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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22722007
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Show me your WIPs!
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Two weeks to go, and I haven't posted my entry yet. A fun little kitbash, I call it the Gaza-Gan: a love child between a Jegan and a Gaza. I'm painting it now. Hopefully I'll get it done in time.
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Will give her weapons once that 1/144 Tallgese Flugel weaponset bootleg arrived.
looks deranged, I love it
What's the tactical advantage of making robots look like this?
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They shouldn't have even bothered with the season 2 mecha.
Tactical advantage on my cock.
remember to report and ignore shitposting
Last minute upgrades never sell that well usually.
Reporting will only work if it hurts the janitor's ego or if someone posts our board wikia.
Honestly, Gwitch kit has that hollow feeling that kicks in after a short time. I own several of them and got bored really quick. Decided to stick to Okawara/Katoki Gundam stuff for good and can't be happier.
>Decided to stick to Okawara/Katoki Gundam stuff for good
Genuine pleb taste
>hollow feeling that kicks in after a short time
this but with Gundam in general

What do you like then
You don't even build gunpla, why are you here?
The trolling has already begun again I see.
Currently working on the Wave Galient, waiting for SMP Zearth, Moderoid Hagane and Daiteioh to arrive.
Kek just because you copied a few terms doesn't make you seem any more legit.
alright, place your bets
will this thread last 24 hours?
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>buy that new 3rd party 1/35 RX78
>get a cockroach included in the runners
is the sprue impaling it? based
Very rude. His name is Chang and he designed the kit himself. He came along with it to thank you for your patronage.
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Don't worry. Seed Freedom kits and toys will pay for all of the damages.
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anyone have helmwige?
how beig is sword
that looks great
i thought you had 3? OT, volks, e2046 recast of volks. or are you a different guy with multiple ZAPs
That's just 1/1 scaled Dictyoptera Blattodea modelkit. Such a generous manufacturer, unlike the overlord Bandai.
no look closer it's a right angle sprue
Stop ban evading spammer.
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>how beig is sword
Warning, you have to thicken the joints because the sword is so damn heavy.
Why did you expect Igloo?
Why does no one know how this format works anymore?
damn son that is some beig boi will get
nta but fss, lgaim, dunbine, patlabor, brain powerd, armored core, the list goes on and on. there's so much other than gundam especially now that gsc is pumping out moderoids from old franchises.
gundams honestly just get kinda boring after a while, you've probably built most of your favourite gundam stuff incl the grunts after like a year or two of being in the hobby if like most people you start off pretty much exclusively doing bandai gundam kits.
that's not to say i don't build gundam stuff any more, i obviously still like gundam (hell i just built an f90 mars a couple of months ago), but they're much fewer and far between now and i'm usually building stuff from other franchises
Quite a few of the Gbitch kits sold really well on their first wave (Aerial, Calibarn, Demitray, Dilanza) while ironically enough some of the better engineered kits became shelfwarmers (Michaelis was the most obvious example of this). I think that part of the problem is that the Gbitch kits that did sell well were almost impossible to keep on shelves for a year or two (Aerial and Calibarn being the two I remember well for this) but that made Bandai think they had a new Unicorn "just print infinite copies and they sell" situation on their hands. They didn't, shit had sold hard on initial hype (and an online fomo cycle rarely seen outside of PBandai releases) but lacked staying power, now the Gbitch kits that got massive reprints will shelfwarm for several years and the won't receive decent reprints for years afterwards.
tl;dr its fucking HGIBO all over again
customs going to kick in anon's windows and teargas him for not paying duties on imported fauna
>fss, lgaim, dunbine, patlabor, brain powerd, armored core
>unique visitors: 1
Am I a pleb if I only like the Aura Phantasm designs
It is true that hunting for IBO kits is getting more difficult due to the lack of reprints. When will Banrise realize that dudebros pay for their bills, not fujoshi. They keep pandering to the people who don't buy then shut off the opportunity for people who willing to buy and collect.
Put them next to the shelves of buildshit
You're wrong, stupid, and most likely just dumb and bad person
no the aura phantasm designs are even better than the tv designs and i'm still salty that damashiitters keep getting aura phantasm stuff (skullma a while ago and bellvine just got announced) but so far we've only got sirbine.
started building my sirbine yesterday actually
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wave's kits make my dick so unbelievably hard but unfortunately I don't have $500 to drop on a single kit
you can get recasts of those for much cheaper if you don't care about piracy
What about aerial rebuild? Did that shelf warm too?

Also why did Michaelis shelfwarm, isn’t that the Ebikawa one?
funny that you mention HGIBO because its sees more mass reprints for the entire line than any other AU
>again in 2024
00s last mass reprint was in like 2020 before the current one. And I don't recall seeing SEED getting one until this year.
He did Beguir Beu previously and that sold better than Michaelis. The show is just so dogshit compares to the prologue movie, and it tanks the sales.
No the tv designs are amazing. Dunbine is like the only mecha show where I’ve loved every single design. I unironically enjoy the soft gummy details of banrise designs
in the FLEXTREK 37,000,000,000,000
and so is the FLEXTREK 37,000,000,000,000
The show's actual finale was in 2018. 2020 was just its honeymoon phase.
>Again in 2024
Doesn't see any mass reprints. Retailer in Japan said Barbatos and Vidar gets a reprint this year, but no signs of Graze or Valkyria reprints.
Reprints are for later this year, Hashmal is the list funny enough.
Not a fan of bootlegs unfortunately.
holy kino
Michaelis undersold because Shaddiq was just so unlikable.
His entire character was being a smug, backstabbing, cautious schemer, except every single one of his plans blew up in his face in a way that made it really obvious it was him behind it yet nothing ever happened to him, and then it was revealed that his adoptive father was literally already doing everything necessary to make Shaddiq's goals a reality, but because Shaddiq is so stupid he killed a bunch of his father's men and derailed the plan in favor of making everyone hate earthians even more thanks to smuggling terrorists into the colony. He was also completely obsessed with Miorine despite having a literal harem of women throwing themselves at him.
He was just such a bad, unsympathetic character that people wanted nothing to do with anything involving him, so his suit sold so badly that some stores were actually giving it away for free with a purchase of another GWitch kit.
