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[Vanargand] imouto.

--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries

>scans of some of the earlier entires

>samples of the ongoing manga

>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.

>another page with their stuff

>internet archive has scans of The Flag of Titans compiled in 6 volumes, this is the first one

>proof of concept for a translation project

>last thread
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I never thought I could love a Hizack, yet here we are
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I always liked Hizack, but AoZ's version is on another level entirely. Especially Advanced for me.
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Hrududu... Psycommu? The brass rods are just supports and not actually part of the MS right?
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Not a Hrududu loadout, just boosters with wired psycommu hands to replace Gaplant's regular shield binders. The brass rods are just a model kit thing because the arms are 3d printed resin and heavy as hell
very cull. I love the "cross" monoeye rail in psycommu equipment, wish this thing got a kit. Guessing the backpack is some sort of psycommu computer/coffin for multiple entombed cyber NT kids powering the thing
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dubs of truth
White Wolf...
I love that head so much, feels like a shark fin
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I love how the Haze'n-thleys can equip INCOMs in the weapon bays. BUNNyS functions as quasi psycommu but that element on its own wasn't really a TR plan invention so it's cool to see TR suits implementing ideas from other contemporary Feddie projects.
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Different kind of girl with... crotch sub-arm
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the lore goes deep...
oh fuck
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>Now I can finally hold Psyco-Sama's milkers
It's cute how the small arms are tucked in despite not connecting to anything and not really interfering either.
Fun fact: Advanced Hazel's dual connector pod has a slot for fuel tanks of the same time as Xeku Eins's leg tanks
Secondary fun fact: the HG kits are also compatible like that
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Fujioka should stop edging us and finally release a prototype Xeku, give it an old timey woman's name, a bit of a boxier look and emphasis on part modularity and we're golden. Probably wouldn't make sense to have a Zwei variant since IIRC that was something they improvised on the field
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We've been getting awfully close to that with some shapes like on Advanced Marasai, though I'm still waiting for something to just straight up use Xeku's backpack, ass mine dispenser, shoulders, or what have you. The backpack is transpack compatible so it's really not a problem.
Xeku Zwei AFAIK isn't a field modification since it has a lot of original and newly designed parts compared to Eins, and there was a lot of thought put into the design. It's just that it's a fundamentally wrong concept. Xeku's whole point was returning to form of simple, robust MS with flexible functionality and all it took was the second model of the line to reach the same stage of "dinosaur evolution" and feature creep as most 4th generation machines, except here it's practically a Mobile Armor pretending it isn't despite losing most of the benefits of Mobile Suit design. It's cool but it's just really funny how quickly the whole project went off the rails.
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Wasn't it an improvised modification where they literally slapped 2-3 Xekus worth of parts into one frame so their commander had a cool super unit? Makes sense if they had an abundance of MS parts and not enough pilots. It's obviously not meant to be a mass production unit
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Nah, Zwei itself is a genuine successor machine. Apparently three units were built and deployed at Pezun before ending up in the hands of New Desides, but it's unclear how many were put to use.
Structurally it's a completely new unit, but it uses a lot of the same external equipment as Eins. The difference is that it can use all 3 loadouts - and more - at the same time. The idea was to "double Eins's performance" and even though it's a bloated clusterfuck it's qualified as a MS because the designers believed they are superior to MAs due to Zeon MAs being defeated by Federation MSs during the OYW.
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I mean, it accomplished what it failed out to do so I wouldn't call it a a "fundamentally wrong concept". You get your base grunt "chassis" in the form of the Eins, and then you get your commander/spearhead/heavy duty unit "chassis" in the Zwei. Both mount the same equipment onto the base frame, but the Zwei simply packs more of the same equipment into a single MS
>MS vs MA
The distinction has always been semantics, same as what's a Gundam and what isn't
Problem is that the whole premise of the Xeku line was return to form of simple, basic but solid MS like Zaku and the second MS of the line was already operating under same design paradigms as ZZ, Ex-S and all the crazy shit Axis was rolling out. That's the opposite of what you want from a mass produced MS concept.
I figure you'd have one Zwei per hundred Eins, and the large amount of shared parts means that repairs would be simple and cheap. You're not going to have these everywhere, just have 1 or 2 per garrison for when shit gets real
Problem is that it's intended to be a standard use unit - whether as a team leader of Xeku Eins squad, fleet or otherwise. But the fat fuck is so much of a fat fuck it can't fit in a Salamis Kai and needs an Alexandria-class or similar as hangar which just isn't practical. Not to mention that sharing parts or not, it's still a 28 meter tall, 40 meter long monster. It's one thing when an experimental prototype like Messala or Band Doc is large, but this thing is meant to be the finished product.
In practical terms, there's not much a squad of 3 Xeku Eins on subflight systems can't do in Zwei's place, all the while being cheaper and simpler to operate and maintain. Zwei is even described as being designed to satisfy engineer curiosity rather than field use.

