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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22700049
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Post what you're working on!
Bandai only really cares about their home market and nobody would even dare to think about printing and selling unlicensed accessories for gunpla in Japan because the japanese worship copyright laws
Woohoo, black Woundy!
they absolutely do print their own stuff, but selling them is a bit rarer yes
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Will you getting a Zeta III?
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Anyone have experience with in era kits? Kinda want to get this guy and paint him up in proper justice colours
I fucking hate the chinese
nah, I want a 1/100
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It is a pale imitation of peak
Dammit bros I can't decide if I should get extra Nightseeker II's just for the hopes that it'll come with the Nightseeker I parts. I feel like why wouldn't it since it's like 90% the same kit, but knowing Bandai they'll personally fuck me over.
Study the runner layout of Nightseeker I to calculate how likely it is for them to leave the parts in
What the hell ever happened to the gunpla Metaverse? I felt like it blew up for a couple days where I heard people talking about it everywhere, then it just completely disappeared. Did it die before it even took off? I want to play gunpla battle with my custom builds dammit.
it was THAT bad
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New Chinkino alert.
why is my destiny anorexic?
Wasn't it just the laziest execution of such a thing they could have possibly done paired with terrible optimization for how it looked? I would imagine people just saw the mess, nothing was worth remembering, and they forgot about it.
how come they only make spiky gundams? where are the rounded designs and mono-eyes?
every single version of the concept has been a massive failure, bandai was even late to the party which made it worse
What line is it from?
I already have one.
I didn't like any of those Evolve Zetas.
seems to be the same line as this guy
hi frens I just started my first mg, and I realized I only have 320 and 3000 grit sandpaper (I can't find the in-betweens)
what grits should I be using for sanding? I stopped on the first page because I don't want to go any farther without the right stuff. I'm planning on painting the whole thing if it matters
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this is the one I went with btw
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Which do you prefer for 1/144 S-Gundam, HG Revive or RG?
I think it'd be big enough that an rg wouldn't be too bad, but I wouldnt trust the transformation especially in the hip area since it splits into top and bottom flyers, probably would want a partsforming hg
either is fine, really
HG, how is this even a question
EG obviously
RG would be fucking awesome, easy question
is it based on the regular revive or UC 0088 version?
The jms stuff is really good quality but it's not cheap enough for me to justify buying it. I don't want to pay regular HG price for a bootleg of any MS. Psycho-Blade in the OP was $4cad with random ass discounts, just low enough to justify having to sand every single piece lol
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It was based of base limited so probably revive version
Where did you see that? Half of the listings when searching sinanju stein etc are mugs.
will chinks ever release a kit that's not riddled with spikes (aside from Glory)?
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still a lot of X'es, but not as egregious as the OVA version where you throw a whole sprue except for a couple of small parts!
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OVA's parts list for comparison
wait so it doesn't have all of the OVA's runners? laaame, spare parts are good
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>Why yes, I am a SIMP: SUPER INDOORS MEN PRO. How could you tell?
Whose video is this? Please don't let it be the faggot.
>don't let it be the faggot.
That does not narrow it down
Crafta Channel's
Oh good, it's not him.
I know who he's talking about
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Snapped this up
Pretty conflicted, I want to buy it because it's named after my favorite Knight of the Round table, but the design is pretty meh to me.
the head gear ended up being so light colored in the end product, the promo pics made it look far darker
Why do HGs have safety nubs?
what i've heard (from random internet retards, so could be wrong) is that it helps to prevent injection failure (e.g. bubbles) in the tips. they get around it on rg/mg by injecting at a higher pressure. i guess injecting at higher pressure requires more expensive mould tooling and other stuff so they only do it with their higher end grades?
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Insomnia last night had me finally start my 1/35 Zeta bust. Other than some flash and trimming the channels for wiring it's been bretty kino.
Honestly depends on the kind of plastic but you can get sets of files at various grits from hobby stores or amazon or whatever
I usually go from 600-3000 or go ham with a glass file
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That was fun to build. But my God movable hands are delicate as fuck.
Well if the previous release was anything to go by it's not going to be very expensive, no more than a regular HG kit. No reason not to get it and change it to your liking.
beautiful hand.
The moveable hands suck ass. Fuck bandai for those.
Thanks I grew it myself
Because hgs are marketed to younger kids and the Japanese government doesnt want them stabbing themselves
Why is it so whelming?
MG GP01 still needs an update. Ver.KA or Ver.2.0?
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Mg hygogg when cowards, need to get some chinese companies on it if bandai wont
RE/100 :)Q
Katoki worked on stardust memory so I’d be inclined to give him a shot at some of the kawamori designs
That boat sailed 20 years ago.
Imagine we get mg gp02 ver ka just after getting the chink one.
Any Brazilians around? I need some help.
What are our alternatives to Gaia Notes or Mr. Color lacquer paints now that a 10ml bottle costs a ludicrous $15?
Car paint maybe?
I don't know of any Brazilian lacquer paint brands.
Do Brazilians just not use lacquer paints?
What the fuck do artists use around here??
This is insanity.
A small bottle of paint should not cost 15 bucks...
I know this hobby is expensive but this is taking it to a whole other level.
Geminass flashbacks
Testament was a thing, though I believe the bootleg was based off the metal build right?
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Is this a lacquer paint?
Found a pretty good deal on this chink brand but have no idea if it's lacquer, acryllyc, pre-thinned, etc...
In china Hygoggs are a delicacy and a common ingredient in traditional chinese medicine
Testament was pbandai though so we needed a bootleg anyway.
The boy is almost done
Speaking of bootlegs/3rd party I really hope the seed freedom popularity leads to more companies trying to do 1/100 destiny and akatsuki designs because the daban mb destiny and the dragon momoko akatsuki look like shit
they're literally the best for what they are, never once have had any issues with them other than a finger popping out a few times since the release of the MG Nu ver ka. just don't ham hand them.
fuck I want it
It wants you
DM Akatsuki is literally the only good looking tsuki
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The head looks like shit, the chest is too boxy, the thrusters on the legs extend out too far, the feet are too long and Im 90% sure the striker packs are just copied off the no-grade
>MGEX Strike
>Best anything
Stop simping for this billion dollar small family company.
God the gaeon’s backpack is so cool, I want to use it in a custom but idk what suit would fit it well
Bro he was just talking about hands chill
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does the qubeley colour scheme work on any other mobile suit?
Qubeley Mk-II
anon likely means mechagaikotsu
Probably wouldnt look bad on a dom
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Anyone here owns an ultrasonic cleaner?
Want to buy one and my final selection came down to these 3.
Looks chinese, don't see why it wouldn't work. It just shakes water.
You want one with degas
what do you plan to use it for?
You probably don't need one unless you do resin kits
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I crave the MG
I don't understand why the MG hasn't been reprinted in 10 years.
Left looks better
Probably because it fucking sucks honestly.
The MG victory was reprinted like last year
And why does it "fucking suck" ?
Are you sure? Looks kinda shitty even for a snap build
That was the V2.
Bad proportions and bad engineering.
proportions are a meme, no mobile suits have humanlike proportions
>Bad proportions
Dude it’s literally made by the guy who designed that gundam
>bad engineering
It’s literally ver. Ka…
I didn't think I could get you to actually explain what's wrong with it.
Weird you think it's humanlike I care about, it's actually about design accuracy.
And? His design or not it's got his classic era of "give everything long legs and the same basic bodily proportions" from the 2000s to mid 2010s. Compare it to his other V designs.
>literally ver. Ka
Yeah, so was the Crossbone X-1. Both were ambitious projects. Both were, broadly, not very good as a result. The V's excessively fiddly and fragile. The V2, a still flawed model, is better than it in every way. It is deserving of a second kit.
anon it's a scratch build that's virtually identical to the smaller kit
and that's not victory you troglodyte
I usually go from 400 to 800 then 1200 and if there is still a mark I go with a glass file. Works everytime.
imma be honest the legs aren't really much longer, and if anything they're thicker to boot
the neck is shorter but I can't say I hate that
why do we still have a shitter insisting a 3d model kit must perfectly reflect a 2d art (which is impossible btw) when that hasn't even been the focus of Bandai since before the shitter was born?
>The V's excessively fiddly and fragile
>The V2, a still flawed model, is better than it in every way.
Ok this is bait. The v2 is way worse with parts falling off when you move it, poor articulation, shit joints…
Ugh. I will snag this one soon. I became tired of the Strike Freedom after having the HG and MG for so long that the MGEX wasnt appealing to me. Now that I keep on seeing how gorgeous it is. I will get one for sure.
>Finally got my hands on an Assault Buster V2

