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Previous Thread: >>22683832

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

>RideChemy Card Database

What was with the image dump from last thread?
Retards actually thought this image was legit?
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Nah. Matt Hunt debunked it right away
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>10 episodes (or less) of La Chesis left.
Even if I don't like Gotchard, I will miss her.
v-cinema with a spanner/lachesis sex scene (in their respective valvarad suits)
get off of 4chan kyouka
You will move on to the next waifu and she will instantly vanish from your memory.
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The actual suit looks dinosaur themed
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To think your idea is still less far-fetched and disturbing than Faiz and Ryuki's sex scenes.
Don't worry, once it's obvious she killed her career by being in Kamen Rider she'll come back for a Lachesis epilogue series.
Really? did colors said that?
I meant from that pic
Definitely AI, but its not art generated but upscaling,
SEAmonkies already began to spread the image like wildfire.
Those retards always fall for these fakes.
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repost the more accurate Gavv
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Minami kotaro, your situation is doomed for CRISIS has now obtained sacred moon runes from the emperor’s mining operations on the moon and has granted us, rather feminine outfits but unimaginable power to destroy you, for my name isn’t SAILOR SHADOW MOON shame he didn’t last long in RX but he fulfilled his role in the series, I also wanted to post this earlier but the image limit was reached lol
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posting the coloured version I made again. Not accurate but I like the look.
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Geats wa never endo
I still really hope the helmet is more detailed than it looks here. It just looks so plain.
Remember that shitty AxeWolf they were pushing for Geats.
prediction for Gavv:
Candy/Goblin theme makes me think Gavv is to FNAF/Poppy Playtime as Gotchard is to Pokemon and Geats is to Fortnite. Series will be horror and also very colorful, there will be a mascot-like character in the cast.
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who's the bottom
I can see that. With Gavv's items being sounding sentient I can see them going that route.
Those were some really convincing fakes.
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No it wasn't because the top one literally had a japanese idiom making fun of people believing fake leaks written on it
he's just being honest
the only thing that looks worse than this is the ghost driver
>doesn’t know of the not-gotchard JAV
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I think I'd have liked Tycoon more if he had more ninja gags.
I miss Saber.
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I dropped it right after the first arc because it gave me a fucking stroke with how fast the pacing was
I barely fucking remember what even happens
I know the yellow dude is the son of dark dragon man who used to be saber and something about defeating him? I literally forget and this was last month
I enjoy Saber...but yeah those first 12 episode were the worst of the entire Franchise.
Freaky ass driver
Overall thoughts on Gotchard so far?

Personally I'm enjoying it.
No going to lie, I love the extra arm these monsters have.
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Same. It's has a lot of flaws but I still enjoy alot.
They aren't worse than Revice and Geats' last arcs or Gotchard's beginning.
its not that bad but it will deservedly just be remembered alongside wizard and ghost
So far it's had no major trainwreck moments like pretty much every other Reiwa show before it had, but it also lacks some spice to it, it feels like it's just too inoffensive

Dread's debut was the best moment and it never quite managed to reach those heights again
Doesn't help that Dread has been forgotten from the story for so long. Any one else remember when the Dread armour would continue slowly moving even without a user? I member
>Dread's debut was the best moment and it never quite managed to reach those heights again
Daybreak's debut, the Kamen Rider Valvarad debut arc and the Rainbow debut arc are all better.
I thought the Valvarad debut episodes were honestly better than Dread's, that Spanner malgam was super cool and I just really liked Valvarad's debut fight with the gear shift flare.
Thinking about pirating Memory of Heroez. Does this shit have custom bgm import like with the srw games
What would you like to say on Reiwa's summer movie forms?
It’s hilarious how Geats wasn’t able to get his own without a crossover being involved. If it was for Hotaro he would have lost.
Sentai Saber > Another Rainbow Gotchard > Pride Geats > Kamen Rider R/B
I demand more Geats IX recolors.
except for saber it's all clown vomit
Do we not count Hellrising Hopper?
Winter movie form territory.
A lot of actors who have been in Kamen Rider have went on to pretty successful careers, though some have not.
>Saber SHS.
Pretty great. Easily the best one so far.
Fucking ass.
>Geats Oneness.
Cool. Never got the hate behind it.
>Miracle Gotchard.
So far I like it enough. Definitely need to see more of it in action though.
The only good one was stolen wholesale from Sentai. Embarassing.
Saber is the only one that isn't clown vomit trash and even then it's trash on principal because Dragonic Knight had to die to make it.
They're all hideous. Saber's technically wins just based on being the best-made suit but even then it's still ugly.
Wouldn't Desire Driver Revi technically count as a winter movie form?
Anyone got the pic of Wide 001 from the movie
For scientific reasons, of course
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Was is this pic?
Rough yes, but I definitely wouldn't say worst in the franchise at all. There's been absolute garbage stretches of episodes worse than that.
I have 2 questions and I will post this in every thread until I get what I want
Are there more pictures of Tsumuri
And did Lachesis get naked yet
Nah, way to many toys, to many action scene and no one ever tries talking.