Yazan Gable is a piece of shit too with actual rapey vibes but I still love all the mobile suits he pilots
Also the lack of Phytosanitary certificate
Not mass reprint. They still reprint one or two, but not all. Graze Custom and Barbatos Lupus in August.
>let me just go drop $500 on a single kit because it’s le AUTHENTIC
>piracy is wrong! Just think of the heckin multi million dollar company!
Yazan was fun.
To put it into perspective, imagine if Mike Tyson in his prime challenged Robin Williams to a fight, and then rigged the fight in his favor to such an extent that Williams had shackles around his ankles and Tyson had a gun, and then Tyson still lost.
where list pls im starving here
Are you referring to how he lost to a bunch of kids from shangri-la?
No one said anything about piracy. Piracy is actually stealing things for free. Bootleg is just a sad immitation with none of the bravery. I would buy the shit out of bootleg if they aren't the shittier version of the OG with slightly different name. That's just shameful.
Just you wait till gunpla fight becomes real and all the bootlegs get botchered stats
i didn't say they weren't. i love the tv designs, but the aura fhantasm designs are still a step above
You just need to put more work into them. A hobbyist should never be scared of putting work into his or her model.
I'm referring to the duel between Grassley House and Earth House, where Shaddiq and his sluts showed up with top of the line military equipment, including anti gundam tech, against Aerial and a couple trainer suits and got spanked because he had to showboat at the end.
Yazan might have had embarrassing moments, but at least he got things done from time to time and was actually a threat to people. Shaddiq was honestly kind of an Elon Musk type character in that he was completely incompetent at everything he tried but still somehow came out the other end smelling like roses.
>I would buy the shit out of bootleg if they aren't the shittier version of the OG
lets see your collection of DC/GHS fss recasts then
Piracy is fine
Spending money on pirated goods is retardation
I have no respect for copyright, but I do respect trademark. When I buy a kit from the proper manufacturer (most importantly not a random Chinaman) I'm getting a guarantee of quality backed by reputed customer service. I know what to expect and I know it'll be superior. Maybe not as superior as the price difference suggests every single time but I'm not willing to take the risk. And it's not like I have so little to do with my free time that I'm just sitting with a finger up my ass until I'm ready to blow $500.
speaking of piracy, here's the review of the bootleg unicorn upsized from the RG
Okay based dunbine bros, what Gundam kit should I slather in putty and turn into a not-aura battler
Reprint of Barbatos Lupus Rex, Gusion, Graze Ritter, Graze Ein, Ryusei Go, Heimwige Reincar, Man Rodi, Grimgerde, Hashmal, Bael, Kimaris Vidar, Reginlaze Julia, Kutan, Astaroth all 3 forms, Flauros.
September in Japan.

No standard Graze.
Fucking wild that Girl of all characters turned out to be more competent than saddick
DC is still noticeably inferior to modern Volks in terms of sharpness of detail, but it's also generalkly a bit easier to work with with less cleanup required
Fucking brutal. Standard Grazebros, it’s over.
What about GK-M?
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How's this Ideon model kit? I know there's one with the anime colors coming soon.
GK-M is crap
>Prebuilt Fazz Ver Ka $80.

Do I do it bros? Buying prebuilt just feels so wrong.
Hold on, i haven't check august reprint yet.
I would consider it for like half that price
Guel's character arc was hilarious because it was obvious they wanted him to be the hatesink but then everyone in both Japan and the west took one look at him and said "man that guy is fucking cool" so they had to backpedal and turn him into the tritagonist.
RETVRN to Daban.
they're only 1 ladder rung above e2046
Thats what I fear, getting Daban'd while buying these.
Can you give me the official ranking of the fss recasters please?
I got a Daban and it’s not horrible, just fitting issues with a lot of the parts and some mold imperfections you just have to sand off. Also the plastic looks like shit but if you paint it’s fine. Overall I think it’s worth it but only if youre gonna save a bunch of money buying the bootleg.
1. stop being poor and buy the real thing
People have said here that some of the recasts are better than the legit volks ones.
Ok, August reprint is: Barbatos, including Lupus. Standard Graze ( yay!!!), Schwalbe Graze, Custom Graze, Kimaris Trooper, Gremory, Vual, Dantalion along with stuff no one cares about like Shiden and Hugo.

Prepare your cash, Ibofags. August and September is gonna be troublesome.
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This chunky boi, I want him so bad but getting him prebuilt feels cursed.
It is frustrating too because the Michaelis is one of the best High Grade kits released in the line but it became emblematic of the failure of HGWFM as it was in a lot of the Tokyo bargain bin photos. It does show that (until a long time has passed at least) fan sentiment on a character can be as important, if not more so, than the kit itself.
Also iirc Michaelis was one of the kits that was hindered by having major elements of it locked behind a peebs option set
Honestly, when the kit is a literall statue that requires liquid cement to glue the parts together, quality tends to blur between the copyrighted and the recast.
GHS is sometimes better especially for older kits, others are mostly different degrees of worse
>liquid cement
yeah ghs and dc sometimes refine the kit to get around antipiracy measures and sharpen details, and also sometimes include metal pieces to reinforce things
Did you watch the prologue? It was basically setting up for a grand revenge plot with the backdrop being a Earthian-Spacian conflict on the verge of breaking out thanks to the Spacian's increasingly brutal actions. Instead all of that got pushed into background noise
I don't think I'd buy a prebuilt just considering the ABSOLUTE STATE of shipping and handling. Not enough bubble wrap in the Earth Sphere to convince me it wont arrive ruined.
Yeah, Michaelis's proportion, articulation and details are far more superior compares to better sellers like Beguir Beu or Darilbalde. Such a shame it became a meme for failure.
How does Michaelis shelfwarming affect Ebikawa’s legacy?
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If you see his latest Gwitch design, you can see that he is getting sick of it and wanting to move on.
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>spend $300 on a resin kit
>paint it to look like unpainted plastic
I believe Gundam in general never manage to show 1% of the grand space war it usually boast about. This is such a pretentious franchise and Gwitch was just a more obvious offender.
projecting much, little buddy?
What do expect? Weathering a FSS kit?
Feels good that SEED and Wing kits always sell out compared to G-Witch.