I cant wait for it to arrive.
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No bait, I've built two of each. The V-Dash is in the parts bin now for the most part though. V2 is a better kit and V2AB especially is much better.

The legs are a lot longer and the calves and knees are less fat too.
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Not him, but there are several designs which lost a lot of appeal in the transition to 3D that I wish would have been a bit closer to the lineart.
Weird assumptions but also just worthless running your mouth, the HGUC is more accurate, as is the case with a lot of models. It's not impossible to achieve. They achieve it with RDs all the time, too.
I see no difference between the HG and the MG in this picture beyond the HG being a smaller scale and the extra blue on shoulders.
>why do we still have a shitter insisting a 3d model kit must perfectly reflect a 2d art (which is impossible btw)
Why can't the model kit at least retain the correct proportions?
the only difference I'm seeing is that MG's feet are bigger
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Yeah it isn't a particularly huge difference between modern kits, neither want to give it fatass legs.
and the pods open too!
Is this chinkino?
Really tempted to buy this...

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I've made my choice.
Will buy this one.
0.8L capacity, 60w sonic power and has degas
Will posts tests after it arrives in a month
Main purpose will be for resin kits and stripping paint
Where's your artifact V2, little man
Please stop. This isn’t “good”. It’s lazy and overrun with stickers
Artifact kits are really hit or miss for me but I wouldn't mind getting the more recent one with Pallas
The only stickers here are the crotch, the eyes and the shield. Wanna post yours to compare, friend?
They won’t. That’s how this works
The Shokew looks so damn good
Kondo Zeta plz p-bandai
>and stripping paint
I hope you mean something like simple green
Ultrasonic cleaner plus IPA is a bomb recipe
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I would fear an RG version because they would try to force it to transform which would make it as fragile as the RG Zeta.

