the designs fall into that, I think they are pretty good.

I think the big issue regarding people not having a good opinion on them lies more on the fact that there was limited footage to make more intricate fights. This is an issue in Dairanger too; pic related is one of the best designs from the time and is heavily underused even in the source material.
how rude jessica
Poor Ilia Volok sandwiched between Ransik and Lothor as a main villain. I'm sure Tzachor wanted him to come off as a threatening menace, but thanks to some bad directing, he acts and looks like a homeless Tommy Wiseau. It's even worse because Master Org's backstory is The Room. A successful guy finds out the girl he's in love with is in love with one of his friends, and he goes insane.
They might not have been able to handle a full on fight scene after only a year. They didn't build stuff to last back then.
Nah, that can't have been it. They were using suits like Eye Guy and Grumble Bee until they were literally falling apart. As long as an arm didn't drop off in the middle of filming, they wouldn't care. Besides, Silver Horns was in good enough shape to be used in fight scenes as Repellator in Season 3.
master org is better than lothor and one of the best overall in executuoin. He's also technically two villains even as he also plays the real master org, the msot no-nonsense villain in series history who straight up kills all their zords and destroys their powers as fast as he possibly could.
Kiryu has DNA. If they used that version of Mecha G, I mean.
Is there a reason so many PR hanger ons and grifters hate ASJ so much? You can't possibly expect me to believe they care that much about defrauding the government.
>Cringe autists like this are getting married before you
Clown world.
It's the fact that his fraud stole from covid relief funds. The general public were conditioned to think covid would end humanity and wasn't just basically the flu, and many NPCs still believe this, so they see him unlawfully exploiting it for profit as tantamount to murder. It doesn't help that he's let his conservative political leanings show, and the whole Hitler t-shirt debacle. Any one of those things is grounds for cancelation these days. For all three, they'd probably put his head on a pike if they could.
>implying I would ever want to get married
Fandom is full of autistic moralfags.
Based Al poster
I remember when ASJ got nuthugged way back when he was a medic and not as egotistical as JDF was. How the mighty have fallen.
Who do you think hates Hasbro the most now?
Us or the horsefuckers?
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Divatox ruined a generation of young boys.
Because a Power Ranger getting caught for wire fraud is funny. Same reason people make memes about Yoshi committing tax fraud.
You prefer dying alone?
Us. They make money from horses. They don't make money from Rangers. Simple as.
We all die alone. No amount of marriage, entourage, or children stops this.
>Lord Zedd, Season 3.
>Remember that one weird guy on Twitter who would reply constantly to AJJ's latest tweet even if she never replied back
>Decide to check up on him because I haven't seen him in replies for anything
>She apparently blocked his ass after trying to "defend" her from her current boyfriend
>He now shittalks her and praises Ken Penders' comic that's never coming out over her's
How do you know? Have you ever had a marriage, entourage, or children?
Man PRbros are something else, Good thing I was a youtube-only PRfag before the motherfucking Coppa ruined everything.
>no show
>no comic
>JDF is dead and ASJ is about to be a convicted felon
How can it be more over? If Hasbro execs streamed themselves burning PR tapes?
If they took all the old episodes off of YouTube and took Cosmic Fury and Once & Always off of Netflix.
From what I understand of the situation and privately speaking to my friends working in the legal field, they say that ASJ likely didn't want to spend money (or didn't have the money) on Lawyer Fees fighting this for years and potentially bankrupting his family. The deal is likely to avoid an extended court battle and to leave some money for his family's future. ASJ likely SEVERELY underestimated how much it will cost to really fight this in court.

From the political side, the way the PPP loan program were handled has been widely criticized. Someone needs to take the blame. The government likely needs scapegoats. People they can put in the news and fill the internet with articles and say, "Look we did something! Someone was held accountable!" That's why the gov came down hard on ASJ with guns blazing no mercy. They want a quick victory for the news cycle.

I just want to give some extra context here.

There are other celebs tied to the PPP loan scandal and took money from the government. But the government picks which people they want to prosecute. They don't HAVE to go after everyone.

