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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

Destiny Gundam - Palma Fiocina
Lunamaria Hawke - Force Impulse Gundam
Ken Taiga - Jushin Thunder Liger (with Yui Kamishiro & Mai Kamishiro Support)
Az Sainklaus - Huckebein 30th
X-Omega and DD's wikis will be taken down at the end of July
A Portable Plus - rebalance hack v1.1 update:

For discussion on SRC (SRW fangame program), please join the dedicated Discord

If you need help with any game try checking Akurasu for help (links for other resources also here):
(add ?action=purge to the end of the url in case of a blank page)

SRW Japanese Wiki


Game Availability in English:

Music Pastebin:

Bring Stabity's Quick Guide to Katakana:

Game Modification Pastebin:

Translated Plot Pastebin:

Art Pastebin:

SRC Pastebin V2:

Make your own SRW character Pastebin:

If you wish to help with the SRW fan game they are always in need of more musicians and artists
Please contact the following e-mail: suparoboeternity@gmail.com
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This is Jushin Thunder Liger and its pilot, Ken Taiga. Say anything about them.
This show is only remembered by fujoshis in Japan. To be fair, Ken and Ryu are super shippable
His transformation sequence goes really hard
>Ken and Ryu
Is this a coincidence? When did Jushin Liger come out?
Aired in March 11, 1989
Ken Masters debuted on the original Street Fighter in 1987 but I doubt Nagai play the videogame. Maybe some assistant did but most probably is a coincidence.
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Looking forward to the new Code Geass in SRW

Other than other Geass, who would they team up with? Would they run with it being Code Geass's Zeta Gundam?
I feel like Geass and Cold Steel could work together somehow
I haven't seen AMAIM but I remember, though I remember some wanting it to get paired with Geass in SRW, so maybe it could work.
I wonder what a Street Fighter manga by Nagai would be like, since Ishikawa did a Fatal Fury manga.
Nadesico Prince of Darkness, since Neo Britannia is kinda similar enough to the Martian Successors, since they are remnants of the reformed antagonist faction

Maybe Seed Freedom since I'm sure they'll debut together if we assume the set list for whatever the next game was finalized before it was out.

Would certainly be easier combining it with Roze than with Re;surrection, although AMAIM would mix best with
Best with what?
the best junior
...with TV series Geass. I'm retarded, anon
Animus of our fallen nakama-tachi
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Need Bionicle in new SRW or DD. Toa Mahri for console/steam, Mask of Light for DD.
Tahu-Melee/Super, has Kanohi Hau nuva which increases allies' defense, and grants barrier to Tahu himself.
Gali-Ranged/support(supportive spirit ability)
Takanuva:Ranged/Super. Takanuva would have light Koli ball as SSR weapon.
Support character:Vakama,Hahli,Jala.
SSR rank weapon for Tahu and Gali would be Toa Kaita.
Theme song: The bionicle music, HEROES.
Ryu and Chun Li as a couple maybe?
oh, great - Bionicle schizo-kun is off the meds again...
Bionicle could be like Devilman+rayearth+dunbine tho.
Jushin Liger is one of the best anime ever made.
>Grendizer U
>Getter Robo Arc
>Z Gundam
>Gundam ZZ
>IBO S1 and S2
>Seed Freedom
>Bang Brave Bang Bravern
>GGG Final
>Da garn
>SSSS Gridman
>Knight & Magic
>Majestic Prince + movie
>Code geass shit.
There's you new SRW in a few years.
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Can I be included in your new SRW?
As DLC, sure.
I was gonna put Escaflowne for the 90's retro throwback, But I remember that Japan doesn't care for it.
Sumire Uesaka video.
4 days left til Grendizer U's premiere.
Better than most roosters I've seen around the internet
There's no way that they would re-use Rayearth a 3rd time, That's why I kept Knight & Magic.
I miss DaiGuard, Godannar, Big-O and King Ganer.
I miss Bio O too and also Dancouga Nova.
*Big O
Forgive me I'm drunk
Oh who am I kidding, They'll put Escaflowne in and and a bunch western old hags would lose their shit.
Why does Japan not care about Escaflowne?
Beats me.
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bros... im at my breaking point, there is literally hentai to fap till the end of days but there is zero new mechs how the hell do i cope with cool shit dissapearing
You grow a pair
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Buy or skip Mazin Emperor G?
Next game is SRW H
>Muv Luv
>Zeorymer (manga)
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>Muv Luv
>Jinki & Winvurga
>Zetsurin Oh
>Baldr Sky
>Shin Reyon Densetsu
>Daimidaler manga version
>Getter Darkness
>Shin Mazinger Impact! H Chapter

