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After all these 17 weeks, it's safe to conclude that this is the only meme-able Rozé of the Recapture screenshot and the best gayass face that Sakuya ever made.
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After Roze, I think /m/ should apologize to her show.
>She watched the Duke Fleed sex tape
Forgot Previous thread link: >>22804698
Leila is beautiful.
Stop ban evading.
Come to think of it, Catherine is mostly a palette swap of Leila
The previous thread isn't even on the bump limit.
I admit i like how it was at least realistic she had a panic attack when she saw how fearsome Foulbout was. She's not a pilot.
The endings of both are pretty equally bad
Norland’s mask will survive
Ash will wear it and become a Char
given that Norland was the Weise King for white, you think there could be a Black King, another Gentic clone of Charles or maybe even V.V. to have an older body?
nah, catherine is more beautiful and less generic looking
they didn't play it safe with her design
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Even the worst show in tomino's portfolio isn't as melodramatically bad as code geass. I'm impressed.
>there's more code geass
dunno how i should feel desu
Chapter 11 of the comic version of Re;surrection has been translated over at rainfall.
though its part 1
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Raspberry's profile
Her birthday is on 1st April...huh
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What's her appeal?
they had her as age 16, if that's ture then Sakuya was born on 2009 a.t.b., just a year before the invasion of Japan.
Sakuya is better than Ruby.
Sakuya of the sexo.
Going to have sex with Ash.
I envy you
Going to have sex with miss Croomy.
Going to murder Ruby.
Sakuya is ugly.
anyone check to see of different dialogue compared to the movie for certain scenes?
so, you think all the episodes will be in one or two sets on BD, if so you think we will see any Picture Dramas.
1 set BD imo, but probably not picture dramas. Geass isn't as popular to market now as it used to be.
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Still can't believe how different they look compared to the other knightmares like Vincent and Gareth. Figure future designs would be more like them.
at the twitter site, didn't they also give info of them being coated of something that helped them operate even inside the energy wall?
Chapter 11 part 2 is out and you can really see the differences or added content compared to the movie version.
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Both are literally confirmed straight and have confirmed real relationships with women, its not even a "both were never unmarried or whatever" they both fuck women and have like girlfriends and shit
No see, they have an intense friendship that means they're secretly gay. Do not try to reason with fujos or yurifags or shippers in general, they're insane.
seems we got new pilots for Lost Stories; one for Nunnally in her red prison dress and the other finally for Emperor Lelouch.
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>C.C. is there too, to the side
I love her so much
>Rubytard admits to not actually watching Code Geass
To no anon's suprise.
Rubyfag is probably some low IQ Indian spammer like the Oldrin fag.
Oldrinfag had a higher IQ than this vegtable
No one said anything about Symphogear, idiot.
You don't even fucking watch Code Geass
Suzaku frens...
The smartest man in India is still an Indian.
Still smarter than Rubytard.
Based Jedi Knight enjoyer

New lost stories trailer out. Magdala looking OP, comments saying it could be like Foulbout beams. Hope MC gets a good amount of screentime.
I liked Akito though, don't have to apologize to it
Its not like I expected OG CG quality for it
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So its out now and it seems they seem to also include moments from the Re; comic as well from illustrations.
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as well as the connection to the Re;surrection comic. You think someone could make a full summary of what happens in part 15?
Ban Evading is against the rules.
here is an alternate link to a video that shows more of the ending of Zero Requiem and of the ending credits.