A HGUC Revive that didnt transform and concentrated on making the proportions better than the original HGUC S Gundam would be much more prefered. Needs waterslides for the shoulder markings, too.
All 30 different versions of it too
The RG Zeta? The one from 10+ years ago? You’re fucking high if you don’t think RGs improved in that much time.
It'll be first ever RGEX
The difference between these two from an engineering and care standpoint is nuts
G-Reco line is fucking eclectic
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>Will never get an MG.
>Ultrasonic cleaner plus IPA is a bomb recipe
Why come?
Heat + agitation + volatile flammable gases = boom
No the rx-78-2 will be the first rgex
If I’m trying to get a metallic finish but my gloss black base isn’t glossy enough, can I just put clear gloss over the black and before the metallic layer to make it more shiny?
using 2k urethane clear between black and chrome for a perfect mirror finish is pretty common, but it will also make your paint coat significantly thicker
G-Self HG is... not average for its time
G-Arcane HG is an all around very well designed kit
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What are you talking about? The Perfect G Self is amazing. The Arcane was trash
Arcane and most others good, Self not good
Are the G-Reco movies any good?
not as good as the show but still excellent
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Slightly better versions of the TV series.
Slightly more comprehensible than the show but don't forget to brew some coffee. New animation in the later films is incredible.
Why come? They’re still directed by tomino and the total runtime is almost as long as the show itself right?
the duality of man
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based dalong
Dumbed down from the show and it suffers for it. Film 1-3 has somehow worse pacing. 3 has a new scene or two but is missing some really good ones that got cut. 4 has almost an hour of new footage. 5 is mostly the same with dumbed down dialogue that sounds weird
they recut some things and a handful of rather important dialogue scenes are replaced with simplified versions that pretty much just outright tell the viewer what is happening, but it's not really impactful overall
plus, the new animation is the absolute best in all of Gundam
The right thing to do is watch the show then the movies but if that sounds too much just watch the show AND the 4th movie. All you need to know is that the armies are retarded and the show is basically an intergalactic road trip.
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How are these really old kits? I was looking at the Aggu but I can't find much about it.
I wish the chinks made a knock off of the P-Bandai Nightseeker so I can remake the original GM for cheaper.
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This is my entire paint collection for now.
Any obvious colors I'm missing? Stuff I have too much or too little off?
I paint like 1 MG per month.
Stupid mindset
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why are people saying its hard to find G-Reco kits? we are like swimming in shit around here
That’s literally a recent reprint
Forgot to explain the reason behind my mindset.
It's highly illegal to import lacquer paints on my country and because it's a small country there's no such thing as hobby stores where paint is easily available. I only get to buy paint once every 6 months when I travel to Japan.
where is "here"? it sold out immediately near me
Shit, that reminds me apparently a bunch of states in the US are starting to ban the thinner/and or oil based finishes needed for some wood finishes.
Not counting reprints from two months ago? Good luck finding any of Nick’s machines
as a certified /gpg/ chad, i'd say they should regress to 80's moulding. only reddit likes greeble and verka slop
Only the G-Self Perfect Pack ever gets retail reprints, and it sells out pretty quickly.
Seed MG's with Okawara proportions would had been KINOOOOOOOO. bandai really denied us that just to appeal to reddit.
>only 1 bottle of each
So what do you do when you paint something bigger and you need more than 1 bottle of a specific color
Bandai denied that because nobody wants fat, boxy robots anymore and the kits would shelfwarm.
what would you recommend for a brushable base coat? got a lot of those see through colordd parts I don't want to spray over, and I don't want to start painting every piece right off the runners
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>Seed MG's with Okawara proportions would had been KINOOOOOOOO
This thread is really fucking obsessed with fat dumpy retard robots huh
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Bandai only reprinted Perfect Pack while the rest haven't got a reprint. I want Jahanam damn it!
I’m so mad I lost my Space Nick version
Understandable have a nice day
Haha i see what you did there
Never painted anything bigger than an MG
for the sake of accuracy, we have to. please understand.
lol ok basic bitch bandai faggot. paint a real kit like fss.
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i should probably try painting this before I ruin my mg huh
nice digits
Bros… my sister told me my Gundams hobby is no better than collecting funko pops… it’s fucking over
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GTMs are fucked up, honestly makes it almost feel like a waste to buy recasts because you'll still spend more on paint than you did on your bootleg kit.
I think the Nemo (green) is really cute
funko pops don't require any thought nor do they demand creativity or motor skill. model kits are more like sheets of paper to be folded into interesting shapes or drawn on or painted to express whatever the creator wants. if one buys a funko pop, presumably all you do it take it out of the box and put it on a shelf, whereas with a model kit there's a lot more work involved and that work is satisfying to engage with and a healthy way to be creative. It's like comparing buying a statue with making a statue, you may end up with a statue in the end but the path you take getting there is wildly different. ur sister is being a teleological retard
Thanks anon. I’ll tell her that next time she says something.
snapshitting a HG is not creative
But those are ugly
Why the fuck would you ever listened to your sister's opinion?
>listening when a hole opens her mouth
Cool, what's her onlyfans?
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Finally finished my group build submission and then realized.. his stand hole is for some reason a rectangle when all my stands have circular pegs.
what is this, an ewac for ants??

>that didnt transform and concentrated on making the proportions better

For things that have transformation gimmicks manufacturers have enough data to know that the proportion of consumers who would not buy because it doesn't transform is greater than the number of consumers who would buy without the transformation. Which sucks because that we're always to get some parts forming thing even for a HG these days that ups the SRP. So RG would definitely transform.
There should be an adapter. Most of the action base stands comes with a few.
No the bootleg they just based it off artwork which is why it doesn't feature the high heels found on the actual version.
that actually makes DM's Testament the most accurate portrayal of the suit in gunpla form.
True or false: if you’re using lacquers you can skip the first tacky coat and just blast on wet coats?
Fuck her in the asshole until she validates your hobby.
go away leyley
try it and see how it turns out
Depends on the pigments
lol no. regardless of the material, always mist the first coats until you get a uniform distribution. you can only go for wet at the final application.
Gave the girl a new coat of color to have her fit in with the boy
Neat! I got this Arcane second hand but it still had the beam wire included!
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I love this gorgeous kit so much.
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New GTM just dropped
Yikes lol
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>summer comes
>influx of snapshitters posting sideways pictures of their garbage
Every fucking time. Mechagaikotsu has been a disaster for the hobby.
How have water based paints not basically managed to replace lacquers when they're good enough to spray cars with? Modern acrylic polyurethane should be just as good as hobby lacquers at this point, surely?
Posting with an iphone sucks.
Duelrager did more damage to mecha hobbies than her. Still waiting on Psycho Gundam Mark 2 to come out.
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Painting gunpla with automotive paint yay or nay? Anyone here ever done it?
Enjoy wrecking your kit.
Daban kits will surely survive a little bit of automotive paint?
Daban does what bandaion't
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Sorry. Sometimes I forget to reset that. Have my progress for tonight as compensation
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flips do it, not recommended but doable

auto spray paint cans have higher concentration of solvent so it will kinda melt your kit or a least turn it to a mushy piece.

