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Two Ducketts Edition
>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>the link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly xenia link
>pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3

>models for all the gen 1 parts
>Steam Page
>Emblem editor decals
>AC6 Part Spreadsheet

Other News:
>3D Modeling in AC6
>AC6 Model Kits and Shit

●Set matching to global for lobbies and use keyword acg to play with each other!

Previous Thread: >>22669055
What are some cliches in AC you want to see the series move on from?
Having the energy tech corpo be the more advanced one.
how would you have them be the low tech one?
The final boss is always Skynet for some reason.
Have the tech be new and not ironed out.
forgive an angel is nice
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Except PP, 4 and 4A.
And what else would you like to be a logical endgame boss of a somewhat grounded sci fi story? 2/AA almost got ayys but I still don't know whether they were of a genuine extraterrestrial make or just forgotten ancient terrestral tech. Without going full on magical jrpg journey to kill god, that's what you get as the closest simulacrum of an impartial, somewhat omnipotent entity in the setting.
Remember to love best girl
What is love?
That's not Ayre!
Baby don't hurt me.
You will never hold her hand OR put one of her particles in a jar anon
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rummy WONNED
mad stomp WONNED
coral LOSTED
idk man I'm not a writer.
But you can also admit that Allmind being the main villain of 6 at least was contrived.
>teehee i'm your ai that runs the Arena
We can always just resort to other humans in mech suits as the final boss, or a "city sized" mech built by some shadowy illuminati people that's fully armed and can take over a whole planet by itself and aliens too but im not into them.
Damn im a writer but its really fucking hard to come up wiith something that can realistically match a mech without it being either tech or fantasy stuff
does klein count as skynet?
Just make the competing kinetics corpo have more advanced tech like homing bullets and linear weaponry
>Play nexus enough to get a basic setup
>Roll through remake disc for all the parts
>go back to completing the actual game
does that sound good?
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>two duckett thread
fucking BASED, big iron chads ww@
>get a new cpu
>ac4 runs silky smooth now no matter what's going on
Now I'll see if I can finally play ACV
Nexus isn't hard enough to warrant that. It's really up to you if there is some kind of part you really want that's unlocked on Revolution, but I would rather just complete the story first before doing previous gen remakes.
Thats MY GA dog to you, algebra using punks!
Bruh, stinger went full I AM COMPUTER
What is the answerer for 500, paul
fuck destructroon bitches[/spoilers]
Answerer is not analogous to skynet/Ai, what are you trying to say with this.
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>VR missions akin to MGS2 Substance, also with online leaderboards

>"Look out, Raven! Enemy craft identified as... Overed Balteus!"

co-op bosses and shit like VD had would be kino
Faceless characters.

I mean, it wasn't in the game, but AC1 era artbooks had illustrations of the characters and NPCs. More of that and seeing them actually in-game would be nice. I know that theres an adamant SHOW DONT TELL AND LET YOUR IMAGINATION DO THE TRICK faction out there when it comes to presentation, but having human and more identifiable features for your characters do a lot better in easing people into your fictional world.
Unfortunately, most people aren't /m/en who get attached to clanging steel and explosions. They need fleshbags to get attached to things and give it a chance. And to some extent, I think FS understood that too since they went out of their way to include all those art snippets of most of the cast in that blurry Shinkawa-esque artstyle in those reporter data logs.

Would also be nice to have the energy tech corpo be the more "moral" and "were totally the good guys" in the evil asshole corpo spectrum. Mirage and Arquebus were so hilariously obviously corrupt and evil. At least make them be more subtle about it.
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I must say I don't like them that much
Doesn't Emeraude vs. Zio Matrix, (or maybe arguably Balena) fulfill the "cheap kinetic corpo bad, small energy corpo good" dynamic?
Disagree. At this point the mechs themselves are the character.
Putting humans in a mech game detracts from the mechs as it does in racing games. It takes away focus and implied character from the cars.
Instead of showing human characters I think it'd be neater if FromSoft included human-scale NPCs again. If they're gonna winge about blowing up borderline defenseless dudes with your mech then make them little man-sized robots or something but... We're at the point technologically where it isn't unfeasible to include little dudes running around.