Other celebs (Tom Brady, Kanye West, Reese Witherspoon, Khloe Kardashian, and even other politicians) tied to the PPP loan scandal are too rich, too well protected, and too well connected. Trying to prosecute billionaire like the Kardashians? Good luck with that. Even if the government wanted to (they don't. They want a quick victory for the news), they are billionaires and can fight the charges FOR YEARS in court.

The gov chose their targets carefully. It's no coincidence that ASJ was chosen. He's a D-list celeb with few resources to fight this. Just the right target. Still a celebrity but not rich enough to be able to truly resist in court for years. But he's famous enough that his name can be used in the news.

Even if he's innocent, it doesn't matter because you can't fight the Government without big money, and they wanted blood from ASJ.
The point was that their new megazord could have referenced Noriyoshi Ohrai's Mecha-G design
Not unrealistic. People take plea deals while being innocent all the time, solely due to legal costs and the nonzero chance that they may end up convicted (though I haven't read shit on ASJ's case so I don't know to what extent he's actually guilty). I think that was the case even with Medina as he had a legit case for self-defense but pleaded manslaughter to avoid the risk of actually getting convicted for murder.
>Medina as he had a legit case for self-defense but pleaded manslaughter to avoid the risk of actually getting convicted for murder.
Different anon here. I read some of the details. Medina got screwed by California's shitty self defense laws. Worst in the entire USA. It was legit self defense. Dude was screaming about wanting to kill Medina and his girlfriend. Dude even busted down the door and started attacking the GF and screaming he was gonna kill them both. But thats not good enough for California! lmao
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What did Saban mean by this?
Guy who hasn't had human contact in 10 years knows all about covid.
If the government wanted an innocent D-list celebrity to use as a scapegoat, why specifically ASJ and not someone the country genuinely hates like Andy Dick or Chevy Chase? Fuck, they could get away with arresting Kanye right now because all of his connections ran away after he ranted about the Holocaust. ASJ being retarded is a lot more believable than thinking he's the center of a government conspiracy.
Because ASJ has no money.

>Andy Dick
Low Millionaire

>Chevy Chase

>Kanye West
Billionaire. Or at least was a billionaire back in 2022.
>Andy Dick
>Low Millionaire
Last I checked, he lives in an RV now and spent all his money on blow. He's likely poorer than ASJ right now. Besides, if I was the head of the FBI, and I wanted a scapegoat to make the government look good, I'd pick a washed-up celebrity whose fame was more recent than 30 years ago. Like Honey Boo Boo's mom or Bam Margera. I don't think your average American under 30 knows who ASJ even is.
Kanye's not rich anymore. He's making porn to make ends meet.
The problem with taking a plea deal is that it's an admission of guilt, and it will ruin your reputation as far as the general public is concerned. In Medina's case he took a plea for manslaughter, which is a considerable difference from murder, but everyone sees he killed a guy and went to prison for it, so they call him a murderer regardless. Even though he's done his time, I doubt any con would ever be willing to have him as a guest again.

What Austin did may not seem as severe on the surface, but the manufactured hysteria surrounding covid will no doubt amplify it. People not wearing masks or getting vaxxed were villainized as murderous pieces of shit, so someone stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in funds intended to help people during the pandemic is certainly going to be framed as a bigger pariah on society than someone who just didn't pay their taxes.

