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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22704389
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Show me your WIPs!
Share the new kit boxarts revealed just now. And we're also giving people a challenge to mod the HG Blu Duel's Fortestra as a pre-emptive move before you get the Duel Blitz.
Is it a good idea to thin the entire paint bottle at once for the future?
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why would you ruin a kit like this
what am I supposed to be mad at here
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Who knows.
>Cooler GM
The worst part is how fucking expensive it is.
how is it more expensive just buy the cheap gm and paint it
Why is the left one all scratched up by 80-grit or something
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Is this a good Nipper? It will be my first.
Cute nippers, but buy single bladed nippers so you don't stress mark the fuck out of everything if it's your first pair. If you don't want to shell out for God Hand SPN-120's then buy DSPIAE ST-A 3.0's. Also buy a raser if you're just getting into the hobby, it's idiot proof for nub removal.
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Shot in the dark here but any giga autists know if they changed the packaging for screws/bolts in the old MG EX-S from 3 multicolour packets (Red Yellow Green) to one Yellow and one clear packet?
Heya, so I'm getting my airbrush setup sorted finally. I'm just wondering what I should do about a spray booth. I've seen some people recommend the Mr Hobby Compact one, but I'm wondering if you guys had any suggestions.
Yeah honestly get a Raser, one of the best nub-removal tools I've ever owned. Other than sanding sponges.
Dalong ass build
What happened to the GM on the left? Looks like someone stopped sanding at the first step.
They got the cooler GM so they didn't bother with the boring normal GM
i actually really like this look
i mean obviously i would never 'finish' a kit like this but it makes for cool pictures. somehow i think it has a similar appeal to detailing a gunpla inner frame and taking pics of just the frame on its own, to me at least
>i actually really like this look
Most resin kit builders do this after rescribing before they paint a kit
You use a low grit to create flat planes. Fewer passes less rounded.
okay but why did he sand all the surfaces that were already flat
to make the edges sharper or to prepare it for painting
No picture because it is all packed up for the night, but the build and initial sanding/filling on the GM Clearance Diver is done and it will next be time to do surfacer/fix the still obvious seams.
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I finally color corrected something so I'm no longer a snapchad sorry bros...
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I'll start by saying I've never built a gunpla until now. I got myself a gpo2a because it was on sale only to realize that they expect me to use stickers for the head vents and the vulcan. Stickers for eyes were tolerable enough, but I don't think it would make much sense for the non-flat surfaces like the many vents covering this robot.
I don't really want to paint the entire thing like true hobbyists. Even on sale its still moderately expensive and I'm sure I would fuck it up. What alternative options do I have to get this done?
Panel line it.
Get the better version
Paint isn't permanent. Some types of paint can be erased and redone, like enamel. Just get a pointy cotton swab, some zipper fluid and some cheap enamel paint. you'll be painting like a big boy in no time.
Not painting all the surfaces causes it to look really bad because just by eye you can immediately notice which parts are still shiny bare plastic and which aren't. If you have no choice though, a good top coat over the entire kit can make it look a bit more uniform (though obviously be careful about the sticker parts).

Ultimately just accept that your first kit is always going to look sub-optimal because you don't yet have the skills/tools to do a "perfect" job. That's why it's usually recommended to start with a cheap "disposable" practice kit and do research into proper painting/modeling techniques. Once you're confident that you know what you're doing you can start trying to do justice for the kits that you want to look good.

Or, if you just want something that looks good without requiring painting, build RG or MG kits.
Your only option is to buy an entire airbrushing setup and paint the whole kit
help me out /gpg/
>wanted to do a complete recolour on one of my kits
>snaps off all my pieces
>sort them by color
>paint them all (surfacerx2 paintx2 finishing coat x2)
>everything's fine at this point
>starts putting them together
>"hey this joint is a bit tigh-"
>took me this long to realize that the extra paint I put on might limit the movability of the joints because I am a dumbass
>finish the kit but I can't really change him out of his current "default standing pose" for fear of snapping my guy's joints

my question is what the fuck do I do if I want to change the color of the pieces that has ball joints in them without severely limiting the poseability
I didn't put surfacer on the ball joint pieces and they are still quite stiff, and obviously I couldn't skip the finishing coat because the paint will rub off eventually.