I think it'd be fucking awesome if you boost into a fight, mangle everything in the general area, and just as you're about to set off for the next area you see people running away from explosions, climbing stairs, booking it from cars and trucks to seek shelter etc. One of the most memorable missions from 1 for me was when you're tasked with fighting in an active highway. Something like that would be nice.
ALLMIND shouldn't have been the skynet final boss of 6.
It should've been the Enforcement System DESPERATELY trying to prevent a coral release.
Kaiju cyborg final boss in an attempt to make an evolution from human plus?
Starts as Human Plus escapee but you're the one forced to escape, multiple times thorough the game, in a sort of reverse Stinger situation. An increasingly more mechanically perverse game of cat and mouse, and you're not the cat.
stomping on foot soldiers trying to spray your AC with machineguns was the best part of Last Raven, they really need to bring that back
While reading this post all I can hear is
>I want Metal Gear Revengence but player pilots a giant robot instead of slicing it with Japanese sword (which is called Katana for a reason).
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>Nacht frame
>Alba head
Dude Rusty isn't THAT cool.
i prefer the smaller one, more spammable
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post dogs /acg/
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>Pilot: DARTagnan.
Sorry, meant to reply to anchor >>22698777
Putting faces on characters would detract from the tone of AC games. It's not a cliche, but a core part of the series.
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checked, havn't posted in a long tiem
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One of these days I'll remember to use photo mode during actual gameplay.
Who fuckin asked your opinion, Buddy?
Imagine how cancerous they would be if AC6 had the old-old stagger system.
What's the old stagger system?
Y'know poise in souls games? That. You can stunlock people with it in old AC though.
>System verdict: Continue... Gladly.
That one HC pilot was kinda badass.
i beat armored core 1 (after not reading the manual, barely surviving the opening, and eventually nuking both nine-balls)
so, are project phantasma and master of arena good? do they improve on the unintentional jank of the game at all?
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They are good.
PP introduces the arena.
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Amazon has the non-VOB White Glint for a somewhat reasonable price. Anyone have this kit and can comment on the quality? I've heard a lot of complaints, but mostly about the VOB kit with the pearl plastic.
What's going on with the targetting rectangle here? With 21x21 fcs and standard lock type rifle, it should be a square. I've played these games both on the original hardware and emulated on ps3 as installed ps2 classics packages, and I had absolutelly no issues. This is the first time I use pcsx2 (nightly, freshly updated) now that I have a beefy enough pc to handle ps2 games and this is what I get. The widescreen patch somehow makes it worse too, it was marginally less squished before I applied it. How do I fix that?
i think the RF/220 is actually a special lock if it's a game after 3
playing through it now
>arena has no repair or ammo costs
after going through AC1's earlygame and being destroyed by ammo costs this makes me love using ballistic weapons again
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>having human and more identifiable features for your characters do a lot better in easing people into your fictional world
How did you like Daemon X Machina?
i've been watching gasaraki and the scenes with the Kugai made me think about how you'd implement biomechanical parts into AC
i think it'd be something like this:
-biomechanical parts can slowly regenerate AP to about half their max value, this is the main gimmick
-there are only biomechanical legs, arms and maybe heads
-biomechanical legs are specifically only bipedal and light tetrapod
-limbs generally have really poor load limits and defense
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Checked. I haven't played in a very long time, but I still love my boy
I never worked on an AC kit, but koto's kits have very tight joints most of the time
The PS1 games are easy to cheese with energy weapons once you get used to them.
yeah, with how expensive missions were in AC1 until late-midgame they were downright mandatory
Back in the day I remember getting through the game a lot with the machine guns. Although I think the energy weapons having smaller lock boxes was the game trying to ween you off wide lock easy modo.
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>Biomech 'tank' legs scuttle around like isopods
>Biomech powerplant produces a vague heartbeat sound during overed boost and provides a limited degree of stealth at the cost of performance: countered by bio-sensor heads
>Biomech weapons have a flat maintenance cost to field, but constantly produce a low volume of ammunition/inflict acid DOT
>Biomech melee is extremely heavy but unlimited use kinetic melee weapons
>Energy bioweapons regenerate single shots after long cooldowns
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>>Biomech 'tank' legs scuttle around like isopods
like a strafing tank? they could bring back hovertanks proper too and have them use the same type of movement, i guess they'd have similar weaknesses
>>Biomech powerplant produces a vague heartbeat sound during overed boost and provides a limited degree of stealth at the cost of performance: countered by bio-sensor heads
this sounds neat, a lot of players already assault boost to dodge missiles anyways so this wouldn't even be that drastic of a change
also it's a neat way to reintroduce bio-sensors but after the mealworm thing i think from doesn't want to bring them back
>>Biomech weapons have a flat maintenance cost to field, but constantly produce a low volume of ammunition/inflict acid DOT
cost fuckery isn't discussed often enough
i feel like the biomech limbs would also have something like this where they have a lowered cost due to partial self-repair
it might make the parts too optimal for s-ranking missions though
>>Biomech melee is extremely heavy but unlimited use kinetic melee weapons
it'd be neat if they were "punch-type" melee weapons that you could use on both hands, if they were extremely heavy and slow then unarmed would get to keep its niche too
>>Energy bioweapons regenerate single shots after long cooldowns
energy weapons that you can take on endurance missions, fuck yeah
do you think biomech parts would be a specific company or would it be spread out?
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>might make the parts too optimal
I meant 'flat cost to field' as '50% of the ammo cost of similar weapons paid every time, even if you use less, but with technically unlimited ammo if you want to use more'. Keeping a biological construct alive is a lot harder than just making sure your gun is oiled.
>extremely heavy melee
High payload weight, not 'slow swing'. A laser blade is automatically gonna be lighter than a 10 foot sword.
>biogen stealth
Stealth is passive, heartbeat is just flavor when stressing your machine.

Biomech parts should probably be a single company, it's a really weird technology to invest into and pretty easy to keep from falling into the wrong hands-- though other corps should have salvaged, hybridized versions of some equipment, so it's more 'cyborg' than 'bio' for their versions.

>final boss of the bio-themed AC game is a giant biomech queen that spits out ACs constantly if you don't kill it with fire
ancient ayys on mars in AC2 had left a bunch of biomachines so biomech parts isn't much of a stretch
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Hello this is NITRO
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not bad, but i prefer this
>no black stripes
i got lazy
Has anyone figured out a decent way to dodge the plasma thrower?
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quickboost should do the trick
Maybe I am overthinking it.
I'll be sure to share the results.
just outrange it
it's one of two melee weapons without ANY sort of lunge boost

Robot spirits HAL 826 announced.
Underdog corporations that are actually into some shady shit or have secret plans that diverge from the other corps' (Kisaragi with their bugs, Navis with their ancient tech, Rayleonard with the Closed Plant, BAWS with their support of the rebels). I even like how some of them are the lesser evil, too bad that usually leads to them getting wiped out.
I'm fucking illiterate, I read "see the series move on from" as "see more of" or something like that. Though I suppose this is a cliche I wouldn't mind disappearing, it's not like it's in every game anyways.
not bad-looking
I don't need faces, but I'd like even the bit NPC characters to have more meat to them. Bring back the messaging function. It was always nice to see one Raven you met on the mission message you afterwards to thank you for covering their back or for that next Raven you're about to fight in the arena message you ahead of time with a: "YOUR AMBITIONS END HERE KIDDO NUTTIN PERSONNEL".

Some story/arena integration would br cool. Like imagine if on the standard mission, this one Raven just helps you out like normal. But if you actually dethroned their arena spot, they'll actually be butthurt about it and betray you in the middle of a mission.