Admittedly it was made during the pandemic but it was still pretty bad.
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>What would you like to say on Reiwa's summer movie forms?
I feel like I'm in limbo with Gotchard where I'm not really invested nor interested in it, but I definitely don't hate it like I did with Revice or just get really bored and frustrated with the last half like Geats. Gotchard overall is kinda plain and I don't really like Hotaro (despite loving the Gotchard suit) and Rinne very much and I legitimately don't care for Sabi and Renge since they feel pointless in the grand scheme of things especially the latter. In fact Sabi actually is useful, but Renge literally does nothing. But the rest of the cast is pretty solid. There's also a weird back and forth where a really great arc happens and then it immediately goes to status quo and the rest of the Chemy collecting feel awkwardly shoehorned in. Saber was great because it kept the momentum going, but Gotchard never keeps the momentum at all but to it's credit it doesn't exactly become bad or boring either. I also do love Legend and the summer movie actually has me hyped since Real Time because it's about Daybreak who I also love and it's directly connected to the main story instead of random bullshit like Battle Familia and Four Aces was. I think I just need to wait until the show ends and how I feel after to form a proper opinion whether if I like it or not, but for now I can say I don't hate it but I don't think I'd ever want to rewatch it. It's just ok.
I genuinely much prefer that over the boring job arc Zero-One or the post-Giff epilogue episodes of Revice
>Winter movie form territory
But it's not, it's released in winter because of a delay but it's clearly a summer/solo movie form
Dread was really good but it wasn't the only good moment not would I consider it the best either. Daybreak in my opinion was so much better and exciting, along with that Valvarad and Legend's arcs were really good too. I thought Fire and Rainbow's debut were really great too, Nijigon's voice was the only thing that I disliked. In fact, I remember those much better and fondly than the Dread debut because they've kinda shit on Dread's image throughout the show kinda like Delta and TheBee. It's to the point where I hate seeing Dread now because it's just a suit made to be tossed around.
I love how the anon had to disqualify Real x Time because it was just too unfair to put the Riders in that summer movie against other ones.
>There's also a weird back and forth where a really great arc happens and then it immediately goes to status quo and the rest of the Chemy collecting feel awkwardly shoehorned in. Saber was great because it kept the momentum going, but Gotchard never keeps the momentum at all
It's called an episodic show, the defacto format of Showa and early to mid Heisei Phase 2. Try watching some others so you can fully understand what that means.
Yes, thank you
>Try watching some others so you can fully understand what that means.
Anon, I've watched all those shows and I understand what an episodic format is. Not sure what your argument is here but just because those shows do it, doesn't automatically mean it's good here.
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This sketch from lemon guy is more accurate according to color
Finished Kabuto, was there some kind of production issues towards the end? Because that entire last stretch of episodes just feels fucking weird. I wouldn't even call it fully "Bad" but theres just something off about literally everything in it.
Yonemura is just genuinely awful at writing. You'll get the same issues with the Super Hero Taisen movies he wrote too.
Hiyori's actress got sick at the same time the story was meant to revolve around her, so she had to be written out and Yonemura had to create a new endgame on the spot. Yonemura already fumbles with any sort of overarching plot so it was doomed.
But the only bad episodes of Kabuto were the Inoue episodes. Is he just shit at endings and crossover stuff maybe?
I mean of course its fake but we’ve seen a ton of shit now you can kind of grasp that he will be a more armored purple zero one.
His Precure season is one of the best ones though
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lol fat fuck who once tried to namefag here is having a melty because he thought he could bring a bunch of complex electronics on a plane and the TSA wouldn't search them
Gotchard's is an abomination
tsa agent here, i did this
He's excellent at creating characters but even by Precure standards he's derivative with plot. His best episode is a worse version of a Heartcatch episode. His endgame episodes include him ripping off the Yes 5 movie and somehow the actual Smile movie that he himself wrote. He can't come up with an end to his own ticking clock element so he just resets it.
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It could have been so much worse.
I don't. It is bad the entire time.