Who says you can't paint a FSS kit properly?
oh no, someone painted the model kit in a way I don't like!
boo-fucking-hoo you manchild
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That's just matte coat with some shading. Also not Nagano-accurate.
Dude, is that fuckin BLACK on fuckin RANDOM EDGES? HOLY KINO
>5 dollars Matte Topcoat
>Properly painted
How is the old Action Base 1? I wanna get the Celestial Being version but I noticed I only have the new A.B1 not the old one.
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Honestly that action base structure is perfect and still relevant.
looks like a purple or blue undercoat to me, and it seems to follow where the shadows would actually land, like if you look at the curved surfaces on the shoulders it's all on the bottom half of those, or in the planes of the leg and shield that are facing downward. I know you're just shitposting and it's all in good fun anon, but that is actually pretty damn competently done.
Yeah, I think it was from around that time.

Awesome, now I can get one for my MG Virtue.
How come they don’t make a new one? Gunpla has made huge advancements since 2006
they just did
I buy prebuilt gunpla off YJ all the time. I had such a huge backlog I realized I will never build them all. I started getting built kits off YJ and selling off my backlog, it honestly gave me my love of gunpla back. Getting a really nice assembled painted/decaled gunpla off YJ is awesome. I'm not getting rid of all my unbuilt kits, I'm still going to build kits, so I don;t feel bad for buying pre-built kits, its just better for dealing with my backlog and the feeling I had where I felt rushed building kits because I had so many to get to.
Buying prebuilt gundams isn’t a hobby. It’s just consoom product.
Maybe if you're a lowly snaptard but buying a pre-built kit to paint is perfectly fine. You have to disassemble and reassemble it anyway. Plus if I'm buying it from someone like you there's probably a bunch of mistakes I have to fix first.
Then if you’re going to paint it you still have a backlog, you just wasted some money by selling your unbuilt kits for less than you got them for, and then bought some snapchad’s sloppy seconds that you won’t paint because you’re lazy.
Neither of those scenarios apply to me nor do they make any sense
The biggest part of modelkit hobby is building kit, whether you snapfit them or use cement to glue the parts together for non-snap kits. Saying you buy prebuilt 2nd to paint them sounds like a massive copium, modeling is not just painting shit alone.
You can just say you're lazy and you don't wanna build stuff anymore, just paint them.
>nor do they make any sense
not my fault you're too retarded to understand.
I don't give a fuck about building that shit is gay and boring as fuck. And it's not like there's even a market for pre-built kits anyway. You're arguing against something that doesn't even exist you retarded autist.
Saying it's someone's "sloppy seconds" just because they built it is dumb and doesn't make any sense. Especially if I'm only using it for kitbash material.
Then you should buy toys to repaint.
>i don't give a flip about cherry popping that shit is fruity and boring as fuck
>and it's not like there's even a market for busted whores anyway. you're arguing against something that doesn't even exist you regarded artist
They did. Action Base 1 version BA-13 was developed in 2015, it's a refined version of the original but you can only get it as part of certain 1/100 kits like FM Barbatos Lupus Rex, FM Bael, MG Avalance Exia, MG Wing Zero Custom, and so on.
>couldn't even bother fixing autocorrect before hitting post
I have no idea why they even made this thing. It doesn't have a pillar like the older ones. Some sort of mechanic tolerance test from Bandai?
i don't have autocorrect.
it doesn't need a pillar
Oh wow so you actually meant to type that? It just went from funny to kinda sad
This thing won't be able to stand extra heavy shit without a pillar. Completely backwards.
anon, have you never heard of a typo before?
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ding dong you're wrong
How do you know he was talking about you?
it seems i have struck a nerve.
the mg unicorn kit kinda sucks. parts just pop off during transformation, especially on the legs. anyways I ordered a rg astray red frame for after I finish it
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should of gotten the good unicorn
>Already got bended backwards
This actionbase line is gonna be a blunder.
All the MG Unicorns and it's derivatives have shitty knees
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just trust me bro
The MG was quite old. Switch to RG and don't buy the HG.
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you're not very smart huh
wtf? how is it doing that?
That looks even worse. How will it hold up once the plastic stretched out and loosen?
The base is still new so it can hold up for now. Can't say how it will end up after a year.
The problem with these id the joints are not ratcheted. So even though the joints have been made tighter to support heavier gunpla like in >>22726778
the problem happens if you accidentally push down on the gunpla, the base arm will move forward and everything will topple over. That would not happen with a base that has a pillar or has ratcheted joints.
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it's called good design
it's not going to
These action bases are gonna age like c-clips.
They should just make everything screwed in, including the pegs at the base and gunpla
no need. nothing ever happens.
>July 13th
>Still no sign of my pre order for this faggot
it wont come. nothing ever happens.
stop trying to force a meme, it makes you look like a child
no. nothing ever happens.
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>backordering the 2019 kit this late
just go and buy one off mandarake already
https://vxtwitter.com/kokebanana/status/1812101752029880443 KEK
homeboy those are rape prices lol
thats only $3 more than what newtype is asking, and it already includes shipping.
Still better than the $130 (before shipping mind you) price tag that a retard here unironically paid for.
newtype prices are well known to be ass, much like the whole store lmao
>Still better than the $130 (before shipping mind you) price tag that a retard here unironically paid for.
lmfao do you have a screencap? i love seeing some of the retards on here get raped with prices.
Newtype has pretty standard pricing, but fewer sales than other smaller stores.
And gunpla style and all the other US stores is asking $79-83 (not including shipping). Now instead of crying about your pre order, go order from japan instead while the yen is low.
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The Ver Ka, baka.
which store is /gpg/'s approved retailer?
hobby lobby online store
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We love newtypehq here
>makes chuddies seethe by making a blacklivesmatter waterslide sheet
>uses said money from sheet to support total tranny death by sponsoring ItsAGundam
Ali Express shops
looks like rape prices
don't they often send the wrong model kit from what you ordered? or is this just made up r*ddit seethe?
chaotic neutral
Imagine the timeline where instead of the colored folks chimping out in targets and autozones, they instead build giant robots and try to get independence for their nigtype principality.
Imagine the timeline where your parents loved you
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cool use of slide moulding
i'm always impressed by these small things when i do a modern bandai kit after doing a few kits from other companies
>you have to thicken the joints
That is true for every IBO kits really, the frame is very loose from the start.