The Xeku line pretty much speedran the MS evolution from OYW to Hathaway era in (at most) a few years and was most likely doomed even without New Desides claiming it.
Granted, there were plans for Xeku Drei to be s return to form of sorts, but as far as we know these never became anything but plans.
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You know how life forms naturally evolve towards the crab shape in a process known as carcinization? Perhaps something similar happens to MS, gradually progressing towards flying arsenal bodyplans. We could call the process "ZZfication" or "Kondofication" or the like.
>But muh late UC smaller mobile suits
That's just the cycle beginning again. picrel is 20m

For whatever reason this trend has been referred to as "dinosaur evolution" in official materials on some occasions.
And yes, it absolutely is starting to happen again circa UC 0150s.
Part of that is a trend to reuse old, proven concepts due to lack of resources to develop new ideas (like Gunblaster's backpack binders being straight from a late 0080s Anaheim MS or Zollidia being a Zoloat turned into a Zaku).
And then there's Contio, which although not as large as NT-use stuff like Zanneck is still bigger than average for the era. While also being very heavily and expected to fight while outnumbered. Hell, it even has quasi psycommu - that thing is a microcosm of late Axis Zeon design paradigms.
Meanwhile if you consider Victory 3 from that SD game, it's whole concept is V2 with integrated Assault and Buster parts, plus wired VSBR funnels...
If you go further with these parallels you can even argue things like Zolo or Victory mimic the agility and flight focused transformable suits if Gryps Conflict, though with a somewhat different approach.
It's not a 1:1 match, but it's really hard to argue the engineers weren't beginning to reach the same conclusions and would eventually run into the same problems.
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I like Woundy's hairband and want to see more variants
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Feels like the site's been down forever, what's up with that? any comments on their twitter or the like?
Well, there's the two variants used by the Kehaars and the Barzam crests if you count those
Mk-V inspired chin piece is kino
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Big chin always is
Kadokawa was hit with a cyber attack early in the month, afaik eta is to fix everything by the end of the month
One good thing is that I imagine we'll get a new volume shortly afterwards
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there's also a few others like the weird one in top right here or Psycho Blade-equipped, or the one on Queenly with bigger sensor.
Or the other weird one from Build cameo
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That top right one looks like a Yamashita design. Got a pic of the Build one? There's also this thing which is for Hrairoo but I'm pretty sure their heads are compatible
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Build cameo had four eyes, which is odd but interesting. I'm not sure why it is like that though unless it was Fujioka's idea, in which case I'm again not sure why.
A lot of things are compatible between TR-5 and TR-6 but I'm not 100% sure headgear is. It would be cool though so I want to see Woundwort with the beeg eye
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4 eyes is simply the best amount of eyes for a mech to have, followed closely by 1 and 3.
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I'm just curious where the idea came from. The lineart can give that impression but it's not shared by any other art, so unless the lineart and lineart alone uses a different headgear with additional eye-type sensors it doesn't make sense.
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Though then again, we also have a common head design that is rather vastly different from either of these so they really might just be different options for the head
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Ah yes, the "obligatory ugly gundam face" head
Works better in side profile and with the Psycho Blade, the front art makes it all look weirdly flat
If this is what it's intended to look at then that front art is awfully done.
Yeah it's either the same one or a different one still, either way it's damn ugly there.
Then again, I've seen an anon like it in this very thread before, so takes all sorts I guess. Goes to show Woundwort is equipped to appeal to anyone
>I assure you mr Titans Budgetary allocation officer, it is ESSENTIAL that the mobile suit has big thighs Yes, the crotch sub-arm is crotical as well. If you want to reduce production costs, maybe we could cut the beam saber, or the rifle... nono, don't look in that folder, the enhanced chest units aren't ready yet!
Understandable, really. Making giant robots in your own image is based.
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...your own image? What did this engineer look like?
We should make a compilation of all the engrish phrases
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I tried to but sometimes it's legitimately hard to tell what's engrish and what's just a type. Both are kinda bizarre to see in an official release especially at this frequency. I think some of it is intentional shitposting.