What's the lore?
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Gavv if he real
>Lemon, Grape and Blueberry Gummy.
I mentioned this is another thread before, but it would be kino if they got the Rider Gumi kid to play Gavv
We’re all praying for it, but it’s unlikely.
He made Yayoi so he's best writer by default
Asumu won, he decided to help people without being a glorified pest exterminator until his body gives out.
I’m glad the actor was able to redeem himself with Zeronos but I’m still mad that the Zi-O tribute episode was focused on Kiriya.
Though it was pretty obvious that he wanted Kiriya to have grown as a person. It's honestly amazing how much of a redemption the actor got after returning a couple years later to play Yuuto.
Yeah it's too good to be true, but at least he's at a good age to play the role
It's mainly because it's a Shirakura show + Toei being able to double dip by using one actor for two tribute arcs. I definitely don't like that not only did he get to have his own suit but then got to be Hibiki over Asumu, but at least the arc was meant to show him growing into a proper humble person which would've never happened with Inoue.
People talked about Ghost more than Wizard.
Is it true that this guy once visited Toei Studio and tried to get inside but failed?
>double dip by using one actor for two tribute arcs
Yeah I also don't really like this, wish it's either having Todoroki or New Den-O for each of Hibiki and Den-O tribute, don't do Yuichi Nakamura twice.
Same with Gokaiger just have Kenji Ohba for both Battle Fever and Denziman representation despite they could've had Daisuke Ban/Battle Cossack 2.
>Same with Gokaiger just have Kenji Ohba for both Battle Fever and Denziman representation
I mean that was mainly just a neat easter egg for a short scene because they had Kenji Ohba and it was also kind of a tribute to him as well.
I don't mean the one on VS Gavan because that was meant to be "hey, same actor" but the one on the main series (Christmas episode)
Sure, Cossack 2 isn't fit to do Santa disguise but they could've made something else.
Oh yeah I'm not gonna lie I totally forgot about that
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Will Toei one day cheap out enough to...
>Revice has a great first quarter and 3 awful quarters after, anons have ptsd from it and throw absolute pissfits at the mere mention of it 2 years later

>Saber has 3 awful quarters and a great last quarter, anons worship it as the best Reiwa show and bring it up on completely unrelated posts 3 years later

I truly don't understand this. Both are terrible shows. What's the difference?
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What everyone thinks when you say "Tokusatsu from 10 years" ago
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...versus actual tokusatsu from 10 years ago.
Source: https://x.com/next_omega_/status/1803241109679976734
>Saber has 3 awful quarters
The fuck are you on about? Most people would say the show improves from Q2 onward.
It very much did. Q1 was it's only real dip, then after Yuri appeared the show got much better ending really well leading into one of the best KR V-Cinexts.
>Saber has 3 awful quarters and a great last quarter
Not sure why you're making bullshit up as if people don't outwardly praise Q2 as the start of the improvement and that Q1 was the only bad aspect. Either way you answered your own question, anyone that isn't brain dead would prefer something that vastly improves as it goes on rather than something that gets worse and worse.

>anons have ptsd from it and throw absolute pissfits at the mere mention of it 2 years later
>anons worship it as the best Reiwa show and bring it up on completely unrelated posts 3 years later
Yeah this just screams like you're just a crybaby about people liking what you don't like.
Have you ever considered that maybe your own thoughts aren't universally shared?
AI Slop really should be bannable
>Both are terrible shows
Clearly not if you're whining about people bringing up Saber in a positive light.

>Saber has 3 awful quarters and a great last quarter
Fuck off, Yuri literally saved the show when Q1 ended
Toei and everyone else will do it eventually. Masahiro is doing it for his Tokusatsu project.
The cast is also the most memorable and has the best chemistry out of the Reiwa shows so far as well along with a golden team of directors.

