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normal picture because no new art still and I think we ran out of bunny girls

--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries

>scans of some of the earlier entires

>samples of the ongoing manga

>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.

>another page with their stuff

>internet archive has scans of The Flag of Titans compiled in 6 volumes, this is the first one

>proof of concept for a translation project of the Reboot volumes

>last thread
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legally distinct ReZeon to start the thread
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So how do you think the civil war will end?
We already know ReZeon loses but still it would be interesting to think about what could happen and where it fits into late UC.
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We're never out of bunnygirls. Check Fujioka's twitter for official ones
In general, yeah. But I'm fairly sure we used all the ones Fujioka drew at this point. I figure we can hold on with some other official art before moving on to fanart.
How many threads has it been since the last crumb of art
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More than any man should endure
Mars is a big enough planet that we can expect underground survivors.
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>Late U.C. treasure hunters searching for the fabled Puru vaults of Mars
>Cryo-vaults hidden deep beneath the crust of Mars hold legebdary Puru Army
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Is Todesritter's gun based on MkV's?
>hidden bunkers filled with aged purus

No, it's the Ga-Zowmn's handheld gun

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aReZeon Green Tea
I thought stasis pods were a pretty relevant plot element in ReBoot.
is it perfect and would preserve them for decades and possibly longer, or does it need caretakers to maintain the pods
Good question. You would expect good cryopods to be a priority of the project, given the whole "colonizing the stars" goal of the thing
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She's getting a regular release kit soon, trust the plan
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which one is the lucky rabbit foot?
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So anyone nabbing? I emptied my pockets getting the MRD Zeta Plus A2 so I can't. Don't regret it though.
Hazenthlay 1 is probably my least favorite TR suit, and they still made it look amazing
the thin legs frustrate me
Ordered psychoblade and Brazam II, I might regret the former, not because I might not like the model, but because I currently lacked the tools to make it look pretty.

But man, I wish they reprint Kehaar II more.
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What do you have against him? I like how he uses a whole TR-6 torso as sub arms.

Fujioka seems to be only Gundam designer that doesn't think of his designs as guys in metal suits, with all the limitations that it brings.
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It's pretty much already over. Alicia's iron grip was strangling the Martian populace and could not be sustained anyway. How exactly the aftermath of the rebellion will lead into the shadow of an army that's Mars Zeon of UC 0110s and 0120s is another question, but ReZeon's fate is already clear.
Black Rabbit had a Dream.
>A ridiculous, laughable dream.
Alicia still lives. The manga will enter the Earth arc and there's no telling what will be revealed and what will happen there. TR-S is still waiting. It will all be lost like a dream, but something will still carry on into the future.
夢 それは 夢 夢
I feel like it takes a Hazel and a HZII and makes something that doesn't look as good as either of them. The CSB is too rounded for the blocky limbs, the shoulder guns can't aim forward and it doesn't have a transformation that lets them do so either, and I've never been a fan of the extra high heel addon for Hazel legs. It's not a bad design by any means but I feel like the others do its job better
Maybe the Titans remnants duke it out to the death with Mars Zeon after defeating ReZeon together.
I know basically nothing about Advance of Zeta but the Gullinbursti looks cool. Kestrel's pretty alright too.
you're in for a treat since those are the worst-looking of the bunch
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yeah they're really neat, wish they got move love
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And of course I drop my image like a retard.
still carrying a torch for the idea of a Hazel optional armor mounted on the chest with a monoeye sensor, like the one that Build Mk-II's concept art had.
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>built using GP Project data
>by Earth supremacists
>TRX model number
I get what they were going for but it's a bit too on the nose
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Is it better if you know it's probably inspired by Kawamori's early draft for Dendrobium?
No, in fact something closer to this would've been way cooler. Making a more humanoid Dendrobium is sick, but making it literally just rearranged dendrobium pieces sucks. They should've changed it up a bit to make it look a bit different. There's also a bunch of nitpicks with the design itself like the gun being backwards or an entire arm being taken up by the I-field when the original's I-field just covered the entire thing, no movement required. Also if we're being honest legs are completely unnecessary for a space-only anti-fleet turret. Also is that a camera bigger than most MS' heads on the big pod on the right? and can this hold guns in the "pilot's" arms or does it just have less firepower than the original? No giant beam saber claws either
It can transform into a more traditional MA form, in the lineart the beam cannons are folded back for convenience but they could fold out just fine like that too. Also they have beam sabers built into them. The legs are here for AMBAC so it can be more agile and flexible in use. I-Field generator mounted like that is functionally speaking just a giant shield, really.
For the record the backstory is it's a post 0083 project by an Earth supremacist group that tried reusing GP03 data for a base *assault* MA that would be sent at Axis, but they couldn't get it to work and the plan was eventually taken over by another group post-Gryps and finished using modern tech including Psycho Gundam data. The "Gundam" unit serving as the core is just a glorified escape pod made up of miscellaneous leftover GM parts with a little Gundam thrown in.
Still seems like an inferior Dendrobium overall. I'm sure the paper specs are higher due to having newer tech, but at a glance it has less guns, can't use saber and cannon at the same time, the Gundam can't wield handheld guns, and having two massive beam cannons mounted in parallel like that is completely pointless. If the first shot hits the target is already destroyed, do you want to make another hole like 2m below the first one?
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I'm a little behind on the manga but do you think we'll get a definitive answer as to who or what Alicia even is? Or Omega for that matter?
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wew, is it getting hot in here or is it just me?
POV: You're a spacenoid aid convoy getting pulled over
Which one is the Puru(male)?
this one >>22954800
I am now a loyal soldier of ReZeon. Hand me a Woundwort and point me at Mars Zeon, I'm ready
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Sorry mate all you get is a Hizack. But hey at least it's the combat spec.
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...Is it at least Vanargandr?
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Plus, it was piloted by who was essentially S1 Graham Aker but in the better UC setting.
He has a time limit he can pilot that thing before the G-forces kill him outright. IIRC he still gets clapped by a backup of clone Scirocco who in turn gets gotten by the original clone.