I think he keeps the shitposting to his own Twitter, un the form of lewd bunnygirl pinups
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case in point
wait a minute, that's not Woundwort...
Is there large, clear, high-res black and white lineart of the Vanargand to be found anywhere? I'd love to do it up in orthodox Hi-Zack colors
closest thing I can think of >>22686143
Hmm. Thank you. Someone musta scanned that from somewhere...
Does anyone have any of the AOZ Re-Boot tankobons? I'm wondering if there's Mobile Suit lineart (like, settei, model sheets, that kinda stuff) in them.
They're sold in print? I thought they were digital only
aren't these the ones we have in digital format already?
A few chapters are available on dengeki but most of the manga is physical only AFAIK
I think they also have a digital counterpart.. see for instance on Book Walker:
Dengeki releases the MS and technical drawings but we don't get the manga.
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Volume(?) one is on Mangadex, apparently scanlated by /yuri/ for some reason.
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And yes, the first chapter has forced crossdressing
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Hyaku-Barzam or Barzam-Shiki?
Akatsuki Barzam
I like the idea of ECOAS using Barzams with some Jegan D-type parts and bits inherited from Black Hares as placeholders before their dedicated Jegans were developed. Can't tell if it's still a "genuine" TR Plan Barzam or if the Drum Frame had been replaced with movable frame while retaining overall form as in BR-GM C2. Either option is neat.
Why would you say that
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forgot pic
who makes these? I often see them posted in this general
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Fuller Armor
Bahyarku Zashimki
>Type Barzam or Barzam 100
both work honestly
"Type Barzam" seems like some mythical shit
nah, it just makes sense. Type 100 was fancied to last 100 years, naturally Type Barzam would last Barzam years.
A Barzillion years
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The AoZ waterslides that went AWOL a while back have appeared again, apparently they needed to do some final touchups but I can't check what exactly changed right now.
But we also got a high res pic of the new TR-6 Haze'n-thley II emblem and it's definitely very different from the old one, and all the other ones. Could it be for Black Hares?
On that topic, japanese p-bandai is selling aaaall the MG Hazel kits, so burger p-bandai will (probably?) have them sometime soon as well, together with the decals.. And for the rest of us I guess we have a slightly higher chance of finding resellers selling them for sane prices. Very slightly...
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This might be my favorite bun so far, sick Revenant knight theme and color scheme. She seems to have three "mono eyes" on her helmet, wonder what's up with that. Maybe an as of yet unseen variant?
Could be. Hell, for all we know this is TR-S instead, even though it's the same pose as the Haze'n-thley II's.
There's a few big differences though, like replacing the cape with long hair. Might be indication of a different variant or maybe just different styling. Though that itself invites questions - was it drawn by someone else imitating Carl's style or purposefully giving it their own spin? In which case it would not be part of the TTT. Hence I think it might be Black Hares even if it's just conjecture. But if it is Black Hares, they deficluld have some other equipment on it.
Interesting. It does say "TITANS" so it's not a ReZeon logo, then again I'm not too sure if any of them are. Here's hoping it's a new Haze'nthley II variant, she needs more love
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The line between Barzam and Jegan can become very blurred...
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>Secondary fun fact: the HG kits are also compatible like that
On similar note the side hardpoints on Xeku shoulders (the ones for the shoulder shields / theoretical fuel tanks) can also use Shield Boosters. Now, that is most likely just a coincidence because they're regular basic bitch polycaps but still a fun coincidence. Reminds me of the latches on Icarus's shoulders, though less extreme.
Icarus can mount Byarlant arms?
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Apparently, yes. Since this is still Hazel we're talking about odds are the pilot can only switch between using them and the regular arms. I imagine these are better suited for use in flight and when landing it can switch to regular arms or purge these entirely.
It appears that the Icarus was designed at around the same time as Byarlant rather than being its direct predecessor - instead it's the Prototype Icarus that directly led to Byarlant's development.
On a mildly related note, it seems the backpack used on Hizack's version of the Icarus set (and by extension Flight Type) as seen in bottom left corner is not actually Hazel's backpack despite the similar shape. Hizack's torso is bigger, for one thing, yet this appears to still match its dimensions. Also no beam saber port.
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Is this one of Celestial Being's side story Gundams?
Dang, I haven't seen that super-Vanargand before. Is there an archive of all the digital mecha goodies?