>leading into one of the best KR V-Cinexts
I'd even add that the Outsiders episode focused on the two Saber characters, Ren and Desast, was probably the best one so far in the miniseries.
Another relationship in a future show will have to try real hard to top the chemistry that Mei and Rintaro had.
>I'd even add that the Outsiders episode focused on the two Saber characters, Ren and Desast, was probably the best one so far in the miniseries.
That time when Outsiders seem will be mini-stories about different Riders across the franchise instead of another Kuroto wank.
That Outsiders episode was basically just a Kenzan and Desast V-Cinema featuring Zero-One characters.
DX Gigantliner mock up sketch
Geats is just monsters inc
>Tenliner repaint with a Legend figure crammed into it
Yep, that sounds about right
So Legendliner does exist as a form. Wonder if GT actually happens
Cute menhera piggy
>Why doesn't this dress fit me anymore, Anon? I bet you replaced it with a smaller one, you gaslighting son of a bitch! I hate you, Anon! I hate you! No, wait, I was just joking! I love you, Anon! I love you and I know you'd never leave me. Ever.
In your opinion, how different would /krg/'s general opinion of Gotchard be if it aired after Saber or Revice instead of after Geats?
Geats would probably be more welcomed because of its higher concepts compared to the more milquetoast "gotta catch them all" thing Gotchard's doing. Also people would very VERY much welcome Ace as a new rider cause his charisma is so much higher then Houtarou's.
50/50. I know people who don't like Gotchard just because it's more MOTW-heavy.
This replaced GT during planning, is what many are saying
In the west you'd need to bring up the Unabomber and hang him over the media's heads to justify using AI in effects, basically hardball them by saying "If you oppose AI then you follow the teachings of Uncle Ted"
It did not, it stayed bad.
Yes anon cool opinion.
saber is still bad.
Stop listening to the schizos on /krg/.
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>monsters wearing belts
Yes? And?
>ruins black sun
I will never forgive her.
Why did Kotaro and Nobuhiko have belts anyway?
It's cool Mantis Undead just being Chalice without the belt is really lame tho
Do you want their pants to fall off or something
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Still the funniest image ever
Really gives me a good belly laugh :)
It's been 10 years, bros.....
you callin'?
I started watching Gaim but couldn't get over the street dancing/Pokemon battling shit. Please tell me that gets sidelined eventually.
I mean, you have to have known through osmosis that Gaim goes fucking insane from the early 10s.
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Rinne, what are you wearing...
I still think it's funny that some people out there (and Gotchard's writers) think that these two have ANY kind of romantic chemistry. It's hilarious.
ghost's forms were all good and i'm tired of pretending they weren't.
Well, Evolt is back in the next one.
I liked the face plates
Still my favourite base suit.
They were barebones as fuck pun intended
I mean the one thing from Ghost that's always praised is the suit designs, I can't think of any bad suits really aside from the Dark Necroms.
You know spealing of Ghost I will always be pissed they wasted Alia especially when Reon Kadena is so hot in that show compared to her early years.
I think it's funny that you're so fucking obsessed with this shit.
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They have chemistry?
Nah it's funnier to see people who are in denial that these two will be in a relationship only because of the actor's age, to the point make predictions like they're actually siblings separated at birth.
That's just Japanese fiction in general, sometimes the relationship will still happen despite barely any romantic chemistry, same shit happened to Hasegawa's Gridman anime duology.
I say it once and I'm obsessed. The /krg/ special.
You've been saying this shit for a while now.
Schizo behavior.
Nah, you just got called out for constantly whining about shit that nobody but you cares about, and are now pretending to be someone else to deflect.
/krg/ is just one guy arguing with himself
I'm not that anon and even I think you sound more obsessed
stop letting imaginary enemies live in your head all day loser lmao
I don't think anybody is in denial. The issue is people accept they're going to be in a relationship that has basically zero chemistry.
>same shit happened to Hasegawa's Gridman anime duology.
Now I just know you're fucking retarded. Sure, maybe I could give you Yuta and Rikka in Gridman but their relationship has plenty of chemistry in Universe, but Yomogi and Yume? They have an absolute fuck ton of chemistry in Dynazenon alone.
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Will there be an ice cream rider in Gavv?
A Gavv powerup rumoured to use a popsicle.
What we learned so far:
>Gummy (Gavv)
>Chocolate (Secondary)
>Potato chip (Weapon)
>Popsicle/ Cake (Q1 Power-Up)
>Pudding (Q2 Driver)

And there will be Legend Rider items as well
What is the "coolest moment" in Kamen Rider for you
Not the most memorable moment or the best fight, simply a moment you found very cool that stands out as a series highlight? I really enjoyed Cosmic States Debut when Gentarou fights out of suit for a moment before befriending Meteor and doing his first Chouginga finish against Aries. It's just peak Rider for me. I also very much enjoy Hyper Mutekis debut, specifically when you see the time stop being ignored by the henshin sequence
Also "Are you ready?"
"Damn right I am"
The entire build up to King Blade.
Also am a huge fan of the atmospheric reentry in God Speed Love.
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Fuuto PI OVA confirmed
Hope they tease ss2
I think if they got a S2 there probably wouldn't be an OVA
Made no sense in the slightest, fuck Black Sun.
could the ova have been tacked onto the green light for season 1 instead of being tied to season 2's fate?
Cosplayer gets his Kuuga suit ripped apart by the TSA for having LEDs in it.
we already made fun of him for it
Good, KR cosplay belongs exclusively to SEAs that ride around tiny scooter bikes.
I wonder what her boyfriend (who is fliming the video) thinks about her eating
Why are you guys so salty?
look man if you dont want to get made fun of dont run to a dead general on a dead website crying, after you already cried on twitter
nobody cares
I'm not the guy that made the tweet
>nobody cares
you cared enough to post it twice though.
the first post want some random guy, specifically making fun of him
the second time was the guy who tweeted it (you) posting for sympathy
Unless the OVA is a bridging point, maybe they want to get an arc out of the way they cant fit into s2 itself
Alright, place your bets, which case is getting adapted? Caracal or Puzzle?
> guy who tweeted it (you) posting for sympathy
Take your meds schizo
>simply a moment you found very cool that stands out as a series highlight
You just described a memorable moment and proceeded to mention two memorables ones.
Only got around seven episodes left of RX, I like it, the lighter and softer tone makes it feel more like older installments or a return to form. My only complaint was that I think shadow moon should’ve stuck around with crisis longer, really would’ve liked to see his interactions with dasmadar and his authority to the emperor, don’t think his character degraded at all there but it also would’ve been neat if he gradually started getting his memory back as the “century king” of gorgom prior, at least nobuhito got closure
grease blizzard was kino as fuck
It's a transformation that doesn't give a second chance (Initially within the confines of the original series). It's incredibly novel for the franchise and it puts a lot of weight behind it.
Because their fathers put them in there. The Kaijin in that show still have cybernetic elements but other than the belts, you only see the evidence of it in the research notes about the Creation King.
Got a feeling this OVA will be a retelling of Begin's Night like what Shotaro did in volume 6, so when Season 2 starts they'll get back to the present day again.
Reminder that Kazumi's death was in vain.
To this day I still love the Kenzan vs Desast fight. The acting, the choreography, and the direction is just incredible and Will save us is probably one of my favorite songs in Rider. I think it also sticks with me because in all of Kame Rider it turned a character I hated to one I loved in an instant.