do I just limit the number of coats I put on them and hope they don't cause too much of an issue or is there something I should know?

thank you in advance.
sand the joints
get an airbrush and some panel liner and it will look a lot better.
you will sticking with stickers for a long time for the eyes though - unless you already have experience painting other shit there's no way you can get the eyes to look better than just using stickers.
sand down joints if there's gonna be paint on them, mask them off if tmtvhkhey're not gonna be seen
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ngl it took me at least an hour to realize you had to flip the two face side pieces around to do the transformation. i was fucking with it for so long
I've also haven't slept yet, in my defense
I think you are not supposed to paint them fully, just the visible surfaces. Snapfit the kit first then use masking to paint the details one by one.
I actually did that and it's still quite stiff.
also wouldn't sanding it defeats the purpose of putting the finishing coats on it in the first place?

yeah that make sense, I will get some masking tape next time
no, sand them before you paint them. basically you want to sand off about as much material as you're adding with the paint. maybe a bit more so the paint doesn't rub off as easily. it doesn't matter if you sand too much and it ends up loose because you can just dab a bit more paint or varnish in the joint to add more material and tighten it up.
alternatively, if the joint is hidden and you can get away with not painting it, just mask it off. sometimes you do just need to paint it though
ah, that makes a lot of sense. thanks for answering.

thanks for replying as well.
>That white v fin
Is that RG Unicorn ( painting model ver ) or MG EX?
That pic is the HGUC Unicorn Gundam (Painting Model Ver.), there wasn't ever an RG like that
*HG*. Sorry.
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>Master Shit EXTREME
>$250 dollar premium you have to pay to get the “good” (Reddit) Unicorn
>uses stickers for the gold v-fin



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this is my essentially my second gunpla so I'm not sure what rg and some of that stuff means, but this is the box
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Yeah just a typo. But if Bandai make RG version, i would love to buy it. Light grey modelkits are charming.
The Unicorn Horn has to open and close so how would they make half of it white and the other half gold?
Bruh for two hundred fifty dollars they can fucking figure it out god damn.
>Essentially highest quality of small scaled modelkit
>Needs sticker for the Vfin
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The PG does it, but it can afford to since it's a PG.
doesn't bother me, I'm painting it all anyways
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I mean, Aerial has premade breasts and it is just HG. And Epyon RG has premade parts for the whip. There is no reason why MG still needs stickers for something as important as Vfin. Shit is embarassing.
The RG also uses stickers for the fin you know.
>it can afford to since it's a PG
Explain this shit >>22709065
Yeah but RG is still relatively cheap so it is ok for them to have flaws. MG is 3 times more expensive.
>PG Unicorn
>gold v-fin
>MGEX unicorn
>cheap stickers for v-fin
Small mom and pop shop prease understand
>3 times more expensive
Because of the LEDs.
$150 just for the LEDs
MG is bigger too.
I dunno, electropate one side of it? Bandai does premade parts all the time.
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Yzak and his boyfriend on the box art.
When was MG Unicorn even released?
2020 I think.
Call me when we get OG Duel and Buster and also when they do HGCE kits of the Druggies.
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Initial version was released in 2011. It has a renewal version in 2020 and funny enough, with every new technology available, MG EX Unicorn still needs stickers for the Vfin.
Good Smile putting the Mashins on their retail stores again.
File deleted.
Full of Getter Rays right here.
Will just panel liners still look fucked up for unpainted plastic? It just doesnt seem practical to get a full airbrush kit for 1 robot.
Novel version 2007 (three years before the OVA)
OVA version 2010 (same year as the OVA)
Full Armor version 2011 (two years before it appeared in episode 6 of the OVA)
Perfectibility 2019 (year after Diver City, though supposedly it debuted earlier in some arcade card game)
MG-EX version 2020
You don't need to paneline it if you feel happy with its appearance. It is never really good looking.
Kinda funny when the HG version of Unicorn has a very good color separation, especially the horn. But it can have that advantage due to it being a non-transformable i guess.
Topcoating it will make it look much better even without painting it. Mr Hobby makes a matte smooth topcoat, add some waterslide decals to it with some panel ling, then top coat it.
Gundam Marker on bare plastic is perfectly fine so long as you clean it up afterward. Just be careful if you're going to top-coat it because it can cause the marker to run.
What's like the lowest possible investment for an airbrushing setup. I guess it might be worth it if I get like 3-5 kits which is most of the stardust line.
>What's like the lowest possible investment
$35 for shitty chink airbrush
$60 for shitty chink compressor
I know this is a modeling thread but airbrush stuff has more use in stuff like tanks and planes, because majority of them look like ass OOB so you don't feel insecure about your paintjob. But for Gunpla especially, alot of them look so good OOB, i see no point changing their colors or designs.
Hello R*ddit
what's the "bad" unicorn?
Haha reddit joke funny. I see no differences between /m/ and reddit nowadays. You fags lost your spine long time ago.
Depending on how much research you're willing to do, a non-shit airbrush can cost around $100 to $150 USD. You'll need an air compressor to go with that (those can run from $50 to $100 but aren't nearly as quality-critical as the airbrush), a spray booth (can DIY one yourself for like $30 but it'll be extremely crappy) and a respirator (definitely don't want to cheap out on this since it's literal life-saving equipment, $40 minimum). And after that, you'll have to consider all the other stuff like pipe cleaners, a sprayout pot, cleaning chemicals, etc.

