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Previous thread: >>22704215

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Assess Gavv's aesthetics.
i thoroughly enjoy the helmet
Not feeling it. The belt is goofy and the suit itself has China/local hero vibes that I don't like.
What is he supposed to be? A rabbit? Kangaroo?
Chest piece looks like it'd taste JUISHIIIII so I like it.
>the suit itself has China/local hero vibes
feels like every time an anon says this i just know theyre a blithering retard
Zero-One but better.
I don't love it but I don't hate it, i'll withhold judgement until we get upgrade forms and other riders
I want to eat it
>Not feeling it. The belt is goofy
t. soulless individual.
Gummy vitamin lookin' ass
Don't like the thick border on the face and that color scheme is loud as fuck. Otherwise it's nothing special.
mask should've been more 3-dimensional
I only like the belt.
The suit looks too safe, the chocolate Rider from the leak seem more creative.
he looks juicy as fuck
kinda disappointed by the belt though, thought it would look more monstrous based on the leaks
I figured the collectables would be small what with the keychain hole, but scale wise to the belt, they'll be a bit bigger than fullbottles
It feels pretty basic. I'm not a big fan of the horns, but I like the gradient armor. I'm curious about the belt having bike parts.
Reposting the staff list (writer not announced yet for some reason)

>Pilot Director
>Teruaki Sugihara (Zero-One, LuPat)

>Action Director
>Satoshi Fujita (Geats)

>Special effects director
Hiroshi Butsuda (basically everything)

Gou Sakabe (King-Ohger, Zero-One, Ghost)

>General Producer
Takehiro Okawa (TV Asahi)

>Keisuke Shibataka (TV Asahi)
>Naomi Takebe (Toei)
>Minami Takishima (Toei) (new sub-producer)
Bland and boring, and yet still the third best reiwa lead design.
Not new. Takishima is Takebe's understudy and worked under her during Geats
Seems like a decent staff. Takebe is hit or miss, but the show will look good, have great action, and amazing music. Here's hoping there's a competent writer.
I feel like the lack of announced writer means whoever IS writing is gonna be a very marketable name they're saving for the press conference. If it were just Takahashi, at this point they'd say so like they did with Geats.
My hope is Nisioisin purely for the rage.
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the only person i want to make a rider show more than him is suda51 so that would be hilarious
wait a minute, is Takishima the kid who was one of the actor in Let's Go Kamen Rider movie?
Takishima was an AP until now. They are a full producer now. APs do not get announced on staff lists like this.
Zero-One simplicity meets gummy sweet texture. Honestly surprised how simple it is.
If you lick his suit chest/abs would it taste good?
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Any thoughts on the supposedly Gavv's writer Jukki Hanada.
>If you lick his suit chest/abs would it taste good?
It would be extremely painful.
Where'd this claim come from
Would taste like artificial grapes
Nah, that's Fumiki Yoshikawa. Yoshikawa is AP for Boonboomger
>Another Takebe season with her assistant producer understudy from Geats graduating to a sub-producer role
>Geats's action director returning
>Go Sakabe returning for BGM (super excited about this)
>Writer being hidden until the conference
ah okay
Didn't an anon say color went back on that?
I like the suit. I'm always all in for simple clean and cool. The belt not so much. It's going to take a lot to wow me. Otherwise I'm settling in for another year of P-Bandai indulgence exclusively
I don't mind it. Dude just looks like a giant gummy candy.
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Nice and simple suit. Cute snack gremlins.
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They just don't design Kamen Riders like they used to
Lakerbros...we're in!
would Nasu still be a big deal or is he old and busted now
Probably the most generic looking
He has much gold under his belt in many different genres of anime, though he has never written a live action thing which could be a pro or con.
The most generic "modern rider" they've ever designed. Dreadfully dull.
Poppin Gummy? It's just a gummy...
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He did, but his post >>22706198 is still not deleted. Usually, went he posted wrong info, it will be deleted immediately.
Also the fact Hanada saying he wrote a full year show on his twitter is pretty coincidental.
Inoue... save us...
It's more possible than normal since Takebe has work history with him, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Takabe seems to like to work with new writers these days.
So why did he go back on it? Is he unsure if it's him and leaves this up because it's a 50/50 situation?
Wouldn't they announce it's Inoue early too though?
You mean Akiko? Because Toshiki ain't working under anyone but Shirakura at this point.
why would they hide the writer if it's not some big name though
like who? The last Takebe show had an established writer.
So what do you think is the story reason for the gimmick trinkets to be snacks and candy? I mean this is probably the silliest concept rider has done so far.
You know damn well which one
That's a good point. What's he doing now anyways?
Donbrothers announced Inoue alongside everyone else though. This also means Kobayashi would've probably been announced already if it was her.
Is it sillier than Gaim? Imagine you are still pre-season and don't know where Gaim is going.
Well the lockseeds didn't look silly
As soon as Urobuchi was announced everyone knew, anon
He's Toei's character strategy director (read shadow producer of every rider and sentai for the rest of his working career)
So it's going to be a writer who's never worked on rider before. Otherwise, it's not really a "big announcement" than an old KR writer comes back to do another one.
Gaim was fruits and shoguns. One of the two motifs is a little more serious than Gavv, who seems to just be all Gummies.
I mean when all we knew was the suits and theme in the pre-season catalog leaks
Gavv is snacks and monsters, it's not that far off from Gaim.
it has to, when geats was announced, his writer was also kept a secret until the reveal special. and then we learned it was Takahashi.