Before that though, I thought since of the stuff Decade did was awesome like Black and Black RX, the Shinkenger crossover, and the movie bringing in All Riders together on screen for the first time. As much of a mess Decade was after the 9 Worlds, I think everyone would admit that at the time that shit was cool.
That would be a really good idea
For what? Like Masahiro said, AI can significantly reduce costs and become and indispensable tool for anime and tokusatsu. What makes you think AI won't be used in the entertainment industry?
*an indispensable tool
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Imagine parading your dad around like an item for a fashion show
Just saw that miracle gotchard vid cranejoe did. Hopper 1 on 1 is a movie card I guess, that's cool. What of TokkyuuLiner then?
>Like Masahiro said
Why are we acting like his words are somekind of bible?
It's a good way to elaborate the flashback at the very first scene of the first episode for people who got introduced to the anime first.
Surely the guy who is known for being the lead in a bad season of Kamen Rider, making his own bad show, and cheating on his wife, is our ideal voice of reason.
He was literally the only good part of his season and his wife most likely cheated on him
I don't think quoting the man's reasoning for using AI equals holding him to a Biblical standard.
Also before finishing RX, decided to watch ZO and J (already saw shin awhile ago) they’re fun movies and also the 3D crossover special where J fights a Giant SHADOW MOON(yeah he just doesn’t quit does he?). Anyway tomorrow I’ll finally finish watching every Showa installment of kamen rider! well except episodes 24-48 of super-1 but I’ll get to them towards the end of this year lol
Joker Dopant might as well be a Rider at this point
Are those all his children? Or just Maito?
He also lives off of con money like all of Power Rangers' failed actors and is clearly struggling to keep the bankrupt company he bought on a whim afloat.
As much as I dislike Ghost, the leadup to Grateful's debut is one of my favorites. Especially when Takeru is struggling but doesn't give up whilist the 15 ghosts gathers and watch over him before deciding that he is worthy of their power after all.
You saying “con” made me realize I somehow forgot the NFT and crypto scams in that original post too.
Yeah he has three daughters and a son.
All of them.
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Pika-chan himself
Grateful was awesome, I genuinely feel like that should've been the ultimate form. I loved the ghosts getting action too.
The Triple Rider Kick in Kabuto. Seeing the 3 of the best Riders in the show working together for the first time was awesome and it kinda cemented Yaguruma/KickHopper as the tertiary for me.
Top of my head is whenever Takkun goes Axel form and he does his multi-Crimson Smash finisher. He's so fast he can shoot-jump-kick repeatedly within the time limit.
ep9 of Kabuto where Kagami works hard to become TheBee
Wizard kicking Phoenix into the sun.
>"There is no Finale for you."
>Everyone is here
>Plus Den-O for some reason
As if you need a reason for climax
Thoughts on Ex-Aid?
it's okay, but falls off steeply
Has some really great payoffs for character relationships, but it's obvious that Takahashi didn't care as much about some of the cast.
I remember it fondly
Bretty gud
I am a bit sick of Kuroto's post series antics though
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She's a Moffun fan too?
So JDF of Kamen Rider?
>Clotho's wearing her bf's overalls
She's the target audience, Rita
It really wasn't set up up well. They were only seen as comrades and friends until there was a push for romance in that one school episode and the hbdvd. One of the weakest "romances" in kr and at this point they should've stuck as friends.
Nice of them to spoil Geryon's return, not that everyone didn't see it coming
I still don't think the school episodes were depicting romance desu. More she was scared that other girl was gonna take away the only friend she had.
>Alisa Sakamaki is reading pro-refugee poetry at an UN event

Lachesis says refugees welcome
This must be the good thing she mentioned a while ago. Pretty impressive of her