Yes, it's expensive as fuck, but in the long run it's cheaper than buying rattle cans all the time (which not only run you at least $10 a can, but also you can't control how much comes out of the can and thus you waste a shitload of paint each time you press it down). Certainly not something you want to invest in if you only ever want to paint 3-5 kits, at that point you want to ask yourself if you're happy just leaving your kits out-of-box.
that actually does look pretty cool for a 30mm
As someone who invested in bunch of paint and airbrush, honestly i'm fine with matte topcoat lmao. Gonna buy one or two cheese colored tanks to use the airbrush.
God I hate snapfags
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It is P-Bandai so it is allowed to look cool for once. But i'm glad recent 30MM is improving. Verdenova looks really cool.
>pipe cleaners
Don’t listen to this midwit. These will fuck up your expensive airbrush. Use interdental brushes.
>Those nubs

I kneel.
The designer of Exia btw

>Make a Vagan design
>Call it a 30MM
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I would kill for a revive Ghiraga with improved proportion and sculpting.
I've used this one since January and I have no complaints. Sure, there's plenty better out there. But for $75cad it puts out consistent work I'm happy with.
Anons I need help deciding.
Which kit is more fun and looks better as a display piece (disregarding size)??
Sazabi Ver.Ka or RG??
HG is superior
How is that compressor? I bought a GSI Creos and was looking at my compressor options.
Ver. Ka
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Here is them side by side. Make your own judgement. I personally prefer the RG's proportion and head sculp, looks more menacing.
Both. The RG has that weapons expansion version that the MG doesn't have but you can find a bootleg chinaman remake of it. The Ver Ka one, is very fun to build tho.
Why didn't the retard who made this image pose the heads the same.
It works, I have no compressors to really compare it to. There's no screen or reading of any kind for the PSI so you just gotta go by feel. It holds fuck all for air so it's constantly running. But, it is super quiet, super small, and has consistently run almost every day since January so I can't complain.
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NTA but i own that lobster Sazabi RG. Really excited and will build it when i have freetime.
just get some simple paint and a brush, and ignore shitposters
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The OG Duel is underneath the Blitz Shroud.
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It is not really about the head camera. MG version has a drastically different head sculpt compares to the RG.
>It is P-Bandai
I hate Bandai with every nano-angstrom of my existence.
Can't wait to get my hands on Verdenova, the perfect opponent for my flight type Alto.
Space Cielnova is P-Bandai. Verdenova is not ( yet ). Pretty sure there will be a P-Bandai version later.
Speaking of 30MM P Bandai, Spinatia hasn't have one.
Should i buy HG Sazabi? I already have RG version but i want to try out HG version, too. How's the articulation and engineering of this thing, considering that it is quite ancient?
if you like how it looks, it's a good kit
>quite ancient
are you fucking stupid
They look flat but they are not. Every panel has sunken areas
>16 years old HG
>Not ancient
Still coping with the flow of time, i see.
Yeah, looking at them both side by side, this anon >>22709246 has a point, I will get them both. Each has their own unique quirks so one isn't just a bigger copy of the other.
okay then if that's """"ancient"""" for your zoomer ass then sure, it's an old, awful wrinkly piece of plastic shit you shouldn't touch
you don't deserve to enjoy it anyway
Stop with your retarded hissy fit, you are acting as if the word ancient is an instant negative connotation.
MG Sazabi is quite huge so i hope you have enough space for it.
you don't belong here
Space ain't an issue for me.
How is calling something super old even related to loving or hating it? 16 years is a very long time.
>kit from 16 years ago
what the hell is wrong with you anon, that's at least a decade too young for that
It's a pain, but you can find the Space Cielnova on Mandarake for about 3500 yen, a great price for all the gubbins it comes with.
Yeah, why would you paint the visor.
it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of model kits in general, something that can be fixed by easily available materials and barest minimum of critical thinking
in other words, it shows anon is a fucking idiot
MG Sazabi for the true gigachads:
That sounds like a reasonable price, but the shipping and customs are gonna fucking kill it.
I paid a little under 3000 yen to ship it and a 30MS body to the UK, which wasn't terrible.
I believe majority of HG and HG-like P-Bandai kits are around 30 dollars in Japan originally. If you are lucky, you can buy some cheap P-Bandai if the reseller is kind enough to not gouging the price up.
Does Gundam have any kit sculptors/designers that people know by name other than Katoki?
depends who you ask, hell not everybody knows who Katoki is either
I doubt Nagano designed any Gundam kits himself, though there are some resin kits based on his design drafts and artwork made by other sculptors
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oh nonononononono ......... Narrative bros, what happened?