make it happen
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Even if you use the OVA, I think you could have a lot of with Masaki being two/three/four steps ahead of everybody. I'm actually surprised Zeorymer hasn't been used more to be honest.

I think if you wanted to go with a bonkers crossover, you'd cross Zeorymer over with Guyver and that's not just because its the same creator either. You could easily play-up Aptom's allegiance conflict with somebody like Masato. Could even tie Masaki into Chronos if you wanted.
when are they bringing 0080 back
I would love them to bring back 0080, But it's kinda hard to fit it in a SRW game without the OYW.
Wasn't it in Alpha 1 and Impact which both took place after the OYW? Impact even made it post-plot where Bernie survives, and you get him in the first stage.
You could just do post-plot 0080. I'd be more interested what they would do with Al all things considered. I could see him getting along really nice with some of the Brave kids in terms of character interactions, all things considered.
When they do IBO faithfully it will be funny seeing Super Robots get BTFO by Rustal.
>Alpha 1
Alpha 1 had the whole timeline.
Never played it
Doing what Alpha 1 did again sounds like the best move.
have any of the games covered rustal BTFOing yet
Out of all the Konami franchises?
No, IBO only appeared in 30's DLC so far, where you just get a couple of units transported from another universe so no IBO plot plays out at all.
It's the best one.
Baby's Tears was actually the first mecha OP I ever heard so I'd be fine with that
what the fuck
Sparkster is the best Konami franchise.
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Why is (((he))) like this?
what the fuck
Series I'd like to see in the next Super Robot Wars:

>Unidentified Mysterious Legend UMANDER (main Super plot).
>King Moby: Ocean of White Dreams. (main Real plot)
>Batman x Getter.
>Voltron Legendary Defender Part II.
>Ruby Rose: Mechs and Magic.
>Raiei Kagemaru.
It's his turn.

It always kinda feels like people suggesting that do it because they think Geass will improve AMAIM rather than AMAIM having much to offer
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When will it be their turn?
Is that a relative of Mechazawa?
Can someone please teach me how to download a PS2 emulator? I was told I'm not allowed to play SRW OG unless it's the PS2 port.
type pcsx2 into google and download it
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But won't the Jews track my IP and put a trojan adspam virus on my computer if I do that?
Yes, don't do it.
Bait or mental retardation, call it
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Too bad there's no original Huckebein piloted by Ring.
Can't you just download it for me so I don't risk destroying my computer?
Why would they, unless you're a P*lestinan?
It's the same bait someone did a couple months ago too

>Char Aznable stared incredulously at the battlefield, his Zaku caught in a flurry of confusion and sheer disbelief. Before him, Amuro Ray's Gundam hovered, its back end alight with jets and sporadic bursts of laser fire. The Gundam's thrusters let out a thunderous, obnoxious sound.

>"BRRRRAAAAAAAPP!" echoed across the void of space.

>Char gritted his teeth. "I can't believe I'm being beaten by a Gundam with jets on its ass!" He adjusted his controls, trying to find an angle of attack that made sense.

>"Poo-poo, Pee-pee!" Amuro shouted, his voice crackling over the comms. The absurdity of it all was almost too much to bear.

>Char’s mind raced. "How am I supposed to counter this?!"

>Another BRRRRRAAPPP erupted, and Char watched in horror as the Gundam zipped away, propelled by another jet-fueled burst from its rear.

>Kamille Bidan’s voice cut through the chaos, sharp and urgent. "Char! You need to use the Cock Cannon!"

>Char's eyes widened in panic. "The Cock Cannon?!"

>"Yes, the Cock Cannon!" Kamille's tone brooked no argument.