you have to coat it with a good primer/surfacer that will prevent damage

or if not, you can spray it from far away so the pieces dont get damaged, you mist the gunpla, so it doesnt get damage unlike hobby paints that you basically get the peice upclose to your airbrush

for more information, theres a facebook group that paint their gunpla with car paints
>good enough to spray cars with
Have you ever closely looked at the average car paintjob? It wouldn't hold up to hobbyist standards
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heres the afformentioned facebook group that paints their gunpla with car paints
I did when I was a kid, spraypainting the old Wing kits with automotive spray cans from Walmart. Certainly didn't melt them. Looked like shit because I was a retarded 10 year old but no reason it'd have to.
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Just fucking make a Ver. Ka of these two please.
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She's right only if you don't paint.
Funkoniggers are more insane the you think, they don't even go as far as taking them out of the box.
It's weird seeing funkotrash follow the exact same trend beanie babies did, but somehow worse.
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Fuck. Every. Step. Of. This. Build. Period.
Why did Bandai fucking drop the ball on the G-Self when every other HG reguild kits were perfectly servicable?
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I love the Zeta Ver. Ka, that is all
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For me it's maximum chunkiness
What's so bad about it?
>elbow can't bend to 90 degrees
>thigh joint requires modification to let you fucking rotate it at the base of hips
>plenty of hollowed out space that you have to fill up with a vast majority of them being fucking deep
>absurd amount of seam lines for a kit that's fairly modern
>god awful color separation even though some parts can get away being made in two or three sub assemblies like the fucking shoulder
I'm thinking of buying a Zeta and giving it a paintjob, though I'm not sure what colors I should go for
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Question: How likely is it for H*bby L*bby to stock the MG ZZ? I've wanted one for a while, and one of my local hobby shops has had it in stock for a few weeks, but I have such a huge backlog that I can afford to wait.
Damn, that does sound awful. Maybe it'll get a Revive or an RG or something in 20 years.
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>Maybe it'll get a Revive or an RG or something in 20 years
not in the absolute fucking current state of Bandai. Fucking corpo kikes refuse to redo kits that are outside of UC and SNEED, and even then they just fucking churn out FOTM kits or the hottest new thing of that season then forgets about it.
because lacquer solvents don't affect ABS and Daban plastic are mostly that they easily die against panel liners though
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>theres a facebook group that paint their gunpla with car paints
Do you have a link?

I've been looking into this, and it seems like South Americans also use polyester-based automotive paints for their Gunpla. I'm following this Ogawahobby guy on Instagram, and it looks like all his builds use automotive paints. Not sure if his stuff looks as good as lacquers, but it's definitely better than acrylics.
just decant and thin them properly. They're really good if sprayed from an airbrush.
This cursed kit. I hate it so much. Why wont they reprint it.
Simply in awe at the absolute size and GIRTH of this lad.
the flip team that painted the recent GMKC champion uses automotive paints. that ultra shiny finish is very hard to achieve in acrylic, even lacquers.
What's your backlog looking like /gpg/? I have too many kits piling up.
6 Hg Scopedogs and 1 Burglarydog.
Nobody even brought up D*el before you did so the fact you're bringing him up or his made-up bogeyman tells me you're just shitting up this thread. Second
Stop going into threads you clearly know nothing about and making comments on people you clearly do not know about. Thirdly
>Still waiting on Psycho Gundam Mark 2 to come out
D*el was very vocal about how little he cared about the merch side of the mecha genre and unironically found Funko Pops more appealing than Gunpla. If you're going to roleplay as him get your character right.

Last but not least, fuck off with your shitpost spam. As much as Luxembourg Anon shits these threads up with his fecal matter posts, at the very least he posts models rather than the same frog and virgin spam.
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This is the current most sold item on aliexpress under the gunpla hobby section
I don't get it
What's even the purpose of this
I bought the Barbatos and the Expansion Parts, so I'm gonna get around to that this weekend
turning all those cardboard boxes into dioramas?
Mostly kits that I want to paint. Ive been building alot of HG kits and ordering more to experiment with.
For Polyestherene sheets and making custom parts
Snapshitter here.
A "friend" wants to sell me 1 liter of pre-thinned (yellow, blue, black, red and green) mr.color paint for $100.
I think it's a pretty good deal considering 10ml of mr.color seems to cost $5. Worth it?
Anons keep saying gaia multi-primer is the best so I bought a bottle and was about to test it but then... I noticed this shit is transparent, it's completely clear
My brain is glitching right now
I thought this shit was supposed to be gray?
How am I supposed to know I used it right if it's clear?
Can I add some color to it?
you still have to slap on a proper primer after that thing dries. It basically acts as a barrier to prevent lacquer based primers from eating away at your ABS plastic, or for stuff where regular paint struggles to take grip. Also really popular primer for garage kit builders
I wouldn't trust any paint that I didn't personally mix/thin since I don't know the ratios or even if the proper type of thinner was used. But I'm a snob.
You're saying garage kit builders do:
1. gaia multi-primer
let it dry
2. normal primer like mr base white 1000, surfacer 1000, etc...
let it dry
3. finally start painting

Couldn't I just

1. gaia multi-primer
let it dry
2. gaia multi primer mixed with a bit of mr.color gray paint
let it dry
3. start painting