The only way to come out of situations like these relatively unphased is to fight it and be acquitted. Yes you run the risk of being found guilty and getting a more severe penalty, and the lawyer costs will probably bankrupt you, but if you come out of it with a win you should be able to get your life back. If Austin is taking a plea it's more likely he doesn't think he can win rather than not wanting to pay the lawyer fees.
Here's your entire Cosmic Fury toyline. 3 different toys. I didn't even see any of these toys on Hasbro's website. Also, the Zords are an Amazon exclusive. Hasbro is just DONE with Power Rangers.
Has Entwistle officially bounced?
>no comic
Technically its just "MMPR" that's ending
They said they'll announce the future of the comics at SDCC
>Has Entwistle officially bounced?
He's also actively working on the new Karate Kind movie, due for release next year.
Lmao that minizord, the absolute state.
>Yes you run the risk of being found guilty and getting a more severe penalty, and the lawyer costs will probably bankrupt you
It's tough. He has his kids to think about now. If he goes bankrupt fighting this for years (it can drag on for many years), then his kids and family will eventually have nothing. ASJ is just a regular worker. Not a movie star. He might even lose his home and his kids' childhoods will suffer. He's probably thinking about them too. I don't blame him.
Wait, isn't Kanye really religious (in his own warped Dave Sim sort of way but still "Christian")?
>Kanye's not rich anymore.
He's still a billionaire.
And? So was Sam Bankman-Fried, and he got arrested and sued out the ass. Plus, he pissed off all the good lawyers with his antisemitism, or at least gave them an incentive to squeeze more money out of him than they normally would.
Sex with Rinne.
Passionate lovemaking (with lots of kissing, cuddling, handholding and eye contact) with Rinne.
You're going to summon azurillkirby, careful.
Different anon here. The point is that ASJ is not a billionaire. He doesn't have the money to fight this, pay for lawyers, and pay court costs for years. Ontop of providing for his family and kids like a normal Dad would.
But he's not normal. He makes money by signing old toys. His current job is traveling across the globe and talking about some kid show he was in 30 years ago. If anything, he's one of the luckier washed-up celebrities because he can still make money off of his old fame. Not to mention normal dads aren't committing wire fraud or getting framed for it. Why is it easier to believe there's a government conspiracy to frame a random actor who most of America has forgotten, than it is to believe ASJ was being retarded?
Supposedly ASJ worked for a non-profit business as a contractor and helped promote them because he believed in their cause. Then the people actually running the non-profit business screwed ASJ over. ASJ was tied to them by association. Nothing really can be done. Game over. Gov wants their pound of flesh.
ASJ's been doing the con circuit for enough years that if he couldn't find a fanboy lawyer willing to help his childhood hero pro bono, that's on him.
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ASJ needs a hero.

>he doesn't know
Slavin hasn't been to a con or made a public appearance for almost a decade. And since they had to greenscreen him into Forever Red because he showed up at the last minute, there's a good chance he's never met ASJ.
>the lighting contrast between Leo and everybody else
Hold up. They were in a room together at least once. There's still a chance Leo can save Jason from legal hell.
Wrong thread
The absolute state of Power Rangers is NOT good. Netflix royally fucked up the last series.
>only 10 episodes long
You need more episodes to get that comfy rhythm going
>nostalgia baiting millennials
pic related is from not even a minute into Cosmic Fury
>using rangers from an old series
Biggest fuck up you could've made. It's so easy, just follow the Sentai formula for fuck's sake.
No wonder PR is on its deathbed.
It wasn't Netflix, it was Hasbro fucking up or did we forget the whole white ranger thing they had a fit over.
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I figured Netflix was the reason it only had 10 episodes. Someone at Hasbro must really have a boner from MMPR. Cuz they keep using Lord Zedd. You've got other PR villains to work with.
I mean Hasbro also reused both Venjix and Sledge from non-MMPR stories
Nah Hasbro was trying to get rid of it as fast as it could so no 20 episodes, no White ranger, and the whole Plex thing.
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Can I get rundown on all that?
>You need more episodes to get that comfy rhythm going
Netflix wanted 20, but wanted Hasbro to 50/50 the budget with them. Hasbro said Has-no, so we only got 10.
>Bringing back Zedd and old Rangers
There is nothing inherently wrong with this. It was the execution that was lacking. Zedd being the final villain in the final season is a great idea, he just doesn't get to do anything Zedd-like and the finale suddenly decides he shouldn't get a big final fight.

>You've got other PR villains to work with.
They "just" brought Venjix back as the head villain of Beast Morphers and Sledge & Poisandra came back like five times.
>Sledge & Poisandra came back like five times.
How many times has Poisandra's suit been used? Counting both Sentai and PR.
A lot in terms of series though it goes Kyoryuger then the crossover, the 100 year special, the South Korean adaption, Dino Charge, Ninja Steel, Beasties, and Kingohger.
>Biggest fuck up you could've made. It's so easy, just follow the Sentai formula for fuck's sake.

