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Previous Thread: >>22961904

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Now lads, bring me heisei best fight scenes!
I'll never get tired of Valen's foil thing
Sachika needs a real man
and by real man I mean jellyfish tentacle kajin Granute
What's the consensus on past reiwa riders so far?
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Someone just called me?

Note that his Granute form is modified from Otake’s.
Zero-one: B-
Saber: A
Revice: C
Geats: B
Gotchard: B
Gavv: A
They're all trash
Stop asking these dumbass questions and Lurk moar. Anons here are really vocal about how they feel about Reiwa Rider
I actually agree with this.
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9/10 (pending)
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It's him. The Rizzingummy
is he pregnant?
>Saber : A
Neck yourself
>Saber: A
>Gavv: A
That's insulting to Gavv
You're right, it should be A+ instead.
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Everything about this series
The issue with her "fuck up" is the status quo getting frozen in a set up that limits episodic stories and eventually she runs out of good ideas for those.

You keep saying "q1", but for example, in Lupat, it's episode 9/10 that really establishes the status quo (when there was a dramatic battle, but everything was reset by the end of the tow parter, and this was the set up the show really wanted for the run throughout). We're already getting to episode 14 here with no sign of things settling down.
all me btw teehee
Zero One: 7/10
Saber: 6/10
Revice: It started as a 7 but ended as a 5/10.
Geats: 7/10
Gotchard: 4/10 because I never got used to the MCs bad acting
Gavv: Pending score
Opinions aren't objective, taste is subjective.
Cope lmao
Hey, at least Komura can have a decent first quarter. Gotchard in its entire first half just had like 8 good episodes.

Kyoto's two-parter
Dread's debut
Spanner's two-parter
Fire's debut
And that's it.
>Revice : 5/10
Agree with this one since the final 2 arcs are basically misplaced fillers
Aruto's just a nice guy struggling with robo-pussy addiction
Okay, but the bloated competition arc and rushed coof ending soured a lot of good will from the first quarter. I actually liked the Ark-One twist but it fumbled at the end.
Did not watch past the first two episodes when it aired. Kind of want to give it another chance now.
Actively malicious towards and insulting to tokusatsu as a genre. I have nothing good to say about this series whatsoever.
Good first quarter but ends up having some truly obnoxious and unlikable characters. The Dezastar arc in particular was an absolute slog and almost made me drop the show. Home to the second worst female Rider in the whole franchise.
Gave up three episodes in and have no desire to go back so I can't form a detailed opinion.
Okay so far with the potential to be really great. Hoping Komura doesn't fall into her old habits in Q2/Q3.
>Did not watch past the first two episodes when it aired. Kind of want to give it another chance now.
You should, you missed on some of the best Reiwa has to offer.
Excellent start, questionable middle, ending is a mix of some good stuff and some awful stuff. It can blame the coof for most of its problems, but not all of them. The V-Cinemas ruin the series.
Terrible start, but every time it gets better it stays that good for the rest of the run. By the end it's pretty easily the best Reiwa Rider so far, with only Gavv having a shot at dethroning it.
Good beginning, after the Deadmans are beaten it falls apart incredibly quickly. Easily the worst Reiwa Rider.
Takahashi's worst show by a lot, his ego is on full display here and it ends up making for a show where only Ace matters and everyone else even being there is a waste of time. It's not so bad as long as you don't get emotionally invested in wanting to see Keiwa ever succeed at anything.
Literally just ruined by the two leads being incapable of acting in the roles they were given. If they'd swapped parts it would be good, because there's a special where they swap parts and suddenly it's good. If you can get past that, it's one of the most childish seasons but not much more so than Fourze, it just doesn't have Fourze's incredible cast going for it.
As long as it doesn't fuck up, it's going to be the best Reiwa show so far. It hasn't fucked up yet.
There's things I like about Fourze but really, Gentaro's actor being so charismatic definitely carried the show
Beginning: 8/10
Job Arc: 4/10
Ending: 5.5/10

Beginning: 3/10
Ending: 4.5/10

Beginning up until Live's debut: 8.5/10
Anything after: 3.5/10

Beginning: 7.5/10
Ending: 6/10

Beginning: 2/10
Ending: 1.5/10

So far: 7.5/10
Funnily enough, Hong Kong (particularly the Jackie Chan blend) action is responsible for both spontaneous choreo (The Jackie Chan Stunt Team would set up fights on the spot, Rush Hour director's commentary had a funny moment where they pointed out JC could set up a fight with his team in like 15 minutes and get to rehearsal immediately after) and pre-planned storyboard choreo (Brad Allan's action design works, Allan was a member of the JCST for decades).
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>Gave up three episodes in and have no desire to go back so I can't form a detailed opinion
The first three episodes of the series are among the worst, along with the final episodes.
>The V-Cinemas ruin the series.
Ah, right. I gave Zero One a 7/10 but forgot to mention that this is the score up to Real x Time, which for me is the true ending of the series. Ignore the V-cinemas, just like OOO 10th anniversary movie.
>saber not even top 50
OHNONONONOONOOOO reiwabros our response!!?
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Kamen Rider Geats Episodes 03 + 04.
-It's honestly hilarious that the DGP has Keiwa (and everyone else) under a NDA, with the price of breaking it being death. It's just like in real life.
-Over 10 million people are subscribed to a Japanese female streamer who dances and acts like a cat? What a silly concept.
-Bit of Ace motivation is shown as he promises to find someone who… doesn't know he exists?
-Gotta admit, Neon's bodyguards are funny.
-There's interesting things being done with the missions, and it's accompanied by some entertaining action.
-Neon wants to engage in some Pay to Win. Boo this woman.
-Keiwa says something naive only to be verbally put down? Hopefully this doesn't become an occurrence.
-Uh, Kanato? Mitchy from Gaim is calling to tell you to calm the fuck down. I guess you can wish for the end of humanity and the DGP will accept it as a viable wish.
-Yuna Hoshino is doing some good acting here as Neon. Speaking of Neon, her mom is a bit of a psycho.
-My God, Michinaga is such a bastard.
-Well, that's the second time Keiwa gets the Boost Buckle but doesn't get to use it.
-Bye, Kanato, you uninteresting weirdo. Does he return?
A good follow-up from the first two episodes. There's character drama and entertaining action, plus some mysteries about both the DGP and Jyamato are beginning to show. However, there were no Boostriker (Fox form) appearances. Problematic, to say the least.
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You now remember this gayass form
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>literally 2 seconds away from lighting up a classroom
How can you not love this retard?
The thing about Saber is that if you just watch the series alone it's an absolute mess. You NEED the side materials and movies to make it watchable.
Revice got hit the hardest by the midseason(?) retool. The evil George/Vice and Ikki's amnesia subplots got dropped so fucking fast that I don't know if it even counts as midseason. Then they just inexplicably got picked back up in the last few eps.
I'm surprised you put Geats's ending as 6. From episode 40 onward, it feels like mad dash between disconnected plotlines with little buildup. I still think the Jamato should have had a bigger antagonist role. They were one of the better Rider mooks. The Jamato's language/assimilation dropped subplots were legitimately creepy.
This form got a fucking Shinkkochou first before PuToTyra
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>Hopefully this doesn't become an occurrence
I definitely got Gantz flashback. Doesn't help that Dapan was a dead ringer for Nishi
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>mii brawler
>Only good thing about Daybreak's future is that he ends up with Clotho and that she survives, along with Atropos.
>She can transform and can fight even untransformed. She should at least have been Spanner's sidekick for a while.
I don't think anyone has brought up this but they likely intended at first for Lachesis to be the only dark sister to survive in the present timeline while only Clotho and Atropos survive in the Daybreak timeline. It's confirmed that for some unknown reason the writers had to kill off Lachesis in the series despite coming up with scenarios in which she survives.