The mg tallgeese has one of these
While we all know that Aerial's initial version got several reprints, and Pharact, and some of Guel's suits got one reprint or two, you will have a hard time convincing me that the Schwarzette got even a reprint. Maybe Calibarn got one reprint but I never felt it was popular either. And we all know what happened with Michaelis so I won't kick a dog while it's down.
I remember a lot of people complaining even Japan that the Rebuild took away the charm points of Aerial's uniqueness. I'm sure it got reprints because it's a protag gundam but I doubt it did as well as Aerial's initial form.
Leapingpandahobbies. Sales all the time. They're doing 20% off right now for in-stock stuff. And probably USAgundamstore because they run some pretty decent sales too. Then gundamshoppersnetwork. Decent sales from time to time, and they have a private warehouse thing going on where they'll hold orders for you for a while until you can ship
Michaelis will probably gave the Plamo people as fans down the line but then again these same plamo people either waited until it 80 percent off or got it for free.
Well it's the same with the plamo people who liked the Amaim Warrior at Borderline kits. You say you are fans of that model kit line but you didn't get it until it was at least 50 percent off in the bargain bins.
Ok black char
The michaelis is just ugly. Suits that people know nothing about still sell, basically the entire build series, but they have to be cool looking. The Michaelis is ugly and looks like a weird grunt or mook that shows up for a few seconds just to job to the MC while they're rushing to fight someone else, a gag character basically.
Isn’t all char black?
Kit when?
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Never ever.
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I cri every tiem
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Will he ever get a master grade? Seems like low hanging fruit considering how popular it is as a grunt suit and the many p-Bandai variations they could make
god I hope not
yeah I was just being a silly billy about hobby lobby. buy in-store only from them.
Why? It’s a good design. I think it surpassed the Geara Doga in terms of design even if it’s heavily inspired by third reich infantry.
it may very well be the worst design in the whole franchise both in idea and execution
God I hope so.
is this what shitokitards actually believe
there are dozens, if not over a hundred, grunts that deserve a MG more
If it's not a Unicorn or Unicorn variant Bandai couldn't give a flying shit
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I get (you) don’t like it but the worst in the entire franchise? Please.
nah, Penelope is cool. There's an actual idea behind the design, for one thing. Not a skinheadfag neonazi cosplaying a transformer.
He takes it up the ass, look at his reply to you.
What makes a design “deserve” a kit?
not being Geara Zulu
Gundam draws its inspiration heavily from WWII with Nazi Germany and Zeon being essentially the same down to their fucking faction flag. You sound like a gbitch troon
Retard thats half of the grunts in UC.
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>1290x1591 img
>looks like a 240p image
Zeon has a dozen different inspiration sources and has had them since 1979, it's later works (primarily 0083 but also others) that hyperfocused on the Nazi aspect because japanese otakus get boners for that stuff and they entered the workforce by that point.
Ah, right. My bad. I should remember I only come here to remind myself I'm better than your kind.
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My mistake. Here you go.
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Finally got my first P-Bandai kit. Now to start working on my HG Gunpla I bought in April that I never finished because I got burnt out.
It can have as many inspiration sources as it wants but its very fucking clear the main zeon source is nazi germany and your a retard if you think otherwise.
Why did I get a manual for Char's Gelgoog?
p-bandai kits are half-assed like that
because you bought a recolor
Yet it gives me 2 manuals
Welcome to P bandai kits, loads of them do that
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>Zeon has a dozen different inspiration sources
And the primary source is the third reich. You just don’t like the design because you’re a “le hitler bad” reddit faggot who can’t appreciate a design bereft of the historical context in the real world because it offends your sensibilities.
Take bets, what MS from the SEED movie is gonna be a P-Bandai kit?
regular gelgoog and the remote controlled GINN and whatever else there was
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Geara Zulu is more WW1 inspiration anyway. Pic related, World War 1 storm trooper.
sometimes I forgot how fucking stupid the shitposters are
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So I'm not the only one who thinks these things look ridiculous, right?
I love it. where's it from and where can I get one?
The rocket cannon is so cool
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My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Bbut Anonsan, Nazi are ebil people that still exist today and Hitler was the worst human ever Desu.
Lol, must be some murrican brainrot, just ignore them
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love/hate relationship with these parts-separated trims…
on one hand they don't quite fit perfectly so it looks kinda weird, but on the other hand i fucking hate masking intricate curved shit like this (main reason i got the bandai over the plamax despite the plamax having a better sculpt)
pick your poison i guess
machinen krieger. not sure about where you're from but they don't exist domestically in the uk but you can import them from any of the jap sites. most of them are only rarely reprinted though
>liking the geara zulu but not the Penelope
Absolute worst fucking take I've seen on here. Please do the world a favor and kill yourself
>what do people like about the geara doga
>well it takes the balance of Zeon aesthetics between German militarism and alien strangeness and tips it towards the former
>you had me at German militarism!
Unsubtle piece of shit
I don't mind the aesthetic but I wonder, how do those things actually move around? They look like they just slowly lumber around being obvious targets while offering barely any increase in firepower over an infantryman.
No, I know nothing about the setting, so please elucidate.
penelope just looks like super robot slop of the worst caliber
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Allow me to interject. The p in 240p stands for progressive scan and therefore refers to video exclusively. It's the opposite of i for interlaced scan. Images can't be 240p or 720i or etc., only videos.
Grow up kid
I like Penelope's concept but it would be so much better with slightly simpler shapes and a third of the panel lines
Penelope is definitely an acquired taste but you must be new if you haven't acquired it at least enough to think it deserves better than to be called worst of all time.
then you don't understand the concept
What's the doohickey over its head supposed to be for anyways
I think it's like a radome
It looked better in the novel.
bunch of sensors and probably the beam barrier generator
It houses a supercomputer that controls the flight unit and I think it has extra sensors like radar or something
No one is talking about Seed Freedom anymore
Maybe its plot should have been more substantial than that of an Astray side story
Holy shit this general just started this morning and it’s already 266 posts? Wtf happened?
Turns out, braindead bait is the most lucrative form of posting.
The theatrical run for the movie is over, of course internet hype is going to calm down. Still has the most successful theatrical run in the franchise, get ready for Freedom to become the new CCA.