Hopefully with a better mental healthcare
>Q2 upgrade is Pie
>What is the "coolest moment" in Kamen Rider for you
>"I am a Kamen Rider!"
>"For all the people who cannot fight, I'll fight!"
Pure kino
>Man dressed as Shocker Grunt tries to rob a pawn shop.
The OVA likely will adapt the chapters they skipped
I hope for the Puzzle's case
It was good
>Kuuga porcupine beatdown
>Shinji punching his way out of a time loop
>"I may not have a dream, but I can still protect them"
I like the chapter with pet cat or something.
They skipped it in the first season.
Most skippable season yet. Nothing all that bad or all that good to see here. Most memorable portion of the show will be Legend.
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Pedo energy
You sure are judgy, anon.
Kamen Rider Accel debut
He’s just jealous.
she doesn't brush her teeth
Whoopsie daisy, Gotchard Episode 40 is now on the Reiwa Rider Drive(r). Thanks to Ei for the subs as usual! Sorry for the delay, I got distracted.
forgot the image
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My moobs aren’t THAT big!
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If Hopper1 is a dandy, then what is Steamliner? A bancho thug?
Friend character that quickly got forgotten like Tank bottle
>CGI is berry expensive. Prease understand
Alisa finally doing nude?
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You make no sense. He's the established actor with a 50+ year career. He's the one pushing his children.
Nah, it's cute.
Way to project, Anon.
>dirty face
Soooooooooooooo Fuga hasn't bathed or pooped since the 1st episode?
He must anorexic at this point.
He's alchemically turned his poop and sweat into nutrients
>first photobook when the show isn't even over yet
damn, good for her
Zi-O ending. Sougo becoming Ohma Zi-O and ordering Woz to iwae him despite the fact that both Sougo and Woz clearly didn't want this to happen. It was such a good moment, highlighting the very good character writing in Zi-O despite overall script being a incohesive mess
Might just count his son his daughter as well
That’s normal newfag
Episode 41 of RX, well well the ten legendary riders have returned, missed these guys since the ZX special, but I have one question where were you guys when gorgom was running around? I suppose they weren’t needed once BLACK handled thing’s himself, that or this is a case of canon welding when BLACK was originally just a reboot of sorts. Doesn’t matter I’m happy to see them again
It kind of explains in that episode itself, no? Or was it only when they actually RX? They were facing the secret Crisis forces around the world. It had been established Crisis had been secretly on Earth for years too.
Yeah you’re right, must’ve been that, and I finished episode 42 where gedorian dies, then we finally hear the voice of crisis emperor Its the fucking great leader, it’s no wonder the ten are trying to stop them, this guy won’t stay dead. Then there’s the implications that this could be his true form as he’s ruled crisis for thousands of years and that his attempts in takings over earth with SHOCKER, DESTRON, delza gundan were separate attempts by himself or a vessel of sorts? That explains his “what you destroy was one of my forms” from v3. Either way this got incredibly interesting
Funny how this would mean that Century King was his own entity. Maybe Golgom was getting ready to face off with Crisis? Were Century King and Crisis Emperor enemies or friends? We will never know because of the RX writer.
*Creation King
There is that implication due to the voice casting, but the series does nothing with it, even when the old Riders hear the emperor's voice in the finale there's no acknowledgement that it's the Great Leader they faced before.
can't wait for the inevitable videos of half of them trying to mug/jump people and Japan deports them again
what a terrible name..
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Based Kenzaki
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I’m surprised Ex-Aid didn’t get something like a weapon or upgrade that requires an entering a combination of buttons. It seems like something Kuroto would make.
Did anyone ever figure out what the meaning behind this fuckass Rider name is? The rest of the Geats cast is so simple except for him, it's bizarre.
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On the tv-asahi site when it aired it said that they could use debug commands with the d-pad on their chest. Obviously they never did it, but it was there.
>This thread was created more than two days ago.
What killed the HYPE?
Gotchard and Gavv
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We don’t know anything about Gavv.
Less we don't know anything about Gavv and more people are waiting for staff info.
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Dumb whore's gonna get raped by visajeet one of these days
Is the Buffa movie the only post-series V-Cinema content Geats is gonna get?
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No there’s the Gazer special
Yes, don't be surprised Geatsfag
Finally did it, after watching the SD rider thing I have officially completed all of showa kamen rider! Except super-1’s second half until later Long journey has ended
Think it already sold out.
Good job anon. What was your favorite season?
I thought stronger was really well done, especially towards the climax where it felt like the series as a whole was ending, classic rider was great too if you can handle the length. The black saga was wonderful too and I think some people are too harsh on RX. Overall I enjoyed it, whenever I’ll go through heisei(and by extension neo-heisei) is another story but not soon and I’m not entirely interested in those shows yet, maybe someday but maybe I’ll check them out.
Anon you have to pay 500,000 yen to watch Super-1
Emu grabbing Parad mid-teleport was a big highlight for me
The King-Ohger girls announced theirs after the show ended.
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Free my nigga Timefire
Aside from the V-Cinema there's Gazer and eventually Outsiders if that Geats IX recolor thing is to be believed
tfw he never got his belt back from the Yakuza
Thats a fucking scam, especially from how the second half is basically sentai in rider skin (nothing wrong with Sentai, it’s just that it doesn’t fit rider in the same vein). What it’s not like the yakuza are gonna do anything right :^)
Man, I miss 60fps Rider
Best Drivers
1. Blaybuckle
2. Kaixa Driver
3. Vision Driver
4. W Driver
Worst Drivers
1. Twosidriver
2. Revice Driver
3. Libera/Weekendriver
4. Demon Driver
Swordriver should replace Demons
They should have never stopped shooting in 60fps. It's perfect.
No, Demon is where it should be.
The Swordriver is a great toy and so is the Demons Driver (best LED belt so far).
Nah, demon driver sucks just like the rest of the revice drivers.
Don't respond to the the anti Revice schizo.
Can't handle the fact that the toys from your favorite show suck eh?
Glad you had a good time fren
Can't handle the fact you're still seething about a kids show like an incel eh?
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You're the only one seething here.
So i forget, what was the actual reason in the show that Kick and Punch Hopper didn't have armored forms?
Is it too much to request Kageyama's death?
>I hate Revice but with more words