I would have preferred if they had gone with their original plans since these likely tied better with the Daybreak movie. The ending to the series that we got feels too improvised and unfulfilling, not to mention rushed. And with the Gotchard x Gavv movie not happening, it makes me wonder how much of Gotchard's originally intended finale was scrapped due to these unknown reasons.
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>sabore out of nowhere
Protagonists: Touma>Aruto>Ace>Ikki>Vice>Houtaro.
Secondary: Rintaro>Fuwa>Kagerou>Keiwa>Rinne>Daiji
Tertiary: Kento>Neon>Kurogane>Yua>Sakura
Antagonist: Ark>Storious>Gillion>Giffu>Suel
Main Girl: Izu>Mei>Tsumuri>Neon>Rinne>Sakura
General Riders aesthetics: Saber>Gotchard>Zero-One>Geats>Revice
Action direction:Geats>Zero-One>Saber>Revice's first half>Gotchard>Revice's second half
Q1: Gavv>Zero-One>Revice>Geats>Saber>Gotchard
Q2: Saber>Gotchard>Geats>Revice>Zero-One
Q3: Saber>Zero-One>Geats>Gotchard>Revice (All Q3 so far suck)
Q4: Saber>Zero-One>Geats>Gotchard>Revice
Standalone Movie: Zero-One>Gotchard>Geats>Revice>Saber
V-Cinemas: Saber>Geats>Revice>Zero-One

Rating overall:
Zero-One: 6/10 on its own, 7 with every special minus V-Cinemas, 5/10 with its V-Cinemas.
Saber: 6/10 on its own, 8/10 with specials
Revice: 3/10
Geats: 7/10
Gotchard: 5/10 on its own, 5.5/10 with specials.
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Only Q1 needs side material to get a major improvement out of the watching experience, the rest of the series stands well enough on its own. Most of the movies are side aventures with little connection to the show's central plot, even the Phoenix Swordsman movie isn't really a must watch since barely anything happens during it and its events are summarized in the show itself.

That being said, watching all the side material doesn't hurt since pretty much all of it is good and there's quite a few that do enhance the overall watching experience.
Espada mogs all of them so hard it's not even funny.
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Super Hero Senki is better than Battle Familia.
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It's already on the used market? https://twitter.com/Hamukun_build/status/1863407934786748490
I'm only now really seeing just how poorly Jeanne's boots fit. It's like a little girl finding her mom's more questionable clothes in the back of her closet and trying them on.
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That's why I avoided saying Summer Movie instead said Standalone Movie. I'm retarded in hindsight should have used the actual movie names: RealxTime>Daybreak>4 Aces>Battle Familia>Whatever Falchion's movie is called

Also forgot to add that event though Zero-One, Saber and Geats are good they're still worse than: V3, Stronger, Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, 555, Blade, Kabuto, Den-O, W, OOO, Fourze, Gaim, Drive, Ex-aid and Build. Luckily Gavv is shaping up to be amazing given what we know about its production so far.
>They all have some golden or orange
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RealxEyes>Both versions of ChemyxStory>Allmighty>Trust Last>liveDevil>Got Boost?

All decent OPs so far, the worst ones to this day still are Shounen Yo and Be The One
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Place your bets:
>Undercover cop
>Junkie trying to break free from addiction
>Actual Evil Rider for 6 episodes then gets redeemed
>Schizokino like ZyuOhTheWorld
Given Takebe just talked about tackling social inequality in the Granute world, I think Rage-9 is just some poorfag who got forced into working for Stomach Inc. (becoming Nyelv' guinea pig in the process) after he tried and failed to steal his first Dark Treat.
Probably only wanted the Gochizo
I know most of the Komura complaints are bait, but one thing Gavv's first quarter has done better than all her previous shows besides character focus and action, is that main villains actually feels connected to the Shouma which is a massive step-up.
>In Zyuohger the villains were random aliens with only one of them being connected to the Zyumans and it wasn't even the antagonist. The show introduces questionable actions done by the Zyuman government that are never brought up again.
>In Lupat the Lupinrangers only have beef with Zamigo while the other villains aren't anyone's rival. The connection between the Ganglers and Lupin are pretty loose. The Ganglers only get backstory in the final episode as a dialogue from Dogranio, not even a proper Flashback.
>In Healing Precure King Byogen is a generic evil and the show randomly brings up that the Government of the Healing Garden have a kill switch for humanity that goes unresolved.
>In Zenkaiger, the main villains hardly had chemistry with the six rangers in spite of being the same species. The Kikanoids members' backstories don't get explored much causing a disconnect. Only Kaito, Zox and Stacy get focus.
I think that's because you are comparing Sentai to Rider though. Most Sentai villains are pretty one-note with a few exceptions like Liveman or ToQger.
I don't know enough about Precure to comment on it.
Gavv is Komura's 1st time as head writer for Rider so maybe it will be a surprise mold breaker.
Reason I put it at 6 even though I thought it was incredibly mid, is because I disliked the endgame of other Reiwa seasons even more, I originally put it at 5, but Geats didn't leave me feeling "Well that was shit" or "I'm glad that's fucking over" unlike other seasons, it just left me feeling "Meh".
Wow you're an idiot
>You NEED the side materials and movies to make it watchable
Nah, I didn't watch any ancillary media until afterwards and I still had a great time watching weekly
Sentai Villains are one note but a least have some attempt at backstory and form rivalries with the team or feel heavily connected to them. None of her shows really do that except arguably Zenkaiger, which is why Gavv feels like a massive improvent since the villains are Shouma's family and we're getting glimpses of their backstory. Like only Kubar from Zyuohger and Hakaizer from Zenkaiger had proper backstory, none of her other villains had much going for them besides a few lines of their background.
> I know most of the Komura complaints are bait
I’ll never get this complaint. We all shit on Takahashi and Fukuda for their previous works but suddenly anons have a problem when Komura is held to the same standard. Is it because she’s a woman?
Because their main argument against Komura is the stall in the middle of her shows, which weren't her fault. If the complains were about her shitty world-building or how she only focused in like 3 characters at most in her previous shows, then it would be understandable.
Fukuda is also mostly bait, most of his stuff outside Rider is great. The true problem with Ghost and Saber is Takahashi-P being a shit.
Which shows are the specials/movies strictly necessary?
Saber's biggest problem was Covid hitting at a crucial point in production.
>Is it because she’s a woman?
/krg/ likes Kobayashi tho
Covid-19 was what led to the bad choices but almost any other producer would have handle it better. Who in the right mind partially re-records the first two episodes which were recorded before Zero-One's hiatus because of "muh consistency". The stock transformations and 7 Riders debuting in Q1 were going to happen anyway so regardless the show would have felt bloated in the beginning even if the original plan would have made it far better.
I think it's because she hasn't proved herself yet. Which is technically still a woman problem.
Her toku head writer tenures are all kinda meh at best.
>Who in the right mind partially re-records the first two episodes which were recorded before Zero-One's hiatus because of "muh consistency"
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Kobayashi proved herself with her second show, Timeranger.
>Yokote proved herself inmediately.
>technically a woman problem.

Komura isn't bad because she's a woman, she's just bad. Or rather "she was" since with Gavv it at least seem so far she learned from her mistakes.
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By technically, I mean people are just more likely to doubt a woman's competence.
Like no one really doubted Kinoshita at first and we all know what a shit show Revice turned out to be.
I think anon talking about how Saber's first episode was almost entirely different from the trailer, and there was also somekind of "episode zero" that only aired on Chinese streaming service where Touma's house/office is entirely different from the one in the series.
Buckbroken by common sense.
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Seems like Eitoku was Rage-9’s suit actor for Ep. 13?

More evidence that he will become Vram.
but enough about gotchard
Barely any of the scenes of the press conference were used, they instead retooled them for that chinese introductory video. I remember an interview posted here where they mentioned it but I can't find it.
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will there ever be an insert as good as Deep Breath again?
>-Keiwa says something naive only to be verbally put down? Hopefully this doesn't become an occurrence.
>It's not so bad as long as you don't get emotionally invested in wanting to see Keiwa ever succeed at anything.
Great suit, can't wait for next week debut!
Saber changed its original premise after Covid, both of the materials you mentioned seem to take after the new premise rather than the old one. It's hard to believe they were filmed before Covid, the presscon trailer even has what seems to be a social distancing joke. It feels more like stuff they filmed in a hurry to have something ready for the presscon.

I don't know where anon got this narrative that they filmed the first two episodes before COVID and then scrapped all of that to fit the show's new premise.

