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Fuck it, here's a thread. The subs are off sync.
i can't believe is already the 5th month of the year
there's also 2gb release on nyaa, is it good (video quality-wise)?
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It's alright, but I felt Shin Godzilla had way more interesting characters and less filler. I like that it's more focused on Japan instead of realistically having the US come in and try to wipe out Godzilla, but considering the story it'd be cool if they had a few scenes showing the Soviets and US reacting/trying to kill Godzilla and getting owned.

The stakes just felt really low honestly
Shin Godzilla had characters? I just remember talking heads with titles.
>He actually recoils from cannons
What a bitch ass Godzilla
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He literally jobs to a landmine.
The only reason he goes on is due to his incredible regeneration which is unlike any other Godzilla.
I hate that there's a few unreleased tracks in the OST. Specifically the OST where Koichi tells Noriko about Godzilla. If we were getting a Vol. 2 soundtrack, it would've happened by now.
>The subs are off sync
Any updates on that front?
There are several sets of re-timed subs floating around in various places. The /t/ thread has one.
I hope there is a sequel to -1...
>The stakes just felt really low honestly
They're literally the same
It was... fine I guess. Should've just ended with MC reuniting with the kid. Bringing back the girl felt kinda cheap.
Yeah but it brought her back in a way that now she's a monstert too
So Godzilla 0?
Is it in a separate srt file? This can be a problem even with websites that let you resync the subs online.
What worries me more is that 7.1 mix that gives pre-nuke Godzilla a shitty generic roar. Apparently the problem doesn't appear in 5.1 so I hope we will be able to pick the version we want.
I think bringing the girl back was the more unexpected move. Plus the possible implication that she gained regenerative abilities thanks to Godzilla's radiation is fucking cool
I liked it :)
also the 2gb upload in nyaa has well timed subs
It's funny because even in the end they just couldn't give the guy a break by giving his wife super godzilla radiation
Eh, its better then youtube hd
That should have killed him and fuck the whole thing, what a dumbass
It's dumb theory but do you think Noriko's gonna end up Biollante?
how is that plane flying backward?
It's not flying backwards; it's how it's constructed.
Shindens are so fucking stupid, I love them
>What's wrong Emperor Hirohito?
>Are you craving my mcnuggies?
Dumb kaijutard.
Ever noticed that only the MonsterVerse tried to stay away from the whole "the bomb made godzilla", even Shin Godzilla still tied in to nuclear waste at the end, whereas -1 deeply went hard on connecting it to the atom bomb allegory again.
>Made by burgers
I wonder why.
Shin was way more of a threat with it's ability to evolve, in the long run it's probably the most dangerous 'zilla, Minus One is average as far as incarnations go
Zilla 98 kept the origin but shifted the blame to the french goverment, and while Shin Godzilla changed it to a Nuclear Waste experiment, the latter film still i included the fear of the atom bomb as a plot point in the history as a race against the clock to stop it and not let the goverment get them nuked again and Minis One brought back the atom bomb allegory as a direct tie to Godzilla, even if its hinted that he already had the regenerating capabilities in his pre nuke state, but the bomb definitively made him even worse.
With all the weird ways directors have been emphasizing the glowing spines building to the atomic breath, I wonder how many more movies before one of them has them open up in panels like Unicorn's destroy mode.
Super Godzilla on SNES straight up gave him a KameHameHaa done via his mid section between his chest and stomach.
2014's origin is technically closer to what's described in the original movie than the heisei "the bomb literally made Godzilla" origin that everyone got used to.
>Ever noticed that only the MonsterVerse tried to stay away from the whole "the bomb made godzilla"
>Was the cause of all the nuclear bomb tests because they were trying to kill him with 'em.

Oh yeah, then why he got the atomic breath? Did Monsterverse Godzilla had it already? Look even when they tried to make Godzilla an atlantian made creature in the unmade Godzilla 94, toho later regret it, hence even 98 went for the bomb made it.

The Bomb MADE godzilla. because he is supposed to be the allegory to it, from the only country who experienced and suffered the horror of and from it, why do you think Shin and Minus made their prime atomic breath scene a blatant holocaust of death? Minus being more pogniant.