Walpurgis is weird.
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AOZfags I'mma let you finish but conducting air operations against Titans shits alongside your flight leader Amuro Ray himself was THE place to be in Early UC
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hell yeah bestie
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This post got me thinking about the aerodynamism of AoZ designs.

Is the Woundwort capable of atmospheric flight? Is the Hyzenthlay II? Even still in a dogfight between them and a Z+ A1, I'd bet my money on the Zeta. Though that might just be biased because the Z+ looks like an air superiority fighter in wave rider mode.
No, only the Kehaar forms and the Icarus units can. Hrairoos too. I think Dantalions can glide but not fly? Then you've got the Queenly forms that need a big ass minovsky craft pod to fly
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Woundwort has enough thrust to fly in the atmosphere in MA mode, though naturally it's not completely specialized for that. It might not have to transform completely though as it has an intermediate form with only the legs folded and aligned into MA mode.
Haze'n-thley II by itself has sheer thrust to be effective in atmospheric combat in MA mode, though it's noted to be akin to a missile.
Haze'n-thly II Rah II can outright escape the atmosphere through its sheer thrust with a fuel tank attached, which is almost certainly a direct reference to Ex-S Gundam which can do the exact same thing.
For projected Zeta Gundam successors like the Zeta Plus and Delta Plus series the intended counter is Hrairoo II, the Gaplant replacement focused on high attitude interceptions. As far as we know it was never used in combat so it's anyone's guess how it would work in practice but it is designed with the intent of matching and surpassing them.
Maybe that manga page has an awkward translation, basically when moving with extreme speeds acceleration and movement, bloodflow can move around your body in unintended ways

e.g., pilots pull a hard turn and the blood can flow away from the brain and cause them to lose consciousness and black out. gear exists for this, pressure suits or G-suits compress the body to force blood from flowing to certain parts of your body and away from the brain

>it has an intermediate form with only the legs folded and aligned into MA mode.
Was the Delta Plus even real by the time of the TTT? I thought that line didn't get started until after Char's rebellion. By the Gryps War the Delta line was still at the Delta Gundam/Hyaku Shiki stage.
Key word there is "projected". They didn't know what came after Zeta, but they knew roughly what capabilities it'd jave and designed a MS to match those capabilities
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front and center
It is described as countering suits "like" these. Just like how they wouldn't know what exactly Zeta Plus is till they encounter it or spy information and how they just projected likely performance and capabilities of ZZ, S or Queen Mansa based on available data and knowledge.
Though for what it's worth Delta Plus was actually developed in UC 0090 (by the time of Unicorn it's an old, forgotten prototype that's not cancelled only by technicality) and Anaheim was already considering functional Delta models during the Gryps Conflict.
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another example from the volume 5 cover
For an old forgotten prototype it sure performs well
In sheer combat specs, sure, but it's also nothing groundbreaking compared to Zeta. And it was intended as a mass produced unit despite being from a completely different and separate production line than Jegan, making maintenance and supply an absolute nightmare.
gundam is chock full of old forgotten prototypes that are leagues ahead of the baseline grunts
also just notice the blade has a slightly different design in that pic
you mean the heat blade? The beam gun barrel can split for higher power mode, though Reboot has a lot of depictions where it's strangely uneven like that.
man all this talk makes me with HF Part 2 shows what came next in the mass produced Zeta line after the Zeta Plus and the ReZEL
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We know a tad later there was a project for a miniaturized Zeta successor but it fell through, the head design was reused for G-Custom.
nothing, it's a dead end
damn if it don't look good