>I remember an interview posted here where they mentioned it but I can't find it.
Probably because it doesn't exist.
you should never ask /krg/ they all contrarians
go to 2ch/5ch they're the target audience
>You should ask contrarians but Japanese.
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I think people gave Kinoshita a benefit of the doubt even if he was a literalwho because they were overhyped rather than being him being a guy.
>Past 3 shows were mixed so people were desperate.
>Revice randomly in the poster of Super Hero Senki making people theorize.
>Secret Revice episode inside of Super Hero Senki that everybody who came out of the cinema praised, discussing it more than the actual movie.
>"Surely they won't fuck up the 50th anniversary"
>"I'm unfamiliar with his stuff, but he's an horror writer, so surely his style will fit Rider"
>Kotaro Nakagawa ost from the hidden episode having every genre at once yet sounding amazing like his usual stuff.
>Hover bike.
>Subaru Kimura filtered normalfags so people thought we would be able to have normal Rider discussion again.
>"It's been 4 years since Mochizuki been given a chance and he's been trained by Omori, surely he learned from his mistakes"
>Leaked 5chan plot summary talking about how it will be a family of demons with an evil mad scientist helping the heroes and how KR is a TV show in-universe.
>At worst people expected the show to be average due to having KINO and SHIT in his name.
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*makes people seethe endlessly*
Dead or alive, Kakusei, Lord of Speed, Supernova, Kiwami Escalation, anything from Drive, Wish in the Dark
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I can't wait to watch Decade after I finish watching all of Heisei Phase 1
None of those are as good as Deep breath :(
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The changes you mentioned were made during the pre-production where they scrapped the original plan due to being too dark and wanted a happier tone due to people being depressed sue to Covid. I didn't say the first two episodes were filmed prior Covid started but rather prior where the virus really hit Japan hard.
I remember the interview saying that they wanted to refilm part of the two episodes since they wouldn't be able to have guest characters again and due to the creation of Tassel as failsafe in case the show went into hiatus like Zero-One which wasn't initially planned which is why the driver's VA was credited as the narrator at first.
But at the same time I can't seem to find the interview so maybe I'm just misremembering hard.
Had to listen it to again and compare. I still feel that Spinning Wheel is better but yeah, Deep Breath is a kino insert.
What I remember is Saber's original plan was the protagonist travels from a place to another for the early episodes or maybe even till the end.
Unlike past Q1 upgrade weapons, Whippear has no functionality with previous and future releases.
Does Zi-O matter? I always hear about Decade, and I almost never hear about Zi-O
Wouldn't it be cool if all of the cake slices are detachable?
Spinning Wheel's cool until you realise the lyrics are total engrish nonsense
it's still pretty after that but less so
The original plan if I remember correctly is that Touma wouldn't join the Swordsmen until the end. He would be a lone wanderer that trained himself after Luna's dissappearence.
Shut up I'LL BE THERE, I'LL BE THERE, I'LL BE THERE is kino as shit
Why do you answer like a faggot?
But really what went right with Drive?, every insert song and movie theme was pure kino
Wasn't that also Revice's original plan? A road trip.
In a sense they finally accomplished it with Gavv.
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That's not how it works lmao
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>Why do you answer like a faggot?
>wanting keiwa to succeed at anything
It sucks since i sat through the majority of geats hoping for a keiwa to be cool but everyone objectively got worse during the betrayal arc and beyond. It amazes me how everyones character, except ace, is so schizophrenic and holds no consistency. Atleast bujin sword is cool even though he became total shit after ace gave him a free win.
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You know that even if it was common sense that you were applying then it still wouldn't have been objective, right?
only major issues I have with Drive is that it starts off pretty slow and also for a good chunk of it Gou and Chase aren't allowed to both achieve anything at the same time, it's always one doing cool stuff while the other gets beaten up until around episode 40 where Gou permanently gets his shit together (and becomes the MVP of the final stretch of the show honestly) while Chase continues to be cool
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There will never be a better tertiary than Zolda.
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Easily one of the greatest tertiary riders of all time. I'll never forget those beautiful few episodes where the trio was properly together for a while
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>Gavv's phone has voiced lines from Hanto and Sachika too
I'm glad I didn't watch any videos about this one. I really just wanted the Faiz Gochizou. What a pleasant surprise.
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Is the Gavv supposed to be a dragon or a taotie?
>Need to watch all prior Rider seasons for Skyrider.
>Need to watch Black before Black RX.
>Ryuki never explains the main antagonist's plan nor what the mirror monsters are, all of that is answered in the Summer Movie. But if you watch the movie in accordance to its release you'll get spoiled of plot twist that the show executes far better.
>Kabuto's final form's origin is explained in the summer movie but just like Ryuki it spoils a plot twist that the show does better, so it might be better to watch it after said twist happens.
>Den-O's summer movie sets up the final form but one of the tie in episodes spoils the whole movie, so it's better to watch it between episode 26 and 27.
>Decade's backstory is never explained, you need to watch the summer movie to understand it. Decade also ends on a massive cliffhanger, forcing you to watch the crossover movie with W.
>Every W special, movie and spin-off is good so you lose nothing by watching if you liked the show.
>Gaim's secondary rider's backstory gets explained in his V-Cinema.
>A minor villain in Drive feels pointless unless you watch the summer movie
>A lot of important context of the world-building in Ghost is hidden behind the Summer Movie and the V-Cinema. The second Hyper Battle explains what's the deal with the Q1's main antagonist.
>Ex-Aid has a main character's backstory be put on the Blu-ray special. The show introduces a character for 1 episode that's meant to tie in with the summer movie.
>Build has the same situation as Ex-Aid.
>Zi-O has a dropped plot point and the backstory of one of the main characters be explained in the summer movie. The 2 villain generals' backstory gets explained in a blogpost.
>Zero-One ends up with a bunch of plotholes that end up being resolved in the Blu-ray special. RealxTime gives better finality to the story.
>Saber's first quarter must be watched alongside the Swordsman Chronicles mini-series so that later moments in the show have more weight. The V-Cinema gives better context of the consequences of the villains' actions.
>The Rider Punkjack's backstory and some elements of the world-building in Geats get explained in his TTFC special. The same goes for Gazer's special.
>The secondary rider from Gotchard get her powers in the crossover with Geats, where also a villain of Q1 that seemingly dissappears gets resolved. A mini-arc of the show's third quarter connects with the Legend two-parter special. The storyline of Gotchard's mentor in Q2, part of the main antagonist's backstory and more context of the world-building gets explained in the Summer Movie. Part of the protagonist's and mani villains' backstory get explained in a blog post.
>consistently involved with the cast in and out of suit as both an antagonistic force and friend
>makes it known that hes self serving but still has normal morals so he tolerates shinji as the better person
>still starts shit with fucking anyone when it benefits him
Has there ever been a tertiary whose close to as good as he is?
>>Zi-O has a dropped plot point and the backstory of one of the main characters be explained in the summer movie. The 2 villain generals' backstory gets explained in a blogpost.
For Zi-O, it was also a blog plot that explained the whole change in dynamics after the first quarters, with the Riders not being erased anymore. It was supposed ot be in the Quiz episodes, but director Morota deleted the scenes as pointless exposition. Makes me wonder how often that happens (plotholes existing due to episode directors removing exposition scenes they consider unnecessary).
you see it very often, figuarts will up as used on mandarake like two days after release
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Based Gotchard for giving us the sequel.
Full Force and Lord of Speed are extremely good though.
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Should have dropped/10
Should have dropped/10
Will turn to shit soon/10
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Arguably Gills in terms in terms of focus and Grease in terms of chemistry. There's also Challice if you consider him a tertiary.
But all of them still pale in comparison to Zolda, I also liked that the implication of how was so powerful was that he camped around mirror monsters early in the royale allowing Magnum Giga to eat them and in turn boost its stats.
good for him
Man they don't even pretend Valvarad matters, do they?
Love these suits.
Wish they got a proper fight though.
>Sabimaru and Renge dispatch an entire platoon of Dreads
>Valvarad has problem with like four of them and needs to be bailed out by Gavv
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Was Skyrider really that bad? I often hear about Super-1 being the worst Showa season and Skyrider wasn't canceled unlike its 3 predecessors.
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Who is considered Kabuto's official tertiary? I feel like it changes depending on where in the story we're talking, though part of me wants to say it's officially considered Drake.
Deep Breath was good, but it didn't compare to
Believe Yourself
>Mangaka designs the monsters for Ghost and Boonboomger.
>Both shows sucks.

Is he a walking curse, I liked his cameo in Sentai and his monsters designs but damn.
Trying too hard
I can't remember the designs of the monsters in Ghost, but I don't think it has anything to do with the abysmal writing.
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It depends on the marketing. Drake is considered Rider #3 so he's the most common choice by Bandai. But a lot of post-series stuff treats KickHopper as the tertiary, TheBee is the second Rider to be introduced se he's sometimes referred as such and Sassword is Kabuto's main rival plus have more focus than Drake.
The same with Challice and Garren where Toei couldn't decide which is the secondary so the position shifted around until they seemingly finally settled on Garren.
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Favorite V-Cinema theme?
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I've always been a big fan of Bentham so I was surprised when I saw that they did a theme for Kamen Rider:
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I feel like they had bigger plans for Daisuke initially since he was presented as Tendou's next big rival early on, but his actor wanted to be a musician instead and that completely derailed the character into what we got. I swear no other Rider ever suffered so badly from cast shakeups and behind the scenes stuff.
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>Den-O doesn't have a third Rider outside of movies so they just awkwardly shove TheBee in there even though New Den-O probably would have been perfectly appropriate
>Except there's Skull even though he also only exists in movies outside of like one brief flashback even though maybe Joker would have been a better pick
Ew, is this Geosubs?
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Do you guys think Utsunomiya and Arakawa double teamed Komura?
I'm up to episode 32 of 01.