I like it personally. Gives them the justified edge since they obviously can't measure up to the big dick corpos in a straight fight, so they do sketchy shit to pull one over them.
I think dodging Snail's disco lasers are the coolest moment in the entire franchise
Who was the Raven that eluded Zinaida in the Circ-City if the player didn't do that mission?
>disco lasers
It's been too long... Evangel maybe? He's like the only Raven in LR with something to hide.
I think about this a lot
Have you buddies been looking at Project Six?
Seems interesting, should hopefully be on steam this year.
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What did they mean by this?
you're coming to the redguns gooning sesh aren't you?
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How many corporations/factions do you want in a game?
Pull an Ace Combat 3, but no sim.
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I think about pic related a lot
Call me a doomer but I don't think there will be an expansion.
If sekiro didn't get one, what chance does ac6 have?
Started playing LR instead, two clean runs everything was fine, started the third and the emulator shits all over itself at Investigate Enemy Activity. I was on tham map before fighting quad Pulverizer and I already dealt with high ECM interference (which I first thought might be the case behind the sudden dip in performance) in some other missions, without as much as a hiccup. The mission starts fine, runs fine as long as I don't enter the broken dome, then becomes completely inplayable (as in it grinds to a halt, whooping 1~ frame per 3-5 seconds) as soon as either I enter the line between any of the four tiny piramid spawning points for the tiny car enemies or when the helicopters spawn, then I hit an invisible wall if I try to get any closer to the central building (as in literally boosting in place) with the camera going over the shoulder the completely getting the AC off screen. What in the honest fuck is going on? Emulator is up to date with all the settings at default. None of that happened on ps2 and ps3. Did any other emulating anon have isuues such as these?
Sekiro was a stand alone project with no ties to anything else, for once. Both Elden Ring and Bloodborne got dlc despite being stand alone, but you could at least argue that happened because they had stronger ties to Dark Souls and its audience. AC6 is a newest installment of a long running series, I don't know if it'll get an expansion or a sequel but by default it seems that the chances are more than null, even if just to keep up with the duology tradition that each AC gen followed. Maybe. Probably what really matters is how well do things sell at Fromsoft HQ, for them to focus on something that can only really be called a passion project, when compared to something with as much mainstream appeal as sword and board fantasy.
Just beaten the mission with the Leviathan on that map, everything ran fine. Weird. It can't be the number of units spawned either, I already did both the Crow in the unnamed suicide machine rain and the running around listening to Sheila's dialogue while being chased by the murder drones, and not as much as a hiccup there either.
why would fromsoft still hire mech designers long after the release then?
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So, this figure is 150 mm tall.
And 30MM kits are 135 mm.
Is that type of scale correct?
As far as I remember, Walter's mech was taller than the player mech.
Being a C-weapon, like CEL or SOL.
Plus, maybe the counted the backfin, giving +10-20 mm of height.
fuck yeah i love jonathan
Yes, RD kits are usually smaller than the standard 1/144 (or in this case 1/72) scales.
Model kit or a figure??
Figure, obviously.
Since he is complimenting the design of the missile launchers, it's a shame he wasn't shown the Soup.
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Why is Raven so much easier than King and Chartreuse
His build just isn't all that good.
I'm able to kill him reliably in one quick guardbreak with my 4 points of OS tuning.
Laser Glaive is an extremely fun weapon
he's a midgame first playthrough fight
if he was actually good then it wouldn't be fun
He should cheat like Rusty and Walter do.
>King and Chartreuse
Weird balance with them. Their builds cause some setups to struggle hard, plus bad RNG can cause them to quickly gang up on you. Raven entering can cause that to snowball.
Else you already killed them both and Raven is an easy solo.
stagger shouldn't be removed or altered

more parts should be added that mitigate build-up or reset stagger meters, along with player-input mechanics that achieve this
So, who is getting this bad boy?

