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ITT Mecha that got their shit rekt HARRRD
If the kaiju could pop up in Ukraine or Bulgaria this thing would’ve crushed.
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>If the kaiju could pop up in Ukraine
A giant pig lol.
I did not like the mech designs in Pacific Rim. They insisted upon themselves.
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The kaiju is just the good guy this time.
I'm so glad my favorite Wear from AGE ended up subject to an unprecedentedly monumental ass clapping.
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Dont kick my head off
Athrun held back the entire time and beat Shinn in seconds once popping SEED mode. Whooped his ass so hard his SOUL left his body and he could hear and see ghost.
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Anon you aren't even wrong. Jaegers are simply TERRIBLE robots. Most of their ranged weapons come across as almost entirely useless, they're incredibly and needlessly slow and it doesn't add to their epic weight either, even Giant Robo dances circles around a Jaeger. They are probably the least effective weapon to ever wage war on giant monsters ever, it's not even that Kajiu are even that particularly strong in most cases. Jaegers are trying to have awe of super robots while trying to be grounded and it just comes across like they're all fucking terrible at what they do and get their shit wrecked by just one monster. Aesthetically they're not even that interesting looking either, if Makoto Kobayashi redesigned all the Jaegers maybe their designs could be salvaged. I have no idea why so many people like Pacific Rim so much
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They left him behind....
>Sentinel fan
>hear the ZetaPlus will finally be animated in Unicorn
>gets the most humiliating cameo ever
Is he okay?
I feel the Gustav Karl got it way worse.
...yes? Do you not understand what's happening?
Objectively correct post
I think some of what you describe about Jaegers and why people like them is tied to them being made by us burgerstanis. It's Americans who unironically like giant robots trying to go full throttle but still being held back by their own autism and efforts to sell those robots to the larger US market which is so deathly allergic to robots.
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The Russkie one in OP image is just far too goofy its like a one-off Family Guy gag robot, why of course half of the design has to be a gigantic cooling tower, because le Chernobyl or some shit.
this is probably the tamest example you could give from this miniseries
Is it any good? NTA I don't read much transformers stuff but I've seen a few recommendations for the X of the wreckers series
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[Cima laugh intensifies]
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>Has performance on par with the RX-78-2.

>Doesn’t bring sniper rifle into combat.

>Gets fucking destroyed by the Kämpfer in seconds.

Why did the Federation give these to such incompetent pilots in War in the Pocket? That’s money down the drain.
That shit was so fucking embarrassing. She should've finished off Kou to save him from further embarrassment.
My guess was they just didn't have any expectation for anymore than a few Doms or a Gelgoog, and got hit with the extreme glass cannon piloted by a drunk ace.
Need I say more?
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brutal to get your shit fucked when you are just standing there in the hanger
Mika didn´t deserve to die
Can't wait for a SRW re-enactment of this finale, it's gonna be sooo grim for whoever is on the enemy side...
I can't believe Roberts killed off Brainstorm and we never learned what was inside his briefcase.
Is there a single western comic that isn't just miseryporn? Why the fuck is everything I see about IDW transformers so wretched and depressing?
I'll let you in on a little secret: Transformers is not quite mecha fiction and is in fact mecha skinned western superhero fiction. It's about a bunch of colorful individuals with unique powers (who are infinitely reused and recycled in stories retold ad infinitum) who fight each other in long and convoluted duels. Naturally therefore the comics are mostly drama and also fujobait.
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It's just something inherent to the series. You can go back to the 1984 movie and see how they wiped a good chunk of the original cast to make room for new characters. Don't even get started on the Micheal Bay movies.
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It never stood a chance...

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