>Char’s hands trembled as he found the button, its very existence a testament to the bizarre turn of technological innovation. He kicked the Cock Cannon button. His Zaku lurched forward, an unexpected burst of energy propelling it into the path of an oncoming asteroid.

>The Zaku collided with the asteroid, an explosion of yellow fluid painting the cosmos. Char screamed, "PISS CANNON!" as his Zaku disintegrated in a shower of pee.

>"Poo Poo, Pee Pee!" Amuro followed him, his Gundam’s rear erupting in another BRRRRAAPPP as it exploded into a spray of debris and diarrhea poop.

>In the background, "Beyond the Time" began to play, its melancholic strains providing an oddly poetic soundtrack to the chaos.

>Char’s final thoughts, before the darkness overtook him, were of disbelief and resignation. “I was beaten… by a Gundam with jets on its ass…”

>And then, silence.
There's a better option.
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Why do I feel like he and Lottie would be test pilots from Mao Industries with Shizuki? I mean, in V, Velt and Shizuki are colleagues before he set out on a journey.
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Did she hug him? Did he feel her boobs against him? Are him and that pop star a thing?
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You missed one.
Japanese fangirls at the time were busy with dagwon and wing.
In other words, not enough fujobait?
Why the fuck should Gbitch be there? IBO should be in the base game since it was DLC in 30. They're not giving up are those assists up for nothing. Seed freedom is super popular right now so not having it is not an option.0083 is there because it hasn't being in a HD SRW as of yet.
Just for that, IBO will be post-script and GWitch will take its place as the main new Gundam series.
So, the main IBO rep is Julietta?
Over Seed Freedom? lol
The whole plot is using the GWitch technology to rescue IBO characters minds from their mech with the help of Bravern, like they did with Smith.
Seed Freedom is a movie, and those can get resolved in 2 or 3 chapters.
new game doko?
IBO will only appear for one stage (which is the final battle of the anime) and your team will wipe out both Gjallarhorn and Tekkadan in one fell swoop to secure Mars. After the stage Ryoma will ask "who the hell that we just murder again?"
Banpresto doesn't give a shit about modern gundam. What makes you think with would have both IBO and Gbitch?
Every time you complain, GWitch gets 5 more chapters in the next SRW.
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Thought it was Saint Seiya from the thumbnail.
Bandai killed it with the layoffs. They were trying to make a big new game with new technology, financed by SRW 30 and DD.

But Bandai fucked up and funneled all their money into Elden Ring.

Now, SRW Forever is cancelled and being downsized. Terada dropped out of Director chair for this mistake.

I will miss you, Terada-senpai.
IBO being a post-script entry wouldn't actually be a bad thing when you think about it. If anything, it might be better than adapting Season 2 straight considering the show itself does nothing with the Hashmal/Calamity War plot point it introduces.

If anything, I could see SRW taking that plot point and running with it, doing a lot of stuff with it in the process.
I wonder what this cancelled SRW would have been. Maybe it was a game like Fire Emblem Three Houses and you could join Earth Federation or Neo Zeon, and you were a teacher on the School of Super Robot Warriors, and Ryoma was a romance option.
Well, I guess if we'll never find out you can believe whatever you want to believe.

Watch this video:


Basically, despite record amounts of profit, Bandai fucked up and this fuck up caused them to shutter a bunch of projects. The new Super Robot Wars was one of those.
I can imagine doing a "best-off" post-script that basically treats major villains from S1 and S2 as not being dead for whatever reason, and then you go through major battles from both seasons with the post-script IBO cast. Weird to do, but it's the closest thing I can imagine with a decade-old series.
First: buy a fucking banner
Second: we don't fucking know which projects were cancelled, this is just a baseless assumption. And Bamco is not gonna throw away a game series that made big bank on it's first international release.
Man Is /v/ really that much of a schizo nowadays
been like that for years
Why put your post in a spoiler?
I'm sending them my Brain Fuck Beams to make them sad and miserable.

My goal is to give them permanent brain damage and, eventually, destroy The West as a unified bloc.

The outcome should be the destruction of both the United States and also Israel.

And then? With less demand and more supply, Gunpla will get cheaper.

Imagine if you will, a world without Jews or Americans.
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>I'm sending them my Brain Fuck Beams to make them sad and miserable.