(Man I wish there was an AoZ Re-Boot artbook!)

It's a somewhat AOZ-ish LRX-077 Sisquiede. It's one of star MSs from "Monoeye Gundams," an old Gundam game set in an alternate universe version of the Grypps-era conflict.
It's more so a predecessor of the Vanargand if I remember right.
(Almost) all the volumes are on dengeki hobby linked in OP, but it's down for the moment. In the meantime I know the Gundam wiki has a screenshot of every volume on Gundam Inle manga's page.
As a side note there is a recent artbook of Fujioka's stuff, though AoZ is only a small portion of it.
A lot of his other stuff has a similar vibe though which is fun to see.
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technically it counts as an alternate setting but it really wouldn't take much to incorporate it through a manga or something in some way.
And a fun fact: apparently the Fiver (and Fiver II I believe) was made by the Leipzig Newtype Lab which was introduced in Monoeye Gundams and hasn't been mentioned anywhere else until now.
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I know it's a different design, but the middle pic heavily resembles the TR-S transformed mode, wonder if this is how it started?
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RXN Raijin is from 2018 so I reckon it's the other way around. I could be misremembering things but I think Fujioka might have even said it's like a different take on TR-6's design.
I'd kinda like to see something with Mk-V's "antenna" v-fin, or something that could hint at its development. Maybe some suit with just one of these but still positioned like that?
There is Mk-IV of course but as perfect as it is, it doesn't say anything about that particular design aspect and just goes straight from Mk-III's (admittedly already oddly shaped) v-fin to Mk-V-style.
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I never realized how similar picrel is to [ADvanced Kehaar II]
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What is Hazel holding here? Seems like a VERY chunky beam rifle
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Just the regular ol' rifle but held in a dedicated subarm unit for high mobility form. The idea is to use the handlebars mounted at the clavicle hardpoints to maintain structural integrity and not have the suit fall apart when using all these thrusters. Since that takes up the hand slots, the waist latch equips a simplified arm that can hold and fire the beam rifle.
huh, neat. This doesn't exist in kit form right? Hilariously it basically turns the Mobile Suit into a space fighter
Wonder how they dealt with that once the configs with even more thrust like the Hrududu variants or the tri-booster backpack started showing up
Is the Dengeki Hobby website just dead? I've been trying to access it in the past few days.
holy shit
Dengeki confirmed it's TR-S emblem
it's all coming together
>This doesn't exist in kit form right?
Well, not officially but... check the watership 4.5 links in OP
>Wonder how they dealt with that once the configs with even more thrust
I imagine at that point they had the data to more precisely calculate thruster strength, motion patterns and so on and thus additional apogee sets weren't as needed. And this not-diaper helped gather data for it.
Kinda like sometimes prototype or simplified mobile suits (prototype Zaku and MP Nu come to mind) have a whole lot more apogee motors all around - the complete or more high-end version doesn't need them. At least that's my conjecture.
Kadokawa which owns Dengeki was hit with a cyber attack early this month, AFAIK the ETA for fix is end of the month but IT stuff can be unreliable.
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also there's an apogee motor unit for Owsla's shoulder latches, either reusing or developed from High Mobility Galbaldy Beta's chest parts.
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>Kadokawa which owns Dengeki was hit with a cyber attack early this month
Kek what? They do something to deserve it?
AFAIK the main target was NicoNico (sort of Japanese YouTube) and other sites under them just got caught in the crossfire. Apparently it's the biggest attack like that in Japan in years, but I don't know enough about the topic to say if there's a specific cause.
I dunno nothin' 'bout np TR-S...
File deleted.
Tried my hand at cleaning her up. It's not perfect, but it lets anons better appreciate the bnussy
whoops, messed up a spot in the ears. Correcting...
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Here we go
Shame the scanlations for this is dead.
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Cute! Good job!
>(There are various other optional weapons as well)
I love how there's always room to add more things later or for people to design their own.
Wondering if Kelderek Owsla will come with new things as well.
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>black bunny for TR-S
Fujioka... I kneel...
the triple eye visor is definitely a major design element, wonder what's up with that
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Reminds me of Spiral Knights
Do we have any idea what the TR-S is?
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Like, visually or in function? Both?
Because I can go at length about either topic.
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TR-S [Hazel Hrair]
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Fan reconstruction
Did psycho blades start showing up before reboot and do we know what their deal is or are they just prototype unicorn V-Fins?
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Not sure about the first part though I'm leaning on yes. And their purposes is basically communicating better with psycommu equipment
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We've most definitely seen them before, on both TR-6 and TR-1.
In terms of functionality in addition to being an ornamental and embellished design based on Titan's symbol it's a Psycommu transmitter and receiver, enabling communication with linked units without Minovsky particle interference as well as enhancing the synchronization and performance of existing psycommu equipment. As its availability is limited it's only really used on some high-spec forms like Queenly and to denote commander units.
oh COME ON...!

I love Fujioka's designs, they're gorgeous and ingenious, but... Aren't these things supposed to be made into model kits?

How the hell is itty-bitty, skinny, spindly little body of the Woundwort -- or even a more normal MS like the Hazel -- supposed to support all those huge parts? (The Gigantic Arms has the same problem, of course.)

Both in-universe and for the gunpla, designs like this make me very uncomfortable.
to be fair, the base unit for that is a much chunkier model, closer to a huge Hazel than a Woundwort. But yeah, those arms and probably the shoulder containers as well are in "needs a plastic stand" realm
Less "made into kits" and more "made into models", including encouraging people to make them on their own as static display pieces. Plenty of them have obvious weight issues and would never stand on their own without a support or multiple, to speak nothing of articulation. And by extension many of the more complicated model kits are intended for pretty much just being admired in standing pose with an action base holding it up. TR-S wouldn't be any different.
There are some cases where concessions are made for model kits or a sketch straight up describes how this or that would be replicated in a model kit, but nobody expects them to have as much poseability as normal kits.
I still hold out hope for an Inle kit. But so for it doesn't even look like the 3rd party sites are attempting it
>it doesn't even look like the 3rd party sites are attempting it
about that...