obviously, since it just has passed one year since Geats, they arent gonna use him again, so whoever they took in, is gonna be a new guy or someone who's NOT takahashi.
He looks menacing as fuck in the Henshin Belt poster, but the front view for his antlers is fucking stupid. He needs to be in 3/4 view to look cool
i dunno, when you learn about the existence of Helheim, it does make the fruit theme sound more serious and threatening.
Saburo Yatsude will come back for Gavv.
He's currently shadow producing Gotchard.
From what I remember we found out it was Takahashi very soon after the official reveal. The Revice movie was near release, we got that poster with him front and center and then that short teaser. I distinctly remember the same day all that dropped we found out it was Takahashi in some announcement that also had the DGP plot summary.
No he wasn't, he was announced alongside Takebe. We were pretty certain it was Takebe because she left Donbrothers partway through, but it was still a rumor up until today's equivalent reveal. Check if you want >>21006660
>snacks and monsters
Revice was dino and demons and we know how that turned out.
Most based anon in this general
Takebe being on the show invites the Gaim comparison, especially since every she tries to ape that show on every series she's worked on since.
yeah the episode where kininger killed a man was brutal
If she's aping any show, at least do OOO and just so we can have another tension as thick as Eiji and Ankh
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>inb4 major upgrades are michelin stars
Watch them bring back Gen Urobuchi.
>on every series she's worked on since.
In terms of rider she's only worked on Zi-O and Geats after Gaim, so it's not that many.
I don't trust Takebe after her sabotage on Geats. I don't want yet another Neon.
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Takahashi sabotaged himself with Geats
Geats IX beta and that Mechanizer abomination shouldn't count. You might as well put Geats Monstar there.
I'll never forget the retards here saying that Keiwa's arc was going to be kino after being stuck in a cuck cage for over 20 episodes.
It's likely that's the case given how silly Gavv looks
>candy themed suits
>talking belt
>giant ass foot as a rider kick
I can definitely see an OOO 2.0 here
That's from bandai
He didn't like working on Gaim.
>Henshin Belt Gavv
I hope Gavv's HBV form uses a gochizo that's based on the belt just for this joke
Well I didn't like watching it either
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>There's no rumors about female main
Might be a good sign
It's more so that working on a year long more restrictive Sunday morning show framework didn't gel with him in the end. Too much nitpicking from higher ups, but it's surprising how much he was able to get through from his usual style.
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Not feeling Gavv (the belt). Guess I'll paypig for this instead
Speaking of Takebe, so nothing for Gaim 10?
We know Takebe likes to cockblock her writers' darker ideas.
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I'm ready to see SHOTAro animated
He cute
Hopefully no
Geatshills are disgusting.
Stay mad retard
What the fuck did he expect after the last 4 shows before him. He played himself.
AI generated
They'll do a King Kyoryu Red. The whole system looks a tad similar to Sengoku Driver and Lockeseed after all
He isn't a Toei employee, he was just a Ryuki fan who got approached to write for a Rider show.
so gochizo is like kivat?
>logo looks like Kuuga
>Horns look like Kuuga
Is this Instagram filter Kuuga? I like it.
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Leave Gavv to me
Probably more like Vice
Haaaaa the Reiwa mask theory is back bitches.
A Kamen Rider who needs to feed his belt, never seen that before.
>Every Reiwa rider so far has done the mask thing except Gotchard
Why break the theme then instantly go back to it
Gotchard's been doing its best to pretend its a Heisei show
He didn't watch them
He stopped around Blade
Mask theory is silly because multiple words can be given to these shows. If
Zero-One can be "Dream", Saber could be "Story", Revice is both Demons and Dinosaur, so if anything it'd fit better as the fourth one. Geats could even be "Fight" if it was the fifth one.
Gochizo are the names of the snack gremlins Gavv uses to transform. I think the belt itself is actually called Gavv as the belt is called "Henshin Belt Gavv."
You're mixing theories up, anon.
We finally get a non-animal rider for the first time in 5 years (debatably 7, since Zi-O is technically still a grasshopper), and it's the most boring looking rider I've ever seen. Most of the suit is alright if basic, but it really needs something more going on with the helmet. It really does look like an ai-generated Zero-One OC.

The collectibles are really cute and fun though. I also like the driver, though the mouth has a lot of empty space. I assume it's for big upgrades, but it looks a little weird with the base items.
Fark crank design.
What was the mask theory then?
>we want the build and zero one audience
All the helmets starting from 01 are explicitly designed to look like masks, except for Gotchard.
I got a headcannon: spanna listens exclusively to driving game soundtracks
I like it. Symmetry almost
MC a weak shit or Tendouchad?
revi also fucking broke it
Do we know who the suit actor for Gavv is?
No, just this