Got Ayre POed and probably gonna bite the bullet here as well.
One thing that irks me about Walter's AC is that bright red. It just doesn't look good with that darker metallic red.
>buy it
>pose it
>let it collect dust
Where's the fun in that??
I want a model kit so I can enjoy assembling and painting it myself and feel a sense of accomplishment every time I look at it.
his build isn't good. I think people should consider that possible reality that Nightfall Raven isn't actually a super skilled pilot, just some autistic idealist who happens to embody the mercenary name of "Raven." Perhaps the fact that his name is just Raven could signify he never picked a real name till later and is more of a rookie who accidentally propelled himself to infamy on Rubicon by fighting the PCA. While he has some cool custom gear on his AC, technically speaking it's just an orbiter which is a really shit AC in setting, being based off a zero-G service MT basically. But uh, out of lore, he just has a shit build for the meta, his AI only lets him be halfway decent with the pile bunker but also he doesn't really have a great ability to stun you anyways
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Retard, the game keeps telling you that he is a very skilled pilot.
And it's not the single instance of this, Freud is ranked number 1 and his build also sucks ass, probably From trying to emphasize that their builds aren't what makes them good, which of course doesn't translate into gameplay very well.
>more parts should be added that mitigate build-up or reset stagger meters, along with player-input mechanics that achieve this
So you basically want more stuff like shields and primal armor and a new base mechanic i presume?
Eh, I would rather have a new system.
i thought he was harder solely for the time you fight him in. the latter two are way easier since you're far more skilled and have a better build at that point
King says you're fighting as good as Raven when you're wrecking their shit. Raven's canonically a beast.
Hello Snail.
>alright let me have some and play a quad build
>first couple of rounds have a little fun
>tweaking loadout to suit me better since I based it off a YouTube vid
>have high expectations
>proceed to fight nothing but the most try hard faggots in the world running meta builds or RATshit
>getting fucked on verticality
>not even a RAT quad and people see me and convert to RATmode
>say fuck it and go back to lightweight biped
>start winning easily again
every time I think I'll make it out of B tier while having some fun I just can't, some faggot logs on do his best 1.0 patch imitation and puts me in a perma stun state unless I go speed mode
you have to understand that quads also have pretty good AP, they're almost as bad as tanks and so people tend to use the same missile ratting tactics against them
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would you accept not getting any new corporations in the next game in exchange for the already existing corporations getting more parts?
Why not both
limited resources
Most likely it's to replicate that dark red, almost black look in the boss battle. With IRL light it's gonna look close to that.
Don't have time for that, adult life ain't a ride, lots of responsibilities and other things to do.
Do inly shading on the models, plus panel lining and some metal paint to bring out the shining parts.
>But... it's just one AC...
I fucking love it every time they say this shit
dude just shuffle lmaooo
The end result doesn't really change, but I'd be fine as long as Balam/Arquebus aren't the focus and other corps get to shine.
If you want to have fun stop equating win = fun, otherwise you're just gonna get angry that every opponent isn't just a bot.
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my annoying as shit sniper dog i've moved to ever since the S ranks moved into customs after killing ranked
i just let the 4x homing missiles do their work and then tag what's left with a charged LRA
i'm not sure what to do for the colors, i've been unable to come up with anything interesting
On a whim I did what Anon said to do and I interrupted Ayreplane with Assault Armor.
I feel powerful
Plenty of room for expansion even with just the existing corporations. Whatever Michigan was using during his time in Furlong, for instance. A full weebshit Takigawa frame would be fun too. I'd also like to see Balam get their own version of Arquebus ADD, and I think a good way to do that would be some missions where you help them apprehend PCA equipment instead of destroying it for the RLF, unlocking reverse-engineered AC parts and weapons accordingly.
How's the culture around AC6 on PC? I'm an Xbox player since launch but I see the game on sale on Steam right now, and now that I have a proper PC I might buy the game again
I just want some more dedicated weapons makers, dedicated frame makers, and dedicated unit makers. Even if they're subdivisions of larger corps. The Amazon Mech should be using Raytheon guns, a Honda frame and have Intel architecture onboard
angry discord drama
a win doesn't necessarily mean fun to me but what isn't fun is losing over and over again to people ratting or being mega tryhards with hyper meta builds
I suppose, I'm using a lam build aggressively which doesn't have much AP but is fast enough that I don't feel at a loss, the verticality just kills me though, especially when lamm builds are technically ideal for ratting at max altitude yet I can barely make it up there without being cooked on energy. Part of the problem I think is that I've got over 100 hours in the game using lightweight bipeds and I am having trouble learning a new leg type. I've legitimately probably got 90+ hours on the nacht legs with alulas so that style of movement is second nature to me
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I will accept only frames with leg type other than plantigrade biped.
ayre is love. nothing else matter
you should. there's a lot more players
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coral love!
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If BAWS, Elcano, VCPL, Furlong and the others get more shine it's fine. I want more gen3-esque parts though. And a proper radar head. I wanna recreate the Scar Leaver MT and the hammerhead shark one isn't satisfactory.
Nexus is hard...
I've been seeing a lot of posts on ER's boss design and i'm curious, what do you guys think of 6's boss design? Too souls-y? What about the bosses across the whole franchise?
Too teleport happy but that's it, solid bosses.
J and nineball seraph (another age) is peak.
Only ibis was a dick imo everything else was cool to fight imo.
I actually had more trouble against Ibis than Malenia.
(in my opinion)
>only Raven in LR with something to hide
Laughs in Jack-O
I liked TTGL, Patlabor, Titanfall and never much cared for gundam. Should I buy AC6 on the steam deck? Elden Ring is stressing me out and I almost pulled my gun out and shot the deck
Get it. You'll have a blast
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>Playing Nexus
>Got a decent AC setup so far running dual trigger rifles, low heat and good energy output to energy drain ratio
>Mission to fight AC as a test
>GENOBEE, top ranker in arena
>Managed to get it first go
Honest to god the fucker scared me more than Nineball Seraph when he showed up on my screen. I thought it was gonna be a regular AC or a shitty test AC. Christ
Less corpos making parts is better, so of course. I want more parts in the already existing aesthetics and not even more parts that don't mix well with anything else.
Best emblem I've seen here in a while.
Just started the download, what build will I like if in Elden Ring I ran a guts sword+incantations?
I'm just gonna make my enblem Sneed
How about you play the game for yourself and find what you like by yourself, buddy.
why are basho arms so good? Or I should say why are they used so much? I don't see anything in their stats that should make them super good. What am I missing?
They have the highest melee stat so your ungas can bunga harder. If your build uses melee at all you're gimping yourself by not using them.
stat density (lightweight, high ap and max melee stat)
>but it has low fir-
fire arm spec is a meme stat, and recoil is meaningless with single shot guns.
>best melee stat
>fantastic AP to weight/energy ratio
>ocellus has like .1 second worse at target acquisition over other arms at optimal range because lamo FCS vs arm stats
>turbo tryhards manually aim stanced shoulder weapons so having no medium/far range stats doesn't matter anyways
An ocellus/FCS nerf would drop their usage drastically, would probably get replaced with C3.
>fire arm spec is a meme stat
>I ran a guts sword+incantations
oh that's 100% a future firefag.
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the difficulty is build-dependent and differs on a case-be-case basis, which can get kinda annoying if you have a favorite AC or want to do a challenge run
- PCA Heli
not as bad as normies would have you think, it's a boss that can only damage things in front of it. if you take the time to try and stay behind the helicopter when it's in-bounds then the fight gets way easier
- Strider
fun visually, but it's more of a level than a boss. i resent it for being the only level with a sandstorm
- Juggernaut
only gets kinda annoying when the boss backs up into a wall and prevents you from targeting its back with normal weapons. waiting for weakpoint bosses to stop being cowardly is kind of a general trend with them, sadly. otherwise, it ALSO can't fight enemies behind it generally but has a mine dispenser that can be pretty tricky, so it's pretty fun.
- Ekdromoi
these are basically AC fights but even easier since they're bigger targets and don't have repair kits. if you shoot at them near the end of their side-hops it's a guaranteed hit since they're not programmed to double-hop or anything. you might have some problems if you're fighting both at the same time, but the melee/MG one is generally faster so you can drag it away from the sniper pretty easily
- Cataphract
the most annoying part is whenever it starts running away, which it does a lot of. this is because its only damageable from the front, so you kinda have to wait out whatever bitch fit it's pulling before you can continue to fight it. this is the equivalent of having to wait out long combos in souls fights but applied to armored core, and it sucks copious amounts of horse cock. the attacks aren't bad, at least. the vertical laser array looks impossible to dodge sometimes but you can either outrun the turret's traverse speed at close range or do an air quickboost at long range.
Basically, FCS is more important than fire arm spec.
This guy explains it>>22707359
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I like Getter Redguns more.
You'll like the sword and dual triggers with a missile
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- Balteus
generally well-balanced, if not easy. the missile barrages are pretty easy to dodge, and the flame sword attacks are choreographed to give you enough time to outrange them. gets siginificantly easier in NG+ and ++ since you get more damage and better tools to deal with it.
- Smart Cleaner
this one sits between the Juggernaut and Cataphract in terms of being annoying, it at least has the smokestack to target if it's faceplanting into a wall. it's just that the smokestack AND the eye are suck narrow weakpoints that you have poor chances at hitting them while the Cleaner is moving around, it's a lot tankier because of that specifically.
- Sea Spider
almost too easy, it doesn't have any meaningful amount of time where you can't damage it other than the phase change, so you can just dump damage into it with any weapon that you like.
it differs between each loadout, but generally it's like a more tanky, flighty Ekdromoi. the melee variant has decently choreographed attacks. the laser rifle variant has a charge attack that's a little hard to dodge at close range, but it's not bad.
