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New project announcement edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

>Shirabe's cooking adventure

>XDU Events

>Symphogear XDU English Translation Sheet

>Compilation of pictures from the Symphogear Expo 2022 in Nagoya. Thanks anon!

>New Project has started: PROJECT SYMPHOGEAR -next-
>Furthermore, it has been decided that #SenkiZesshouSymphogear will be made into a movie

Whoops, ignore the "edition" line
Cute Christmas Kirifeet!
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It's that time of the year!
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Time for Christmas Carols
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Singing Christmas carols
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then perish
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Chris for Christmas
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xdu shutdown + movie announcement was exactly 1 year ago
hugging both of my Shribble daughterus
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tfw you realise you’ve crossed lines in the name of science you should not have
I hope that if the sequel is some retarded 10000 year timeskip sequel Elfnein is still around, eating her stupid noodles
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>1000 year time skip
>Elf9 is still around, seducing the local cake bridge bunnies
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Oh, Santa Kiri, after a year you're here
Oh, Santa Kiri, what your secret would be
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new shinai skit
The Day Kiri Saved Christmas
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Are you a bad enough geah to ride Godzilla?
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You are, without question, the most idiotic creature I have ever had the misfortune to come across. Is there even so much as a single spark of a thought in that vacuous wind tunnel you call a head? The only thing more tragic than your own imbecilic life is the void of ignorance you inflict on I, and everyone around you. This world is a far stupider place thanks to you.
I can hear the heiki hecchara in my head
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What are you doing? If she gets fat, what will her fans think? Will they copy and get fat too?
>first she was eating sushi
>now pizza
Tsubasa's eating habits are going downhill! Ogawa needs to regulate her meals more tightly.
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Good girls eating healthy!
Are these good girls for ants?
Pizza is a vegetable
Cute napkin bib
The napkin is to restrain her. It's for everyone's safety
Oh, don't overreact, few slices won't hurt
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Or just one big one
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Sympohogear would have been a masterpiece with much more gore and blood.
A magical or alchemical healer was needed as an ally of the protagonists, the fights would have been much more intense and entertaining.
Which of the Geahs would look the best in Nero's usual clothes?
Chris, right?
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Chris is for Dante's outfit, much like Basa looks best in Vergil's. Nero's meant to be the spunky young guy, so I think Kiri would look great in them
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The real question is, which geah could pull off Viola's look?
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, anon
Oh. Then it's Saint-Germain
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>A magical or alchemical healer was needed as an ally of the protagonists
It could have been Elf9's role but they only used her as an engineer to improve the relics
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What are they laughing at?
Chris, if Viola's outfit was modified to accommodate her bust.
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The dairy farm is expanding
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What kind of milk could an autoscorer produce? Flavored milk? Who fills them up?
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And this one isn't part of the dairy series, but if I was forced to look at it in the artist's timeline, so will you
Shit, you are right! Quick, tell everyone she is pregnant instead!
>Blood and Gore makes an action series better.
What would have done this series is having 24 episodes per season to flesh out the characters better,to put more degree of complexity in the plot, and building up actual tension by having stakes.
But that would stop being the same symphogear we all know and love...or wouldn't it?
Delete this.
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Degeneracy suddenly stops being funny when you see it in a figure that you genuinely respects. Eh, Tsubasa?
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tasty cake
Didn't Chris wear something punk in XDU
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You'r probably thinking about her gear for the Bang Dream collab, yes
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open door see this what do
But cokld Chris wield a sword? I feel like she,s too imbalanced to do so
Tell them they're at the wrong address and close the door.
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"Ah, you must be here for the Bikki party, come on in"
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full force
Apparently the show only having 13 episodes was one of the first things Agematsu requested, because he wanted shit to be fast-paced for the music direction, so you'll probably never ever get a longer season.

Rewatching the show after having brainrotted myself on XDU for years really put into perspective how badshit fast the pacing actually is, all the downtime the game scenarios create to have characters reflecting, have random interactions with other characters, or to just have weird ass comedy scenes don't really exist because there's no time.
Symphogear might actually really be a better fit for the movie format, even if they change nothing else, at the very least you won't have the OP and ED playing every 20 minutes.
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Here we come a wassailing etc. etc.

If the person who you sing to can’t provide the wassail
You are entitled to his debit card and PIN number!
Love and joy come to you
Unless you can’t provide the wassail
Then severe financial penalties shall come to you!
Then severe financial penalties to you!
Step back and go away. I don't want trouble.
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Taste the cake
All because she was in the open on a cold day wearing skimpy clothes asking Chris to step on her face.
So cool...
S1 and G work fine with 13 episodes. Fast pacing but still enough downtime (remember Chris and Tsubasa having that restaurant scene?). It's from GX onwards that it stops being balanced because now you have 6 MCs and 3-6 villains plus all the secondary characters and all the lore to handle. It's kinda fucked.