The new dunbine box is a work of art, this is truly a tragedy
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This will never not look fucking retarded. The Thunderbolt designs look tame by comparison.
>get ready for Freedom to become the new CCA
No new gundam work is going to have any kind of lasting cultural impact
I think you would like it a lot more if the head part was removed.
CCA is good thoughever
Ummm bro your wfm?
>get ready for Freedom to become the new CCA.
What does this even mean?
already forgotten by anyone other than western yurifags at war with banrise over explicit lesbian marriage
Banrise fucking love CCA, it's been milked to death in every form of Gundam media. Why do you think Unicorn exists in the first place?
>Why do you think Unicorn exists in the first place?
Well it has been some time since I watched Unicorn but I seem to remember it having something to do about it being a conclusion to Minerva's storyline.
why would you assume I'm from the UK? this is an American web site
Oh I thought you meant like a milestone in the medium and cultural touchstone that influences future creators. Of course you meant something shallow and corporate.
>Oh I thought you meant like a milestone in the medium and cultural touchstone that influences future creators
Oh no that would be something more like End of Eva rather than CCA.
Besides Alpha 3, which other games did EoE?
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Started painting my entry
i didn't. i said not sure about where you're from then told you what it's like in my country. american reading comprehension in action
Anno made a Tomino fanclub because he loved CCA so much you know
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I didn't like the gramps beam rifle, is this ass or gas? I'm adding a stock as well
Lol it just hit me that this looks like an m4
And yet 0079 didn't give them a swastika or dress up Zakus as SS officers.
"Anon", calm your 'hole'. It's a Zaku with a German helmet and gas mask filter. Which is essentially what the Zaku already was.
>No one is talking about Seed Freedom anymore
No one talking about any shits for too long because they have life.
Yeah, it's a Zaku dressed up explicitly as an SS officer holding an STG-44. Which is not what the Zaku essentially was at all. Not even Izubuchi took it this far with the FZ, which already got the Nazi Zaku moniker.
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Honestly, there is no Gundam stories that are memmorable. I follow Japanese on Xtwitter all the time and they don't talk about CCA or even liking it much. Sazabi and Nu Gundam are just something entirely different and separated from CCA at this point, Banrise even made up designs that don't even exist in the movie.
>SS Officer
"Bro', I already told you that's a Stormtrooper helmet and gas mask from WW1. Stop shitting up the thread with your retardation.
Why though
Yeah, the zeeks with the stahlheim, panzerfausts, panzerschreks and MG42-alike was just fine, but the moment they fucking touched the STG44 it all went to hell
Geara Zulu is simply ugly and there's no need for any justification for having this objectively correct view.
Anno liked Gundam as whole, just like any other Japanese. He submitted in Nu Gundam fan design contest before CCA was even out.
Cultural-wise, End of Evangelion has a much bigger impact than CCA in Japan, turned Gainax into a household name and plagued the anime industry with shit ton of ripoffs.
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Yeah? Where do you think the Sleeves markings come from? What do you think the collar markings are invoking? There's a really clear inspiration here and it's not like it's hiding.

Literally all of that came with 0080 and 0083 anon, not the original series. I just said it went even further than Izubuchi. Frankly it's all alright apart from 0083's Zeon flag which is absolutely fucking retarded.
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I think you mean it all went to heil kek
>Sleeves markings
from Neo Zeon. You ever seen the Zeon flag before by the way?
Where's that flag come from?
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Zeon was always inspired by Nazi Germany. Why is this even a debate? Literally maulding over a mobile suit design for fucks sakes.
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Gee those look a lot like the markings on zeon uniforms in 0079, but yeah I guess they were only really nazi themed after the original series.
i should drop a colony on your house
I'm liking gundam-store.dk. Buyee works too, there's golden stuff there that are being sold by Japs.
hobby.dengeki.com has been down for a while now.
I didn't watch Hathaway, and I tried to but god damn whoever decided to make it super dark deserves a slap. Why is Penelope designed like this turd? The Xi Gundam, is much more better designed than this.
Their twitter has all the new announcements and they're using note or something like that.
>whoever decided to make it super dark deserves a slap
it hides the shitty cg. you can't tell it's shit when you can hardly see anything
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I think it's supposed to be a dragon. And in Gundam form it's supposed to be the dragon head?
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Oddyseus Gundam's 'V fin' reminds me of a Chinese dragon's horns.
What's the next PG Unleashed after Grandaddy Gundam?
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Now that you point it out, it really is just for that purpose. I like this grunt suit one tho. Kinda stupid that it has a man operated gun turret when it could just use its gun vulcans or something.
It's not that dark it's just HDR which looks shitty if your playback technology can't handle it
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Compared to this.
Oh also that exists because it's illegal to use MS weaponry against soft targets so they just use the MS as a gun emplacement instead
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Ask Tomino, he's the one who approved this shit for his novel
I didn't realize there's a version of Xi without the bulk. So all the big shit is the Minovsky flight suits; I like it without all the extra. V fins on Xi also remind me of a dragon - so I presume that there is some design inspiration associated with dragons with these two. I really hope we get an MG of this thing with removable flight suit.
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Don't want to buy this since I can just paint a gm sniper II , but how did they do the shield? I can tell the inside is from an ground type/ez8 but what's the outer part from?
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It's been too long it needs a kit bandai.
That's Penelope without the bulk not Xi without the bulk. Xi's bulk doesn't come off.
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Whoops. Looks like this is Xi. Thanks for correction.
It's a standard gm shield cut in half.
MG Xi Gundam Ver.KA when?
We are overdue for new big robots. MG Xi and Penelope.
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All the sperging out about Zulu, turns out Doga Unicorn Ver is up for pre order for Nov. Might be a good time to get to slap the sniper backpack on there.
I’ve been wondering about this. The second trailer was noticeably brighter than the version available on Netflix but the cgi also looked unfinished. So I’m not sure if it’s just some post processing that made the final film darker


Did anyone get the blueray or catch it in theatres?
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I don't own any of Geara Doga, but the MG seems rather small. They are around the height of Kyokai Senki kit judging from this picture.
I'm assuming it's a unique mould for it and the head mounted sensor?