- Ice Worm
closer to a level than a fight, the shield makes challenge runs kinda suck for it. it took a melee-only player about 30 minutes to take it out with a pulse blade build. fists-only might be impossible. with the stun cannon it's kinda just okay, there's a damage threshold system so it's not like you have to pick a particularly high-damage build for whenever its vulnerable
- Nepenthes
another level obstacle. there's some fun tricks here where you can do to fall faster through the level at least but otherwise it's kinda boring
- Enforcer
the weapons tracking this guy has is pretty good, i've been killed solely by getting grazed with its pulse bubbles too many times before. the melee attacks are extremely well-choreographed. it feels like it has an elemental weakness to melee, so it's a little harder for gun builds. it's close to a perfect boss.
(cont. again)
>it's close to a perfect boss
Honestly, sitting down to think about it, I honestly agree. I think it's probably the best non-AC boss in the game, though I really do like ALLMIND and Ayre as bosses in general. They feel like they have a very good balance of health, damage output, mobility and unique tricks.
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- Ibis
this is the one that actually teaches you how to dodge, which makes it satisfiying to beat. ibis is extremely sensitive to speed changes. this means that for most of its range attacks you have to ignore the warning indicator and actually wait for the projectile to come out and fly for a bit before dodging them. that being said, it's kinda hard to hit outside of its specific attack animations so it's another boss with souls-style action speedbumps. all-missile builds are the only weapons that can hit through the speedbumps so they tend to trivialize the fight
- Arquebus Balteus
its Balteus but significantly worse. its shield recovery is so fast that for some builds it's actually better to wait for the shield to come back up than to try and get in another stun. the phase change laser sword shitfit is also terrible, there's a way to dodge it but it's hard to read and can't be outranged. this is the worst bossfight in the game.
- Xylem Lockout Process
people generally give this one too much of a bad rap, it's one of the few mobility-focused fights. i actually liked it a lot.
these ones typically require you to have hard lock to dodge their melee combos and track them, which i don't enjoy. they're generally very teleport-y bosses. the coral variant at least has well-choreographed melee attacks. as with Ibis, missiles can get through their teleport movement to an extent and make the fights significantly easier.
It's unironically one of the easiest AC games with the exception of maybe some of the Revolution missions. It's certainly miles easier than Silent Line so if you beat that before playing Nexus I don't know what to tell you, other than Nexus completely overhauled parts balance so you need to rethink your builds from SL from scratch.
which one's ryoma?
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Cus I'm waiting for the download to be done
Nah, Klein is what happens when John Connor finally succeeds in destroying Skynet and realizes after the fact "nah, Skynet was right and we're retards"
Use those six hours to take a power nap and get some grub in instead of empty theorizing. You're going to need a fresh mind to properly process, maybe even enjoy, the definitive Armored Core™ experience.
I did and woke up because this one annoying nigger bug keeps buzzing outside my porch
Cant play vidya because it'd slow download
I'm playing Revolution trying to get the special part from the R&G Submarine mission. I fucking hate it and didn't get the part even though I didn't let any torpedos hit the sub.
>Barely cleared mission where you fight MTs and then Phantasma in Revolution
>Next mission
not exactly true. it was only beginning with nexus that the games started having anything remotely similar to a stagger system
? other than story, elden ring is absolutely not a standalone. it's very much a dark souls game
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>And a proper radar head
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Pile Bunker makes me feel like this
nta but it's more like some furry-ass hammerhead shark head than a radar head
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Now if only it had a similar sized hitbox
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This is the vibe I get from it.
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>Elden Ring
>had stronger ties to Dark Souls
Yes, however the corpos who are currently without frame parts need to get them.
Also I am running on high hopium that we gonna get a DLC trailer at Gamescom.
It's one of the first emblems that got made in the game.
>generally well-balanced, if not easy. the missile barrages are pretty easy to dodge, and the flame sword attacks are choreographed to give you enough time to outrange them. gets siginificantly easier in NG+ and ++ since you get more damage and better tools to deal with it.
Man, 1.0 version Balteus was a fucking monster. They really castrated him hard.
>almost too easy, it doesn't have any meaningful amount of time where you can't damage it other than the phase change, so you can just dump damage into it with any weapon that you like.
Same with Sea Spider. At the game's release the fucker was tanky as all hell, it was a battle of attrition and the fuck kept winning. Unironically was stuck for 9 hours on him, even Balteus didn't give me that much trouble.
So, what kind of new AC parts would you anons want?? I am talking frame parts designs specifically.
For me, I have a mighty need for a smooth monoeye head, it's fucking criminal that the only monoeye heads we have are two Melanders and both are blocky.
>I have a mighty need for a smooth monoeye head
We are not so different, you and I. H05-HORNET / HE-119, C02-URANUS, haha A11-MACAQUE and LH07-DINGO2 but this time properly digitigrade/rj biped look alikes would be great. I want to cosplay my own filhy plussie gen 3.5 build.
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bazookas, grenade cannons, missiles
The H11-QUEEN head from Nexus/Last Raven, but with the antennae the HORNET head had
More lightweight bipedal legs that match together aesthetically with other frames, specifically something similar to the ALBA set or more White Glint-looking legs
Those could be sold by Arquebus's remnants or something
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just this exact frame
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i want heavy-medium legs that are just a single slab of metal, like how the LN-1001B looks. the normal LN-1001 would work fine too, i'm mostly looking for legs that have more prominently jutting knee armor like CRAWLER or WRECKER
>Red Star
So, uh, does she mean the Raven, the radio operator or the AC itself?
I think the Armoury mod is at least halfway there with the core and the legs. There's a kind of similar looking head too but I don't remember seeing the arms there.
that's actually the AC, i think.
I know I'm fighting a losing battle but here I go. FCS tracking is mathematically more significant than arm tracking and the Ocellus' tracking is very high compared to other FCS so people argue firearm specialization doesn't matter. What they neglect to consider is that arm tracking multiplies your FCS tracking across every range while FCS tracking is based on tradeoffs. If you add up the tracking points into a pool, arm tracking reveals itself as mathematically significant afterall. Consider the Ocellus -ranges actually blend in iintervals of 20, and the Ocellus has poor mid-range tracking, so it's true range is actually 120 rather than 130. When you close with a target your weapons will only start to track once you cross 120 and this leaves little time to fire before your opponent does. So the use of the Ocellus is actually best in situations where you close with the target and never move away, which often results in the AC having to turn 180 when the target goes behind you, but the Ocellus provides no benefit when the AC is forced to turn, so its extremely high tracking values make sense when you consider they're only sometimes in play even under 120.
So yeah, Youtuber worship and confusingly sharp data points, combined with the game encouraging meta-play, result in this way of thinking. AC6 is both too simple and too complex. I just want them to remove stagger which creates Rock Paper Scissors matchups, and bring back glide or overboost because AB is the fucking worst. I don't think I'm wrong but everything I've said doesn't really matter because of how AC6 works.
Huh. Did I miss something? What did Jack-O do that resulted in Jack-O reforming the Jack-O's Ark? And what exactly is Agraya supposed to be doing here?
I've seen a lot of Anons complaining about unvoiced mission briefings but don't remember seeing any praise for how many little cutscenes play during missions, mostly at the beginning. Kind of makes it feel more cinematic / anime-ish but with all the walk and talk and slice of life cut, thus making it intrinsically superior. And speaking of the tone, I actually enjoy how minimalistic the briefings are. Nexus is the peak of standardization of Ravens as a profession. Sure, it's relatively high status/skill/demand when compared to being a regular Joe the Grunt but that doesn't mean that the meetings should have anything more than good ol' powerpoint presentations.
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So in AC6 I just beat starfish. What weapons should I get for a medium/heavy tetrapod build since a Guts build is what I ran in all other fromsoft games?
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>zanzibot forgive me, for I must use the shield
What fucking starfish?
>What weapons should I get
How about you use your critical thinking skills, analyze Guts' favored loadout and combat style, and appropriate that to a giant robot? You could always use what other Anon already told you to use, zooks and missiles. There's a piledriver for heavy melee stagger punish and a gimmicky grenade thrower thing that if you squint your eyes enough you could pretend to use in place of Guts' hand cannon. Also, your pick has throwing knives (I don't remember Guts using them all that much t b h) but unless you strike vitals specifically, those are used to generate stagger with minimum damage, so use a pistol too then, I guess, since that's the niche it occupies. Now, is that enough directions for you or do you want to send me your save file so I can build your giant fucking robot for you, buddy?
Get the biggest rockets and try to preemptively damage her while she's busy with the missiles. If you're lucky you should get solid 2-3 hits before she turns on you. Other than that, camp on top of the highest roof and take pot shots at her, I guess.
The seastar or whatever it was called
The missiles worked excellently. Thanks mate
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How did fromsoft go from medium paced roll combat to this fucking adhd mechas on cocaine?
they were making adhd cocaine mechas before souls ya tourist
>anon thinks AC6 is fast
You think this game's ADHD levels of fast??
You should go ahead and play Miyazaki's directorial debut.
dude your ac1 handgun stunlocks???
Epic bait.
And you all took it.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
When do I get the tank shoulder canon that was in the tank tutorial?
Me want big boom
Just killed the tank boss in snowfield
it's more or less endgame on a NG run
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Yes, bait that made me take maybe 3 minute of my day to find a youtube video. Oh woe is me, I have thoroughly been jebaited and laid low on this day!