shit is already 50% off
should have added the second core fighter, mister Ban Dai
If you did, this... unfortunate event... might not have happened...
oh i thought he had worked on the rick dias but i could be wrong on that
The current golden VIP group of Banrise Gundam consist of: Kunio Okawara, Hajime Katoki, Takayuki Yanase, Kanetake Ebikawa and Ippei Gyobu. You see them time and time again working for tv Gundam shows and movies.

And Silver VIP group: Junichi Akutsu, Naohiro Washio, Junya Ishigaki, Kenji Teraoka, NAOKI, Kenji Fujioka.

Sort of retired golden VIPs: Yutaka Izubuchi, Mamoru Nagano.

Bronze VIPs, basically newcommers: JNTHED, Wataru Inada ( also known as Koh Inaba ), Kotaro Ando.

Might have missed alot more. Feel free to add them.
I meant kit designers, not mecha designers. I know who draws the linearts, I'm wondering about who models the actual kits.
nta but there is some overlap between them, Katoki in particular has worked on many kits (not just ver.ka but also a big portion of early HGUCs for example) and some others definitely have been involved as well but Bandai doesn't seem to like focusing on that very much.
It's a shame, in the resin kit space each kit is always credited to a sculptor, but we never really learn who designed a Gunpla kit. It's not like plastic kits don't have just as much personal interpretation and slight deviations from the original art going into the designs as a resin kit would.
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It depends. Most of the time it is just faceless Banrise intern-kun does the rough modeling, then the lineart artist supervise the model and tell them what to do next. Basically most of the time, the lineart artist takes the role of an editor, too. Ebikawa and Yanase confirmed on twitter that they have been doing the supervising for the modelkit.
Because there is no specific superstar who make entire thing from start to finish. There are probably thousands of modelers who work on Gunpla. The 3D models later on were materialized by machines.
metal build in this case, no?
Probably everything. If the original designer can't roll with it, Banrise will give it to someone else who can. Junichi Akutsu is famous for supvervising modelkits, as well. The production of Gunpla consists of a large group of experts, not just a single sculptor alone.
NTA but similar question, how much of the ver. Ka kits is actually Katoki’s work? Like how the master sculptors of the past would have workshops and the finished sculpture would be the result of both the guys in the workshop and the old master’s efforts. Are the ver Ka kits just kits that Katoki supervises and other people work on? Or does he do it all himself? Or does he not even really do anything and they just slap the name on to sell?
>alot of them look so good OOB
No doubt that Katoki is just a supervisor on ver Ka kits. He is an illustrator, not a toy engineer. He probably took in the models, told the modeler what should be changed, what details should be added, etc...
Most custom jobs look worse than if you had just topcoated the plastic
I personally fond of paintjob on stuff that actually look horrible OOB, like those colorless vintage kits. Custom Gunpla most of the time looks horrid, and even worse when you are aware of where the components actually came from. Like how this dude glued Michaelis's arms and Heindree's shoulders on another Heindree's back, it is just so fucking stupid.
>99% Coins Cashback.