>My goal is to give them permanent brain damage and, eventually, destroy The West as a unified bloc.

>The outcome should be the destruction of both the United States and also Israel.

>And then? With less demand and more supply, Gunpla will get cheaper.

>Imagine if you will, a world without Jews or Americans.
why bring /v/ up out of nowhere?
so excited to see rayearth become a long-term srw staple <3
And Bionicle too!!! (Toa Mahri for console with original amphibious spec)
Just how many remakes are we getting? This is giving me a headache that literally every Showa and Heisei-era anime that are seen as legendary (not counting the Jump majors) are getting remakes left and right.
Yeah, like I just found out a few days ago that Ranma is getting a remake.
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Pic related is getting a reboot.
All new anime are treated as disposable distractions you forget about after a few episodes. Since barely anything makes it past 12 episodes anymore, nothing has a chance to make much of an impression, leaving legacy anime as the fallback. It's unsustainable, but it's what's happening for the foreseeable future
do you think remakes are a new thing?
>Since barely anything makes it past 12 episodes anymore, nothing has a chance to make much of an impression, leaving legacy anime as the fallback. It's unsustainable, but it's what's happening for the foreseeable future
Grandpa, are you still living in 2012? All major anime are getting full adaptations with 50++ episodes, they just took long breaks inbetween.
We're getting a bunch of remakes but we're also getting a bunch of completely new series that gain mainstream tier popularity. There is a reason why /a/ keeps bitching about anime and manga getting more popular
Yeah, as much as I don't like the bunch of seasonal isekai slop, there is still a sizeable amount of original stuff being made each season. And not everything needs to be DBZ or One Piece tier of popularity.
>not everything needs to be the apex of popularity
no shit
It's not. But we kept getting multiple remakes announced in short order throughout the middle of 2024. Isn't too much hype a guaranteed backfire?
what hype? these projects get announced and take years to come out
It's just an announcement, there's no studio, no staff, no nothing. You likely won't hear anything else about it until 2025.

Are Remakes even sustainable in Japanese media?

They're no Batman, who has a massive media empire to fall back on. With anime and manga it's always the brand new thing, and hardly anything gets memory-holed with recognition.

It's like you're starting over from zero every time. Do little kids even care about Rayearth? At least the Rose of Versailles is a seminal anime work.
Jarvis, pull up anime and manga yearly revenue.
Now juxtapose it with comics and cartoons yearly revenue.
Now send that anon back to preddit.
God Damn what a shit thread this has been
Japanese revenue is not as concentrated as America's. America is buoyed by a smaller number of extremely strong franchises, while Japan's revenue is shared with a larger variety of comparatively smaller franchises.

But that's largely irrelevant. Yearly revenue for Comics and Manga are largely similar, while American Animaiton blows Anime out of the water by a massive 300 Billion Dollar difference (364 Billion vs 34 Billion).