sorry it be like that
The heck is this? Are those Strike Freedom wings on its ass?
your eyes are kinda fuck since it's not even the same silhouette
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The gist is it's a Prototype Hardygun souped up with some MSA-120 tech, officially as just a test-only Anaheim one-off, in reality at least two units were deployed to Anaheim's spec ops team tasked with spying on and gathering data on the F90 tests and combat deployments.
Use your imagination
What does the ass binder do?
It's a purgable Sturm Thruster Unit with a Mega Boost system installed and space for some weapons
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Psycho Mk-II cannot come soon enough
What exactly is "mega boost"? Apparently it's somethin Draig can do too right?
uses e-pacs as consumable items to improve performance
feed nearly superchaged Minovsky particles from the E-Pac into the reactor for an output boost into the thrusters
"negligible" risk of reactor going out of control
So like a UC version of Trans-Am?
Trans-Am doesn't run the risk of damaging any hardware on proper GN Drives and it's an all around overclock, not for sheer speed.
A closer comparison would be real life nitro boost, matter of fact that's exactly what it's been compared to.
>A closer comparison would be real life nitro boost, matter of fact that's exactly what it's been compared to.
or the emergency power setting on old fighter planes that would inject a chemical mixture into the engines to dramatically improve performance

Oh, so it's liteeally the Noz button from Fast and Furious, or the nitro pills feom Redline. Fuckin' love it. Please tell me there's a big red button that enables it
You probably have to toss a newtype into a meat grinder to activate it knowing non-mainline AE engineering
I don't think Draig has any NT features, in fact wasn't it proposed as a MP suit? It does have some sorr of gravity cannon/railgun so the danger of attracting Space Kaiju is there.
Could very well be an intentional reference too, there's a bunch of aircraft development history tidbits in the entire F90/MSA-120 thing.
Does that make the F99 into the SR-71?
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no that's XC
Looks more like an F-117 that grew legs
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on the topic of late UC, it would have been cool to see some bits in the DUST "kitbashes". Far more obscure stuff was referenced there.
I feel like the artstyle would clash too much and Hasegawa would have trouble drawing them accurately to do it justice, if he was going to do it then it'd be highly simplified.
Gundam authors can't be trusted with the power that comes from Wundy parts. All kitbashes using them would basicaly be femboy versions of the MS
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>J*vian tech
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screw you too
you just know the TTT begged on their knees for Chadtimus to share the Messala booster
Well, we do know at least one guy involved in TR Plan was buddies with Scirocco
Hopefully that means Banjew is planning on releasing the standalone Advanced Hrairoo/Hrairoo II parts soon.

And with a bootleg TR-6 out, it's not even a pain to buy a second one to get another pair of CSB for the Hrairoo II config. Thanks, Zhang.
>Admires Jovians
It fits
Considering Walpurgis also has deep space shenanigans, cloning and brain uploading I'd say Jovians are closest we get to the TR plan outside of AOZ.
Crossbone too, with the bio-brains and all that.
Honestly, would the Hrairoo II even be an improvement over the Gaplant? I doubt the CSBs would offer much thrust over the Gaplant's shield binders since it has to make space for a folding heat blade mechanism + beam cannon + I-field generator.