What the shit? So it's basically free?
With this level of autism you must have hated bonkles back in the day.
He basically gives feedback on the kits made by the engineers. Iirc he does his corrections by hand, using modeling clay, not CAD, so the engineers have to go in, take his feedback, and recreate it in software
Izubuchi pretty much retired from Gundam. His last Gundam works was mecha designs in Beltorchika's Children ( Hi nu and Nightinghale ).
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Working on my qubeley. I’m using Mr color gx metal blue, but these colors seem kind of washed. I thinned 1:2 with rapid thinner and sprayed light coats over a gloss black base. Is it supposed to be like this?
Moderoid Demonbane.
Should I swallow the 30mm pill and buy them all? They seem fun to build and paint.
do it
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What makes snapbuilds so kino?
MGEX Banshee and Phenex when
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No, it's far brighter. You're not supposed to spray every single metallic on top of a gloss black base, that's only the case for high shine Metallica like chrome, gold also looks better with a black base. Pic related if gx blue over gray primer
Ah ok thanks. Is this still true if I plan to spray candy colors over the metal blue? And for the gx blue gold is it fine to spray over gloss black?
go check out PM paint
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>this is p-bandai
so, uh, is there still anyone left here that defends them?
Yes, a clear paint over a metallic will work. I recently used clear red over gx metallic red to get a nice bright red. If you're unsure of the results, do tests on spoons, or test colors on other kits. Also gx blue gold happens to be the gold in the pic I posted, it was sprayed over gloss black, or over chrome which was sprayed over gloss black, I don't remember exactly. And check PM paint like the other anon said, dude does a ton of tests
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PBandai has been putting the stupidest shit on the gatekeeping list.
I appreciate it fellas
back in my day this kinda stuff was included with the kit
my local shops priced these pbandai effect sets as much as a decently sized MG kit, fucking lol
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P-Bandai sold 6 pieces of clear plastic for 35 dollars. You can buy an entire RG with that money. The fact that this thing even got sold separately is a crime by itself.
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I am currently building this. going to make it look very similar to the pic you posted. got all the parts sanded, just waiting for a good day with alright humidity so I can open my windows and get to painting.
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I'm not going to say it's worth the price but it's more than 6 pieces of clear plastic.
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I like mine better
Know these are in 1/144 scale, it is even funnier. Whoever worked at Bandai cook up the idea of P-Bandai deserves to be tormented in the deepest pit of hell.
Is that fucking duct tape??
unironically SOUL
That anon did some weathering, probably metal scratches.
Ngl, this is how i see every custom gunpla lmao. Absolute ass.
Stop being poor.
Question for anyone who has painted White Glint: Is the clearance on the boost unit in the back enough for paint coats to survive the sliding overboost transformation? Or if they can survive being fully disassembled and assembled between them. Wondering because I'll probably just build it straight into the overboost form after painting if that's the case
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You stop being poor.
Everybody stop being a fucking nigger
Honestly, articulated kit is not paint friendly at all, no matter how many layers of topcoat you gave. Once you painted a kit, you doomed it to be stuck in one pose forever.
MGEX Exia when?
After mgex rx-78-2
gunpla is such a cost effective hobby
you can get such a good $ per hour ratio if you really take your time building them
>No $500000 super rare clear metallic special decal nub magnet
lol poor
Yeah its very comfy I've spent 3 days on my Gogg, compared to how little you have to spend you can get a hell of a lot out of it.
>You don't have 50000 dollars P-Bandai Gundambase exclusive clear color v-fin set ( Amongus Big Chungus ver )? Get out of my face, you brokie.
PGU Moon Moon
Think about it
still funny how that ousted so many people as newfrens
I know it is sarcastic, but you can get into gunpla cheaply if you know how to restrain yourself. Don't buy P-Bandai through scalpers, don't hoard during the discount sale, don't bother to paint or customize them. But then, all of us are guilty of all of those.
I have the V.O.B. so it would be sentenced to that fate regardless but I would also want to take some pictures in the regular mode
>Weathered gunpla
>Not on a custom made diorama
>Just sits there on an action base