I meant this version.
What's the name of her KMF, oh wise one?
You don't even watch mecha
Pendulum got somewhat wrecked too I see, its definitely getting setup for an upgrade.
Finished the finale
>brought back many beloved OG characters to perform secondary or tertiary background roles
>a pretty downer ending for both Ash and Sakuya even though it's sort of framed positively, where you can respect it but still leave feeling rather sad
>she didn't have to use her Geass, she could have just stopped talking with normal resolve
>can't even talk to Ash if he comes back, unless a contrivance or best boy Jeremiah helps
>no Jeremiah
I did care about both protags and actually liked Norland, and appreciated the existence of two epilogues, just have some feelings of dissatisfaction for some reason
>and actually liked Norland,
Opinion discarded
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He was cool and intimidating, and it was interesting to see him be driven yet indifferent.
>Opinion discarded
Maybe what should really be discarded is the human race.
No, I also thought him (being disgusted with the human race (implied) was something that would be understood by more people on 4channel.org, but I do get that it's not a very unique, theatrical, or captivating antagonist, and I completely get why people would find him unlikable or underwhelming.
>just some remnant knight and project created for something now-irrelevant
>no real clear idea or indication where or when things went wrong or why
>essentially a footnote that rose to cover page status and strength and died again as a footnote
>is relatively content with failing and even dying
>he just hated all of this but at least now he can rest
Norland's alright!
>He was cool and intimidating
He was not.
Ok Ash, glad you could join us though.
Ash should have been alive fucking Sakuya every night
What would a Code Ment version of Roze be like?
Shame we won't ever know.
>Rivalz with Milly
I guess simping works.
May as well have said "the protagonist of Code Geass should have a Geass" or "the protagonist of a Gundam show should pilot a Gundam".
That is to say, it should have been hinted in the epilogue that he's come back.
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Why is Oghi the only one with 'happy ending with pregnant wife'?
>Maybe what should really be discarded is the human race.
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Granted that there's a lot of base and vile stuff about people in general or as a whole, but there's a lot of good in people doing their best as well. I forget what shows had this.
>people are going to be wiped out and you were sort of shown why the antag considers this end justified
>the people you saw bickering as well as complete strangers are helping each other out or being selfless, to the surprise of the antag and the viewer
>this gives the protag the heart to defeat the evil or whatever, the antag might not even be that upset about being proven wrong or shown that there's still a bit of good too
I can name 0 examples atm but I'm sure they exist.
>I want to believe in mankind... in this world! And in myself!
I differ on this depending on the day, but I'm glad you have hope, anon.
So, should Suzaku impregnate Nunnally?
Okouchi obviously hated Villetta.
I know that Lelouch wanted Suzalu with Nunally...but did he think ahead?
He must not have been too happy, since he was all too ready to just kill himself in Re;
The most tragic cg tragedy girl.
She got off easy. Especially compared to pic related. Did the general public ever find out that it was Lelouch who made her cause the massacre, even if it was by accident?
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No they are still convinced she was just a horrible person.
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can someone translate of the events for October?
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Here you go.
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you know given the way Roze of the Recapture involved new characters that set them in the original series, a part of me kind of wishes of the reboot/remake for the 20th anniversary, like Lelouch and Nunnally being sent to Jugo Sumeragi's care instead perhaps it would lead to seeing the Zero outfit back in the 1st anniversary of Lost Stories.
He is a lucky man.
I just want Ash back
seems we gotten a character story event of Kallen of her time back as a student at Ashford Academy. Can someone make a full summary of the events?

Where would the Roze girls fit on this list?
Below average.
and in the Chernobyl cockroach tier is Nina.
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What are you doing this time, C.C?
here is a linke of a summary someone did.
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I think FemMC looked better here.
seems the official site at YouTube released the final batch of episode of the first season.
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What a happy looking boy
>hfw so many fans tell him that he should be alive/we're glad he's alive and that he's best boy