>doesn’t understand that the HG is also to scale
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Doga is about the size of a Goog. here it is next to Marasai.
i ordered RG astray red frame
>out of filters for paint booth
>ordered more but not sure the current ones can hold until the new ones arrive
I vacuum it before every session but if the session is heavy it gets sort of plugged quite fast. I hope it can withstand a little bit more until the new filters get delivered
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>learn this shit exists
>it's fucking hideous
What were they thinking?
We want the TTGL audience and the Gundam Heavyarms audience.
Somehow it works, you could slap anything onto the Mazinkaiser and it would look good.
Is umi ever going to do hardcore?
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This is just tragic.
Haven’t the dinosaurs suffered enough?
I miss the stupid Snickers posting
Japs have it good.
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Imagine 10 years from now, after Bandai giving up on reprinting Michaelis. Latecommers will have to pay 500 dollars to scalpers in order to have a copy.
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That's what you get Bandai.
The cost falls on the retailers in this case, Bandai already got paid when they bulk-sold the kits to the retailers.
they could of reprinted a couple mg turn x's for the homies but instead we have a million michaelis's
Nobody wants an Ebikawa kit until it’s 10 years too late anyway
fr ong. the thought that they had a planned mg age-3 and age-fx that never got released keeps me up at night.
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Hey y'all, I'm new to this hobby. I'm mainly looking to start with 08th MS Team models as that's my favorite Gundam anime. I'm in the US, TX. Are there any sites having good sales right now or should I wait for a sale coming up? I did read the sticky.
He's ahead of his time?
leaping panda has 20% off rn. 08th ms team sucks btw
I would kill for Full Metal Panic reprint.
Ebikawa has that slowburn effect. He always work on the wrong show, at the wrong time. Few years later looking back at several of his designs, alot of people look at them and like " damn this looks cool, i should buy one " then realize the kit is out of print.
Thank you anon but most sites I've checked have a lot sold out and back ordered. Is this normal? Will they be back in stock in a few months?
>He's ahead of his time
Yes yes and yes
>most sites I've checked have a lot sold out and back ordered. Is this normal?
yeah some kits don't get reprinted as much so they will be sold out if they hadn't had a reprint in a while.
>Will they be back in stock in a few months?
They have the schedule for reprints in north america on reddit
generally most of the main gundams and most popular suits get reprinted, while the more obscure stuff can go years without reprints.
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How much kits are you allowed to be having before you can't buy anymore kits?
Honestly i'm cruel. The momment i got bored of a kit, i just throw it away into the trash, no matter how many paints i put on it. There is no recovery to boredom.
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I have 22 in my backlog rn, so I'll consider that my cap for now.
Should've reprint G-Reco instead
Did I hallucinate the HG S Gundam supposedly getting a reprint recently? I thought I saw it in one of those posts a few months ago, but I don't recall seeing it in stock anywhere.
The gnx units were something else. A grunt suit that actually fights back
I dont think youre hallucinating I see them stocked in the shops that I buy at.
Damn. Guess I just live in an S Gundam desert.
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Decided against the stock
Still pissed that I never picked up the mg double bullet
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Did Dalong skip WFM?
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What's the purpose behind this pilot suit design?
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Idk. Seems like a stretch.
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Shaking with fear.
>He says, as he's probably wishing for Grendizer U to flop
Sorry, but if Fukuda revives that franchise for the modern Japanese, You'd have lived long enough to see him become the other great Gundam Director, next to Tomino.
The original MSG
>Not Exia
He had one job...
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What are your thoughts on this aesthetic?
Jobber aesthetic.
I miss the claws and the 360 view eyeball
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i love them so much
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>the last HG revive kits was Hyaku Shiki and from 2016
Is Bandai already given up on revive HG?
Zeta, Blue Destiny gang, Ground Gundam and Zaku are essentially the same thing and might as well be called revives
likewise HGCE kits that had HGSEED kits before
they just dropped the branding
erm zeta is part of gep
Revive kits are basically the 2.0 version of overly outdated HGs. However, the irony is how alot of those 2.0 HGs became outdated as well because they were kickstarted abit too early for the technology to catch up.
it can just as well be called revive, that's what it is
not really, they still hold up just fine
if anything we're lucky they're not based on c-clips
NUH UH! gep is the next step and covers all lines
when's the last time we had a kit referred to as part of gep, pray tell?
They are not that well articulated compares to modern kit. About the joints then yeah, they hold up pretty well. Revive Strike Freedom probably the best one, alot of color separation, strong and sturdy, cool looking proportion.
gep is over bro
sometimes things end, but that doesnt stop something from being from under a certain project in the past
>sometimes things end
Like Bandai's Spartan modelkit line.
Why do c clips get so much hate
they're a solution searching for a problem
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>Why do c clips get so much hate
C-Clip gets damaged and stretched out when you press them onto the groove. Avoid doing that if you can.
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I don't get why people plastered so much decals. It's reminds me of modern capeshit costume
>possibly has the most model kits out of any robot ever
>none of them look good
How is that even possible
>didn't paint the pilots
I think the issue is that people equate more panel lines and decals to more realism. While you can look at source images of military vehicles and see they do have some level of detail like this (depending on the reference of course) none of them are absolutely speckled with them.
Then again I'm assuming they're aiming for that and not something more like an F1 car covered in livery detail, but even then they look a lot more considered in their design than what appears to be very meticulous but ultimately pointless detailing. It doesn't look good either way, it just looks like visual noise for the sake of creating the illusion of detail, which by the looks of things it is 90% of the time on that model.
it's not about looking realistic, it's about evoking the idea of looking realistic
Please Bandai, all I want is an RG Guntank.
Or at least an HG Revive.
for me its about 85 because thats all i can fit under my bed. i guess it would be more if it was all small boxes
Do you really want to cut out and clean 90 thread parts? or what else do you want from the guntank?
Not quite. Decals evoke the feeling of " this is a fictional product, made by a fictional company ". Having too many decals shows that the modeler had no idea what vibe, what message he should convey.