How the fuck did you guys put up with Thouser in a weekly format for over half a year holy fuck this guy sucks so hard.
I started getting into Sentai during Zi-O so that's how I managed to put up with Zero-One.
Reminder to watch the Thouser Blu-ray special and RealxTime after you finish the show. But under no circumstances watch the Zero-One V-Cinemas.
Did Kamen-Rider-Official specify if Stinger's character is an one-off?
I was kinda peeved that Zi-O didn't have a “meaning of Kamen Rider” moment but it makes sense since the title is meaningless at this point.
I didn't
7/10 show according to most retards ITT though
God ryuki was very homosexual
Its a decent show about ai and self awareness he's just a mediocre character the writers loved too much.

Like imagine if schwarz from Zi-O had five times more screentime and the writer, and only the writer saw him as popular and well liked as evolto. When really he is a one dimensional villain out of some shitty low tier shonen like fucking Beyblade.
>Like imagine if schwarz from Zi-O had five times more screentime and the writer, and only the writer saw him as popular and well liked as evolto.
Nah, they knew he wasn't liked by the end of the Job arc. Thouser keeping popping up every episode just to get beaten up after that point was supposed to be fanservice for the hardcore fans who dislike him... even though it -really- doesn't work.
Komura literally Arakawa's student anon
Wait, whats this from? Garren as tertiary is true but I didn't think it was officially seen that way.
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I know, that's why I brought it up? Do you guys think Arakawa and Utsunomiya fucked her at some point?
They acknowledge his existence more than they do Majade the "secondary" but it was always the Gotchard show
Fellow Soldier
>hyper rich industrialist who uses his wealth for comically petty evil and wants to turn technology into some militarised bullshit to rule the world.
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I'll miss her
There's a timeline where these guys were the secondary and tertiary of Gotchard.
Skyrider initially attempts to be a throw back to the early episodes of the original series (the monsters even melt!), but that wasn't well received by audiences (and it had an oddly inconsistent tone, like throwing in a comic relief reporter separate from the darker stuff who was never allowed to meet the main cast due to goofy hijincks).

The show then switched focus to action and blew up in popularity by bringing back all pasts Riders in multiple episodes, but a lot hardcore fans/purists in Japan dislike that and consider it a very cheap stunt (especially they start doing these team up even before bringing back the actors, so you get the suits voices by random people aside from V3). It WAS successful though, but even people within Toei had misgivings about it and wanted to do Super-1 as a solo hero show, keeping that decision even when the show was struggling and leading to cancellation.
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How many can you get, /krg/?
Promo images from Heisei Generations Forever's marketing campaign. There was one of the secondaries too.

It's kind of funny Bandai immediately threw this away with Geiz Majesty going with Garren as the secondary.

By design cues alone Garren was always the secondary. I don't really know why there's an confusion on this beyond the incorrect view that the secondary has to be the second most focused on Rider in story.
>By design cues alone Garren was always the secondary. I don't really know why there's an confusion on this beyond the incorrect view that the secondary has to be the second most focused on Rider in story.
I mean, from a storytelling point of view that's what it should be, thus the Toei chart. It's just Bandai goes by design intention and disregarded Toei's classification when doing Geiz Majesty, then Toei just lined up with them since they have to help market their products.
Trips don't lie, I agree
>Gotchard the same ranking as Geats
>Ranking a show that isn't even over.
Waste of trips.

>Fucks up his mass reply.
Majade was more involved in the plot than Valvarad ever was.
The first 5 shows are stories one after the other.
Decade strongly encourages you to have seen everything previously made, including Showa, 90s, and Heisei.
W, OOO, Fourze, Gaim, Drive, Ghost, Ex-Aid, Build, and Zi-O are only partial stories, without their movies/specials/future crossovers.
Wizard and Gaim need you to have seen Decade.
Shinobi requires a Geats special.
I know quartiary isn't an official term, but who would you consider Saber's fourth rider? Saikou, Kenzan or Buster? pic unrelated.

I'm retarded, sorry.
where is the FAT ASS pic from?
Toei's casting order seems to go with Buster, Official products favor either Saikou or Calibur. Personally, I always saw it as Saikou.
That's Beast from Wizard, fag.
Kamen Rider Wizard's 24th episode.
New Den-O isn't considered a separate Rider in canon. He's officially Kamen Rider Den-O Strike Form.
In that timeline, Rinne is Houtarou and Motojima plays Kudo. Reiyo gets to be the bubbly protag and gets her own reverse harem.
He has his own unique belt though, doesn't he?
You made it gay, it would be less vay with males only.
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>They acknowledge his existence more than they do Majade the "secondary"
You wish.
She’s the first and only secondary to not have any retail toys because Bandai has no faith in her and also has to share it with another male rider.
>I know quartiary isn't an official term
Quaternary isn't, but Rider No. 4 is. That's how Buffa was designated in Geats' leaked toy listings.
>who would you consider Saber's fourth rider? Saikou, Kenzan or Buster?
Buster officially holds the title of No. 4, but various pieces of merch, Ganba Legends and even the show itself also group Kenzan and Saikou together with the Main Trio. So the actual answer as to who Saber's Quaternary is, is any of those three.
>also has to share it with another male rider.
And? Valvarad shares his Driver Unit with two other Riders.
It helps that Buster does pretty much fuck all after his introductory episodes
While also having his own retail toy in Q1, even if it was a pseudo Rider. It still filled the secondary spot
The igniter was originally supposed to be for Valvarad only.
Also technically no. Officially New Den-O's belt is the exact same belt Ryotaro used, just yellowed with age.
>That's how Buffa was designated in Geats' leaked toy listings.
Always makes me laugh how the listings were all like
>Rider No. 1 figure
>Rider No. 2 figure
>Rider No. 4 figure
There was literally no point in Na-Go
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Rinne can’t even keep her man
He did more in Q2 and Q4 than in his introductory 2-parter.
Is that fish okay?
The thing about Keiwa is that he's what Kagami was actually like, rather than the rose-tinted glasses version of Kagami that people remember. The Tendou/Kagami or Ace/Keiwa dynamic is fundamentally one where the secondary is useless because the protagonist can do everything and never struggles to deal with a threat.
Nah. The point isn't that Kagami was keeping up with Tendo throughout the show, it's that Tendo being build up so much made the few times Kagami stood on his level stand out even more, which is what people end up remembering in the long run. But Kagami's various losses in other points were a necessary part to make these moments work.

In Geats, there's no real pay off since even with Bujin Sword Keiwa isn't allowed to stand on Geats' level.
Kabuto was fucking awesome.
Gatack's debut alone BTFOs any Keiwa moment
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>Gavv: Yuya Nawata
>Valen: Koji Kotaro
>Vram: Eitoku