MGB showed a prototype last year, not sure what's the current status
talk about a metal frame

Watership 4.5 has been working on a model of the Fiver II, refer to their weibo page in OP
I imagine Dandelion is the next step

and there is at least one maniac on twitter independently scratchbuilding it, will post a link later when I find him
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Dios Mio...
Fuck those are good reference images, I need to get back to modeling the top section of it out some day
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hmmm, the Pale Rider DII from Wearwolf that was fixed with a Barzam head also got Gatling Smashers equipped.... hmmmmm....
what the fuck is that Frankestein
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Just a Pale Rider DII with an ad-hoc fix in the form of a Barzam head. And in the new chapter it apparently has Gatling Smashers equipped, which is really neat because AoZ has been the only other media that pushed the idea of Federation still using them outside of G-Line series.
I'm really curious how the backpack is like.
more curious about the gun myself
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oh that's Shekinah composite weapon
AFAIK the idea was a higher power beam weapon but OYW era reactors couldn't make it viable as a main weapon so it was tuned down and got a gatling gun and missile launchers slapped onto it. Boom, composite weapon. Also veeeery similar looking to Heavy Gundam's frame launcher but I'm not sure if there's a specific explanation for that.
Holy fuck that's beautiful.
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it's all coming together
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been seeing a lot of Night Seeker stuff since the II is getting a kit, including a Barzam Night Seeker. I dig it.
>this, too is TR Plan
he looks tuckered out. Hate the forehead sensor though
Based and shekinahpilled. No such thing as too much dakka
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I think it's oddly cute. Also fits in with how Night Seeker's "mask" is supposed to have enhanced sensors since the head cover for Barzam appears to be just additional armor with a slit for the monoeye. A classic federation style main camera added on top gets similar results.
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On the one hand awesome, on the other it reminds me too much of these retarded things
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on that topic, read Wearwolf. So far it's a great detective story and also features tons of suits from MSV and even G Gen. A modified Gundam Mk-IV is the main suit.
is it a manga? Is it translated or do I need to dust off my moonrunes?
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Apparently there's some v-tuber android girl which is whatever but she encouraged people to draw variants of her or something.
Naturally, she is now also part of the TR Plan.
dollchads stay winning I guess
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Currently ongoing manga, Zeonic is translating it and even uploading it on mangadex which is new for him.
There's also a monoeye Haro and it's genuinely surprising it took 45 years for someone to do that.
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>monoeye Haro
ah fuck didn't expect to see a Gravital in this thread of all things
they did nothing wrong
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well, not from their point of view anyways. Just like the Titans :D
Seems to be just the DII's backpack with the Gatling Smashers attached (in place of the beam sabers?), though that itself has some connotations regarding either the DII or G-Line if you think about it hard enough (too hard?).
Now I just need some Xeku bits to cameo and I will be satisfied.
Just saw the MG aoz restock on pbandai. Do these kits sell out fast? Just asking because I want to know how much time I have before I pull the trigger.
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Oh yeah, things are finally coming together
>Doggorla is also part of the TR plan
>Altron Gundam is also part of the TR plan
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just keeps cooking
note the beam daggers mounted on the thighs
Is that a Feyadeen rifle with an underslung beam MG/mini grenade launcher attachment?
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Looks to be the Sayaad rifle which is a successor to Fedayeen that's been recently showing up in AoZ. And, of course, it's modular.
In this case it appears to have a sniper barrel with bipod, hyper napalm launcher and a beam scythe on the rear.
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These beam rifles with arabic names keep getting crazier and crazier
I mean, Zeta started it off for whatever reason.
Seriously how many guns in Gundam have dedicated names like that rather than just model numbers or classes like mega launcher and so on? Other than in Seed, anyway.
This is just a continuation of the idea, really.
SEED tries too hard.
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>makes a better Galbaldy B
>makes a better Nemo
is there anything Fujioka can't do?
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Make a better Mk-II (because it's already perfect)
What the fuck is that? Primaris were a mistake.
>What the fuck is that? Primaris were a mistake.
Sorry sweetie, but Warhammer is for everyone. Unless you question heckin Games Workshop, you chud!
>Warhammer is for everyone
You don't like marines with Ork weapons?
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>worse Mk-II (very slightly)
>worse Barzam (slightly)
I'm sorry mate but Mk-II's head is just too damn good
There's one way in which the Gundam Mk-II is imperfect: it has the same weird ass elbow arrangement as the majority of other mecha.
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what's wrong with mecha elbows?
Zanspine <3
Most mecha are designed with a very unnatural default position for their arms.

Try it for yourself:

Stand with your arms pretty much straight at your sides. Turn your elbows so they're pointing outward, away from your body (not pointing backwards like they usually do). The inner part of your elbow joint (the "crook of the arm") will be pointing inwards toward your body.

Now turn your hands so that your wrists and palms are ALSO pointing inwards toward your body at the same time.

Awkward, uncomfortable, and unnatural, isn't it?
Designs that don't allow the forearm to rotate in a way opposite the elbow suck. See designs like the Alex, where the elbow joint and forearm can achieve more lifelike movement.
You're just complaining about posture rather than design here.
Now, notice that the ZZ in the pic above has that default arm positioning. (As does the Z and the MkII and many others; it's very common not just for Mobile Suits but for anime mecha in general.)