>Hyaku-Shiki Revive better engineered
>Original Hyaku-Shiki looked better
Same thing happened with the Gouf, what 2.0 HGs actually exceeded their predecessor in both engineering and looks? Gyan?
not really, no
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gouf is the only one that's undeniably superior to the original because unlike all the other revives it's more old school-styled rather than being basically a more blue gouf custom
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there's at least 1
meme value but it doesn't actually look good
i think you just don't like the design
Don't get me wrong, I like the Gouf revive, but the aesthetics of the original still work better for me. Most evident in the head, shoulders and waist, although the revive does have a better left arm and chest.
Revive Hyaku Shiki looks like an absolute travesty compares to the 1999 version. How did Bandai go from electroplating to cheese colored injection?
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these are basically Gouf Custom proportions
Revive Hyaku Shiki was basically a scam. Bandai intentionally made it look like dogshit so they could sell the electroplate version as a separated product.
electroplating at 1/144 looks like shit and it's just extra work to strip it off before painting
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>This metallic oject can only look good when it is 5cm taller
The revive looks great and gave us a kit of the Hyaku Shiki that wasn't snapslop. If you want your electroplating go ahead and pay the premium, that shit should not be on retail kits.
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i won't miss
Majority of custom paint look like absolute dogshit compares to electroplating. This is the case where human imperfection loses againts machinery.
>gave us a kit of the Hyaku Shiki that wasn't snapslop
Sounds like copium to me. You faggots are the same people who bitch about vfin's safety flag.
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you're right, but even regular metallics are out of scale for HGs, electroplating is even more so
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however in these cases it might just be that the suit design is terrible, it would look shit in anything
nah it's just your taste that's terrible
much like your mom's
What's with all those details? Is this Origin version or something?
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I like the beyond global one, could look cool kitbashed as a mecha mesume
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I hate this.
Sinful child. White Doll shall bring punishment upon your head!
Gold plate looks like shit
Cool piss gundam dude
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Are my eyes playing tricks on me or is the resin starting to yellow
Might have left this one in the box for too long
I think it's just the lighting
looks fine to me, your paper also looks yellow in that pic so i'm assuming it's just the lighting. unless your paper has started yellowing too
Funnily enough when I made that post I wasn't talking about the plastic for snapshitting, I was talking about the aesthetics of the design itself. The lines of the original are just nicer than the revive, look at the skirt bevel and the kneepads to see what I mean.
>Make aesthetics post on /gpg/
>People on both sides of the debate talk about what colour the plastic is moulded in instead of what lines the mech have
Many such cases.
revive got twinked
not as bad as some other designs though
the feet are particularly bad though
Nobody wants fat robots anymore. Revive looks better and is more in line with current consumer preferences.
>is more in line with current consumer preferences
yeah that's why it's shit
current consumers have terrible taste
What does the original shiki even look like stripped?
I can’t tell what it looks like with the reflection beyond the silhouette
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Quick question: how long can a can of Mr Hobby spray stay unused? I just found two cans in my garage that I completely forgot about from last April.
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Modern hobby paints last so long that none of them have been around long enough to start expiring. At least when stored properly.
left has much better head and arm sculpt, other things are debatable
Ok it’s kinda sick, I retract my statement
They were in a cold and dark spot in the garage, no sunlight or high temperatures.
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Do I really NEED one of these?
Left middle or right?
Left looks much better. Right looks like a toy.
Yes, It’s necessary for the pneumatic fuck machine
right looks much better. left looks like a toy
they both look good. We are blessed to live in a world where both can exist together
fuck off contrarian
>visible shoulder pegs on the revive
I fucking hate articulation fags
Would you go with left, middle or right?
Thought it looked better with it. Is this for a HG ? Very cool anyway
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Was digging through the bits bin and managed to find the parts I wanted to use for my little GM II OC Donut Steel. Currently undecided if I'll keep the regular GM II backpack tho.
either gm Ii backpack or ground gundam's weapon rack, this is non-negotiable
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Thinking I might actually use the GM Striker's backpack. It's got the beam saber stowed on the right-hand side.
HG Nemo ..
PB HG Nemo cannon any day now
I was getting fed up with the options I was working with for the stock, so I canned it. It's for the rx-78-2 ver.ka
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My workspace is a complete fucking wreck for it but I found the primary weapon I wanted. Took it out of the High Mobility parts I didn't use from my RX-78F00
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I'm building the AGE 1, it's pretty simple but cool.
Just like u:)
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The double beam rifle now has a buckler in the form of the top half of a GP01 shield
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I also kept the GM II backpack, and simply flipped the location of the beam saber holder, then added the GM Striker's little chaff launcher where the saber used to be.
>chaff launcher
wait, is that what it is?
Right has the better head sculpt. The left is completely inaccurate and looks generic. It has a squished face and got rid of that nose ridge that all gundam types have, including the hyaku shiki. The eyes are also way too small. The edges also look rounded for some reason. Just look at the forehead. The arms I agree, but they're both pretty off. The cables should be much shorter and the top part connecting to the cables longer.
That's the only thing it looks like.
k and blocked
doesn't really look like it and it's not listed as such anywhere, ever, so that's a big assumption
Well on my GM II it's a chaff launcher because that's what it looked like to me.
fair enough, really
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Can you guys recommend me some adjustments with picrelated? I am trying to fix issues with narrow holes between plastic, which tends to let leftover spray particles leave on sides and stuck to surface the machine stands on. Tried already some aluminum foil, but didn't help and maybe someone has good tips for it.
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That's a really cool covering. I might steal this.
Go for it, anon. I used the shield from the RG, but I'm sure the HG's will work as well
i just lay out paper towels on the bottom, two sheets thick. I still got the dust flakes out the bottom but I just put a garbage bag under it. Mine is actually falling apart at the hinges because some spilled thinner got into it so I may fix it all in place and seal it. I've never closed it before actually
I really want a metal booth for the solvent resistance and ease of cleanup but I can't buy any where I live and I don't have the tools to build one myself
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Finally finished: Gaia’s Zaku I Commander Custom built on a revive Zaku II kit.
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First time weathering a kit. There’s errors but I think it turned out good for a first attempt
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I dig the MSV colors a lot and went with them over the traditional purple and black colors on the old HG kit
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Was a lot of fun. I like the Zaku I and I hope we can get a MG 2.0 in the future.
This would be great weathering for power armor but where was this thing fighting that its upper body got this worn and dirty despite being 18m off the ground
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could have fallen/lied down on the ground
Fighting in a sandstorm maybe?