Revi & Vice are back… in different forms
>Revi & Vice are back
>>Vram: Eitoku
We don't know that yet. It could be Asai
He’s Rage-9’s suit actor from Ep. 13
Geats could've had such a unique ending if Buffa, Tycoon and Na-Go had been allowed to defeat Suel on their own, instead of having Geats carry their asses and deal the final blow on his own.
Kagami's whole arc leading up to becoming Gatack was getting over his complex about Tendou/Kabuto. He starts it when he rejects TheBee and from that point tries to find his own path to meet Tendou on equal footing rather than surpass him. Him becoming Gatack on his own terms meant he didn't have to become or be better than Kabuto, which he was hung up on for most of the first half of the show. His genuine growth earns Tendou's respect and they start acting more like acquaintances or even friends rather than just circumstantial shaky allies. You never got any of that sort of thing with Ace and Keiwa.
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Sakura found to doing hostess job on the side. it's over
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Predict Rage9's human attire
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Vram x Kanon Specter when?
>You know remember the supposed extra who said the tertiary looked like Takemitchy, even down to the goggles.
So the extra was actually right or was it a massive coincidence? I find it weird that he will look the same as his previous toku character, especially since he's a junkie this time.
She's into toku enough that I could see it happening but at the same time I don't think she's ever interacted with Takebe so idk.
I actually rewatched kabuto recently and keiwas more like pre gatack kagami except for 40 fucking episodes of being a the writers afterthought. Kagami was pushed around for a good while but they acted more like growing pains for him to get his act together and become respected. Well that and dying 3 fucking times.
he has seen some shit
If Sachika does become a Rider, at this point there's no way she's the tertiary. Majade had already been leaked by this point last year, not to mention Jeanne having already debuted in Revice.
The most she's getting is a Poppy/Tsukuyomi situation.
It’s for sure she’s not the Tertiary (outside of some Xtards), we’re not even sure if she’s becoming a Rider or not yet.
We've got 5 riders and 4 of them are comfirmed male. The only argument in favor of her being a rider is that she took a picture where her hair is black and if we assume the picture was took when she uploaded that puts it around episode 28, then maybe she will be the 5th mystery evil rider.
But even that is unlikely, I feel that the reason we know nothing of this Rider and the dialogue Lango had the latest episode imply to me that the gun will be for a mass-produced Rider used by either Granutes or Agents. So Sachika most likely won't be a rider in series, it's what Komura probably wants too.
Was looking at bands from avex and was wondering, what kind of Kamen Rider motif for a show could warrant a punk insert song?:
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>LQ version
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Agito has a lot of cool ones, specially with the 3 riders fighting so differently
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Everyone knows this one but still a classic
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Almost any fight from this duology, pretty much their only redeeming quality.
Who directed this episode cause I am amazed they never did another finale at this grand scale again
they look so normal
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Are these the most evil Kamen Rider protagonists?
When Escalation kicks as he transforms in is the hypest shit ever
Osamu Kaneda, he seemingly retired after Drive/Ninninger.
>as the fight continues, they go through all their powerups and tools
Truly this was a ranbu escalation.
>Judai is the best YGO protag
>Houtaro is among the worst
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you guys have any particular suits which make you think "this one sure most have been a pain to work it" the kind of suit that's just so cumbersome to work with or so prone to damage that the stunt must be praying for it to get written out already, the bulky suits like Gurucan always gave me that impression, which surprised me with how much it has been used in Gavv so far
I'm gonna play it straight here and while I'm not a Gaimbabby I gotta say Gaku Sano legit put his whole pussy intoplaying out Kouta's rage during Gaim's endgame. Lot of very raw moments and distinct acting. You don't see shit like that with a lot of modern Riders, closest I can think of is Aruto snarling like a wild animal at times.
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It was done by Osamu Kaneda, a guy so based he became the president of JAE which is why he doesn't direct anymore.
He also directed the final fight against the El of Water, Kachidoki's debut and the episode of Zeronos' final card. In Sentai he also made the debut of Enter Unite.
Anyone has the bar fight in The Next?
Not Kamen Rider, but the GARO suits.
>Judai is the best YGO protag
It’s always the GXfags. Everyone knows that 5Ds is the peak
He also kickstarted the trend of Spring crossover movies which were financial blackholes for Toei and the only good ones were the ones not directed by him lmao.
>Gaku Sano legit put his whole pussy intoplaying
was it necessary to word it like that
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Every suit from W is full of holes since they were pretty much tailor made of the suit actors, so whenever another person uses them, they break. I get the feeling that most suits for Revi and Demons will be fucked in a few years.
It guaranteed you read it, which is about as effective as one can ask for in their writing.
The W suits just look really uncomfortable in general.
>GX's writer worked on 4 sentai shows.
>Couldn't get him for the Gotcha Card Rider.
I would blame Naruto if the staff interviews didn't imply that Uchida was Minato's first choice, what the hell is wrong with him?
>5DeezNuts and it's bland gary stu MC
Lmao no.
It's not that they were tailor-made for the suit actors (Every suit from every season is built to specific proportions which limits who can wear it - Nawata literally only got the Zero-One role because his head was the only one that fit the up helmet), it's that the W pattern on the joints were not designed for normal movements. If you noticed, Takaiwa rarely lifted his legs straight up, he did wide steps and roundhouses. Even the iconic "Count up your sins" pose is very stiff with a wide-legged stance and a locked elbow to avoid straining the material.
GX is shit so that’s a good thing.
We got Judai’s VA for one of the chemies
Should I watch Kabuto or OOO next
Both are good picks. Kabuto first I think.
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Naito was really good at portraying intense emotions.
Both of you are retarded. Zexal is the best Yu-Gi-Oh even if Yusei is the best protagonist. Honestly Shin Yoshida should write a Rider show, he wrote:
>The best filler arc in Duel Monsters where Yugi loses.
>The final arc of GX.
>5d's from the Dark Signer arc onwards.
>ZEXAL and Vrains.
Arc-V was probably shit because he wasn't involved. I know it's due to the studio not being able to do both the movie and the show but I will never forget the staff for thinking that adding a worse Kotori to the show was somehow a good decision
Kabuto if you like Donbrothers, OOO if you like Kobayashi. Both are great, can't go wrong with eirher.
GoGoFive which was written by him is one of the best Sentai. Gaoranger and Megaranger are pretty great. Go-Onger was also great until the final arc which was pretty shit.
Obligatory Kiva mention
Season 3 mogs most Rider shows.
Look into your heart, you know it's true.
>5d's from the Dark Signer arc onwards.
>ZEXAL and Vrains.
Thanks for explaining why Yoshida should never get his hands into Rider.
Vrains was good fuck off
Blame fukuda and hasegawa.
Oh wait, no one will because his fanboys are insufferable.
Mods can you deal with this spastic?
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Arigato Jannies
Touma was great, don't get me wrong, but he didn't have that raw anger of just howling and growling. Kouta is the closest we've gotten to a proper "Nekketsu" hero for modern Rider, and even then he's not close (frankly I can't think of a main Rider who is particularly nekketsu - it's usually a secondary Rider sort of personality trait like Banjou).
Thank you jannies :)
I've always liked these movies. They're very early 2000s superhero.
That's usually how it goes. The MC rider has a framework that they need to follow while secondaries and tertiaries and get more out there/hot blooded.
This one?
I didn't make a single word from my prior image post. What the hell man
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I can understand hating the second half of 5ds and Vrains, but why do you hate the Dark Signers arc?
>that raw anger of just howling and growling.
Wasn't Primitive exactly just that? And after a certain point he starts screaming half his speeches from the top of his lungs, just take a look at his last duel with Daishinji or his pre-Xross speech.
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Quoted you by accident, guess I'm also retarded.
Yoshida writing Reiwa Rider would be personally humorous to me just to see how he would write the mandated heroine Riders.
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Aruto wasn't even the most hot-blooded character in Zero-One.
Why do people insist that Gavv will have a female rider? Anyway, it will either be amazing since he wrote Aki in the Dark Signers arc or it will somehow be a bigger jobber than Necrom Pink. Regardless it would be ryonakino, hell since we're getting Sentai alumnis as Riders have his female rider be played by DekaYellow.
How's ZX evil? Also Decade didn't do much evil shit in his show, Ace is more evil than him.
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I really hate how unpainted the Zero Three Unit is.
Stay mad.
Kinoshita is her top customer
Cant even call it reductive when thats all he spouts.
Haven't seen those movies but that fight was awesome. Are they worth a watch?
Why was the original main girl missing in The Next and why wasn't said sequel as good as The First?
This clip made me want a Saber rider played by Seiji Taikawa.
Based heiseifans.
I'm not 100% sure but it probably is. My most vivid memory of it probably happens on this same fight. It was a shot where Nigo punches through a Shocker Rider's arm.
I liked Dark Signers, what I hated was everything after it. I legit hate Yusei. I've seen people praise team Taiyou and Ragnarok's duels and I hated them too. What I liked about 5D's was Jack and Aki they both were massively shat on after Dark Signers.
End your turn, Jean.
I hate YGOfags so god damn much
>inb4 gavv does this
>but it's shoma's gochizo army
>vs lango granutes army
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>Shouma faces Lango and the entirety of Stomach Inc.'s workers
>Right as the fight is about to start a literal tidal wave of Gochizo gets rid of the employees, leaving Lango and Shouma to fight one on one
Is nyaa down?
Oh no, it's so over
Doesn't seem to be. Banner at the top says there's gonna be some downtime for maintenance though.
Road trip story has been an idea since Agito.
Faiz kinda do that for like the first five episodes, same as Gavv now.
I guess doing road trip story is hard and the only toku I remember doing it was Kakuranger.
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I have never seen a single human being that likes team Taiyou, didn't know those existed. Aki and Jack got fucked due to Carly's voice actress belonging to a masochist cult, which resulted in Jack's development being reset so that he acknowledged Carly as little as possible and Slayer's cult not being able to appear anymore.
The period right after the Dark Signers suck due to the show originally being planned to be 50 episodes long and for it to be the last Yu-Gi-Oh, before 5ds popularity skyrocketed forcing the staff to extend the show.
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> Why do people insist that Gavv will have a female rider?
Because every single Reiwa Rider has at least one and they've been an increasingly common feature in Rider since the middle of Heisei.
Post the best Showa fight scenes.
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It always felt to me like a personal choice, and something they wanted to try out, not a new part of the formular or anything of the like.
Specially after how everything related to Majade was handled, I really doubt someone up at Toei is out there batting for female riders, and it's more like they're Japanese and of course they like cute girls, and cute girls that fight are a +2
Doesn't really seem to me like there's a push internally for more girls in Toku, since at least financially there's no support for it, Sentai has also been having a lot more teams with just one girl instead of two
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Isn't that more of a producer issue rather than a director issue?
Sabers not even mentioned, dumbfuck.
He mentioned modern Riders, retard.
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That was pretty hot.
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When was the last time we got a horny monster design, Fourze?
tbf Command's sword didn't have it either
Meant to quote >>22964983
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The cult is a meme. They only discovered about it when WRGP was ending. Jack was already a cup noodles eating jobber, Aki was a benchwarmer and Carly a background character.
Movies are a bit different - since they're wholesale individual productions compared to shows, the director has a lot more power. It's also no coincidence the Super Hero Taisen movies he worked on were so shit, and how Kamen Rider #1 in 2016 was so poorly put together. Also consider the fact SHT movies just up and stopped after he retired from directing in 2017 when CSHT (His last full directorial work - the only thing he did after that was a re-edit of the first episode of Amazons when it got a TV broadcast) bombed.