They'd been trying that for a while and it wasn't working either.
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These whole "If I have a nickel but it's weird it happen twice" is so cringe. Like an entry level meme. Especially the two nickel part.
>They "just" brought Venjix back as the head villain of Beast Morphers and Sledge & Poisandra came back like five times.
PR fans have goldfish memories and keep asking for things they already got a couple years ago.
That one is cringe because of the autistic rant. Jokes should be quick and catchy.
even boom is ending right? so it's over?
heard the new one failed to capture an audience, girls or otherwise
what are you a feral, unevolved person? there's a reason we have evolved beyond to rely on "biological needs"
Just the MMPR ongoing
Ranger Academy is still going on (as we ignore it)
SDCC is when they'll announce the MMPR replacement ongoing most likely (unless it's a relaunch for a new MMPR)
>I don't like this meme. Especially the part where it's this meme.

>Has never heard a joke where the joke is how long it goes on for, or how weirdly specific it gets.
Talk about Power Rangers or shut the fuck up, retard. No one gives a fuck.
It's a Phineas & Ferb meme, of course it will be cringe.
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I stopped watching after Super Samurai.
I'm only discussing the theme songs because I like /mu/sic.
I haven't seen all the shows either.

S - Very memorable, I think about them randomly years after watching. Harmonies and lyrics that give my brain the goody-good chemicals.
A - Entirely memorable. I could recite them on the street if someone asked, but they're not my first choices.
B - A few memorable parts, but I don't care for the rest of the song.
C - MM, like many other is just "Go, go, Power Rangers, Go!" {x16};
in some of the newer ones, they just do the same thing the previous one did, but it's less exciting this time. SPD coasts off the guitar solo, Dino Fury does the same thing in the form of auto-tune vocal harmonies. I like both of them, but definitely not more than Zeo's harmonies.
D - The FBI could not get me to sing the OO theme song. Megaforce is the 20th anniversary special that lasts until their 21st anniversary, and the theme song is just Samurai, which came right before it. And Samurai's theme is as generic as it gets.
>"Go, go, Power Rangers!"
>"Rangers together, [name of season] forever!"

Hyperforce - lol

I listened to Turbo's theme an hour ago, and I've already forgotten what it sounds like.
>Mystic Force at S
What do you like about it?
There's a light
In the distance
See them coming closer
With the force of ages
Centuries gone by
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1) Instrumental diversity from other themes. The guitar is less prominent in this one. I like overdriven power chords as much as the next guy, but the light & fast strumming on this one is a welcome change of pace. More focus is placed on the bass during the verse and trumpet during the prechorus. Also the woodwinds at the beginning help to sell the "magic" of this season, as opposed to others which mostly consist of the guitars as we either blast off into space or into the past. Which leads the entire song to having a more open feeling, so I can clearly pick out individual sounds.
2) There's not much to say about the substance behind the lyrics, as with all PR songs, but everything in the top 3 tiers has actual sentences. OO does as well, but the delivery is crap. It feels less like a song and more like slam poetry, which does not make me want to watch a superhero TV show.
3) The delivery of these lines feels the most like a "teenager with attitude" singing them to me, out of all the themes.

I just noticed 4 of my top 5 is from the Disney era.
Mystic Force: the sequel will save Power Rangers trust
Unironically though the initial villains were pretty based and I wish Octomus was done better
I respect your choices and your reasoning, but putting Jungle Fury's theme over Dino Thunder's is grounds for assault. I appreciate the Sum 41 energy that's distinct from other themes, but Dino Thunder is the definition of what a modern (as modern as 20 years ago can be) PR theme should be.
>Biggest fuck up you could've made. It's so easy, just follow the Sentai formula for fuck's sake.
Why do people still say this when they've been doing that for 25 years?
Why did they leave Disney to go back to Saban?
Who is "they"? It's not like the franchise has a mind of its own. Disney didn't want anything to do with PR anymore (remember the recut of season 1?). Saban at the time was rebuilding their old programming, including trying to get Digimon again for example, not just PR, with Digimon Fusion(Xross Wars dub).