Saberfish fighters, a Pegasus-class ship, MS using Light Liners
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Going off the flashy fighting techniques of the Black Tri Stars from the anime, I’d imagine them flying directly through explosions in space from ships they destroyed early in the one year war. That’s what inspired the carbon and particular paint wear on the kit for me.
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there are bigger things
Realistically speaking, would a mobile suit be able to withstand a fall or would the impact just smash it into pieces?
Anon, you can't just have only 1 star out of 3.
realistically speaking it wouldn't be able to stand in the first place
Fair enough, carry on
True. I plan on making Mash’s Zaku I but not for a bit. I want a break from Zeon kits for a bit.
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Jesus fucking christ lmao
Now I don't feel so bad about all the chipping I did on my throne.
Wow I can’t believe this is your first time, it looks great. Most weathering I see looks like ass but this looks good.
I know it is just preference and all but, you anons really should learn abit about art and what is appealing before shitting on snapfit stuff because this ain't it.
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Had some P Bandai stuff come in. I’ve got too many RG Zaku kits in the backlog
Sorry but as someone who can sculpt, paint portraits and play guitar I would much rather look at crappy weathering than snapshitted models. At least they tried.
It’s a first attempt too. Could definitely use refinement but that’s what cheap HG kits are for. Snapshitters don’t even fucking try
Get ready for some angry snapshitter to reply with some massive cope
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the worst paintkino is preferable to the best snapshit
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Doesn’t the guy who painted this have like severe mental retardation or something like that? he’s a barely functioning autistic if memory serves.
Ultimate fucking kek
Mine was supposed to ship a week ago and still no word from Bandai. Feels bad.
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It’s a Gundam Sisters…
A submission for the Nightmare/horror theme group build from another timeline
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>At least they tried.
Do or do not. There is no try. If your painted stuff look so fucking horrendous then you might as well keep the kit in runner form because that would be a more appealing result.
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>Sorry but as someone who can sculpt, paint portraits and play guitar I would much rather look at crappy weathering than snapshitted models.
You like?
How many versions are there of the MG S gundam? The S Gundam, the 1.0 version and the 1.5? I am getting confused by the box arts.
There was the MG S and an accompanying MG Ex-S originally, and then recently we got the MG Ex-S 1.5 and the Deepstriker. The 1.5 (and the original Ex-S 1.0) include all the parts for the S Gundam, as such there's only two versions.
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Why Bandai doesn't sell double fin funnels parts for HG kits like they did various SEED backpack parts? They only did for RG kits but that's P-Bandai.
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I prefer one big funnel.
>Why Bandai doesn't sell double fin funnels parts for HG kits like they did various SEED backpack parts?
SEED's option parts are for the EG, not HG. Nu HG is just too outdated for such thing and it is not worth investing.
>it's real
>drenched in the blood of Vagans
I approve.
The option parts are compatible with the HG Strike, the EG Strike was able to use the old Striker packs and vice versa.
And there is no reason to use it for HG Strike because EG Strike is objectively better kit. The possible future Funnel option set is gonna be for EG Nu instead of the HG.
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There's also the P-Bandai version with the slightly bigger big gun
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Chinkino alert.
this would be very cool except I hate the fire hair with a passion.
I kinda want to buy one of these just to modify it into something more simpler.
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My friend wants me to paint him an Meng Ornithopter for his birthday. Anyone ever build one of these things?
Damn they make models out Dune studf?
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Finished painting and assembling the frame for the Hyaku-Shiki Crash. I also painted all the armor and got the decals finished.
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Looks good. I really like the crash but the lack of an ab crunch or really any articulation in the torso kind of killed it for me. It looks like it ought to move but doesn’t.
>the lack of an ab crunch or really any articulation in the torso kind of killed it for me
What kinds of retarded ass poses do you put your kits in?
>lack of an ab crunch or really any articulation in the torso
This was Naoki's Nagano-isms phase, making kits that can't do anything other than a standing pose is just paying homage.
Glory's edgy cousin
>S Gundam
>EX-S Gundam
>EX-S 1.5
>Deep Dark Striker
>EX-S booster Unit (p-bandai)
I'd rather get an HG Hi-Nu/Nu revive than get a Fin Funnel backpack kit.
Did it really have to include the tale? Zoids kitbashing is cool too.
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So what're you watchin while buildin?
New thread. Report and ignore shitposting, thank you.

whats with redditards and obsession with ab crunch
it usually looks like shit anyway
I've heard that the Crash has major stability issues or something else, otherwise I would have picked up that thing a long time ago.
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Not the anon you replied to.
I don't have any experience with buying from them online. But I am 90% sure the only time they deliver wrong products from what is advertised is when the product is titled with a generic "gundam model kit" name.

Where they most likely just throw whatever kits they have that match the price point you paid for it in. I imagine if you buy something with a specific name like RX-78-2 3.0 you should get that kit if you order it.
>robot bodyguard
>you can fuck it
Simple as.
Those dino models are great. My kids love them.
>don't they often send the wrong model kit from what you ordered? or is this just made up r*ddit seethe?
Don't order from their online store. It doesn't matter if the listing says it's an assorted/random kit or not, you're rolling the dice every time you order online. I tried ordering a HG RX-78-2 kits to practice painting on since they'd more or less disappeared off the shelves and I got the RG RX-78-2 which I already had one. Then for a while their website showed that they had RG Zeta kits so I ordered two, making absolutely sure the listing didn't have any mention of it being an assorted listing. The package arrived and I opened it up to find two RG Wing Zero EW kits. The only good thing about getting the wrong shit is you can get a full refund by taking the kits to Hobby Lobby. If you refund it by sending it back, they'll keep the shipping and handling charges. Don't order from them online, it's not worth the fucking hassle.
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That's so weird. Why do you think they do that? Warehouse issue or clever way to burn overstock? I also noticed on their website any order over $200 has to be shipped back and can't be refunded at a store. I bet anons were buying big lots and only keeping the good ones and returning the others.
Couldn't say anon. People putting in big orders and keeping the good stuff could be a thing, but all I do know is that after four orders of not getting the kits I'd ordered off their website, I just stopped using it. Who knows though, maybe you'll have different luck, but I wouldn't take that bet myself.

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