I will survive this humiliation
Just punched the fog helicopter gunship to death because the tanky nigger ate all my ammo, seriously I was on my last bit of health
what do you mean tanky
It had a billion health and ate through my ammo
oh i thought fog helicopter and tanky nigger were separate guys
yeah fair enough, the biggest problem is that the flares it has stop you from spamming missiles at it until it fucking dies
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Tank guy just needed some ooga booga gut punching
Didn't even notice it used flares
Right now I just killed the two jobbers after rusty finally helped me and am getting filtered by the whatshername arena fight
>So, what kind of new AC parts would you anons want??
Very slow firing, high damage automatic battle rifles with no charge-up mode, with satisfyingly loud and boomy sound effects more like a real world autocannon.
A physical blade that points forward parallel to the AC's forearm so I can dash around slashing enemies like I'm piloting Exia.
Physical, handheld shields.
Sniper rifles.
Sniper cannons.
Shoulder Extensions.
>I am talking frame parts designs specifically.
A Dafeng lightweight AC that looks similar to the lighter 5th gen designs like pic related, I especially want the version of that core part with no bolted-on APC door to make a comeback.
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nah, it's a BAWS lightweight
>4 minigun tank build
Forgive me zanzibot
Why no close and long FCSs?
The explosive thrower feels amazing on a tetrapod, but it's best used while backpedalling because the delay before the bomblets explode extend the range or shorten it depending on if the target is moving toward you. If you get good with the thrower you can either play keepaway or blow people the fuck up mercilessly in close quarters. The Plasma thrower can be used as a shield and is more reliable at close-medium range on the offense.
The Dizzy is the skill grenade launcher, having a huge radius with the grenades air-detonating at a usable range. Learn the ins and outs of the Dizzy and you'll find it versatile and oppressive.
I don't know how a Guts build would relate to the use of back weapons, but the aforementioned weapons are good as swaps, so maybe mix them up with standard bay weapons.
I just beat the worm so how far am I from getting that?
Looks like the thrower should be purchasable now for you, the dizzy you get towards the end of your first run through the game.
I maxxed out damage mitigation and kinetic os tuning
Do I get more chips in the campaign? I killed all the arena guys except 3 who are locked and safe from the minigun spam tank
haha, that's as much as you'll get from me. If you finish the third ending you'll get enough chips to max everything.
Dafeng stuff looks much more 5th gen to me than BAWS stuff does, their AC is wide and squat, with more little surface details, top heavy proportions with big shoulders, more exposed and complicated looking joints, and more inhuman looking limbs.
Dafeng has more "vehicular" weapons with gatling guns and cannons, giving off more of the "realistic" feel of 5th gen, whereas BAWS weapons look more like giant versions of weapons made to be held in human hands.
BAWS mecha like Basho and the MTs have a slightly cartoonish sort of minimalism to them compared to other designs in the game, Basho gives me Votoms vibes more than 5th gen vibes.
A BAWS lightweight should look kinda like a 1st gen lightweight, simple and retro.
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>canon fodder looks cooler than the power range zords we get
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I keep dying to the enforcer so idk
is bro okay damn
The Enforcer has 2 attacks that can hit you in midair.
Use Nacht parts and just stay above him
I was literally screaming fuck you nigger when I finally beat him
In fairness, The Enforcer is literally piloted by "The System" the PCA units all serve, so he's kind of the final boss of the entire PCA arc. Though you technically fight the system one more time in the next mission.
Stop being pussies, FromSoft.