We'll learn shit like that plus the main writer by the conference.
Sorry anon, but back in MY DAY lead Kamen Rider designs (except Ex-Aid) were cool and varied.
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You'd think so at first glance, but the eye-pieces and crest juts out distinctly, forming a mask
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>not liking ex-aid
They're about to make friends with the enzymes in my tum tum.
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The repeat gochizo around Gavv have me hoping for Zeronos card mechanics with the belt using them up by actually eating them. It's probably not going to happen and the repeats are likely stand-ins for the unrevealed gochizo, but it would be neat to see.
The show is fine, but it is probably the single ugliest suit design in franchise history.
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>mfw patiently waiting for Gavv's female Rider and finding out her character quirk is being a stress eater.
Wonder if the Belt's gonna talk like Kivat or Krim
Gavv is soulless.
I like the suit being somewhat of a safe design contrasting with the gimmicky belt, colours are nice and I'm digging the gradients. 7/10
Wait just a couple more weeks to be constantly negative about new thing, anon.
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Why are almost all Reiwa lead riders just armor panels slapped onto the chest, shoulders, forearms, and shins of a mostly plain black under suit? It makes them all feel kind of samey. Revi and Saber being the obvious exceptions.
Because it's easier to hide scratches on a damaged black undersuit
Easier to do more kinetic/acrobatic action in and >>22706462
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>Yeah I’m about to get eaten
>Gochizos are made from humans!
I was hoping Zero-One would be the ongoing aesthetic for Reiwa with more form fitting suits, but now it's just a continuation of Hesei Phase 2 mostly.
>since Zi-O is technically still a grasshopper
Antennae and big compound eyes are features present on practically all Riders.
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>except for Gotchard
He has a blank face on which the Wild parts are slapped.
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Kamen Rider Toothface
what happen to this figure series for Platina & Rainbow?
Because of gimmick figures.
You gotta remember that Zero-One's limiting factor was having someone slim enough that could fit into the suits in the first place
Good, Zero-One's discount MCU aesthetic is soulless.
That was only the case for Zero-One's leather hood, not the suits as a whole.
It ended after Q1 like most gimmick figure lines nowadays.
Yeah but that was as much a part of the slim form-fitting silhouette as the rest. Hence, why the Zero-One stage show suits always looked off
So the crank just controls the tongue? There's even a pink button on the side of the belt.
I'm having high hopes for gavv's belt. I dropped gotchard because I couldn't stand the driver design, and all the powerup addon doesn't help it either
Who the fuck drops a show because of a belt? That's an autist reason.
Guess he presses it for the finishing move
Japan probably would if they didn't have multiple forms and trinkets to collect.
I think I got the steps:
>push button on side to stick out tongue
>put snack on tongue
>crank it
>tongue starts to retract and the snack pops open once the tongue is fully back in
>Being Contrarian for no reason other than being a faggot
not feeling it atm which kinda sucks because purple is my favorite color alongside gold, hopefully it looks better in action
Think the gummy things will be the kaijins transformed into form trinkets
Wow it's like current /krg/ in a nutshell
It's bizarre and kind of offputting, which is exciting. It puts me oddly at ease, compared to Gotchard's straight forward coolness. There isn't as much raw hype, so there's less expectations and more excitement to see how it all pans out.
If it doesn't munch it open that'll be incredibly disappointing
It looks fine, gotta see how it looks in motion first. Also we finally have our second main rider who is purple since Hibiki?
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>Purple gummy for transforming
>Orange gummy for kick
>Blue gummy for punch
Guess each transformation device is a sentient being that "consumes" Gochizos to grant the Rider's powers? There'll probably some kind of "deal" here.
>DX Henshin Belt Gavv
>DX Henshin Gun Zaku
Does this mean we get characters doing rider kicks out of their rider forms if the Henshin gummy is stolen?
Orange gummy is manspreading
I'm reminded of the time Na-go does a Beat rider kick but with the armor only on her upper area.
the belt is licking their taint
>inb4 ahegao snack
>candy theme
>no female rider
Would be fucking hilarious
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This but for phase one
Faiz and Kabuto are peak rider design-wise
Girls LOVE sweet stuff. Making a cake-based female Rider is too obvious a move not to make.
the inflation art will design itself.
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Tbf they already make ahegao face
How would you rate Geats?
Empty question
Is it good?
Otokam, stop posting on 4chan
Hopefully there's Gochizos that grants Gavv handheld weapons. It's about time the 'form change' is relegated to an ever changing load-out rather than brand new suits that will either be forgotten or get cannibalized for something else (not saying Gavv won't have those but the suit budget is going to be freed up more).
yea. ex-aid grew on me after a bit though. Brave, dangerous zombie,
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Why did rider aesthetic take such a hard hit after Wizard?
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>preorders for the Memorial Mark-IX buckle were going so well Bandai decided to upgrade the additions even more at no extra cost

>50 -> 100 voicelines
>added a whole new fourth playmode that includes the functionality to replicate the "shhh" moment while playing TrustxLast, along with extra sound effects for the finishers
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They really milk the shit out of Geats.
Half expecting Command and Power Builder Buckle PDX at this point.
Really trying to puff up her ego giving her a fucking fanclub that like, who would join?
Watch them make ANOTHER Magnum buckle with Buffa and Dapaan voicelines.
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>prop size Raising Sword
I'd buy it if I had the space for it
The OG sweet rider has spoken
>better music Rider than Neon
>better sweet Rider than Gavv
How can one man be so based?
Fanclubs are nothing out of the ordinary for an actor, schizo.
He will be watching his sweets rider children over the year
If Takebe was based she'd bring him back for a special or something.
Dunno, given what Takebe said about Neon it seems like she's very much into the Heroine Rider shit.
>unironically going to have most of the important Geats toys replaced by PDX/memorial versions by the end of all this
Should I just donate my OG DX set to charity or something?
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This man will save Rider.
I hope he gets to appear in Gavv, what with all the TTFC specials they're cranking out.
Sell it for extortionate prices and some chink will snap it up
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Ivy/Lemon was active when the belt and card ad came out, in fact he was a little over an hour before and a good part of what he said was confirmed with the ad itself so his post stayed and revealed a little more
ah yes about the idols riddle, the poppin was this
>extortionate prices
The second-hand market's going to be flooded with oodles of DX buckles in the near future. I doubt the prices are going to stay THAT high
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what rider stuff has he written
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First "confirmation" of another snack
Dentalman vs Gavv special when?
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hopefully gavv doesn't have a billion q1 sidegrades that get ignored.
Gavv vs Gavan when
No, he does not.
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the functionality and sounds of the belt
Remember that although the guy posts at random hours and days, he also usually posts during events like these or the sht
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>The sound when you turn the crank is the belt eating it with a "gabu gabu gabu"
I don't understand if this is a reference to something
Did he make a new post and delete it again? I check his profile and it's still using cat meme as his profile photo instead the anime one.
>Ironheng posted Legend Rider Kuuga snacks.
Did ivi posted this or someone else did?
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This shit is cute
This year's legend items look super cute
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It was a few hours ago when the henshin belt announcement came out on Twitter, the photo was changed for that moment.
Also, for some reason, when I log in from my phone I also get another icon
b-bros? how can this be? since when are kamen riders suppose to be cute? we're the serious guys with serious designs, damn it!
A moderator of the board like Color posted it not sure if he's a leaker.
>Just did Geats
>Is handling Ride Kamens
>Now doing Gavv
Hope Takebe isnt gonna be too burnout
>It was a few hours ago when the henshin belt announcement came out on Twitter
That explained a lot.
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Whatever you say, anon.
No, that wasn't in the post, but I think he previously made some sketches of the rider shapes, I'm not sure if they are really his, although the one who is Gavv is.
I think this is the artist, it's cute btw
I hope there are more designs for the gummies because they look samey
Based man of candy
say it with me now
Could Konaka finally be coming back to toku? Because that'd be great.
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kokokara wa highlighto da...?
so the belt is gavv too?
I think the belt itself is named Gavv, which the MC uses to transform into Kamen Rider Gavv.

