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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22729025
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Show me your WIPs!
I know you are probably prepared for this, but I might be one of the seemingly growing group of anons asking for an extension. I can probably race to the finish but between the current weather, work and the simple realities of paint curing time when weather is "good enough" to paint I might not have time to finish the build.
Email him with time stamp.
Is this a reissue of some kind? If so, is it good?
yeah it's a kit from early 2000s I believe, basically a static figure but doesn't look half bad
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Is pic rel the most difficult mecha model kit ever made?
No it's just expensive. Everything fits fine and you can jump straight to painting with zero modifications. Literally any eastern European military kit will be 1000x harder.
he said mecha
but a wave fss kit from the 90s would be the same story
tanks are mecha
I built the Wave 1/144 knight of cheese and it's not as bad as everyone says
Thanks, that's what I figured, though it was hard for me to know for sure. It does look pretty nice especially with how they handled the clear parts on the body, might nab it.
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About to start pla plating and scribing this. Getting rid of the line in the center took way more sanding than I would have liked
i built the wave 1/144 knight of cheese and it's by far the worst model kit i've ever built
Noted, guess I'll set up a burner email tomorrow night.
>>22731789 #
There is an old 1/100 ng deathscythe tv
Can I put top coat over stickers?
God I want to build this kit. Is the 2.0 still have that garbage bag on the joints?
You're supposed to put top coat over decals.
you can but it'll look like shit. varnish won't hide the borders because stickers are so thick. just use water decals
Yeah but it can make the edges pop out if the sticker is too thick. You should ditch stickers for aftermarket waterslides if you're gonna put effort into your kits.
Why aftermarket waterslides? Doesn’t Bandai make their own?
Bandai waterslides are a bit thicker than aftermarket ones
bros...i might be turning over to high grades...just being able to snap something together and pose it without it trying to kill itself is so nice
The OT version has a shitton of tiny, very thin and delicate parts, it's been out for several months and not a single completed example that wasn't a promotional model exists yet IIRC.
The Volks version is easy but expensive. Our Treasure doesn't use vacuum degassing so their kits have way more air bubbles than Volks, and if you combine that with Tani styling the result is a nightmare.
and this is why people by the dc/ghs recasts. they thicken the flimsy anti-piracy parts, reinforce others, use vacuum degassing etc. they're literally better products than the OT originals and like 5x cheaper
Is it a bad idea to put lacquer thinner in my ultrasonic cleaner and turn it on?
Does anyone like clear kits?
Depends on the kit entirely. More designs look bad in clear than they do normally.
I despise it.
yes. that shit is more volatile than ipa and even ipa is an explosion risk. you can probably get away with it if you dilute it a lot but that would probably defeat the point
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would it be haram if I extended their arms? I'm not a fan of their fat midget proportions
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the "mechanical clear" versions (the ones where they're fully transparent clear and not just a translucent colour) can look good on kits with a full inner frame, especially if you paint and detail the frame.
they all look like shit without a full inner frame though because all you can see is hollowness and snapshitting pegs
Gunpla is freedom
Poorfag pirate cope
gunpla is freaking freedom
>We almost literally have the Virgo in multiple forms now but bandai still refuses to give it to us
>have to resort to shitty resin conversion kits
Kyoani was wrongfully targeted.
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Now I just need to build the Glansa.
bandai needs to antagonize canadians more
What do Canadians have to do with my desire for an officially produced Virgo?
they've been oppressed by bandai taking away their p-bandai store and letting scalpers control their market
Got it.
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Does this vintage hottie look non-bootleg to you guys? Judging by the included business postcard I'd say yes. Wonder what'd happen if I mailed it to them still.
>Has a cool opening mechanic and a colour separation part
>Never to be seen again on any other kits

Why is Bandai like this?
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bootlegs never have bandai branding
the p-bandai store downtime was due to canadian hackers
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What is this style of painting called?
I think a mix of both could be cool, like the Earth 3 with the earth unit being clear while the core guundam stays as normal sounds cool.
That's Zentihal priming basically you prime the model entirely black and then paint white or grey from where you want your light source to be coming from.
This. But don't forget that it will look weird if you change the pose of your model.
Clear kits are con souvenirs to me.
Other people are youtuber meme spouting. It's volumetric shading.
it's sort of a last resort if you're looking for an "eligible" kit for competitions that is not obtainable through normal means, like Varguil, HWS Nu, and the Perfectibility Unicorns.
iirc they did a version of the Aerial with the white parts being opaque and the red, yellow, and blue parts being clear that I thought looked good.
yeah it's much easier to pull off on small figures both because they're often static and because it's easier to understand how light looks on them
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Will Bandai make the HG of the original huckebein?
logically yes, so realistically no
This exists? Or this some bootleg shit.
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it's real
It's an old 1/100 HG from the 90s
you should shit yourself for not knowing about G-Falcon
The box art is so weird, maybe it's the perspective being fucked up but it looks like a midget gundam.
Next SRW HG is Bemidban. You've heard it first, folks
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Is this the Justice where they finally got it right? I like this the best out of all of Arthrun's suits except the Aegis.
It's literally just Infinite Justice without the good parts
Nah, the OG justice is still peak out of the bunch.
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too much greeble imho
The only thing I like better about the Infinite Justice is the neon green line on the chest. Besides that, I prefer the torso, legs, shoulders, backpack, and color shade of the Type II. Also, the downwards sloped diagonals of the IJ's backpack fucks with the composition of the Gundam as a whole. The Type II's backpack contributes more to the unity of the design.
it's probably not a *good* idea, but it's not nearly as dangerous as the other anon makes it seem, especially if you were to use 70% iso.