The whole "THEY WERE TRYING TO KILL IT" trite of MonsterVerse, plus the whole "oh he already looked like that before erm gee huh aah, PREHISTORIC RADIATION LOL", the same movies that wasted the Oxygen Destroyer as a memberberry
>why do you think Shin and Minus made their prime atomic breath scene a blatant holocaust of death
Because they had actual writers and directors.
ok why did the burgers and nips nuked the big lizard that's living in a bumfuck island in the first place?
>be goji
>eat some fishes
>gets fucking nuked
Anon he recoils from this shit all the time
I wanna see Yamazaki's Gamera. He said he'd be 100% up for that shit, and I GENUINELY want to see what he'd do
He won't and no one cares that much for the eternal runner up if his own studio doesn't care so he's left behind.
But I want to see it
I fucking hate the Monsterverse on every possible level
>Constantly steals shit from better Kaiju movies and never does it one tenth as good
>Only exists for hype culture retards, furry shippers, and actual children
>Guaranteed slop going forward due to being made by a fanboy
And so on
Here's the difference though:
I actually like Gamera
100%. It really sucks the energy out of the ending with the one two punch of fucking with his arc and being shitty sequel bait.
Yeah it was really unexpected how I watched someone fucking die and the writers just hit ctrl-z at the last second. Going to be kind of hard to take any stakes in a sequel seriously now that I know the writers are willing to undo anyone's death at the drop of a hat.
He's 60 and just became a really big deal so he'll have an opportunity to make films in Hollywood. Like Del Toro and Bong he'll probably alternate between that and movies in Japan so why, instead of making movies for the biggest studio in Japan, would he spend whatever time he's got making films for some second rate studio (that's mostly a publisher) about a lesser known copy of a far bigger icon? Especially if that studio doesn't even want to do anything with its biggest live action property
>the possible implication
You literally see the monster shit growing under her skin in the final shot, she was absolutely reconstituted with Godzilla dna
The only thing that bothers me is in the official theater subs, they keep calling the Shinden a jet fighter.
The Shinden even in the movie is a propeller plane, no jet engine variant ever existed, though they drew up blueprints for one.
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>why do you think Shin and Minus made their prime atomic breath scene a blatant holocaust of death?
Because those are antagonistic Godzillas, you silly Billy.
They didn't know/believe he existed and just picked bumfuck island as a test site
It's a good movie but "muh sad kamikaze pilot couldn't an hero" plot was kinda dumb. Am I supposed to feel sympathy for someone who failed his job and would have been an enemy combatant if he succeeded?
Maybe because he actually likes the idea of it? He said he’d be up to work on that a few months after Minus One came out
People accusing Gamera of being a knockoff always came across as a really disingenuous statement made by people who have surface level knowledge of the character and what he’s all about from a glance. I partially chalk it up to cultural differences because Gamera is way more popular in his home country than he is in the west.
At least that’s what I think, you’re welcome to think otherwise
Monsterverse Godzilla pisses me off because they legit can’t just have him be an intelligent animal with immense power and instead have him be some Gaia Theory nonsense even when that actively makes his character confusing as hell.
They tried to make him more morally acceptable without changing his actions, but did it all wrong by stating that he’s selfless and blameless even when his actions repeatedly contradict that statement. Hell, he’d actually be MORE likable and relatable if everything he did was because he had very personal reasons for it. And it would make a lot more sense. This whole Balance thing feels more like what Kong does ironically.
>an enemy combatant
Americunt spotted. You're on the wrong board.
He does it because no one else could do it. Well him and Mothra. If the world is his home then he's being rational trying to protect what he loves even if it kills him without expecting anything in return. Kong lives his life on easy mode compared to him.
He's that other guy. Forever stuck in Godzilla's shadow. Now more than ever. And whose own studio doesn't know what to do with him or is unwilling because they know they're just chasing Godzilla's coattails. So no one could possibly expect it to be more than "oh, yes I remember Gamera. I like Gamera" It's not even a real choice when you actually get to choose her. You get the Gamera gig if you didn't get Godzilla or it somehow didn't work out between you and Toho. It's happened like twice already.
If I were a director I’d honestly turn down a Godzilla offer. Because what hasn’t been done with him?
Look, if he was just protecting his home I’d get it but they keep insisting on adding this LE NATURAL BALANCE shit to him
You ever have a dream you swear was real but then it wasn’t?
That’s the atmosphere I get from Kaiju shit for some reason
>in the long run it's probably the most dangerous 'zilla
Heisei going into meltdown was going to render earth uninhabitable and that godawful CGI anime Godzilla was Shin on steroids.
Animezilla was all cock but no cum
Heisei Godzilla powerwankers are the worst kind of Godzilla fans
They literally say this in vs Destroyer.
>Yamazaki in modern day Hollywood
He’ll get his soul drained out in 5 months, mark my words
I’m not talking about that.
The literal most punchable kind of human being
Is Legendary Godzilla the one who started the whole "Godzilla charging his atomic breath"?
newfags out
Anon the Monsterverse bought in a million newfags you need to understand
I'm not a retard so I can give an accurate answer. Yes, Legendary was the first to do it back in 2014. When the series relied on suitmation it was far easier to make Godzilla's dorsal plated light up all at once. They could add optical effects of making them light up from the tip of the tail but it wouldn't have the same dramatic effects. G14 made a whole sequence out of it. Minus One did the same as a homage.
Anon he started doing that in 1999
He was "cooking" his breath but without the same effect of the energy going from his tail to his head.
I’ve always hated the term Atomic Breath because it’s a primarily fanmade term that Toho doesn’t really use.
They prefer the term Radioactive Heat Ray or Incandescent Light
They use heat ray which according to some is a recent Toho invention but it's not. I don't know if they want Godzilla to seem less radioactive and if so why
I like heat ray more.
It’s strangely ominous rather than sounding like an anime attack.
Anon, you need to realize something.
A truly passionate director doesn’t take the most profitable or popular option, they take whatever option sounds nice to them.
Yamazaki doesn’t just like Godzilla. He also likes Ultraman and Gamera. A bonafide Kaiju fan. He literally made something for the former recently
It's actually pretty bold of a Japanese movie to just outright say the whole kamikaze thing was fucking stupid
Not really, you think it's something new?
Anon, that's a pretty common fucking opinion in Japan
>It's actually pretty bold of a Japanese movie to just outright say the whole kamikaze thing was fucking stupid
Does it really? Where exactly?
And you're wrong on the 'pretty bold' account - it would be a bold move if they glorified it instead as they should.
>Glorify an ineffective strategy
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>I don't know if they want Godzilla to seem less radioactive and if so why