Revice really broke some anons
Swordriver looks like ass when the books are on it, especially with the special books.
Because /krg/are incels.
It's literally never given and it's not even explained where they got the zecters.
More evil Hopper Riders.
Honestly we just need schizo riders again.
Adult circumstances. Speculation would be because originally punch and kick were going to be form changed for a single grasshopper rider, they weren't going to give a single rider three different forms.
Don't think we'll ever get someone as psychopathic as Ouja again in pure malice (though I guess Kuroto as Zombie Gamer was kinda close) but I guess we'll see if 99% Dark Chocolate rider in Gavv will be pure evil.
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Just for you.
Thanks a ton anon. Webm makers are underrated heros.
That's out of show, I mean in show.
>Dark Chocolate rider in Gavv will be pure evil.
Well that would be lying to kids about dark chocolate.
He’s the Secondary. He can reach Baron’s level at best.
Not all ZECT made riders have armored forms, the riders in the movie didn't either.
The chocolate rider getting an upgrade that turns him into bitter chocolate pretty much writes itself.
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So super powerful final boss.
Was that the worm near the finale that kept resurrecting itself?
My headcanon is that it makes them immune to the Red Shoe system
Beautiful suit. Heavenly man.
Would honestly love another season with Kabuto/Faiz aesthetics. I think Zero-One vaguely comes close but it's still very different.
Zero-One is the most "technological" rider since Faiz/Kabuto for sure. But it's like modern technology/quantum computing.
Looks isn't everything a toy belt has, and the Swordriver looks good with 2 or more normal Books.
The Zecter didn't have enough "space" since it had two forms in one zecter
Who is more evil, Baron or Kaixa?
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Destream kinda looks like a Kabuto rider.
Kaixa was just a dick, he still fought together with Takumi against the orphenocs
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I could see them retooling a zero one suit to make Hyper Kick/Punch Hopper
>Kaixa was just a dick
He was a murderous psycho.

>he still fought together with Takumi against the orphenocs
Only when it was convenient, he still plotted behind his back multiple times to get him killed.
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Ultraman Arc's cube collectables remind me of those fake rumored Zero-One collectables from back in the day.
>Kaixa was just a dick
Pretty sure we watched different shows.
I just consider it as by that point of the show, the Masked Form concept already obselete.
Similar to how recent Riders dropped whatever gimmick in their first quarter (armor swap, combo, etc)
>the Masked Form concept already obselete.

they have actions scenes with the armored forms still all the way up to evil kabuto's appearance
I think the way some of the Rider faces designed made me can't think them as cool as Faiz & Kabuto designs.
Maybe it's because of the eyes, not just Zero-One himself but some of the other Riders too.
They look almost "cute" sometimes.
i hate how tiny the faces look on the zero ones suits when you see them from the side, jin and horobi didnt have this problem though
Which are done by Riders that already appeared before the Hoppers.
Just think that the Hoppers are more advanced so they don't need Masked Forms.
a more interesting question is why you never see the hoppers use clock up, unless i've forgotten.
just banter innit
Zero-One, Vulcan and Valkyrie have that "tiny face" mask that made them look funny and not in a cool way.
look at zero two's it's the worst
Man. That's AI but I really hope the suit doesnt look that generic.
I know this is bait but the best drivers are the ones that are simple to transform