Maybe although henshin belt is still like a property title.
On the other hand, it would explain why the title is red and not purple.
Didn't he get cancelled?
Potato chip is real then?
>thumbs up
>I doubt the prices are going to stay THAT high
They will, Geatsfags have no standards.
It seems like it says "I think it's", I would wait for Color still


She's been burnt out since Ninninger.
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why are anti-geatsfags fragile
Isn't that a reference to an old gummies commercial?
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About as much as Kimura so just a bunch of Americans on Twitter whining about him without real consequence.
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I hope that redeemed Atropos gets to appear in Gavv at some point because she deserves some sweets.
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I wonder how long the movie will last.
Being what the Japanese standard may be, it worries me.
What's Poppin' Gummy?
fucking lmao
Gavv is NOT a multi-Rider show from the start right? So far we only learned about Gavv and Zaku.
Well, first we have to find out if either Rinne or Lachesis will spare/save her life. Gavv is already starting to get announced and she's still stuck as Geryon's simp.
I hope they get to Gulp, Chug, and Slurp riders.
This just randomly gave me an idea, but what if we had a rider whose Legend Rider form let him wear the other helmets?
Man I just wish Zaku’s Final Form item will be a regular release again
I like the shape of the suit.
I like the colours of the suit but the belt looks like shit.
I really despise that it's reusing Build's "winding lever" gimmick. Rider has NEVER reused a gimmick 1:1 before, not even among the card Riders; they always do it differently.
The poster is barebones and negative hype.
Hey guys, anyone have any SIC figures?

I never cared about them before but here in Japan I've been finding them.
I've picked up PuToTyra and Den-O (Sword form + Momotars) for like 4000 yen. It's fucking awesome.
I might try and pick up SIC Drive.
SIC as a brand was shut down, so getting some for cheap while you're there is good. Specially with the weak yen making your traveling money go super far.
Aw, man.
I was hoping they'd eventually do SIC Geats IX.
Sometimes I forget these shows are made for little kids. Luckily the embarrassing dialogue is always there to remind me.
Sorry anon, the overwhelming success of Bujin Sword has encouraged Bandai to have all subsequent Secondary final forms be P-Bandai kitbashes.
>I really despise that it's reusing Build's "winding lever" gimmick
Same, they're reusing the main rider belt gimmick at that, I'd give it a pass if it's more like Sclash Driver.
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>Sometimes I forget these shows are made for little kids
With Hotaro and Rinne as protagonists, it's hard to forget that though.
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its so fucking boring. What about it even suggests candy? You could put this fucker in the background of most movies and he'd fit right in he's that generic looking. Why are we going back to this horrible plain helmet look that's plagued rider since Zero-One to Revice? they almost always look awful in side view. What happened to the unique designs back in heisei phase 2? Reiwa's been so stale in designs that even the man based on fucking CANDY looks boring. You know they can do sweets based Riders, Slash was like 3-4 years ago and rolled with his mishmash of motifs pretty well. I guess having a purple main rider is cool? I hate this design though.
I just realized that Slash has a door on his stomach.
Brother, the entire white pattern on the stomach is meant to evoke the gingerbread house from Hansel & Gretel.
Do we know who is writing Gavv yet?
if it's Takahashi I'm out
They're hiding the writer until the conference seemingly. He's the known staff list currently: >>22706148
Basically, another Takebe season with her Geats AP now promoted to sub-producer.
The Geats action director is back and the guy that did Ghost and Zero-One's BGM is also back.
Was rumored by color that it's this guy who's gonna write it
Though he went back on it, but didn't delete his post. So it's up in the air.
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>another Takebe season
I just want a full staff of newbies or at least a newbie producer/director/writer trio to shake it up, but I know that will never happen. I haven't enjoyed rider since Revice and these last few series have been pretty miserable, I couldn't even get past episode 4 of Gotchard. At least it looks like Gavv has an actual suit budget this year.
it's in no way contrarian to say that the old design absolutely trounce the new stuff. that's like a given its barely opinion, let alone a minority opinion.
>Steins Gates

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>couldn't even get past episode 4 of Gotchard
The first 4 episodes of Gotchard are still among the worst ones in the series. But as much as I dislike Gotchard, I will admit it has given us some of the most tolerable female characters since Izu.
>The first 4 episodes of Gotchard are still among the worst ones in the series.
you people need to actually watch kamen rider jesus christ. theres some absolutely awful episodes of faiz and the last two episodes of hibiki are straight up impossible to beat as the worst episodes in the franchise
Shit like this is why we need to gatekeep even more. Telling newfags to skip stuff like Ghost is a mistake

If you can’t handle this franchise at its worst then you shouldn’t be watching it at all.
>you people need to actually watch kamen rider jesus christ.
Dude, the first 4 episodes have the worst acting we have seen from two MCs in the entire franchise. Of course a Builfag would get scared off by Gotchard's debut.
>Dude, the first 4 episodes have the worst acting we have seen from two MCs in the entire franchise.
okay? theres a lot more that goes into a bad episode than bad acting. by your logic, do you understand just how terrible the last two episodes of hibiki have to be if i think theyre that bad AND they have good actors? and this applies to every other terrible episode
>the most tolerable female characters since Izu.
I don't really give a shit about "le annoying women" in rider. I just don't want to watch a show that was written exclusively for babies. I'm 30.
Despite being a lighthearted season, Gotchard still has some edgy moments as well as some characters with depth.
That's surprising. Is it worth catching up for?
It gets better after the first 4 episodes, after which it's consistently okay with some mild highs and lows.
Speaking of Takebe and Hanada, found a funny reaction from color post
i guess one should thank Geryon for that. considering all the fucked up shit he does for his also pretty fucked up goals.
Female main would've unironically made Gotchard a better show. Rinne's actress fits Houtaro's character better.
>Time to guess Gavv's plot.