What even is the point if you're doing that and aren't even making a diorama?
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I see bunch of weathered Scopedogs on non-diorama ground. It is weathering for the sake of weathering.
Mr finishing surfacer 1500 black or Gaia surfacer evo black?
How do you people scribe that soft black inner frame plastic? Or is it just not possible?
Scopedogs are so cool...
why aren't modeling magazines available in ebook format
I wanna learn but I don't wanna ship a bunch of magazines from japan each time
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Why does EG Strike's expansion set have fully color separated weapons but RX78 suffers basicbitch grey plastic? Isn't the bazooka supposed to be white?
RX-78 is meant to be painted. Strike is for seedbabies that only know how to use crayons.
They honestly look the same to me.
In fairness the bazooka's coloring is not totally consistent either. Hell, I don't remember off the top of my head if it was ever white at all in the anime or if that's a later interpretation. Either way, grey doesn't seem to be a strictly wrong choice here.
This doesn't excuse the javelin though, and that has multiple design issues but really the whole set is rather peculiar.
To shamelessly shill my husbando:
How do people watch this shit lol. These frames look so bad.
imagine, a random frame from a low-budget show doesn't look good
...and also doesn't reflect the quality of storyboarding, overall animation direction and some of the most creative and inventive artwork ever seen in anime
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Original show is full of animation inconsistencies. But canon-wise, i think the bazooka is white, as majority of modelkits have been consistently using white color for it.
>weathering an unpainted kit
Come on man
Ah, so it is white in some pics. In that case yeah, it's most likely just coloring error/simplicity. I am based and my only experienced with RX-78-2 kits is HGUC G-Armor so I kinda internalized it as grey.
Gaia surfacer evo or mr finishing surfacer 1500?
Mr Finishing Surfacer 1500 Pink
there are 12 frames per second anon, and most ppl are focused on the story and characters rather than freeze framing to spot check the model accuracy
Thank you!
Might as well let it collect dust.
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Just finished my first Gogg, post your aquatic gunpla.
Bros I am getting filtered hard by small sections that I want to paint.
just mask it
It’s fucking over bro
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I had never done weathering before and it was fun to try out. I have an MG Buster Gundam that I might do some weathering on. Some anon a few threads ago was posting his navy blue Gundam? armored core suit? that he did a really good paint chip/scrape weathering job on that I thought was neat and I wanted to try and replicate.
here's a better picture. tips would be appreciated
New P-Bandai drop tomorrow
We're 85% of the way there why don't those cunts release Virgo and Virgo II yet.
I really just wish they'd reprint Leo Space Type. I don't give a shit about the rest of the Leo equipment, fuck.
I kind of wish that the Leo parts kit didn't come with an extra Leo, since I already have like six of them from Hobby Lobby, but what the hey, I'll gladly take the Mercurius and Vayeate.
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We doin decals. I hoard sheets of em so I've got a nice variety
That's a really rough finish anon...
One is packaged with the EG and the other is a separate option part set.
It passed the "looks fine from 2 feet away" test I'm satisfied.
From the looks of it you didn't mix the paint well enough so you've got some clumping going on. More thorough shaking before use and more thorough mixing with thinner will help.
EG Nu has color separated rifle. I think Bandai did EG RX782 dirty with that cost cutting.
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Yeah it was certainly a fuckup on my end. But I really don't feel like stripping the paint. I'm fine with leaving flaws on my models as I'm never entering them in a serious competition, and as I improve it's nice to be able to compare and contrast
All fair. Just giving some feedback.
That red V fin fucks me up.
The feedback was much appreciated, thank you anon
Also, sure you can argue that EG Nu doesn't have fin funnels as exchange, but RX782 doesn't have the equavilent of that either.
Not having fin funnels or a fin funnel option set is fucking inexcusable for a Gundam that has one true gimmick that is the most striking element of its iconic design.
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Well you see, in the movie, Nu's most iconic screentime happened after it discarding its funnels. I think the actual plan of Nu Gundam's design was to let it giving up its funnels and making it resemble an evolved form of RX78-2. It is just that the design with funnel is such an iconic design and a fan favourite as well.
Summer time baby
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What do /gpg/ thought on Guntank kits in general? I recently got the Early Type kit because I like the design way more than the original.
That is an extremely far reach. The Nu has fin funnels, the asymmetrical wing is the most iconic element of it. There's no justification.
I honestly hate tank robot shit. Feels like the designer and publisher couldn't decide if they should sell a tank or a robot. They look stupid as well. I prefer an actual scifi tank over this dumb stuff.
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>There's no justification.
Zaku Aurelius said EG Nu is compatible with HG Nu, so i think you meant to buy HG Nu, then slap the fin funnels to EG Nu.
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It came out kinda rough, but I'm happy that I actually finished this model. Maybe now I'll finish other projects I have on the desk. I look forward to entering it in the GB and seeing everybody else's entries
>Those sub-arms
I know it's your build, Ohtagaki Yasuo.
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Well, you can use HG Nu's fin funnel with it.
>Well then what's the point when i can just buy the HG and be done with it
EG Nu is objectively better as a kit. Rock solid structure, good engineering.
>buy another kit to have another half-finished Nu around
Yet again: that's fucking retarded. Package the HG Fin Funnels separately.
I mean, EG Strike has been around for 2 years and only receive option set recently. I'm pretty sure Nu has several stuff for it in store.
The fin funnel options are
>buy the HG
You could get the Fake Nu Weapon set, not the same funnels but they work.
Aren't they much smaller than a set of HG funnels?
Not that small but they look jarring on Nu. Not similar in aesthetic. You might as well do yourself a favor and by RG Nu instead.
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Not my build, but i would rather by ver Ka instead of wasting time on this shit lmao.
Not coming with Aile was lame but Strike does actually sortie without any packs a handful of times and you could get some packs standalone I think.
It is also nice to have just a Strike on its own be available, as such a kit hadn't previously existed
I think Nu has an excuse, too, considering how it had alot of non-funnel screentime in CCA movie. Still, i hope Nu will get its Fin Funnel soon with recent release streak. I have always wanted a modern Nu kit with simplistic design.
The original PG doesn't have any Striker Packs and there were some other ones too.
I think you're crazy to accept a Nu without fin funnels and that it'd just be like accepting a Gundam without its beam rifle because "it throws it away and fights in melee a lot."
I believe Aile Strike is that barebones Strike HG. You can just remove the backpack. Its big weakness is how this thing has terrible color separation - something EG Strike fixed perfectly.
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Funfact: Bandai released the first Nu Gundam kit in 1987, and it did not have funnels. They released the kit months before Chars Counterattack was in japanese theaters. The didnt want the funnels on the Nu kit to be a spoiler for the movie, but they wanted a Nu kit on the shelves ready to buy when the movie opened.