Birthday event officially announced. Can't wait to see the new series announcement.
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>Can't wait to see the new series announcement.
I know right!? Which part of Area 11 do you think Neo-Neo-Britannia will invade? My bet is on Shikoku.With a whole armada of Damocles fortresses now merely a half-year after happenings in Roze, for more true epic Code Geass feel.
Why didn't Lloyd and/or Rakshata just make a device or a knightmare frame that could withstand the barrier. Or why didn't they just have a submarine containing Albioin and Gurren swim under it?
Nunnaly of the red dresso.
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>Pendulum survived.
Impressive, consider MC track record of crashing their KMFs in the most stupid manners.
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me on right
Feels like its coming with energy wings given the new wing design but doesn't look like they have the hip cannons anymore. Swords look upgraded as well based on hilt.
I wonder what kind of opening and song it will use?
Interesting seeing Oz characters there. Wonder if it will try to fill in something from now until Roze to show how characters pop up there.
Halloween video.
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Yeah, looks like the theory that Almaria is a Marianne clone is on the money
Only a matter of time until we get Lelouch vs Clone Lelouch.
It'll be cool to see Zerozaku against her if that turns out to be true. Strongest pilot in history vs the one today.
the gacha that died did the clone thing
Lately i found Carly Disel very atractive...
Whats wrong with me?...
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She's psychotic, and her crimes are disgusting, but she's legitimately very attractive otherwise.
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It was a spiteful joke like >>22876496 not a prediction.
God, everything Kowa is so shit, why don't they skip a few generations and write after the deterioration of global peace is beyond me.
If only Zeo was given a chance...
>cc is raping nunnally in front of gayass duo
holy based
it looks so good on her, definitely one of her hottest outfit
That literally already happened twice. Once in Nightmare of Nunnally, and again in the gacha game with his clone kids.

They already met. Suzaku and her fought alongside each other in the second chapter of the photo novel prologue. He lets her go since he says that the pilot seemed like they coulud be talked to.

>It was a spiteful joke
No, Japanese fans have been theorizing it since the second chapter with the reference to Bish
>A gay incestuous cannibalistic psychopath
She's repulsive to the point that even the lost stories players don't even mind her to be unplayable.
>lost stories players don't even mind her to be unplayable.
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My beloved.
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Did NOT really think that much of her until recently, I don't know why I overlooked her for so long
What's /m/'s opinion on the change to Shirley's fate in Resurrection/The compilation movies? Does it change the story for the better or worse?
It's stupid like the rest of the changes made in the movies.
>discount Code Geass Full Frontal
>lemme just kill the whole world with smoothie blenders

The plot was at least as stupid as it was funny
I don't mind bargain-bin Full Frontal but I'll admit that I felt literally nothing about the deadly roombas, wasn't impressed at all
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>God damn that Ayano is hot, no way there's anything that can beat-
>Listening to the milly audio drama
>She offers to let Lelouch have his way with her
>This is while they’re both in middle school
Why is she down so unbelievably bad what the FUCK
Absolutely awful.
Not only kills her plotline, it ends with her having less relevance.
I know R2 was break neck speed of pacing and needed much more eps, but it pulled it off well I think.
Shirley's death had a big impact on Lelouch and made him develop a strong aversion to Geass. I really can't see the TV series Lelouch going around just handing out Geass to people after Shirley's death made him seethe so much the way the post-Resurrection one does.
so, now that side B is out you think someone can post pics of the characters in full body of their costumes in this event?
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I regretfully remember my expectations for "Akito" when it first started airing... After all, there was such a great potential for revealing the world and developing factions... Instead, it turned out to be "this" nonsense.

It seems that now and in the future, only black magic can save CG from another shitty anime like "Roze" and Lelouch and Co. getting stuck in another lousy gacha.
This was just cruel.
Our resident dumb ESL poster
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A fate worse than death.
The Graze of Knightmares.
so Part 3 of the main story will be out soon. I wonder given the characters that show up will first take of OZ O2 ending for the Damacles?
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The easiest to wife cg.
Aren't they all easy to wife?
Just finished the show, it was really good, but I didn't understand why Ash had to commit suicide after defeating Norland.
what did that achieve?
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we're so back
Was hoping they would show the new Pendulum, but Albion Zero at least coming.
Damn the day when some asshole at a model company decided that repainting a mecha was enough to declare it a "new model".
They added another feather with the repaint, so I guess that hits their threshold of new model....
Based on trailer that came out, looks like it'll go Albion>Oz finale>Resurrection
Albion Zero*
did someone at Reddit make a summary of this event cause I kind of wanted to read the whole part.
>happy smiling wife
C.C. deserves to be spoiled every day
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Looks like we really are starting with the Albion Zero story, though will it also include the wedding receptoin of Ohgi and Villetta based from the 1st volume of the Resurrection comic.
Suzaku once again will make money.
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He's discount Iron Mask lmao.
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New lost stories chapter out. Hope we get a good summary since they added a lot of additional scenes like Kallen and Suzaku meeting again.