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Why the fuck was this a regular release again? All the Stein variants, really.
The dart landed on the retail section
There's no reason for it to not be retail, it's a direct upgrade from the Narrative Stein (which probably won't get reprinted much going forward) and is meant to be paired with the Narrative Ver Ka.
>it's a direct upgrade
there's been many instances of these getting relegated to p-bandai, and yes also while they could have been paired with other retail releases
Why not? It's a great kit.
>Narrative Ver Ka. is meant to be paired with the Narrative Ver Ka.
Sasuga, retard-kun.
Please gain some reading comprehension
What are the odds of base g-line without any armor making it into retail?
Do you even know what you're looking at?
It is. There are also next to no changes to it from any of the previous versions of the kit.
This is, for all intents and purposes, a recolor. A re-release of a recolor with added waterslides.
It's honestly baffling. You'd think that Bandai would've at least had the decency to get rid of the torso piping attachment point during one of these re-releases.
you're not very smart.
listen buddy, anything you see in p-bandai will stay p-bandai 99% of the time. Just pay your local scalper for a G-Line kit, they're doing you a service.
bait used to be believable
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I'm saying the new Stein Ver Ka (Narrative ver) is to replace the old Narrative Stein and is meant to go alongside the new Narrative Gundam Ver Ka.
I don't even have any proper local scalpers. It's all on fragile shoulders of chink overlords for me
wait another year for bootleg
>There are also next to no changes to it from any of the previous versions of the kit.
>This is, for all intents and purposes, a recolor. A re-release of a recolor with added waterslides.
I thought it was a new mold?
the runners are kinda reshuffled but the parts themselves are the exact same
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You should've said Narrative Gundam Ver. Ka then.
And honestly, the changes to this kit aren't worth a p-ban release, let alone a standard one. Part separated sleeve markings, axes, and waterslides? No.
And unsurprisingly the new sleeve details look worse.
This was literally made to pad the MG release schedule, I see no other reason for this thing existing.
No. Literally the same exact kit from 2013 with some parts added from the original Sinanju release from 2008 (Bazooka and Axes), the Narrative re-release in 2019, and maybe half a runner worth of new things for the part separated sleeves.
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Truly the 9/11 of our time.
Why are you like this
Zero. The closest thing you can hope is if they make a Build variant of it and they include the original parts with it.
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Just snapshidded my Gawain. It's a big and imposing fucker
moony man, wish death upon me
Nub in my eye dawg and I can't see
I don't remember zone of the enders in code gayass.
They consolidated parts that were supposed to be already included with the 2019 release.
Wait are all the MG Sinanjus just variations of the original 2008 mold?
well, duh
This lil nigga is so hard to find. Amazon has it listed for 80 buckaroos.
Stein is a lightly touched up version of the original and these two recent releases are even more lightly touched up versions of that release.
OG Narrative release had Sleeve details added to some parts, a bazooka attachment to the rifle, a new pre-molded hand so that the kit can actually hold its gun, and slightly different fuel tanks/shield. Narrative Ka. has new sleeve details, axes, and waterslides that were removed from the last version.
That's it.
hasn't been reprinted in a long time
>Stein is a lightly touched up version of the original
where "lightly touched up" means completely different outer armor
Is origin MG version the optimal choice for getting a RX-78-2?
if you think it looks best, yes
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post gore
Still looks usable. See no real problems here.
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I have the 3.0 and I don’t get the hate. The legs and waist are finicky but other than that it’s fine. It’s not nearly as bad as say the RG Zeta for example. Just get what looks best to you
And speaking of Sinanju right now is bad time to get one isn't it?
>MG might get a 1.5/2.0 in the near future with parts separated sleeves
>RGs are getting 2.0s now
The only version that's safe because it won't be outdated in the near-ish future is the HG.
I mean, the MG is still fine as it is and hedging bets that something is gonna get an updated version soon because a related kit got one is a risky business
Zaku 1 2.0 and all that
Just get an MG. Its a solid great kit and cheap too. I bought two of those for painting.
The only one that is "bad" to get is arguably the RG because chances are good you won't put in the work to fix its issues.
Both MG releases are fine. You're an idiot for worrying about an updated version given Bandai's current MG output. Besides, even if one is to be announced and released soon, it doesn't invalidate the fact that the Sinanju Ver Ka/OVA is a great kit already.
Yeah we get like 1 new MG mold a year anon, don’t get your hopes up. Maybe in 2030.
I got mine from Mandarake for $60 including shipping. Skill issue.
Found one for like 55 bucks. Dont know if its bootleg or not.
Really wish they stuck with the deep pink and the big ass backpack
>60 bucks for little more than average sized HG
afaik it doesn't have a bootleg, yet
Prices are going up boomer. Deal with it.
the only way that's a good deal is if half of it was for shipping
Its a uniquely designed HG kit and Im a sucker for those.
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Building the worlds ugliest Hi-Zack
you know what, fair enough
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you don't have to oust your bad taste like that
I like it, that's why I bought it. but its the ugliest Hi-Zack kit so the title still fits.
[Concerned heavy breathing]
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Anyone know if it also comes with the normal sleeves? I looked up the normal Geara Doga and it seems the normal sleeves are on runner C1 and C2. I have reasons for looking in the unicorn one. Mostly some cost savings and the water slides.
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dalong the oracle says yes
It's an easy fix. Only reason I haven't done it yet is because my brother in law wants to see me do it.
Granted, this was a few months ago now and I'm sort of tired of waiting on him, so I'll probably just go ahead without him.

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