Bring back Exceed Orbit Cores.
We need more than just exceed orbit cores, over boost cores, and hangar cores.
>exceed orbit cores
exceed orbit back weapons
>over boost cores
assault boost
>hangar cores
weapon carousel

I don't think any of these are coming back in this generation of Armored Core and since 6 didn't even get an expansion/sequel annoucement yet, it might be a tad bit too early to discuss next gen. I kind of want EO and OB to come back too though.
I haven't really played since launch, did they nerf the vientos? they seem a lot less reliable at building stagger than I remember
I'm fighting ayre now, how do I cheese this bitch?
You can dodge all of her sword attacks by Quick boosting under her right arm
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Well well well, what do we have here?
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What indeed.
I just let her waste her CROW extensions before making a move, try to use CROW as well and select the parking Lot stage.
>getting filtered by ayre and her bullshit 100mph zooming
>her shields eat up ammo and shes impossible to hit with melee
Forgive me zanzibot for I'm going to download the coop mod
>shes impossible to hit with melee
Boost behind her when she melees you
No, I also want to help people in coop
Shes a bullshit boss and I beat the godskin duo easily
>Shes a bullshit boss
just use a melee weapon, she folds to pressure easily
What's the dumbest argument you've ever had about Armored Core?
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>and since 6 didn't even get an expansion/sequel annoucement yet
It has, Miyazaki confirmed it's happening and he's going to be involved.
[citation needed]



>The ARMORED CORE series is very important to FromSoftware. We have a strong will to continue it in the future. I believe ARMORED CORE VI was a success. On the other hand, not everything was perfect, and there is still room for improvement. So, I have no intention of stopping there.
I'll say it again. AC6's expansion should be the first one to try and expand on the content of the base game directly, instead of being a pseudo sequel. New mission branches and endings, its own interpretation of Bloodborne's Chalice Dungeons, and of course, fucktons of new parts.
just use double zimms an double sneedle
>instead of being a pseudo sequel
ac expansions after genwun were all proper sequels
is sneedle even good anymore?
In pve yes, mostly against certain bosses like, ayre, or allmind.
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BASHO is definitely meant to evoke VOTOMS but it also takes 5th gen's fixation on asymetry and reutilizes it in a more palatable way
its got asymetry in the core and arms but not in the legs
the BASHO core is also significantly more vehicular than the TIAN-QIANG core, taking heavy inspiration from IFV hull designs. again, it's like the bolted-on vehicle parts from 5th gen while being way more pleasing to the eye
>Go literal months playing this game after the latest patch
>BTFO'd time and again at the promotion phase, inevitably hit the promotion phase again only to get BTFO'd
>Switch up my build repeatedly
>Nothing fucking works, go back to my base build but with more altitude stability
>Drunk as fuck tonight
>Cleared promo phase with 9/10 wins
What the actual fuck is wrong with me? Why do I play this game better while drunk? This is LITERALLY how I got to S-rank last time as well.
Someone tried to sneedle me in PvP just now, kind of funny how shit it was.
>use laser cannons
>they come nowhere near hitting my lightweight opponent
>chunk their AP anyways
how much of the meta is a result of EAC / shitty netcode
I have been dabbing on lightweights for the past hour for no good reason
Apparently increasingly more. I'm currently at 382 for position in S rank. Last season I couldn't even clear 700.

Apparently hardly anyone at S-rank remembers how to deal with a drunk QB dodging Earshot retard like me.
How active in pvp in AC6? Can you get match a most times of the day (even if its just the same person)? I haven't touched ranked for a few months but was thinking of going back in sometime.
Half a year ago, custom was still fairly active. For me at least. Longest I ever had to wait was 5 minutes for a match.

Right now though, it feels like everyone is chasing S-rank. It is a miserable experience where all the meme twink/spider/tank/zimmy heavys clog up A rank trying to kick each other down the ladder so much that ironically S-rank itself currently feels like it has more build variety than A rank. It's absolutely awful and cancerous, and being addicted to the thrill of the clash feels awful.