People also forget he was kind of a nepo-hire. He's marketed as being "Kamen Rider 1's suit actor" but he only did jumping scenes (You know when he does a leap somewhere and they do an overhead shot of him doing a flip? That's him. That's pretty much all he ever did as Rider 1.) and only got the position because no one else at JAC wanted to give up stuntwork by making a power-play.
Giving Rinne a big bust when she's flat as a board is a choice
So it's kinda like how Valvarad looks he should be the secondary rider given Gotchard is cyan and Valvarad is magenta but instead it's Majade who looks more tertiary rider
Gotchard has more elements in common with Majade than Valvarad.
In terms of releases Valvarad has:
Valvaradraw Buckle
Kurogane Unit

Majade has:
Alchemist Driver Unit
Majestydriver Unit
And her own Chemyriser, and her own Gotchadraw bracelet
He also has more upgrade cards
Goofy ass fight i hope gavv does it sometime
Valvarad has his own Riser. Majade shares Gotchard type's, same for the draw holder
>Undercover cop
Honestly getting sick of this idea getting tossed around
To be honest if it isn't then it's likely they'll just kind of completely ignore Granute society outside of dark treats and the Stomach Family, which would be kind of not great.
Absolute kino
Fuck Japan's traffic laws
>I mean, from a storytelling point of view that's what it should be

Not necessarily.
TheBee (Yaguruma) in terms of promotional material and stuff, but essentially it's KickHopper mainly due to the popularity and the fact that he's the only one that's returned the most out of the original cast. There's also the famous Triple Rider Kick too.

People will consider Drake due to the fact that he's the third Rider and next Rider up if you take out TheBee/Yaguruma/Kageyama out of the equation and the suit actor. But not only does he have very little presence, Drake is hardly ever highlighted compared to the TheBee or KickHopper. Hell, even the Zukan and Ganbalegends paints him as the fourth with TheBee as third even though TheBee has no definitive users in the end.

tl;dr - Yaguruma/KickHopper
The secondary is usually a foil for the lead in both design and character. In shows with more than two, this doesn't always make them the rival or second most focused on Rider, but their design and story is usually consistent on that mark.
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Definitely Saikou. They always lost Buster 4th in order but he does the absolute least. Saikou on the other hand literally becomes one of the main focused and Touma's closest ally, becoming an actual substitute for both the secondary and the tertiary. Yuri also gets focus in the HBV and has a major presence in the movies especially Beyond Generations. Toy wise he's treated as a major Rider too with a sofubi, Figuarts and Converge figures before the other Riders aside from Blades, Espada, and Calibur, and often just shown off with Saber more.
That's kind of why I see Valvarad as a better option for the secondary. The base forms generally highlight the connections between the main and secondary. The most obvious is Blade and Garren with the color contrast, types of beetles, and card suits. Gotchard's base form is industrial in nature being part train. Valvarad similarly has an industrial sort of design in both the non-Rider form and as Kamen Rider Valvarad due to one of the cards he uses being a car. The designs pretty thoroughly connect from there alone, but they also play off of the "Chest fire" gimmick all the Gotchard Riders have with Gotchard's being the burning furnace of a steam engine and Valvarad's being an actual car engine. Majade's design, being tied to planets and mythical creatures, lacks that industrial detail and not only fails to properly compliment and contrast with Gotchard, she and Wind both look like they're from different shows entirely despite technically following all the same design rules.
>Gotchard's base form is industrial in nature being part train.
But it also has an animal part, like Majade.
>with Gotchard's being the burning furnace of a steam engine
It's not a steam engine, it's an athanor, a furnace used for alchemical digestion. That's why it's present in every form, and not just Steamhopper.
>Majade's design, being tied to planets and mythical creatures, lacks that industrial detail and not only fails to properly compliment and contrast with Gotchard
Majade's design leans more on the pseudo-magical and natural aspects of alchemy, contrasting Gotchard's more scientific and tool-based visuals.

Valvarad himself doesn't really look much like Gotchard at all either.
>underage porn
Fuck off!
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>Drive movie form
Do people even watch the shit they talk in this place
Shouldn't Thouser be in Jin's place? I always consider New Year/Q2 Rider to be Rider 4. Genm too.
I thought it was Gold Drive. Hell even Lupin would be a better fit.
Kys falseflagging retard.
Type next is technically mackenyu's rider form.
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not that flat
He was Dark Drive, not Type Special, retard.
she's like 21
>Feetless Ichijou
>Smol Ouja, Orga, Gattack, Zangetsu, Grease, Espada, Valvarad
>Girgiri Chambara instead of level 0
>Evil, Orga, Wiseman included for some reason
>Lazer, Jin and Legend instead of Gemn, Horobi and Dread
>Crusty af image
Why even post this?
>Drive Type Special instead of Lupin
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So was Kabuto a fluke or the Super Hero Taisen were screwed by eternal factors?
>Anon doesn't know the existence of padded bras
I could see him being a cop as a Taki reference or his actions being fueled by revenge for a V3 reference.
>The suit actor of the primary rider of the next show has so far in the Reiwa era been the actor of the second retail Rider.
I cannot really see Kotaro Kaji being the protagonist of the next show, he's too green.
That's hanto.
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>mogs all reiwa
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We listen and we dont judge: Kamen Rider edition