Lost Driver
Mach Driver
Demons Driver
Personally I think the mask(based on leaks) looks generic, which is very important in MC rider designs, past riders had a theme that translated into a cool design and this one is just some gummy goo thing?
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It's because it's a gummy thing that it shouldn't look generic at all. Even moreso we had a sweets rider 3 years ago.
something about that slash suit i noticed it has a little light in the collar for dimly lit scenes, i wonder if there was something about the helmet that doesn't good without the extra lighting. maybe it's just hard to see
>The OVA of Fuuto Detective should be adapting Begins Night arc
Well that's fun. Seeing it done in a super dramatic animated fashion would be cool.
I wonder who will voice Sokichi, I never played memory of heroez so dunno if he's already there or not.
I wish we had more daybreak content. Can’t wait for the movie to give us more but sad he only came by for a short time
He appeared to push this world line's Houtarou in the right direction and actually be able to completely destroy the Door to Darkness leading to an era of peace. It doesn't change his world line seemingly but knowing that one did succeed is probably enough for him.
I get that. Being able to see his past self succeed probably is what pushes him to continue in trying to save his own timeline, fucked as it is. Wish the guy is able to get his own happy ending though
The movie might have some of that, who knows.
Maybe Gavv will help out, or just beat one of the mook villains to show off the driver. Can't wait for the camrip audio.
did the "fruit folding to form armor" gimmick saw light in the figuarts? like separate fruit you manually attached to a figure?
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>fruit folding to form armor" gimmick saw light in the figuarts?
You're in luck, sorta. No. However they are remaking the gaim figuarts in the shinkocchou line and ateast the fruit change gimmick works.
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If you really want the foldable fruit, thereis always the gimmick figures.
No, that looks like ass.
>demon driver
Objectively wrong.
When did Baron use orange?
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>anti-revice schizo can't appreciate a stylized depiction of a hercules beetle
Shit taste.
He didn't in the show, this was just to show off the armor change gimmick.
Wrong, revice does everything badly. The dad's suit is no exception.
It's a bad depiction.
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There's no cure for shit taste.
The Destream fight was so good
I like how one week Dukemon says he will no longer tweet about Gotchard then the next week he tweets about Gotchard
I thought he was about to be homeless or was that just a pity party for more Patreon bucks
Bad suit
Shit fight between two characters who have less than an episode of screen time together and that means nothing in context of the show.
This is the same guy who keeps saying he's gonna leave the fandom and comes back a week later. You really think he was gonna keep his word.
herpaderpadoo, anon
The suit and fight suck.
He "leaves the fandom" like once a year but always comes back because the adoration of the stupid side of the toku fandom is too much to leave behind
Talking about yourself, eh.
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Obviously fake, but how would /krg/ react if a 14 year old kid got the lead role for Gavv?
Mass suicide of all posters here
they would eyeball the same aged heroine
Cast leak usually up a day before the press conference. Only retards still falls for that shit like last year "Gotchard is female"
I mean it would fit the shonen MC template, really. If the teen has enough charisma/screen presence/acting chops then it really doesn't matter how old they are.
It's all become free ideas for the fan to give their narratives because the original IP holder were lazy AF to give any specific details.
I just thought of something crazy. The Dark Kings all have names that start with G and Gotchard also starts with a G.

Maybe whatever throne they're fighting for, Gotchard is officially in the running due to having a fragment of the Philosopher's Stone
What do you guys think of Fuga's gooning pyramid
Yeah...I don't think it gets a free pass just because it's inspired by the same bug as other, better designs. Sorry anon.
Wouldn't really matter since I'm already considering Gavv a skip year
Until you heard everyone said it's good so you'll be back, love everything about Gavv, and then the show after it will disappoint you.
Didn't work for Geats, not gonna work here
Explain why
Given the small number of shills trying to do the same for Gotchard in this very thread, that strategy clearly no longer works since the default negatives views in /krg/ are going to crowd out anything positive.
I find it really curious that Gotchard, the show that's all about the number 3, coincidentally has 3 writers.

And how Rainbow's theme is sung by 3 musicians too.

And both of these trios are MMF like the Main Rider and Dark King trios.
I do think you should take your meds.
oh god, are we resetting the number theory now
I never said they did all of this on purpose.
That’s because of alchemy having something called the Three Primes, and the original process for creating the Philosopher’s Stone having three steps.
I was thinking that because Nijigon was made to put the Philsopher Stone together that Rainbow's gonna get stronger after defeating each Abyssalis King.
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>Bash his head against the glass so hard that the tears of frustration fling off his face
What in the fuck this series doesn't deserve him
Just the actor, because the character is a retard.
Oh shut the fuck up already
The actor gives the character more layers. He's constantly glowering, stumbling over drunk (can't show him actually chugging liquor), and poorly coping with his life. He's bottled up emotion that sprays everywhere if something is out of line. He's tragic but I don't think Geats does very well with expressing that. I always feel like there's scenes cut.
Wait does KRG actually like Revice now? I remember this place SHITTING on it while it was airing 2 years ago now.
>He's tragic but I don't think Geats does very well with expressing that
you literally just explained in your first 2 sentences how the show did the opposite
Nah, it does. Hercus was cool too.
It's a shame they wasted one of the best actors on one of the worst story arcs in recent years
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>one of the worst story arcs in recent years
And it's somehow not even the worst story arc in the show.
watching kuuga right now for the first time
when does it get gud
Ep 32
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Slash has no business looking as good as he does with such a wacky mishmash concept. I don't know how candy pink, electric blue, chocolate brown, and tan manage to work together so well. Motherfucker has doughnuts on his wrists.
Hercus is good Destream is shit
lmao I get it
No we still hate it but that guy likes to put his own retarded twist on it like the Kamen Rider Vulva guy or the Sabore guy.
All three of them are the same fucking guy. How stupid are you people?
No, I use to larp as the Sabore guy here and sometimes I larp as the Gotshart poster
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>gets sent fan mail drawings from a 5 year old
>gives him gamer cancer

What the FUCK was his problem?
He was pissed off that a five year old had better ideas than him.
New bread
Autism, which he gets from his dad.

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