He's been "less radioactive" since his second movie.
The fuck are you talking about
No strategy would have been effective back then given the circumstances. That a strategy is misapplied to a situation doesn't make it ineffective. Duh.
It's still stupid
Tsuburaya's right hand man ater the FX director himself was a would-be kamikaze who decided the whole thing was retarded and he chose to live.
Godzilla being radioactive is either barely a thing or never brought up at all in like 85% of his movies. This is nothing new to Godzilla.
Because not all godzilla are born from "the bomb".
I agree with that. I'm saying that even during the Showa era Godzilla's radioactiveness wasn't much of a thing.
Well those movies were mostly monsters fighting, there was no attempt at creating a radioactive narrative.
Japan has openly accepted for decades that their strategies and attitude during the WWII caused a lot of unnecessary death and strife in the name of "honor." It's the whole Nanking thing they pretend never happened.
Damn, just watched it and I liked it more than I expected. Some parts of the film felt like toku TV budget, but other parts had a lot of heart and is a good kaiju film overall. Even if cliched, I liked the survivor veteran war isn't over angle.
>I like heat ray more.
Based ULLA enjoyer
Thats because Gareth Edwards came in the wake of the 2010s J.J. Abrahams pastiche of ''SUBVERTING XPECTATIONS GUYS'' in some way or another.

But really, when it all comes down to, is this, this is what Godzilla has ALWAYS meant to be.

No Bomb, no Godzilla.
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>Gareth Edwards came in the wake of the 2010s J.J. Abrahams pastiche of ''SUBVERTING XPECTATIONS GUYS''
2014 came out before that even became a thing.
Gareth Edwards made a man Star Wars movie and did none of JJ's stuff that you said.

You speak like a YouTube essayist but without the quirky editing
I hate the atomic breath because it's incredibly overhyped. It's all he ever does these days. Godzilla used to bodyslam Kamakuras and chuck boulders at Ghidora. Now it's just breath spam with increasing amount of spectacle added to it. All for dullard, no-fun pseuds to nod their heads and sigh,"I recognize this metaphor."
Anon that's hardly the worst problem here
I don't care about the metaphors, I just love kamehameha
But youtube "MEDIA LITERACY" essayists are all lefties......
That's been a problem since the 90s. But yeah, Godzilla is more fun when he's more physical.
Anon, that's literally the other part of the problem
What did japan think of it when Godzilla went gator mode on King Kong in the first one?
Just watched GxK. It's just pure fucking slop and Godzilla is a side character in the movie.
You’re implying he has anything to offer without it being stupidly sappy
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It's not a thinking man's Godzilla film like Minus One, but I'd say it's a solid "have in the background but can also just sit down and watch it" flick. The kind of Godzilla movie a kid would have tuned in to on TNT or SyFy while he was doing his homework or playing with action figures. Plus at least the humans were far more palatable than in GvK.