-a dark god that was sealed a long time ago, wants to eat mankind. in order to do so, he gave part of his essence to his disciples. thru said essence, they could turn human beings into monsters.
-in modern day, the disciples are still active, using the dark essence, they learned to process it into special sentient candies, the Gochizou. under the guize of a popular sweets brand, the disciples still create monsters, giving the Gochizou like if it were drugs, causing havoc amongst the population.
-a couple of scientists, the ones who managed to invent the system that processes the dark essence into the Gochizou, managed to run away with a small piece of the essence.
-the scientists, decided to stop the evil the dark disciples started, created a new processing system, designed to purify the dark essence creating a new brand of Gochizou, alongside a system to harness and maximize their power without corrupting the user the Transform belt GAVV.

this is already gay as fuck
-many years have passed, in the meantime, the disciples dark brand popularity has skyrocketed to impossible levels. nothing can stop them, and the monster attacks are more and more frequent.
-the scientist couple got married and had a son, they managed to get by by setting up an artisan candy shop. however, the dark brand enforcers managed to finally find them, and kill them.
-the couple's son, distraught by the death of his parents stumbles into their secret lab. finding the new Gochizou and GAVV. there, he learns about the truth of the dark brand and why his parents were targeted.
-and so, the son decides to take GAVV and the Gochizou with him and stop the monsters and the dark brand once and for all.
Caring about such things at your age actually shows a lack of maturity.
Honestly would prefer human-lead evil organizations this time. The previous Reiwa entries have been man-made, but not actually just humans being assholes like MUSEUM.
You aren't guessing Gavv's plot, you're writing fanfiction.
Really? You'd be OK with the Gavv MC being an Aruto type character who makes bad jokes and screeches like a banshee for 50 episodes?
You'd hate the original series then you double nigger, because it had silly moments.
Evil organization using a sweets company as a cover to create monsters. While our hero is a health nut who can't stand sweets but is forced to because of the sentient driver Gavv.
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>ruins all future uses of demons/devils as a villain in KR because of how how bad he was portrayed
>by which he was literally a giant vagina dildo for the majority of the series
>and to top things off, he's actually just an alien that feds off people and their demons, but also not really because he can spit them out

Based worst final boss of all time.
>ruins all future uses of demons/devils as a villain in KR because of how how bad he was portrayed
the fuck are you talking about, we just got the 3 dark kings and they're fine
He wasn't the final boss. He wasn't even the penultimate boss.
I just want to be excited by Kamen Rider again
>>ruins all future uses of demons/devils as a villain in KR because of how how bad he was portrayed
According to who?
The Gavv stuff so far isn't exciting you?
Rider is still darker than every American “kid” show, if it was aired here it would be at least M17
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Honestly for all the troubles of Gotchard it's endgame is much better than both Revice and Geats. The three dark kings were cool antagonists and Geryon himself has done enough fucked up shit onscreen for his return to feel like a real threat. And whatever will happen to Atropos is actually a pretty engaging question right now.
>Time to guess Gavv's plot

-It's going to be the most boring one possible, evil org is resurrecting a big bad guy and they turn people into monsters to do it
-mc screams a lot and acts like he has a sugar high
-all the riders belts talk and they all blabber nonstop
-all the collectables are alive and make noises nonstop
-no one can tell what's going on because everyone and everything is screaming all the time
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gavv looks like it was designed by blizzard
what's exciting about two images and an incomplete staff list?
the plot, characters, and actors will make or break it as usual, so there's no point in aimlessly speculating while shitting on other shows to cope about it
Odd choice to make the juicy rider so bland.
These are so disgustingly dogshit it's unreal
Oh, you're not worth having a discussion with.
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Stay mad lmao
Reiwa and its consequences have been a disaster for /krg/
Gavv may have the worst shoe sole in the franchise.
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Nothing even changed
Zero One wasn't really any different than Zi-O, Build or Ex-Aid it feels
Yet somehow it's so entirely different that it's dogshit and we should all hate it and Reiwa was a total mistake and Make Kamen Rider Great Again and blah blah
/krg/ has always been insanely autistic and melty prone
So it having the Geats producer and Go Sakabe means Gavv won't have much insert songs, they'll be part of the OST, and they will only play once or twice.

See you again whenever Rider Chips....
You’re a fucking idiot
I think getting 5 low quality shows in a row just broke some people.
I've noticed it didn't get really bad until Revice though.
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Which are in your opinion the best and worst endgames in Rider?

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Nah, that's Geats.
It changed a lot, you can't compare this general today to what it was during Build's airing.
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Toys first
Superheroes second
It's been toys first since at least Black, anon.
If Zi-O came out in Reiwa Woz Ginga, Tsukuyomi and the movie Riders would have all been Kitbashes.
The Gochizo are a parasitic species that infect human by pretending to be food. Ever since humans began farming and domesticating animals they’ve been struggling to keep up, since we’re much more careful about what we eat. They finally find the perfect disguise as candy, and now they’re turning humans into kaijin to then feed themselves. A conglomerate involved in enhancing crops and agriculture make something to help with the growing infestation of Gochizo, the Artificial Predator Gavv. It later turns out that this company accidentally created the Gochizo with one of their GMO products. They create a massive coverup with fake art and fossils to make it seem like these parasites were an ancient threat rather than a new one.
Of course I reply to the wrong thing >>22707071
The design of a candy main rider could easily have been another Ex-Aid tier mess, so I do appreciate them holding back and trying to make it more classic rider-like.
>Thinks Reiwa has legit been 5 low quality in a row
The mask theory predates Reiwa. I saw people literally ten years ago declaring that the 20th Heisei series would have collectable and swappable masks. Turned out to be watches instead.
It's just one of those dumb things that people keep trying to push.
compared to what preceded it, yes
Can't believe we still tell people to skip Ghost and Wizard when the Reiwa era exists
at least it's better than ghost
Crazy they made a belt designed after Hotaro's constant resting Deer in Headlights Face
You're right, it's only been three
Dangerous Zombie alone justifies every ex-aid suit
Gavv will deliver it
No female rider so far
You mean 2/5
>Time to guess Gavv's plot

Long ago, there existed a secret organization named Cornucopia sought to unlock the secrets of the Food Pyramid and summon the Dark Lord Dionysus. One of their members, seeing how evil they were becoming, absconded with the Idol of Gavv and hid it away before he died. Years in the future, our MC stumbles across the Idol in a museum with his family and it latches onto him just as mook agents of Cornucopia, named Calorizers, attack. With the power of sweets, he must collect the remaining five scattered Idols and keep them from Cornucopia. Between this and working in his Mom's patisserie, our MC has a lot of work to do.