After the movie was released, Bandai released the Nu kit with funnels.
Everyone knew it had fin funnels because it was a fucking adaptation bro.
I love HG Nu so much it's unreal
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Fuck off retard
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wrong thread, the mobagay club is two blocks down
>fingers are sore and i still didnt finish wiring eternal glory LED
To anyone who wants this fucking thing, i hope you have patience.
What's the appeal of LED? I don't get it. I want a modelkit, not a bed lamp.
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nice PG cat
Use a heatgun or blowdryer dude.
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It looks neat
>Everyone knew it had fin funnels because it was a fucking adaptation bro.
Nobody knew it was a adaptation, "bro". It was based on Hi-Streamer, and no one figured that out till after the movie came out.
>dont want to spoil the movie
>thats why they put everything about it in the manual
people really just go on the internet and tell lies
Yeah they did dude. The entire story is about Amuro and Char. The Nu Gundam is there. It is impossible to even promote a single thing about Char's Counterattack before release without anyone knowing it is based on Hi-Streamer. It was not a huge secret.
That was one of the first things i tried yesterday. I even went to use hot water to soften it up. I mustve really pissed someone off.
moderoid nirvash is out in japan
my preoder shows no specific release date yet just quarter 3 of 2024 here in the US
Unicorn in the same frame as the MS that prevents Unicorn from being canon
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That fucking sticker sheet for the board.
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It is a what if scenario. Spoilers from Japanese confirms that it takes place during Victory era, yet Banaji and Seabook are not oldmen ( missed opportunity ). Timeline-wise, it is possible to happen in canon. But Banagher not being a 70 years old man prevents it.
how do i get a bf who is into gunpla that isn't fat or short or oriental