or that's not the purpose of gaia multi-primer?
I wouldn't really suggest mixing it with something else really. Also give this channel a look, he basically use that thing for the majority of his GKs
I fucking hate that this shit won. Especially over the Yakuza tattoo entry. This is the most bland, lifeless shit. This shouldn't even be in the running.
is that supposed to be an atoll
I think I get it
Was just watching this video and it's exactly like you said, pretty useful to protect shit like polycaps
isn't Gaia multiprimer popular because it was designed to stick on anything, making it the only primer that allows you to paint polycaps?
the reason why they put a white base color before painting on it so the plastic underneath doesn't bleed through the color. like if you paint red on top of black, the color will result on a darker red/maroon. it's not a problem on dark colors like gray or black though.
judging criteria in OOB competitions like GMKC is heavily biased on build quality. while the tattooed Unicorn was the most creative entry there, the Neo Zeong won it because it was built perfectly and the paint job was almost spotless.
Kek so most of them are wasting their time doing creative works and all they have to do is make some ultra shiny painted kit.
Yes, that's pretty much one of it's use. If you're painting RG kits you'd definitely want some multi-primer, or resin kits even.
>Especially over the Yakuza tattoo entry
It was technically impressive but it looked like shit.
>or resin kits even
You don't need multiprimer for resin kits unless you're building coomer shit
Currently I have Blazing Gundam, HG MKIII and soon I'll receive Guntank Early Type
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I want to do some chipping (picrel) to a model kit, but I have some questions. I'm painting it red and gold, for chipping at each paint, what color should I use? Dark brown and a bit of silver for the red, but what about the gold? Should I use something else?
I'll also put decals, AFAIK, decals go before weathering, but decals also go after topcoating. Would it be a problem if I put te decals without topcoating with gloss, once the chipping has been done? Any other advice I should know?
Saws are one of the most useful tools for custom work. Sawing off parts of pieces etc. Anytime you have to cut through a thick amount of plastic.
a kitchen knife can do the same thing
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USA chips or UK chips?
ironically not a single store on ali sells polystyrene sheets
it's all ABS sheets
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Why would someone buy almost the same exact kit twice?
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While doing nu's bazooka and rifle, started working on metal gear rex kit.
Ain't bad if you wanna know. Some have inner frame, while others don't. Ruling has alloy inner skeleton and plastic outside pieces. I have started working on Thunderbolt, but had to finish different kit first. Not bad for chink quality.
Does anyone know whether there are any resin kits or good quality third party kits inspired by earthree gundam?
I call the left one fries and the right one crisps so no one will get confused. Chips is computer chips.
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Stripe is crooked as fuck.
Turn Q Gundam would look neat.
>66k yen for this
Our Treasure are out of their fucking minds
He can't keep getting away with it
about 85 kits
>the only primer
a bunch of brands make the same thing. hobbimio, jumpwind, and finishers all have a multiprimer that's the exact same thing. there's also tamiya and mr hobby metal primers but they're kinda different, they accomplish a similar task but they're all sticky instead of drying actually dry like the other brands (so you can't use them in the way that coomer statue painters use multiprimer, but they're still good for priming polycaps/metal/etc)
Nagano wants his designs to be treated like art bought by adults who own homes and have high paying jobs, not mouthbreathers who live in 500/a month apartments with rows of snapped unpainted dust-covered gundam slopla.
>they accomplish a similar task but they're all sticky instead of drying actually dry like the other brands
gaia multiprimer is the stickiest of them all
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>massive backlog of shit
>still buying more kits to go with my backlogged kits because they would feel lonely without friends

The only one here I don't think I'm going to regret long-term is the Turn A, my only regret will be that I will probably have to wait a very long time before Turn X is reprinted. The only saving grace for me is that the pre-order means I'll have a few months to do some cleaning out of the backlog.
it'll be like 100 dollars on dc/ghs
I dunno where this reputation comes from, FSS kits are really not that expensive
This is just a simple case of a small business who hire freelance sculptors and outsource their casting to RC Berg not being able to keep up in terms of pricing with a massive fucking corporation like Volks
i acquired sand paper and am now on page 2 of my mg but it's time for bed :}
i think I need one of those mini saws and instead of using nippers to just saw close and sand to finish. I'm getting more chopping and less cutting with the nippers I think despite doing what the guide in the OP says and cutting far off at first before doing a second cut close to the part. i need filler putty and paint asap, I can't stand to see those little marks where the runner broke
thanks for reading my blog
>all that slop
Get some fucking taste jesus christ
get some single bladed nippers
>/gpg/ still lives rent free in snapshit's head
If you bought this kit, how would you salvage it?
finally someone with good taste here
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Throw it in the trash and buy an EZ-8 because apparently it's made by the same guy.
take the weapons and put the rest into a deep, dark box till I need scrap plastic
Post your box fort so we can all make fun of you.
Id beat the fr*nch to death with it
make it into a Full Armor MSV. This thing looks like a heavy armor gundam with the outer armor stripped away.
Y’all like it a little darker like this?
In my head I want to see the shoulder gun on something like a Dom/Dom Variant or a Desert Zaku
Find the nearest lesbian kike and forcefully insert it so far into her ass she chokes on it
it really is summer huh
For you maybe, westerner scum.
What kit is this?
hg g-arcane
from g-reco
5 god damn G-reco movies came out and not a single new kit was made. I doubt they’ll make any new G-Reco kits. SEED slop though, they’ll make a bajillion kits out of those shitty designs.
they barely reprinted anything too
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Did anybody buy the Destroy Gundam? I kind of want to but man is it massive.
anyone got experience with scratchbuilding weapon triggers/handles? I find it's tough to make a shape that sits well in the hand
Is it rare?
>another forced EX Gundam post
I don’t like it at all. Ugly design
right now? kind of. It's been ages since bandai reprinted G Reco kits outside of the Perfect Pack which is in abundance right now
kind of. hasn't been reprinted since like 2017 but it hasn't been explicitly discontinued and bandai still reprints kits from the 80s sometimes so it's going to get reprinted eventually
>abundance right now
haha, yeah...
Blasting fucking candy coat looks like shit. Tasteless fucking plebs.