The ZZ's shield/wings are aligned with the elbow. They point outwards. Now look at this pic of a Kratos figure. The ZZ cannot do this with its shields; its elbows don't bend that way. The shields would be on the underside of the forearms, aligned with the elbow again.

The Zaku, the Scopedog, and many many many others have this same issue. It's exacerbated by the presence of a shield, but it's still noticable even without one.
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setting aside the fact that it's a machine so it doesn't need to mimic human posture and movement 1:1, most mecha tend to have rotation somewhere on the upper arm or elbow joint to allow the entire arm to rotate
No I'm not. See >>22700731 and >>22700731

The issue is that, the forearm would rotate with the wrist. This is very rare. As mentioned by >>22700731, the Alex can do it. The RG Hi-Nu has forearm rotation as well.

Over the years there's been an increase of mecha designs which set the default arm positioning to be more natural (elbows back instead of out) so that the "shield mount" area is on the side of the forearm, not the underside.

However, without forearm rotation, this is still an issue. The G-Cannon, pictured here, was drawn with its elbows' default positioning as being natural, and the forearm guns aligned with the side of the forearm... but there's still non forearm rotation. (Though in that particular design, it would be very easy to add.)
>setting aside the fact that it's a machine so it doesn't need to mimic human posture and movement 1:1, most mecha tend to have rotation somewhere on the upper arm or elbow joint to allow the entire arm to rotate

When they're drawn/animated, yes they do. But their kits and toys do not. It's not something that is accounted for in most designs.
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thanks bro, yeah you were in that post though.
>most mecha tend to have rotation somewhere on the upper arm or elbow joint to allow the entire arm to rotate
Not really. Actually, most don't at all. You will find the overwhelming majority of gunpla to have this problem, but the problem is inherent to the core mechanical design of most MS though anyways.
For instance, the Z Gundam should not actually be able to perform this pose. And none of its toys or kits can -- except for the 1st edition Master Grade, which had rotating forearms (well, sortof -- is has a swivel-cut in the elbow's double joint).

Similarly, for mecha with forearm weapons (like the Z's grenade launchers) and these weird elbow arrangements, in order to point the forearm weapon at the enemy in a way that seems natural -- that, back of hand and forearm weapon pointed upwards -- the elbow would be pointing DOWN.
EXACTLY. I'm flummoxed as to why this hasn't been addressed across the board.

I mean, Okawara was driven to invent mecha hip skirt armor (with the Scopedog) because toys and models of the Dougram couldn't sit like its iconic "Get Truth" pose.
New models do incorporate it to degrees on designs that otherwise might not. I can't remember which all did. The RG Impulse, I think? But it should be done to basically everything. Even as a kid I understood this problem and saw how Alex solved it. Holding a shield is completely dogshit with an enormous amount of models because of this one element of design.
I'm happy to meet someone who shares my frustration with this issue, and I agree! There are some kits that add forearm rotation in, but even those kits are almost always based on lineart designs that don't include forearm rotation. It messes with shield poses and with forearm weaponry.

To wit: this Zssa's elbow bend (its crook) is actually pointed DOWN in this picture.
The Scopedog is a pretty egregious example of this. Note not only the placement of the forearm gun, but also the metal "flap" at the wrist.
Come to think of it, I think modern Dougram kits (I mean, of the Dougram itself) do have forearm rotation... Even though its lineart design doesn't.
It's easier to incorporate on some designs than others. The Mark II that the other anon pointed out that kicked this discussion off is definitely one of the hardest ones to do it to thanks to how much of the lower forearm acts as a joint itself. Achieving some manner of half rotation might be possible without severely altering how it looks though, and a full 360 swivel isn't important. 90 degrees rotation is ideal, but even getting to 45 is a lot better than nothing for actual posing.
Don't mosy old HGs simply have the bicep section connected via a polycap+peg to the shoulder? That solves the issue easily, assdie form risking falling off if the arm gets too heavy
I absolutely adore the MkII to no end, but it does have a few problems. Those frame blocks which connect the shoulder armor to the trapezius areas... Those have caused bandai toy/kit engineers a few headaches.
Bicep swivel is not the issue. Forearm swivel is the issue.
elbow/bicep to shoulder rotation does not achieve the same effect as elbow-forearm.
The issue is the joints in red. Look at where the shield socket is located -- opposite the inner elbow, aligned with the underside of the forearm. In order for the kits to carry the shield in a natural way (and in a way that's faithful to most of the animation) Bandai has had to come up with some rather "creative" shield mounting devices.

Said frame blocks highlighted in yellow.
Got any examples? Mainly of what it "should" look like vs what it actually looks like. I don't think I fully get what you're talking about
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Pic related.