I have the feeling the Woundwort's ass booster pod wouldn't be any better than the Gaplant's back booster either.
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Speaking of Jupiter, does any material mention what goes on in the moons? If Mars can be terraformed surely Jupiter's moons are even easier to terraform.
Jupiter Empire has a military outpost on Io but that's about all we know IIRC. Mars was initially fancied as a major project before Earth Sphere colonies became the obvious choice so the terraforming process had a lot of time and resources poured into it. Meanwhile Jupiter Sphere infrastructure was always built around H3 mining rather than being a major population center.
I thought Jovians were rich as fuck due to said H3 trade. But crossbone mentions how their colonies face scarcity and every resource is precious. Maybe they should've uaed that money to improve their living conditions instead of bankrolling various anti-earth groups...
It doesn't even need to be a massive performance improvement, just using the same core platform and standardized parts that can be switched out in a few minutes makes it a massive improvement in actual operational capacity.
Plus, the CBSs have the additional boosters attached on them, the same kind that make TR-5 Advanced Hrairoo a speed fiend that needs support struts in the back to hold together at full throttle. And also one half of that on the weapon container. That's a whole lot of thrust, and in all likelihood Woundwort alone is a fair bit lighter than Gaplant. With all the extra equipment stacked it probably ends up heavier but has more than proportional thruster increase, plus the aforementioned usability benefits.
In all likelihood they could have been a perfectly prosperous if small nation. But Dogatie turned a legitimate grievance into an obsession that consumed his life and developed a state built around absolute loyalty and cult of strength. He never gave a shit about the people or the future, he just wanted to see Earth burn.
Even after his death and the following shenanigans, it would take decades for Jupiter to start recovering and turning into a decent place to live
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tangentially related due to the setting and possible references, Wearwolf manga scantalation is gonna be up to date next week
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How fast can transforming MS fly in atmosphere? They're full of rocket boosters so you'd expect supersonic or even hypersonic speeds, but they're never depicted travelling that fast (And also heat from air resistance would be incedible). Then again, some MS like picrel can escape the atmosphere under their ow thrust
They gave some speed ratings for things in older material around Z Gundam but I'm not sure they actually say much about it now. One of the big things about Penelope and Xi, aside from M-Craft granting "anti-grav" of sorts, is that they've got beam barriers to sustain supersonic.
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We have some numbers or comparative descriptions but they're always arbitrary like most stats, don't take them to heart or think about it too hard. Like the other anon said Penelope and Xi have Beam Barriers which negate air resistance and enable supersonic movement, IIRC Xi can reach Mach 2.
Also [Fiver] does actually use a booster to go into low orbit, it's basically a ballistic missile.
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Hazel Hazel Hazel!
December 1st is 121 is RX-121 is Hazel day!
Oh nice, it gets two gaplant boosters and a nosecone? First time seeing that arrangement. Nosecone almost looks like a Hambrabi, or even an Abigor
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My Hrairoo looks kinda weird
>no chin
soiled it
The entire thing is obviously overdesigned, but I really like the addition of shoulder cannons.
Is that the one with a miniature Psyco Gudnam with Gaplant binders?
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For a second I thought this was a Woundwort vtuber avatar
What you're saying is making a lot of sense. A Zeta Plus being intercepted mid flight by this experimental Titans machine would make for a sick encounter. Dogfights between transforming MS is something that we haven't really seen before in the franchise, I think, which is odd.

HF Part 2, take us home.

That's saying the least. The first Chinese designer that figures out when to stop drawing when making a new mecha design is going to be hailed as the second coming of Katoki.
I wonder in what context a Z+ could ever face a TTT MS.
wdym? it's aeug vs titans
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>Hazel ground type
enlightened idea
Z Plus deployment began probably in November so theoretically there was about a 3 month window where it could have engaged any number of Titan suits before the civil war officially ended, nevermind what happened afterwards.
Really? I thought it was developed post-conflict. Imagine Jerid's PTSD if he saw a squad of Zeta pluses coming at him
In SEED Destiny there's a cool dogfight between the Saviour and the Murasames. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW4bd2Hj_vY
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Black Hares and their consequences have been a blessing for Advance of Zeta
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Are they allowing new members?
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Really want this long Hazel beam rifle in plastic form.
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Long rifles are so cool
Could probably make one using a Gelgoog Jager or Cima rifle
What are the bits on the shield?
Spare barrels maybe.
Replacement barrels for when the first overheats
I always find it funny when the concept of durability is brought up in Gundam, because it's usually a one-off thing that the rest of the setting ignores. So you get snipers with overheating barrels but then mega launchers spam fire, or you get beam magnums with "high recoil" abd beam recoil is never mentioned anywhere else in the setting
Evidently it's not a problem with these weapons, either because they're better designed or something else gets in the way first. Beam weapon recoil isn't exactly a new thing either, we see it all the way back in the original series and every other rifle has a secondary rifle for a reason.
Incidentally, beam magnum is another good case of an overheating example - the mag size limit is set the way it is because any more rapid fire would permanently damage the barrel. It can be counteracted with carrying spare mags, but for the most part if Unicorn is used the way it's intended the overheating is not a problem. Otherwise there's a flaw on the strategic side.
Just like a lot of other things in the franchise then, like cooling, gravity, weight distribution, etc
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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Is the F90 manga good?
imo it's amazing
they're wired, too
is there a read order? Do I need to read prior manga? Are they on nyaa?
>is there a read order?
F90 Fastest Formula -> F90 Cluster
>Do I need to read prior manga?
Not a must, but if you know original F90 manga and Crossbone you're gonna get a lot more references. Silhouette Formula will also come in handy. Parts of the manga are an adaptation of the Formula Record UC 0123 game but you don't need to know the game. There's a few scattered callbacks to other things too but nothing major.
> Are they on nyaa?
I imagine so, but they're also both on mangadex
I want a MG of this thing so badly.
Best you'll get is Pban HG built off a 20 year old base
at this rate it might happen in ~4 years, though this might be a bit too much bulk. Depends how popular the manga ends up being.
I'd recommend to read the original F90 manga at least, it's basically the whole prologue of F90 Cluster. Just be aware that there are two versions of the manga and one is abridged for kids with changed names and slightly different MC personality.
Okay, what's the original then? Fastest Formula?

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