Big G going all out would've ended the movie in a dozen minutes. Skar King, Shimo, and the rest of the apes would've been fried by endless atomic pulse spam if they actually made it to the surface without Kong hanging around. Godzilla juiced himself so much that he was still in super-pink form after literally stopping an ice age.

The lore addition that the entire Kong species lost to Godzilla and got banished to Hollow Earth hell was fun, and it also that shapes how you understand his actions in the rest of the movie. He's not powering up for another title match like with Ghidorah, instead he's gearing up to quickly stomp out some unfinished business. He was preparing for ape genocide because they didn't learn their lesson and were trying to start some shit again.
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i had to watch all the human parts in 2x speed and it was still barely tolerable. i liked kong but im afraid they'll end up making him too smart. it also doesn't help that hollow earth really takes the kaijuness out of these movies.
I honestly thought the human/iwi stuff was the best part of GxK, with Kong's journey being alright and the fights being the worst part

am I crazy
What would a Godzilla deconstruction story even look like?
For Kong there's the spotlight and second movie in a row. All the praise.
For Godzilla there's the same discourse over and over again if he's even a good guy and if he's getting angrier recently.
It's the last thing we need. Toho will go either with Yamazaki and sequel to Minus One or that guy Sato who directed all the anime movies so it may be more action-packed.
Legendary needs to finally give us a solid Godzilla performance without delegating him into the role of unsympathetic second fiddle to Kong.
>and would have been an enemy combatant if he succeeded
Yeah but only for like 10 minutes
>Does it really? Where exactly?
Uh, the whole fucking movie? Like the entire human plot is about how the Imperial Japanese government didn't give 2 shits about their soldiers and expected them all to throw their lives today in YAMATO DAMASHII to 0 effect instead of living to fight another day if it meant being a coward. It was face culture taken to its extreme, how others viewed you was more important than any kind of rationality.
EVERY conversation in the movie between veterans hammers this point home.
>and Godzilla is a side character in the movie.
Not to sound contrarian but that's Godzilla in most of his own movies. I don't know if suit acting was just really expensive back in the day or what, but in a giant chunk of the movies, they are 90 minutes long and Godzilla doesn't show up until the 55 minute mark. At the very least, he doesn't show up to DO anything until then. The movies have for the most part been human-focused, it's about telling a human story oh and also Godzilla is there.
I mean hell, the original Godzilla vs King Kong is about a tv station trying to get better ratings so they work through advertisement agencies to capture King Kong for the publicity
vs Hedorah. Because like most "deconstructions", Hedorah can be summed up with, "what the fuck am I watching?"
There's a reason why Wingard decided, on the day of the premiere no less, to already talk about what he wants to do in the sequel. Which is to focus on Godzilla. I don't know if he's able to. He'd probably need a lot of help in the writing room. But it's because people want more Godzilla as a character. With a story that would explore what he's all about. It wouldn't work for all versions but for this particular one it's the only way to go forward.
>if he's getting angrier recently
I'd be angry too if I were Godzilla. From 2014 through GxK, humans have:
>nearly created an ecological disaster by waking up some bugs
>opened up a portal to a weird temporal zone and pissed off the dragon that lived there
>broke kaiju space satan out of ice jail
>attempted to murder Godzilla right as he was gator-rolling Ghidorah straight into Davey Jones' locker
>blew up his cool Atlantis vacation home
>apparently (to Godzilla) escorted one of the rebel apes out of the shithole he had been confined to (although Kong turned out to be an ok dude)
>turned Ghidorah into a frankenzombie, gave him a tough robot body, and pumped him full of unlimited hollow earth energy just to have him fight Godzilla again
>nearly gave the rest of the rebel apes a tunnel out of their hell prison back to the surface
I know it happened over a decade, but Godzilla's ancient. Ten years for him is probably a couple hours, maybe days, for us. Imagine if your pet just kept trying to murder you, kept breaking all your shit, and then came crawling back to beg you to fix its mess right after. And after every time you think it's over and you try to take a nap they do some other dumb bullshit that you immediately have to take care of.

That's what Godzilla's been dealing with throughout he Monsterverse.
It would probably be something like The Host by Bong Joon-ho, but instead of it having the US polluting the river and creating the monster it'd show the lead up to what created Godzilla and the dropping of the atomic bombs - that being showcasing Japanese military atrocities, awful leadership, interservice rivalry, and in general leaning way harder into things Minus One only briefly mentioned.