Which more or less begs the question: In an industry that always looks for the next big thing, depending on Remakes for series people already forgot seems like a stretch.
THIS IS AWESOME *clap clap clapclapclap*
THIS IS AWESOME *clap clap clapclapclap*
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The facehugger digivolved into a chestburster. Rest in peace isekai genre.
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So many people want a remake of the second worse thing to enter a mainline game after Dynamite 7 before SSSS that ruined Gridman in 30. Not counting manga, if I did I'd still sigh in relief it isn't Crossbone Gundam. You anons bring up some concerns.
Can't wait for the GaoGaiGar reboot for the King of Braves' 30th anniversary.
Please no, it was just n the lower end of Braves. Give is Fighbird instead.
GGG is already best Braves, it doesn’t need a reboot.
Do we have enough shows for an SRW R(emake) ?
Majority of the roster would be Dynamic Pro reimaginings/reboots.
SSSS.Gridman remake for its 10th anniversary soon
No Brave needs a reboot. We need Decade or Gokaiger-style crossovers. Also, we have Dream Together, why is it we still don't have remakes of Brave Saga 1 and 2? Because of Sworgrader?
>SRW X has Wataru turn every Cross Ange girl into a shotacon
What happens to Hilda?
Im ready for SRW 35
We need a remake of GaoGaiGar
What's wrong with the GaoGaiGar you already have, son?
Exkaiser and Fighbird could definitely use remakes to give them a chance to not be bland mediocrity. There's a lot of room for improvement with them
They've been doing split cour releases for ages now. Urusei Yatsura remake was 46 episodes.
Guess Rayearth is going to be back one last time after all. Maybe Chizeta will actually get a unit this time
I know that Koshimizu is guaranteed but i kinda wish Mitsuishi Kotono comes back to voice Hag Mai in COTW
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How am I supposed to get the skill point here? Apparently I have to defeat them both at the same time to get it, but Judau can't hit either of them even with Focus.
Doesn't DX have a MAPW?
Satelite Cannon bro
No moon.
Did SRW have any effect on Rayearth getting a new anime?
yes it's the mesmerizing cut-ins of their armpits.
A remake is pointless, the OG series and FINAL still stand on their own. What we need is GGG vs Betterman animated,
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Next SRW leaks
Unless I'm mis-remembering and this was the Z games, then the DX Falcon comes with one sat-cannon charge preloaded when you combine with the G-Falcon.
Next SRW should have The Irresponsible Captain Tylor, Starship Girl Yamamoto Yoko and Idolmaster Xenoglossia as the main plot series.
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The solution is redoing the whole stage, but with Tetsuya this time.
You forgot Robihachi, Galaxy Fraulein Yuna and Space Battleship Tiramisu
Great's Thunder Break MAP came in really clutch for me a few times too and I wish it was in SRW games more often
3 day countdown.
>Not deploying the COMBAT PRO the whole time

Alpha Gaiden is Tetsuya's game.


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Aside from GC/XO and OE, what other games let you use them?
Hmm, how strange that the previous thread gets posts right as it nears archival
What will she pilot?
>SRW dead
>Tales of dead
>Soulcalibur dead
>Pac-Man probably being brought out back with a shotgun soon
why, Bamco
>Tales of dead
Didn't they said they're working on a new Tales?
last I heard all they were doing was shutting down the last remaining gacha (Rays)
now I have the idea though of Karol and the big stupid robot he gets in his second mystic arte being in the next SRW
Tales has been dead since Zestiria killed the franchise.
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>Tales of dead
Believe in Harada, but yeah SRW might have died with 30.
So, if there's ever a Pac-Man World 4, would they still use his new family?
Moderoid Demonbane set
Hey if we ever could get Godzilla, some Super X action would be neat.
If they decide to repair/upgrade Mazinger? The Double Spacer.
Mobile games are the only thing that make money in Japan anymore.
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Moderoid already made kits for Super X 1 and 2.
Ooh! Gotta check what I missed out on since I'm getting a Liber Legis kit.
Meant to quote >>22709372
Should i watch reyearth now or wait for remake
Not a single one of the remakes of classic anime has been better than the original
B-But Yamato....
Fuck off avatarfag
I'm not worried. On their summer sale page SRW still has it's own subcategory which shows there is still willingness to push the series. The only other series with their own subcategory are Dragon Ball, One Piece, Naruto, SAO and Gundam which all got a new game recently or have one announced. Tales and From Software have their own category while Tekken and Ace Combat have too few games on Steam to get one
It's more than Digimon and God Eater at least since, despite having 3 games each on Steam, they just dumped all of them at the bottom of the Anime category
Me too
I wager that's because of V and X, but they are region restricted to SEA. It does track with Bamco highlighting SRW as one of it's 'core franchises' on the fact books sale numbers.
Shut up. Japanese game is strong at console and steam while they perform poorly in mobile. According to Nakaido. Is West not that strong at mobage either? MK onslaught seems meh.
>SRW dead
Not dead, just not making mainline games anymore because DD makes more money.
But Japanese console and steam games are strong since 2017, while they cannot make good gacha unless it is Burk@mas.
Was "Japanese games excels at console and steam while being vulnerable at mobage market" narrative wrong? Even Korea is trying to escape from Online and gachaslops...
God eater is only one truly dead because 3 was passed to a different producer and a different studio
Ironic that Japanese games are strong at console and steam while they are shit at Mobile. Do Japs not have steam to play MHW?
Who the more pro of the Combat Pros: Tetsuya or Clancy?
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Hey Bikinischizo, here is a good Korean product. Now shut up
Jona Basta is first Korean gundam pilot.
I'm not talking about Jona Basta, i'm talking about Axel's star pupil
>His Rival looks old enough to be his Grandpa
Worsen than being dead
Is Jona in NT not actually Korean? NT's theme song(Vigilante) sounds like Kpop.
it would be funny the next SRW catered really hard to overseas fans:

>Grendizer for France and ME
>Jeeg and Shin Jeeg for Italy
>Golion and Big O for America
>and of course Voltes for the flips
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You're gonna get Singular Point instead realistically
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Hey don't threaten me with a good time, anon
Now i didn't say i was opposed to it did i?
Chileans loved Jeeg, Gaiking and Magnerobo. Starzinger would be kinda hard to add to SRW.
Don't forget Koreans love J-Decker and Brazilians love Juspion.
Koreans love Rayearth as well.
BB Studio is now under Bandai Namco Studio. The article mention that they will continue to develop Battle Operation and SRW
As if they were currently
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Happy 40th anniversary.
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God I wish Macross didn't have so much shit hamstringing its copyright. I'd love to have more fighter jet units.
Call it by it's real name. J-Decker isn't real K-Cup is the real show.
There's always the later series. Delta hasn't appeared in a console game yet.

Would they give Hayate his VF dancing as a DK?
Ehhh. Maybe I just want Zero because I just got a figure of the Roy Focker mech, but I also want the Macross carrier, so I probably just don't know what I want.
Yeah you'd get some nice moves for Hayate and Messer if they copypaste the show at least
Oh, so something is indeed happening
At least this confirms, in a indirect way, that the next SRW title was NOT in the recent lineup of Bamco cancelled games.
>but that could mean DD...
NO, DD developer is Drecom.
Will continue, not that they are
What did he mean by this?
Possible that the corporate reshuffling Bamco's been doing caused some kind of holdup, I guess
What I fear is that this means there's been zero work done of the new game so far, and they're only going to start on it now.
He's designed by a Korean, but the character himself is Australian.
Serms like thats a likely case right now
I'd honestly believe that they're shifting engines or doing something like the shift from Alpha 3 > Z in terms of look since we've largely been with Z-style since Z1, handheld games being the exception. And Z1 was what, 16 years ago? Almost close to twenty at this point.

Plus this is about the same length of time between the Alpha 3 > Z shift anyway, assuming you count 30's DLC as part of its life cycle. Alpha 3 was 2005 while Z1 was 2008; it just felt less because you had the handheld games and stuff like Scramble Commander and ACE to fill in the gaps.

Could also be that they're taking the criticism the last few games have had and actually going back to the drawing board in terms of how they handle story/narrative and series involved. Maybe even getting the series BEFORE they start writing and doing all that?

Maybe we're getting a completely bonkers cast list too?
What a naive moron lol
SRW is dead.
Accept that and move on.
We can still hope that Terada goes independent and pulls an Igarashi with Supreme Robonoid Scenarios
Good Smile will fund MODEROID Tactics
>shift from alpha 3 to Z
It only seemed like a major shift because animations pre Z are less elaborate and performed with more deformed sprites. Nowadays the sprites are almost 1:1 and comes with anime-like choreography, there's nothing more they could add into it other than smoothing out the fps and working on the camera work like the OG games.
>BB Studio is now under Bandai Namco Studio
This is good. Why?
Because BNS is the studio that handles the bulk of their international multiplat releases, incl. capable PC ports.
Ace Combat? The Tales ports? Code vein? Scarlet Nexus? Etc. All Bandai Namco Studios...

Basically, this is all-but outright confirmation that SRW is being retargeted towards the international market after 30's unexpected hit-success on Steam in the west.
You're getting Nendoroid Generation 2 and you will like it
So it's actually very, very, very bad news, got it.
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That's fine too
>retargeted towards the international market
so we're getting Wing TV, Transformers, and Megas XLR, got it
>TV Wing
>Megas XLR
>Outlaw Star
>Big O
And the OG is TOM.

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