Honestly I think a movie would do wonders for Symphogear. Think AXZ Val Verde stuff expanded into a movie.
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Looks are one thing but when it comes to personality, Nero is 100% Chris
>cocky but also angsty with early life trauma
>goes UNGA BUNGA RAGE on opponents
>also a bit of a showoff
>>cocky but also angsty with early life trauma
>>goes UNGA BUNGA RAGE on opponents
>>also a bit of a showoff

sounds like Heathcliff
How would Chris react to being called Deadweight?
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Heathcliff, Heathcliff, no one should,
Terrify their neighborhood!
But Heathcliff just won't be undone,
Playing pranks on everyone!
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Needs a bit more brat energy to be Chris
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I appreciate AXZ for shuffling up the pairs a bit, it was a nice change of pace if uneven in quality, but I would really appreciate it even more if they really did just stop with the villain squads. I still can't get over the fact that the villain trio in XV had more screen time than half the gears in what should have been their final send off.
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Nanoha A's proves that you can kick a lot of ass in 13 episodes if you do it right.
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The difference is Nero is deep down a rebellious boy playing at being a good boy, while Chris is a good girl playing at being abrasive and rebellious
A's has a restricted cast so it works just like G. In fact, G is just Symphogear's A's.
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Yup. FIS is just less tragic (and cuter) Wolkenritter.
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I don't know, they're both exactly the same. Nero is a good boy acting rebellious (Church and everything) and settles down with a cute tradwife he loves. Chris is a good girl who acts rebellious as part of her behavior and spunk energy, also due to the way she socializes. They're both kind but enjoy kicking ass.
Kiri Claudius.
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part of Nero's arc is accepting the dmeon within himself, this isn't just about the literal demonic energy but also the darker sides of his personality too. Only by deciding to kick everyone's ass does he achieve his true power. Chris would rather just become a schoolteacher and raise Hibiki's kids
If the movie is a sequel you'll probably have a Annunaki villain trio. Remember that the Annunaki invasion Adam was a schizo about never actually happened, Shemmy was just being shemmy. XDU even already named exactly 3, they could just use those.
Of course, thematically there's not much of a difference between beating up 1 god or 3 gods so what's the point really, but I get the feeling it's either that or 120 minutes of Shinai (like actually, same animation style.)
I liked it better when the Annunaki just kind of fucked off and stayed fucked off. They were background props and the story was about cleaning up their left overs. But now the mere mention of something else out there makes lore fags go rabid with salivation and they get reduced to something lame like a boss fight.
well that ship has sailed half a decade ago
chris in nero's outfit would be insanely erotic
especially with the butt window
Chris squeezing her dynamite body into a tight Chinese dress
>looks it up
That's hilarious. So what's her deal, another variant of Arthur or just sameface syndrome?
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Invite them in and give Chris a few inches.
she was the first actual saberface
canon explanation is that she's artoria's ancestor iirc
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I lost to her thighs again
Every time an anon loses to a Symphothigh, they get 1 nm thicker in canon. Remember that.
Silver hair is disgusting.
Beat Chris. Hate Chris.
How horrible. I don't want them to get that fat.
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I lost to Kiri's thighs first thing in the morning
>sameface syndrome?

this. There are so many Saberfaces in FGO it's a literal attribute and some characters have skills that have them do more damage to Saberfaces
I'm pretty sure there are only 3 faces in Fate.
male, female, and berserker
Isn't every second character in that franchise a Saber clone?

The Saberfaces in Fate (FGO) are:
>Category: Saber Face
lost it
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New cute TsubaChris
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Kirika is an unofficial Saberface.
harder....harder...harder... TOO HARD!!.. harder
What are they doing
Big steppers
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Movie idea: Another Kazanari girl shows up, claiming she's another of Fudou's children/descendants and the true heir to the clan
>Tsubasa meets her mom. Sword mom spends much of the film showering her estranged daughter with love and affection. Tsubasa finally has a doting parental figure and oh wait she's evil.
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Tsubasa isn't a sword, she's a boat.
She's gonna motorboat
how can you motorboat someone who is flat as hell?
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Obviously Tsubasa is the one doing the motorboating
I prefer this version
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SHE'S GOING TO, not SHE'S GOING TO BE you fucking illiterate.
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Calm down Tsubasa, have some oppai
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Kirika having her way with Chris
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Tsubasa doesn't share

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