Still, Saban's revival plans fell and although they kept PR going eventually they sold it to Hasbro, since Brian Goldner (Hasbro's former CEO) was Saban's friend. But then Goldner died in 2021. And he was the one making the PR push in Hasbro, which leads to the current situation, where the new Hasbro leadership clearly is stuck with PR in spite of not caring for it.
>Brian Goldner (Hasbro's former CEO) was Saban's friend
Not only that but he also was an executive producer at Bandai during the early days of PR. Meaning he had already history with the franchise.
IIRC Chip Lynn said in one of the power morphicons that Goldner was mostly behind the freedom that was seen in the stories between In Space-Timeforce. Since he always thought in the philosophy of "leaving the writers do good stories, and the toys will sell by themselves".
>Since he always thought in the philosophy of "leaving the writers do good stories, and the toys will sell by themselves".
Why did he have to die while Haim lives?
I'm watching some behind the scenes with Time Force and I'm falling in love with the Pink anger.
I think it should be noted Goldner also wanted Hasbro integrate its IPs together into some sort of MCU type shared universe. We know this was the original plan for Transformers Prime and the Hub according to the former Haslab folks.

Goldner buying it was probably for use as another additional IP in the portfolio along with Transformers and GI Joe.
Over? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!
That was the Japanese
Was it over when the Germans bombed the Japanese?!
Forget it he's rolling
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>he's rolling
It's an Animal House reference you uncultured boors.
I sympathize with your pain, but it's a fact most PR fans have no reference pools outside of toku.
What is this? Where are the random shots of Japanese people? Where are the MMAH wanking? Where is the Go Go Animal House? Where is the...
Why do they keep jacking off Bluto in the Boom comics by giving him new power ups? Adapt the other National Lampoon comics instead of focusing on him. Give me the Clark Griswold comic already.
It's funny, I remember Mystic Force was the season that convinced me I was too old for PR and I dropped the show for years until boredom struck and I revisited the seasons I missed. Not that there's anything wrong with liking Mystic Force. Turbo was the first season I grew up on, and I remember the fandom hated that for years.

How long until the kids who grew up on Megaforce get old enough to defend that season and say it's great?
Mystic Force was my breaking point, too. Other seasons, whether I liked them or not, I checked in on occasionally, just to see what they were up to. But Mystic Force was the first one where I NOPE'd and didn't come back until the next season.
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I'm already seeing people defending Samurai. Won't be long till that starts with Megaforce.
The suits themselves look good but the identical visors are a gripe
Surely Toei has built up a guidebook for the general principles of designing Sentai teams at this point, have they? In any case, if it does exist, it clearly never made its way to the PR license holder.

I feel like a super basic principle, even in just general design, would be "You should be able to tell which character is which even in black and white".
>Having a proper design Bible
They used a cosplayer's pic as reference when making Jack's Lightning Collection figure
Not even the suit, literally the guy without the helmet
>"You should be able to tell which character is which even in black and white".
To be fair, this IS the TMNT
There wasn't an attempt at making them go beyond pallette swaps with different weapons until the 2010's IIRC but then again the Turtles in the crossover weren't palette swaps
They followed the usual tropes associated with the differentiation of the Turtles (albeit not to the extent as Rise) i.e. Mikey as the shortest
Americans will never understand Super Sentai's design philosophy
Dan's from Costa Rica
Hell, none of the designers for the comic original costumes are American except Freddie Williams II for the Kaiju Ranger suits
You understand what I meant
i have watched the henry resiliant streams on the death of jdf. His investigative work was really enjoyable, but his live streams have devolved into bashing austin st john. i get the guy is a weirdo and makes up alot of stories, and has his big ppp fraud case coming up, but i would rather watch investigations of other pr actors
>There wasn't an attempt at making them go beyond pallette swaps with different weapons until the 2010's IIRC
The Next Mutation 1997. Each Turtle has a unique mask and knee/elbow pads. The belts also have differences.
They were ayylmaos
Wasted quads
There's nothing wrong with killing people.

