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Japanese fans have spoken.
What tiny magazine did you get this from? The amount of votes is hilariously small
Character polls are never a measure of the audience taste outside of who's autistic enough to care to vote
No Lulu?
#5 needs to hit the gym. he doesn't look manly at all.
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the numbers are always like that, it's animedia who has a bigger voting pool
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>Japanese fans have spoken.
You mean CyGames money rigged votes have spoken?
Imagine losing to a cat.
Cygames doesn't have the money to rig polls.
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That cat is about to drop a V-max on you.
The Character ranking thread.
character popularity polls are sent by mail, not online.
That Mokkori staying power.
will ever someone continue the ranking, from 2015 to 2020 or we have to wait 2025
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>Bored Japanese housewives have spoken.
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women are keeping alive your fandom in japan, just deal with that.
V-Max, Hatsudo.
More like keeping these shitty obsolete magazines alive
cry more
Leave butt hurt anon alone, probably his favorite guy isn't there.
>V-Max Cats-Do
It's most likely a waifufag/coomer. It's those types who keep seething over Bravern.
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Always have been.
But the waifufags and coomers have Lulu and the other Bravern females to coom over.
What a retarded take. It seems you've never bought a Japanese anime mag in your life.
>Otomedia pool
Now post the Newtype pool.
Buy the magazine yourself.
Is Bang bravern G-woke but with male? Isami is like Suletta, Smith is like Miorine, and it has conscious robot like Aerial. Who is Guel equivalent in bravern?
Gbitch wishes.
No, it's Madoka of the mecha genre.

lmao. it's worse at being yuri than a kyoani shit show
Most magazines sell in probably the tens of thousands a month. Weekly shounen jump is just the most popular magazine by far.
if you want to go full retard there, smith is both eri and suletta and miorine is isami. guel equivalent is lulu since she pilot the rival robot.
but it's more >>22701457 like anon said.
both shows have in common only 1 thing, which is the focus on the main duo since the beginning. and it ends here, the supporting cast has its own dignity one big example is lulu.
Two series are very different, I don't know why you came up the idea like that..
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Guel x Sulletta should have been the OTP from the start. I'm still laughing at the old men at Bandai who wanted to make a female-targeted Gundam.
Note to the delusional corporate geezers: Twitter trannies are not women.
Precure characters sure get in the top 10 quite consistently.
I think it is one of the only yearly series currently. Pretty much everything else is either an eternal or a single/double cour seasonal.
there is always conan, a precure and the fucking cat
How does Precure manage to maintain its yearly format in the era of single cour anime?
It makes money from other things, the big franchise it is, from merch to pasting their characters over ramune bottles and ice cream.
it's the same concept of gundam, a show to sell toys (and other kind of merch), but more successful because it's more marketable than robots
>but more successful because it's more marketable than robots
A sad state of affairs on robots.
Just like how Kamen Rider and Super Sentai makes money by selling toys, Precure figured out that they can make shittons of money through merchandising, branding, etc.
But unlike similar franchises but aimed for boys, girls don't buy that many toys. So they sell accessories and such. They even have the Pretty Holic brand to sell makeup to children.
It hits a demo (little girls who like action) that nobody else even tries to target.
Also it's not an otaku show, kids shows like Shin-chan and One Piece also get to keep going forever so long as they make money.
Green haired girls are quite powerful.
Nah, Guel x Suletta don't work at all and it's gay, btw you should post the top 1 Miorine (while Suletta was top 2), Anon, Suletta is only fine to put her wife at the top 1.

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