It is vindictively satisfying to see that the most shameless, pathetic, skill-deprived rats are also stuck in A-rank.
I was just asking for how active ranked was, I'll take it as its active enough.
>ac expansions after genwun were all proper sequels
They all used the previous game as a near-base with all their content with some minor additions. Anything not numbered is not a proper sequel excluding Nexus and Last Raven because they're so deep into it that it ends up becoming something actually new.
what kind of build are you running? I usually rape unless some faggot is playing a tank with laser weapons which just hit no matter what
at random times ranked can be slow, like last Monday night at like 11 EST it was slow and I kept fighting the same two guys(some dude using a build called loli hunter which was a lightweight that I was stunting over and some faggot using a tank build) after some wait between each match. usually it's not problem for wait times and sometimes you see the same guy over and over again. Not a problem if you keep winning, a huge problem if you keep losing
can you not play in widescreen?
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I don't understand why people get mad that these games don't give you specific, accurate stats.
Do people just not read the contextual help in each game?
Are you me? I play way better when drunk as well. I think it makes me more gutsy and confident which somehow works out.
haven't played in a while
is this thing still fucking worthless?
Unfortunately yes
it's like a gimmick weapon. Looks super cool and is always kinda a surprise when people bust it out, but it's still really easy to dodge. I think Ive only ever seen it get off one good hit on someone ever and was honestly surprised, but it didn't even do that much damage
Picrel. Used to run TIANG-QIANG legs and MELANDER C3 arms, wasted way too much time trying different parts and setups when ultimately it turns out all I really needed was slightly more melee spec, altitude stability and to remember that dodging left and right is as integral as my actual stats to defend myself from twinks, Zimmies and stunlock combo bitches.

Yeah, definitely. When I'm sober I'm held back by useless thoughts like "I should try to figure out where my opponent is going" or "that's a dangerous weapon, I should wait for it to fire then retaliate" instead of just letting my berserker lizard brain take over and hitting everyone too quickly and too hard to use their own game plan effectively

I guess if I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, neither does my opponent.
Oh hey, speak of the devil. As you can see from here >>22712478 the trick is that I've found is to think of it as an all-rounder instead of a specialist. It's not the best linear rifle, but with decent firearm spec it CAN tag opponents who aren't focusing on evasion. It doesn't have the stagger buildup of a Zimmy but it's damage sort of compensates. It can't do rapid fire but you can at least worry an opponent with regular shots. Above all else, if you send someone into stagger you CAN use it to shoot them from halfway across the arena with lock-and even though it's secondary charge mode is more of a liability than anything, it IS a pretty good psychological deterrent for a faraway target or one sent into stagger.

To compensate for it not being functional as a rifle I have shoulder weapons that are functionally the bunk with more range at the cost of being stoppable by shields and a "melee weapon" that is functionally a very funny cannon to add to midrange pressure.
I wonder how they make all the noises that aren't traditional instruments in frequency songs
maybe they just groan into the mic and then pitch shift it around until it sounds cool
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>am at final mission [haven't beat ayre yet]
>killed all the arena guys
>still cant use their cope paste loadouts
Do I not get access to their stuff till g+?
A lot is unlocked in NG+ and ++, yes.
Also dodge behinf Ayre under her right arm whenever she dashes in.
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I am away from my computer at the moment, but I feel compelled to share my purchase despite my phone eating the resolution
Are you using hard lock?
Idk and her bullshit jjba stand keeps getting me
Almost killed the bitch at 25% health
So you have played the entirety of NG....without actually learning how hard lock on works? Hard lock will keep her on screen 99% of the time.
Thank you, I was yelling FUCK YOU NIGGER YOU'RE DEAD and the fireworks masked it
No I just killed the bitch and started ng+
Nta, I played through all of NG and NG+ without using hardlock. I didn't realize it broke when you move the camera so I never realized how to use it properly. Ayre was a pain in the ass though and I had to look it up for her. I felt stupid afterward.
Awaiting the HD pic
very good
Ayre is NOT a bitch.
ORTUS should've had a coral generator, thematically.
beat project phantasma
i regret cheesing most of the arena with the closed off cave because the final boss forced me to actually learn how to play the game and it was thrilling
the campaign probably would have been difficult (and not fun because of all the closed hallways with no room to maneuver) if i didn't use god finger but it was a fun power trip
onto master of arena
Does anyone here have the ranked screen song from AC6? Idk how to extract it from the game and typing "ranked" into any search ruins said search with tier lists.
This one?
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>vinyl extra tracks finally available for purchase on web
>only on jp music site
>any country that isn't japan can't buy
I already have the FLAC from an anon who posted it here, but I just want observed equilibrium for completion sake
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>got all 3 endings
>beat all the arena jobbers
>still cant use half of all preset loadouts
Is there a guide for ng+++ secret chests?
AC6 should be the only game without a 6: ____. It's a good game but it's very flawed in many ways and I'd rather see them put in the effort to revamp it completely. I hope some jap AC autsists managed to get their words to From's ears and actually convince them of what in the game is doggy door doo. The sekiro bar, short range and sticky lock on makes it feel like a character action game with guns, and not like armored core.
Something AC6 doesn't get praised anywhere near enough for is the perfectly streamlined build menu. I'm replaying AC3 after nearly two decades and I'm loathing the shit about how everything is hidden behind sub-menus. Many stats have no explanation and require a website to explain them, such as Calorific Value for Generators.
Some of the menu controls are a little awkward in AC6 but you're right it's by far the best it's ever been.
Disagree, you can do major overhauls with an expansion. Nexus and Last Raven all use 3 as a framework and change up multiple core mechanics.

You could easily expand upon AC6 with a new line of FCS that deal with longer ranges via a new stat metric, update the older ones to have a bit more variance, along with proper sniper rifles.
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i like most of the parts, though. i might think very poorly of specific parts sets but AC6's strong point is in its visuals and it'd be a shame to waste it all for another reset.
the only problem with making a sequel is that RaD is wiped out in all endings and the rest of the Rubiconian corporations are wiped out in another ending. so depending on what From goes with, there might need to be some really creative asspulls for a sequel.
besides that, all they've got to do is to rebalance stagger like Last Raven rebalanced heat, and then add more interesting LC-tier MTs so that the game isn't just a musou title outside of bossfights. more parts would help, too. oh, and bossfights with armor like the JUGGERNAUT, SMART CLEANER and CATAPHRACT are kinda ass to fight so they should either be more generous with hitboxes or just throw out the concept entirely
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Like all the classics on this recommendation chart.
Needs more American influence.
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