I don't see how else you could do it. It'd be terrible and miserable.
>and in general leaning way harder into things Minus One only briefly mentioned.
The briefest possible, the movie went all-in on the narrative that the government and generals were the ones at fault and the boots and low level officers were all blameless victims of a system.
I don't actually mind Godzilla rarely appearing in his own movies, it actually gives his scenes more impact. Hell I actually liked Godzilla 2014 and how the entire movie was a build up to the atomic breath scene. But I think GxK overdoes it with Kong to the point where he has more screentime than the humans. Not that I like the human characters, they're getting more and more one dimensional and quippy with each new movie.
Post Noriko mutated shot. Asking for a friend.
>a thinking man's Godzilla film like Minus One
Wasn't think what the Millennium Godzilla was? The souls of chinks and koreans and all the Japanese invasion victims coming to life as Godzilla to get revenge on Japan?
Yeah but Shin was gonna eventually adapt and evolve into a universe sized giant woman, which is very typical of Anno.
I don't know if there are any Gigabash enjoyers here but they actually made Hedorah playable in a pipeworks-like game. He's pretty fun desu
The problem is it would turn Godzilla from a symbol of atomic destruction into a symbol of allied vengeance against Imperial Japan, which would probably sell well in a few asian countries but not in Japan itself
>which is very typical of Anno
Name 5 times he did that.
They can still end the film with Japan overcoming Godzilla to satisfy the nationalists in Japan, and dial up the destruction of Japan by Godzilla to sell tickets everywhere else in Asia
You could still have the US be partially responsible for it too. After the Americans began occupying, they pardoned all of Unit 731 in exchange for collecting their research. They then later pardoned *all* remaining/uncaught Japanese war criminals and Japan mostly got away scot free in that regard.

I guess at that point Godzilla would just be a vague symbol of the great injustices of WWII and the combined death, destruction, and stupidity of leaders and military rather than a reference to a specific historical event. I could see it being genuinely interesting but again probably wouldn't sell very well in either country depending on how much you bring up real war crimes and both sides being guilty in different ways.
>24 monsters
The fuck
here, though without it moving it just looks like hair
Meant for >>22633920
Godzilla being a product of Unit 731 remnants x US forces collab research is such a spicy idea I wish somebody used it already, even in fanworks.
It's weird
Godzilla being an avatar of punishment for modern Japan in way GMK wasn't? Sure why not
>I don't actually mind Godzilla rarely appearing in his own movies, it actually gives his scenes more impact. Hell I actually liked Godzilla 2014 and how the entire movie was a build up to the atomic breath scene.

And you are part of the problem, fuck you and fuck that piece of shit
English motherfucker?
Honestly that idea itself doesn't even have to have Godzilla any more. Sounds more like a zombie plot set up.
>Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991)
>Godzilla (1998)
>Shin Godzilla
All of these are deconstructions.
This would honestly make a fantastic dark comedy if you played it with a similar weird tone as The Host.

I'm imagining a scene where you have a bunch of American soldiers lining up Unit 731 personnel. An American sergeant asks "You did what to those Koreans?" in angry tone. The Japanese are all visibly horrified thinking they're about to be machine gunned to death by firing squads on the spot.

Then the sergeant goes "That's pretty cool" and they all laugh and shake hands. Smash cut to the title.
What did she mean by this?
The HIJMS Takao had 8-inch guns with armor-piercing rounds of well over a hundred kilograms in weight. That's a lot more power than you can get from the tanks that normally fire at Zilla.
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A movie that's pretty straight forward but they keep throwing weird visuals in your face. And Godzilla is the only protagonist.
I want a Godzilla film with the colorful visuals of Kagemusha
I want a new Japanese heroic Godzilla movie.
Why is there no new /kg/ Kaiju General thread? Last one was half a year ago. I guess it really started just to spite that one gamerautist or "gamerarager" if you will.
Fuck generals. /m/ is not /vg/ and should never aspire to be that.
I liked it. It's a bit schmaltzy and obvious, which is about what I expected.
People have a Mandela effect
If it's true that the guy from all those anime films may direct the next film then maybe. But right now there's even a big issue to make the American Godzilla heroic enough. That huge fight fans had over his character recently it's because some just can't deal with the idea that Godzilla can be portrayed in more than one way.
What is with people and wanting a heroic Godzilla? Is it just the inability to like him unless he's a super sympathetic sad boy?
It's because some versions establish him to be that or are perfect to go into this direction while other versions aren't.
Honestly, I'm extremely adamant about a "Hero" Godzilla because it feels like they run the risk of inviting even more undesirables.
You know the kind. The kind that see him as some brooding bad boy with a moth GF, which is an interpretation that was so forced that the MV made it canon just because of sheer public opinion crowd mentality

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