Eat a balanced diet! 仮面ライダーガヴ9月4日スタート!
remember when we all thought Gotchard would have no female because the leaks only mentioned Gotchard, Valvarad, and Legend
A lady must watch what she eats after all.
Sept. 4th is a Wednesday.
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Sweets Basket Form
Anon, you can’t just ruin someone’s art like that.
Ryuki, with the way the dragonfly monsters were gradually showing up in greater numbers. It made the apocalypse feel like this slow, inevitable process.
Revice. There was some great stuff here, like Ikki "earning" a peaceful life after all the fighting he had to do. Him not recognizing his family was heartbreaking. But the stuff with George sperging out about his dad was awful and I actually liked George in the first quarter of the show.
Best = Saber
Worst = Hibiki
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>Alisa's upcoming photobook has been #1 in "special photograph" on Amazon ever since announced.
Is this normal? Not sure how fierce is the competition when it comes to gravure photobooks.
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All I know is that I want to boon in her ass
whats the opposite of a butterface?
yea gocthard should be on hbo
Why did Foundation X and Diend recruit Ouja
Why did Foundation X revive and recruit Desast, Brain and Bronze Drive
What is the Orphnoch King doing

It seems like they only needed Zero Two and Kuroto.
Though notably, specifically Buggle Driver Dangerous Zombie suit acted by nawata during the period when they actually tried to make DZ seem intimidating and Dangerous.

If Dangerous Zombie as a suit was always post-revive Kuroto with the gamer driver I don't know if i'd love the suit as much.
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To sell toys and figures of their new forms?
Gotchard should've been a girl since you guys like waifus alot.
>he doesn't like his waifu
No, that's John Toei in our world. I know that reasoning.

I'm asking why Foundation X did it in the show, dummy.
If you think Zero One is objectively of the same quality as Ex-Aid or Build you're as dumb as rocks.
Agreed, also why the gamer driver ver. of the sh figuarts was available for retail price for so long yet the original I'm pretty sure sold out immediately or close to.
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Zero-One is better than ex-aid
Any chance for a horror season in Reiwa?
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I do believe that
I don't think it's better than Build, but I do think it is better than Ex-Aid. And Geats is the best of Takahashi's three
I haven't watched Zero-One yet but jesus christ Izu seems cute.
You mean Zero-Three, which didn't exist when they started their plan.

In the end whatever will come up from Evolt getting probably will be used to justify the big team up anyway.
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That's because she is shame about the actress though. She was one of the few good ones
>he ditches his old waifu for a new one in the new show
Thanks to Ei for subbing 101 Chemy! https://streamable.com/bil94w
You mean like Kiva and Ghost?
More like Ghost Game or Gegege no Kitaro. The more I think about it though I doubt it.
Fucking GHOST got toned down for being too scary for kids so he never used his cool wirework combat after Drive, what do you think?
What happened to her?
panic ate during covid
weird plastic surgery
I was expecting something dumb she did. Is she the one that goes after up and coming actors for money or is that someone else?
Nah, it's nothing dramatic. She's just made some odd choices with her looks despite already being cute before
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You can literally see that all the helmets have these mask shapes to them
She is
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Finally a good legend rider item
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I like these two’s interactions
There's more worst than best, I can tell you that at least.
>same quality as Ex-Aid
It's by the same writer who pulled the same bullshit.
It feels like the best chance now would be Gaim appearances in the Gotchard/Gavv movie, like the Ryuki ones in Revice/Geats.
I wonder if we'll get someone more relaxed for Gavv MC to contrast with Hotaro
We will get another guy who looks like a side character.
So the recent Unfinished Plan ep featured the Dark Sisters retreading the plan of a certain Demon King by bombing Toei Studio. I still want to do it, but against Nintendo for shitting the fan all the time (and making the entire fanbase do the same in >>>/vg/).
You wouldn't eat a Gochizo.
That brings a question. Can you cook a chemy and eat one to obtain it’s powers? Can I eat timelord and time travel on command?
I’m pretty sure you just kill it, and give yourself some alchemical food poisoning.
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It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.
Yes anon, it's almost as if "Kamen" means "Mask" and this show is "Kamen Rider".
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Do you have an autism diagnosis
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The mask thing is explicitly that the helmet sits on the front of the face pretty much exclusively. Geats and Gotchard break it by having theirs have pretty elaborate backs. Revi's almost does but it's more just a very extended "mask," the back half is still just rounded and plain.
Do you?
But most Riders wear helmets. There's only a few that could be considered masks-like.
To be fair Wizard's Legend Rider rings kinda fills that role so maybe that's why they went with watches.
And Majade being promoted as the secondary wtf.
Bro what do you think the Entry forms were going for. They all resemble eye masks
Watching Oji-san struggle with toy is funny
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Yeah and they cover the back of the head, is my point. It's not the same style of "mask" as Zero-one/Saber/Revi/Gavv.
Did he actually put some lines in the CSM or just Otoya?
Yeah, that's why Bandai send him the driver as a gift
Fuck dude I love Slash's design so much.
They're a combination of a sport helmet and a masquerade mask.
Because those are Geats' themes.
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Updated time
>Because those are Geats' themes
Neither of those have been stated to be motifs the helmet was based on, please stop spreading misinformation.
the driver look so unfun I didn't want to self insert anymore
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Tsumuri is joining the Youkai
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I can't wait to put godai in my mouth!
and the guy in the right is the fake Eternal from Legend arc in Gotchard, well he's one of Sakamoto guys
Hijiri too
And thus, it's the Toku Pit for Kokoro. At least she'll be in the Sakamoto's circle
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I feel it's kinda late for her to get a mainstream breakout role at her current age (25)
There was a commercial of her and Hamabe (Shin KR's Ruriko) and the camera keep making Aoshima out of focus.
you mean the suit actor?
he's both the face and suit actor in that episode
Also because she's really not that good of an actress. She's just average
She seem more into modeling anyway.
She should do JAV
You think all Japanese woman should show their tits and vag to you, anon.