The Power Rangers do it once a week.
Ayy lmao
>"No, Minh, don't kill the evil robot space witch for THIS reason, kill the evil robot space witch for THAT reason!"
>"You're not even really 'killing' her anyway because the real Rita's hanging out in the Mystic Realm, but killing this Rita for this specific reason is still bad. I can't explain why, but it's bad. Go kill her for another reason."
meanwhile cosmic fury rangers execute a teenager in cold blood that wasn't even particularly aware of her mother's evil plans
>Yes you run the risk of being found guilty and getting a more severe penalty, and the lawyer costs will probably bankrupt you, but if you come out of it with a win you should be able to get your life back.
That could take many years. Meanwhile your income is frozen, your children go hungry, and you sell your house just to survive. It's very easy to say "just fight it" when you have responsibilities as a parent to your kids.
Then maybe he should've double checked whatever non-profit business he was associating with before teaming up with them. He's not some naive child who got unlucky. He's a grown man who should've known better.
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MMAR: Once & Always > MMPR: Once & Always
Is he an elf or something? How big is that car?
All they had to do to turn things around was emphasize killing Rita should be a team effort since Trini's death effected all of them. It was so simple.

She was an influencer. She had to go.
Fuck off frogposter
>Lost Galaxy
>A tier

I'm at a loss. Lost Galaxy was so atonal and an incohesive mess that it nearly got me to drop PR altogether, and Lightspeed Rescue just barely managed to pull me back in because I enjoyed that season's Zords so much.
I can't wait for Cestro to accidentally create Robo-Hydro Hog and get Tideus killed.
There were four acceptable and satisfying ways to destroy/defeat Robo-Rita and they went with the fifth and shittiest option possible.
he means the theme songs, anon
One other small thing I disliked about O&A was Billy backstabbing Robo-Rita. I know it's allowed to be a bit edgier than the original show, but still, it felt so... un-Ranger-like.
It's not fucking fair that Sentai has like 10 decent to great reunion specials and all we have is fucking O&A.
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>the franchise's final boss is fem-Haim

what did they mean by this
>Then maybe he should've double checked whatever non-profit business he was associating with before teaming up with them.

Sometimes you just can't figure out people until it's too late. The people running the non-profit couldnt be trusted. It's unfortunate. It's the perfect storm of people running the non-profit betraying his trust, ASJ being loosely associated with them and promoting them, and the Government wanting blood.

>He's not some naive child who got unlucky. He's a grown man who should've known better.

ASJ admitted in a podcast that he's kind of an idiot when it comes to technology and had his identity stolen around 5 or 6 times. It would not surprise me if ASJ didn't even realize he got used by someone else and had to take the fall now.
>billionaire warmonger
>pretended to be big on family values but it's all bullshit
>betrayed everyone
>wanted to make money off of an MMPR-era villain
Only way they could've made it more obvious was if they gave her a thick Israeli accent. It's surprising Sloan didn't make a Haim Saban villain in his Disney-era seasons. He always came off as hating Haim more than any of the other old PR producers.
Sure sucks when that happens.
Aside from being un-Ranger-like, it's also... If that's been an option all this time, why don't they do that regularly? Why didn't they do that to OG Rita? Why don't they do that against monsters of the week when it's 5/6 against 1? It's roughly the same problem as the Holdo Maneuver in The Last Jedi - Cool in the moment, but world-breaking once you stop and think about it.

The sad thing is, I actually really liked Bajilia as a villain up until the finale. A war profiteer is a great idea for a PR villain and she had a fun personality. But then they decided for some fucking reason that she'd get to be the final villain when we have Lord fucking Zedd literally right there (with a brand new God Mode, even). The fact that Zedd didn't get to vaporize Bajillia and Scrozzle for their treachery is frustrating and infuriating.
>I actually really liked Bajilia as a villain up until the finale.
Maybe her ending was going to be way different, since Pookina said 2nd Unit had to wrap up earlier than expected.
Also, I really liked her design and Squillia's, thinking during the first episode they were sentai suits since they looked very well done.
>thinking during the first episode they were sentai suits since they looked very well done.
Now that i think a bit more, Bajillia and Squillia are the first original non-robotic/armorlike suits they have made since Operation Overdrive.
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>But then they decided for some fucking reason that she'd get to be the final villain when we have Lord fucking Zedd literally right there