The "New Forearm" at the bottom does has an added aspect, which is that it does away with wrist rotation -- since (ideally) that would be covered by the forearm swivel.
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Right now, kits that CAN swivel their forearms can also swivel their wrists, which is maybe a little odd but not really problematic. The RG Hi-Nu Gundam is an example.

Note the left forearm here, which has the big ol' spare beam saber housing arranged on the SIDE of the forearm. It can do that because the RG has forearm swivel added to its design.
The MG (shown here), which is more faithful to the original lineart, has no forearm swivel. When it bends that left arm, that big ol' spare beam saber housing has to be on the underside of the arm, like you see here.
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Because the shield is mounted on top of that left saber housing, the MG kit cannot pose like you see here.*

*Note that I've been talking about the MG Ver.Ka, which the kit pictured here is the old first-edition MG -- the one through which Izubuchi inexplicably worsened his original design.
ah, I think I understand. The joint I meant was the one in pink. What you are suggesting is that more kits should have the joint depicted in cyan in picrel?
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aand forgot my pic
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NTA but a simple example is the G04/G05/Mudrock and the Alex Gundam. Take a look at the arms here and how the covers orient. It's really important to have that forearm rotation so that you can manipulate a shield properly. Indeed, the cyan joint is what would improve virtually every design.
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As you can see here, the MG Ver.Ka (which is faithful to original design) mounts the shield onto the saber housing, and so cannot pose the left forearm like >>22701079 and still have the shield on the side of the forearm. It will wind up UNDER the forearm. Hence they had to design a weird hinged shield mount (also shown here) as a workaround. It's quite a kludge. The RG, here >>22701073,
solves the problem by adding in a forearm rotational swivel which isn't possible if you're wholly faithful to the original lineart.
>What you are suggesting is that more kits should have the joint depicted in cyan in picrel?
Yes, precisely. And not just more kits, but more mecha designs in general. They almost never, ever do. The VF-1, the Legioss, the Gundam Mk-II, the Z Gundam, various Zakus, the Scopedog, and on and on and on... They all have this same problem.

Seriously, WHY has this weird elbow arrangement aleways been the standard?
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I see. I imagine that it may look like a simple fix, but there's probably a ton of factors involved in making sure it actually works in kit form, mainly related to weight issues. Holding up something like Sinanju OVA's rifle+bazooka or bigass shield could easily pop that kind of joint
It's not going to pop anything, that depends on the design. A simple locking mechanism easily keeps it from falling off. The elbow joint is the one that has to work harder everytime.
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It still adds an extra point of failure to a section that will likely need to hold considerable weight. Sure it may not "pop" instantly, but it might cause issues over time, some kits get super floppy after a couple weeks/months on the shelf
It helps that it's mostly Gundams that use shields, at least that kind of shield. Most mecha designs just have a forearm attachment like picrel for everything
>It still adds an extra point of failure to a section that will likely need to hold considerable weight.
It does, but it's dramatically less strained than both the wrists and elbows. It really doesn't matter and all kits with them do them just fine in modern make. It just isn't an issue.
Any form of forearm attachment wants it to give the proper range of motion to utilize it though. That illustration would suck ass to use as a shield without being able to rotate your forearm. It is a key aspect of how humans actually wield shields and manipulate our arms and when you design humans, or giant constructs that fight like humans, you end up with a very limited design whose primary method of manipulation and interaction (the arms) are incapable of mimicking one of the fundamental aspects of how humans hold everything from guns to shields.
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True. Maybe it's something that will become more common over time, just like butterfly joints on the torso or proper ab crunches and movable skirt armor
Now, if you want freaky joints, look at something like Fafner. I don't think Gundam wants to go too far in that direction unless it's some weird Zeon MA though
Fafner and Gothicmade are the kinds of weird-ass joints!

To do this, the inner part of the Desert Zaku's elbow (the crook) is pointed DOWN. It has to be in order to be posed that way. WTF
Please tell me thst's a punching weapon
>the kinds of weird-ass joints!
Ugh, dammit. That was supposed to read "KINGs of weird-ass joints". Stupid fingers.

Nope. Forearm-mounted 3-tube missile launcher.

