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What went wrong with Voltes V Legacy?
Nothing much. It's a movie by and for nerds.
Does this has subs?
>also women worked on it so i give it a break on being bad
it really is funny how "treat women as equals" has circled back to "treat women like children"
I heard it added a love triangle that wasn't in the original series. Is this true?
First episode (Japanese version): https://odysee.com/@V5Legacy_Choudenji_Respect_TV_Version:3/Voltes-V-Legacy-Choudenji-Respect-TV-Version-01_1280x720_x264:9
Flip telenovela drama. Only a trained people like me could survive it
Too much Legacy not enough Voltes
>cherrypicking quotes after the thread died
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ohnonono sisters people love voltes v legacy!
Go look at the latest quotes on X. It's "bad pacing, but I like CGI" every review.

It's more cherrypicking to try and find a purely positive review without any complaints about the pacing.
>it's a bit rough in places
>Translation: The pacing sucks.
>apple user
lmao pretentious fuck
No one's gonna believe you.
>It's not Voltes, it's Bolotez V
what did Takeshi mean by this
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>"It's not Godzilla, it's Zilla."
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Don't worry, Filipinx sisters! Ryotaro Okiayu (Mitsui from Slam Dunk) is with us!
In case you're all unaware. Philippines found a way! STRONGEST RACE IN THE WORLD!

The "Voltes V Legacy" version of Voltes V will be debuting soon in Super Robot Wars DD.

Even though it's an adaptation of a preexisting Japanese show, it's also technically the first non-Japanese production to get featured in SRW.

>no one will believe you
Is it really *that* hard to believe people are criticizing Voltes V?
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nothing changes
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>BTFO by actual Mangaka
"The pacing is bad, but I can feel the love for Voltes V."
"There are lots of parts to nitpick, but the love for Voltes V is genuine."
"It’s rough in places, but the love is too sincere."
"I was genuinely surprised by how much Filipinos love Voltes V."
"I think the creators love Voltes V even more than I do."
Bottom Left (man speaking):
"Certainly... many of the flaws have been completely overridden by love...!!"
I can believe people are criticizing Voltes V.
What's obvious is that this guy is getting tweets with no likes though.
>Toei mega shill
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>the female executives are also eligible for extra points
>AlSo WoMeN WoRkEd oN iT, So GiVe It A BrEaK

Hey Retard, he meant this female "executive". He gave her bonus points for coomer reasons.
>posting shill manga produced by Toei instead of reviews from actual Japanese people
Right underneath the comments of that comic LMAO.
Kazuya Nakanishi, animation director of such prominent anime as The Eminence in Shadow, watched and praised Voltes V: Legacy then created artwork for it.

Can someone say the same for Grendizer U?
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Oh no nigger, more cherrypicking!
>online josei manga
so we agree she isn't earning praise based on merit?
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to tell the truth, Philippines don't have a lot of capital. they have the Voltes V license, but the whole project isn't even funded by Toei

they don't have any hope to fund a CGI movie that can compete with any Marvel movies, in fact, they can't even afford to fund a CGI movie like Godzilla Minus One, and that only cost less than 20 million USD to make.

so they did what fliplands do best, fill it with drama and stretch the CGI fights as much as they can.

also, they are going to do the same with Daimos.
Why are y'all consistently ignoring the "There's no end to the things I could criticize" part of every tweet posted here?
>they like the CGI
>"You can tell they love Voltes"
>you keep avoiding the parts where they talk about the pacing, the changes in the story, and everything else outside of "love" and "CGI quality"
Don't go backpedaling now after getting caught misreading a Google Translation.
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Why does Japan think Voltes V: Legacy is better than Grendizer U though?
>"The pacing is bad, but I can feel the love for Voltes V."
So what the other anons have been saying about VVL's pacing was true all along lol?
>um actually it's bad doesn't matter
it's not backpedaling lmao
even if you're right (your word against mine, who's to say you're not misreading) both interpretations support the premise that women are not held to the same standard as men
white-knighting won't get you laid btw
>we get Legacy before Victory V
So is it Flip or Anti-Nip fag? i can't really tell
What are you talking about?
>um actually it's bad doesn't matter
Never said that. It's amusing you're avoiding the criticisms like you're part of the shill squad for this series.
>both interpretations support the premise
What female executives in Voltes V do you think that comment was talking about, you drooling retard?
No respect.
A Filip, by how much he's trying to shit on the series.
Yes, you are indeed saying passion is irrelevant because you and a few hate it.
The Japanese who are shitting on the series are flips too, LMAO? Stop talking to yourself.
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No, I said you're ignoring Voltes V's criticisms like a goon and THE JAPANESE THEMSELVES are saying love isn't enough lmao.

1.3K likes, brother. Go argue against a wall.
Isn't this just an acknowledgement that people are heavily criticizing the Super Robot Telenovela?

Ir's no Cobra Kai, after all.
Did a "flip" post this?
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On the other hand...
When will the Mother die?
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>also, they are going to do the same with Daimos.
Coming soon, by the way.
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Weak camera work.
GMA's shows has always had awful cinematography/camerawork. they have NEVER made satisfactory action shit. VL had the boon of having full CG mecha fights detached form the live action stuff at least
It's basically fan fiction anyway.
>the opinion of online josei manga
>mattering compared to general Eleven sentiment over the film

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