I'll start: Toei should stop being stingy and acknowledge the foriegn fans
Not really a hard feat. V3, Stronger, Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, 555, Blade, Kabuto, Den-O, W, OOO, Fourze, Gaim, Drive, Ex-Aid and Build are better than anything the Reiwa era has put out so far except maybe the Fuuto Pi Anime.
At least it seems pretty hard for Gavv to fuck up this time given everything known about its production.
What did they mean by this?
They've already acknowledged them, Shirakura said he doesn't mind fansubs as long as the subbers don't gain money from it and don't promote their subs in a brazen way. There's also TokuShoutsu's Blu-rays and streams.
There's really no need for it to expand beyond that. Reminder that when Shirakura met Power Ranger's staff, the Director thought that the stock footage meant the city shrank rather than the robots growing, that's their perspective of the western fan base. Western kids don't play with toys anymore and watch YouTube over TV, even if they do bring Rider to the states normies will simply think it's a copycat of power rangers, they pretty much only lose money by trying to bring the franchise to the states.
Komura is a fujo, simple as. Zyuohger would feature shirtless men often and ZyuohTheWorld would want to fuck everyone in the team constantly regardless of the member's gender.
Nobody told her she had fucking liptstick on her teeths during a "serious scene" ?
She's literally messing up again, I don't know what's your complain about?
That just makes her hotter desu
>subbers don't gain money from it and don't promote their subs in a brazen way.
Someone should send Shirakura-sama after the illegal streaming sites then. Bastards profit off the fansubs ON TOP OF the show itself
Get SMplayer anon.
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Did You See The Sunrise is the best theme in Kamen Rider even if Black Sun is shit.
Almost caught up with Gavv and It's actually pretty good. I hated Gotchard so I pushed starting Gavv, but the story more mature than excepted and the actors aren't complete dog shit like in Gotchard. Some negative like the mad scientist George wannabe and the special effects that are a bit too much, but the rest is pretty good. Family stuff remind me of W, good shit.
We need trans main rider.
you haven't watch showa and it shows
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Here, a list of a few Rider shows that mogs all of Reiwa combined.
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This sequence was so out of left field I couldn't help but laugh
? I just didn't mind Stronger's rushed ending that much because I liked everything else. And I felt Black's sidecast and main villains dragged the show down so even if the final arc and action were amazing, there weren't that many episodes that wowed me. The only Showa things I haven't seen yet are the crossover movies including ZX.
Flame, is that you?
Based heiseichad.
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Black RX was better than Black and Reiwa
Speak for yourself gotchard mogs them all!!!!!!
Black RX was entertaining overall but it felt just as all over the place as the other Reiwa shows to me. Also while I know I should judge it as its own thing, having Kotaro as the protagonist just makes a lot of stuff feel "off".
Just think of it as all that solar radiation changing his brain chemistry
Which should be next? High-budget underwater Rider reboot of X or horror tragedy show with Stronger?
Unrelated but also wished they did edgy reboots for Sentai. Imagine a Changeman or Ohranger reboot.
Also what happened to that Brazilian Juspion reboot that Shirakura announced once?
Cool belt and gimmicks, but mandarin just sounds so lame and goofy
Skyrider remake. Just to make these genZ seethe harder than revice.
Kotaro deserved to be happy
Why would genZ seethe if they haven't watched Showa?, if anything old fans would be angry since a reboot of Skyrider is ironic.
>Vram toys on the last week of December
Fuck it
They gonna blueball us for 2 weeks
They're giving enough time for CaKing to shine before the next toy to buy
I think Glotta will be an evil rider eventually and that's more because every show has tons of riders in recent years
Sachika really doesn't seem like the type of character who'd become a rider at the moment to me though
Sachika's read more to me as Mei-adjacent from the start
I doubt that Glotta will become a rider because she's seemingly using her full monster for at the end of Q2, so she'll probably die by then. Legimetely it seems that the main villains for the second half will be Lango, Nyelve and Suga, probably like 2 new villains too or one of the twins survives.
Legimetely Toei should make a Stronger reboot written by the Samurai Flamenco/Brigadoon guy.
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>Also what happened to that Brazilian Juspion reboot that Shirakura announced once?
That's never coming out, it entered development hell then it was canceled then repurposed as a Manga.
Instead of a reboot, I much rather see Toei makes a KR series with themes that are unacceptable for sunday morning. Maybe a Yakuza Kamen Rider or government hired killers
We already got a real dark and edgy KR season in Black Sun and it was god awful. Amazons worked because it still had that toku spark that Black Sun was seemingly ashamed of.
No, they should make SHIN remake.
How about a MC that starts off not really liking humanity all that much and wonders why they should be saved?
but not original works..Toei already have sooo much money it should be possible for them to make low/mid budget new rider shit

no, outsiders doesn't count it's still part of the mainline rider
>gotshart out of nowhere
Fuck off!!!!!!
Any chance that the Wolf Granute is not Shouma or any Stomach but a high-ranking member of Granute society that even the Stomachs are afraid of? And that Shouma only gets a flashback because Dente implanted some of their genes to him to make him stronger.
Impossible it's too complex komura never write plot that good sorry lad...
Yes anon very good
Will be his evil twin brother played by the same actor, Touma
My personal theory.
Why are you like this?
why are you replying to bait retard
Why are you replying to bait retard?
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HAHAH look how fucking BAD this choreography is
Are you replying to bait?
you are the worst poster in this general fr fr
He also wrote the old Lupin III Episode 0 special, Sh15uya and even after Kabuto, there was Smile PreCure (which didn't have much of a main story, but had some great standalone episodes generally trending towards humor, but actually could get really tense and dramatic too).

The Super Hero Taisen movies heavily relied on script changes to fit in actors and whatever gimmick Shirakura wanted to push, and I think it's very obvious Yonemura, although willing to do those (which is why Shirakura suddenly started relying on him for those movies), just produced very bad content under those conditions, unlike other writers that can adapt better (for example, if you pay attention, the casts of the Taisen movies were never all together on set, and the script had to be written around their avaliability).

Just look at the baffling W debut in All Riders vs Dai-Shocker compared to later Rider movie cameos. Even in Kabuto itself, the Dark Kabuto storyline, which as its stands in the final product, existed to cover actor avaliability issues, sucked.

He also just didn't do enough research on some of the old characters he handled (especially an issue with the monsters though, I think he did do some research for the Riders at least). Let's Go Kamen Rider's General Shadow is a complete generic villain who just runs away when Riders pop up, and kidnaps children, rather than a honorable antagonist who appreciates good battles and even sabotages his own faction when they break his morals.
Are you speculating that the VitalMagnum is actually a mass produced gun used by the Agents to turn into rider/pseudoriders?
You are the best poster in this thread ngl.
It was funny
why are you like this,retard?
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Hanto couldn't do shit to this dude, he needs to get stronger ASAP
Stop replying to bait retard.
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Inb4 the granute testicle inside Hanto is slowly turning him into a monster, and this will escalate in Q3 with Hanto becoming the Wolf Granute, forcebly sent back in time (because... because I said so, ok? ) 20 years into the past and accidentally/being forced to kill his mom. Baby Shouma was there that day to witness it all, and it was such a traumatic experience that his subconscious buried that memory, until he learns the truth and now he'smorally obligated to put down (since he'sa dog, heh) Hanto.
In conclusion, that's how we are getting our yearly, government-mandated Primary vs Secondary conflict.
No! You are not the best poster in this general!!
Well I mean yeah it's pretty obvious that the granute organ in his chest is gonna start really fucking him up over time, and Suga knows that and has a clipboard ready.
you are literally the worst poster in this general
So when is Hanto going to kill Glotta? Nyelv survives his onslaught obviously and becomes the only remaining antagonist Stomach by Q4
The whole post is a schizo thought I had while driving home but yeah, I absolutely believe that Hanto is slowly becoming part Granute
Why are you replying to bait retard...
If you're gonna botpost like a retard at least make it make sense.
I thought Hanto slowly becoming a Granute was the point of the organ.
It gave him enough of the granute DNA for a Gochizo-derived driver to actually work.
Yeah and that's an age old rider trope of the character slowly becoming the monster because of what was infused to him.
I think the only one that didn't have that was Kusaka.
but you are the worst poster in this general fr no cap
replying to bait like a retard
Stay mad sabernigger lmaooooo
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reiwatard indeed
When's Hanto getting his power up? Might kill Glotta using that
You are the worst shitposter in this general history
stay mad heiseibabby
> Toei should stop being stingy and acknowledge the foriegn fans
They already do

Korea and other Asian territories have been getting Rider for decades
US fans have the best possible options for them right now. Just easier and cheaper ways to get P-B exclusives and CSMs even though they’re overpriced.
China is getting more shit than the Japanese fans. new DX remolds of old rider toys, china only CSM reissues, full sized weapons, v-cin items as retail toys.
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I miss my cute wife...
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Here's my blackpill that has too many holes to actually be real.
Shouma and Hanto are also related, half brothers. Hanto didn't see his mother die, he saw her get kidnapped either by Shouma's dad, or an agent sent by him to procure a female human.
We know Shoumas mother had a child with a Granute, but the way its been presented so far it clear she was either raped or grew apart from Shoumas dad at some point, and was clearly being held hostage for some reason up until his death. Hanto's mothers appearance was changed by Nylev for some reason.
Shoumas headache at seeing a photo of Hanto's mother is because despite her looking different he can somehow tell its her still instinctually.