And them both of them got upstaged by Bajilia's gun.
I suppose one could retool Broodwing into that. A money grubbing arms dealer to a money grubbing executive isn't that big of a stretch.
If Saban had managed to make the Bioman adaptation he originally tried to do, do you think PR Silva would've been independent like the original or one of PR Dr Man's henchmen?
Obviously he wouldn't kill Trini
As the guy who made that tier list, what's wrong with Samurai?
Didn't make Bulk Samurai Brown
Also, if they were gonna keep the Shiba name, they should've made Jayden adopted and have an Asian actress play Lauren
>lifeless acting even by PR standards
>feels like they machine translated Shinkenger scripts, chopped out a fifth of the scenes without any rhyme or reason, and threw them at the actors
Which PR original villains do you think DON'T clash with the Sentai villain suits?
I'd say Divatox, Astronema and maybe Master Org
Lothor, but he's the only Disney-era original villain who fits in. Everyone else, especially Flurious, looks like they came from Farscape.
Ah, yeah, Lothor fit in pretty well
Helps that the Jakanja were already a pretty diverse group, in terms of designs
So how do you guys think the White Light being so important stems from it being an antibody to Dark Specter's corruption?
I honestly vibe with it as a way to explain why it's so hyped up even if it doesn't make Tommy just one-shot everything
Hyping up the original White Ranger powers as some sort of mystic god power is ridiculous because it got destroyed by Rito fucking Revolto of all people. There was no reason for the comics to make it anything more than some extra Ranger powers whipped up by Zordon and Alpha in the basement.
>mystic god power is ridiculous because it got destroyed by Rito fucking Revolto of all people
He destroyed the Tigerzord not the White Light itself
Look, you can argue semantics all you want, but the fact remains that Tommy had the White Tiger Powers, then he fought Rito, and then he didn't have the White Tiger Powers anymore. And anything that can't beat someone with literal brain damage is not the "anti-Dark Specter" ANYTHING.
It's a difference between context
A kryptonite bullet is gonna do more damage to kryptonians than it would compared to literally anything else
The White Light isn't beating Dark Specter to death, it's just a failsafe in case he starts corrupting others with his presence
You know how the Master Sword is what finishes Ganon but the Biggoron's Sword still does more damage?
It's like that
Like everything else from the comics it's fanfic trash which has zero basis in the show lore. Simon said himself that the comics were ignored by the TV production.
He did read Beyond the Grid when going over what the Morphin Masters even do though IIRC and their designs influenced the show's designs albeit with budgetary restraints in mind
>Zordon: That is correct. However, Tommy has proven himself to be worthy and true. His courage, strength, and honor allowed us to choose him to be the new White Ranger. This time, his powers have been created by the light of goodness and can never be taken away by the forces of evil.

>and can never be taken away by the forces of evil.
>"This time, his powers have been created by the light of goodness and can never be taken away by the forces of evil."
>Yakety Sax montage of the White Ranger powers being destroyed by Ivan Ooze, Rito Revolto, and Master Vile
Zordon was incompetent.
I think he meant brainwashing ala Green with Evil
I actually think he mean stuff like the Green Candle bullshit having evil magicly drain his powers since Rita gave them to him. Shorting out the powers via beating the shit out of them apparently doesn't count
I mean, the powers were never drained dry like the Dragon coin was. It's just the connection to them that was severed.
>Ivan Ooze
different continuity
>Rito Revolto
really it was more the rangers own fault since they kept overcharging the zords and considering In Space we could really just say they were damaged not destroyed
>Master Vile
You're thinking of Zedd and those were the ninja coins
>it takes until Lost Galaxy for a Power Ranger to kill a general instead of the villains either leaving, disappearing without notice, or killing each other
Technically speaking, Andros indirectly killed Ecliptor
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It still takes until the end of the sixth season, and almost 300 episodes, for that to happen.
>Betrays Dark Specter
>Tries to do good
>Loves Astronema like a daughter
>Fucking murdered
Goddamn, Zordon.
Zordon was racist
>Wiped out most of the Machine Empire
>Let Zedd and Rita live
He just hates machines and robots.
He barely tolerates having to work with Alpha every day.
How did the Big Bad Beetleborgs survive the Zordon Wave anyway?
It only took out the active invasion.
Well they were good when the Z-Wave happened, they only turned evil when their show was cancelled because Haim was too cheap to give them the budget for a final episode.
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Sex with Rinne.
Reminder that if you don't want to have sex with Reiyo Matsumoto you're gay.
Rinne is the best written female

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