10x010x10 YES, exactly
Gothicmades are the coolest, but they're so complex you can only do resin statues of them
One day I'm gonna get the Volks Jagd Mirage, I swear...
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My favorite thing about Kehaar is that some regular Asshimars are noted to have also used the beam rifle with built in beam axe. I never liked how Asshimar has no melee weapons at all besides bare hands, just felt weird for a machine of that era, first transformable or not. Hell, it was already odd for late-OYW Guncannon variants as by then it was repeatedly proven how important close combat is.
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I love Vervain Rah II so fucking much
Vervain is already neat but the Hrududu II combined with the boosters helps bulk out and balance the silhouette and
Huh, rifle looks smaller than in the art. Either way, SEXOOOO
I know this fucker is coming in the next couple years and I cannot fucking wait. This design is peak TTT so far. It and Tri-booster Owsla are just gorgeous designs through and through.
You could 3D print her right now
Wait can you?
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They're selling the printed parts though, right? Not model files, that'd be too nice.
I haven't bought a 3D Printer yet, and I have plenty more projects anyway.
The best thing about 3D printkng is that the tech is evolving so quickly that holding off a bit means you can get a much better printer in a year or so
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"anniversary colors" are underrated
what is this thing? Some sort of Zeta Hizack?
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A HG Hobby Hizack in a color scheme based on a custom Hazel Owsla that was featured in one of the compiled Flag of the Titans volumes (5th I think). The kit itself uses a bunch of other parts (Tertium Arms, Aqua Barzam mask, 30MM stuff) with the idea of being an in-universe customized Hobby Hizack for some racing/shooting event.
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true power of the TR Plan
The Hrududu unit is getting ready to apply the "Testicular Torsion" technique
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Bootleg Hazel Custom incoming.
Yes, it's (probably?) just the retail kit but even so it's gonna be more easily available than the genuine one and make for a a cheap source of stuff like the rifles and shield boosters, nevermind Hazel itself.
I don't get why Bandai shoots themselves in the foot by keeping everything P-ban. They literally have the molds already made, just use them!
i mean, Custom is a retail kit though they also released a p-bandai version with KPS joints and TR-6 connectors.
On that topic, apparently this release also includes the connectors and has some slight changes and undergated parts. Release is slated for winter/spring so we're gonna be waiting a while yet. But with any luck more will follow soon. Dunno if it's the same company but Hazel II and Psycho Blade came out like a month after XFS's Woundwort.
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>set of chest enhancement parts
>bulk up especially the upper part
>help reinforce the most important section
>includes a High Mega Cannon
it's the High Mega Bra
Hell yeah, bootleg or not at least it'll be in stock. Do you have any more info or links? Will it be XFS?
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All I could find was these totally mysterious blurred pics. Allegedly XFS too, which would make sense but I'm not certain.
Hazenthley pads her chest!
Gotcha, yeah I did some digging and that's all I could find too. If it's XFS hopefully it's as good if not better than the Psycho-Blade. The plastic quality on mine was much better than their Woundwort. Hopefully it's just as cheap also.
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Nice to see folks doing things with the new hizack kit. Makes me excited for future variants
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Side view of Woundwort in a swimsuit
Touch drum frame
Would you consider Lehr Doga a Hi-Zack for early Late UC?
>Lehr Doga
The what now?
>early Late UC
>early late
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>The what now?
SNRI's Geara Doga Kai clone.
>early Late UC
That's what I call UC100s before F91.
>SNRI's Geara Doga Kai clone.
Why did you call it the "Lehr Doga"?
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Because that's what people translated リア・ドーガ as. The card is from older media when the variant didn't have its own name.
BTW, it can be equipped with a bunch of things, including subarms.
>For the design base, they used the AMS-119S Geara Doga Kai, a commander model of the AMS-119. Following the RGM-87C BR-GM, they received design support from Side 2’s NAMSD Lab (currently under SNRI), which has a significant number of personnel involved in the TR Project. The armor material is a Gundarium composite like the prototype, and the head has been changed to a type with goggles out of political consideration for the mono-eye (a waste of taxpayers’ money).
>The leg design focused on ease of maintenance, and increased compatibility with the RGM-89 Jegan, with about 50% shared parts, but the handling characteristics remained largely unchanged.
>The backpack, waist armor, and shoulder armor are highly modularized and can be swapped out with multiple units, regardless of whether they are for the Federation Forces (Titans) or Zeon. This is to mimic the enemy units’ characteristics, like the AMX-011 Zaku III and AMX-014 Doven Wolf, as much as possible to facilitate training.
My moonrones are rusty, but doesn't "リア" translate to "Ria"? Where do you get Lehr?
Shouldn't it just be "Real" or "Rear"?

Technically it can be anything from Lia to Ria to Lehr to Leal to Rear to Real.
Apparently it's a corruption of Lehrer as the suit was primarily used by instructors or something.
Not really. Hizack was a mass produced MS meant for direct combat operations of the still new Titans. Lehr Doga is an instructor corps MS meant to serve as aggressor unit in tests.
They're both a fusion of Feddie and Zeek tech of sorts, but by the time of Lehr Doga that is not a new concept and if anything it hides away from that, what with Feddie visor and all that.
Either way I do like it a lot, having the capacity to replicate the role and combat style of various 4th gen mobile suits is a great idea for an instructor MS and definitely reminiscent of TR Plan's universal conversion.
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Fujioka is celebrating Haze'n-thley Metal Build
my god
Is that a cape? Do all Hazels have exposed labia?
A reminder to all TR Plan staff: don't forget to floss!
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Looks like one. and it seems Haze'n-thley-chan is a little more skimpy than her sisters
Do it for them.
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