Still unmatched in quality
Shining Hopper is better.
is the new episode really just the girls frozen in place
The boys go to the hidden alchemy school in the forest with Sabimaru's brother while the girls are frozen in place because test tube accident.
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So white…
I don't watch Gotchard.
BoonBoomger looks like that?!
Why aren't they on the sidewalk
To be fair, Hamabe is a much bigger name, it'd make sense to keep the focus on her
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name a monster of the week/victim of the week bit that goes harder than
>son is bullied for his dad's heroics
>dad literally killed himself to stop [monster of the franchise] from causing larger than citywide damage
>his son watches the whole damn thing
>the [monster of the week adjacent neutral character] relaying this information is denying the influence of a virus the entire time
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>A Humagear with "Singularity" is still just a filthy. Stinking. Humagear.
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I still think his design would have improved 1000x with some proper rider tear ducts. Would have made him less horse-like too.
Who do you want to be the suit actor for Gavv?
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Both his upgrades fixed the issue by using darker colours and sharper lines instead, so it's not all bad
I want Asai, but it's almost certainly not him.
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>We will never get a Vulcan spin off where he's banging a Humagear without knowing it's a Humagear.
Back to Nawata again, who I do like a lot, even if /krg/ doesn't. After Geats, it feels like Nakata will be the go-to guy for years when they have a cocky/confident main with a lot of acrobatic action
wakka shit doesn't work with him
Nakata, Fujita is back so it's what's most likely anyway
You’re not funny
>live action
I don't think I'll ever finish saber. what should I watch tonight since I don't know what to watch. It can't be Build, W, or Faiz
looks worse
waifu has been a term since you were born newfag
W would obviously be the best option but Kiva, Kabuto and Blade are a lot of fun. Den-O too.
I'm gonna watch W in december because it will be more cozy that way
Whatever you watch, avoid revice.
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Hell yeah.
It is probably the worst kr season I have watched. Im trying to think of something worse. Ghost had cool characters. So did Wizard. Like.....
He's actually really likely. He's being used for secondary roles in Gotchard like Gotchard Daybreak and Germain. Like they're keeping him with the Rider production team but on a retainer position. All the other candidates are busy with major roles.
ZO on youtube
I watched it in January. It started pretty good then was so shit
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Just remember the rule, if they showed off their stuff, they will get constant flow of actual work
>tfw her boobs shrank
So as someone who was here when Revice was airing, y'all reallly are just hypemongerers or y'alll are just not listening to outside feedback. Revice fucking sucked and yall really let that slide.
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rewrite this post into something readable
Why are you defending kinoshita?
i'm not, I literally cannot parse what that anon is saying
Someone do me a solid and tell Sakamoto to focus on her feet
I'm sure there's a look alike.
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Rinne shouldn't wear long pants.
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Gavv plush
>I don't think I'll ever finish saber
Which episode did you drop it at?
Gummy kangaroo
Really push the merchandise early huh.

Guess Zaku’s plush will be in October when he debuts?
They probably knew he'd leak so they just "leaked" him themselves. With the conference probably happening in the last week of July.
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How far into Q2 though?
I like these two but I dropped Gotchard with Platinum's debut and the first village two-parter episode. Not sure if I will continue watching it, because after that it's Rinne's play's two-parter.

Wish they had been in a better Kamen Rider series.
You fags are obsessed with this image
>You fags (homosexuals) are obsessed with this image (of a woman)
It looks like they just slapped the PNG of the face from the first poster into the doll instead of making a cute version.
>and the first village two-parter episode
That 2-parter is good though.

>because after that it's Rinne's play's two-parter
After that comes the Legend arc.
It's the Rinne pedo obviously posting it again and again.
You’re more like pedophiles since it’s an image of an underage girl
It's really shocking how much pedophiles have been open about this stuff. A lot of them on deviantart are too open thanks to Mizz-Britt drawing fetish art of Beroba. I've also seen people lust over Atropos. And of course Otokam draws pretty nasty stuff of her too. It's why I stopped supporting him
Anon teen actresses being oggled is not a new thing
Absolutely fascinates me people still think this guy even likes Rinne, or any heroine for that matter. The reality is he's just latching on to whatever he can bait as many people with as possible. If Kajiki was hated by this entire thread he would have latched on to him.
Reiyo is now the same age (16) as lots of Rider heroines like Mana in Agito or Mai in Gaim when their show aired.
It just that you read her birthyear (2008) and think it's only like 8 years ago.
What’s your point?
Hey just a question but would you be okay with weirdos on the internet lusting after your 16 year old daughter
My point is that people have always been this way towards the teens, though a young kid like atropos is more new, I really doubt someone like otokam has any malicious intent, and most other comments you're seeing (such as in this general) are more likely to be bait.
Who was the last rider that actually have a girlfriend?
I don't think any parent should be putting their kids online, let alone let them do it themselves, you open yourself up to lechers and weirdos when you do. If you're expecting people to be in any way decent on the internet, you haven't been here long enough lol.
Can we count Aruto and his personal assistant(sex-bot)?
Anon he's drawn fetish art of her
Tsukiyomi or Sakura
Final Form Ride: D-D-D-DECADE
Do you think if you licked Gavv's armor in universe it'd actually taste like candy?
You mean the busty milfs and shotas? That's pretty different from drawing actual fetish art of the kid.
>"Yall" 3 fucking times in a single two sentence post
Go back to Redit holy shit
Ball busting and futanari is porn
End of one of the specials she's holding hands with what's-her-face
That one mook Rider that got blown up alongside his girlfriend at the end of Geats.
It's unironically the pedo posters
It's an awful fucking pic
>dropped it during one of the best 2 parters
>captcha: HK GAY
She isn't.
No duh, it's still not drawing the actual kid. It's obviously taking more from the general idea of the characters rather than the actors themselves. Again, how new are you?
Leave Gavv to me...
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Finally Gavv Quarter 1
yeah i'm thinking kamen rider is dead, break after gavv probably
>yeah i'm thinking kamen rider is dead
This but Sentai.
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Oops. Was supposed to reply to this.
Is Zaku Zaku the onomatopoeia for a chips bag rustling? or like biting into a chip?
Sounds like you're trying to defend him honestly.
I thought Zaku was just some dumb nickname you guys gave him but we’re actually getting a rider named Zaku?
Didn't know this guy was a pedo. As if I didn't have enough reason to hate tokutubers.
Who is that, I think I've seen him before
Well yeah, he's relatively harmless. Just a weird fetish cartoonist lol