Also "build quality". What fucking build quality? Most kits you could chew the fucking nubs off with your teeth, as long as you sand and blast it with paint it looks fine. Jesus Christ I hate these people even fucking more now.
I have a sick feeling in my stomach that this will probably be the aesthetic the live action movie would follow. Do we know anything about who is doing the design?
That’s because the design is trash, they know onlyG self sells
you should kill yourself already snapshit. Your mere existence is a waste of oxygen
Because he’s right? Arcane goofy limbs and hands are a full turn off
If you do either of the following
>flat solid colors
>candy coat
You didn't actually paint your model
post your painted kits
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>thought i would get it by my bday
>bday was last week and it was a shitty day
>box came in crushed
Well this is my first shink kit lets see how i fuck it up.
looks like a psycho gundam ripoff
Step 1: get rid of that retarded shield
every single bootleg I ever ordered came with an at least dented box, but so far not a single one had actual damage inside
I am considering getting this. I like how it looks with those tube led addons.
Wel thats pretty funny. Atleast the box itself was thick so nothing came damaged.
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I bought it with the led addon. Ignore the messy ass box since i was rummaging through it.
dirty boy
Is painting gunpla a dishonest practice? At the end of the day, you`re making the kit something that it`s not...
is cooking food a dishonest practice? At the end of the day, you`re making the meal something that it`s not...
But it’s a different shade of orange now. With contrasts
Is wearing makeup a dishonest practice? At the end of the day, you`re making the person something that it`s not...
you'll get laughed at there if they see scratches, orange peel, sink mark, seamline gaps, and gate marks on your work, so it's really not that simple.
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Happy Canada day! It is also the 5 year anniversary of P-bandai Canada!
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yes. painting model kits is stupid. you shouldn't fix seams or glue or paint any model kit, the manufacturer intended them to be the way they are out of the box
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in fact you shouldn't even cut plastic pieces off runners, the manufacturer put them on there for a reason and you're just making it something it isn't
those runners are painted though
no they're not
the voices in my head
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place your bets, MG when?
i'll shoot my balls if it's retail
lol never
screenshotted for toxx clause in 10 years
>taking the kit out of the box
that honestly looks pretty good
yes, and?
>another F90
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Began with this huckebein mk 3
Women are a dishonest practice anyway.
>Taking them out of the runners

Lol bunch of noob snapfaggots.
>overpaid for mk3 in preperation for boxer and gunnar
>boxer cums with mk3 anyway which further increases its price
Lol fucking asshole.
thoughts on mg rx-78-2 3.0? is it as bad as people say?
it's amazing
i wasn't talking about women
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Heads up. The tube can go fuck yourself. This is 10 minutes of me trying to JAM IT IN and im only 45% of the way in.
Yeah, I do recall reading in the reviews that it's not fun.
ok time to buy it thanks
Im tempted to use silicon oil but im afraid of fucking it up. This set with the base is cool and all but goddamn why.
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I bought this without the LEDs but from the pictures I've seen it looks really nice. Hopefully it ends up being worth all that hassle.
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now, if only the kit itself wasn't ugly as fuck
god I want a Stargazer MG
Th 2nd run kit doesnt have the gold fin/chest vent and prismatic blades (its clear now) anymore btw. You can obviously paint the parts but oh well.
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kinda baffled they made this a regular release while actual new shit like ReGZ 1.5 isn't
>actual new
compared to this? yes.
Wait seriously?
The gold lining all over it's body is still gold just not vents (leg vent too after i checked) and the fine. Honestly i like it better like this since it contrasts more. The clear blades obviously doesnt look as gopd but no skin off my bones since i dont like them
Fin* not fine. My fingers are dying from these gay ass tubes.
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oh nononononono ..... Narrative bros, what happened? shit is already 50% off
that's what you get for not including my fucking SECOND CORE FIGHTER
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I have the superior box fort ITT
You like FSS, don't you?
How can you tell?
I noticed that cheeky LED Mirage at the bottom
holy based
Thats good you will never be a woman anyway.
Its a regular release?
Narrative and Stein are both regular releases.
I have never seen you fags stack the boxes sideways which is the superior way.
Stack resin kits sideways and you're gonna have a bad time
How so? Never owned a resin kit so Im clueless.
gravity is stronger horizontally and the fragile resin kits are damaged from long exposure
>whole bunch of shit that's never going to get built
What a waste
Do you have the space to display all of those?
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Do you guys think painting the armor with plain metallic colors like this Mr color super metallic stainless steel looks good or nah?
What is the best Real Grade?
whichever looks coolest to you
Anything that came after rg unicorn. The stuff in between rg Exia and unicorn is mid, and the first RGs before the exia are worse than dogshit, with the rg mk ii excepted.
Arguably God Gundam for test bed.
No but that's not my problem.
What about the Epyon? good or overhyped?
if you like how it looks it's a good kit, simple as
I love my Zeong
It’s one of the new ones so it’s good.
The best real grade is ZZ, but you have to be patient
That one looks really cool, need to get it sometime
Stick to funko pops retard
>t. turbo hamhands
hello mechagaikotsu/reddit!
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Working on a custom painted EG Exceed Galaxy, Zeon themed (red and gold).
Interesting. I do see how the kit could seem fragile but it's really not an issue if you're not a ham hands retard
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Metal Build Zeta comming soon. The UC masturbation never stops.
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I don't make the handle removeable. If I have to, I'll chop up the hand and reposition the fingers. If I want to disarm the model, I replace the hand entirely.

For the pic, that hand was huge, so I was able to chop up the fingers and glue them to fit a cylinder. Just slide in the handle of the beam saber or replace it with a spear. If I wanted an empty hand, I'd just replace the entire hand.
The final boss of Unicorn franchise has alot more popularity than an obscure grunt. Gatekeeping it behind P-Bandai is just shooting yourself in the foot, especially when previous Sinanju Stein sold well. The whole ver Ka thingy in Japan is almost like a cult.
took 5 words before I knew you're a troll, you're slipping anon
I don't like RG as a whole because the line is full of boring suits but I'd say Tallgeese
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Several reviews pointed out that ReGZ Unicorn ver has alot of new molds. It just happens to resemble the old design because ofcourse, it is technically the same robot.
I'd keep the joints and maybe the rifle
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>Why does this popular MS, designed by a superstar designer, a retail release?!
Old RG bad! New RG good.
Why does this popular MS, designed by a superstar designer, a retail release?!
your first mistake is thinking Bandai makes economically logical choices
What ratio works for Levelling Thinner and Mr Surfacer 1500? I see people saying 1:1, 1:1.5, and 1:2
1:1. 1:2 is for midwits.
RG Gaogaigar. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar or has a vendetta against GGG for some insane reason.

