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Coming in early july
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Clearer version.
Isn't this just that short story they announced before? It's not an OVA.

>5 to 15 minute minor animation for a single fight, basically glorified commercial for some new model kit
>20 to 30 minute animation, basically an add-on episode to the TV series
>??? actual fucking properly budgeted multi-episode story that is separate from the TV series
CG mecha short.
>george is in
God fucking damnit.
There's absolutely nothing wrong about George.
CG mecha because Sunrise is dead
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George did nothing wrong.
He's Neo French
I'm sure it's not an OVA
Yes, and?
I look forward to seeing George again.
He doesn't look like it
There's everything wrong with george, easily the most useless and forgettable G character.
We were robbed of getting a Jorge and the Tequila gundam as a member of the shuffle alliance.
Argo was more forgettable and useless than George.
Argo is the second best Shuffle association character that isn't Domon. First being Sai, of course.
Sex with George.
It's a fucking novel.
Kinda fucked up we live in the timeline the CG route was a preferable option.
It's a web novel.
But since OP says it is going to be some OVA OP will need to provide us with solid proof.
Safe edgy
It is a novel on the Dark Shuffle Alliance. There will be illustrations though.
What are the chances of it getting translated? That G Gundam the Origin thing never did.
Considering its a new release there is option of paying zeonic to tl it. I reckon he takes requests based on the patreon money.
I know it's not a perfect option, but realistically, noone else will likely do that.
He had the coolest gundam
No new Gundams?
Nice, but then again Gundam bas garbage after garbage after Gundam 00
Somebody go hunting for Domon, Kyoji and Master Asia's dub VAs.
Go back to Algeria.
Sounds based.
Swarthy hands typed this.
Since no one's posted the translated synopsis
>Before the opening ceremony of the 13th Gundam Fight Final Tournament, Domon and his friends, who have become the new Shuffle Alliance, are asked by Gundam fighters from each country about the intention of the succession, and are at a loss for an answer. With no answer, the opening of the final tournament is announced with a demonstration by Master Asia and Domon. Then five mysterious Gundams appear and call themselves "Dark Shuffle"...
>the DARK shuffle alliance
Wow they couldn't come up with anything better? It's not like this project is a rush job they had 30 years.
I am actually swarthy and uncircumcised.
>it's a prequel
>but domon is already buddies with the shuffle alliance and they'll do some kind of team up
>five new evil Gundams for them to fight
Sounds like this is basically a Gundam Evolve short.
anon I hate to break it to you, but they don't actually care about G Gundam and this is just a token celebration to get you to buy the God Gundam for the 5th time.

Remember to place your order for a $120 Gundam Rose and Gundam Maxter from scalpers because we released main character Gundams as P-Bandai instead of regular ones.
Did you even watch G?
It’s monkey’s paw time.

What’s your favourite Mobile Fighter that’ll be forgotten with no new kit?
It's 5 minutes before the finals start.
It’s not a fucking animation. They say right there it’s a short story you dense fuck
>new kit
>implying the meme gundams like Nether or Zebra ever had a first one
They still haven't released HG Bolt or Dragon so those are almost certainly up first. Rising is probably the one most likely to get attention after those, if any.
Who’s ass did you pull that out of?
Why didnt they try and make another Super Robot Gundam? I doubt anyone wouldnt love a hot blooded action packed series that goes the universe.
Seed Freedom
Mighty Strike Freedom, Destiny spec 2 and Infinite Justice type 2 are all super robots
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Build Fighters and related shows are the closest things to spiritual sequels to G Gundam in this franchise IMO.
>Find an already built MG Rezel Commander Type.C
Should I get it? Its dirt cheap.
Rezel Commander is my favorite Gundam Fighter
It just isnt that Super Robot like Getter and TTGL
He said hot blooded, not babby's first totally not failed fujobait turned late UC clone.
....but enough about code geass
Isn't that basically Build Fighters Try? Pretty clear G Gundam inspiration on it
No Imagawa, no watch.
they did, it's called a wakening of the trailblazer
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Is this part of that GWX celebration announcement they did few months ago?
can we expect and OVA for Wing and X too?
Good news, he wrote it.
Think they'll show the new characters/designs of the Dark Shuffle gundams next week?
No because there’s no OVA. OP is a gigantic faggot
It's not an OVA, it's spinoff written by series director Yasuhiro Imagawa. It will be serialized on the official G Gundam website starting July 5th
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Why has SUPER CLASS never been translated?

It's an official G remake by Imagawa, but nothing
It’s not the same as visually seeing it
Wow those are ugly
Wing will likely get a new release but I believe the gundam x celebration was cancelled unfortunately
Don't start with pulling shit from your ass you twatwaffle.
Didn't get the "X got cancelled" joke baka
>doesn't know about xspammer
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So apparently this isn't an interquel but a sequel?
Would you prefer the american?
i guess they don't wanna overlap with the Brave Series since it's already their niche.
if it was cleanly built, go for it. then fix/modify it later.
And then the Brave series stopped producing TV anime shows after GGG.
I'll give the novel a chance.
But he's literally the worst one
Every day
How can you hate George this much? Hes boring at worst, and I guess his Gundam looks the silliest.
Maybe he just hates French people with a burning passion.
They can get Katoki to fix it in animation. Or whomever was the shadow mecha designer redoing the original G Gundam lineart designs for animation.
That's understandable.

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