meow zeong
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Try to get into his pants ( if you can successfully cuck his wife and kids ).
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Now topcoat it.
zaku isn't gay plus he married an asian

good colour combination
Is CA glue better at seamwelding and filling in damaged spots than tamiya putty? Im a tard that has been using tamiya putty like a dumb ape, dabbing globs onto areas, waiting for it to cure, sand down like crazy, and get dust everywhere, making me feel funny. Im also dumb for buying a bunch of sanding tools/sponges/paper that cant be wet sanded.
It doesn't matter, you already have lung cancer
Join the snapfit cult. You will be free of such nuisance.
Seam welding, use extra thin cement and surfacer 500
Filling in, depends on the size and shape and your personal preference but either CA glue or putty. Try getting some acrylic putty if you're tired of poisoning yourself.
>Trust me bro, any other brands are better than Bandai
Must be a fruitfly that was attracted by all that orange peel it looks great so far, I just couldn't resist the shitty joke, please forgive me
You're acting as if bandai doesn't egregiously use colour correcting stickers, despite being a much larger company with more money and resources than GSC.
Those green rings should've come with the kit instead of those random shitty chinkshit spikes.
You do realize that money does not make your wildest fantasies come true, right? You needs to research in order to find out, that is why modelkits don't look good right away in the 80s and up to early 2000s they still looked bad. Hell even those Chinese bootleg companies learnt alot from Bandai about modeling and color separation.
Thanks brother. I was in the process of building up light coats of clear purple for a candy color when I was interrupted. It looks different now that I’m done, but it’s my first time doing candy coats so I don’t really know what it should look like and would appreciate some constructive criticism.
Revenue pays for R&D, I also added the word "resources" in case you missed that part. GSC has a slightly more valid excuse than bandai for using colour correcting stickers. Also you're ESL and should die.
nah I was being fr, compared to some of my hobbies it's really a pretty good value. def better than collecting anime figgies or shooting guns
I will continue to buy anime figures regardless
Probably going to preorder that hideous Riko Zaku just to paint it green. The J type is being sold for 80 fucking dollars since they won’t fucking reprint it.
>bought 20cm (0.6ft) "hobby" copper rods for 10 bucks a piece
>dad called me fucking stupid and pointed out to me normal copper rods used in construction cost 10 time less than that
Hobbybros... I feel stupid
It's like every week there's a new "hobby" snake oil scam
atleast you arent an audiophile
At least the higher bracket headphones are worth it.
Man, I almost got sucked into that hobby too... I already had perfectly good Sony XM4 headphones, but then I bought AKG 702s, an amp, and even gold-plated cables. I spent hours tweaking the PEACE audio software. Then one day I just stopped and thought, 'What a waste of time this all is,' and went back to my old headphones."
Reeeeeeeeeeeee stop gatekeeping us from SEA. Every time we just get scraps listed.
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Another stupid "hobby" shit I almost bought.
Brush cleaning box for $15, then my sister pointed out to me makeup brush cleaning boxes are like 1$

Hobby weathering powder is also a fucking scam by the way, make up is literally the same shit.
Honestly just get a Sennheiser 650 and youre all good for the rest of your life.
>Sennheiser 650
No thanks. I'm sure those are great but I can't stand cables and lack of ANC.
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kit when kit when kit when
[spoilers] bonus points if it's based on G-Line molds and doesn't use anything from HGUC 7th for the lulz [/spoiler]
Understandable once you go wireless its really hard to go back.
I'm convinced people buy the hobby shit just to save themselves the embarrassment of buying makeup supplies as a guy
how is usagundamstore?
found something it has that nothing else does stocked in japan
I buy it because I can and I like the brand
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Shimada Fumikane for the plastic waifus. Mercy Rabbit did some drawings for the old MGs but he's more known nowadays for his HMM designs.
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>sticker sheet
It's called masking stencil
I've ordered paints from there for years. Never had any issue.
I've ordered from them once, they spammed me with marketing emails daily and didn't ship my shit for over a week. The box they used to ship my kit had the same external dimensions as the kit's box, so they had to crush it a little to get it to fit.

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