>great detail
>great posing
>great joints
>actually transforms properly, no bullshit part swapping involved

It is unironically the best RG by miles.
>actually transforms properly, no bullshit part swapping involved
Well, it's a combiner so it's less impressive
>super robot slop with stickers for the windows lol
>best rg ever
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A lot of the main Gundam already got a RG kits but the rest that haven't
>Double Zeta
>Turn A
Unless you want include OVA
>Ground Gundam & EZ-8
Which one is most likely will get RG kits?
RG Hi Nu has sticker for the eyes, something even modern HG and EG have starting to dismiss, yet it is still being praised as one of the best RG. If you hate it then don't use it and paint the goddamn thing like a modeler should.
Should I get the thin Raser 1.5 or go straight to Plus?
Maybe they'll fit ground gundam on 2.0 RX78 frame.
>Turn A
These ones are least likely to get RGs imo. IBO HGs are already borderline RG with their inner frame gimmick and Turn A design wouldn't really benefit from all the greebles and part separation RG offers over HG
You need to work your way up. Start with the 1.5. Once you master that, go to the plus.
Go straight to plus, embrace the gouged plastic.
The thin one (origin) is all you need. The large one is too large for small areas that the origin can be used in. For even tighter spots with nubs the origin is somewhat lacking so I also use sanding sponges for those areas. If your hands are absolutely massive then I guess maybe the plus is for you, but if you have regular sized hands get the origin.
You can say HG IBO has inner frame, but that alone does not make them RG, not with that horrible color separation, badly designed polycaps placement for the arms and unrealistic melee weapon's size.
don't listen to >>22707591 he's shitposting, 1:2 is what everyone uses
Bullshit. Model transformation and combination is almost always dog shit compared to actual toys. This one is perfect in every regard.

Imagine outing yourself as a massive cum garging jizzwad, and then posting about it on a korean knitting forum.
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>Check Bandai's reprint schedule
>They will reprint this obscure shit
>And not Fullmetal Panic or G Reco HG line
I think you might have legitimate retardation, anon. Contact your gov't, you may be entitled to free tendies.
RGfags are always the first one to throw around the word " Snapshitter", which i find it to be funny and ironic.
I want to get an olfa because this shitty xacto leaves huge stress marks, but what olfa do I get? There's several art knives that all have some weird combination of letters/numbers in their name that don't really explain them well
Just because a specific AU is popular, does not mean everything debuted in it is popular. I bet you don't even remember that IBO has a grunt unit called Hloek Graze.
>Hloek Graze.
I remember.
Kit when bandai?
I’m a /fa/t fuck, would you recommend the big one or the small one if I have ham hands?
I suggest you stop eating you fat fuck
Probably Wing Zero tv, ZZ or Rising/Mighty Strike Freedom
Fingers crossed for RG ZZ. The HG is dated as fuck.
it's too reddit for /gpg/'s taste because of the added greenle compared to KINOOOO kits like the 1.0 or the 1/60's from the 80's
Honestly unless you have dexterity issues with holding something 3 popsicle sticks in thickness and 1.5 sticks in width and 0.75 in length, I'd go with the origin (smaller one) as it's just more useful overall because it fits between raised parts better. If you genuinely have snap pieces in half with your hands while assembling parts tier retard strength then consider the big one, but in all likelihood the smaller one will work.
Please don't be a model that transforms
Please don't be a model that transforms
Please don't be a model that transforms
The metal bed shit never stops more like it. Every metal build is an HG, MG, RG that we don't get.
That is why Goodsmile deserves some praises. They converted several action figures into modelkit.
>no Full Armor Hyaku Shiki Kai
>no Nemo III
Tamashii Nation and Bandai Hobby are not the same divisions
Unless they're different companies altogether, that's still budget and resources allocated to this bullshit.
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Why would anyone use this as a color scheme its so fucking ugly.
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>Bandai and Bandai are not the same company
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Imagine trying to paint Gundam Artifact figures.
Not much different from painting BattleTech stuff right?
They are around the same size.
>Could have used that design for a Revive version of Palace Athene
>Nah, make it a cheese colored miniature for Warhammerfags
I don't like our treasure's bang and magnapalace but tani ZAP is based
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GSI Creos themselves literally recommend 1:1
Overthinning primer is stupid, you just have to do more coats and get worse adhesion
>Every metal build is an HG, MG, RG that we don't get.
If they looked like metal builds I'm glad we don't get them
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I'm nearing the finish line on my GB project. Learned a lot and it's been really fun to pick up my brush and glue for making something new again. Still some parts to paint, and touchups to be done.
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Revive Zaku I Commander Type is almost ready for paint. Just have to do some correction checks
>Zaku 1 with dual pauldrons
Damn. Looks good.
Stay mad
Seeing this makes me question why Bandai hasn't given us a revive hg, or 2.0 mg. Then I remember it's Bandai.

I really want a 2.0 of the Zaku 1 ;__;
Seriouslt There aren’t significant changes between the Zaku I and Zaku II what would necessitate a bunch of new molds. You can’t even get the 1.0 Zaku I kits where I am anymore so I can’t do an MG conversion anytime soon unless I buy a shitty resin recast off of eBay. Old Zaku needs some love
I am overwhelmed by amount of paint brands there are. What brand should I just stick with when it comes to air brushing?
>where I am anymore
I don't think the Zaku I has been reprinted in a very very long time. The only available kits now are the "used" ones that you can find on mandarake, ebay etc. And they're vastly overpriced.
Gaianotes pretty much the best in every category of lacquer paint. It has everything you need.
Mr Color/Hobby for the usual go to, Gaia for the more expensive option. IPP and Finishers are great too. Tamiya lacquers work as great alternative if you're after certain paint finish
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theres so much more fine detail shit that go into these than I thought. everything needs to be sanded/filled/ and painted one piece at a time oh man.
ordered some godhand sanding sticks but I still need putty and paint. I'll probably just rattle can the basecoat and top coat and hand paint the details and weathering?
you don't really need putty for basic building and painting and you've still got nubs showing in visible areas like the armpit there that you should focus on doing right first
You're not even as good as a snapshitter. You just consoom.
Best 3rd party decal? Delpi, SIMP, G-Rework, DL, or something else?
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>Collecting gundam in box
>Collecting Funko in box
If you can't imagine yourself taking them out and playing with them just give up on buying
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snapped at a friend's house, lined and coated a day later. it was lots of fun :)
NTA but you can't really snap a FSS kit. These kits are rather hardcore and only for people who knows how to work with vintage modelkits like Tamiya tanks and planes.