I dont know why I even typed all this out because its definitely not gonna happen, but it was a thought I had in the shower this morning anyway.
The best kinds of shows make you think like this
End of March
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Respect the elders!
Cute crooked nose
I mean he was facing a pro who's 20 years doing this stuff
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george finally break out from revice curse.
Looking very dandy
Sounds like a terrible idea desu
Yeah. Essentially my theory is this:
>Bitter Gavv is the Canine Granute which is why he's a retool since he'll mostly transform into Bitter Gavv most of the time.
>The reason the transformation gun of the fifth Rider is cheaper than the ValenBuster and that we know nothing about except that it will use cookie, is because it will be a mass produced Henshin Device. If I had to guess, it will be used by the agents to keep up with Gavv's upgrade.
>At some point, Sachika will do a job which involves making a lot of people happy simultaneously, then all of said people are processed into Dark Treats. This will make her temporarily edgy and drop her Gyaru attire.
End of Q2 the 3 riders are fighting her together.
I would trust Yuichi Fukida for a Kamen Rider equivalent of Akibaranger:
>Revice curse
That doesn’t exist. Ikki and Daiji’s actor gets work
My thread about Hongo's fabulous 70s hair was deleted for being off-topic.
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I have the gavv jacket and outside of using it for Halloween, what occasion does one use a purple/yellow jacket for?
This is why I hate to his dogshit general. You faggots can’t go one day without shitposting or baiting
Gay bars
How's Thanksgiving?
>that toku spark that Black Sun was seemingly ashamed of.
It's weird how despite having top names that's working in toku Black Sun felt like it's embarassed to be a toku.
Where do you retards infer that it's "embarrassed" to be a toku when it's had some of the highest quality gore-based tokusatsu and suit modulation we've seen in decades? You know tokusatsu isn't just pyrotechnics, right?
Black Sun is unironically more tokusatsu than most modern Rider shows given it actually has significantly more focus on practical effects than CG and chromakey.
>that toku spark that Black Sun was seemingly ashamed of.
>Black Sun felt like it's embarassed to be a toku.
What the fuck did they mean by this?
> KR season in Black Sun and it was god awful.
I feel like you’re only saying that because Black Sun dealt with more “woke” topics
>Amazons worked
Amazons went to shit after S2.
>because it still had that toku spark
Black Sun is good, you faggots got filtered too easily
>I feel like you’re only saying that because Black Sun dealt with more “woke” topics
That's literally why, anons here saw the "Stop Kaijin Hate" bullshit and assumed the show would be some woke DEI bullshit when its honestly quite the opposite
Its actually criticizing those movements and says how they're nothing but a racket for the powers that be to divide people and if we don't stop it'll radicalize the next generation into hating each other
Black Sun was actually based and redpilled but /krg/ saw a black guy and started seething
Made you reply though lmao
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Kamen Rider Geats Episodes 05 + 06.
-It's a nice detail that Keiwa's videologs are being used as the recaps of each episode.
-Any goodwill Neon has earned so far is instantly gone for demanding that Keiwa fork over the Boost Buckle as well during the trade. And after he willingly gave it to her to help save her. How ungrateful. Keiwa also doesn't look good for just going with this shit. Have some backbone, man.
-Michinaga lost a friend and he was powerless to prevent it? Sad, but I don't think that justifies being such a bastard that he'd wish for something the big bads of all seasons would wish for as well.
-The Boostriker does appear here, but not in Fox form. Soon, hopefully.
-Bye Mary. Sheesh, lots of jerks dissapearing back to back.
I know it's still early in the series, but I'm not vibing with the characters right now. Ace is kinda bland. He's just saying things that are supposed to sound cool. Meanwhile, Michinaga has his "DESTROY ALL RIDERS!" schtick that is straight up villanous. I'm starting to not like Neon, and Keiwa is just lackluster.
Speaking of Keiwa, I liked a piece of Geats fanart on Twitter and the algorhytm began showing me a bunch of Japanese fans taking pictures of their Tycoon Bujin Sword figuarts. The consensus when I click the translate button seems to be "He's so cool!" and I'm wondering if they are talking about Keiwa or the suit. Here's my favorite: https://x.com/2007_DEN_O/status/1863176696914170036
>Keiwa also doesn't look good for just going with this shit. Have some backbone, man.
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Sorry bloganon, but you're currently in the peak of the show. Most of the character issues just get worse (strangely, you're noticing them earlier than most people) so just enjoy what you can while you can.

I just hope it doesn't mind break you again like Revice did.
I've got the same one, I'm just using it as something cozy to wear indoors.
>The ranking of the public playback volume on TVer is obtained every hour and converted into points to make a ranking list. Taking last week in the same period last year as an example, the weekly playback points are:
>2023: Gotchard 1180 point
>2024: Gavv 3229 point

>It can be seen that the Rider side has nearly tripled, and Sentai side has also doubled.
>The overall environment shows that streaming media is gradually squeezing out terrestrial broadcasts. After experiencing a decline in recent years, the ratings can still be maintained at around 2%.
Based Snackman
You're definitely one of those retards who don't even know what the word tokusatsu means.
Precure also almost tripled, all 3 are up this year by quite a bit, what having a good series on air does for you
Boonboomger is shit
I think this mostly shows the growth of this TVer service. Like Gaav is just number 9 there with3229 points, but that's higher than the number 1 in the previous year (One Piece with 2343 points). In fact, the number 1 listed there would bellow the 20th in the newer list (Boonboomger with 2414 points).
Haven't seen the new Precure but I thought people didn't like the new protagonist?
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You're right. The more accurate numbers would be the rankings.
>Gotchard was 13th, Gavv is 9th.
>Hirogaru was 15th, Wonderful is 10th.
>King-Ohger was 18th, Boonboomger is 20th.
The doggy? I was under the impression that most people are at least neutral with Komugi, even if the cat-owner duo are the ones who stole the show, the controversy at the start of wonpri was because the show doesn't have proper fights so people were under the impression that it was going to flop because of it, but the sales and viewership are up from previous years so it clearly didn't affect it as much as people thought it would
That was bait?
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So if I'm getting this correctly the general concensus so far is:
Fuuto PI S1>Saber (If you think writing quality matters over consistency)>Fuuto PI Skull Movie>Shin Kamen Rider TV re-edit>Rider Time Shinobi>Shin Kamen Rider>Geats>Zero-One>Saber(If a show being consistently entertaining matters to you more than competent writing)>Zi-O(If Consistency>Writing)>Black Sun>Gotchard>Zi-O (If writing>consistency)>Revice

And Revice is the only legitimately bad one so far, am I getting that right?
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My heroes.
Technically they killed Decade and made a new one with their memories.
Futo PI was made in the Heisei era and nobody here has seen the skull movie.

> Revice is the only legitimately bad one so far, am I getting that right?
It’s a bit hypocritical to acknowledge Zero-One, Saber and Geats’ good half but pretend that all of Revice is shit.
HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION, if you were stuck on the toilet for multiple hours, what Kamen Rider would you watch to make things less miserable?

I totally didnt take too much of a laxative on accident or anything.
Revice, for the ultimate synthesis of content and action.
I'm asking because I dropped the franchise during Ghost and I'm picking it back up. So far I'm in Maximum's debut and having fun, but my friend tells me Kamen Rider has been stagnant lately. But from what I've seen this general disagrees. So essentially Zero-One~Geats are half shit half great?
Black RX, 555, Kabuto, Den-O, W or Fourze, due to the format of its cases of the week allowing you to enjoy them in short bursts plus being funny.
A Kamen Rider show that has biker gangs
They're entirely shit, just like your retard ranking.
I mean you might as well watch the shittiest one when your having the shittiest day
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Which one of you getting interviewed on Japanese TV?
Kusaka was still an Orphanoch he wouldn't have been able to use the belt if he wasn't. He just didn't care continued his desire to kill them all and refused to view himself as one.
Desperately trying to come up with a reason for Sachika to be relevant endgame and her also dropping her dyed hair look because otherwise implies she's getting killed off.
They're not going to kill off the Heroine mid-series.
You're not me, that's retarded Sachika is the main girl, she isn't going to die unless it's the last episode. She took her dye off around what's presumably episode 28. That's why I said >>22965658
>Has the second worst finale in the franchise.
>Inconsistent tone
>Despite being a shorter show some suits were already breaking which was distracting
It's barely passable.
>a job which involves making a lot of people happy simultaneously
A gangbang?

Why not. All Gaav's success and Gotchard's failure is teaching them is they don't need women in Kamen Rider anymore because little kids think girls are icky and Housewives just want to see pretty men that are gay for each other. The days of heroines are over. The Fujos have won.
Gotchard is the second best selling reiwa rider.
Shut the fuck up you’re an imbecile
Because that's not how contracts work, the actors remain throughout the whole show unless an emergency happens like with Hannah from Den-O or Takeshi Hongo from the original. The protagonist, main girl and secondary rider literally cannot die permanently until the very last two episodes.
Gochard sold well because cards sell. The actual show was poorly received and they know it, that's why there's no winter movie because GeatsxGotchard bombed so fucking bad. Just because Bandai makes alot of money doesn't necessarily help Toei.
How is that Gotchard’s fault and not Geats?
GeatsXRevice was a crossover with Ryuki and it flopped
>Gochard sold well because cards sell
Blade says otherwise.
Nta but I forget, why didn't Blade sell well despite everybody in Japan speaking fondly of their time watching it as a kid.
Was it because it was another card gimmick too soon, Kenzaki being an ex-gay porn actor to pay student loans, the kinda goofy first half or am I missing something?
Nobody gets better. Not a one.

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