Here is a link to the Female MC version
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it seems for the metal build the dragon scale version of the Lancelot Albion Zero has a additional face mask that can be added on.
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What's the deal with Nunnally and butterflies?
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I wish she wasn't bandaged like a mummy in her final fight.
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made in china
Code Geass was about the fantasy of smart characters outsmarting each other with somewhat reasonable mech design . ( Aka wheels because making a robot run is hard and Inefficient)

Akito was the opposite with dumb characters out dumbing each other. With Leila Taking the crown by performing the " let's give the people that try to kill us better weapons" TWICE .

Not gonna lie if she only did it once she might have lost to Ashley's " oops I clearly used your peace offer to try and kill you but im out of ammo , how awkward. Let's be friends" Ruining a scene that actually posed an interesting question by combining the worst aspects of both choices

Or oniichans " in order to run through this minefield i have arrived here BY FLYING. NANI !? A BIG ASS WALL? if only there was some way to get over this obstacle. For example ....BY FLYING . THE WAY I ARRIVED HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE"

But Leila outdoing herself by performing this okayish feat twice . Chef's kiss. Just perfect. Nevermind that people actually died for her circus. She might have gotten out of the car before it exploded but let's just disregard the poor driver that died in this stunt.

She is even dumber then her boss who complains about not finding pilots to suicide bomb their clearly superior knightmare frames.

Makes sense , right ? If you have the better tech you obviously should only use it once .

It's unironically the dumbest fanfiction I've ever seen
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Japs have been blaming Lelouch for quite a while now
It’s not his fault that Sakuya sucks at using her Geass
any good fanfics out and about?
Excalibur by Amintadefender
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This part was so unbelievably hot.
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thanks bro
CC saikou.
She's absolute perfection and divinity
Didn't Lelouch unintentionally kill his sister due to his Geass?
He unintentionally turned her into someone who had to be killed.
Same thing. He was a fucking moron because he knew his words has power, yet saying outrageous things without safety concern.
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Happy birthday, your confusing show was still enjoyable!
>two separate reasons for Leila to have back pain, and one of them's carrying her show
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The other birthday image.
I don't think she was this regal in the show with "bow down to me and be my slave" vibes, but I'm not complaining
Loss of global, however
Its meant for riding too, her motorcycle is behind her there
>thought it was a part of her cape
>had to check like eight fucking times
Sorry, love makes people go blind
But yes, she will be given many birthday rides
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The worst part is that all the warning signs were there long before it happened. He first learned that a Geass can get out of control when he had to fight Mao, which was one of the super early episodes. Then there was an incident a few episodes before he met Euphemia where he almost lost control of it while talking down to a guy on the street (you could tell from his reaction that he knew that it happened). So for a dude who's so meticulous at planning every single step dozens of moves in advance, you would have thought that he would have prepped a contingency plan or safety measures in the event that his Geass got out of control, given that it effectively has the power of a WMD. But he didn't.
Wasn't she like seventeen in her show?
sexo while cosplaying as lulu
Wait. You or her? (cosplaying).
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her as lelouch obviously
The correct choice.
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I dunno, it's missing something.
Looks like she's got everything needed.
She looks like Rukino Saki here.
I miss Valverave
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Gawain Lancelot combined.
The MILF energy is too strong here
God Rebellion!
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so the KMF has energy wings
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I hope we get to hear Lelouch yell "GRAVITON _______"
2.5 PV.
>Most of Lancelot body just hangs around in the back of Gawain like someone shoved it into a wall.
They should at least fold the legs to make it looks less awkward.
seems we gotten original moments of Carly Disel during Main Story

here is a link for someone to better make a summary; given it seems to take place just when Lelouch would become the next emperor.
here is a summary that someone did.

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This event was so ridiculous
I love it
so, was it a made up story given towards the end of the conversation between Lloyd, Cecile Croomy, and Jeremiah?
Those cuffs and shackles around her slender limbs are really hot.
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Big sis my beloved.
here is a summary of the God Rebellion event.

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C.C. is always way too beautiful

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