How come volks doesn’t just make their kits snappable like bandai does? Are they regarded?
I know, that's why he doesn't bulld them and just collects boxes instead.
just say retarded this isn't tiktok or xitter or reddit or whatever the fuck
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I finished the bulk of the painting. I'm gonna try and finish the model completely tomorrow.
How do I get a really high gloss black, to the point I can see mirror reflections in it? I can get it decently shiny with very wet coats, but it’s still kind of hazy. Do I need to polish it with something?
looks good so far!

sanding and buffing in between layers and the doing the same with a high gloss clear coat
What do I sand and buff with?
you gotta make each layer very smooth to get that mirror like finish. You can either sand the surface and primer layer smooth, or do progressive polish on your gloss black layer. Latter needs lot of work but it is guaranteed to give you the finish that you want
What do I polish with for the latter method you describe?
wet sand with 1k grit onwards, you can also use polishing compounds as an alternative
Isn’t 1k a little rough? Wouldn’t polishing be a lot higher like 6 or 8k? Or can I just use something like tamiya polishing compound and skip all the progressive sanding? Would that be the easiest thing to do?
you want the really small bumps gone so start with 1k. It'll level out once you get to 3k onwards
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Inflatable Sazabi's cockpit-shaped pass case. P-Bandai.
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Is it inflatable to be anime accurate like the size discrepancy in the movie?
it also depends on the material of the paint you're using. Acrylic is known for being very hard to polish to a shine. it's also very soft that you'll likely burn through the color before it even becomes glossy. you'd probably want to add paint retarder on it make it dry slower and let the gloss settle better.

though i'd recommend using Polyurethane, Lacquer, or Enamel for glossier blacks, but they're much harder to work with. my personal favorite is to apply black base lacquer color on the piece, then finishing it off with an automotive Polyurethane topcoat to give it that showroom gloss
>only for people who knows how to work with vintage modelkits like Tamiya tanks and planes
I wouldn't say that, it's a different skill set. Assembly is easier for FSS kits but there's more processing and rescribing involved. Especially for the resin kits.
>automotive Polyurethane topcoat
Is that the non toxic water based kind as opposed to the 2 pack urethane that kills you?
Favorite Zaku? For me it's the MG 2.0 and the HG Zaku 2s from Origin.
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okay, the chinese finally won me over with this epic red samurai mech kit
ahh the patented gook method. I gave up on that and just mix gloss with my gloss black then add some leveling thinner
It's not a kit, that's a diecast metal action figure.
not sure about the waterbased kind, but i do use the 2 pack one that's actually used on cars. i use protective gear when using them and i paint on a well-ventilated room, so yeah.
What ratio? How does it turn out?
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MG 1.0
I usually go with 2:1:1 with black, gloss clear and thinner
Thanks dude I’ll try this.
Snapshitting the notstargazer right now. There are some really fucking tight ass parts. And i still havent finished the led set yet. Fuck that gay ass wire.
Im using my fresh svr 2 on this chink kit and so far it is great.
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Forgot to attach shitty pic since i just wanted to show off the gold parts.
i subscribe to the gook method because it lets me work quicker on the colors by using quicker-drying matte colors and i'll only have to care about glossiness at the final part of the process.
Don't you still need a glossy surface for panel lining and decals?
yeah i'd use glossy paint to avoid decal silvering, but you can get away with doing an initial polyurethane topcoat, then applying the decals/ panel liners, then do another topcoat to seal the decals in.
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Only the first and 2nd last are correct
It and all its variants are supposed to be based on this, which is just another generic late Majestic Stand MH with a funny hat that Nagano didn't even give enough of a fuck to draw lineart for.
Honestly most late majestic stand era MHs are so fucking shit and forgettable that I can't blame Nagano for throwing them out.

But man, I wish GTMs actually fought in melee a little more, their weird anatomy and ultra articulation doesn't feel like it ever gets properly used when all they do is teleport around and shoot at each other
That thing looks good though.
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It's literally the same design as every late MH.
Looks like someone took an engage octaver, stuck a cone on its head and painted it green
All of those look good.
They look retarded standing around and despite the complexity the joint design isn't particularly good at mimicking any kind of human motion like a swordfight requires, it would look immensely stupid to see them fighting in melee.
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Even the cone was recycled.
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I think he just kinda cheats and downplays the joints in action scenes
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>downplays the joints
GTM can actually accordion their joints in and out like springs. Good luck getting that to work on a model kit though.
>Good luck getting that to work on a model kit though.
Have they shown off anything about the extent of the articulation on the plastic kits yet?
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Even if it was Bandai it would be physically impossible to replicate this.
Why do these things actually look kinda cool on a manga page but then they look so shit in model kit form?
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3D is never as convincing as 2D.
because the plastic is weak, I crave the certainty of steel.
Because Mortar Headds were designed to look good as sculptures just standing there while GTMs weren't
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>Koto finally reprinted one of their D-Style
About time. I want to get their Star Gaogaigar.
I'm building an engage mk2 right now, don't make me feel bad
>here's your Mk-V
are those legos
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chinkbait toys don't belong in the gunpla thread
if 1.5 can have a metal build Reborns can have a MG, right...?
New thread

That's just perspective.
One of these days I'll get around to doing that with some NG kits, just like the painting guide images in the manual intended.

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