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We need a Duel thread.
S2 never
Always seemed weird to have an enemy MS whose entire gimmick is "MC but worse". All rhe other Gundams have their own gimmick to form a quirky miniboss squad, but duel is "what if strike didn't have striker packs"
I don't understand the appeal of Cosmic Era mechanical design.
Seed was always "what if Amuro got the MKII instead or the RX-78-2."
the inferior unit
Pretty sure it's still better than the 78-2.
I like how it's a workable version of FA Gundam.
Armor-wise the MkII is just a grunt, but otherwise it's better than the original Gundam.
>Dust off old MS that Zaft stole from the Alliance in the first war
>Give it a new cockpit and a nuclear reactor
>Piano boy's father also randomly put Blitz components on it
This thing was wierd
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What if the Duel was REALLY tacticool for some reasons and jobbed ever more?
Especially weird since most ZAFT grunts likely outperform base Duel at that point.
Is this the one that performs white woman activities?
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It's the best Duel variant, much like how Lightning is the best Buster.
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>Lightning is the best Buster
I'd like Verde if it didn't have that mask. That really kills it for me.
The mask is the best part
Duel was the first one made to test the armor and beam weapons before they moved onto more specialized designs. Then they choose to complete and deploy it anyway because 5 MS are better than 4 and it would still be superior to all the mass production machines at the time. It makes sense logically.
With the nuke upgrade and Meteor it would far outperform most Zaft grunts on that alone.
It and Buster were basically just emergency MS hidden in a supply cache in case Zaft's main forces went stupid again. They picked those because nobody would miss them and the upgrades they gave them were more than enough for the standard Zaku's. The only question is why they didn't upgrade Gaia or the DOMs in addition or instead as they were at base better than Duel and Buster and also unaccounted for.
Buster Verde is just a cool name.
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Wrong again!
My point is that they could have just applied the nuke upgrade to any of their advanced MS like the ZAKUs or GOUFs or whatever UC ripoff they're working with at that point and end up with a better MS
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Have a bigger file.
>use shoulder pod to store ONE (1) beam saber
WTF were they thinking?

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