You can kill yourself though
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Wait he's a predator? Doesn't he have a kid?
Thought so. Never liked him to begin with.
He also threatened to silt someone's throat on stream.
I still think it's concerning behavior. That and Mizz-Britt who has admitted that she's aware of Beroba's actress being a minor yet still draws fetish art of her. People like her and Otokom need to stop getting praised.
But would you be okay with strange men on the internet lusting after your 16 year old daughter?
Disliking pedophiles isn’t a Twitter thing anon.
You can get perma-banned from this site for even implying that you find a underage person hot
I can't wait till he's homeless and begging for handouts
Matt Cunt deserves absolutely nothing
Any proof at all?
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AI Slop NEEDS to be bannable
Fuck off to Redit with this shit
Why haven’t they banished AI shit like they did with MLP?
It SHOULD be contained to /art/ basically
MLP got it's own board, Force AI shit to go to the Art Board
Honestly I just wanted to see how it would make an AI render of a Kamen Rider while it also had to make fun of the franchise at the same time. I don't have any interest in posting slop further, sorry for causing a str.
None of this is true, to back to wherewver you came from.
>civilians always get evacuated
yes, that's protecting them
>defeats it with new toy
yes, that's how you defeat the monster
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See now you are sounding like a reddit or twitter user, because you think they care about that stuff, when people have been making this kind of art of the actors roles for a long time. Like, like it or not, it's just art, and this is really silly to do with Otokam's art, because his is so rediculous and cartoony, it barely looks like the people it's inspired by.

I personally wouldn't let any kid of mine in entertainment, because the entertainment market is in and of itself exploitative of children, and I would rather not expose my child to the world for them to be exploited, thanks. Sadly, I doubt the parents care, otherwise they probably wouldn't be letting their children be TV idols.

Pretty sure the only one of those here is an ironic one shitposting atropos for attention, and who also keeps posting the same Rinne pic over and over. Maybe stop giving it to him?
That's not answering my question. It's a simple yes or no and you keep giving me these long winded answers that say nothing. Would you be okay with strange men on the internet lusting after your 16 year old daughter?
I addressed it, you're just stupid. The answer is no, but I wouldn't put my kid in that scenario in the first place. Why do you expect people to be better than the parents?
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>I addressed it
Nowhere in that sentence did you say yes or no. I'm not asking for your opinions on how people in entertainment are treated, I'm not talking about what you would do.
I'm asking for just a yes or no to the question:
Would you be okay with strange men on the internet lusting after your 16 year old daughter?
You're sidestepping the broader issue is the thing. Obviously, no one who cares for their daughters well-being would be okay with it, but it's not that simple of a question when they're doing it themselves. So if I were a parent like that? No, I wouldn't care, because a parent like that doesn't care.
>You're sidestepping the broader issue
You say as you sidestep a question you can answer in one word.
I'm not asking about other parents. I'm asking about you.
Would you be okay with strange men on the internet lusting after your 16 year old daughter?
I'm not asking for your diatribes, just a yes or a no. This isn't hard.
Well, I'm not a parent, nor do I want to ever have kids, so you're asking the wrong person unfortunately. So no, I don't really care.
Hotaro, save the Gummy Chemy!
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You care so little you've spent the past half an hour dancing around the question instead of either answering it or simply not replying. It's an anonymous imageboard. There's literally nothing tying your identity to this answer. You can be as honest as you want, and that includes simply not replying at all because no one will know you chose to opt out.
If you don't care, then you don't have to reply, but if you do care, then all you need to do is answer with a yes or a no:
Would you be okay with strange men on the internet lusting after your 16 year old daughter?
Is this dude really lying or just retarded? The reliables leakers like Color and Ivi have specifically said that the sword isn’t snack themed, so it wouldn’t be called the fucking chip slasher
>doesn’t include the Kickin or Punchin Gummies even after they were revealed
It couldn’t be faker if he tried.
Anyone else think it's weird how defensive people get when Geats is mentioned here? What's with the insecurity?
Be honest
Did you believe in the Number Theory at any point?
I believed it until Wizard
Any explanation for Gaim was a stretch and then Drive killed it completely for me
Yeah. After Gaim it was hard to justify any of it.
Has the toy meeting even happened yet? I thought that it usually happens a week or so into the month
He took it from a random 5ch post.
Neither color or ivi confirm it yet.
that five fingers bullshit with wizard was grasping for straws. I believe it was intentional through Fourze, however.
praying we get another "matt hunt is a butt" fiasco
This also isn’t the usual code named format of “Link Item A, B, etc”. It’s also very weird to have name for one of the extra riders, we haven’t had that since the catalogs with Vulcan, we didn’t know the name of Blades, Live/Evil, Tycoon and Majade until they were properly revealed
That needs to be a regular thing. We can’t let the bastard get his hands on more leaks.
It was real for 3 seasons, then they dropped it.
It was never real, they said it was a mere coincidence.
Gavv Q1 items

-Kamen Rider Gavv
-Popping Gumi
-ZakuZaku Chips (comes with ZakuZakuChipSlasher)

-Kamen Rider Valen
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I'd say the series that had Foundation X in the background role definitely had the number theory going for it.
Anything after that is just purely coincidental
Weird the new list doesn't mention Kickin Gummy despite being able to see it in his belt in the poster.
He said “unsure” at the top.

And the BoonBoom’s upgrades had generic list name so I’m not sure why Gavv’s was so specific about names.
Didn’t we hear recently that Kickin is meant to come with the sword?
Welp, color confirms it

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Poppin, Kickin, and Punchin
What about the tertiary? We got a third Rider confirmed by color but nothing about what snack they use nor is it in that listing (though it's probably not complete).
Gavv's items have onomatopoeia puns

Poppin Gummy Gavv - gabugabu (gulping) + Gummy
Zakuzaku Chips - zakuzaku (crunchy) + Potato chips
FuwaMallow - fuwafuwa (fluffy) + Marshmallow
GuruKyan - guruguru (swirling) + Lollipop

CaKing breaks the trend because its a powerup
So the secondary is called Valen. Why were the leaks calling him Zaku before?
Lemon just posted this
Hell number theory works with Megamax Trilogy. But I do believe they wanted to do it but when Fourze requires four trinkets they just couldn't justify using five, six and more trinkets to use at once.
Chigger bought a whole fucking cake to drop on his toy just for this leak
Absolutely based
cake swaord
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I've watched stuff where they try to sneak objects into prison by putting them in cakes, but I think you need to be more inconspicuous than this.

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